& SUBSCRIPTION RATES: DAILY EDITION II IL I . , i. .9 s AOt TWO TH1 TH1UY The Daily News pni.snV; hupbrt - British Columbia Published Kyery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Bupecjj'Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. 1 u,i.r.V Managing rvouor. ft!s Citv Delivery; hvniail or carrier, oer month 81.00 Thursday, July 10, TJ23. Must Be Careful Of Prejudices. It is difficult for people in avoid prejudice them. Kven Hie internationalist who claim to Everybody ha look for I lie limn !..... It,..-.. ...Ill 1... ..A . . .. I I . . . . I I ... .. ....II.. ... judieed against anyone who is not of (heir way of thinking. In 1 1. : : i - i - -i V . i rv-: i i . I at the Government Vendog You get the Perfection of Satisfaction in every bottle of "Cascade." Brewed in our Million-dollar Plant. VANCOUVER BREWERIES .LIMITED Thit aiivrrtlwmcnt l not publliti-i or diiplayrd by (he Liquor Control Board or by Hie fiovtrnmrnt of Hritldi Columliia. WINNING ESSAY MISS CHARLOTTE 1 INTERMEDIATE BLACK RESIGNS their Onemal halnls and have gained nothing from their as?n-f protect them from fire. ! Twelve Year Old GIH Telle Well On Account of Ill-Health, Matron Why Forest Should be By moil to oUarts of the British Empire and the United Slates.! 'By Belly Martin. aeed IS, Mel-ln ndviin'HtV. Creek Solio.il nr vear 16.00: drum r r.n Our (ore! arc Hi source of 4vVv ' ' foin)nrrjaj activities. They . '7 jiW. , " mi rouniir furiiih Ihe strand beauty to our .rugged country which aMrasts Traneient Dispjay Adverting ' tl.40 per inch per insertion thn.l. of enthusiastic lour- j"Jjt.. number arh -.--.i...a oo.i ...h!isls tn pmHnp irujsiciH'nu;ii"'ig uu rnmi r"KC .. . .ou.cf 1111.M1 . -- r-j- : Local Headers, per insertion .,..,zon per line Classified Advertising, per insertion ...2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion 15c per agate line V Contract Rates on Application. All a : J i' a j a. : rrt ft.!l.. r rnt ah nuv-rusmff ?nounj ne in me imuy news mure un nay pre-.ar(, ppm-tj ,y them. Korst ceding publication. A1J advertising received subject to approval, fjrti!4 n!i, J((. fouhl. and the Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. season. We must protect our forest from firi. Destruction to any part of our valuable forests mean tins to Hip great industries which (thousands of dollars paid In the if in fighter is a much a loss 'jas are the bridge, milin. fences, ituuber and lodging equipment ac. finally destroyed hy Ihe flame. (The scattered forests of pine. loo. must Im guarded. Without logs, 'poles and fuel, settler could not live in Hie interior where the win ters are severe, anil so the wealth .... r .-,.- i.irrr , ,,r ......... ......, ir. air- .is. .ill, ,-.r- ,,y ranees Would never he gathered in. (Miniinr iinii it-iMiii- re iirrjiniirt-ii .i.iiiim tfrirmiiis .11- ... n, ii must . also i. our though at Hie same time they are ready to use Ihe Chinese or (nn,N f pol(1 viM anrt japanee w-J.en it is t their advantage lu do so. . , in , int,ror w eslerday this paper retried A horrilde shooting case at Ml Wilhoul these trees on Ihe Salmon Ami, further particulars of which are given today, in n,ounjaj slopes, Ihe sprius which a hoy from the London slums was allegedly the one who frl(.(! would wash away all committed Ihe crimp. Another crime reported in this paper vegetation from the mountain yesterday was allegedly committed Ly a Chinaman in Vancouver Without the massed tree wnen a lineman on me n.t r.iecinc railway was mioi. i nese r(M,,, an, iiady houchs. Ihe crimes will lend to increase the prejudices against nolh Ihe Kron, w-,,i, not hol.l hack Id Or. ....!.. I.n I.,. . t. f I .....I.... II. t:..n . . - . .. ifii inn uir 11119 1 imir 11 1 1 1. 1 1 1 'in iifinii'ii linn iiirj riiriiun iieavy rains or tlie wet seasons( who are already with us. sn ,,iaj nr lrPan, wii( he The iieti(in that naturally arises is whether Canadians un- furtive torrents in the -prina der similar rimimstanrps would commit similar crimes. 'an(j tiry rrK.j. .,. j uniuii'r, rne liaruardo ioys are was wno nave neen rescneu ironi when irrigation is o necessary adverse conditions in the London slums. .Many of them are or- Without our foreu we would phans or worse. I hey have ueeu carefully trained urllie J5ar- without our same, and fnr-nardo homes and taught to he useful and the large majority 'hearing animals. Our loKper. turn out -to he very good citizens. A great nYany have come to farmers, hunters and lhoe in the Canada from lime In lime and few haw proved failures. leentres who trade and niatiiifac. The Chinese as a people have prospered Tn British Coliim-jture for Ihern, depend on them: 1 T'l.. .nit: 11.. 11. i . v. n i..,..i.i it ' . 1 . . 1 . . iiiii. 1 11c iiiiiiriiii; is iimi iiiiuij inur- iiiniinv 1111 iiirni so lor everj unuy s sake we lini-t! cialion with the dreps of Ihe while race. Much of the trading in The oak proves of Roulhern dnigs is Qrried on hy Chinese and Chinese names appear with -Vancouver Island are too limited .remarkable regularity in the police court records In connection to he of jrreat commercial worth with offeiies in connection with the opium traffic. hue it is yet lo revel in the beauties of this Inie mi? that iikil opium Miiiir was whs forced iiiicrii on iii the uir Chinese jiuiitTT- irj by the iitr British, diuitmi, -i I'distriet iiifiiiiri.i as many a five hundrtd l.....l. I A .l ll......r.l. lie scandal whirh will never'be Hfed ddwn-"et wje-bave tliepresent'lourisi condition in face and cannot lie"hpIiIvvholly res"ponsiblH7or what'eentre. weigh them in the balance. Tolerance is a great virtue, yet somelintes w-e are too tolerant of criminality and loo intolerant of lho"e who. interfere with our business prospects. Education Furnishes Tools For Achievement. . The lecturer a( the Mooe Lodge al night staled that education fiirni)ied Hie (oojs for achievement ami lhat was the principle upon which the Mooseheart instilnlion in corine'cliou wilh their order was condiiclrd. It is a splendid principle, fvlu- calfon Ss no excuse for idleness, for education i ol a thing that can' he acquired and then allowed lo lie dorrnnnl. Umised it di'appears.j i in ill I m l I INSIST on Career JhtBttrWitfovleflMTs 9 iin.r irtf -t 11 iiiipiii '7 V VlAfjirifi !n una jl-1 ufiinA our forefathers did and the crimes they committed. Ififly of these bavin? cars. Tli It is suggested in the despatch received yesterday that (lie amount spent each year hy tour- Chinaman who did the shooting in Vancouver yesterday was a isls in our province is very ureal drug addict. Xo 'other explanation can be given for co'mrniUingi Our wet bell foresls are of the f-n senseless and horrible a crjnie. A negro recently killed a;rrealet commercial importance policeman wjien under the influence nf somfc drug, possibly 'for Ihe giant Iou?la fir. the alcohol. AVliile people ne these drugs also very considerably JSilka spruce ami cedar, make the with baneful effects. , jfinest limber in the world. Thirty If wc are to say that the Rarnnrdo boys shall be excluded 'millions are paid .annually to men from this country, how much more must we say the Orientals 'ensraifcd in the lumVr industry. shall be excluded. Yet we cannot set ourselves up as holiervand nd doublle as much aarain is heller Ihnn anyone else for Canadians are often on the list of .spent in logins and millin? criminals,, of drug vendors and addicts, of boolleggers andi'tnipment. Oreat iraper ntills on breakers of Ihe aw in various direclinns. wast export mucii paper It is Well for us to examine our nrelodiees e.irefnllv flndwliich with the heavy lumber shipments help to balance our world-wide trade. The revenue alone from our fore! last year was two million nine hundred thousand dollars. The Jene jungle. like under growth of these forests support (he abundance of game. These offer recreation to the tnwosfolii great sport lo the tourists, and furnish the farmers wilh fre, weal. Inspct-deslrnying bird which are necessary for success fnl crops, must have forest homes. From the interior forest bell trappers gather hundreds of do lar.s worth of fur each year; an as Ihe coast forests give out these, inferior forests will becom' of more value. Don l lei tne tires devour our forests. With them must go the logger. Hie farmer, Ihn Irapper .nd Ihe jourjst, and so Ihe tradesmen and manufacturer in "ur cities, A.neglecled spark could ile stroy. with our foreU, our means r,f living. We must keep (lie fires away from them. HOSPITAL FINANCING DffFICULT PROBLEM Chairman of House Committee Says That Loss This Yaar la Inevitable neferring to financial affairs iof the hospital at last night's i board meeting, s. K. Cainjibnll, 1 chairman of (be house rommjllce, staled that most careful financing wA'iubl be needed this year. Cer- itafn improienieulH in the insti tution such as repairing of Ihe wiring system and altering of the slerili'.ing system were necessary. The board had received but $1800 from Hie provincial government as share of liquor profits which he considered very iinsalisfac. lory. Moreover, the cily grant had been reduced, A loss at the end of (lie year seemed inevitable. of Hospital Is Forced to Relinquish Position On acjouut of ill-health. Mi Charloile Black has reVijnie.1 as( matron of the Princ lluperl Oen-1 eral Hospital. 'This wh reorte. tn the hospital hoard at the res-J ular monthly ineelini; Ut nisrht.' Mis Black had been aked to re. consider her iteciion hut hail re- plie. that it would be impojsihb. ; for her to acain assume ttie duties. .Mis Black has nerved for nearly two year as matron of Ihe hospital and appreciation of her services was expressed by S, K. amphell, rhairnvoi of the house roinrniltee, who slated that her work both as regarded the hospi.1 lal and training scIiihI had been hislily efficient "and she had en-jnyisl the popularity of all. It was with the deeMst regret that it was necessary to accet her resignation. I The matter of appointimr a urces-or tn Miss Black has been left in the hands of the houc committee which has already placed advertisements in Van couver, oimonlon. i.aiKary. nun Winnipeg papers. H. II. Mortimer, supaefted that ndvertisements should also' he placed in Iimni, pajiers hut Mr. Campl-ell felt that this wa not necessary, staliiiK that there was no one here wlio could take the position. I Mrs. Donaldson is act in jt as I matron pendim; the making of permanent appointment. Aid,, .Mackenzie and T. Boss Mackay moved tliat she be paid t i 0 per. month ns from July I. Thi reo. bition was carried. Mr. (Campbell-ami Mr. Mortimer voting against it. Mr. Mortimer moed that I00 lie paid but there was no seconder. The Man in the Moon SAYS:- JAKH says there are enough Si'olrliuien liviutf here lo make it worlU. whjjn, for Jhe, government lo put up aiiolher elevator here. Jake wishes if uuile un. ierslood Ibis has no reference lo Ihe l-e uf rolled oals but to Ihe way in which some of the folks from north of the Tweed gel elevated after visiling Iho l-'raser Street shops?' TIIKKCis a hook known ns the Canadian Parliamentary iiuide issued by the Colonel I), d. Olianibers, but 'it is very noticeable that I here am no direr lions in it lo show how to cross the Ollawa Itiver and vet hack wilh a sullieiencv of Hull spirit. r-- .IAKK says he always knew Irinking lemonade, was danger ous and now he is more convinc ed than ever, since a man was killed in the act on Vancouver Island. ' KVKIIYBOBY seems lo he going to the street ilatice on Secy ml Avenue tonight except me. The only dance do is the polka and il's out of date, they say. WHAT I like is going out for a week end und remaining until Hie middle of the 'week. 'It feels like sleeping in of rt morning. O.N'K of the famous Senators who nsjdeled Sir dames I.ougheed arid his senatorial hand hi preventing Ihe construction of (he C.N. II. branch lines is said lo he a CB.lt. railway director. And they also say he had not decency lo abstain from voting. 'the presence of a third parly In B.C. politic Is justified,, according lo Jake, bv the fact that Jlliere were three parlies in Ihe Oarden of Fden. The third was elTeclive if not constructive. If you find yru cannot gel the daily News regularly, pall n and subscribe for it and have It de Ihered Lo your ionic. l, i i .. .'. . . . i,i i i !1 7 Package of 1 0 now 18 Ten Years Ago j in Pflnco Rupert f July 19, 1913. Barney" Mulvanev, Ihe well- Hitiown old timer of the iuterir. and S. K. Lawyer, formerly of Alheta, an- in town after a trip into the Naas Hiver valley. Itoth speak very enlhusiaslically of Ihe country and Mr. Lawyer says it is he finest he has ever seen. They wenl in by way of iloow Bay and Alice A"rm. Major ibous staunch ami commodious yucht, .Nancy Jane, left la -I night for a cruise among the llecale Slrail Islands. This morjiing word reached ihe cily thai the Nancy Jane was liicli and dry on a slum! olf Dildiy Island. Making the trip wilh Major Oibsoii are W. (I. Dennis, Mr. and Mrs. 1". It. ('.. Brown, ' Miss Itejiehel and others. Ilev. W. II. Vance, principal of Latimer Hall, Vancouver, arrived here this morning on Ihe Prince llupcrt and will remain In Ihe city a week, the guenl of Bishop and Mrs. F. II. DuVernel. TEN Dsns. TuiitTf am requelJ for Ihe rrmortt nt llw fornirr I'mvinrUI Om.rnmrnl omrl lion, Thlrtt A mi ne, to tlw Mauinle Uit, rttrtlrr M Sixth Umiii im1 Bomt Slrrrl, I'rliire lluprt, H.C, Hid llw f.larlnr 'I ali CiHin llism a roier in I- fmimU-Ikni. lrllU or I'lirtT and Mririralln i.v l .1 ttiM nrflM if ttm U V II ii.ff 'll'iis. r-. Hlr Bar l-umlier Cm, l.'lrt ! iurir. Umv rrlliM lltir.rl II f II. I,t li-iuli-r si" rnrhKi al Mr. Dl'lim'a orflr mil 1 1 IwHve u'rln- pnun n Ih, fin day f July, Ktl. Tli nrbt la rr rrK In fftjf-rt any r all bld. N0TI0K TO CONTRACTORS. ANVOX aOVtRNMIftr BUILDINOS. SCAI.r.ll TKMUEIH. WtwrnrMld "T.n. If der for Ani'ux Oovrriiiiinit Uuiljlur lll zlitif rrrHfi hy llw lloiuMirabln Hid .Mliililerl or rumm worm up u if oiikH 11111,11 of I Tursday, Hie I Jin day nf July, IV, fori llw i-rwtiim and rmiiplriioif of Oovurniiw-nl 11 1 n r. si Aiiyui, 111 iiw A I III) Elrcloril llUlrlrl, ll.c. I'lani, Sprrlfli-atlnn, Comrirt aixl Fonna of Teiulrr may In- hwu mi and after tin Kill day of J m-, tl, and furttur In-foruiallon utilallini at Hut lwirlin.nl f CiiIjIw Wika, fariiaiin-m Uuiuiura and al Hie follnwlnv nfrirp: -llovrrnii,il l..,.f Jomrl llouw, Vawwoer, au iJornmnni I Art-lit. K'r llous. frlliee Iluix-rt Coplea of plana, wririrallfit. .lc ran :l oMaliwd fiom trut liiTarliii.nl on nay- mriil or ilelNmil of Ten bolara (110 nut hirh will lie refunded on tlwlr rrturn III iruMl roiulitUiii, Tiw U,n or any tender nwt. Mrlorla. B.C. June t4tli, III), aarlly aeiej.ied. . P, MIII4P, I'ntlie Worka lniiwr neiianio.'iil of I'ubllc Worka, Packages Keep Your .,t.- Vacation with a KODAK For your selection on our shelve a complete choice from the hnndy little Vest Bucket model at $.B0 to fiper M Kotlak with superior equipmenl for superior picUHes, At your rail in our developing and printing department painstaking finishing you'll I.e. glad to get, TAKE PLENTY OF KODAK FILM. a ormes ltd. The Rexall Stores Phones 200, 82 and 134 Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Opsratlng Q. T. P, 80,000 Ton Floatlnfl Dry Dcrak Enfllnasrs, Machinists, Bollsrmakara, Blasksmlths, Psttam .makers, Founders, Woodworksra, Ila. - Electric and Acetylene Welding. Our plant is equipped to t-ndla all kinds of Marine and Commercial Work PHONES 43 AND 3SI aCaBBBT fCLW. BBBBBBlV '-flaB 'i' ' DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block Office Houn, 9 to 9 Phone 575 Udy Aitnt