cXAL LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phono 61. Cartage, Warehousing and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. C6al, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Canada'! trade within the Empire la Increaiinjr. For the twelve monthi ended July, Canada exported to other parta of the Kmnire roodt amountinr to tl53,IS75. ThU ta in comparinon with $354392,074. the firure for the corrtpondini; twelve montha previoua. Import! from Brit-ih Empire countrieafdurina; the two twelve monthi' period wer:Ended July. 1S2J. S19SJttl,l!M; ended July, 1923. tl&S.US.SOj. A wheat croo of 32il 4.000 bnah, ' el I forecatted In a report limed (I'rinw br the Iominlon Uoreau of Statia-. tict. The report i baaed upon the 1 condition of crop at the end of July, 1 and indicate! that the Prairie Prov-, Imm will produce 137.296,000 buib , ell of wheat If weither condition! : contlmje favorable. Manitoba, It Ii ' existed, will have a total wheat yield of 44.4CR.0O0 buabeli: Sat-, iaUhewan 211.051.000; and AXtrta , 101,76.000 buhe!i. Alberta la the only province to ihow aa Incrcaaed j yield aa compared with 1922. ! A party of five Journaliita. rfp-) rtfntlnc tb leaJine; nrwapr . of Switxerland. who recently arrived at Ouebec. are the areata In Canada , of E. W. Heattv, PreiioVnt of the Canadian Tacific Railway. They I will tear the Dominion In the inter etli of Swln colonization. Step 1 will le made at different point j where Swi people are farmlnc, and i opportunity will be tin te mem-i ten of the party to convene with them and ret firt hand knowledge : a to the deairability of Canada at , a place for Swia coloniit. I In a letter on "Canada and Land Settlement," pnblihed by th Morn-r Tott, Sir Geo. McLaren Brown, Euroneen manairer of the Canadian raelfie Railway. ay fSat the acrl-eultural aalvation of Weitern Can ada lie In mixed farminr. which calla for amaller and more numerou arrlcultural hold'mr than wheat yrowinc doea, and reault In cloter tt!ement and better communication. TV Wrrr and wore Hentely pettled the rural pooulation. the more eoclal amenitlea there are and greater advanta-ea teiieraUy, he aay. m TIMBER SALE X 6729. Mld Teodr wAl lie iwhed by Hie Mlnlntrr tamlt at Victoria imK later than imio uu III ll day of inrwutx-r. IVfl. for Hut purrha-e nr Llrenre X IIH, i.i ml I MIU.OUO lerl l.f Mnire. lululli. HrniliMk and Jarkplnc, tlie S.W. of J. . .. .... Liil 4r. italic ,w., four ill Jttrt will h allowed for removal of tniilier l'iirlk'r larllrular nf the Oikf rnrea-ter, B.: . or pilrlrt rnreatrr. I'rlnre Hrtrt. It.'!. TIMBER SALE X 5604. -.ll Teml-ra will h rewlved b) tt' iMliilo-r or l.aiwl. at Mrmrla. not lairr lll.aH on Uk- iMIi day of Hil Inr IIm- imrclia" if Llrenre X 0t, i .nr. ir.:, feet nf Sfrui-e. Cedar and llemUirk, an area altualeil ..ii the Iw at Vlmre -f W ' "' laland Land HI.- I Inlet, om-. li riwrl..lf j,rlOi'.e (I ynr will lie allowed f. re- ' riirther aVllrulara t IIm- Chief K...e- ter. victoria, im-. "i I'rlme liuprrl, - The TIMBER SALE X6721. ere will l offered rr aale al-l-ubllC . at IK-". lh JIU dajM.f lieeelii. Ittil III " AtH-ll.NI. ber, uo f.hui. rf ,7::;: nheeetr;Urwm'l.- .Ihr fa W liM.val of lliulrr ! prime unpen, ' Biibaerlba for the Daily Newa for lilm. My motln-r advtaed Hie try Jf. WixMl'a ,rway I'll.- Hyrtip. a lie had It for Vfnl j-er with .k-ndld ull, j I im a l-.lllo, and aflr I liad iimh! It I nmin m. i iWidnl lrotinviiM-nt hi lilm; ar-r vitrei UaiWt Iw wa roin pl-iely rrlievtHt. My iK.y i now two y-arii old, and hv litt iwr had an allark .f brHH-tiiil ttnrr. A a iiH.ltx-r. raUlnr a rauilly. I uu very rratefni t kiw.n ttuit 4 hate rimnd a ival r-nfly tor had r.ll arid l.n.n-ebllU, a It lira rare ami aml-ly liu an (k nmilw-r'a IkiuM-m." ' nr. Hixdt ,rway Ww Syrup la ie a iMiltlr; the larr family lze tar; ml up mly hX Tli T Mllhurn Co.. Limited, T)rmli, Out. LOCAL NEWS, NOTES lr. A. II. llayiin ri'liirncil from Ihe Quofti Oliarli.ll' I.fiiiuli on llifi I'rinro Jolin ycirilny inorri- .1. Field Siranur, manager -of Kunnyxid' Rnniirry, n'lurni'tl lo llm rily front Vaiirouir on Jk I'rincp Hiipert Satunlay afli-r-noon. Mr. and .Mr. I'md WVrmi the Hly on lh 1'iinop John yrlTdy uflcr having !cnt Ili iant eral hioiiIIih nl llurklcy Hay. j r-- j ft. K. I ten -Mi lian lukfn a five! iar leiifci or one (if llirs. tifw hlorcn adjoining hi prosenl liriiie and will fit il up a n dirtily iiioilorn 'jilinloirnijihii' fltidio. ! W. O. Cameron. pfmalcr md ru-lom nlliror al Stewart, liap. lliroualu Ihe rily on the Ituperl Saturday afler- jnoon relurniiitr nnrlli afler ependinir n linli.lay in the outhM John lnre. iiflins Mipe'rin-lemtent of (V)verntnenl Tele-Kraph, relurneil y-lcTlay liy Ihe Prince John from Ihe Oueen tUiarl'ille llaiil where lie ha lie-en for the iial forltituht on I innperlinn dulie. Jame Marl in. polmaler and rtilorn oflirer a I Mae!, n-arhe,! Hie rily on the I'rinre John yeienlay fnni Ihe (Jiieeiij t:iiar.ille IhihI. lie U on lttiliiei add i inaklnp Ihe round Irip on Ihe .leainer. V. l'lea, lofriiinjr siiperin-lendenl for Ihe .Maictt Timhrr llo arrived from Kuekiey Hny on ihe I'rinee John ye.erday liioriiinu: nud sailed Ial uilit for Ihe south on Hie I'rtiu'e Itu-perl hound for Vancouver 011 a linli.lay lrii. Total of Duties and Excise Col lected Here During November Was $32,277.23 Oiiolom ami excise collerlions for the mouth of .November In. Ialle. Vj?.s;;.23 made up of: DiMie. 22.lti(J.2;; e.xrie, .- SrVl.JH; sundry. SMtfl.rtR. The figure i imilar lo Novemher htl year which was 32,iM. 10. and I mnller than Ihe Dclnlier lilla), f 56,202.33. 1 CUSTOMS RETURNS Sport Chat Now that each tenm in Ihe several Jiafkelhall leagues play-in? in the rily litis winler have appeared in at least Iwo game?, (tin most of lliem in .three and some in four, furl her ideas of Ihe merit of play may l.e Kalhered from I lie score averages as well a from Ihe. Irani While Die Pons of Canada are leading in Ihe Senior I.easuo standing, their score averages per gntue of 31 points Is not us Third Ave. illlll.lillirtf Tli.twn fln-m-rtu rfl Cut. a litit-A a vmlil 1uil ill 'III. m.iii- vi.rii..-'... . e--' . ...... ... throw n dilTcreiit light on thlncsjslanding there is still little to Muni doe the straight reronl of choose between lliem und Ihe win, and losses. j Col 1 s In the matter of . qualify I of play. lit spile of Hie fact thai ttie High School tuve been pulling up play of a high quality in the nigh as mm or the colls which Intermediate J.eagiuv- tney are is .'It. The Teachers seem lo jmj outclassed by Hie CoHs In aver-in their proper position will a.age score as welln standing. score average of 27. The Colts, The Colls have played three in four games have scored 131 games- for a total of 100 points pouus, ine muis or i.anaiia in.aml an avcrnpe as per game I hive, 1)3, and Ihe Teacher In while lie High School, In n slml I hire, 8(1. The Colls piled up iar number of .games, have total score with (lift Teacher while led 79 points or an average of Ihe tighter games with (he Sons did not. get them so many points lit epite of the fact that the 20. The .Grotlo and KIks, play ing. two games ijacli, have made 3 and 33 points respectively or WARM I 3 1023. Hon.Uy-, -T'-onber THE DAIIX NKW8 Pcflll! FTVrt Why Not? Mail a Xmas Cake I'm year In your friend? VV i-nur decorale Xtna-. iikiM iiy)iiir own choice of ii( iimi Hint will not l ilmnngeij i" II)" inaila. i ak'x paeked ready In mail free of charge. ElectricWindow Bakeries Third Ave. Phone 667. - "! FiveRoses FLOUR When lluyinc Flnnr .-lj vour iirnocr for "FIVE ROSES." Tin- World Ileal. John L. Christie .genl: Shoes Moil' otld leather Work-(nir Shoe at $5.00 Leather lined Hot Half HonU ,in Mark or Hrown at $6.00 I'aml made Logger Holds from $8.50 Men's and Boys' Rubbers. SHOE REPAIRINQ. GEO. HILL The Shoaman. Thinl Ae next J. Ileal. The Famoua LADYSMITH.WELLINQTON Lump and Egg Sliea. STERLINQ Stove and Egg Sltea. Wo deliver In sticks or bulk. Mione u your order dny or night. Prince Rupert Coal Co. Phone 15. Main. Otfftc: Hold rntral. LOGGERS' CLUB Situate, in the. old Kmpreen Hotel Dulldlng. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or the Month. Steam Heated. Hot and Cold Water. POOL TABLES. FIrst-clase Restaurant In connection. Jsmea Zarelll - Proprietor. Here and Th . Rm.t. 1. ere ekl. mor "trti, and it Iwl tT time' mor kihopa than ny other country in Europe. t of UK 2f i?:' 'on"d p rt of the earro niprcaa 01 K uiila" recently. A fbipment of . dUn'W',, rU,rd ow C Jln Pacific line recently. ,tJh'J.lri ? ,tri w Hwd GVh'rIBt Jt Wen, vntlon of de.tnicti.n ly Followlnr the dieaatroue earth. "'! t-ted j i.:;,fl , ,," "Pn. w Canadian ir,ln'rl Kn'Pf of Canada" and Empree. of Au.tralia" were thrown open to the accoromodatioo f houiand, of refure., while the ! I" orranlilar n j awiitinj rracu parLiee. I l...T,b pJd n the export butter trad, of Skatch,w duftor . out.tandine; feature of the Provin-l dairy industry. Recently the , beikatehewan Co-operative Crearn erle.niade a kipront of 25KX) lhi. ixpf butter to China. . " For almot two de;aJea the. major an of the world'a aupply of ctalt haa bwn derived from the , eiiverobalt-piclel arrenMei oi the i Colt, di'trlct, actordini; to, fijuree pompHed by the Dominion Bureau of Statutice. The cobalt production of Canada in 1!22 was hG9&60 pound, which at S5S a pound, would be worth J1.KM.370. MOTHERS SHOULD NOT NEGLECT BRONCHITIS IN THE BABIES Mm. R. IjihuIoii, ltlnri)in, n.. wrttm "Mjr liahy Iniy hml lirmirhi tl when tie (wo weeki 0I1L )w rwiK-ri-fl men ttw altack but f Mk il iriln, wveril umiiIm Uu-r. and im arnmnl of Ihe M-trrtty I wax alimot Inlr .trkkeii Ut kimw tu (I.. CLOTHING for Cold Days UNDERWEAR, SHIRTS, SOX, STOCKINGS, etc. for Dad and the Boy AT FORCED OUT OF BUSINESS PRICES ,What could be more seasonable than the offer of the very best in Underwear for Dad and the Boy at less than manufacturer's prices. We have got to vacate our present premises and every single article now in stock must be sold. These snappy days Dad and the youngsters are looking for their warmest clothing. Here is a golden opportunity to stock them up with the best clothing in the world and save money at the same time. FOR MEN FOR BOYS ----, DRESS SHIRTS FOR MEN. SI', .Margaret's fioif Hose, Pure WnoL 1 Tooke, Arrow, YV. (i, 6: II., anil Lang Makes. Special Per Pair $1,45, $L85, $2.45 ' 7?lfT0?B08v?c SILK SHIRTS. I.erkie and Ame-Holden "Jleil Stitch." F.very Silk Shirt 111 he Slor going al Special Per Pair $5.65 $3.95 STANFIELD St. Margaret's 100 cent. Pure Wool p 1 r 11 per I t j . Combinations M UriCler Wear inknee length. From in Combination and Two Pitke styles Sit Extra Special Offer, per suit, P-tiOU gfl O " I- per SU est &rade of Cashmere Wool Underwear on the market today. r yJtJ When you handle it you will wish we had For This Week Only your size in stock too SOX FOR MEN. A 11 WT 1 I SI. .MargarelV Fan. y Mixture Jlilihed Hom all wool, H W OOl jeiSeVS willi uieiidinir wool attached. . . . . ,,,., hngland. , Special at Per Pair -Mal m 65c Special, $1.85 No more rold feel if xou wear a pair of these beautiful One of Ihese Jerseys will give the !oy eoniforj and Sox. , . . warmth for school days. Me'ns all wool Mufflers, $1.15 Men's Silk Neckties, 65c WATCH OUR ADS. IN THE DAILY NEW8 AND SAVE MONEY. ACME IMPORTERS Store Fixtures For Sale. Mail Orders Filled at Sale Prices. an axerage of ll and U. The scores made by Ihe Maple' I.oaf in Ihe three games they; have played so far in the Ladies' i League have been , higher thnnf scores made by any oilier threej teams in any games, liiey enhanced, their average very materially by a 30 Jo 8 win over Ihe Kaiens. In tliree games the Maple I .oafs have made a Iota! of KG points for a 22 average. The" Adanae making 27 points in two' gaiue.s liavV an iiverage or II while the Kaiens wijh 20 points from two games have an average -of It. The Teachers are low in average as well, as standing willi 30 points from tliree games. Phono 358. COAST STEAMSHIPS SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE QEORQE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points, Thursday, Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX ........ ...... WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART ,., ... 8ATURDAY, JO p.m. 8.8. PRINCE JOHN. For Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Islands, Nov, 17, Dee. 1, 15, 29, at 8 p.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Prince Rupert Ml p.m. for PRINCE 0EUH0E. EDMO.NTOX, Wit-NIPEU, all poiDt Eastern Canada. I'urtwJ state. aosNcv ait. ocean stiahihip iinca. Clt Ticket Office, B2S Third Ave. Prince Rupert. Pheae tea.