t PAGE BIX THB DAILY NEWB Thursday. July id. 19. HOSIERY SPECIALS 1 All This Week. Children' Hose, all sizes;, black, while and brown, 3 pairs for $1.00 Ladles'- Cotton Hose, black, while and brown, 3 pairs for, $1.00 Penmah's'Pure Silk Hose, black, navy, grey and nigger. Per pair $1.50 Ladles'lDrop Stitch, brown, white and black. Per pair 65c. Radium Art Silk Hose, brown, while and black.. Per pair 95c H.S.WALLACECO.,LTD. Mail Orders Promptly Filled. Phone 9. We pay delivery charges. LING The Tailor Phone 649. WE DO DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION BY STEAM. SUITS ordered to measure Second Avenue. Opp. Post Office Corner. Stove WOOD We; have just received 1 car load of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and dry. feize cut lo order. Also Kindling In Sacks. For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone 580. Service and Quality our Motto. Dr.ElTAIT DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Office Hours, 9 to 8. . Phone S88. Open Evenings Only For ' Special Appointments. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Callage, Warehousing, and Distributing, Team or Motor Service. Coal, Kanl and Gravel. iW Specialize In Piano and Furniture Moving. Dr.F.P.Kenny DENTIST Helgerson Block. y Phone 109 For Appointment. P.O.' Box S53, Prince Rupert. HOTEL HUDSON 773 'Seymour St. (Noari Hudson Hay Stores), "VANCOUVER, B.0. 0, Wealergard, Manager. Latejqf Winnipeg, Brandon "'atid Moose Jaw. Modern-Flrsproof-Central AYe Appreciate Your Uuslncss. T C.N.R. CONNECTIONS FOR WHITE STAR SAILINGS tflcamsiiips f if lie While Star line wilt sail from Montreal during 'August a follows: S.S. "Ite-gina." Aimust t; "Megan lie," Aus- II; "Ioric." AUg. 18; "Canada." Aug. '.'.. -Passengers for these boats li Mil I ' arrange lo leave- I'rince Hupert via 'tWtiiadiau National Itailways July 28, Aug. i, II ami 1.8th. For rates and reservations, call or write City Ticket Ollicc, oVS Third Avenue. I'rince Itupcrl, H.C. l'bone 2C. 1 7 1-V-7 TIMBER SALE X 5040. s?M Tender will Ix? replied by Hie Mlnltter of Land, it Vlrtorla, not later than noon mi I lie IS Hi day of July, I Oil for the purrtiaix: of Licence X 1010. to rut J.S feet of Spruce. 18I.UU0 F.B.M. teaar, gs.noo r.B.M. ueutlurk, is.sn" lineal feet or I'olea and I'tUni-. and I to Tie, situate mi an area north or I. H. u 4, at Van OrMlal, Skern lllf, Iiante S, 1(I Laud IM.tfrtel. one !li jw IU be allowed for removal of timber. ' Further (arllrulars of iM CUlrt Fores ter. Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester. I'rince lluiiert. B.C. ' y m The Secret; of Its Success J THE SALVATION ARMY not only believed that there was hope for the worst, it went after the, worst in the slum, I in the gutter, in the prison It is still doing this all over the world fl YOUR contribution to SALVATION ARMY Annual SERVICE APPEAL is a wise investment in practical Christianity. Annual Service Appeal Adjutant Kerr; financial representative, asks only that he bo given tli o funds with which to year.. . MiDRY-ninni lisctrtc ?.?Il,II!t..HV,."a Let uh show you how lo do your whole family washing, I.ed-clothes, comforters, pillows, etc., without once putting your hnnds In the waler or having to handle wet clothes. Kaien Hardware Tel. 3. P.O. Box 1846. STORMS ROUT SPECTATORS Visitor Tails of Experiences Denver and New Orleans When Touring CLIMATE SEEN IN SOUTH CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS. NOTICE. at Comparing the climate of IhU coast wilh thai at points he had visited, Ir. T. J. Mcl'hee. prcsU dent of the Nauaimo llotary Club, ' told the local club lotlay of two instance that had come lo his notice. He was in Denver, Color-1 ado, about lo go out in a touring' ighl seeing car with a roof on it. when he noticed a .small cloud i in the sky. lleing used lo clouds. I VANCOUVER it did not but he vvvrr.him. round .Condensary at South Sumas, B.C. that it worried everyone else. He hustled hustled was 111(0 the vehicle and was driu-u at a terrific pace into a building for shelder. Hardly w ere they under -cover wlaMi tli- storm broke in its fury and looking up the strccl there was not -oul in sight. 1 or half an hour hail stones as big as plums re 1 1 ami when it had pasvd the trees were stripped of leaves, grass was beaten down and everything was ruined. Baseball Difficulty Proceeding to the Itotary con vention at !l. Louis he went lo watch a baseball game, one of the big league matches. There were 22,000 people present, half of whom were on uncoercif seats. Again he noticed a little cloud in the sky and very soon the people began to break away and finally Hit players left the ground and the knothole brigade rushed oul Willi an immense canvas and covered the whole dianfnml. The lorm burst with only himself remaining alone in tin- grandstand and before it was over he was standing in seeral inches of water. Why not suhifrbe for Hie Oaily News and have it sent lo your home regularly? If QUEEN CHARLOTTE LAND DIS Application TRICT. to Lease Lands. Foreshore In Queen Charlotte Land bis trict, Hecording District of I'rince Itupert, and situate at the mould 01 Matecliuck Creek, Kagan Hay. hkidegalc Inlet, urahain Island, H.C. lake iSotice thai W. O. Mc- Murris, of Vancouver, H.C. occupation miner, intends to aflplv or nermission to loase trie fol lowing described foreshore lands: Commencing at a post planted at lilglt tide mark on (lie west bank of Slateclnick Creek, ahout 1.500 reel wesi or or the soullieasi corner bosl of Lot I: thence 10 chains southeasterly; thence 40 chains northeasterly; thence 10 chains northwesterly; thence fol lowing lilgh waler mark to polnl of commencement, and contain ing to acres more or less. ' WILLIAM fiF.OROK McMOIIhTsS. Dated May 20. 1023. Take .Notice that one month after publication of thla notice, riciric CarUie l.lmlled proiKise to apply to the IierUlrar of Joint stock Companlea, at Vlrtorla. for serve tho community for another ,'; ,'! ri'J?. " 10 "s- F" Tln-'UitteDolicrty CoBjiarf J Willi ordinary l:ril piaitO sacrificed for compactness. I'.Ml- PACIFIC CAHTAGF. I.IMITF.fl. Per William, Maiiaon II Honzalei, a Solicitor. ror the small apartment or cramped living room, the DOHERTY SMALL PIANO will he a favorile. Quality and tone have not been For Rent, only $7 per month. Walker's Music Store Ltd. EAGLE BRAND Condensed Milk In the past 66 year more healthy childre n have been raised on bbbI jjjl VANCOUVER ROTARY CLUB IS ACTIVE SAYS MEMBER HERE TODAY Archie DeLong or That Institution Was Visitor to Local Club Today Archie DeLouu. one of the visitors at Ihe Itotary luncheon today, I old of some of Ihe activities of Hie Vancouver Itotary Cluli. - He said they had estab lished a smuttier camp as an auxiliary In the Itotary clinic HOW CALIFORNIA GETS ITS LIQUOR Big Motorshlp Malahat Suspected of Lightering on to Swarm of Small-Boats SAX FIIANCISCO. July ll. A big vessel, believed lo be the motorshlp Maluhal, Is anchored off the three mile limit and Is suppo-ed to have supplied Ihpior to a swarm of smaller boats, federal authorities announce that the vessel left Vancouver recently Eagle Brand than on all other !for M"'" While the uppoct infant foods combined. Pure, uniform, digestible, nourishing. Send for free Baby Books jluiuor wits tM'ing transferred, Hie small boats formed a virtually continuous, line between the chip and the shore night ami ijay. FISH ARRIVALS Six hulittul (mitts marketed ralches Malting ?'J.50i pounds !a the Fish Kvrhauge this morn ing. Four American boats had 57.000 pounds ami two Cana dians. 22,500 pounds. American I rami. Jl.uoo pound, at 15c uml toe, to Hie I'aeifir Fisheries I iiimak, ,000 pounds, at Inland toe; Teddy J., IU.000 pounds, at Ijic and loc, and Star. I2.0ii(i pounds, at I l.Vc and 10c. lo the lloolh Fisheries Can-iadiait Co. I Canadian I Kiiii-n, 17.500 pounds, at lU.ilc and loc. lo the Alliu Fisheries. While Lilly, 5.000 pounds at l;i.:ie and loc, to (lie Canadian Fish A Cold Storage Co. WIRELESS REPORT , 8 a.m. I DKSHY ISLAND. - Misty, calm: baroiiK'ler, 53; sea smooth; II that hail been established u frw. temperature, 55: sea smooth. vears ago. Miuuren recom-: mended by Ihe doctors and nurses at llial institution were given a holiday of two weeks or more at Ibis camp, j(" at a lime, and all Hie cxnrn-cs of establishment r lh- camp and upkeep was tiorne by Ihe club. The club was also helping lo raise funds for Ihe Children' Aid home for delinquent children of whom there were at present 170 in the institution. It also established a civic research p.m. out steamer I'rince Itupcrt bound for Auyot; l!:o5 p.m. out steamer Princess l.oiiUe southbound. DKAD TUF.i: POINT. cr-cal. calm; haroini'lcr. ?l.l'.; Noon DltiHY ISLAND l-Vggy, calm; jaromeler. 2'J.y3; temperature. "l: sea siuoolh. DKAD TUFF HUNT. Clear. calm; barometer. .10.00: tempera ture, OH; sea sui'Mitli. department by which il provided iiu.nri uuw. enure p.iiikti. 11 a man lo si in at all sessions or ,trmuk, twi tnr, civic bodies ami kept the members posted on 'he activities f those bodies. LABOR BUREAU HAS MORE JOBS THAN MEN Situation Is Good 30 Jobs Of fered Today and Ten Men Registered for Work There is a' great demand for rinirstoii Harbor. Iluckley Jbty ami Alice Arm. On .Sunday night 20 meji weru.senl to Anyrtx to the dredging contractors ,who are finishing Ihe dam. Seasonal industries such as Ihe canneries are absorbing a good number of men and many men arc wanted for M'clion w'ork on Ihe railway. Several men linve also been sent to C.arnaby to work on the H. S. Magoffin Co.V culvert and. bridge confracls for the railway. Thirty jobs'iiro offering ui the Labor Httrcau today and ten men seeking jobs are registered. The most of Ihese aro believed lo be working, however. A TREAT FOR BOTH A ninmiiienl tdaywrighl was In Allaulii) Cily. HHperyislug one of his pla. One night he saw an old scnUi woman neiu over lifi u-io-k Thinklng:Vo give her a heal. Ihe playwright. flopped "l nsked her: "Would you like to go lo a theatre loin'urrow night?" The woman looked up, sludiei I'tis face efirnes'lly. Ihett said: "I can'l g( lomorfow uiglil. Can't von L'l-I some id her night oh?" - Chicago Tribune. EXTRA LADYLIKE The Actor Have you special lerms fot' aclors, inadaiii? The LaiiilliidYrn, I 'live but I 'ope Tin K'o much of i lady lo use t hem. Sydney Hul lelin. TIMBER SALE X 5267, There will be vtrrmi fur Sale tl rutlir Aurtinii. at IKnKI mi tlM- llrt dr of inly. ISIS, In 1 lie orrire tit Hh) DOlrlct l'orrlcr. Llrenre sprure. ik) iIxi Til). 000 fert H.M. of I'rlled lf4 BucWed !t'rurr. IuImiii, llrml-x k iihI CecUr. on in am rltuatml oil Deer awl Bear Lakra, I'rlnrro lloytl l.lainl, llame 4, Co it Laud DUtrlrl. Ti ( year will be a Homed for r I moval or limlx-r. luniirr iariiruiari or iiie i-iuer rurea-icr, Vlrtorla, B.C., or llirlct lorraler, I'rlnre nurl, B.C. TIMBER SALE XS314. Sealed Tender will be lrreled by Hie Minuter or LaiuR at Vlrtorla, ihI later Hun iiotui on the ind day Aurunt, lJ. the'meu nil.l rr i --t Urf X II rl Seale.1 Tender, will be received at locally especially logger II;;; whay orrire or tniiwr, .VlIV'V'o;-i'!t I'dllnren and .in fact there have ,,' Wl , ',nuii at u- i.e.d or .1,.. r... II,- f.. 1 1. ...In . Mill lll'IMI lllllll"ll IIU'M in nil joi . - ... ., ( I '.:ol!!.lri'rt'0" .".r. .rT ".nffering during Um past fori- Milliner iioi.iun iii.inviuif iinn i i i t i nine timber rulrrrt re.Uerineiit. luiglll, the I'lovillCiat l.aljl it, niKiiiHiiiliiir jibandiHied limber Iin IIPI.., an lipoiis, i..,nrlri llerently itnniiiy. men ooo IreMIe brldyea on llm Kdoti j. viioii. have been slliinied from here to tt ... logging camos .tl Surf tnlel. Inf. nil ..rutin. . i" J '". m . .... ... jder olilalned at the office-) t the Chief CiiKliieer, Wliuilpef. Maiilloia; liKinci .n-fU:vr. Saskatoon. Edmonton a-xl Vancouver; lilvlnhm Knirlneers. lieKlna. Ciliary and I'rince lluert; llesldeut CinrliH-er, I'rince oeorie. The loet or my tender not necei- irll)" act-ejiled. A. r.. w.oinr.., 0-neral JUanager. Wllllllpeif, Mall.. July IHIII, 193. IHslrtrl Two (ii year lll bp allowed for t a I or timber. r'urtner barin-ulari f Hie Chief I'ore-' ter. VlrlorU, B.C., or District loreilrr, I'rlure Ituperl, B.C. TIMBER SALE X 5129. Sealed Tender will lie received bv llm MlnUter of Land, al Vlrtorla, not later than iiihiii on the 10 Hi day of Aua-utt, 1913, for Ihe iirrhe of Licence XSII9, tu nil i.707,uo reet or ncmiock, sprure, cedar. Hie and lurch. , lineal feet of Cedar Pole, and Ift.SUO Hemlock and Pine Tie on l-ot 1908, llaiiin (, Coal IHdrlcl. oim (it year will be allowed for re. moval of timber. Furllu-r particular of I lie Chief Fore- ler, Victoria, B.C or liuirlct Foreter, Prime Itupert, B.i TIMBER SALE X6148. Sealed Tender will lie received by Hie MlnUler or Mud, at Vlrtorla, imi later tluii iiimii on ihe IVth day of July, ln, fur the i)iircliae of Licence XillS. lo rut 40.000 Jackplne Tie, from in area Ituated iIhiiiI I mile frum palllnt Slallon, CN.lt, llanve I, Coal Laud 1H. trict. Three 'Si year will be allowed for re. moval of limber. Further particular nf the Chief Fore. ler, Victoria, B.C., or DUIrlct Furetrr. Prince Itupert. B.C. TIMBER SALE X 5294. f Mcaii-ai-l Tftuiurm u III 1. i. ... iM . . m t,,,, an iiritriTril UJ i nr MlfllMlPr (if l.Attftat. Ill Vlflftfla lift ----- , .vBint itvij iniif than iiihiii mi the mih day of July, Itlrl, Tor the piir(lie or Licence X Sll, to cut BOO. 0011 feel nf m.i-n, .... .n . named lalaud In l lie skeeua lllvcr, SO ciiaiii norinwem or Alder Creek, Itamc I, uijim iii.irici, Two it, yeara will be illowed fur removal of timber. Further nartleiitur. ..r tn- ri,iu. l-...-.. ler. Mttoru, bx.( or Dliirlct Jorciter, I I Hire IHIT I, U.Ut REDUCE HIQH COST OF LIVING. Klliniiinle the draught around your windowtj and Use less coa. SEE OUR PATENT WEATHER STRIP For Doors and WlhdoUai Olass and Mirrors of all kinds. T, ROSS MA0KAY. Phone Blue 165. Phone 376 The House Phone 376 of Quality Daily Store News These ar eventful days for thosoln the Know, Every department of our store Is up and doing. We are always on the alert keeping our finger on the pulse of the market up-to-date buying right In quantities enabling ui to quote you, prices much closer than yet get elsewhere. Our lines are exclusive. No duplications. We have not overlooked any member of the family, therefore I When you think of Merchandise your first thought naturally is . ! UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Satisfaction or Money Back. We Prepay Mall Orders. Prompt del nei v (11 all pari of I'rince lliiper' WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Thursday, 7 and 9 PRISCILLA DEAN 'Under Two Flags' A M-rceu pi. - (it .lion of Ouida liiuiiorl t? Kjiji T Mtvagf splendour and inv-tn- . harm of the deser T Aoty of "(iigarclte. tlie maul vt Algiers. The k Ihe rel'y fin e ,md vuppte itgurc who daiirrd r. w the liCiii t ol .1 ivgirtient. M.ignito cut. rmoli-. r- nr; Ihrillitig. Notable Cast Includes James Klrkwood and Stuart Holmes. CENTURY COMEDY "FARM FOLLIES," FEATURIVO JACK COOPER AND THE CENTURY BEAUTIES. Admission 35c and 10c 'A shoe to fit the fool . . not the fool to fit the shoe ho many yean have people ipokrn of FOR "breiklnit in" a pair of thoet. I.e. iun rin tortures till the foot hul. in time. ihJPfd ar Rau Koiuim Acdicillkr hfOTTf IhFoot this Sprinq Steel yuyport rvfifxyrtr the itaphcHdHons the hoe to fit the foot? flut now Arrh Ucfr nderi hare biniihed all that and your foot elide Into the ahaped-to-nature Irwole of the hoe Klove lo the hand. Note aUo how diffrrrnt awl ahapely Ii the last upon which Arch Dcfrnden are built compared with the old style. In addition lo the concealed Sprlna; SltelSupprt and the apecial foot-form lnole, the lain upnt which Arrh Defenders are built, with thnr cupped heel and foot-contour ote, are 10 different from the flat ahapelesa lasts of ordinary khf- StylishScicntificScnsiblc Fur Men ami Women yVRCHrMflNDER r-sjiv SHOE Jabour Bros., Ltd. Corner Third Ave. and Sixth Street