a ott ‘ th , se wih ites Oe Fe a en aut +g ae PAGE FuUR two wre Angeles nk of one or *, Los We ean tl Boobie an i Georgi The “Gentler Sex” Take Up Squirming Tilt Vass NewS Wi Wednesday = Decemnar » ' in for for the sport eombat ion if the gals go are ready ling terms that will need revi have been training Hair-pulling is for months and } * 1assies aefinitely out BASKETBALL LAST NIGHT: Grotte Overwhe!tmed Kaiens io Senior League 43 to 21 Senior League—Grotto, 43; Kai- ens, 21 Ladies’ League — Cardinals 14 Comets, 5 Intermediate League—-Merchants 28; Warriors, 16 Junior League—Rovers, 15; Scouts, 12 At the Auditorium last night good brana of basketball was played before a fair crowd of fans The winning teams, however, had things mostly their own way In the Senior game ‘the first half was close. The Kaiens took the lead first but missed several easy shots as did the Grotto who tried many long ones. Occa- sionally they hit their stride and showed some fast basketball with first one team then the other to make half even, ending of the Kaiens. The Grotto hit their stride in hte second half to go ahead of the Kaiens whose weaken Grotto used short different from make several] near the latter and cinched it 43-21. Kaiens—Unger 10, Cros, 5, Mit- chell 4, Irvine 2, Tobey, S7ott-——21 the first 14 to 11 in favor snappy the usual successive passes, | Style. to baskets Grotto—Ratchford 12, V. Men- zies, Currie, McNulty 2, Hurst Hunt 21, Gurvich 8—43. Ladies’ League In the Ladies’ League the Car- | Ginals again defeated the Comets who had their strongest am out for the first time in several games Although the seore was tied in the fic Northwest, woods as the back- It was denied yesterday that sev-| ground, with a swimming race injen of Stanford’s freshmen players it, is announced for Helene Madi-| would follow Warner to Temple son, former champion woman | —- ———__ —-- | ‘¢swimmer, who returned recently to ‘ . {her home in Seattle. “Her friends G l Sp t | will see something more than just ir rin er a record-breaking swimmer, too taking the lead anc | defence began to!, The boys represeuting the | part of the game | Re ae, WARNER + ENGLAND WINS FIRST + CRICKET TEST MATCH # GOING EAST —~ + * syY NEY, } New South Wales, # # Dec, 7:—England won the first #| Veteran Chief Coach at Stanford * test cricket match with Aus- # University to Take Up Similar # tralia today. Australia made #! Duties at Temple * 360 and 164 and England 524 # feats * and one for no wickets «| PALO ALTO, Dec. 7:—Glen (Pap + @, Warner, for ten years head football | +O G6 6 & & & & & $/ Coach at Stanford University, has:| resigned in order to accept a simila: Nearly everyone so this give cigars, smokes, year, CN een ee | cigarettes and tobaccos all tastefully wrapped | for the holiday season. --.at standard prices to suit all pockets' Piceadilly LONDON Smeoning Mixture C {ae delphia. He will take up his new du- the east next spring. He has; a five-year contract with | ! 20st at Temple University in Phila i ly ies in \ signed Temple | Ernie Nevers is being boomed as} Warner’s successor at Stanford *| SPORT CHAT A motion pic ture, with the Paci- IMPERIAL TOBACCO COMPANY OF CANADA .LIMITED | when they see her in pictures,” G |Roy Sumpter said. Sumpter, a re- oiled sntative of the Aubrey Ken- inedy Pictures Corporation, said his lecompany had taken over Ivan |Kahn’s contract with Miss Madison |}by which she would make six piec- tures during the coming two years Loses Standing Babe Deitriehson of Texas Is N Longer Amateur, Association Rules NEW YORK, Dec. 7:—Babe Deit- ‘ichson of Texas, sprint star at the ecent Olympic Games in Los An- reles, has forfeited her amateur tanding because she permitted her mame and picture to be used in automobile advertising, it is an- nounced by the Amateur Athletic Association of the United States. Tod Morgan, former world’s ju }nior lightweight champion, won a | decision over Albie Davies, in a 10- round main event of a card pre- ented by the Victoria Boxing Club before about 1000 fans. Jumbo Da- |vies, brother of Albie, got the nod Frankie Holla for winter work jover nd in the six- |round semi-wind up. In a special Hockey Scores art. While: nothing is known offi-® event over four rounds Frankie cially, i¢ is understood that the Neel. formerly of Prince Rupert A. At ttrike has been sufficiently satis- and, Wing Hay fought to a fast] Ottawa 1, Chicago 1. factory and encotraging to w the management laying plans for i definite and aggressive develop- ment program to be commenced as irrant 'draw. Dave Barr and Morris Gra- ham, two Victoria boys fighting at 1115 pounds, went three rounds to a .draw, while im another Victoria Amerieans 0, Boston 2. Canadiens 3, peer 5. Hockey Standing International Division My early in the spring as possible with first half the Cardinals bréke}Areliminary Scotty Maitland. kay- a view to bringing the property into loose in the second to play nice|ed Bobby Miller in the fourth and production in the not far distant combination and win 14-5 | last round. Danny Pastroe won the American Division future. Comets—Irvine 1, Steen, rts over Kid McCoy. WD ht FAR basjnonmnnin 2, Dickens, Smith 2—5 Boston oa 3 2 20 ii That leasing in the Portland C ardinals Lowe 6, Brochu iv. Rangers ny 1 29 16 111! canal distriet is profitable if proper om Gtk reiwed 4, Stone 4, Kirke-| Detroit 4 0 5 21 18 8) judgment is used was again demon vsky, Webster--14 | Chicago 2 3 4 12 18 § Thstrated last week when C. G. Jack Intermediate League LEAGUE STANDINGS son and Pete Svedburg of Stewart | The Intermediate game was ra- Senior League Toronto oS 2 Ae eas received a smelter return from their ther one-sided in the first half W. L,. Pts.|Montreal ....5 © 5 29 31 19] first shipment of six dry tons of when the Merchants took on a big|CNR.A 7 3, 14}Ottawa 4 1 4 2 22. | }9 ounces per ton in gold and 30 lead right ,from the start. The/Grotto 6 4 12} Americans 3 2 4 20 23 3 Ounces per ton in silver. The ore Warriors speeded things up after|Kaien Hardware 2 8 4} Canadiens a. 7 WU Qf 4; *™ taken from a lease the two the interval to take down their! Ladies’ League scesihalbieiiediats head men are operating on the Ben Ali opponents’ lead several. * points. ! Cardinals 8 showings of the Dunwell Mines Ltd However the Merchants finally |Amazons ty “tee J k D and property won out 28-16. This was their rigth Comets 0 10 0 ac empsey — win, putting them at the top for} Intermediate League Considering the limited means for the first time. Tuxis 6 San Former Wife Meet Warriors—Comadina 4, Hickey 2, Merchants 7 3 14 Season's development on the Uni! Gillis 4, Antonelli 4, Fitzpatrick 2, Warriors 2 8 4) stelle Taylor Denies Reperts of | ©" Property, situated just. north | +r Forbes—16 | Junior League Reconciliation—Was Merely of the Big Missouri in the Portland! Merchants—F, Dinewell 1, Pierre Meteors 7 0 14 Accidental Canal district, have been most, 12, Hunt 7, Ross 2, E. Dingwetl, ;Boy Scouts 2 6 4) gratifying, according to a state Wendle 6—28 Rove , ee 6 “ ment made by John Hoviand. ma- hs ep 3 4 6 ALBANY, NY.” Dee. 1:—Jack|nager of the Unicorn Mines Ltd Junior League !Dempsey, former world’s heavy-|,Who left last week for Seattle where The Junior tussle was a vory close affair. The Rovers. had 15-12 Scouts— Nelson—12. Rovers—Greer, Ivarson 4, Willis- press. croft 5, Armstrong 6, McMeekin, McRae—-15., the extra punch to win over the Scouts Davies 6, Viereck 4. Mil- ler, Campbell 2, Gillies, Dominato, | weight boxing champion, and Bs- 7" L, |telle Taylor, his divorced sereen actress wife, met in this city yes-' pears to be one of much promise, :terday. Miss Taylor stated later| justifying the confidence that Mr Les Ce a | that the meeting had been qiite by| Hovland has maintained in the accident and that there were no; property over a period of many grounds for reports of a concilia-| years despite many difficulties and tion, disappointments. Two facts of ma- — jor importante in-regard to Unicorn Dally News Want-Ads bring resulte. ‘ore deposits were learned this sea- he will spend the winter. The situa- tion In regard to the property ap December 9 Storage vs, nadiens + December 13—Jewellers vs, Em- December iage, i 16—-Empress vs. Stor-| NEWS OF THE MINES | AROUND PRINCE RUPERT Georgia River Closes Down For Winer But Plans Early Start in Spring—Successful Leasing Operation—Good Results on Unicorn son tate Mr. Hovland. First, ‘ nas now been definitely pr sede hat there is a series of strong east : rest cross fracture in the main north-south mineral zone, lying se the west side of Unicorn Creek. Se cond, the presence of an north-south ore the Unity practically extensive to be known zone, has been established It zone, ore has | been known for some time that fis sures, with an east-west strike and slight southerly dip, have existed in the main north-south mineral zone! yb on the westerly side of Union| reek. It was also known in certain | Ses that these cross-veins con-| tained imporctant gold values but, | until this year, insufficient explor ition had been carried out on the; surface to demonstrate their pos- sibilities. Realizing the possibilities} in a strong series of veins crossing the main mineral zone at right angles, a large part of: the past sea- son was devoted to surface explor- carrying on, the results of the past/ation in part of this area. The re- rhs surpassed all expectations " Vein is apparently the strong- o of the cross fractures which were explored this year. The strike has been traced on the surface with open cuts for a distance of 200 feet At a point 250 feet west and 250 fect above No. 3 tunne! a large deep eut was made across the vein. As- savs from this cut gave average values of from $2 to $4 in gold ac ross a vein width of fifteen feet The mineralization consists mainly of pyrite together with lesser am- ounts of sphalerite and galena About 150 feet north of “D” Vein and at an elevation of 320 feet ab- ove No, 3 tunnel a new east-west / }@ave an discovered. Where io vein is mineralized with pyrite, || sphalerite, galena and some ther north discovered width This is much larger. the being twenty sphalerite vein is located the same elevation is on and the dip southerly The width is from one to three fer nt | and has been traced about 300 feet on the surface. To determine whe-} ther this vein would hold and value at depth a. tunnel was driven on it and results were very satisfactory, assays of as high as $40 per ton being obtained. Libbey ry Band Holds Meeting! —— Merely Routine Business Dealt With Last Night—Report of Librarian Merely routine business was ta- ken up last night at the regular monthly meeting of the Prince Ru- pert Public Library Board, all mem- bers of the board being present with the exception of Frank Dibb and H. F. Pullen. Chairman G. V. Wilkinson presided, The librarian, Miss A, D, Cruik- shank. reported a total “of? 7323 hooks in circulation. There was & net gain of twenty-four in botrow- es during the month and 78 new hooks were added to the library shelves, BADMINTON a Division Dec, 12—PRE & Ang No, 2 ys,! Skeena; Rupert No, 2 vs. CNR; Skeena No, 1 vs. Rupert; CNR No, 1 Vs. PRE & Ang, vein Was ex- posed, the width is about four feet ind visible native gold can be seen. native i gold Approximately forty feet fur- and ‘at the same eleva- tion a new and paralleling vein was feet. Assays average value of $3 in gold Time not having permitted of preparations being made | ver @ vein width of twenty feet. | following a recent spectacular strike of ir ame mineralization consists of py- high grade gold ore at a depth of some 400 feet below the| surface, the Georgia River Gold Mining Co. Ltd. last week |. closed down development work for the winter on its pro-|: perty on Portland Canal a short distance south of Stew- and galena. This about ten feet north of the last described cross vein and The strike its size | ARMY |S LEAVI “Hunger Marehers” Depart f Washington After Presenting Their Demands ASHINGTON, DC., De ‘Followmg intervie [ its with Vice-Presicd¢ tis and Speaker J ner, the “hunger staff yesterday to leave V ngton & ithe last of the marc! ! pected to have dep by toda Refusing perm! thers to stage terday the auth consented to delee ; the Vice-Presiden'! ear | present their dema At the confere! marchers dem inauguration of me employment insu! month in relief all Sharp words we! tween the delegat %resident Curtis bu! wath vith Speaker Gar ea Qe . tranquil affair Arrangements fo ‘hunger army” du! the city were in cha W. Brown, who su Glassford last Satur the Washington p most of the time du the marchers were ‘ own company in 4! ground. SCHEDULE OF WHS are Ven December 8—Fish Packers a ae } anat O. O. F.; Musketeers aa of Seal Cave vs, St. Anarew® veri idian Norway vs. Swift; Can vs. Empress, Packers bes Grotto; CH teers seal Norway ve December 15—-Fish Empress; I. 0. O. F. vs |nadian Legion vs. Muske Cove vs. Swift; St. Andrews. Sons of