CITY COUNCIL illicit BACKS police;;' into fur Cleanup Work THREE ALTERNATIVES .An.l in r.tM. t I a : t . .-7 lit m Fl.r- (till! He'll Ui II f mil from IflA Alf'a alio-A With rondilions a they now exited. t One Course Open Aid, Stephen felt that there wa only course open to Hie city council. The police department wa in a peculiar position and cVuld not ery well exactly estimate its expense nt the begin. V SMOKE PAOI TWO TH HAlU JIEWB Saturday, Sfpitiui,,, Two generations have used Made from fruit juices and- tonics to, ret rid of btomach. Liver, Kidpey andSkin Troubles. 25c and 50c. a box at all dealers. FRUIT-A-T1YES LIMITED, Ottawa. Oat. Ott tukmif . N.T. Cfcri.tefcarck. NX The Daily News prince: rupert - British Columbia Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince) Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue, H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Hember of Audit uroa.u of Circulation. DAILY EDITION Saturday. Sept. 22, 1923. iicli a lcp if, in il opinion, it wa necessary- Apparently it hail no ilfsir to run the city unduly unnecessary expense ami he oup appreciated Ihe position the commission. While the lining ami was tobt by Comnii- , . Ioner' CaniernnMhat it hail .yppnnai u.r ..,...- ' iur,;1jipiriin. Ave. Cards, Refresh- no A very enoyable whist drive wa given last night by the SI. An drew's Society in I heir ipiarter on Second Avenue. There, were twelve tables of player and the first prin winner were Mr. J. AtcKechnie and I), flay. Ibe latter winning after a cut with Gfortie Seolt Hnnsnlallnn njng of the year. He believed lwenL4o Mrs. R. Dowlher and J. thai the commission had been .McKechnie who cul for the bluest in bringing down it eli.awap with J. Richards, male in January and had worked: Following (tin ni MEMBERS OF MONTREAL CANADIAN CLUB SAW THIS CITY YESTERDAY 1 Forty-five memlicr of lit !.Mnntreal Canadian Club, u large south on ttio steamer Prince Rupert anil went Kat on the regular evening train. Two Can a.dian Pacific and one Pullman sleeping car- were added to the regular equipment for their ac cnmmodalion. During tli stay of the visitors in the city they were taken on a cruise of Hie harbor visjting the plant of the Canadian Fih A Cold Storage Ijo., the Canadian National lry tlock anil other loinl of interest. Arrangement for their entertainment were in the hands of L. W. Palmore. president ' of the local Canadian Club, ami K. C Oihhons, presiilent of the Hoard of Traile, who were assset y other niemlers of both organizations. K. K. Howard. C.Il. district finances of the city might be none jimscnger agent. Vancouver, ar Approves Proposal of Commli-tno plentiful, money must be pro-rompanied the party. loner to Put More Men on iWded for the proper policing oft Rhe city. i AM. Collart wan let I to know: what Ibe provincial police was! JAPANESE RELIEF The city acknowledges the fol lowing subscriptions oer $5.00 In til 1 4 ittno.A Iltiaf Fitn.l nl.n M.I rn1lfrl Tall . commillee of the police commis- , 'j ,, . cteral donations ir smaller clean-up campaign directed es- ... . . . .... ,atM. ... . ' ... ., i iiiiamt- iiiiuiliwrr n urai WHO., im ,.,. r f itenallv against nro-tiliition and .... ... . ... .. .Meanor G. Lenox " " nai .... .- - .i was being done with the linuor filing in the down- I . .." , "'VlBot af Fair Hall section linn ii of the iiif- tiij city was n ' ex- - , , . .. . ., ' .. . " " M''r ... ... 1 1 1 V n presp. at a conference of the two . .. . ,..,. lien ef ., I poltce court? Coinm ssioner K...ii.j n-iitj.1. .i.ii Il.l- t.Iqa rniAnMr i lunger n.iirra a. i.anieron n,n.n - - . . ''HillI, OLD CHUN -""im, TOBACCO . 5.00 . 11.33 . 5.00 . to.oo 5.00 ....,........,- Cameron fale.I that the olice af ernoon in the city council , , , , , 5- ..,;, rriMH inftn 10.00 , .... . ,. department received no credit for s.. . 4 ' x? An r.M. 5.00 chamlter. 1 he nyeting was call- .... . Crosby ,. , ., , , ,. ., ' Ihem. I all went the . . bey to city .... , ., ' ' v n ri. mn . le 5.00 eil for the purpose 11 of obtaining . , ... . r. .. general revenue. Chief Wker i- n-. n-v e , present were i"svnmi -t lianas II Pntaprtii 'llitll-.-l'ill. l it. . Jk HIT 1 1 1 i I 1 a a? 0 Aid. M. M. Stephens. Aid. Tbeo. " u''"wt seruon 01 r, y nichmond .1 5.00 Collart and Aid. Mackenzie. ,P V"n T', 7? J- Ma!r- ,,an Uw Mayor Xewton explained how . . "T Kai"1 "anlware 10.00 the ,Klice commission had de- , ? m" ,,an,,; V T- Rrn.lerirk 5.00 but ver, the police seemed cided that something must be Royal Bank taff J0.00 done to remedy condition Hown L". kn,w l wa' 0,nK ..: i- Killa ... 5.00 i.-.-x. ... . -. .. ..f. """" U"0 It 5.00 5.00 12.00 on lime at 3 o'clock yesterday afternoon, had Ibe following pas senger: For Prince Rupert Mi I. Haddock, X. 7.arelli, Herald Shaw, lame Richmond, It. Buck-neJI. fi. J. Wolf... A. Hewal, I Mc.Vally, Mis C. McXally, K. W (Sale r.laper Park), C. O. "VI- vian, J. I.. Ollmnur, .1. Pelleller, Mi A. H. Lincjui!, Mi Wil Mam, F. C. Rieehe, Mr. and Mr. limit ilier. Mi, W. II. Tew ley. Mr. and Mr. McNamine, Mr. and Mr. May, Mr. Alexander. John Noble, Mr. and Mr. W. A, honestly throughout the year in jrefreshment were served and 1 Cameron, J, le mailer of expenditure. If: solo were rnnlered by rr. !Mr. .1. II. M Monro, Mr. Kerwin II Rib il.liiol. f m . ...I t ie commission Tell now lhat ad-iRruco Love and O, flay. .lme Park, F. n. Aldon. Mi , --i"-'"V,rr w nece-' 11, 1:. siuart president of the J. Hawley, Ml M. Duncan. Mr 10 rop ng wiin n.e situation society, was in charge and James and Mr. Oreenway and ilial wa only one thing the cnun- Irvine wa on the. door. The '.Mr. and Mr. K. K. McImI. 1 .111 I' r,.i lurnisn la.iie- conTmlllee in chare f For Slewarl Rev. and Mr. 0 " ." Ho council xiinuld refreshment Mr. Wilmore, Mr. Scarlett Mr " nnt Iia m tcr n 11 . a ti ... . . - ) v' reipiesi nowani Meen and .Mr. (Jeorge Tliornlon, Mr, Knight. Mr Her the commission to refrain from Abboll. ,ri,lx, ,,' Mr. Living. S0 HOSPITAL FINANCES REPORTED TO BOARD Japanese Association Make Good Donation to Local Inttltu-tlon: ColUctlona Mad nunilr of them ladies, passed! u , m.tjUK f ti. hospital jlhroush Ihe city n their way ,H,an, nij?h, irf.,.ufc n, n. yesterday arterioon after strwnrt in Ihe rhalr. tli ritianre !itaiug attended I lie annual run. L,,ninillliH reported that during urnlion held, Ihi week al V""-jh inM), f August there ere ,lona. I hey armct irom me mon. ,n,.u in the hospital than had been Ibe ca before Ibis j car the. number of lnpital days in the aggregate being 1359. Thi had brought down the cost jer patient to 3.oi on the axerage. The cmniniltee aNo reiKrtet on collection Iriii'. to the Skeena Hier made by Scretar llirch. He had gone there four time and bad collected account amounting to !0t.t5 a well a one membership fee Bnd two fie dollar donation from Japanese. The officers of the Japanese kVssutM.ition of Port I'.ssinsloii had rceully visited the hospital and paid up old Japanese ae-counts amounting to ?tl.rtft and at the saute time gien a donation to t(ie institution of ttrt.0. making a check in all for .160. This wa much appreciate! by the twtrd himI an acktiowleigement will be made through the eere. lary. the salaries for Aguut amountisl to t.ia.t. GROCERY SHOWER Acknowledgement Is Made of Articles Received by Ridley Honve at Recent Event The; trustee of the I till ley Home desire to thank the follow, ing friend for .their generous donation: Mr, dimming, t lb. butter; Mrs. Homer, S lb. ack of flour: Mr. Hix, I pkt. corn starch ine nnanre comimiiee views on ... , r itrrj ... .. ... -.oi 7 - i. - "a ,hat ., ' Mr. Mc6,skrie, 19 Ih. sack of ' the evpendilure of ad.litoinal r'ne; V JalwHros. ,3.nn . moneys over and above the year's J1 f "ie ha'1 toMM - " nev. Dr. II. R. firant .. .. t0.nof".ur. 2" Ik ack of -ugar: Mr, r 5.O0''-'f". half ca,e ot milk; Mi. estimale for the purpose. 1 1 Tho-e , . ... iW. "ration . nAwnlMun tcl Una Pll it m m r Mayor Xewton, (1, 7,, V V i.T """"Ho Cigar . "-lore 5.00 r.uru. ; un 01 cocoa; .ur. r.. ... . j. Zarelli m 5 .00 iaxweu, z pkis. .siarcji, Z un tr.wn which aberesenjStfnie ' "--"- o. I). Tite ... ... .. -ere anyWmr iWffrWffifty. f lht ""' "(Williams, Manson-Afion . .... 1.- . . .town. . siairiiyui nan jccir trejiareu ... ... . ... showing that If expenditures" of W , thai .1 w-a j. irri(. MarUren ... .. 3 W" '' "t tl--Ml A Cro.sell Ibe police department for the re- maining four month. of the year "7, ,0""in , leen Ltd . " " He aerage, a tly bad done for the w,,a! anle,l. Ni(.k ... ... pal eisbt months there would be l'"', T" l"W "'-.."neil jMrs. W. Keill, no balance over estimate but ' . Th l",,,,,"r -.Northern Polytechnic ... rather a slight deficit. There wa ' hut one of three courses to fol- T limnrnnc WUICT ljw first, to priK-eed incurring ,01. nnUnXlT O tTiIIjI aitdilional expenditure that, would have to I;e met by the city j through the finance committee; DRIVE LAST EVENING Fire Department 5.00 BOAT ARRIVALS Reside the tr Montreal Cana dian Club convention!!, the slpnmei. rrtntfA YtttrLo! Cinl jH-ond. let the attorney general nil Place In.,, onaI)l( arrivjnp fn,n, ,b(. ,otlh Club h Rooms on Second dutch, l.pkt. na(; Mr. E. H. Shockley, lbs. tea; Mr. W. J. t'rreer, 10 4b. sugar; Mr. OiMiil.ell, 5 lb. sugar; Mr. J. Slurgeon. 10 lb. , sugar; Ml l. Ilirhard, 10 lb. flour; Mr. Capt. Jllill. 20 lb. sugar; Mr. Parkin., lio lb. ugar; Mr. DinRwell. C 10.00 kT. jelly, 2 pi, custard, I tin S.OflJpeanut butler, I tin ehncolate; 5.00 Mr. V. O. Kulton, Pox apple; 5.00 'Mr. It. K. Walker, i can clam. w .. I...1II..J ill. 11-.. V V II 1 '.OOi l'"iu-' JIIJ , . . .irril, 1 liu coffee. 1 pkt. Icing sugar, 1 pkt. raisins; Mr. J. M. Collion, 5 lb. lard; Mr. Jf We.t. pkt. tea, pkt .niiin, 2 lb. rice, tin cocoa: Mr. Frielters. tin chocolate; lb, butter; Mrs. Tremayn. tin honey; Mr. J. C. McLennan, I tin milk; !Ir. D. Mr!). Hunl-r. Jam; Mr. . D. Hunter, bolt. Jam; Mr. W. C. Orchard, bolt Inmy Mr. Woodland, 2 tin fish; Mr. Heme. 2 tin sotip, pkt. lea; Mr. Webster. 5 lb. tin laid; Mr. II. Smith, pkl. oap, fresh salmon. 2 cabbage; W. !iohinon, i tin milk, jar jam; -Mr. D. Maxwell, I'J lb. sack flour, to lb. sugar. sack rolle;! oaU; Mr. II. St. 0, basket peaches, 2 Jar jam, pkl. rice, pkt. ago; Mi We.t, ack potatoes; Ms Davie, cne milk; P.'Murn A Ci ham; Mil alem iirocery, l! lb. ack flour; Table Supply, too lb. sugar; cah, 2.25. POLHECHNIC CLASSES TO START OCTOBER 8 Owing lo a rush of work In the Printing Office for the Fall Fair at Prince Hupert And Interior tftwn Ihe Northern Polytechnic Institute bulletin ha Iwen considerably delayed and will nrd he in the hnnd of Ihe publie before Monday.- It ha been deemed ndUable in conse quence. In delay Jhe commence, menl of clae unlit Ihe 8th of October instead of connixMicIng on Ihe 1st a previously nder- Used. , Mr. fienrge Rnr'le,' Chartered Accounlnnt, will have charge of Ihe N.P.I. Commercial Course In Prince Rtinerl with Ihe assistance of Mr, nulirh. H.A.. Mr. P. I.e Claire, Mr. S. Raie-.Ione, and oilier. MANY COAL TENDERS FOR GENERAL HOSPITAL Contract For Coal la Lot to the Prince Rupert Coal Company Al the meeting of the honiiltnl board lal night, Ihe linn com. millee reported having, lei Ihe conlrnct for the supply of cool to ne nospiiai to ihe Prince Rupert I IE I tM V 1MB 0I'.V. WHITE. StCKLLtJi siacttviB b klW4. .1 U.I i J .Ml rtl)t- UcU4 kkk J4. I. U rcmi fl lki iuUbrt mi, (Mi., mint rM. m.n.ii. TV. rUbi im1 l ,rrf la urn Grt McLUrr trd CwAi ! .1 jrar Itwiu kia-nn u -TU CUy 5 Coal Cmiany. the lender urice which were accepted being: Ladymilh - Wellington nunc run. 12.50. - 111 lli 2'Ji :h V VZJJ 1 T V .Ml I I I Vi I i 1 I I Rewards Your Cooking Skill Tlic Koottnay makes it worth while to prepare W those tempting things that require time and bak- r ing ability. All you have to do is to watch the mixing and watch the time. An even flow of heat over, undir and on all aides of the oven bakea perfectly and with economy of fuel; check quickly or responds with more heat. "ESAMEL CCAD" FLUES ' TW ftw cutfulructiut) ui lh KoulrcMy i. protKlHj er.rv viul puinl .iik lou(tt puftri.tA kuimL fd K orrn m bwilt M r.-trulvif Afmco-ifvo. Hi unu. McOary't CbiulrilkA riund lb Ut of lk Kmumjt by my ytti. Let McClary's dealer show you the features that make for endurance and satisfaction. Hii,I Mm. UI Kootenay For Sale by Howe & McNulty I-nlysnillh - Wellington pea. 9.f.0. , rd Sterling egg front car, y.lo. Sterling from hunker, 25c add. Sterling- nut from car, IH.UO. Sterling mil from bunker 25c added. Albert A Mrltaffery lendered Xanainto.Wetlinston mine run, 1 2.25. Washed pa, y.n7i4. Philolt i:ilt A Co. Caidy Island mine run, til. IS Cassidy Island pea and Mack, 9.25. Superior Alberta min run. 9.t5. 1 1. McD. Huoler Pembina double screened lump, 1 1.20. Pembina egjr, 10.35. , Pembina mil and .slack, 9.10. Cadomin mine run. 112.20. lialkan mine run, 4I0.J0. Ilalkan nut and slack, ?8.H5. Victory double xrrecned lump, 11.03. Victory egg. 10.55. Victory steam Krnde, f 1 0.35. Victory nut nnd pea. $9.55. Prince Rupert Feed Co. Mine run, 11 1.10. . Slack, 7.60. CoriiimeK Coal Co Foolhlll nilne riini'n'ffo'r' I0.C5. Minehead or Malknn. 110.10. ' I5c added for weighing. II wa decided to buy 12o"tnn of pea nnd 30 Inn mine run from Ihe Prince Rupert Coal Co, Prosperous advertising mean regular continuous advertHnir. Thnf-T-seivice Everything washed Your flat work ironed Other pieces returned damp That's Thrif-T-service, and even if you don't count the expense of your own labor, it really costs less than to do the washing ut home. We lake all your washthfT, cleanse and sterilize everything through and through with pure mild socp and the softest of waters. Then we iron your flat work as nicely as you could wish. , Most of the moisture from your other pieces we remove and return them just right for you to iron or starch and hang up on the line. All the hardest work , of washday done for you at a remark- ; ' ably small cost. 1 Get in touch with us today, and have J us call for your next washing. This is u service you'll approve. Canadian Steam Send it Laundry Phone 8 &4u pundni j