THE DAILY NEWS Predicted By District Engineer i Ty it “0a New Era of Expansion For Mining oe 7 : _ FAMILY SHOE STORE LTD. |) conan ni bs Our “ Christmas , Gift Slippers 7 Offer you a selection that is outstanding to choose from. Call and select yours while our sizes are complete. A small deposit will hold any pair ‘till Christmas. Box 1584 Phone 357 nd development of the Dominion if Canada formed the highly inter- sting subject for the address by Dr. Mandy. Declaring that the mining indus- try had been a fundamental fac- tor in the civilization of the world, Dr. Mandy realled how Julius Cae- sar had been attracted to Grept Britain on account.of the tin mines of Cornwall, how metals had part- ly inspired the expedition of Chris- topher Columbus which had rerul- ted in the discovery of America, how mineral wealth had led to the con- iquests of Mexico and Peru and how ‘the gold rushes had resulted “1 ithe opening up of California. Aus- REDE TR OTS SS RSS EY. SRY RRO AE AN OR eae ponelorcter title ates Publishea Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limitea, Third Avenue ; ‘ H. F. PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor Y ae / ri. SUBSCRIPTION RATES Je f City delivery, by mail or carrier, yearly period, paid in advance ..... 5.01) ay aA For lesser periods. paid in advance per week ‘ a Ui ast By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and we United States, paid in advance, per yea 3.00 7 DAILY EDITION tgoaiar: Wednesday, Dec. 7, *932 HARD ON STEWART The big fire which was announced yesterday will be hard on the mining town of Stewart. Owing to the low price of minerals the Portland Canal centre had been hav- ing a difficult time and this will hit those affected very hard. But the people of the north are used to buffetings on and doubtless Stewart will recover in due course. We ex- hod pect to see new life in the north before long and the fire : will be looked back to as simply an incident although a very unpleasant one. wt =, % a _.. UNION GOVERNMENT em The Victoria Times states very clearly the Liberal view- point on the union government proposals. It Says: : ek “There is scarcely enough left of the union government eh proposal in this province for a requiem. There is fais something rather humorous in the spectacle of the Pre- he mier proposing and the Conservative party disposing of } union government strictly within their own sectional boundaries. Union government, of course, is supposed to transcend party lines. It can not be determined by Conser- by vative party associations according to their own sweet wills; and if it is honestly meant instead of a desperate camouflage designed to fool the electorate, it must be pur- sued regardless of party prejudices, This attitude has not been observed by the Premier oy union government sup- 1 porters. They proceeded on the assumption that the pro- posal was a Conservative party affair. The Premier in his bs} invitation to Mr. Pattullo and Mr. Bowser made his lead- ership a primary condition. which, of course, made accep- tance impossible. He then postponed the business for six months or more, notwithstanding the fact that his orig- inal proposal was declared to be prompted by ‘emergent’ conditions.” ern Produces Sweet Music ‘4 : Hard rock and sweet music is the theme song of Vera Ruth of : he Los Angeles, who constructed an honest-to-goodness violin from NX rock candy—using a model of cardboard first. The toné is sweet. 4 all jtralia. South Africa and Canad: The history of Canada was in- separably linked up with the his- tory of mining, declared Dr. Mandy i |In the aboriginal days, the Indians, with primitive stone tools and jhammers, had mined copper on Lake Superior as the Eskimos had done on Coppermine River in the | north, As early as 1613, the coal cliffs | Of Cape Breton Island had been re- corded by the Scandinavian exn!or- ‘er, Lief Erikson. That coal had been | first worked by the early French | settlers. Admiral Walker’s expedition of 1711 to reduce Quebec had vused Cape Breton coal as did the French in building the fortress of Louis- bure in 1720 The actual birth of the Canadian mining industry, stated Dr. Man“. was in 1670 when Monsieur 4° la Potardiere. a French iron mz-ster. found bog iron near Trois Rivieres Quebec. Under French rule there was some prospecting but the working of mines was not consid- ered practicable. After the Marauis of Vaudreuil became governor some attempt was made at minine and home manufacture of meta) products. In 1730 smelting of local bog iron commenced on the St Maurice River and was continued until 1880. In 1730 copper and lead was first discovered. and in 1740 galena was found at Lake Temis- kaming. Prior to 1747 iron pots and pans valued at £21,000 were manu- factured in addition to bar iron and ploughshares. In 1759, Canadian manufactured cannon balls had delayed the op- erations of General Wolfe which eventually resulted that year in the capture of Quebec by the British Ten years later stoves and potash kettles were being manufactured from Canadian minerals Important Mining Dates Other important dates in the his- tory of mining in Canada referred o by Dr. Mandy included the fol- lowing 1813—Smelting of bog iron at Normandale, Ont 1823—Discovery of placer guld in the Chaudiere River valley, Que 1825—-Bog iron smelted at Chelm- sford, NS 1835—-First British Columblfa coal discovered at Suquash, Vancouver Island 1841—Copper discovered in ern Quebec 1842—-Copper mining on picoten Island, Ont., began 1846—Famous Bruce mine on Lake Huron opened, operating un- til 1876 and producing 9.653 tons of copper valued at $3,000,000 1847-48—Geological Survey of Canada organized; asbestos discov- East - Michi- ered in Quebec; systematic pros- pecting began 1850--Coal discovered at Na- naimo, Vancouver Island, later a' Comox, Wellington, ships starting to come from all parts of the world to the British Columbia coast for coal 1852—-First lode gold discovered in British Columbia made at Mi‘- chel! Inlet, Queen Charlotte Island etc 1856—Sudbury copper discovered. 1855—-Placer gold reported on Columbia River near confluence with the Pend d’Oreille 1857—-Placer gold discovered on Thompson River at Lytton, the Fraser River gold rush begins. Mining conditions produced the conditions which made the Con- federation of Canada necessary, Dr. Mandy declared. british Columbia’s Foundation Asa result of the discovery of gold in the Cariboo in 1861, the founda- tion was laid which changed the interior of British Columbia from a widerness populated only by In- dians and trappers into an area of industrial activity in many forms. Following Confederation of Can- 1e mining industry in the history ada in 1867, with British Columbia joining in 1871, further mineral discoveries of importance ensued. Gold was found on Manson Creek in the Omineca country in 1869, in the Cassiar in 1872,and in 1898 at Atlin. After 1885, the year of the completion of the C.P.R., Canadian mining began really to forge ahead. In the nineties many discoveries of importance: were made in British Columbia and elsewhere in Can- ada. The silver-lead ores of the southern interior of this province came into prominence and several smelters were established in that district. One of these smelters was Still a great producer today the Consolidated plant at Trail. In 1903, the Cobalt field was dis- covered, in 1909, Porcupine, and, in 1912. the Kirkland Lake district With the outbreak of war in 1914, many prospectors went overseas but, following their return in 1918, ‘ney soon got their bearings again. western Quebec, northern Mani- toba, the Arctic Circle and Great ; os "eo bar ‘ce ‘ acily jere Bear Lake were successively opened |ieason for confidence, the Bank of/2d is presented in easily under up. Canada’s cracked open made to yield Canada Leads World Today, Dr. Mandy pointed out Canada led the world in produc- tion of asbestos and nickel, was third in gold and silver produc- tion, fourth in lead and copper sixth in zine and eleventh in pig vastness and was being its. witdern iron and coal. It produced 85% of the world’s nickel. 68% of the as- bestos, 50% of the cobalt, 10% of the gold. 9% of the silvery. 8% of the lead, 5% of the copper British Columbia's mineral pro- duction since 1852 was valued at $1,300,900,000. It was the province's first industry and produced its ma- jor payroll. At the eonclusion of his addres Mr Mandy. was thanked on behalf of the club By President William Cruickshank, Members were reminded of the charity dange to be held on Fridav W m@Xt weekewith William Cruick- shank and L, W. Waugh in charge Next week the club will nominat officers for 1933 of the zine and 16% eh Vancouver Boy Wins Bicycle Usk Girl Takes Cash Prize in Aylmer Contest E. Hafft, of Vancouver, was the winner of a bicycle in last week's Aylmer label-saving contest. Among many boys and girls who won cash prizes was Yvonne Shan- non of Usk C. N. R. steamer Prince Rupert Capt. H. E. Nedden, arrived in port at 10:30 this morning from Van-| couver, Powell River and Orean Falls and will sail at 4 o’clock this afternoon for Anyox and Stewart! whence she wil] return here morrow evening southbound to- Saturday December 10th | is the | LAST DAY | of our great ELECTRIC WASHER Premium Offer | ACT NOW! Northern British Columbia Power Company Limited Wednesday D ecembar 4 iy OGDEN’. CUT PLUG — Light up a pipe ful of Ogden’s Cut Plug... you'll find it a cooler, richer, sweeter and more fragrant smoke... it makes your pipe taste better, your If you Ogden smoke more satisfying. roll your own", use *s fine cut and Chantecler cigarette papers Bank Is Showing Up Well During } The great mineral areas of north-| Very Trying Time i | Featured by unusually strong li- quid re affording eve serves and ry ;Montreal annual statement makes’ {its appearance at an opportune jtime. Financial conditions, not only in Canada, but throughout the world, have been of an exceptional 3 and on this account there will be a distinct feeling of satis- faction that the Bank of Montreal again reports to its shareholders the maintenance of its usual streneth As was to be expected, due to the lessened industrial activity, there hes been a slight falling off in a number of the accounts. as com- nared with a year ago, but this has been very moderate, in view of the general condition On the other hand, there has been a marked in- crease in the holdings of govern- nrent and other high vrade bonds and debentures Total depnsits continue at a sa tisfactory level. well above the ELLIE MEO Sg EIEIO EES ANNOUNCEMENT: ———S——_ As it is getting more and more impossible for handle ail the my office one man to work comine t I have decided my to take in as E. Kvale Dr. Kvak em ployed as at the Uni versity Hospital in Edmonton partner Dr. O of Edmonton, Alta was formerly dentist Knowing Dr. Kvale personally I can fully guarantee the highest quality of work, and trust that we in the future will be able to give even bet ter service to our patients than I have until now been able to do alone DR. H. 0. JOHNSEN Dentist Here’s Special Community Value The Community people are offering a special 32-piece chest containing six each deluxe knives, forks, des sert spoons, teaspoons and salad forks with butter knife and sugar shell, all in the well known Adam pattern. This is in a tarnish-proof air-tight with glass top. The whole for $28.75 2? Ri % Regularly $38.00 JOHN QuLGER: ~ JEWELLERS THE STORE WITH THE CLOCK case plate set 300,000,000 mark. The profit and hows profits for the nae OFFICIALS OF RAILWAY Herp DURING INSPECTION TRE 1 nsiderably below those re a rted for the previous year. They In the course p re however. sufficient to permit trip over the territor; T. Cham yment of dividends and other poll, general superi: : ‘harges and provide a further ad- nadian National Railway lition to profit and loss account couver, and G. A. McNich \ The annual statement. which is eral passenger agent, Va; yuver for the fiscal year to October 31 arrived in the cit; ast even, ing’s train from Red Pass Jynet . ‘tandable form, was published yes- rday th ana will sail tomorrovy night e Prince Rupert for Vanco Christmas is a colorful time Satin-Glo for the holidays. SATIN - a GLO 2, Dress your home with Made in a variety of pleasing colors suitable for furniture, woodwork wicker-work and brie-brac. Mail Orders Carefully Filled — For Sale By — Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. | BUY — | Bulkley Valle y y i | ee COAL THE BETTER COAL A Loca! Prodict RENT A Radio, Sewing Machine, Typewriter McRAE BROS., LTD. Hotel Central Ltd. Covenient to business district, homelike, beautiful harbor views. Rates reasonable. Spacious sample rooms. FIRST CLASS CAFE Open at All Hours Special monthly Room: and Mea Hotel Central Ltd. for Mire 2 2oy t} street First Avenue & Sever ee 4 between now and Christn scription to one or more o Regular Rate, per year . Special Christmas Prese Six Months No more gre; given and the cost is little. a Subscription to The Daily News People already subseriber: s of this paper | as Day send a ut of town friend at Half Regular Rates } sid omele ks o $3.00 ntation Rate $1.5? 75 itly appreciated present could be eee a teen