TITB ITAILY JHTWH r. t Just Try an Experiment The Player l" Con Sheriff Shirley, Veteran Really PlQy Buy a packet of Civil Servant and Pioneer ALADA" of North, 79 Years of Age Tlie nldet member of Ihe civil serviie in Prince Hupert district n ii I i.roh.ihlv Ihe; oldest ill Ihe entire tiruvuii'i' ul Urn -di Iff iColtimhla. John Shirley, sheriff of I'ntire Hupert county. I.tv the most irclchrnle scvenlv-ninlh hirlhdnv.. Though - main - m and see if It is not tasted. liner Ami winters, numy of (hem filled with hardship mid ml delicious Tea you ever venture, have passed inre nr-i lie saw llie liglii ol unv nniK "Most Tea-Drinkers Think It Is.' in Ontario. Slieriff Shirley seem lo have been treated cry kindly by I'nlher Time and he lill execute bin olio id du' in Prince llupcrl with llie vigor nnd despatch of one l ir V" -'ge in car Indeed, those who linvci The Daily News eonie In contact ilh him would I'M INCH lU M'KUT - HMTIHII COI.UMHIA place hi year At least tvvnlv The Man in the Moon less' actual .tf limn Ihe Published livery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Horn on I'ebniary :'. tt. on SAYS Itupert IJaily News Limited, Third Avenue. the farm of hi father in Mnn- II. K. HL'I.I.KN. Manajfing FUiitt-r. latni tnui1iip. Ernies rre.ni Til 1-2 more laws are pasej lh Smith's lll. Onl.. ,-heriff Shir- mure lawnes-ntss there is huiinl lev was Ihe fifth of a family of to be. DAILY EDITION 18 rtw .inp-il;i.v. ivt. ?8, io?:i. ten, Hi falliVr. Joint Miniey. - wn a native of Wexford, Ireland, IK our liertor eouhl see us Development Of Mine and c a me to Hnnad.i at the aire a we milly are, il wil, lake At Maple Bay. of U venrs. That n iieiriy UMire than si dress suit to intver Another mine i to be developed. The properly of llie Ifn y'ears apo atl the hoiitteail Hf defleienafe. tlranby Company a I Maple Hay has been worked for Mime time near Ottawa-nt llial time was in- mm m m. n m m w m vwaw m m m mr m ir i m i m - nnd now train and dork are to be erected in order to pel Ihe eei a pioneer one el in Hi" f.T) of 'mrve carrier a bbck-head -i i mi l uouiiai uai it in ore mil Jim! ship il to (he smeller. lriitev.il wmiN. hver many a thfttt place. .- , - XT The flranb.v Company may lie depended upon to become an Jane Kiild. mother or Slierlir in player music is from Wexfortl, nelive farlor in Hie mining development or llie norm. It i no Shirley. nlo enme MottAI. uplift Is all rtrfti in lunger content to rely on its llhMeif Creek ore to keep the smeller Ireland, at Ihe atre of nine and its wny, Irtit Ihe only kiln I of uplift toYOUbythc running, bill i staunching out with a view to increasing Ihe see, with her family near uiled lo snme fieojde ha given ore mpply and making the smelling of ore at Anvnx (icrpetiial. Smith's 1'all. .Mr, ami Mm. for motive twer the loe of the four Gulbransen in the district and Ihe hirle- Sr. dieil some thirty yeer . There are plenty of pMd propecls l"l pdl. with ceserMy. lintnby Company will help to develop and work them. Already dm within ten menth of each ' Instruction Rolls they have been active in connection with several properties, other. si r.r.Hss- i. often ike re-Mi of Brothers Living including the Outsider group at Maple Hay. They.also have being ithle In ne In advantage two groups (if claim. near Stewart that are Iteing tested and will l.rolhcrs Three of are Sheriff slrtl living Shirte Iwr Ihe informalion siipfalleil hy a, Suppliti with E)try Colbranttn Playr Piano he developed. islanls. older ami one yonnzcr. 'I"he uliler Hobbies Of Boys ones are William, who is in Ihe Much Improved. TIIK Terrace nhikwioder r foiled Stale, and Tlioiai. who The hobbies taken up by o today are a great impinge till lives the old homestead ma I ihe wnrM i ilivalerl mini rou nave possiDly seen some eipert demonstrator produce smarmoia resuni wiutiri ment over the recreation of the former generation. Iim.iv ' . ' .:1 1 -. Lrtll on .....I - flu ImBll Iwm claes, socialists ami those Piano. Or you may have been In a home where, soma on membir of the family couUcw lake such radio and other, merham'. al and ..I... ..-I .aI m.i.U nr. Dl.u.. k..t i, n -1 - ln.it .t Dl.... nn... nmwM i.n In ftl.. Ik. . hoy op thing a-, ...... - .... , ... ,, scientific subjecls and experiment with them jut like adult.tiailier hi Ills" iiwriii jiriirmii-ii on tlie same farm, lite younpi r Thev nlav wilh the great force of nature, some of which are I III: ann ok I nhibother them. I rollier. Isaac, live at Metcalfe, . uinierslotMl. -it iIlai a I I : . little nn'iidier of the -.J" u M m t iTnin iw-tnnr i ..... ..,....., . a ., , (Int. The oilier Who would have thought a few year ago of Imivs talking with ;ir verv rel(-si..iis and nlhers -rr. ,,c Pr"J iimiuuoni Ol ortinirj piajeo miu ii-rny uiuuh r, r n . family, all of whom Ihe.I tit a made to help master IL you people hundred of mile away without even a wire lo Conner! healthv ripe old ase. have now panl them. The radio-telegraph wa tt great thing but the radiotelephone 4 Kway. The last to die wa I ioorsre i an advance on it. We have dozen of youug lad ITIK counlry ihtbvtopfier look-1 Not so with the I U- -only M. Sliirley. younger brother of . ..... . . .. . U. a I. I , , I ii. still in their teen wilh radio outfit of Iheir own, reading about the sheriff and with whom he tie mt m- iny wipirrijin si 1 1 f.t the latest discoveries and appliances and testing them out for . the and iuiie thai I here is more mvn Ilaj share.! all of adventure . . . . . , ... PULBRANSEN a. t r 1 r I I I I I j ineinseive. me ihi.vw in iimay arc 10 ue ii.iiKn.iiM'ne.i ,ui metric..,!,,,.,., j ie West. who, in few er falling Trom a only a.lvancemeni. II i especially creniianie wjten iney earn Uif' awft. , prim. uuper! i.e. woman's He than- in half u mad'- lll.iue) wiriliscivivs wiiii wmrii iii iiiri'ioii- int.- niuni-, lVbruar)- 1 1 of thi year, toen nishinsr eatarart. VJJ" Player-Piano fnol-f.r.. Japanese Struggle Sheriff Shirley left the old HiiirV. i For What We Have. home nt an early age Mo attend THV. man who Is. entratred m fully ii" i The Japanese people are putting up a struggle for the suf. ehol in Toronto and S'.t year some imitniil work ha ti nllrien Instruction llnil Canada frage. The) are awakrtiing to the necessity of every person njiii with his l$rther. (SeorFe, nr. lltoe m thini wltat Ihe w..rld the (kiUirausrii PU)eCs lead Tlaer ' biking a part in the government of the country. Like.Ihe Hril- Mved in Western Ontario. In wtnild h e lite If there were n .mi. s 4y step, snrely aml- rhM in jki many venr ago. iney are trying to secure lor ever)- per- n,,. hmlher came to Manitoba -rk and nn money "and the i-ap- teadily. In where Hie whole world act ly son in the country Ihe right lo say how Ihe government shall be Ln,t j( wa in rtlndon where John ilali.l. were in Hades. of ii in sir i yours to command! lute r..-. carneil on. In this we wih litem all success. .s long a we Shirley had hi srhoolinc a menl have a country where cheap labor abounds adjoining lis, we'j, -h-Tlff. heinc deputy there fw II' Adam had (wen a jvr-1 f l.- -man Knowteslge nf music Is mtl HiWi-r shall fiml it difficult lo make progress such as we could wih.ifi$. years. ttotnir to t)alirary ii he would never have tiecesaapj, : irevlous eprtenee t Slim (( I uiformity of conditions i very deirable. II i lo be hoped that i km;, tlie sheriff entrased in of-the "The Woman did tempi nt--. mil necessary- nolhlnir but ll-e put Chinese will make a similar effort williin a reasonable time, fire work and remained there The-l.rw down shyster! ileairc and love for ttlll'ir. Ami Iti'i'i.' At preenl Ihe ignorant coolie are scarcely fit for responsible; for nine years. In the nwantim we will ...lliejr .rnve to yn. lot i n i ' government, nut trie cause 01 education nnil responsibility go ,i brother tieortre had gone ti in ten moiiile. a I Ihe iulhraneii. hand in hand and oue gives an impetus to the olher. ,ihe Inited States and married. In the Letter Box hi that you have within 'ou tsje Discuss Fisheries his wife d,jIIS ., lonsr after. i ixeaer lo , do a ynu w ill wilh At Montreal. wnrd wtislc almo as )u wnnJd by NOT EXPtNtlVC The special lejtlch from Montreal which wa published! Went to Yukon CHURCH UNION hand. h-.,.i. in tni paper yesterday in regard lo the halibut fisheries proved! Itejnined ,y hi brother. Sheriif inleresting reading lo many people here. The fact given in re- Shirley. reKiwlin. th wild SI. Stephen's Oiui-,1, I'ttlil you have acquired IM ierir i gard to fishing were not iiartiriilaiiviiew. but Ihe fact that Ihev lure of trotd. left I'it its rv bound WinHines. .Miiiiit. i,.i rapacity ynt il you laave experienced not ct were being discussed at Ihe olher end of Ihe country by people!for the Yukon ami in January lililur It.iily .Sews. the Ihcill of this Knte.- tll.Ml'l t.lm...... b... t..L:... .. .i...... .....I i it.. ... i, .. i. i... . . .. . . ymi will neer appreriale tlu a6s. o,.. i.innip n nr---. nnrresi m ule prooicms WHICH aiieci lis I Mil 7 saWd for the norlli on tlie i. mis iirrn iniiniateii h mo i what gives promise of better things. The mailer is to be old sleaiifer Wlllnpa which w lhal a report i (einii eireululed iHMindles measure of pleasure iutr-" brought lie fore the dominion cabinet with a reipicsl that they inn kin? a eeial run with an Ilia I I recently staled that I and hnf.pine.s thai lies within fc Nalh'iiany take il up at Washington. overflow of yold eekrs frmu tieiieven the l.liurrh was tet ... I I, a. lie- how to accent lh' I'lajer-I'iano. nnd the (liilbransen al mi'- (! clearly how (lulktranaen Hull i iir liistriimeiil on which v..i can -' Daily News Not ihe steamer Tees. Ieavins) Ihe ripe roe I ninn. I desire cale- On Witness Stand. ship at Wrantrell, the brother jtoreaily deny the corre. ines of S.i. I ... Ii.-- i.mu ti aeeenl the can ncipiire this art quickly, piirrh.-l-. The Ilaily News does not propose to be placed mi Ihe witness, went up the Slikine llixer and any such report. elelmly in Muatr. usiiy .-in,i . iii.fictor ly. stand by anvbody. Yesterday we answered a ipirsliou submitted over the AsheriKt-l'eslin trail In liver since Ihe meelmc of Ihe by Iritis rorkrml because it was a very interesting one to Alliti. The seveint httndre. As.eroI.ly of 0j, have held SOLD ON LIBERAL TERMS although not at all new lo readers of this paper. We believe mile trip overland from Wrnngell firmly lo the opinion dial to.I in discussing mii-i subjects fearlessly. to Allin was frauslil wilh many "my is u.e Church rl.e fur To submit lo a series of cross (pieslion in which Ihe o;ues-tm.ier delays and it look over twelve I'nion. hul llial nuy delay for has Ihe right of reply is not conlemnlaled. however. When month. ih'S team beiiiR Ihe prin- delay's sake, or any delay in Jh-h.e Walker Music Store. Lti a reader of Ihe jmper feels that he has an oniuion on a 'itil ' irl mode of travel Ilowever, of hririffftlg IfigNher Ihe s subject that he must discuss, we shall he triad to o-ive mi,. they, arrived safely al Atlin Ii neirtdlalinir mmrehes in any the purpose, and when an intpiirer ha u ipielion which he ran-nnl Marclr myij, inner scio-iop limn lhal of or-ganii' answer but on which he thinks we might have some inror-nation, For a rouple of year Hherlff union, wriilbl seriously en Second Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. we shall ul all limes be ready to do our hel to provide Miirby mined with his brother danger the well-being of the (uch inrnrmalion. If, however, it is the jiilcnlinn lo conduct a but this was not altotrether sue. Church and Ihe inleresls of Irue firnpaign I Ii rough these column for any particular group or in essful itlllioiiah. like many relhrfoti in the country. fv.r of nuy particular object, we shall have lo assure. niirclve ot tiers, iney spent litucli money. mere was a ime rtiiririK thi coiisiiuii.nai iiroi'i'dui io .'n- that Ihe ..Med is one of which He then went into Ihe wood and lon we thoroughly approve. In any priori of negotiations. iiinmai.' wl.ii I li.-ii.-x.. will b. ri.se Ihe Ilaily New is ,, rjH nnj ,ie ,,, rPOPOt, ,,, water business with dogs and when I ronfess I was impatient till cv .-nl wlueli M il! I..- Ii ml Till FISHERMEN! cross .pieslioiied. Headers are not usually left in donl.i n i,. i. ai it. ,yuj ,r. with the Anli.Unionlsls nnd in spii'iltial lil.- nod vigor, and our view on most suhjei Is. -t.ir.ey receive,, ,P HfK,omunf!lf,IPll . which will ,.e, . pursuing a k-r.-ally liduihi'r (he f deputy sheriff, the head otti'emfr New Season's IH n. unluHM but Kingdom of ti..l in our .ouiiii- Aw: ..." "V1 " Wholly misclievloiis. I want to i.lid Ihe lands overseas. BAIT Used .....a. wot. ...e rr - n in rite, rrM,lUy a ,al , fc t.hln8P(, f am goiuii lo resolutely FROZEN HERRING After of All.n be separate county Shaving was l(I. ,,,, ,, , ,,0 cherish the hope lhal. however named s h-riff on the sa,.. day . . 0, ,i(ll ,.. .,, , deep may ! fli.-n :t fT.-.-i inn for Just Frozen Benutiful Quality Keeps Skin Soft and Smooth that I !' ?""n nu';'- has bien wholly Injurious. The Ihe old Chureh in whose history W roitnty cnurt Jtldge. ....... ... Company udministralive hendniiarlcrit of i,iur4.,t ,n nriveedintr wilh and in wlmse servi.-.- we glory. NEW ENGLAND FISH extreme iMit.erutinn, has fltown Ihe vt majority or iio.se wliocn BranO Man suffer Allin district - was hrnught Kstohlkan, Alaska men from irritation ,i ( desire I.. cIUtider he leel- we now call Anli-l nionisi. will1 of the skin as a result of ,,;r, Sheriff Hhlrley ul. .. I a p ejud es come to feel that on Ihe wliol. shaving. With some ft assumes ? : 10 nrnvUur in January f , ,na), itliool they will Haiti iufiuilel) omrr; a form of eczema and becomes First Trip Out offetise- of hj-ehreu Apposed lliuu Ihey Kiv up y iiH.vinv io l.'llion. . ' ialo VnbHi. FLOUR most annojrinj and A year ago last full, Sheriff ki unsightly. Hut now, wliflw I em unill-ititf CIIAItl.lM W. ;oiiio.v , PURITY Shirley went lo Vancouver to give Flour By applying a little of Dr. to woiimi or grieve brethren Pastry (videtice in the Hngfueer Mine Chase's Ointment after shaving in our i:ioirrli who do not see Too Easy a Triumph of lb " ctisit nn.I this wa his first visit Th quality la always the Irritation is overcome and south in 21 yiNtr. eye lo eye wild tlie regnrdinK liluh il.mUrd, All Crocsr Barber's Itch and Cczema are Slieriff Shirley was the only ui,.l the i.eee.iy a. f..I.. I fur II :h.1..ii rt-li. ..a...I'nion.1 1,i Anthony Vow do helieve me. PUHITY and II. & K. -KODOCI prevented relieved. iiicmher of his family who never ' V V 1 dearest, when I tell you lhal yon Co-, or Millini? married sible 1.. wjn Ihfln In ;iry way are the only girl ever loved, Ren HVfBISIMII nit m n rt.KT tk VS r """ 'or llilukiiix. I have cime lo Ihe don't you i DR. CHASE'S reward--My love for you is like solemn conviction I Hal the limit A.lele OU. yes. mil lhr not' OINTMENT the deep, deep blue ea- -- of delay has been reurhed find nearly thrilling as it would pel IMwfna And I lake it with lhal 'there iiothiiiu mev for know that u Cmta a bo, all dealers, or llmauMiit, Hair a c U4 TiTbatu is to I'd uettially stolen Advertise in "The Daily Nef Just the rnrresponding amount nf Ihe f'.liun li to do l.ul mnrch win from some other girls. I salt -' Topics of the Day" I'ilnu. slendlly forward, nlnn line on Topics of lht Day" Mlnn.J THE PAPER THAT GETS QUICK RESULT