Saturday, September 22, 1923. Models for Every Member of the Family STURDV,re!iahlr,!ow-pricrd IngcrsoIIi come in various sizes ami styles to fit various, needs. Models for men and women, boys and girls. Kadiolites that tell time in the dirk. Jewelled models in nickel and gold-filled cases. All at prices within reach of anyone's pocketbook. Hesurc to look for the name Ingcrsoll on the dial. It assures dependable time-keeping. Inobrsoll Watch Co. 149 St. Cathcriaa St., Bait Moatrt), P. Q. 1 Waltrbary A I2.?ia Jtw.ll.JW.l,. 'I bit S.rl,,k,r.'a ' U A fp.4.M t Ml a4 Uu . ICJOO Tht Old Reti.Ma Xowpriccd Mipla Leal Mm mm im iitx .iMI tk.a if albrr aairk mm Oar. llM Hi Wiclila iitl iim uilf lm 4. - Midftt Ktdiolilt 50 For WotMB, GtrU and Hoyt M'rp .lii .J iku " I ll rk, (H. -iil 1 Retiaooa 7-JcnclWatoh Tk reavM at lttfMtt khm. Krtk.1. U4 la tk Ik. uk . NKktlcMt. SJSO Rcliahlc Watches at Low Prices MARSHALL WELLS B.C. LIMITED. Distributors of Ingersoll Watches. ( AmiJM7 linger- ami Win. lingers k (.0. Silverware, (Mrrall Street, Phone Soy. 7200. Vuiuomer, 11.11 .we DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire , Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block Office Hours, 9 to V Phone 575 i - v fcJd Assistant Undertakers. Phono 41. Hayuers. Undertaker. Pboue 351. tf Itoyal Purple Whiff Drive und Dance, Tuesday, September 25. Elks' lome. ' . . 220 ' , News from Victoria sfale that Mrs. A.M. Maiison, until recently or ilii city, I seriously ill. V. K. (Jolllson, Indian agent, sailed yesterday afternoon hy the steamer Venture for the Xaas lliver on departmental business .Mr. ami Mrs. (ieorge Korieare railing tonight on the steamer Prince Itupcrl fur Vancouver on a combined business and holiday rip. 1 aftl Sale of Home Cooking hy Oticeli Mary Chapter I.O.D.K. al the home of Mrs. Wallace Orchard, Friday, Sept 28; All welcome. Mrs. .1. 11. UIMilcli. who ha been to Seattle to receive surgi al treatment, returned home on ilm li-amer Prince Itfiperl yes lerday afternoon, - W. II. Hamilton, of the Can a dian Hank if Commerce stair, is sailing tonight fnr Vancouver on a vacation. He expect to he away for three weeks. 4 ' Miss I Haddock, Methodist Church deaeouuess, returned hy . . . ... . . 1 lie Me.jiiHT JTIItfC MUperl yes- lenlay aficrnonu after spending a vacation in, the south. C. (i. Viviun, represenling the llestiiiore Manufacturing Co. of VaiictHiver, was an arrival in the city hy I lie steamer' Prince, llu pert Jeslenlav afternoon. .lames KiMimnml, sou of Mr jand Mrs. i. F. lUrhmoul. wlio :has been mi a vacation trip south relumed li itK on the Prince Ku pert yesterday afternoon. 4,; J. K. I.nril. manager of North Pacific etkHfiwy, is Milling hyilie sleinier Wn'ure this afternoon for, VaiH-miviM after iiiakiu? the found tin. !' lite Naa lliver. ANNOUNCEMENTS Hill 00. I.O.D.K.. Halloween Huuar, October 20. .'".Uijilicao vemtiec 10. Valentin's Dairy will meet with your approval because we supply you with pasteurized milk from interior points. High Testing and Fine Flavored Be Good to Yoiir Baby and Yourself Early Morning Delivery Deliveries Commence Friday, Sept. 28 Orders Booked Now; Phone 81 Cliurcli Itaaar. .No New Milkman Valentin 's Dairy TBI DAILY KIWI PA9Z THRU Mr. ami Mri-lnms Parts and family returned home yesterday afternoon jt'ffer spending a vaca tion in the south. Tlie staff of Universal Trading Co. and Itupert Table Supply have contribute;'1 towards the Japanese relief fund. Miss Anna l.uiidiuisl of (he Itoyal Hank staff returned on the Prince Oconee yesterday after a vacation trip to Seattle. It was reported hv the liiiililintr , w . committee of. the Nurse' Home to the hospital Ward last niht that the pouring of concrete was expected to he finished loday hy I'ony Christian, Ihe contractor. Mrs. K. J. Archibald arrived from Montreal on last night's train and is making the round trip to Stewart on the steamer Prince Itupert. before proceeding south to Vancouver where she will attend the triennial conven tion of (he Canadian Women's Press Club. C.P.H. steamer princess Louise, Capt. Arthur Slaler, returning south from AJaka with President K. W. Heady of Ihe Canadian Pacific Itailway and his parly, was, in port for twenty miuulcs at inidiiizht last nialil. Mail which had collected here for the parly was picked up. -, Al Ihe Hospital meeting last uiuht Ihe House Committee reported that Die floors were not as bad as Va1 thought: - It was found that suitable repairs could he made for ?25. The contract for Ihe worfhad been let for that amount. Plans and specifications were beiti,? prepared for rewiring and tenders would be asked for the work. 4 I'resli killed chicken, Hlc. II.: fowl JlOc; dressed while you wait. Leg or loin million 2Hc. lb. shoulder I He; Mutton slew 10c. .Now thai life warm weather is over, we have arranged for our first straight car load of fresh meals to arrive Monday, October I. 'We will have some interesting prices' on meat from then! on. Table Supply Meat Dept. W. J. Itaymortd had the pleas, ure yesterday "afternoon of meeting his uncle, and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. K. llayihond of St. John, .N.H., vvliouj'he li'ad not seen for Ihe past seventeen years. They were among the Montreal Cana dian ('luh Trans-Canada lour parly which passed through the city en route east .after having at tended the conference in Victoria tins week. The hospital board last night heard a report .from the Matron Miss McCall, staling that there was a shortage of linen at the hospital. There were 52 stand ing beds but nothing like enough mien 10 lurnisii iiiein. mere was also a shortage of oilier articles. The house committee reported that Miss McCall's idea was that the supply should be gradually increased. Provincial Constable (!. I Loitan, who has, been .stationed al Arrandale this summer, Teaves tonight on the , steamer Prince Huperl for Vancouver accom panying J. Stanyer who will do a term pf twelve mouths at Okal al. Conslable Logan will reiiort to Ihe insxiector of police in Van eouver for winter duly but ex peels to resume, his post on llio .Naas llier next year. The nuestion of arranging for the chemistry class for the slu- leul nurses at the hospital was left with, the house committee by Die hospital board at its meeting last night. Last year the work was earned out by the Polylech uie Institute and the same course suggested this year. There was also a sugges ion that a lass might be conducted Inde pendently of the iolytechnie. CONUNDRUM! Can Sliockley Shock the Sharks on Third Avenue? For the answer, come to the Methodist Jliurch on Sunday night at 7.30. Church Notices Presbyterian Church Morning worship ut 1 1 o'clock. Subject: "Divisioils." Sunday school al I2.3t p.m. Evening service hI 7.30 o'clock. Subject: "Holding fast to the pood." Preacher! Hey. 11. U. (Jruul, L.l. 8Mf (lb rt aria P ml CIGARETTES MM FULLER'S MOVING SALE We are moving into the New tore recently occupied by the Prince Hupert Music Store and which will be known hereafter as Atkin's Meat Market. We offer t lie following greatly reduced prices to clear out our surplus slock and digs save moving. Pork ami Means. Hcg. 20c, spe cial 4 for 5t'e. Pork and lleaiis. Iteg. 15c. Spe cial, 0 for 5uc, Itaisius, bulk, seedless, 3 lbs. for 5uc. Muscatel Haisins. Special, i lbs for 50c. Malkin's Best Tea, 70c. Coffee ti5c. 1 Hi. bulk Cocoa free with -each pound 'of .Mallfitr.-J Tea or Cof fee. lied Currant Jam, i's. Iteg. SI. 10 Special, 75c. . Malkiu s Best Marmalade. I's pecial, 75c. Corn and Peas, 2's.. 15c. Pure Maple Syrup, bottles, 50c. Pure Maple Syrup, tins; 90c. Cabbage, per lb. Oe. Linoleo for oilcloth, regular 50c now 25c. Crystal While and Mother Hub- bard Soap, 3 bars for 25c. Libby Catsup. 35o .size. 25c. Pure Strawberry Jain. Iteg. ? 1 .10. Special, 85c. Libby Mustard, 23c size, 20c. Oysters, in tins, 1.00 size, 75c Barley Flour, 25c size, 3 for 25c. Mlenbury Food, $ 1 .20 size for 50c Seagull Clams, 20e size, 10c. Khnulyke Soap, 10c size, 30c. McCurmick's HUdiils, tins, fiue size. 50c. Itaspherries and Strawberries tins. 25e. .Inldren s School Bags, 1.00 sizc..50e. FULLER'S GROCERY, Third Ave. A telegram lias been received it Ihe provincial police office from B. T. Itobey of Kverett, Washington, statin!; that. Ihe iody of a woman which was found near here I;l week Was not that 'of his daughter, Josephine). Kohcy, who has been missing three weeks. The body found here, it is judged, had been in the water for tw months or .more. I BLUE X HAND X mm cst or QUALITY ASM worn ONDS S1M0NDS CANADA SAW CO. LIMITED it. Keail 54. mJAcori Ae.Miitrni,iiue. . Viacontf, t.C. M.Jooa,N.. t.l( in TYPEWRITERS This Is the New Improved Model 10 Typewriter Think what it means to own a typewriter that will perform all of (he usual typing tasks and them better and ijuicker (ban ever before. $155.00 Remington Portable With Standard Keyboard. Just Like Operating a Standard Remington. The ideal for the Traveller, Ihu Reporter, the Writer, the Clergyman, the Doctor, the Farm. Hie Office, the Home. Sold on easy monthly payments. $85.00. McRAE BROS., LTD. Premier Gold Medal Beer The New Wonderful Beer There is only one way to prove thut I'ltEMIKU "UULU MEDAL" BEEH is best THY IT. Order from the Government Vendor Today. This advertisement is not published or displayed by Ihe Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. HEATER TIME IS HERE A Mak yoiir selection' eur1vtvvhie our line Is complete. AHlyles nild sizes, & both plain and brick lined, priced fronirt jgj? $12.50 to $45.00. Buy now and have your heater ready for the first cold snup. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. P.O. Box 1646. 808 Third Ave. Tel. 3.