. i o r. TOT DUTP raws rami ftvm CITY IS SAVED $25,000 A YEAR S7.T 'N 8L"'" AND mm w Tn Simp AND REDUCTIONS utranrmENTAL STAFFS. A Bare fonlltiitoil from p.nre niwv oor Telephone opernlnr and .nine remain a nl present SMOKE I In applh-atinn of .1. ,. .jU,, i- w.r,. iii.p.vlnr l referred In uif tiperjuiri.pit willi dm rp liHnendnlbiii I full I he nfllrp ,p flier JIIihP, ,r ronWilnM ' ii Miner iiiwntirj wirk. The iiM-inilfiii .r s. j, n(rA.,. fr (h. i"'-iilnfi of iiioicf reader lit flai) 'rerrr.i in the MippMnlPii.lrni Oi a well it other iiili-tii fr GDENS ! ififtftM iii Hip department. 't rtppllrallnn of H. Mnpy f,,r wiif chief niiil llin.i. of .1. It c ira a matter o( SLRf.P, Mrwari mi.I II. I.iiuv f(H. iin,.. in.- nln referred in uperin-1 i. j un, even while walkln. 1 'nlotll. 1 rle can't alecp In the . Superintendent Cut i downy bed, end ill of I lli- whir In llw uiilliip ,... : aWjna!ly from nerve-t.-ihi.g, jparlttiflll llejlP ftgg ,.( j tinnif waktlul- 1 1 it. llix alr uf I lie Mi.pr1nleiidciil CUT PLUG ff'in ! eir. illlier weeping -e It alway a rratnn (or i re'tuefTon ii,,I in.li.le, if. ,j tirr that lia 'lain 2 report Imi lirouglil n limit ,y i. on I he lob. conpetlrit l.-nmiililleo iii rciiK-iiir ,p ,,i. ,ne Huff reprppnl m naning of .t. imi Driore rrftrine-. tako , 0$O h motilli. Further redur-'lnn f r i n t by Hip eoirwmtlf-p are plan-ipd. tt.anac i,encourage the or- J ."Mfn men vpre mttl off lln i.-ral aeflvitw v nA c ,onli,p uliiir nlmili IliP middle uf Fetirimry iloiii' in .'"lobinniv ami iiiIImik fil lo offpf romiiiPiil Iip wn ff"- ' hbb' In lime Hip I reii-iirei iiier- Dial a I l.r.i-. an hour lalMirpri". on ..10. All Drueckt.-2Sc and Mo ! H. i. 1,1 ilia ml rrlin. Iii .ni-J down Hie laff- fml Iip w.iilbl like inic lo .i nn. Hp fpl wai ranl.il vie 1 1 a ileiavlmenl in uplpr Bee'Miiil of weallier .'ili.lili.'O. Itpforp Hip qiiP.lkin wan finally 1 1..ii t flip woiffh 4lP hi lo pp a eoiimiillpp of Hip whole in lellmif Hie pile know that tiave a rliprk. on Hi' s.rp. reepiveil iiar.-ly pihmiIi In livp mil Aid. Macilotial.t HHiveil liPli- Hip irrenl prn(ioal. Iip for oiip iiiul M-il.ly older! Pay for Laborers on. Thpy an.l lli.-ir faiirilie that Hip resolution bp ?iven a J. M. Munnn, in .H.inlr. Hp Will rtl I It ink Hip rounrit iiipiiiIht' of Hip poiiim-II knew! Ahl. Perry then iikiviI and rniil.l nl live ilerPnlly al an jx. umntiri. h(il. Thin wan m jlor.kpi'r in clixrim f pi-J M-ouM Imip bppn akPl In .IivI.Ip nolhine -nfml Hip rp.nliilion Alii. 41arl mhhhIpi! thai li"iir. l.ivinp nvcra'n al the ( i.nil.'.l by Aid. Mat'keiilie ami .h.rp nl alar) f- .'0 a on a "lillek loot i.n kiipIi h- lhi. nhiiiHlr.l until Iip bad arrived ' er eiiipl.iVe.t in the eily he paid rale of 6fw an hour. Aid. Mae- lt. Hip movpr ami pronrpr iiiiuiiMi. Hp i undpr !) .Ilrprlinn Kurllier iHHtibinalion an,I eiil- al Hip .iii net I rliiinl.ier. lie1 ". an I r. Ilii' t. he added In dnnald ai.l in lleeeinber a only voting: for il. "Hip rraolii- J ,'if Ih.- IrpaviirPf. liiifr down f lafT mlalil lirinir ioNitl no rpflpi'linn on .tl.t. I tin- i Iuii.ni. laliorer earned 9n.:i7 : in .lanu-.tioil wa thrn put nnii il earrie.l hoes ! i 1 I 't"li rp.irffAnlinti.in rplulin about a nuvlnz jul a well ajl'err- or AM. Otllaii but fiiuplyi AM. M.ifd"nnl. iiiainlaineil nry. Ki5.t0; ami in February, by a similar iliiion. 1 iii'mpi aio iiiimip hip rni thia iiipIIumI whirls wan new I..Iliad Pxprrxpil .ii-np...i..i......'i jl'iti,f ,riion: -nine of Hip mpmbprt of Hip on llierp hpili? nn roiiml IiiIiIpI ,..r Alli-lmiP, llirrh ami e.oinril who had bad .not limp lo 1 1 a Ik on the nrallpr. If be li.nl U Slim-- y.iij I Itn.oL.haiik In roRtiniiP IliPir ron'bb'r II. Iln roubl not iii-'known iiImniI il lipfore lie w-iiild v - w-rlli. i.r.-pnl .IiiIIpk ia Hw lrpatirPr' Mirl any rpilnplion In alarir nol hap rpp.. Ifp wn ii"' ,p.arlniPiil mil II a Irpa.iirrr i f lbnp rplnlnrd in Hip rily jlryi'if l ili-rp-iwi i fnl t" anyj apMiiiilPr after wtiiah Hip)- will -Prlre. Allliollffll il would ppn. lllPliilMr of Hie eiilinc il Imi il lip Prices Ul I bp nlriip, bv th lriiirpr.' hably tiaakp no nialrrinl li(Tpr-'ho.inff hi loniip imant Iwmt Mr. Allilfvnp, arfln? rily rprk. pbpp Iip llioiiplil llial nil oiislil irppppful Iip would rliofisp !-to :T. ... I mi I Ih' .ii ml Air. iliifh. nrl itiif lrpnurpr. pir""i IhP way Hipv fell on ins dirpiipplfiil. Sinep lakina l J jarP In rplain Ih.-ir rpMnl nUr- Hip m.illrr. Hip mayor' eliair. be bad alii T n t iif. from nnp aciinic. Unfair AtUck wn- iHp.1 Iii prepne ariiM'iiv '$5.50. On Accounting Department AM. Slcpli.n. "-Akin? i-oiiip- ' rounfil mid all Iip ."iild in. ( iJm- fntii.ins 'I hrrp "linll h niily'.inp oMri- what bpap.ly. .aid bp hud li-Ua !" Al"'- 'l!rt ami AM. How often W II- fur Hi jml aivl apcixinlinw ilPiiarliPirt rnrd wild -nri.iW In Hip rp- 1 '"rr l" "", can ICI U :iti Hip rily halt, lhi it In Up uri-ipr nrkn 4.1 ll.rt miiat A. el.ipf lA PaMP lrtfp. Hp W.tlll.l r. Hip itii-rrlkMi nf Hip rlly lnasllralP of I he rily, Iip wa HenMe, however, lhaj he did imi YOU WAIT- In-a-urpr who njiall ba VP pownr. urpri-eil thai hp would lbu at like Ibe idea of a ere)it injr a Willi I Iip i.r.ial if Hip fittniw-t luck Iwo al'leruien who had in motion willxnil the opportunity 1 .1 PI P. nf beinK pari and itarrel nf it. roiiiiiiittaN'. lo piraup pirary trod or m a mnimn mat w-n ni i inn .linir .inn r ,lipt wiiPil nfiiirpl. 'Hip rlrical iiilp in order. Hp IhouKhl thai Aid. MrfihiMi reply.! llial be t r ii a t i .1 A. ami arpouulini- w.irk nf Hip pIi-'(flnpprinar upIi an al lark wu uie'oniiiia bad lfrr' alleiilple.1 to ie the S ilpnartmpfit uliall bo on HtP part of Uip iioiior. Th mayor order and Ihr iiiiiiun- We Advertise? d.iiip In III.- iraiirpr' 01rp. ntmrr ami penitrr nf Hip re. llon unfair. lakiiis "'''9 riirh lalH.rnr u hip arlually OtufHiii wrp prob.iblv ipiile ornip ri in worn, n w.'iii'ia ' havp l be willing t aepepl In-1 iip.-pary in Hip walPrwnrk Ip- nnx-lpnUnii no Hip iyir who -iiii imeni ball bp piiH'iyp.l. nil had unduly irlul?pl in rlap trap Hpnkn. j working un.tpr Hip ilirarlinn nf Inlk for IbP benrril of I lie tiew-iaHr. Employ Returned Men J iii' rty pnninppr. Hp, Aid. SfrpliPno. would Aid. lekenie. referrina I..; I'lif oily piigincpr -linll ulo.i liimpf ubuiil lo no Mirli al-lark I lie fuel fbal Mr. M.N. ill had, .1.1 Um bllil.llllff ui-lKN'U.r Ull.l a- llii. II wa unfair ami Iippii reinine.l in I lie enam.'.-r'-i NOT a ri il.il- uiMVlnr. unralle.) for in allribule uinlip lefarlmenl and Mr. l.an.lrev lei All Hip pryiiniip .if Hip PiilirP and M-inualiono on Hip iiiatlprx .ail. poke on behalf nf I tin r'- . ... . .... rcimnnif nlmn m-Iipiiio (.'" into of whinb Iip had no knowlpilup. lurtieii .i.lier and ,u!.l H wn Works ipllpi-l IrtiiK.rrnw, Marrli I. wlipn An aolJO wa iIiip Aid. I'erry Up to I he eily 10 re Dial Hie How often should i iii.'inh.TP f Hip ulalT imi rf-pn ami AM. Idlart ami any other iiumi who f.uishl forfe I'.inpire. tNon-LlmlUd. IvanPil Ipiiip nii.l Hip rpiii.llnina who niishl hp iirlll.lpi in Hie Iii- Hip iNimiujon and thp rily were in I I yp;ir 1 larl mi lli.'ir hpw nilpii nf (liiialinn. If III. Worship .lid OMieidereil. 'I'lipy bad niaile il 1 Advertise? in: lli lNlary an, vayr. iMVl have Ibe poiirngp" In larklr Miible forM.I. Ilollari and Hi" we . i i 'Dip firi mallPr ilpall wllli Hip pj-oblem he lniild l.ie it oilier l nil in Ibe I'oiiiii'il I.hhIIi., ilat nivlil wattip rpwirt nf Hip In IIiom- who had I'liamlier f niirhl. . HlilillPK pniiinilllpp rpPiiiiiiiipp.. AM. Collarl ald fha umller AM. Odlarl look -hi-.l n. iiiiiuedialely are the Canadian and American Manufacturers Hip p.nnl i.lalion of rily had Iippii xlide .iiiir let for a Inns' up tbi point and hurled .ml the WHY li iti r: t.n ppry. jpt.irp- in oiip plarp with Hip ap. lime and had already been held remark thai be bad fought appropriating fifty per cent Mft.il !piinlmpnl af .lamc Munnin n up for a month lliN year. Up I bp line jol a l"UK a AM. dollars in Tf f ir Aiiinforp nUiivLppivpr. 'I'liU wax u.toplol for one wn soinc In have a Markpntic ami ha.I .lone In- duty more, Newspaper Advertising I' lit .:( I'lll.li.'V unanlinoiinly. ilia provTinn if-in? il.H'i-iou now ami would not have jllt a well. When foiiMilenii).' for the year 1923 than in 1922? aillpl Hint I Iip rMifilklnli.rt il delayed any further. Hie he knew II 1)1 II' ill "IS appoililliiPIlt il" ' 1 M J In- a far a pililp. II wn' Nol Playing lo Newspaper one and uclinl iii'i-.h dinaly. uur nu in M I.L. a , r.'liiirli-il Dial il wiiiilil mil ip Aid. Mai'tlonal.l aid Iip had AM. .Maekenie aid lie al-way. BRANCHES. m a.-ll.-alilc l ii'p all Iti" elly There's Reason hilmdiirp.l an amendment on Ihouitlil of Hip retiirneil lnrp- lo I Iip ipiarli-r un.li'r Ilia a nn Bun. rnnna aaL.. Monday iiiuhl but it had hern llieil an.l referred lo Hip me.-ii I' Hull. Malcrlal for lfnnipll-alP i ii' turned down, lie for one wa reiil nut' liv Ibe Alloruey iip wil! In krpl niiilpr llm HOI playinir In Hip newspaper n lieiH'ial thai reluiiu', men be I up Hall ami Hip ulilillpi wari'-Iiiiiimp they have implicit faith in the AM. SleidiPiiN Mifireiite.1. jriven preferem-e in eu)pbiyiueul Krapr rSlrprl will Iip BECAUSE on AM. Markentle nald Ihere had where poible. e Are inow upen iiu'iJ In hrtl.l irni'rxp "Jock. pulling power of Newspaper For Butlnett in Our been ieernl rommillee ili-ru- Aid. Mhc.I"i:iI.I nukeil AM. 1 Oppoaltlon to Scheme I .inn nu Hie mailer already. He I'erry. Of Hip Ikwinl of Work, if Advertising and in the future EW PREMISES AM. .Mnc.liinaM, nl Hip huIkpI rllaliipionPil Ibe eaue of Hip Ihere wa any possibility of Mr. trade conditions for the coming il A'- miiip wlirrn of Hip eoniipr.illon of Hip tp-nr;iiiiiiali"n iiewnpaperx and nai.l . I lint Hie I.Hiulr.1) help? Ink.'ii rare of. year. ;-. ipii si a 'inliiin- rcirtlullnn, aii Iip piiblle ohouM know wlial Hip Aid. I'erry nid Ihere eonie.l lo if ur -f un nii.l wa- oppiiinsl lo rp.liiollniiM from emineil wit d'llnjr. ie mi chance al presenl bill The daily newspaper has proved itself worthy of will Ihv limine lo nul unlil Hip wholn Aid. tillarl, ppakius In Hip here niishl lie luler. jinallpr hail liprn Bono into by n direction of AM. Mar.lnn.iM, Aid. Markenxie -aid Mr. Land, this tremendous responsibility and trust. irvrocmrc .riniiiiii-ion. Hp w'nulil oli wi id lie had looked at the fiml-ler rey wa ul a capable a Mr. 'nmilnl Hip rr-olullon. nimply in the I Is hi of mnk-1ns .McNeill nn.I he wa a relurued Men who spend millions of dollars on Newspaper Mayor Xrwlnn aabl Iip new ajioiuliuenla al Ihe man. It wa up to Die t'ouneil BROS. morry lo .pp Hilt phnp of llm .alarlea Ibe city w nil led lo pay. In act aeetirdinalv Advertising yearly know what it has done for them in It. ilr in niliiallon romlnif up. II wm Hip AM. .Ma'ritonaM replied thai he Aid. lUillnil pointed mil thai the past and feel safe in trusting their future fortunes rn .l he hail orrn if Hip prnimaal had allai'ke.1 no bne. Hurely he Mr. McNriH appi'iuliiii'iit wa LA So, PICTURES, an.) ho hail not hrar.l Dial any wait rnlilleil In nay whal be only leniHirory. to the advertising columns of the daily press. ART SUPPLIES, ETC. ,or Hip ipilippalbiiH, whirli apem-pi waule, nml vote naniml Hie re-foliilinn A, M on I ci aim, who i lei off Phona 22. anpiircnl, had iakpii laro. It if he fell Ml itinponeil. Hie jiarhiiee wawoii Hiiiiuyb l he jranm lo him a a roinplrlp uur Aid. Collar! .aid il was AM. reorjianialion. wAh iven Iln nrUe II bad been ilelllii'raieil 'Mai'donald'M privilege In hriutc-iii npporliinily lo i). ..k by Hi. upon, II KPriiiPd, with hlmef.an ameiHlmenl (o whleh AM. council. He xaid be was a mar The News tEP IN GOOD HEALTH mid poil.ly oilier uieinliPia df Mnedoiialil replied llieni wouM ried man vviih a family of five Daily BY EATINQ GOOD Hip i-oiinrll knowing liolliiiiir uf be lillle I'liam-e of hi uineild- and wa an old r.-ident of tin. He fell like Aid. Maeiloiial.l. ini'iit pannintr, rily. What wil i" be done for II. al Ilia lie l.el level in iMirlnilin).' llm Played Game Square liliu? Phone 98 P. 0. Box 1723 nialTw wherever piooible 1ml did AM. rfpphru made it clear AM. f'erry replieil llifil Hie OSTOIM nol think Hull Itvlntf rol lift'l llial bin ullack hal not been Itoaiil of W ork" bad decided I.. iliiwn KiilllciiMilly I" war-llauiicluil luialmd AM. ,MacbnaM .pul on anolher man named piper -simp I I.......... I.. I...I lill.l lllA. tll.lV.kl Aid. I In hi place. -i-inrii.'n 'ant a ifenerai m i'w. t...'.. GRILL aalarien and wane. I'eraonally, Mae.onaM had alwayn playisl Ibe Aid. Maeketuie (Iiotiirhl tin- bou 1.1 be in el Hinse l.orHirpNr arge he would ralhrr ca re- name miiiare. Open Dav and Nloht. laineil ill lhe ncrvice of Hie cilyi Mayor NeMtmi, in reply, abi;or Ibe .iiperiniemicni oi iimi'iips ro-eniiiiBcil al Ihelr presftil he did imi inleiid M take nnlera lu which AM. Collar! replied alarles Hood work had been from Aid, Slcphen.. If he .aw (hat it had been dcfin ttdv.