,urday July 19. 1923. TT WEEK - END $1 Specials Combination Canned Fruit Special, 6 Tint for $1.00. I IM Munle Sliced Hl llfH. I n. 1 t mi Hlaekbcrries, 2'n . I t ii Singapore Pineapple, 1 I ui l rabapplcs. 2"i'. I ) ii plum. 2H'. r r Combination Vegetable Special, 6 Tint for $1.00. Your choice of following: Hunt Kami Tomato. 'lxh'. ( aker llruml Corn. 2'. 'in In nil HlumlanJ I'eu, ( Iilun Wax Heaii, 2'n. Mr fuqj'c Heaim. S'. I pail MaUiii'd Marmalade, K. I large llolllc IM M. Catsup. The Two for $1.00. I rail Pure llaspberry Juiu, o. I tut IM Munle Apricot. 14 The Two for $1.00. II a in l" Icy Farm Strawber ries'. Florida i nipt Fruit in tine. i Your choice. 3 tine for $1.00. 1 tin Mali, u Making Powder t i or I tan New Orleans Molae. 10 lb. The Two for $1.00. I a. -nation l.nr.l in hulk. C lb. for $1.00. ;.' not tie l.ilihy'M Cal4up. 7 'inn lfl Motile Iork and Heaim. For $1.00. I Hi. .MaUin'n Hel Tea. I III. Frrnh O round ftiffre.. )je line The Two for $1.00. Combination flrnmni RnaMal w lur f i.vu, Your choice of any of following: Krllogg'a Com Flakes. Canada Corn Starch. N'liile iloh Starch. Cow Hrand llaking Soda. On-one t Hrand Sardine. ' IV liars Sunlight Soap. 1 largo pkg. Golden Wet W'iikIi Powder. The Two for $1.00. 13 liar While Wonder Soap. '.' tin Pauoliuie Cleanser. For $1.00. Malkln's Beet Pure Spices. 10 Tint for $1.00 YourTuic of any of following: Jlliirk or While Pepper. Cay-eiine, Cinnamon, Clove, Nutmeg, (linger, Allspice, Mace, Mini, Marjoram) Save, 'lliyme. poultry Dressing. Paprika. Curry Powder. laidry Spice, etc. Malkln't Beit Jelly Powders. Assorted, an flavor. 11 Packages for $1,00. only, t Slriuir 1 1 room. C Hull llei Toilel paper. For $1.00 3 lh. Sunmnid S led JtaU- ins, hulk. H lbs. No. I Japan Hire. For $1.00. Combination Bacon and Egg Special. 1 Hi. Armour's Racnn, Mired. 2 doz. Alberta Frch Fggs. ' For $1.00. M Itrown Ilayo ltenns. 5 Hi. F.vap. Prune.", size 1MI-100. For $1.00. RUPERT TABLE SUPPLY CO. PHONES 211 and 212 Coast Steamships Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S. Prince Rupert and Prince George FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points, Monday, Thursday, Saturday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART FRIDAY, 10 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN for Vancouver, via Queen Charlotte Islands June 13th, 27th, July 11th, 25th PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. !. I'rlure hu-tl dalljr rv-i-M suihUj it e li pju. fur Crime (imrtt, rdnwahtt. WiDnirrr, dirrcl riMrlhut ill imIiiu Latlrru Cauaila aud Called SUtM. aoincr row all ocean steamship lines. enr Titki orric. en Tiir a, r-rinca CANADIAN B.C. Coast wuptn. pno zso. PACIFIC RAILWAY Services Sailings from Prince Rupert 8.8. PRINCESS LOUISE, S.S. PRINCESS ALICE. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, June 3, 8, 10, 23, 30; July 7, 11, 18, 21, 25, 28. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, June 11, 18, 25 July 2, 6, 13, 16, 20, 23, 27. 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Buledale, 8wanton Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van-.rcouyer, every Saturday at 1 p.m. 2 Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. 1 Sillln from I'rlnrf nuxrt. Fop VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Oen Fall. nl Swtnaon Br, Tgdj, B P.M. for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, AUrt Bay, tn Swanaon Bay, Saturday Noon. For ANYOX, ALICI ARM, STCWART, Walaa laland, Sunday 10 P.M. ? tnil Ki4iue. . Barntlay, Aant. iThice ItuiirrC. U.C Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE "The Service Store." f ' WE CASH CHEQUES. Agents For:- N. and S. ENGINES Terms Arranged To Suit Purchasers. Phone Blue 01. Local and Personal B. G, Undertakers. Phone 41. tf . Hayners. Under takers. Pboue 361. tf Ire, Wuod or Coal. IMione lied Carey's Transfer. tf Save Money! liuy our Nanaimo- Wellington Nut Coal at $13.50 a Ion. Albert & McCalfery. Ltd. tf Mil. P. I). Kelly, Ulrr of ,'or- inan Pareell port H-inslon died lii.f. weH and was burled til Vietoria. All I lie fun of (lie fair, Mer'iy- co-roiiihi, Ferri Vlnel, !?ili bowi, elc, Uaek of P.O. .Sbow iiiK uulil .Saturday uizlit. Ml F.ileen I'alinoie, dau'bter of I.. W. Palmore, U alliiu lo- niylil on Ihij Prinec Ittipert for Vuiieomer wtieie Jie will viil wllli lier i-hh-t. ilr. It. ii. Walk er. J'be barlnir mailer I rolled mix iue from owner of ann4i.'i iiiakiu: tliU tlieir borne pirt. How li.falf are free, but any boal eoiitalninK au engliii' ha a lo pay. 4. Mr. ami Mr. J. WuUon I-.ikIiIIi Awnue lMt. returned yi'fienlay nflernfMn by llio I'rmef lluuerl fri'iu a holiday I rip (0. Wllra and utber eitieo in I be Mmlli., Ihi-k Kiiaplon iilUre man fur I lie SutinyMile runncry. ha beini appoiiiletl mi Hie ulaff .if the Vic. toria puHie cIkn. formerly wax a leaetier in Hie L'HierHy Sellout at Vieloria. VM. skoKlund. Jr., formerly of Alice Arm, returned yeMerday on Hie I'rhice Itupert frmii I lie utli. He i now fully recoxen-il from iitjuricK utnineal 11 winter u hen he fell down a liafl in the Premier Mine. 1 ne r limner Onimiiiee r ported to I lie bonpital board Iat ili' (hat a check of 1? i i.rriiiir hare ut liquor profit-frmn Hie cmeinl uinernnienl fli the .11 hai' It. I .' Freeman, marine editor of the Victoria Time, wax in Ho- il j vexlerilav uf leriiihiu en "' Anyox. iiiciknig Hie I "I trip on Hie xleamer. He wa HcroinpNiiied by .Mr. Freeman ami their lillje girl. - Mr. and Mrx. F. Nm. who were recently marked in Vancouver, were pa--en-jerx going through on the Prince Itupert ycxitrday arieriioon. Mr. .Nuel, who wax rorinerly ou the Pacific Mlllx xlalT at Oceau Fallx, ix moving to Anyox. . AiTounfx for Hil' month of June tolulllng ?.t'J'.i were pa-ei for payment al the hoxpilal hoard meeting 1axt uichl. I), t'.. .Mrltae. ehairuian of the finance conimillee. repnrled Hint Secre tary llirrh wax lining clTeellve work in the mailer or eollecliiig ouixiaiidiiig current aecxiduix. The Marine department nn- notinrex that a hcaoun hax been eivrled on Mnekic Hock. Maxxel! Inlel. I ix a concrete baxe xur-iiiniiied by a xlnlT carrying a Willi- wooden slut work ball. The fop nf Hie heaeon ix 'i feel ahnv high water l low waler the rock exIemN anml 5il feel nil at nind the bear ii. j I Plus 1c J- Per Piece a pound J FLOAT-IRONED Family Service All of your washing 80 Tar cent or your Ironing ratjrlhlng rtturnad dry You almpljr touch up faw outar garmontt such at walaia, blouaas, houao draaiaa, with hand-iron. Phono ua today. CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phone 8. THE DAILY NEWS F1 TIM All Canadian Show exhibit to. night back of post ollice. The regular monthly iiieetins of the police conunUnion. Iim been po4lotied until next Tliur.i- lay. Mr. Charles Kmbleton arrived 011 the Prince Itupert yesterday afternoon from Nanaimo where be i now ill buine. Klhel Coouiti!, i-bared wilh liuiikiiiiii-Kx, was fined ?j0 by Ma(iiilrale McClyiiionl In (be police court thix luortiiiir. 4, loulai slork and Fred Hale are lraiui; Vancouver totlay on Hie launch .STjiibeam II and expect lo arrive here about lhj middle of next week. I it ne Coleman appeared in the police court Ihi morning on a charge of vagrancy and wax re mainJed uulil Mopday. If flit' I in town then, ihe prosecution will be proceeded with. V. H. Morgan, foreman of Hie machine hop at the dry dock, wa operated oil for appendicitis ul the Heneral lioxiiilal Ihlx morning. He ix recovering nicely it wax reported Ibis aflern"ii. F. ff. Harrelldf Vancouver hax laken out a licenxe from Ihe city to operale a number of carnival noneexxionx at lif corner of Seventh Street and Third Avenue. The equipment ix being put up today. The xleatu xcliooner KI Cieulo ix ou Ihe way up lo Ihe Coaxt lo Huekley Hay for a cargo of lumber for tJalifdrnia. The vex- xel ilixcbarged t(,pi0 liarrelx of fuel oil ut Vancouver at the firxl of Ihe week. Among Ihoxe oltieiatly repre- xenling llrilixli Columbia al Hie convention of xherilT and police ehiefx in Vanetiuver on July 20, will be Hon. A. M. Maiixon and Colonel McMulliii. Prexidenl Harding will le prexeul. K. A. Wakefiefil, 11 niled Staler conxul, Vklni hax Iijji mi a trip lo Ihe, halern slalex. i eipecl-ed home early in Auguxl. Mr Wakefield al tended the Interna tional Itolnry Club convention at SI. I.nuix while iu lite ea-l. llerl Mantrop, xlenmboat in xpeclor, ix in Ihe cily. He ar rhwl exlerday afternoon by Ihe Priiieexx l.ouixe after having xpenl Hie paxt mouth in Nor- Ihern H.C. and I be Yukon country on ollirial buxinexx. 4 The regular nioiilhly uieeling of Ihe hoxpilal boaril .wax held lax night in the cily council ebamber. In the ulixence of Prexidenl Slewarl, Ihe chair wax laken by . C. Mcltae. vice-pre xidenl. tllher direclorx prexeul were K. II. Morliuier, Mrx. Harlon. S. K. Campbell, Aid Mackenzie. T. llox Mackay and Harry llirrh, xecrelary. - lr. F. P. Kenny, graduate of Ihe t'niverxily of 'Foroiilo, the lloyal College of heulnl SurgiHin? of Hnliirio ami Ihe College of Henlal SUrgeoiix of Krilixh Columbia, wixhex to aiinouuct' that he ix practicing denlilry in hix miHlerii dental ollice in Hie llelgerxon Itlock. Hr. Kenny i here permaneully and is nol con. neclcd with any oilier deulixl in Ihe practice of dentistry. lit A tour parly numbering ten. under Ihe ntixpicex of the peck ludah Tour Co. of San Francixco. arrived front Ihe F.ax( on laxt uighlx train and prueeeded lo Anyox on the xleamer Prince Itupert. They will be back lo night fiiroule to San Francixco. The parly xtarled out from Frixco by u xoutheru railway and vlxiled Kaxtern Canada and Ihe T'nilisI Slnlex, xpeudiug xeveral ilayx itt .laxper Park before ar riving here. Hr. C. II. tileexoii 'of San Francixco head the party. lr. T. II. McPliee or .Naiiaiino reached Ihe cily on laxt night's (rain and will go xoiilh tonight. Dr. McThcc Ix relurniiig homo from SI. I.oui where he attended tin- International convention of the Holui-y' Club. He, Is prexir denl of llie Naiiaiino Club. Dr. Mcl'hee in n pioneer of Priuco lliiperl having been attached to Ihe xtiiff of HicCraud Trunk Pa-! clfie Hallway 'tis coinnuy sur geon from UHiH to llll wiling wilh lr. Kwing. He bu not been here cince ltlt and notices a t eat iiuprovemejit In 'the city smcc mm unit'. - . M Mixx (ieiieH've Mni-'ii'iiiil'l is CSpi'i-ted frmn Valiemner lni,.n- row lo vixit aviIIi Ikm iimtlKT. Mrx. Macdoiialit. Allin A Mixx Maedonald wax formerly mi Ihe local xcliool. leaching xtalT hill ix now located at Vancouver. The t'uioii xleamer Olirtrool, (iapl. lieorg-im. wax in port yelerday aflertsoon from 5 lo rt o'clock bound from Vancouver toj (irauby vsUU a full cargo iyrjuil-ing a deckloaii of luniaVer. A xinall iuanlity of lundtcr wax ilixcbarged al Ihe liniiiicr dock here. C. A. Kirkendall. wit It a r-rore of out or 2i. wax hMh man al the Prince Itupert (iun Club'x I rap xhool on Park Avenue laxt night. Several other high xcorex were turned in. Trophies will (.Min be olTereil in. wnnccHoii wilh Ihe weekly xhoolx. il ix es-peclrdv WATER SPORTS POSTPONED On account of Hie iiielemenl weather, Hie Hoy Scouts' water xporlx at Ihe Salt Lakes have been postponed until next Thursday, likewise Hie Jitney Uanco tonight. BIRTH -' A daughter wax Inirn at Ihe lieiiciat llospiUil lo Mr. ami Mrs. .lolui .MtirvHild. 1817 Seventh ventie Hast. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received for the building of a Mission House on Sixth Avenue West. Plans and specifications may be ?een al Ihe ollice of Philpoll. F.vilt & lo. AU tenders should be in be fore July 25, 1923. The lowest or any lender not necessarily an- cepled. lenders for plnsf.mng separately, li. A. Hix, chairman Huiding Coiiiiniltee. 1C8 PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Thursday, July 19. High 1:19 a.m. 18. i ft. iJ:.it p.m. I'-S.D " Low 11:11 ii.ui. U.9 " - L3:t5 p.m. CO " Friday, July-20. High 5:50 a.m. 17.1 " 18:32 p.m. 18.8 " Low 12:01 j.m. 5.0 " Saturday, July 21. High . 7:00 a.m. 10.'.' TI. IS::5 p.m. 18.8 ft. Low 0:5: n.in. 0.0 " 12:58 p.m. C.l " You r not CZEMA Ins iperlmrnt. whan you u pr. E (tiaxa'a Olutr mrnt tor Ectriu t,n(l Mkln Irrlt. tliHia. It rrlivvra at uiife and rnJu-kIIt hnli tha akin. HAinula box Or. Chaia'a olutnirnt free It you uirntton ttli nd if nil So. avninp lur iwmrr av, a. Kprt 1 1 all d alf r or Kliunnn. nUa & IU. LuulWil, TuronK' 10 o 25 " 15 35 EVERYWHERE IN CANADA silent-but eloquent- EDDYS MATCHES render the maximum of helpful service. ALWAYS. ASK FOR EDDY'S MATCHES "Rupert" Brand Kippers SMOKED DAILY by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT General A. D. McIIe . Leader of tho Provincial Party" fr i Mr. d. -i n. b. Mewart of Vancouver Will Atltlress the K.leetorx, of lliis1 Cily jii liicvj EMPRESS THEATRE. t i' Friday Evening - - - at7.30 Ladies Are Specially IiivUeJ.... ( 0 r i