WIIENIYOO WAMTJA New Hpnntf JUST ARRIVED and Summer w- mm 99 muim mt)m 'Art Patterns lClothes,In T Menniru.Moderate Prices hurry a STEVE KING Plinne PRINCE RUPERT Third Ae. ALL NEW CAHS Opp. CI'.11. Ticket Office. Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper WW V. ''0 P1WSCI. IlL I'KHT. I1.C. WBDXfcSDAY. I'KIHll AHY 2H. IV29. festenefe eife-katea m tirstt ! ttZ. PRICE KIVK fcKNTM 1 'I'll DMONlUN SUPPORT OF RUPERTS CLAIMS IMhK Al III VI A I IK IN V II llr.r AK I fir. l l. hi Ml n, , ,AM LVLMllli NURSES' HOME DETAT?AS,EsFRv.rF',monton "W Ur TO RP RIIH T i Construction of Grain ewifor Cut in Salaries and Wages and Announced on Return This by from Afternoon.Q. Vancouver A. MclVicholl and Coal Bunkers at this Port Hospital Board Empowers Committee Staffs to Proceed With Raising On Al.ril I, I in- bi-weekly !! The Kdmonlun Hulletin cditoiiall urge- tliiil rual bunkers Reductions of Money and Departmental Erection ie- by Hie C.II.JI.JI. eoxt uinl a ei'iiin elevator' he Itiiill ul Prinee lliiiicrt. The imper says: !euiner betw een aix uiix i-r iiti.J( While it is iniortunt frnm every Mjint nf view and es-euiiMiullee The Xiire' lloinf i'r,w " ""ItI will eoiiinMiiicu peejally from lhal of the Nuliimal Hallway that the fKirt or . til civic reorganisation, which for (he iu.l"i- ' '-nrli. and 1! firemen. of the hiHiilHl IkmHI em- J"" k15, "'' ,',-wi), Vaniiiuver .hi.ulil he effieienlly and sufficiently equipped to i, I. .. I.... ntruir ii.tr lli h1 If 11 iini nI 1 lie rilv eiiun- J earn, i in- eiiH-i reimn- hi- iWMe. :il n ifilal uetiinr of ",'rki"'' wi" 'He.l, li. A. ,an,ie wheal from Ihe pniirieN it is well In remember that i oi.i i.. . .-....li.I..a.n nl tal niclil's meelinir Willi the present -nlsry. the hiinl lut nifdil to i.r.H-ee.1 McXirliH. C X. II. a-.ilanl (iillMlja ia, annlher Paeifif ixirt llnperl which is the ter- f : rr-uhiiioii siilnnitlcd liy AW. I'erry ami AW. Collar! Utilities Department ilh ariuit-'-nienU tr tin- ft."""" ' "T mimt of anouier ami an imporiuiu sea 01 w .-uuuiiai twi- g Mie in w ;iiHiiiihnenL and salaries ami a reduction i: "e, superintendent J-3U nan. inn 1...1 IniH.linu ..f a aw aUKnt- oiniitceil on In- arrival W.IV The harbor and railway advantages or Ilupert are at r -.( v fur common lalnir from 115c an hour lo foc iii 1 1 1 1 -.! ..n pa;:.- 1 1 v ' v.... . n..... II... l..iil.liiiit fr" ""'"M""- '"' ..al .uunl lo lhoe of Vaneoii- ; w - t;.--ed on a ! Iii 2 division of Hie council. iil,.,,.,...! u.ll etM.t l6.o.MI ami tlie U '!,rt,W."1 ,wlNer. -v -,.l that (In- l.a.il fr-ii, II..- - ,Vd, U)V 'H. Mil. Hleihen. AW. r?inllli aiol Ahl. SOLDIERS MAKE nuiry will Ik- raU'il tbtmvli wivk,. ervb-e. Hie lea V, liter 'l'rii,r"M ' "," It TRAFFIC HEAD - I f-'i- il .ri.l Mil. MiK'iIunnW anil AW. Maekcniie I.iiIiIk' -tUmcriatM- i'mlrwi. ," '. I'""'1 "- rca, 'nal,,i"l I 1 niriiin-i. Mayor .ewlin ajmi ! ill will h-ate VaiMimnMr -es-el l.rinv'l'if eui ti.ie- lo II.1- I '.hi wtli -larl. II l eelitl. ,.r.-4.-d hi opM4in. AIJ GREAT RECORD; Ill view nf llty fael lhal in ntrrlli bI midiiis'il ariniiia ln-rei!peM, Sti-wart or lo lakai rt. C.N.R. SYSTEM Mtitiru on nol irernt. ur of il lit lry. lle !io. al .' o i-I'M-k on ''liti'-.l.iy and if they eouhl gel a return eari". The HflViiitf in Hie flly nerie' pilul liui ni'MT itn I a .ulli'- a i- Salurilay aflrnuoii. I.ik- lal ir pari eart'o. of grain. TIh-i- i.-a llirnunii eulliuir iloun I be lu(T .. . . r . im - .1 .....I y-ar. Ihe lieonri- will U- grt-al lnni!--laeifie tra.le in E. Dalrymple of Grand Trunk HHIIKh MilVU IT alii) -aUrii-n a renull of I In-wln'iiii' Vocational Graduates Paid Back irnMi lll ..r lhal 1.......Ho- nwiiey for the- ''"""., ...J.I.IU ..f- It......7Z lumlMr in which the iort .f Hn-I Gets Position Under Consolidated nnw J'ipiiil retrefnl Mora Than Half Loans and In.tin' niiiihl m- raUe.1 in that '" -end ert ha n lar:e .iare. I.tiinlwr Roads n..iifhiii(t in the iiHit:iilmrlnHl None Overdue nunn.-r. ; leavtniT lien- for ! foolli Hr livltl att'l bulky. Alum- il make mendatlon to Bring Cost nf II.HK) a ear. nut IneliiJiiiK Tin- lintae. aeeorviiiK to Ibe al II o'ekick Tliurnilay and mhi- N high freight rliarjii in-i-Hary. OITAWA. I'eb. 28. It i offi-elally d.i. ulih Proilnclal .(.Vkeeiilna rniueiion Hi III MUII. OTTAWA, !'cb. 2M. lUliinute- I'.latii. .iori-il and olonilliU ,ii!u) i-veninjrn riieeliv.!y. (train i heavy and e.mnrt. announced that J. K. Pal-rynrple ' 1 tie In IT that bavr rer.-nll) been of the le.urliiH'iit of -ol-llerh T. flu- Mni kay, will l- a Iwo I oiler (lie Ihriee a week I.umlier and wraiii U'irelhi-r will ha been oppoinlH vice-lircMdenl Courts uunl-- which will brmir lite total civil re . eiilahlitinv-nl want tirev fr.iiiH- -liiiilWre tiulll oil wtirilule in June. Ihe cleainer t 1 irive a atUfaclory loading and in -hai-ge of tlv traffic loiin'iii- navinif ) about :.000 a year. UiroUKh 'hi- CiitoinMne ruenila) tw f,.ina l iflli Avrmie l will arrie lien- from Ihe oUi ttln-rffore a miderjle ix-ean rale ilrpurtnu'iil of the Oaiimlidli 1 VV A 1 ij - ' The follow in were Ihe new" 1. lilll..- .IIL..M I..L.II.iir . . . jii i on Monday. VV rtfiiexiay nndi)m MIh the luitihei and (lie uraiu Xalional Hallway, reporting to the I.. t L .".. vvw r- tyl ..I in. ii.i-.iiii.'I I Will IWT tf" apiiointmenU maJ with the l.OO.iHfl. 1., f..i ... .i..1...i.,.w mihI u41I amciia ai ! in llw aflertwfll. -fjil i goo.1 for lndglrj'. trad l.ttiri.iuii nn.l lit-.kmt.lwtl M--. it' I .t'V i..iWV.. -!.. f.T..... .11.dtvorve..M... jnto-- lo lie ij roinpam. . . 1........1 u.i..ikl Hi roiliaill .n... iirriaiiH-r.:.. ... ..tj-... Our ieaiiM'r....... a week will U...ii to end iraiMPonaiioM. a.i-j ttminr i,,,,,,!, i uu lo jI0ve char-.- will. Ihe old taff and Mtlarlea: II....... I.v ....u4itar tl.Al Mt I ..r f imy.t B 1 2i.wnri umi nit- .null I...!M..H11.1- w . ir.. . v .' 1. L .-f ."...le. iing. initj?,jhJ. parlor i VrIV.V.lA40KlUIIl ,xl.u. M,l-r; -i1tf.iirhdrtnieiit Trsasuree's Department y. . .. . . . . . wiwav. iiir i-ariur imu s aim uwitd Ile hUhi-rto 04'CUpied tha t I ......I ImiUIVf HI IW- HIHI.mEll c--w r - - IIP liril. tf-W s " r mr - .. . .. . ... II. W. Illreh. elerk .. .. HO landlnti and imtliing was iiver- ...m.. ,r lhe-e "ilow nlairi-, III.- nel wei-k run. lOniMTH urr l tmiim iiiii uinr position of Iraffh- vice-pre.-iiii-ni 150 due. l.ul i. in...I ,,11 (li.- kwiiod fl'MM i 11. of the 1 i rami Trunk railway -l--m. .-i TM.il. inlv ut l:i mill at- I- . .MIIloiie, eirrk ISO li.-i IIi.t.- ill ai' tof 11..t 1 thai' 'I' 'i r. viekrrn. eaenier 1.15 HAWAIIAN PENALTY ii-iLilii und a -ml.- r ni l III Kh I HflNI.HI i"'l .i-Mlll. I He lorrio-rii -n 811 ;At lit.' tli'-r. "ill he ouli.l-ial'"tiif- i'4heKlTi.i .1 n.liJtl at n row- I,. 1 1 tk-In-). lemmlier rear nvi iv uu vimnuuu jleil M. Aaloria, tMenuerniiber. H(l AIMED AT JAPANESE oti Iri.tli fliMir coin- ulJ fo,vv Ul. wunTJjri HI : NICHOLSON rajr lioiil.l to- Miiiixirli'd ly lym.Mil-.n ..... . I'- V. June, autieitwr ...I. mm u....ll..ti I v a.-U- ..f II... i:iiilffsih. t ' .1 ale -io OTTAWA, K' b. .'. II. n. I. I). jml all puinl along the railway M .. idareil ..n 1. i:. Kelwy. ulenaHrrapher . rill POACHING FISHERIES dlori 1 - - .Mrl-ii.i'. olii-ilor g--ni'ial. '!liitli fl and eal. The i-i.-i in Mill Hi..-.- In iirn- J. W. Kley. Junrtor iu; 1 I II" l.oildinc i " idann.il a- ! introducing an aniendm.-id to Hi-;,. M,.rale inenure Of clevnlo,- IS HONORED rial c ' haxinao in IhU deirarliii.-nl lloXiiM U I .-I.. A bill lM- ' apalde .if euliitaiiifr willnuil t'.ana.la T'-''T'-ca Ad P'od-fl(.,.lMiaii,H, al ltn"ri in-.il l.dnl FlUV. Mi-araa. IMrrb, .nli-rli 1 inir "tilt II. - initial mill. iiiIiimIiii .'.I nil" I In- Dni't-i- '' 1 ii v fil N.iuiiii..it i-o-op'-ralivii!,..,. ,. ivi. Ocean l-de ! llriokiialik and AllUlone are lpiri---jiliilni -i'.-a- In ililiOkV 11 liawg prolnbi-,,u, Handsome Presentations Made to wilh iiroviiK'en ,M,rl t, jIHitM a yel. lint IPORTER IN .nl .'5, Si'o and I6 a toonlh Him and Mrs. Nicholson by of l.iioo lliri-i- AIo in where H-nally hi- year-' NORTH AND SOUTH lion 111 riyrc. eae ,rp llust I rlcvator aSiaoni-i;i-v with the Former Associates iu aalary; r.--i..vlhel iiiipriftoinia-ul on alien caught .t.iii'ei-liaiiii- their lv ",:alion or gain cannot be handle- imialioii of the ujlleea of fiHliilur willtiii the litres ntil" IRELAND TO DIVIDE rvverl lo m-iiiiik minor aval!) me ,. (j iM. in,, eami'.l Im-ile- PORT TODAY . ilv and treasurer. Uie Al Ihi I'tui'ini'l giw-ii iu his) i-l.-ik limit in water adjacent to Hawaiian niCTAMC DCUCMIICC K'crinrui i-hii ) -LUjIUIiIj veloMi. ' A larl cannol Im- mad i-l. rk -alary of I?S U eliini-nati-il: territory. Aliens now AnVLnUtO i il change it .li ! allow im. Iimi -0011. t onor on Hie r-leauier Prince W. C. Ileilli. clerk, al rui.ini.- in thi-ae water an- nriii- pollution lo those proince. Adequate Bunkerage l.eorge al Vancouver on Movlay liO in rill off; I'. e ruing, ('.apt. I'.. II. Xicholon. Tied Up nf wlary Freighter .M. fipallj Jnpanee HI 111.I.N. I'. li. .S. - Pi lent To improve a ureally a pos-hible in redurml 15 . retiring manager of Ihe (i-aud Virki-i. ealiier. BASKETBALL GAMES Ihipyard Preparatory to l ogio.' anii'.iiii.'.d in Ihe Hull ihe fai'iliti-' for ocean Oolng on Pontoons a moiilli. the cily clerk'a aleno-j FISH ARRIVALS that eoiihiiciicing Hie beginning In lite la-l bat-kelbatl game of trade, there dmuld be udeut- 'iruuk Pacific 'jia-t toum-1;i i gi-apher im col f& a month, and of April citltim and eeie Ihe M-ason lat nisrhl. lite Maph) I I t ,.H...i.l..l !ll II.i Service, wa preiite.l by hi old I I. M M h tghlef l.alia- Mi A-loria. leiiographer. lowi four iHiala liKirkele.1 31.500 revenue- Tor ull li.laiHl will It.; 1-ar won Hie I.adieV league ,,U The b.-l slininv coal from --l-lea in the erv,ee will, a ! Ii:iiii) ' 1 I (! M (-onachy, a 111014th. I pound k nf halibut al Hmv l'ih dividml 011 u .ai el lo In? de- gnioe from the Kien by St lo IM 11195 .iiiijuiii. 1 1. .i....n J?. ..... . liaii'J-otne huhd silver rigar box. 1 hi pnt-i :d a n Ihi llor-, Engineer's Department Keliaiia.- Ihi morning. leriiiine.l bi-iw.-eii the governineiil an,l tin- Tiny Tim heal the illiniui s uimaj sss-a l or Mrs., NicltHl-H.il,... the captain r - 1 . . il mi nt tin- shipyard I'. W. I'earaoii, eltgilieer Tin- arrhal werr: of north and '.'nth Irel in.l undri- Jinn r t'.oll :i:i In Hi. ritew wa. ,lf lij.uuui.m call Im- m,P- w,,,u .""7 :it al ' ' " ll"" or . .1. .McNeill, foreman .... 160 1 American en arraiigeiiiei with Ihe Hnli-li al-" a pi.k-ui. gain.- lielwei-n ..li.Nl In Camera at llu-rt ul "u1'- " . '"'T1 of-.rice 1 eaumo.it Ihe Canadian, In Una ile.airlinrin u wiving Ctiimera. 1 5,111m ixrunds. Ml goM-rmeiil. Iiii.-i-tni'iliiiti' I'.olls and Klk. lhal make it delralde for " - Mitt a I'lonaiiu.... ifc ui t.T.t. 1 .irualM I I.M a.n- 1 J.5c ait.1 t'e to Ui Hoolh Mh- i l,e,,, lo coal there. Hu there 1'W city, superintendent of the 11- - taken on, . . trincrr. ... ...irj 1 uwn.1...... "j 1... v-viionri tr... 1..1... IMIitnliau ihi. itiul he orttge aecoiniik-.wlatioii . lllll il,., ! from r.ulta. i:n- II. I- Landry. uM'unl engineer, Canadian Drug Pedlers Mostly Chinese and rat ilil.Va for ha.Wrtl.K or' I here were oine W l 1 ineJiitllnsr .1.. .,.n.i ..1 Vi.lona al fll-U. S. V. Ileilli. clerk. l;'5j Mali. H MHl iMiiindx. at I t.'.'c. U-..-I cannol lake on coal luere r-"' "l d it thV o. w tail i-haO and II. O. Hiwi, iJninioau, ui ami v.-; n mi. w.onu puuno-. .. According to Report Given lo advantage. Coal bunker, at ?1"'""f"r!17'U;.,:r,'er,J' fT? ; .- lo hi InMulled in the ISS are out, ami Ihe aenlcen :,.5,-. mid tc. to Ihe Hoolh Ilupert should he provided a well " r ,e ; - " ''V Itiiiierl r.ant. Puneiin of a slenognipner 111 rt ri.m-ri.- Ottawa ,. a terminal elevator, in order U; with, Volunteer. t.oiill iioun.l-. al House of Commons, II ..!. II.,.I .....I iikiv I'tc.iiciiuii, ......il., inau. in. I .I..MM coal pilot. pened and agent from passenger lie. uinl Ur I" Hie Canadian ibe developed and traffic provided Health aned Hie Importer at Vic. j Waterworks and here, each of whom made und Inouaht her up Ihe ji, f. Walker, working fore- I ii-lt A C"bl Storage :. OTTAWA, Feb. S8. Astounding figures in rcparil to Ihe for Hie northern branch of the peei'lie. J. M. Horne, general M The work on (lie el, .,,3.. ?1 1 . ! drug Irafric hate just been Issued by the minister or health in National llailway. fl-eighl agenl of the C.X.H., pre. ai,. about Iwo or thfee daya.'j, )o, uievhaliU driver Ill) LOST Ihe House of Common. The report indicates thai Chinese have sideit. fit I uiiu.liuii Hover, Uiil. i.- piner. scavenger l:iu BODY OF almost a jmniopoly of Ihe drug truffie through Ihe country. Also DIVORCES FOR 2,000 f Hi u-lwlr-c sei-vlea j j01. iie,t lio it shows Hint in British Columbia the truffle is a lurge one. NEW AUSTRALIAN LEADER. urrivid Innn Ihe uulli at ji tUr". night oll II" HUNTER FOUND The figures secured by the dcparlme.nl show lhal convictions FRENCH GIRLS WHO In y- .'iilay. wi-nl on lint pon-l l en.liiiu liore Hi tinder life Hrup Act have been seenred ugainst t:tl Chinese, MARRIEDAMERICANS MKI.HOt'lt.VK, Feb. 28. Pre. ' nl I n'llm-k in Ilia ufler. suillli, cemetery euro- li'ti wJiile dealers, til doctors, II druggist and one veterinary inler S. M. Ilruce has been elect-id roiU'ii ntw -he will be lukeul tuVer fur selling. Of these nearly one third of Uie Orientals have been leuder of Hie .Nationalist party, 11 'tM'i'ted. ami will He npj cleaner IM Charles Allard or Cowlchan Died I'AIHS. J'eh. J8. IV" Hiousunl is j tvarroll, lrci'l in ltrilis.lt Columbia, the rigures for the I'aruie noviuce uemg replacing former Premier Hughes 1 hipvanl iti-r where olhr 1 1. OaJe. hoallh uliit?r.. . 75 of Cold and Exposure In Island ,.. a .. ...I.:i I t h rench gil'N who married Aiiiert- wlio recently resigned. l.Ulliesl- lit", win.. it. ..!.. ...I.liers .tin inir tin' war i io.l III lie lien Sutillg in DO d-paiHineiii t Hills The same rclurii shows, thai .11 Hnlisl. uuiimuia -..'';. hllVi. .... , ,..,, i about 3H. Mr. Walker Iweea nddii'ls hud been discovered. . . . S ON SAND BAR ni a moiilli. Mr. Ho fll. VICTORIA. Vb. The body ' ar, Bra.lU.u , r IV. null I lease in Hie divorce ci.url. ac- NOTICE. night cueiier, in, and ..r l liuil.w Allaiil. Ihe Cowichati Sniilh anJi NO IRISH TRUCE WEATHER PREVENTS cording lo a decision ju-l aiveu al ABOUT EIGHT HOURS ...en each. Mr. urn tinnier, win. hu been mis Hrest where one of the girl wa Appticulioua will be received Ml. Carroll relain medieal present heullh alar-ie sion since February teutvlt K w'a round le.-than SAYS DE VALERA TAKING OF FERRY granted i-eeae frtnn her bun- by the undersigned parlie does the teailei'duy bv lion Steamer Chelohsln DIs- an mile from Jones' cabin in OFF PORCHER ID. band, a sailor in Hie I K. navy. up to 3 p.m. Mar 13, IU'.'3, olllcer. u charged Freight and Mall But Hill. He Anilous to Strengthen Ireland lln objection I" granting di. for the poitlou of City Fire Department (he Ctiwichaii apparently Passengers Remained England Ha Declares Uorcc in nueli iu-"- wa- dial the Treasurer and Colh-i-toi MiKonald, chief ...... H" died d cold and evpo-nr Against Aboard . II. his After mukiiig seeial att 'iii'.iU girl had become I'.S. . ilueu by fur City of .Prince ltuw-rt. rroiu liiwoituinc after lit' tieparaled J. W. Moon-house, 170 mhiii Albert Soi-kell. formerl) MIXTION'. Feb. rt. -iv Vulera lo lake the Swuioor. Hay ear marrying American, ami over Salary fiSS per mouth. W:oi Vi:ii, r. it. jh. ur- driver driver loO if jiarlner,Calgury. who vxu found fiM" has replied lo Ihe association o. ferry off the bem h al I'oirhrrltliese ihe French courts had no Ouliea to ronimeuee April 1 " ticiilur- ill regui'il lo tho J. Put4.ua. Kill neuliiil nu'iubers of the Irish re-.Island the lug Heiuiima reiurnru jurisdiction. 1st, 1VJ3. Apj.lletiiiU fia'd ami suirin' "Itlinu of Ihe xleimler I'.lieloh. J. II. MurrUoii il.tv- .iu" recovering liuhlleau uggeling a inonlh's to poll Ihi afleruoou uusuetess-Uuee. 1 idease slule tUalificatiun t tUi Sockell klowly P' h;- been i i-eised hera. HIibA t"Unbcrf, firemun u now that the De Valera group is fill on account of Ihe wuthei' C.P.R. DIVIDEND anr give raferencan. H June I I iu Ihe Cowii han llopilul. 11 th" sand bHr fur eight,. ..1 1- H. Casey to HO The two men were Iruiliug u iinviou to do anything to pre- coiulilioii. Furlher attempt VAXCULVKII, Felt. - Tile I'. F. JOXFS, h"foiv pulling hei-sel. off A. MiDuiiuld slni'-k different serve surli iiiuIn hi Ireland a will be mude tdnay and toittniiow C P U. has declared il- usual I lly Soln-iioi' and li ik 11 l"gli noun tide vestt'iiluv II. II. Skillllel ufler June I Pi i-onuur liiiil villi und(heir dog-. A sliow- Will slrellglllt'll ll' i agulllst l.ng. if the Weulliet is wore iiroiillMUK (tuartei'l)' divtdeni al .' Iter' o-r..'.st l Hi. r.., ' tH.1.1 .....1..I.M .....11 II.W'I IV.r... 'lilll tiblileruted Hie trulls uuJ luiul bul cunnol sc.- the way deer J'he bu tf and tin cur- urc nUll .-.ui payable nt March ill (..; ' " iMlllllH llllil liei'll li.Lell off KUWIItf l"luls a in -loi 111 I" . 'I'UV.' !-' Si .. . . . il M . l"i I ' 1 r- f II' (lir llltt .iM-.:tnie : "I ;i)-'itt-t !! Il '.11.