u teim omciniiy aiinouurcu- GASOLINE RATE WAR STARTINGj Price In Lot Angeles Today Is: 12c and In a Day or So Will be 10c 1.08 AN'OELES. July' IV. Pre diction Dial llie price of ga-o line reduced lo twelve rents n gallon by iiiilrHiulent dealers w itibl fall to leu cents willnu i lay or Iwo were made loilay. The large companies are I ill seRin at IVc u gallon ami Ibe -mailer ne in u rale war among Hirm- ..i.. i. ...ii.. i. ...... i thai Hie lar.'e rumpauic are uilleiing Ibe plan to fix the price no low Ilia! llie iinlepciiil-iiln cannot meel ll. JIM JEFFRIES IS IN PULPIT Preaches In Los Angelea Planning World Tour llij t Vl 1 l.'l I..I.. Ill (fainilllllg Hie people iii in.-while race lo promote the highest simulant of clvilUallou. TENNIS TEAM CHOSEN TO MEET JAPAN IN rviifin Piin PAltTCCT Liverpool, July ty.- Slrikin? dockworkcr here relumed lo work this uf-leriioini. Al IlirkiMilieail, Hit- mm are still out but Ibey expert lo resume work tomorrow. No de-ny i- considered likely in Hie khIIiii of ti.tin--.M-lantlr llner EASTERNEOLOGIST IN CITY ON WAY TO BIG SMITHERS MINE Mr. A la n M. Ila'cioan. gcologit on llo- staff of Yale Inlvcrsity. New Haven, Omit., i in the rity today on hi way to t lie DutM' Mine. Smither. which he will vlil in a consulting capacity. He crrivnl from the south on (he Prince Rupert jcMerday nml wnl Icaw for I lie interior touiulil. It. V. YVntkiu of Seattle i a1o in Hie cily eu route to Hie Hulhic Mine- where he will put ill nil Kicroiintiug s"ilem. ZJZ .JOSHUA BROWN DIES RESULT OF EXPLOSION This Makes the Third Death as Result of Accident on FUh-In Boat at Kitkatla Johua llrown, u Kilkallu In illaii who wat hailly biiriieil in an exotooioii on the fishiuir boat Kvotiual recenlly. died thin morn Iln nl Hie (ieneial Hospital, lie Former World's Champion Bowr y'l' r "t - . , I hi U Ihe'tlilrd death n a rr ttull of llm accident. A boy went down wllh the boat, and Ibis l the xecond man lo die in hospital. , ' i , ,The H.t:. t'ndeilakern - t:.. .laineN JeiTerles. fiirnier hcay-l'"1' 1 weight boxing ehamploii of Hie wnilil, repoiled mum) lime ago i . . t .. . i i.i r u. in- preparing mm um- ..im.i rillktrc 1 IVCt V an evangeliol. will preaeli here M(J LHANbL LIKtLl in llie Women'H l.liiistlan leiii-peranco I'liion lemide tomorrow night on "The llesloiallon of l'alestine lo (he Jcwm." Jeflfprle ohms a world tour IN LIQUOR LAWS IS haw I he funeral nmiliKcmcnl!) In hand. OPINION AT VICTORIA VICTORIA, July tv. -In view of preaching the iloclrine of am L Hcfiin of 0 , Mul. tolia in luiuing down the proposal lo allow the sale of beer and light wines in hotels nnd.resluur-ants, il Is not likely Ihat the itiiesllou will become a leglsla 1AYld lUr tUll ILOI interested in jhe trade but will. Hlllle 'effect.. lafe Hii itfleriOMin. j lr. Mrl'liei- said he had lrae-; led a (iml deal in Hie eat while iway. He had attended luncheons ;it Chicago, Montreal. Hamilton mid other places and everywhere! he found jieople keen lo know ahoul this province, and they were particularly iulernslrd in limber. When Iravellin? across the onliiieul no limber whs visible anywhere, yel in It.C. I here wn iuiher everywhere. It was what i people were looking for today. I The lloelor also lalked with a! orofes'or of geology at one of i the Universities and he spoke of Hie wonderful mineral future for Slevvnrl. H.C. and other parts of the province. "II.C. has all the mincral-i and' limber in abundance," he -aid, "also she has the climate The climate of this coast runout tie excelled in North America. New Orleans is sweltering in the heat ami il is iuipossihle lo wear a slilT collar in Chicago because in five minutes il has ol its -lilTness. In I hose places people eaiinol sleen or eat. Then Ihey look forward lo the cold winter al Chicago. II is one extreme after another. This, is (he healthieol climate in Ibe world." Whn Yu Want A TAXIQQ he mttom P.R.FISH Phone MARKET 671, FOR THE PIC-NIC. a hurry in ff Jellied Tongues, Boiled Ham, Roast Ham with dressing, Beet Oars and Best Servloe PRINCE RUPERT Fresh Sausage Dally. In the City. Rales Reasonable Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Out of Town Orders Solicited VOl, MIL, NO. I6'J. PHINCK IIUPKIIT, 11.11, TlllTLSDAY, JULY 10, itt23. YMUrdtr't ClrculMkin 1S47 Strt ! PRICE" FIVE CENTS. OTHER Ml OF REPARATIONS DIFFICULTY STEEL WORKERS' STRIKE IN NOVA SCOTIA SHOWS SIGNS OF BREAKING BP Germany is Trying to Bargain with France Sends out a Protest PAIU8. July Ml.- Tin Oermau government through il embassy hi London i- .-(riving "to have I lie furtlicomiiig llrilish inle convey Ibe French (iovernincnl Oenuaiiy's willingness lo i'eiif iiimc resistance in tin lluhr subject lo certain coucc-nita by France. It i reliably reported dial I be concessions suggoled iiii'ltnl lite withdrawal of o riipalion by lroopt wilb Ibe cxcejilion of a mere skeleton force which would in a diplomatic sense be invisible; permission for (ierinan officials ami f unctiotntrif! ex pelled from llie Ruhr lo return lo Ihelr posts: that France agree lo restore the currency confiscated. It is understood these condi tions are unacceptable lo France lcruiif unaccompanied by guarantee that I hi- reparations payment will be forlhcomiiitr. HERt.lN. July ll. (Senium leprcscittallvcs lo Rome. Wimh-iiiKloii Lotulon. ami the Vatican huvi hero instructed In make representations saint the pro lonxalloii of Ibe traffir hloekade between occupied nml uiioecuplcdl I-.II.. ..f f i..-u..iif ll i.i DOCK WORKERS ARE RETURNING) TO WORK One of the reasons why Saull tile. REVIVAL OF BUSINESS IS LOOKED FOR . Special to Prince Itnpcrt Ilaily News, Dr. WlcPhee, President of the KAMLOOPSJuly lit. The .-hooting of Mr. Hall at Sal- Nanalmo Rotary Club, Is jmoii Arm, acronligg lo the fonfesion of the Itarnanlo hoy, hrf OpllmUtlc iblonley, ws ilone-jwilh u 22 rifle, which llie boy ays lie liroiiglil -"I prrHift w -rw "inhM-fti-Tevirnl 1 liii-liie in llrilili (ioliim- toa.' ilei larnl Presiuenl Jud Mc- Marie is one ff the most thriving of Ontario cities one-half mile from Ibe locks. Barnardo Boy Tells how he Shot Mrs. T. Hall at Salmon Arm: set Fire to House to Cover Accident HffilJLJlLtJiUll.J mttt in. ink. it.'iiui Iioiiipb iii ini ill :iu ii wiii iii i nrriiininiv. iiih MILL OPTION IS EXTENDED Additional Thirty Days Given by Trustees of Emerson Estate VANCOUVER, July 19. The option given to a banker from the East on the lumber mill at Prince Rupert and a number of valuable timber limits that go with It, has been extended for thirty days by the trustees of the Emerson estate. .The original option for sixty days expired recenUy but before the expiry date It had been renewed for another month. A substantial payment has been made for the option and It Is hoped Uiat the deal will go through. The timber limits are all in the neighborhood of Prince Rupert on the Khut-zeymateen Inlet and River and at other places near by. "nhsrlh ff lh Doilv New. New Glasgow Miners Abandon Strike and will Return to Work Tomorrow; Glace Bay is Still out M'AV (il.AS(U)W. Julv M. U u meeting of Weslville ii t Lewis. J. P. McLaehlan, the deposed a ballot. TORONTO JiilyTv The result! Last session of the LiSgislnl urn secretary, appealed Tor soli.larily.l SPIUN0II1LL, N.S., July IV.--r Ihe ell nlnm. u contests tho'lhere Was an effort made lo in.Flgl.l It. the last loaf of bread Is believed thai he m liners ., I clause Inlo thoimd tl.en.go back and the P.elou field will follow be Iavls th , c.un.l leo uunounced l.odnce u r renevy your, the mdceliiiii of W LeVoy lleunio l.eglslalure, but this rtu voted slietlgth but don't gel tlivi.te.i on ..ll exanipn I ...111 in ....I...... n.o I.. - a. im n . ii 1- ..f ... i ... .i.i ..f r.-,.l.vn liv ii rniuli iioil viilit nl" ii I iii.v nnrriltlll." lO siU . I'rtlUlMIl, Mini m inmn i" ni'ih If Is Ileal, V I,r.l Crocker of Mim-'i arlies. This year the prospects Lewis, he declared, was not tho expec hat (lie majority ,.r he Ileal and V S Milne of Van-' for such a title being carried are Uniled Mine Workers of America. miners on the.niuinlund will side coiivec as Camilla's Davis Cup'even less hopeful and Ihe proh. The runk and fllo of miners of, with President John Lewis am lo meet Japan July H 27 ability iK the. present law will North America nre with in andiuainst (he .Macl.acl.lan-Living-uiiii ' in at, Montreal, ' Icontmue for sumo yeurs to como. Liwla darn not Hubinll the catto to,ston' faction. biichl hoy nml thoi:sh seveuleei. everything in the fire which conu jplelely deslroved llieir home. ISaliiion Ann citizens ure raising lelief funds for them. Details of Confession VERNON. July IV. (Canadian Press Eric Stanley was lodged in jail here today. In his con fession, Ibe police say thai Stan ley, who was one of a parly of lads hrou'iht from Hie Old Country by the Salvation Army miners it was decided to abandon the strike nml return lo work pipTAIil AC MA IMC Friday morning. This was the first break in the strike 'situation, ynl inm UT ITlrtlllL HYDNKV, July 111. Four thousand miners al a mass meet. TAtMLU PA.SSFD ATTAI AWAY TODAY IUIMI l,,g . t (llnce Hay voled last night lo continue the strike in sym- ... t . ii... ...in. .iimii vitii.-ii iw iii nrniMi i i 1 1 i. iii iii i mi live issue l.ere Hits auminn. .vn i.a... w .... V-.V. . J " ,. ,., .... . .. . ,i Commander of iiKitalion lia! been kept up mure ponilioit nnu ngamsi. mo " """i- yi-v ".. r less h -millenlly Wy those in defiance of the tunlers lo return ui worn m luurua.iunai pres States Warship Dies of Heart Failure The coal dock about CHINAMAN HAS CONFESSED TO SHOOTING MAN Declares B.C.. Electric Lineman Beat Him: Four Shots Fired VANCOIVKR, July I'J.- Chouff Sam How, the -Chinaman who if hurried down Mam slrect r-....i i i.i i s.,i.. i..,M r..- .i.....ii.in. i.i.- ... -i.ii. ""i'". Nlllllll ill' lllllil l l 1 1 1 w ii iuiiiv. i . iMMriiii h v -vr viiiiiv mv I'hee of the Naiiiiooo jiolary f.luh ,..... ,, ii,-"floor in the hoiic. he et fire lo (he buildinc who delitfrrtl an addre-f at llie .. i,..-,, i.., (l, .i...,!. ,( ,.,,Vpr on Hn .-irL noiary luueoeou in me n. urjsi! but was soon raptured. He had on his per.on a 3".' calibre rcvoU . ..r t n -.1.. i . i i... i r. .......... i vrr oi live rnauuiers, .lour oi ley filled his pockets with ap- w,"cn wfri" -,,,,3r- lles nd takinc llie rifle and am- According to the police. Chonj.- monition with him, inado off e smu joi.es because Ibe latler two days ago jrross the fields to a srulrh. a ;uarter or a mile from the hon-e ,,,,a' 1 an'' ,l,!lt l,e mc' where he hid Ibe rifle and shells ''ini today slappeil him. Jones and later in the day he was ap- wa" a married man with Iwo prehended at Knderby. children. lauley says he was around the siiooiin? look place on .... . - i..:.. ..-....i l....... ..... corner or llie noose, just a few -"'" cum. .unit.- w.t- ivi.un- teel from Mrs. Hall when he shot i""f-' to work al Ibe Mam street her. The youiijrs'eY is said lo be u sub-station of the ll.C Electric Company when a young, well-dressed Chinaman upproached years of use he looks not inorojand shouted. Jones, thinking the than fourteen, lie arrived from London, England, only thrre man was speaking lo him, stop ADMISSION TO STATES REFUSED British and Russians Held up at Vancouver on Arrival From Orient DESIRABLE SETTLERS Special to Daily News; VANCOUVER, July Jit. Ten Jllritish and approxitnalely forly Russians, who arrived yeslerday on the transpacific liner Hmpress of Australia from Hie Orient bound for California and other parts of Hie United Stales as set Hers, were denied entrance. The reason friven by the U.S. immigration authorities for re fusing admission lo Hie men is Ihat the July quota of 13.600 Hritishers permitted entry under the United Slates immigration laws is a I reaily filled, although llioe denieil U.S. entry declare Hie iiuola was not filled when Ihey k-rt their homes in various parts of the Orient for America. The arrivals would he settlers of a highly desirable type and are pot detained tiul merely refused permits lo cross the I.. ...... )...- ii ,i...i i.. i-,.;i...i iMaies rmiMiiar envies nere inai thirljr per cent of Hie lower Cal- . furuia population is lirilish. ped, when the assailant opened J ea, i weeks ago ami was treated by Hie! fire and cnl four bullets) into his Halls like a son. " body. The Hall family lost practically GRAND TRUNK STOCK FALLS Old Country Financial Papers In-dlgnant at Canadian I.ONlMIN, July IV. Oraml iTrunk debentures fell lo thirty three weeks ago, declared he was ,ere following Hie vublicatioii of shooting al a rabbit when the f 1 o Canadian government's slale-liullet struck Mrs. Hall who was',,,,.,,1 01l ilc liondhohler's claims, working in a field. She fell but. The financial papers have made il manajjed lo crawl into Hie house an occasion for another outburnsl where Stanley threw waler on of indignation. , her face. He then became Fright- The Financier says Ihat Rear ened, fired the house and fled. 'Admiral Francis Smith and 0, F. Mrs, Hall managed to crawj out Forsdyke, who went to Ottawa to of a window and was picked up present the. claims of (he bond-by neighbors. Physician- saye holders, asked for bread but vwre Ihat Mrs. Hall is not expected given a stone. to recover. CHARLIE WHITE SCORES TECHNICAL KNOCKOUT j Ritchie Mitchell Goes Down In Ill-fated United Fourth Round and Seconds Threw Up Sponge NEW YORK, July I V.-Eliarlio White. Chicago lightweight, oiiiv.. July iv. near scoreu a icennieai kuockoik over Admiral Charles Sigsbee, retired Rllidiie MilcheA of Milwaukee in captain of the ill-fated hattleihip the fourth round of a fifteen Maine, died here of heart failure round bout lie re, last iiIkIiI. today. Deceased was 52 years old Mitchell's seconds threw the at Hie time of the blowing up sponge into Ihe ring when he tho Maine and was a captain ill , wont down for Ihe second time the civil war. le was also iisl(lii a return from a right to Ihe inventor of deep sea exploring. Jaw followed by a smashing left and - juudiug- apparatus. huuk. CROPS HEAVY AT SMITHERS Haying Is General and Feed Plentiful; Potatoes In Advance Last Year SMITHERS. July IV. Haying is now genedl throughout the surrounding country, and the splendid crop being cut is tins tause of much rejoicing amongst the fanners, most of whom suf- fered heavily by the failure of last as ouier larm crops win oe i i.liunilanl the lack-of-feed bogey is dying' a natural death, and the sacrifices made mi his account last winter will not have to be repealed. The potato crop h well in advance of last year, and several families are using 'their own grown product. CANADIAN NATIONAL EARNINGS CONTINUE AHEAD OF LAST YEAR MONTREAL, July JV. The, gross earnings of the Canadian National Railways for the week ending July li were jit,(7t,IC3, being an increase of 15,700 compared with the corresponding Period in 1922. The gross earn ings from January t lo July 1 1 were UMi,l3ii,y7t.50, an Increase of .-SI t.07 1,7 VtU 8 compared willi the same period of last year. LEAGUE BASEBALL National League Chicago 0, Philathdi'ihln 7. SI. Lguis (j, New York. I. Cincinnati 8 Uiooklyn 1. Pittsburg 5, Huston 1. American League Philadelphia (, SI. Louis 2. New York , Detroit t. Waslilugloii I, Cleveland 1. Ilostou l)-:t, Chicago 3-11. Coast, League San Francisco 7, Los Angeles lo.- ' Seattle I, Saeraruenlo 5. Vernon I, Oakland - PoilaiiU to, bull Luke 0.