A6l BEX HOUSEHOLD LINENS and Linens for Fancy Work Pure "Meadow Bleach" Easy Drawing Linen, in 3d, and Z inch width?, from $1.75-a yard Handkerchief Linens white iind colored at . . $1.75 a yard Pure Linen Huck Towelling, 18 inch, guest width, 'in Mauve and Pink, at $1.00 a yard Embroidered Linen Luncheon Sets, in honey color fadeless finen at per el of 5 nieces $7.00 Vanillic other items in pure Linen, Table llainak. Table Cloths Towels, Towellings, etc., lately arrived. Ask to see them. . H. S. Wallace Co. Ltd. We stock. Pictorial Heview and Home Journal Patterns. We Prepay Mail Orders. DANCE At the Auditorium Every Wednesday and Saturday Evenings Prom v till 12 o'clock. Pryce's Orchestra. Admission Gentlemen 50c; Ladies 25c. Louie and dance your sorrows away, and remember your miseries no more. L. J. MA It It EX, Proprietor. Phone Dlack 419. FURS at BENT'S READY-TO-WEAR STORE A representative of the Yukon Fur (kimpany, for which we are asenls, will ar-riye on the C.P.II. boat on Saturday and will put on display Saturday afternoon a sejectiott of Fur Coals and Xeck Piece. Orders for making or remnlellinir of furs will be taken by this expert. BENT'S Ladies' Ready-to-wear Third Avenue. Agents for Yukon Fur Summer COAL Great satisfaction I Repeal orders beinp; filled every day for Nanaimo-Wellington Nut Coal Quick Fire I Lasts Longer! Costs same as other Xut Coals. Phone 116 or 564. Albert & McCaftery LIMITED SUITS Minle to individual measure from various fabrics for you to choose from, in all the very latest colors and male rials. Every suit made exactly to your measure. Guaranteed To Fit. Come In today arid we will thyy you our new fabrics. Prices Are Moderate. DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING BY 6TEAM. Service Itigiil. LING TheTailor Second Ave. Phone 649. Opp. Post Office Corner. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. .NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVES, hll a po-lloo of I be kaien lUml Htttne iarrjed Lot (SI), Raore t, Coul Distort. U cancelled. O. It ADE.V brpuir JUmiK-r ol Laud. Laihli department. Victoria. B.C. SU July. 1 113. m CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. .NOTICE is HEREBY GIVES tbit tbe re-ere eiloiiu oer l!ie land ronuerlj bekl under Tlndwr Licence .No. I It 4 P It cancelled. C. R. .NAPEX. Deputy JtmUter of Laadl. Land Deparuiient. Victoria, B.C. UJ Job. tJ. dverlie in '.he hiilv New Prepare for the Job Higher up Let us help you climb JOIN THE TECH! Class Commence Oct. 1st. at Prince Itupert, Terrace, Hazelton, New Hazelton, Smitbers. Telkwa, Prince Oeorge, Surf Inlet, Swanson Pay, Anvox, Alice Arm Stewart. Northern Polulechfiic Institute o B.C. Syllabus issued shortly. j Write for particulars to the Registrar, Pox 882, Prince Itupert, or see the Local Representative. Dr.E.S.TAlT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, . O. Office Hours, 9 to 6. Phone 686. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointments, Tkllllla IV.Wl.,.. Compared with ordinary sited piano Sewing Machines, Piunos, Phono- i. i i .t i . iuiii9 uiiii j-iayer riauos For Kent by Week or Month. Walker's Music Store lid. LOYAL ORANGE LODGE INSTITUTED AT ANYOX W. T. Jago. Field Secretary of Order, Is In City In Course of Tour of Province A new Loyal Orange Lodge was instituted at Anyox last Tue.-day by V. T. Japo. Port Uoquitlam. field secretary of the order, who is visiting the city. (lev. J. Herd- man, palor of the I'nion Church. is worshipful master. ' Mr. Japn paid an official visit (o (he local Orange Lodge last nisliL He is leaving by this een tug's train for Prince Ueorge. MANUAL TRAINING AWARDS ANNOUNCED List of Prize Winners In This Department at Exhibition Issued at Fair Office the Fair ofljee announce the following award in connection with the manual irainin? display al the Hxhibilion last week: Seond year High School bench work. I, It. Mr I. en nan: i. It. Mr-Leuttau. Second year Ilislt School draw, ing I, II. McLennan. Kirsl year Hi-Mi School bench wurk H. Jackson. Knlraiice class heurhwurk F. Richmond: V. V rat ball. Knlraine class ilrawing Y.' Yes, we have No Bananas but c have C;.t:iiflower. Cu-iuinU'!.v Head Lettuce, lireen Onions. Parsley. Corn Cucumbers, Orecn Tumatos, PtrkliiiK Onion-s Pickling Coi-iiiiUmts. Orecn Tomatas. Citron. Hubbard Sjua.li, Turnips Carrot.. Heel. Par.-n i p. Catdiage, and Onion, and like the titer, rliani in the latest popular !ona. v priile ourselves upon tin- high quality of our g hIs an.t Hit' fact Ihal we sell at the lowest market prices. WEEK END SPECIALS Maid of Clover Creamery Butter, in bulk, 3 lbs. fur $1.25. We aliMilutely guarantee the (piahly of this butter to b- .superior to any line on ibis market, and we take this opportunity of advising you that this price on butler will be a tiling of the past within (en ilays. B.C. Fresh Pullet Eggs W eek-em; Special, 3 doz. for $1.25. We consider this line the best value in town today. They are fresh slock. Special This Week End Wealthy Apples, crated, Jumble Pack, box S1.95i "An apple a Day Keeps the Doctor Away." There is more Irtilh than poetry in this saying. Uuy your apples by (be box and let the kiddie eat plenty of them. An apple al night before re-lirlnt' will preserve their leelh from decay. British' Columbia Mcintosh Reds, the finest apple that grow. Find shipment 11.0. slock arriving for Satur day trade. See u for case price before you buy. "Salt Spring Island Jam." (tone are the days when mother worked till late at night pulling up jam for the winter. Nowadays you can buy belter jam in the store. Salt Spring Island Jam Is belter jam than mother used lo make because H Is made under perfect conditions, nothing inil the pure sugar and the very choicest berries arq used. The berries are pot culled or over-ripe from shipping. The Salt Spring Nlaud berry growers must make I he bent jam obtain, tilde olhrwise they will have no market for their produce. This is your guarantee. Packed only In Strawberry, Raspberry and Loganberry. 4 lb. tins 95c. Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211-212-281. Saturday Phone Service 8tarts 7 a.m. TE1 DAILY H1WB 8urJr Sepf!!lb ? tJj DIARRHOEA and Vomiting Doubled Up With Pains If )Ml are amhlrtUy HUrifJ tti durrtura, Ujrulrn. cwltr. mtui't wr Im la the tluautrh or injr lwr bf I be tomeU lu tA matle laliubl How. but at wire pfvcwre tlll of lr loulrr 1 1 tract of WiM u-alwrrr ""l k bu quickly n itl rrlifc )vu. Mn. tnirl Morrt. 1 WU St, U duct. Onl. ni- I Ua treat ('Ira.urv In renouiMiMtiar Or l'kr titracl of WIM stravtwrrjr fur tkal II bat doue tor lue. boa tune ato I luuk aa arl tnlrai bradacbr. tbro atarlrd U Tttll aud Mt m tick I cvubl banttjr uoJ It all day tuvardt rfraiDt lult tatos rani in uiy bom fit am mat Jut dvublfd wr it palm rr to bad: Um trrriuaa ttuud out like beadt oo tof tortbrad Ibra the dlarrbtwa tlartrd and I realty tbourbt I at tvior lu die. My butbaBd eet to the drvr tlore and rol a bottle of Dr. rvvWt ntratt cT WIM Slramberry; he rate nie fr dotrt, at InlenaK aod by txw rv dav Ue duirboea bad atvreril and tbe pain tt all ror Inn. Mw mill neter be mttbavt 'Dr. lo ler't' Id the txie." Friee Se boltle: pt P Mly by Tbe T. Mitbura Oo, UreO3. TrM, Oat. Kalsuyamu: F. Ilictiuinl. Senior fiftlt iMMirhwork II. Walker: It. Ileek-r. Senkr fifth drnwkig II. Walker: 1L Hajtie. Junior fifth iueliwork W. Itichards; V. FJkin... Junior fifth drawing W. CoL lison: F. Dingwall. Pest two" MMNlels prtMluretl during war I, Hank of Mont real silver medal . It. Mclen nan: II. Walker: 3, F. Ilifh-moiiil. PEYTON RESIDENCE SOLD TO JOHNSTONE S. D. Jolm-i. rir i;i puri-liaed Mie re.itlnpe ..f D. M. Peyion on (traham Avenue m W'esiview an will live there in I lie near future. .Mr. Peyton ha Immi aWay from the eily for several month and hi family will Hn be leaving here to join him HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert William Isles, James llliei, (i Vivian, W. II. liuckuell and M. ('brisliau. Vunemver: W. II. Tewsley and John Xidde. Toron to; F. C. Iticbl. Tacomu; 'Thomas W. Hrown, SYirf Intel; D. K. Arse- tiaull, KdmooJoit; Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Oox, Winnipeg; W. L. Dass, city. Central H. Mctiilvray and II. (Heave, ily; A. Smith, Yam-outer; W. King. C.X.Il. t C.N.R. CONNECTIONS FOR WHITE STAR SAILINGS Steamship of Hie While Slar Hue will sail from Montreal as follows: s.s. "(legion." September tV. "Meganlic," October K Doric," Oct. la; "Canada," Del. SO: "Hegiiia." Oct. 27; "Doric." Xovrmber 10. Passenger for these steamer should arrange lo leave Prince Itupcrl via Canadian .National Kail ways on September 22. Oct. I. C, 13, 20 and .November a. I-or rales and reservations, call or write Cily Ticket Olllce. Canadian National Hallways. 5SK Third Avenue. Prince llunert. H.C. Phone 2CII. 221 John Noble of Toronto, inler- ualioual represeiil alive of (be Hrotherliood of Hleclric Workers. arrived in Hie 'cily yesterday afternoon from Vancouver where be attended (he recent Dominion 'Trades and Labor Congress ami will leave by (his evening's Irafii for I he east. Lat nigh! he ad dressed a meeting of Hie local electric workers' union. Mr. Noble is accompanied by W. II Tewsley of I lie International Kookhitiilers' Union .1. v.. Cox C..N.H. ngcnl at Kricksdiile. Manitoba, and Mrs Cox reached the cily by lusl wiring's train ami are spending (lie day here before going south on Hie steamer Prince Itupert lo night. They are on it holiday trip to Hie Pacific Coast The Canadian halibut schooner lluveille, Capl. Woic, belonging lo Hradliury ami elf. went lull the dry dock today for general machinery overhaul which will lake a forlnighlV ti If you find you cannot gel tbf daily News regularly, call n am: subscribe for itand have it de Hverel lo your liouie. tf Waterfront Whiffs Continued from Pane Five) Ttllie s II. A It.. Kouyosti, Vir ginia. Pelican. Ijincing. llrolbers. (oldfish, NVIu. Atli. Aiorcs. Iltrdle II.. Wave, tlliiglradcr, lri. (lape Spencer. Selma, W. t .. Itulh. Surges, ltrveille, Impcr-iruse. lUhel Juuef llelgelaud. Star. Stunner, Sentinel, Iteliance Xo. U Senator. Tahoma. Pioneer. Mildretl II, Itrltauce and Jidiauiin Jim Sanford. an old timer of Prince Itujwrt. arrived in town after a five vear stay In Xew York. Jim was originally In terestrSl in the crab business at Seal (Ue. He Is now renewing ol acquaintances and says thai in all his wanderings ami vill to the wonder- cities of tauuda and the t nited States he ha H o sr anything to leal Prince lluMrl. It is Jim's Intention to get slarleil in some bitsines-. prtdiably the flshiii'.' game, and remain here permanently. The Somme In Port The power boal Soiniiie, l!apt. Taylor, accompanied by his dog Hones.' arrivel in ptrl durin? the wtk from Kameleou Inlet. renvtlt ntiannel, with a cargo of rj'ttl "Irish Apples.'- j'p liu. been fntil sin) vegetable rancli- itiz diwM that way for the pal couple of years and is all hel up over lit Irtiek ;arlrii pns.ii.ili. Mes in Ills dltrirt. He claims Ihal if the seeds are planlnl the rislil way up. Ihal anything will irrw in the k"il. lo test lln out he planted n etuiple of billiard Lall and Im- already garnered In two excellent liilhard cues and evpeets nevt year to ob tain a fine crop of billiard table. He says if anyone etui heal thai they are gotiu souk. Kven Pones s endeavoring to grow lione hy iHiryiii? Ihetii. t lite meeting of the hospital boanl last niahl II wa derided lo apMiiil V.. Uitwitr letiiMO-arlly t make colleelHtn in settling up i lie nurses' home eamoaiaii and to audit lite account. All note are now due and the collector will be after the money. oherih fnf It, Dallv Newd. PRINCe RUPERT TtOCS Saturday, September 22 lliuh 12:02 p.m. 'lM.8 f! Low . . . 0:51 a.m. I.I " M:07 p.m. C.2 " Sunday, September 23 High . 0:(V a.m. IV.3 ft !2::iH p.m. l.C " laiw 0:31 a.n. 1.0 " H:tC p.m. 5.3 " Monday, September 24 High . . n.lC a.m. III. 7 l.'t.:in p.m. S0.2 - Low 7 :00 a.m. LO If ? I P.m. t.C TENDERS WANTED. When you serve Afternoon Tea you reipilre your cake to be Dainty. Distinctive and Delicious. For this purpose, we commend the following; T ;r v V. 4. re- LADY FINGERS. 8PONOE DROPS. MACAROON BISCUITS. BUTTER BISCUITS. These will make a pleasing variety to mid to the cakes of your own production. ElectricWindow Bakeries NEW BOSTON Grill Third Ave. The Latest in llestatiraiits, Private Boxee for Ladles. Beet Food Beet Service. "Take her tu the Huston," OPEN DAY AND NIOHT. ft Seated Tetslera mill lie reeelted bf tl ll llerk i to 1 I'.V. Vl.mdtr. iwMer IM. for Hie Utlrlilnr of airoOtiiatelr 0 luteal feel, rr S Inrb mater main im llrl .Vie. lull liifiiiMlkrti and fiirnit nf letuler Htar le had al IIm office of lite nntlertlriied. Tvl'r lu be marked mi tlie milnlde i.f etoekip "Tender tur pilch lii." Lumetl or any lemier txjt ueret-arlly arcrpletl. r. w er.Aiiso, City Cnitneer. LADIES! Phone 376 The House on Phone 375 of Quality DESIGNED FOR YOU! nusT-VnooF consET8V,AnNERl there are figmr. I . k- YOUR and (hey have made i ... ? corset which will ht fort ami satisfaction. Vc eaii help iu al the ln e )tu wish , tl wig iimi il , jf L ami exriMleni lose it kihmI hues .,n, u i, laundered as often r Warner'- dorse'- , from $1.75 to $6.50 rllOOse Hlliong Ilium iii . . ami low loi-i -Me - -k .. P f fioiill.ii'e. ll .re g UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Outfitter to the Whole Family. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Saturday at 7 and 9 Tim supreme ai lueveineiti Hie oi-.t; MARION DAV IE S in I he cpoih.ll tio(oliv. "When Knighthood Was in Flower" The love story uf Hie world' most om ? who gave up a Minute for Hit man she loved s tliicxcellei! tiiiignifii-encc, IUrilliit(r ballle. i--capes. The Hinip and tovver of royallv. in'i g 'f-roynl lioudoir mill Itinntgh all Hie golden tb id TOPICS OF THE DAY Admleilon 50o and 25c v. f i r-l':r ty sweetest,rtniance ever livetl. The story " ,: P ' f cioiis girl who tlefied Hie kings and ecaudul tiHiipr ofl nations. Lmeraol Crerlit Travetler' Ckfjuea Dtatia Monej Orttera Money Traiulera Banking Service that Travels with You WHEN you arc rrcPirinS.t0 travel the question of carrymS your money safely may puzzle you. The Manager ol our nearest Pranch will eol ve this problem for you, Wcvcr. He can forward your money wleiy wherever you wieli to go, jo that it he quickly and conveniently avaUablc a. you require it. Because wc have over 550 DranchcJ In Canada and Newfoundland and Jig abroad, as well ae corro'fn,, part, ol the world, he cari give you an Introduction anywhere you may w to travel SAFETY AND 00NrENIENCE . THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA . H. J. MAGLKOD, Mututfer, Prlnco Huport Hranch.