ummer OAF. i-j-ut wallnfaf tlonl Repeal rili .1 belnK filled i;very lay for M r anaimo-VVeilington Nut Coal fe Fire' Last Longer! turn a oilier S'jt Coals. Phone 110 or 664. IIJCll IV IIILt.dllfl v LIMITED ummer Shoes tn'B All Uhlln T.nnl. Shoe, go: il hcny sole $2.75 rown uanvas shoes, from an'a Fine Shoes, frnm $1.35 $4.50 CCKIE SHOES, $5.00 r ivnlr SHOE REPAIRING. vn lJTT I The Shoeman. Third Ave. II. ( X Ticket Oflev Solicit n c ifinnauc.lflfc.llT DF PROPERTIES AND COL LECTION OF RENTS ne satisfactory Service given others, Justify us In soliciting yours Oliver Typewriters. Gary Safe. FIRE INSURANCE. ii n tt uiiii'jvii jr ninnn w ... ra . a a a w Third Avenue. Prlnoe Rupert, B.C. We Ih' lo announce Hie enlnir of our new Garage n 3rd Ave. East, In the former Paclflo Cartage Stable and Warehouse Buildings. Competent mechanics nro i charge, ninl you nro ns- ured of prompt ami courle- n aervicn ami reasonable Tires, Tube. ArerssorlnM. '"I a full lino of genuine niim cnrririi in riock. none, urrrn 3U2.. f ree Air. una ureen an, rree Air. E. PARKER, Ltd. DSON COAL Wo can now Supply our FAMOUS EOSON COAL in any quuntlty. .! n if l iiiioc nupen rccu uu Phone 68. KhNH M II K DAILY I'roin 'ur Govern men I Ttated 'lord of Oucrnsey Dairy Cows. BETTER MILK. BETTER SERVICE. TANDARD DAIRY Phone Blaok 51. COPPER SALES I ARE IMPROVING i -t Producers Holdln; Firm for 15c. f' WhereasLast Week Prices Were Low as 14Jc. NKW VOItK. 7(i)y .l. -F(,"rcini an.) iluiiio.ii,. n(,,iiry l)W(l marked improvement in lherop. p-r market ami in.liral..m are lliul weak . "ci-nnd-haml ami xineller oirprlng will oon he nliirt'. ami ,n f ul(, i'n.iiiirir aro .mldin ! cent, delivered. 15 ri'iilH. Murli iipiin immiii il'ilupmi'iil in KurniK-nii " 1 1 it it I Slunilil favoralii arlinii jrrnw 'ill of lln ir"i'iil ilcM'lniiriionN in Kuropo, lmrn nf incliil "lorlin in Hip liamU of falirira lorn, hoili ir ami alunail, ami mall amiiiiiil of fiuiii nip-Mr ami hra piuu uti riiH if jnhlMr- ami in haiiiN of 'Hip haip ypiiirnlly wouM ti'nil In nui in Hipiil rp,ov,ry In prir lo uliow 15 vnlx. ImliruliiiiiH am dial fair liiiyina pan .i,.- l'rir lln w-pck, Willi INapprar-niipr lwanl Iho pml of Hip wcrk of rim. i uf Hip iimlcr-prlco pop. ir. I'rirp of pi'prolyip 4nppr fur limplii- Iilpon'iit i ItH lo 15 cpiiN a iMiiiml iMixcriNl In mil of Sc.i.iiIiit. with ppNlurprH linl.linii ai l.'i ruU firmly ami ..iiiil-lianl anil ciiNfino kint'l HAMBURG. EMIGRATION TREBLES IIAMlltMH! Julv l (lormai. Her BabySuf fered bSHERIES MEN ciimmcd I VISITING CITY COMPLAINT fM AiiUht mul ttrt Out mim. iiw-r rn.iiit win, iiw intrUii. ofu-il vrFlfir mi rollipii. vhlrh uwHir it rirflH.n)i UiU iUwiv, nitki-n It oiwi i.f with dnrlnr lit It.. I nmnih. TlvMiiaiHlt ut infanu df annually Im, II vi could havr no doubt liwn firm at x iwrty if nr. rur' Secmul. , "'r' ' ll.l straiMwrry. and II bar fiaiiiU jin.l riiolm.i i....n..- '"n "1-riMi th,.Mn,i of riMiiiwr luiilluir. Ifll. lt0 I l . . . ...i. ,, . iliirlr Hm' imiiiiiiK I 'I'liln, ami iirirn ulll .. ,1 , - ..e naw im r.r nil "ii miner Uty nlmMV j.r-.arll..ii hi Iwmi im tli nuir-iiiilicalfoiiM jiri kri. iiui ii i iiui mfffii ind iiHt nmiv III' IlilvHN-i'il iii ll.i. r""lf tor iiw In ill r.e if tuoorriM " i.f Hi IxrtifU, l. ....I., r . . . ,,aMl V'- W""Un. Or..t m-rt. Onl, -..i.-r. m i,- niriiii' ji nrur im arllmt -Mr l..l.v in .... .j I t rillM lll'lirii. prirp ha nniMwd frum en l-H Unit "''"ii HIT niimiiwr fMiit.Ulnl. Ti Iii M ,"" iiriniHi nun, cut riniiiinr wouu i-nnl , w i .. .'"i' "iiin ni oitrnHK-. A rrin. mr ami uilli iiiiiPHlir impiiry nii'i'iaMiis il woiilil mil I,,- NUr. niiiif Id ! ipiick roivivrrv In I liljl In. ( . . I .ii ... .'.. r-. . iiw prlcr uf lit', In l renin. V1M ilrirry jhw Hht ilm l-urriifii ffoliii? Ik mlhdly .i ' irtirr inl I ran y" i: "I (iiilln'l l wlilKMit I bntllf of -nr. rler'' In the lmii fur untold roM." HOSPITAL COMMITTEE MEETS ARCHITECT ON A rommlttpp ronillnp of S.ijiifi ampere xwiiciipx. njxo re. rommemletl lhal nil wiring he In comluil -that pleclric firp alarm Iw inxlalleil luxleml of Hip prexent lian.l Mix ami lhat heller exit lighting- h pinxi.liMl. REPAIRS AT PACIFIC PLACE HAVE STARTED . " ! City Is Doing Work and Railway Company I Paying For It Crushed Rock and Macadam A. L. Hager Is Her With Direc tor of New England Fish Co. on Tour of Coast A. I.. Jlaifpr of Vancoiivpr. wpxlpni maiiaifpr of tin Xi-y, Knvlaml Fiili (. an! .'fre-iSifeni of Ilm CanailiaTi Kitiinir l, aml Hip AHiii l inlirriPM JiM arrival in Hip rily on Hip Priiirp Itupprl ypolonlay afli-niixin. p i a pompariiPit hy K. I. Itamlp anil Dana I'. W'anl, ilirppnr of ih Xpw Huylaml Oo, from Hun- Ion. A. '.. Uf l,mir. iTimihienl Nancouvpr iiinuraiirp man, ami (-1 II. iruJi, niamiivpr of Hip Conlova Slrppl, Kal lira noli of Hip Hank of Monf real, -Vancouver. arp aUo niPmlnTHjOf Hip parly. im- iriji iii uiM.jiiiriy i in hip naliirp of a roinlilnpl lniinpnH ami. ppaorp lour, .Mr. Ila?rr taking Hip opportunity of paying Iim firxt viit to Hip now plant of Hip i;anailian l i.liin Co. I m -.oi t bnl : ru p only by Ti;ainK Hip coat Hip Mamp IT. Uilliuru Cn . I Imltfil. Tonrfito. Onl. Ii; n.:.- ' . jilrii ilircflur on a Irip of iiipi'fli.ui lo llifjrv. iiilTi'U.On Up way up lliP'?Kvaf Ilipy liae 'viilpil Hip Slmsliiirlin Hay, Mar WIIPPQ' UniKP PI AWJ Hay ami Hulplalp plant. linjr boarilril Hip 'leamoi il'rinrp Itiiporl o(T Hip lal-nii'ii- itoiul ypulpnlav morning. K". i:aiuplip rliairman . T. Hon Tolay Hn'y arp lnppljny Hip Mitpkay nml l. ft. MpHaPwn iop.. local filtlalloii ami Hip Allin at laxl niilil mpolinv ofi Mioriot plant ami lonmrrow Hip'lioxpilal lioanl lo inept A. A.!i.y wiM ,.,,ark fur KplrhiL. (.ox, arrlilli'i-l. in rpjranl to plan ami I'lTifiralion for Hip new Xiiix'' Home. Mr. t'ox arrive.l from Vancoiivpr yplerilay ami in I ... . . . wIutp Hip .Xpw Knglaml Fih iUt, lin a lialilmt mill xlnrat'e plant. Fnun Kelrhiknii IIipv will return -ill Ii lo Vaneouwr. TIip parly """" " "' " l'V i ! v,, hi.mio n in. I.I piprlimiof llipliuiMinir. The com- tiUi,.v in n. i ii.,i..i.u mitlep met wilh him lo.lay on Hm, AnolliAr question thai Hip com- GIVES ADDRESS TO mlllep h lakinpr up wjlli .Mr. tUn. i that of lemlpriuif for Hip Iip.i1.! inp pipe ami other piiuiiimpiil in LOCAL MOOSE LODGE lern e willinji xpller than a. jHo' olil court lmup willi a view l.i Slgurd Wallste4t Tells of Work ueek j.i'ii nl ataiM-e. oricp. !' ',us " ll, .Xnr" Home. Being Done at Mooseheart Prirp f Uke wippfr i 15 wMilm1'1''"' Man.. wtio hap anpiire.! a jkiiiiiiI ileltven-il ! i, m) of HepliMiiliiT. with lil lie iiunniiii i miller Hint prirp. Pripp anlp uliiji Xrw Vtirk' l III. i.nli' Vi.n. inp in uy anr-.iny of ihU wpefc. York. Pripe, a,kP,l .y In.le- (ELECTRIC WIRING if-iini.ii jinhiiirfr or Miipmmi to Funie n r" ni rnrre. prtn.lln? with ui ppun r.l.f. HamliiirK or wild i:nMr Kxporl Aopiallon out nf Hip market. CROP PROSPECT IS UNIMPAIRED SAYS FIRM OF BROKERS Will Not does be Surprising If Yield Over Hair Billion Bushels OnlxioV tump minor ilamaiip hy hall ami pxppxxIvp oinUlurc rmp iniKpPol for wheal in wplern. I'.auala i-Piiiafnx imim. paireil ayx llunllrk, l.oan A ,.o, of Vancoiivpr In llieir wppkly rp- jporl. Acreiigp i pxlliiialPil at sn.iMio.nnii aero ami ylelil may Paily aPiaiip S5 luixlieN lo Hip ihtp. 'I Iip pi pxenl mil look cain-parei Willi that of IHM2 ami rtH7, ami in really much licllpr thnn in ItHtt when Hip ureal crop wit raixpil. I'romiui'iil train men xay il will ' nul Iip urpi'iiin.i if inure than jno.ntm.ilOH Imxliel of wheat are linrvppi. I'.leaii up of laxl year'? Iiarvpsl approximate,noo ImlicN. Oatx crop pnunlocx to lie hy far Hip largcxl on recoril. .Hie o. ImiMiiiK. are prnpiMiuif to, Siaunl alllelt AT HOSPITAL IS NEEDING REPAIRS ' of Alaska. ell tin matprial ami lu.U are to jrap an inlprpxliiiir mMrp. lo (lie liwal Moo'-p r.oilup at Metro- pole Hall lat ninhl. Mr. WhIWIpiII U nvpnily rp. turnnl from n viil lo Mooxp iiean, in., ami wa run or en- Hiiiiaxiu fur Hip h ivat work he. ok romlucleil there ami at MoioeliavPit fur' Hip riiiicrxalioii I'rne! I.ovp, xuperinlpmlpul of "f eliiMliood and Hip care of Ilm eily otilillc. rcportpil lo Hip ho. W'I. Some 1200 rhililren an pilal hoanl lat nlKbt that PXpeii.'l"i'iV icare.! ami Pilucateil at lilure of i3li0 wouM be uecary Moophparl uinl.'r Hip Lanuer of lo pul elcclrio wiring in Hip ho-'Hip l.oyal Onler of .Mmixp. Ho pilal in proppr xliapp. TIip mat- minle I lie striking comparion ler wa referreil lo Hip iuu that while a nuarlpr million cominillpp for report. Ilialiie wei ilylnsr yearly in Hip lleinirlinp lhal Hip prexent Stale fur lack of mmrixlimrut wiring of Hip hopjlal vn iver-anil proper maternity comliiion lomleil, Mr. I.oe rivoinmenii Hint l.r(io.nnu chililrcn were an-llial imi ampere xwflche ho in.liiually xacrificpil on Hip altar xlalle.1 lo replace tio prccnt 30 -of chilil lahor. at Mo.ielit'arr Hip ilealh rale i e than 1-5 per cent. "IMucntioil ix often . lookeil tipou a a mean In pxrapp lahor," he xaiil, "hut inalrurtion The much neicil repair loj Pacific Place leailimr from Fir.t Railway Company Putting Dredge Awiiue ami Secoml Street lo !he tl.T.I1. wharf liavo at lal lieen xlnrleo. 'I lm cily i iln. iiitf Hie work ami Hip railway com. pany will pay for il. After a lieen laiil, the street will he rpur. 'way are ahonl lo xlarl ilie.ljj- emiKratlou from Ihi port ilurimr faceil with wntei-liOuml macmlam Mfiv ln iitomi limit I Ii tiAAFnl.! - j t I IIX FI IT I iljafr I 111 I Tlil Li hat of May Inst year. The emi- ptanl. iiumliereil it.:)l 1 iiirlmlins l.HII (German.. In May, 1922 Hierp wero 2,K(M, nf whom l,51ii were flerniniorr at Work to Clear Out Ledce of Rock To (live more ileplh for hunts of Hip I hi ire r type loaitini; al Ihi foumlnlioii nf cruxlieil rock ha port, Hip Canmlliin National flail- Inif operation al Hie lumlier a. ' seinlily wharf. Dilllcully wa ex it. S. Wallace arriveil from (perienceil in loiulinp Ihe steamer Vancouver on Hie princo lluperl Oanaillan Tranporer when slip yp.sleiilay afternoon, lie I here, win here Por luiu'lier lal month ill connection with hi liuxine liecnu of I lie fact that there Is jinleresls in Ihe cily. a lcile of rock ruiinhur mil from BRIER fi iiBsSBBiiBBSiilTe7aBaTTHBTW ! T Blind Man's Buff 7 VEN in this age of enlightenment soms folks spend their money blindly. They buy - with their eyes shut. They grope in the darlc as truly as if their eyes were bandaged. And all the time a powerful light is being ; throVn on the very things they need and want! Advertising is a beacon to guide yoii in buying. It shows you what lo buy whereto buy and when lo buy. At ' the same time, it protects you against Jraud and inferiority. Merchants and manufacturers who advertise deliberately focus thousands of eyes upon their wares. Their values must be honest and their prices right, or they could not advertise successfully. Don't play blind man s buff with the elusive dollar. Spend a few minutes each day running r through f the advertisements in this paper. Then buy the products that have proved up in the light of advertising Hip wliarf for about 20 fepl inlo ileep water. Thin tumle il iipcps-ary for (he "tranxporlpr to moor olT fnun IIip wharf with a al till prpat inxlilulion. IsMiasPil ',,w lelweeii ami maile unneee upon Hip (ilea thai pilucalion furnixlip Iip tool for acliipvp-meut." k Mr. Val.lP(ll will remain in Hie city n few ilayx heforp re-luruiii)r norlh. DEEPENING WATER AT LUMBER WHARF xary liamllinx in loailmr. II i llii ilitllculty lhal i How to Iip rPineilieil. The woi-k will Iip ; iIoop hy Hip poinpany,. own,' ilreilgp aiut men ami liou poll I n I a I iit ne I it nmmvlAl a ' iw 1 . srii t i iiiiiin ir. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prlnoe Rupert K. J. Thompson, I,. A. Camp-hell, Hr. F. A. Mini, l.ou Johns, John Pieive ami Adolph Soliini.ll, Hlympia, W'ahiii);lou; II.. (ial-liuuther, II. S.' Hasp. J, II. M. Haruiim, A. A. '.ox, ,X. M. .Mc-Donalil, A. X. S. Clark, A. f llajrar, A, .. Dp Long ami K. H. (iriililie, Vancouver; Alan M, fialeman, Xpw Haven, Conn.; H. V. Walkin anil II. C. Krskinp, Seattle; lieorjrP 0liorne, Cordova; William XellirkMi, San Francixco; Dr. T. J. .McPhep, Xanaimo; Oeorge llurlhurl, Moop Jaw, Sak.; M. Hague, Toronto; l. K. OilTen, Slainier, Onl.; II. (I. Cunningham ami A. J. Walkinxon, Port Ksximrlon; It. J. Sliritx ami Charles Alexander, .liihnxlon City, III.; Henry Walter ami Dr. ami Mrs, It. Mc (Ir,y. I.os Amrelesy .Mr. ami Mrs, 5, D. Koona, llilinoiilon; perl .Manlropj Victoria; J. .lacoli-spii, cily; Dana F. Ward ami K. P. Ilamllptl, tolon; II, Wlndi, I'orl IMward. Central II. l.autenschlaKer, HulTalo; i. W. Hiere, Fdmonloii: Portland Hensou, lledondo Peach, Cal. When you buy arivnrtUIng you buy CIRCULA TION, and see that you get it. tf Read the Advertisements. KING GEORGE CAFE First Class CHOP SUEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to Rent. Prices lleasonalile Phone Blue 471. Second Ave. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed. Third Avenue. Let the "CLARK" Kitchens help you. "Builds Bonnie Ra.i.h s Porks Beans Selected Beans, perfectly cooked, not mushy nor hard il a slice of prime pork."-Delicious indeed, and unsurpassed for nourishment are Clark's Pork & Beans! Yoer choice ol Tomato-Chill or Plain Sauce. CM'i P"k B.uu Ai h,Uit, pUt Cti'.U4in$ BrJtt 4$ ytuu W. CLARK Limited, . MONTREAL IiUMUkaMU l Miitrul. f.O.. St. Ital. P.O., Hin. 01 KtiiL. 4