paom town WE CANNOT EMPHASISE too strongly the value we are offering MF.X this wwt Welted Iwot, mark .or llmn, All she and shape. Ilnnelly worth l.0O. All one pric $7.50 Expert Shoe Repairing. Family SHOE Store "Shoes For The Family." Social Attention to Mail Orders. Charge prepaid. GETTING READY FOR BIG CROP Cars Being Ordered and Locomotives Larger Than Ever to be In Service UTXMPFi. July 19. Though ix-eek will elape before har-ve, hank ami railway manager, elevator rnmpanie and millmen are preparing to handle an un-uual production of grain thi eaon. All are co-opcratingr in view of the general report thai I he yield pmmie lo approximate SOO.non.ftOO htlhe. Thai nfllcer of United Orain O rower are not alarmed nrer the hazanl presented i quoted on Ihe Orain Ksrhange a-evidence thai the money required will h arranged by Ihe hank. thai lranportalion rompauic are rapidly gelling Iheir equip-menl in condition to give ade- quafe errire in record lime and thai Ihe elevator, hoth interior and lerririnal, will he amide even with 150,000,000 larger yield of wheat than the wel wa ever called upon. Jo market. Tie-in ei-n 75,000 and 100,000 box Car wilh locomotive will he distributed at strategic jMiirif over the prairie province by Ihe two railroad. The National is rrut-lini into service 2,500 new box car lei?ned especially for Ibis traffic, and two or three car corn-panic are now fifiirin on a National order fir 2,000 additional car. Special Locomotives fleneral Manager Charles Murphy of Ihe Canadian Pacific railway recently announced that hi company wa conslruclinj? at Montreal a number of xpecial locomotive of Krealer capacity lliau anything ever seen in Hie el, epecially for handling; Hie fall ruh. The firl of lhc huge enginen-'will he placed in service July IS. Both companie have bad -all Ibejr shop men working' 'm V " I Ji.i.i -.1 luiniinje jr-evtrriii iivmiims kci ling Ihe riilHngr lock ready for Ihe grain rudi. Knch if in heller condition than- at any lime in bitory for pliltiit ailc(iralf car arid.engjiiPiuin wrvice. Hnilroad r(rc)e admit lhat unuual pre caution nun! he taken in view of Ihe prnhaiile exccAive qtinti-lity of trrain fn h handled. SMITHERS A large and icnrcsenlallve crowd allcmled Hie meeting' In the town ball on Tuesday lo hear Ceneral I. A. Mcltae, II. fi, Ktewnrt and olhcr, set forth Ibe aim and aspirations of Ihe new Provincial Party of B.C. - The? annual picnic In aid of Ibe liulkley Valley fdislricl hospital i scheduled In luke place a I Lake Kalhlyti on Aiii'usl :,. Weather pertnitling, a big turn-oik of iijcnickerf Is antici pated, A" "ie various committees are puUing foi lh every elTorl U make llils Ibe cviml of Ihe sea son. The !:iorls curd Is replete in all lira hclie. while In encourage ii'iuiilir feats the, lluspllul As- sik'ialliin will present lo Mho winner! of the niosl evenlM haiiiNiime silver cup, which, is now oh display at I lie Cray Jewellery .Company, A large, mnlor boat will be. on hand Mr lake I rips, while those who sciirn Ihe cniinimn-place can gratify their more daring dcelro 1 , BRINGING UP FATHER - YA. l I UO TO CW, I by flight in the plane "Hazel-'poire are of a brilliant tin, and Ion." Mlic rubie a deep red. ----- J. Ikm-nie, contractor and BOAT ARRIVALS I builder, wa Ihe uecesful ten- derer for the erection of a new Tlie C.X.IL leanier Prince Ru-one.nMim chol here. Hi eon- pert, tiapt. D. Ionald. arriving Irarl prire i f,U5. !ye-lenly at U o'clock from Van- jeHHer and way jiorl. had the Mr. and Mr. J. O. leplien!f.i4v.iing paen;rer: and family have left far Vancouver and other. coat eitie. where their vacation . will h e .pent. O. J. Whealley made a bi- ne lrip lo 'Winnipeg, leaving Frfclay.' . R. McCulIoch, Del roil, is visit ing at Ihe home of his daughter,. Mr. J. Smith. ;. Orchard, painter ami de corator, I lavishing some of his arl on Ihe residence of O. tlor- rulher. "Hob" Raalic houe Is under going alteration al Ihe hand of Contractor K. Hann. The nevr full length verandah is of pre-Mteing appearance. FIND PRECIOUS STONES mond., .rubie. appliire and turiuoie. have been submitted lo exjicrl. who declare tbeni Thr diamond were found In blue pug clay similar to the rtig V$ Prince lluiterl Mi Jnhntna. f. Odquh'oiin, A. A. Mr. and Mr. T. It. Free man ;tnd daughter. Mr. Zarellt, H.f". Hae. J. it. M. Hamum. Mi IKuiii. MU liriffilli. Mr. IUifthrl."P. W. I'aynter, X. M. Mcdonald, Mr. and Mr. Filz- patrik. A.. M. liatenian, It. V. Walkin. Mr. M. Mclnlyre, H. S. Wallace, II. Gallagher, Mi-. Tie-pie, Mr. PatIeron, fi. Jame, Mr.4. M. Kdward. Mr. Kaon, Ml Thiefen, Mi Mackenzie, Mr. Charie Kmblelnn, Mr. and Mr. A. Leavens, J. P. I3ford, Mr. and Mr. It. Hakeirain, VA. ;kngund. jr Mr. and Mr. J. Walton, lr. Haleman 'for Smilher;, Kildie ."viiilli, S. Mizu-lin, Al. Hagar ami Mr. Itandall. For Anynx Mr. and Mr. Filch and party. It. A. Ilarri. P. W. Clarke, Mr. !telham. (I i'oll. J. Stephen. Hev. J. It. IJuck. A. Clarke. Mr. and Mr. II. MHLIJOURXK, July 19. A re-.. Coper. Mr. ami Mr. F. Xoel. markahle find of preciou tone.4Miv X, Lucky. J. Itougan, It. ha been reported near Wyan- Forythe ami It. W.' Corni-di. gala, aloul 25 miles from CnwraJ New Soirih Wale.,- and not far from, the onre.famnu Mount Mc Donald gold and copper mine. The lones, which comprje dia j Sport Chat i Sjfiilber ha invited a hical all-l;ir haehull loam to go I here to play on ,ug'ut 5, and the local lta-hall Aocialion nw ha Hie matter in hand. Wilde it ha not yet definitely clay in which South African dia- decided to accept the offer, it I mond are emhedded. The ap- thought likely that arrangement Soap that soaks clothes clean different from anything you have ever used before Rinto it an entiiely new kind of soap, every granule made of pure materials perfectly combined. Juit by ioallng, in its big lasting suds, the most giound-in dirt is gently loosened and dissolved. Only the very dirtiest places need to be rubbed , t alL NOTF.i In Ufi It ulM (IMa I lo rpockg of Kimo I tvb lo mak vood ud. m vn Arwlef you wul Mod from I lo 2 oocUf u loo tub to 11 llio kw Uotiaf moo thol loooen oil tho dm. LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO R304W f: " TO DAILY MIW8 BORATE b TflLCUM' kntrt TlMl BDTarlM mnntnir hurigM will he made i have the locals make the trip If o. il will le Ihe firl journe this seaon fr Ihe heal Imij. A team from Smilher i exjiecied here for Hie Fair in September. Anyox ami Ocean Fall may alo come. - A dozen llazellon lenni player journeyed lal weeV to Siuither lo engage, in a tournament with the railway town net stars. Smilher won the lourpey by two el. The oultanding feature of the dny" play was Hie ladle' double between Mis Margaret Watjie. ami Mi M. llnrhury. for llazellon anJMi' Iihou and .Mr. P. !liapman for Smilher which ran-tn& core of i lo 10 in favor of Ibe Sinilhera players. The llazellon player included Mi.P, Al. Ihjrbury, M. Waltie, S. A. Watkins, ..Ralphena rinch and Meirs. Jame Tunihull, .1. Il, Galloway, W. WaHie. II. II. Little, K. A. CiHldard, I.. II. Wrineh, Hev, V. (J. SaiiMiui and lr. Petrie. The Smitber" player were Mr. P. Chapman, Mls iMXMlson, Mr. ami Mrs. X. Kll-patrirk, Ccorge llelTernau, II. L. tlale, .7. i. Stephen and S. Arnold. SONSOF CANADA WINNERS AGAIN Canucks Piled up Many Runs Over Oil's Last Night and Score Was 17 to 4 The Son of Canada eaily de feated Oil's by a scire .of 17 lo 1 in lal tiigbl's Senior. Ilasehall League fixture. J. .Mnrri-iMi, Oil' new pitcher, started in the box hut wa relieved by Howard Frizell afler the fifth. The Sou made a lot of in- I field hit off Morrison and, a a result of errors in a Ironsforrn'ei Oil's lineup, gathered in a flock of run. Th rep time the base were full fur Ihe Sons and As lorla. on each occasion contim: up lo bal, . knocked. out. grounder scoring u total of nine men. In (he filth, Wall knocked out a fly to left field which Frizzell lost when he stumbled. The bailer made Ihe circuit. wjth three men in front of him. Sidney Mazzelt Jone made a Ihree-bagger for Oil's in the evenlh but there was nobody on bae. LbNlone wa on Hie mound for the win Ibroughout ami gnve good sec vice keeping Hie obaccoiiils down lo caller'ed llils. The team lined up as follow OMV-W. ' Mitchell, 2h; T Clink. 3h; S. Hazzell-Jones, II. A. A. Kasson, cf0. .Mitchell, s .1. W. llnmillnn, c; W. Lambic, rf J, Morrison, p; II. Frizzell, If. Sons of Canada J. raniuhar, us; Hnrry Astorln, c; It. OllinViur, 3b; I). P. Smllh, cf; (I. Wall, lb Alex Hoy, 2j; Kddie Clapp, If: .1 Mins, rt; i,'M(i.Mme,'i, The game wn ' umpired by "Oe" Tiernan, a star player of Ihe llidverly of foothnll team who was In Hie city with forest cruining party. Purdy. al so ol Vancouver, officiated on IN basfl lines. The. Mllenilnncewas fnir. Pcire by innings: . 1 2 .1, I 5 fi 7 fill's ... . 8. 0, C. . . 0 (1 3, 3 1 10 1 1 1 3 5 2 01 I NCvER KNEW NWS CCXJLD C1T t0 HiCH erV N I I I I I III 1L J FOR SALK. 15 fool hull "Mores by." In good condition. Very cheap. AIo 22 ft. open'runa-boul t h.p. ReVal. In firsl rla comlillon. Apply Suga, Cow Hay. 0'J HAROAIX for fiash if sold itn mediately. Lot (C, map 907, Terraco. Apply lox 122, Dally Xew Oftlce. FOR RENT TO RHXT " Furnished rooms, with hot and cobl water, by day or week. Moderate rales. .Norfolk Rooms, Phone lilac 339. it STEAM Heated Flat for rent Ilcsner apartments. M, M Stephens. FOR RKNT Housekeeping rooms 410 Sixth Avenue Kasl. Phone Iiluo 217. If IM0DF.RN four room flat for rent, weslenhaver Ilros. tf FOR HKXTc Four roomed mod ern house. HiO .Summit Ave. HI lli:.NT.- - Iwo roo I fhil In Wallace Hlock. Apply store. HAHY HIIOOY for Sale. Kxce?nt comlilbiu. Phone Oreen 217. ROOMS ST. F.I..MO IIOTKL. Hot and cold WHter in every room. Steam heated. Rates reasonable Phone Oreen 510. H3fl Second Avenue West. Signs of Good Health 81 TO llf "rra.a. Ikat fnnrMoa lU-aVl.rif ond rrol, without fain or Dmt- Dr. Martel's Female Pills ,ri"d 3tfnitU.W Druf,.n, crdi.ort lt mall. Knlrt.rbucktrKonodr Co.. 7! K. froia BUTotooto. AUCTION SALE. AUCTION SAI.K at Steele Hlock Third Avenue, on Friday. July 20, at 2.30 u.m.; conil nig of iak dining riNm ulle. dek and table; wicker chairs; davenport, earfiet, eing machine, range. healer, bra Iteil. iMslriHtnt fumllure. etc. PhilMdl. F.vili .1 Co.. AiK-lwm-eer. 168 BOARD. HOARD. The Inlander. H30 Second Avenue. Phone 137. tt ROOM AMD 10ARO PAI.MKR IIOfSF. 406 Seventh Avenue Went. I'hone Rr V. Furnished sujtes. MISCELLANEOUS. RXPKIURNCKIi MANICURIST and Shampooing. Residential work a specialty. Phone ltlue 171. Mrs. dileman. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone. (Call fieorg. or flusl) Ross Brothers. Five.aen::i;r lourtn Car Prompt Day and Night Service. Stand: Boston Grill Third Anu AUCTION KALCJS Conducted ni yojr ii..n.e or our rooms. (5mk1s alto sold on commission. M. H. MEM.-YliriGJ. Auctioneer, Third Avenue (Det.ny Allen's Old Store) Phone black 13 and Qreen 471. CHIROPRACTOR " R. D. TASSIE, D.C. Chiropractor 3rd Avenue, prince RupeM, Hours: 10 to 12: 2 l.i I T In Plione Hlue C25. Hesidenrc. Oreen 136. HOLIDAY RESORTS ' MASSETT. QUEEN'S HOTEL The Ideal Holiday Res'orL For lerins apply proprietress Mrs. .1. C. S. Dunn, MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, closes at 5.30 p.m. From the East Mondays. Tliuidays nnd Sal-unlays, 4:30 p.m. From Vancouver-Sundays p. j, Mondays 3 p Wednesdays . . 3 p., Fridays . . , A.M. Fridays 3 p.m. C.P.R. July 2, 0, 13, Ifi.tM) and 23. To Vancouver-Mondays p.M. Tuesdays, Mnil clones al I P.M. Thursdays .. 10 P.M. Saturdays A.M. Saturdays jn pj o.lll. .luly 7, II, IH, and 2H. To Anyox, Alice Arm- Wednesdays From Anyox, Alice Arm 1 nursuays a By George McManat TTTBESf t hopc wt fvsvc Daily News Classified Ads. 3 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdrfttMmnt Takvn or Let than fto VWAMTE WAXTKO lo Rcnl. Furnihed. Four or five roomed Hiue or flat. Stale loculily, rental anil dale available first letter. ply llox IS8 Daily .News Ofllce. FOR SALE FOR SALHlto.ton (trill Kmiip-menl. Mut be Mild by July id. Kiiuipment couil of 3A chairs, n dek loiN, ;n counter lool, t table, I coffee urn, 2 lea radjir. I Mirror. 2 hee. National eah regiler, I l)ewriler. t McClary" slove with 2 oven. I counler 3fi feet nng with fool re.l, ilihe, cup, saucer, elc, ilver ware, ice Imix. table cloth and uakin, t gal. toiler, leam table ami meal block, cale, butcher knife and saw, rooking ulenil, slove hood with piping, ehvlric wiring and lamp, 3 door. I K-day Calender ekick. All the above IUl with other mall thing together fur DtUio. Apply P.O. llox 575 or phone 18. 157. I Hue 217. X. Musallem A T. Caroff. 173 FOR SAI.K. An ideal home, l ift acre of fertile land, all cleared, with six roomed lmue including good chicken houc, wash room mid wood shed. Onod well with pump. Property has Skeena river frontage and would- make a fine place on which to raie chicken and grow fruit and vegelnhle. Number of fruit Irees planted thi spring. Properly tnml only 100 feel from railway depot and general store. A real snap al I80(1. 41000 cash, balance six and twelve month. Write llox 12 Daily New, Prince Rupert, 170 NOTICE Advc-rlUer m f, eil that eojiy Osenienl u-ui Daily New. fli l.i. tUv t .. tertlon Hi loin sue. QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DIJ. i nib i, Application to Purehaw Um. In Oueen Charlall. t (net. Uc4u1iiib lix tt llunert and i(uatc i Har. Skhleiral tnl. ' . la Hurnt I. land it oiiiliwet of Ii lake lK-e iha' W X Morrt. of Van.-..,lV.i' if leu 4i Hon miner, n if i ior perrntssbtn l. jm, morning iieriliei tar ' mrnclnr at a iot ' mirtheaslerly corn. Island, tltetiee f.:i..w line of ald commencement. r.,r, 'twenty acre tn r. i, J WILLIAM OFHi,i Mc.MOr Dated Mav ?S H'?1 - riOTice. ( cn,ri..Nul SIM tl lim MnK ilorirtant HW .f ll lnwoi ( rorunriir t i rmft in ootdl Umt tin i dt. Il it mr Uktonuai i in rtirtua or v minih ta roibNrsuna nr im n.,n i lrtinl of Tim m is iu VmriuM. mil s rtiid . i,;. . t lur, m4 Ihoroii. I mm svttirr orrir, r - H.C. fit jr. Itl it. P m.:i.i HotHrr "-- - LAN0 ACT. Nolle tt InUntlo u Hfpty lo PrtSM In Skrono I arxl IiiUHrl irll nt rrlw Hupmi. i: - I il Ihs n.-.rth rtht nr lnwtM X. Tie ?(fttlr. Itxl I. (i.pir tfjar nsMwnod. B.C.. farnwr. immit i ' r rrmlfinfi m nuh.u - 1fcrltt Unit CxnnHknriiir at I - lianim to rltsla r. .,f I ho nw r l.i tin. Rlntw .f Irtrli henrr imub t rhiia T lo the . baBI or Crdar fttrfr-iwrih rntlini- ntor to ntuh 11 ISIJj lUnrr t to point rI . inrnt, inj roiiuininf tr, r oscau - SIC- rutnt Mar tth. iifj. UNO ACT. Nellts of InUntlon lo Applf to Pfl L4. In Jkwn .anl ln.ttiri ru " ' Irlrl nf frlnro fiuirl. n.i ; l tti north l nf kiiniit . Ttko Mnllro. Hut I. Alf-.-J I Knumiaol. B.C. rimwr Intrrl tor -nn..on t0 piiriiw.i. Ow ilrvnlM lanif Coir.nirnrlnt at ' ptanlnl it tinrltiWMt rornor r Ihonro 00 rhaln. ihrnr I 'I itllllK la Klt.iim-.tliim I okl fidlimlni Ihs like'' " t iithrl rnrnrr nf 1 1.1 in I rrom Stewart and Premier and ui rinitinnr ami Mmimr j Snturdny To Alaska Points July 2, fl, la. 0i 20 and 23. From Alaska Polnta t. nnrih I rhaiiM to t.liit t fomir. Tm. tKt conuinlnr lit " iMirr or lout. At rnjrn r"" , rr L If, V'.-'p' May 10I 1tl. t NOTIOI.. 1 .! 1 "M11.1. 1 111. 111. 111 onr. ii Miration he tim-lo hy Ihe CUT f lliliirrt to tho Ia-Ulatlv A.N-inli' Ifmvlnrn tf Hrlll.h lUilmtibia, il raaton, for in vrt to h rntilM , U t u Hiiri to-ii iiiiprovriiK-nt Vallml ' , " . IBf 3." autlinrliliiv llio vallilnllnf T ' . jtiw No. mi. Ix-mr 1 Hlaw I' f n m f"r h"rmlnr one liiindml ami riff " To SUu.fI ' inotiaitw (I ks.000.tl0 . nnnro, 111 - to Stewart and mA ta..i ,M .Premier !lntiire ,10 par r.,r ih eniHirortw Fridays . n t t i"proviiiirnt. iiaiiirir th . " ' Uir of rorlaln r.,al-.v uittr hr ik' 1 . U U Kt wair miu pnaiil"". .-. . !ivii tiH-rrio, inn nunr a 'tliorriuiilcr. ami liomiitilnt arid intn - ,Um' City to aMa an. I n.llert " ,m tninl Tor tii mat of tliKork l' for timlir MM llvlaw, smf . Julv " 7 11 lu 01 ... 1 .... "r" "i" area tot oiintr " ' ' l. 25 and 28, ami i-onflnnlnr 1 aiTlal M-s?niwi To Queen Charlotte " Island ,,,ana Polnta fOlnlS r""fP'",' by court r iirv A, niinf to tlm Iiiiirovenin Municipal lnlv 11 .... 1 JUiy II and an. ri.30 P.M. ''' vaii.utinr bylaw pswil P""""!,, From Queen Charlnllo "'rl0tU Polnl8 i"'" "',l Imprnvi niont Afl fr '"' lw bnnk for ' "Hhry rr, tim Julv JUly o 0 and ni 2:i A M 'M-yln nsl the wnrk Kiulinli l' 1 rlt To Noa, R,veP Polnt p'm. of m mrt, IhurMlays t0 p.M.M111 "r of '5 , .oNF,3 From Nan, RV,P p0nts- siinior rnr t'MftS r Salurdays am Miininpuny of tti city '