a amin . December 7, 1932 eae Tusands of People Read The Advertisments on Ths Page Evey Day RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE, REAL ESTATE, ETC, THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT = MaMa +4 bo tadt bape J ri ‘ , ‘ : 4 Leeig fot tated tae ; CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS | heMarkets line ‘Has Operation PIj/PLISHED “p Jap Granges, box Lemons, Cal., large Grapefruit, Calif., ‘ic to : ‘Cranberries, Ib > | Pe ars, Anjous, doz. 40c to 50 | | Pomegranates, each, 5¢ to For rent, vig! eee? 7 other small advertisements in this section charged at the rate of 2 vents Retail prices current nere at pre- ‘Emperor Grapes, 2 lbs. 35 Daughter of Late Pi eae aoe Well Known Vancouver Lady Au- ; a word per insertion with six insertions for the price of four. By the month the charge is 25¢ a word. }] sent, aie as follows: Bananas, Ib. LO ee ae eT thor of Novel Dealing With tit * No advertisement taken for less than 50e, { 9 ‘ Dried Fruits | preween Canadian Life + | egetables aera ; —— 4 | White Figs, tb os 12% | 7 e = Potatoes, 13 to 15 ibs. 25 | LOS ANGELES, Dec. 7:—Mrs. sa . % Dates, bulk, O6 SB cniaad 18! wrijtis ib McAd : Mrs. Irene Moody, well known ‘ sack, $1.40 to 1.70 ; William Gibbs McAdoo was repor F bese’ SALE P AINTERS DAIRIES Beeis, 6 lbs 95 | Lemon and (range Peet ....... 29! ted last night to be making satis- Vancouver lady, has just published Sree ta. pees - a -- -— — ‘Parsley, bunch —, OT) Citron Peed nn... ous --- 30 factory progress towards recovery 4 new book which is attracting ahi HH’ or Sale, 30c. a pound de- ' PAINTING and “Pa sperhancine \Tuznips, 8 ibs. census 96) PTUnes, 30-40, Ib, 5 foliowing an operation for appen- wide attention. The Canadian ft P, Jackscn, 1242 Rich-! Moller, Phone Red 802 All Our— ‘Carrots, 8 lbs. a 95 | Prunes, 40-50, Ib. 12. dicitis in Good Samaritan Hospital Bookman says of it: ra Street, Victoria, B.C, 282 + . i Prunes, 60-70, 3 lbs 25 ay d h ; ae . CSPe Suess * Raisins, Australian soedless, Ib. .18 ee et ee anes oe ‘Delphine of the Eighties’......is sim Sweet Potatoes, 3 Ibs. 25 ren ae an soediess, 1D. 1° daughter ot the late President ine 3a R RE NI DANCING Milk and Cream Hothouse Tomatoes, lb. 20 Raisins, Cal. seedless. 2 Ibs... 35 Woodrow Wilson. oes prea! prncgpraverdevedh la i . . NT RTS, : 2 Currants, Ib 5 sea es oes ne ee f a” FS s ee SHIPMENTS Parsnips, 6 lbs. a Apricots. ib 18¢ to 2 of ‘Anne of Green Gables.’ . ee : . i sini ; : ME! 7 BC Caulifl ip 200.4 95 | ‘Spricots, Be to | (AP DANCING taught by Miss Ei- ee eee , dried Renovated modern flat : ‘ : ‘ lbs @ o- Apples, aried 18 Y a , - : “a eanor Tite, Phone 20 ty Guaranteed Bulkley Valley Products 2nions, B.C. 6 Ibs . 25 Peaches. Peeied 12 Block. Max Heilbroner. 1 ;Hubbard Squash, lb. nt aa : M ] M y -— oe! | VALENTIN DAIRY cetery, head, 8¢ to 15 | Black Cooking Figs, Ib 19 IN SESSION rs. irene ty STORE . Thi nue, | ; 5 td ai : Nuts a ning Wrathall’s, low rental.| i PIANO TUNING Phone 657 Spanish Onions, Ib. 10) ‘ m ye ee eee tt| - ate a Garlic, imported, per |b. .25' Almonds, shelled Vaiencias... .50 : ee ake: setts ' PIANOS Tuned $3 oi a See \Savoy Cabbage, each, 12 to ... .18 California soft shelled Walnuts 35 , Ns ba “| a uned $3.00. Walker's y ‘Cabbage, local, green 03 Walnuts, broken: shelled 39 New Chaneellor Von Schleicher . if . . > REN Kono 1'| For FRESH LOCAL MILK California Head Lettuce, 10¢ to .15 Walnuts, shelled halves ...... .40 Meets German House For 4 i FOR SALE OR RENT | > Brussells Sprouts, !b 18, Peanete’ 25 dt a ee First Time ; 4. ida | Phone Red 608 or 953 “Srissells Sprouts, ip = Tees i | 7 rr¢ : : : or trent 7 & ¢ ’ - . ty La HOUSES for sale or tent. F. W _ TRANSFERS | DOMINION DAIRY . ita Wheat: 16. 3 Albstta 2. 1.75 BERLIN, Dec. 7:—With the poli- a fart SP |; acbnies oan aul Mi ! den ath dee’ Kare (ould... ian ee ees ee 1.75 tical air in Germany still very much q CAMERON'S Transfer—Wood, Coa), 8 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 Se siiee ‘Patert fe 1.25 Oats 155 unsettled, General Kurt von Schiel- pie 4 ee moving. chairs for rent tt) Pastry Fiour. 10 lbs 45 to 50) Bran 1.30 cher, newly appointed chancellor, mits WANTED : 4 : sie dhiediid - met the Reichstag for the first Aust. Pastry flour, 10 Ibs 49 Shorts 135 0 a 4 | st. ' Bs sha Middlings 195 time yesterday. a NTED—Smali_ furni he d hous Th U 2 i icy Exes os, Barley 145 Some politica) observers expected vbout: $25 a month. Phon e : p RIN I ING roar a dae ae = Laying Mash 955 that the new cabinet would be over- 298. Packi ‘ t a BO. Fresh BXGSs, castnied ”” Oyster Shell 1.99 thrown with a non-eonfidence vote acking Or atl it apping |) OFFICE SUPPLIES }!B.C. Fresh First, doz A5 rhil i yas * E ; oars ” Beef Scrap 999 While in other quarters it was be- vm and General Furnit Repairs |} > {; Local, new laid. doz 55 } lieved th Schlei¢her. follow Z ie ace alt Lash yeas gorids’ sth | Rose, Cowan & Latta Sehanad Ground Oil Cake 2.85 lieved that von Schleicher, follow- CLEANING & PRESSING | ; wri Phone Wet wi gh 34 Fine Oat Chops 165 ing the example of former Chan- » GEO. 5. PAWFS—Phone Blsek ie oe ancy cartoned, | = Crushed Oats 1g9 cellor von Papen on one ocvasion, oT ES reasonable Ben kon dor’, er ecmesescssneie re a ... Pe 2.50 : ; Inide } : : Seanieir 7 a a - eee sherd. mee wena Prland 5-00 Ft, AAO TS Mail Schedule both immigrants from ,the Isle of e “ JASPE UU!) OP. BOR 0 ep ere-nces ou) Whiie,-100 Ibs 5.50 |. Dee. 18—ss., Prin. Norah pan Guernsey ” AST ‘ . ‘yee : ‘ Sik saleieiatiabla ian a LO Dry Cedar and Jackpine For Sale Yellow, 100 Ib 5.00; “rem Vancouver e ae Two faults, if- faults they be, 7 diols “ male -: : eee el ata i ‘ ‘or the East Aa — Lard Sunday—s irdena p.m Mt ’ may be found in the story, it stirs hie Loe Lett eines whe ALL COALS ARE IN A DRYSRED Pure, lb. 15¢ t 17, Wed.—ss. Prince Rupert 9:30 am Monday and Friday 8:304.m. one’s felines too frequently and ' with No. J589. Finaer please re Meats Thursday—ss. Venture p.m,| . Wednesday 9:30am. certain of the characters appear 5 to Box 16 HYDE TRANSFER—PHONE 580} Turkeys, 1D. «....-- 30 Friday-—-ss. Prin. Adelaide . pm rem. Me Gast too perfect. But it is well to have bi . Fowl, No. 1. Ib. 25° Dec. 14 Prin. Norah am Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- ideal characters plated before us Roasting Chicken, .Ib 30! Dec. 29-—ss. Prin. Norah am Rey | 8 pm. occasionally in fiction, lest we for- Advertise in the Daily News |Ham, sliced, first’ grade 35 for Naas River ana Port 3umpson— | “aaaalar ae 12°90 get in this life or struggle and }Ham, picnic, first grade, Ib... 18 — Sunday—ss. Cardena 8pm.) 7 oe ok Pm misfortune to strive to attain 4 Oe ORE ie Oa ED Veal, loin, lb 30 From Naas River & Port Simpsen— | — - PM | the ideal. e Veal, shoulder, Ib. 2 Tuesday—-ss. Cardena ._.11:30a.m ee ean Pm. “Delphine of the Eighties’ ‘ ul t Beef, pot roast, Ib. 15| For Stewart and Anvox— oe a on PM.’ should be read and re-read by Prince Rupert ° Beef, boiling, 'b., 10¢ to 15! Sunday—sa. Cardena 8 p.m.) "Tem Vamesuver parents, guarcians and .teachers— i iene Beef, roast, prime rib, lb 22 Wed..—ss. Prince Rupert. 4 pr besapennd meena eae >: oe and children will love it—as the A * We say it with our chin ap and looking Beef. steak, lb. 25e to 30 From Stewart and Anvex— F 4 y *- character of such a child in the tie DRY DOCK yon conaes BSED a Lamb, shoulder, 16° Tuesday—ss. Cardena . 11:30 a.m. a ~ P-M. hands of the thoughtless and self- ’ : GUILTY of fighting vigorously and re- Lamb, leg. Ib 25! Thurs—ss. Prince Rupert, 8 p.m Dec. 14 and 29 4.M. ich could so easily have been bligh- AND | — your ancient enemy, tuberculo- par ae Lamb Chops, Ib | eee Atvodn dain. ge be rt and Anyox— hi ted and ruined. Delphine grips the " | Of bringing aid to 3000 sick British Mutton, shoulder, Ib. 18 Tuesday—ss, Cardena 1:30 p.m. |! Wednes@ay ren 3 pm heart of the reader so tightly that Columbians during the past year; Bacon. side. sliced, best grade 30| nursday-——ss. Venture PM. From § rt a ak pe : the next volume of the trilozy will A 1] Of providing free 2400 valuable and costly X-ray pictures a —. Ib. ' zs _Friday—ss, Prin. Adelaide . p.m.) Tuesday... 12:30 am be looked for py: . . for 2400 needy people; sane ' $0 From Ocean Falis—- Thursday 8 p.m: PT en ' ning cet thousands of men, women and chil- OFE, 208, 10 i. Wed.--ss. Pr. Rupert 9:30 ...a.m : r Operating three Dry Docks Of helping to protect t ‘ ' , Daseh: “vhalen, malt , : tor Queen Charlottes— Total capacity 20,000 tons dren throughout the province against the spread of tuber- Pork, dry salt, 1b 18 Friday—ss. Venture pm. Dee. 16 and 30 9pm un ay ancing ; culosis; Fish Ss. Princess Adelaide p.m | + : . ‘ Smoked Kippers, Ib. ................ .95 F Charlotte Island From Queen Cnartottes— Shipbuilders | Of helping to protect YOU, Galnicn. tresh. Ib 15 or Qaeen arlotte Islands— Dec. 14 and 28 a.m. ea Is rent and Ship Repairers Selihiet. TB. |. mio 16 and 30-—ss. P. John 10P.™. For Naas River and Port Simpson— : ; , falibut, Ib “9° From Queen Charlotte Istands— for Steel and Wood Vessels f , ‘ Sunday iene ot rhis Great Work Is Werthy of Your Support } Apptes Dec ‘ 28~-ss ol : c. 14 and P. John . a.m : . : e trom Naas River and Port Simpson city © 1G Iron and Brass Casting BUY CHRISTMAS SE ALS McIntosh Reds .wrapped) lb 07 cits Tuesday sivas ae ity Couneil Goes on Record as SLVMAS SLALS * De ns ; ’ Approving Ordinance Which Electrie and Acetylene Welding The Good They Do Depends on You box . 50 PPPOE EAVES PS For Alaska— Would Permit It B.C. Cooking, Ib. 4¢° to 05 ® ® | ee 46 ona 20 ile ° rmi 56-ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts | If y not receive Christmas Seals by mail they will be Delicious, fancy wrapped, Ib 08'# The Daily News can be pur- ® prom Alaska— : ipctctonsial ' ent gladly upon request by per box 2.75 # chased at— ©, Dee ‘4 and 18 pm SEATTLE, Dec. 7:—The Seattle Sawmill and Mining Machinery } The Pranquille Tuberculosis Society, narereetn B.C, Delicious “C” Grade, wrapped + Post Office News Stand, 325 # eae ee ‘soe city council has gone on record in Repaired and Overhauled 100 Seals $1.00; smaller quantities if desirec per box 235 ® Granville St.. Vancouver ‘ committee as favoring an ordin- a a ae Delicious, bulk, tb. 06 + : Karl Anderson, Prince + C.N.R, TRAINS | ance permitting dancing in the city _— : per box 2.00. George, ne . . eadidhics ele cg until 11:30 Sunday nights. Dancing —_ oo : Wagener, bulk, Ib, 06,* R. W. Riley, Terrace, B.C. or the East— within 600 feet of a church on Sun- : — per box 1.75'* General Store, Anyox > Monday and Fridays ...9:30 a.m. day night would be forbidden. G d t Grimes Golden, bulk, Ib, 06.¢@ Smithers Drug Store, Smith- @ Wednesdays 10:30 a.m. oe aoe ul e 0 “Dai loi « Want Ads. ring quic esu is ) per box 1.60 # ers, B.C @ From the East— Frutts + @ Tuesdays, Thursday and Satur- For quick returns Try a Want orrespondents i= _— — eee Seen Valencia Oranges. doz. 25e to 80 #*##*# eee eee eo eee ee days 8 p.m. Advertisement. Ne . a fhe Daily News welcomes —E— correspondence’ on live topics on ” * ee B W \“ of the day oF any other sub TILIJE THE TOILER Mac’s Already Sufficiently Rewarded —By Westover. ect of public interest, but let- ters must be brief and to the Point. The long-winded cor- - a 2 » respondent has no place in [HAT MASKED MARVEL WILL &E Yor DON'T THINK \ DONT MWHEAD | REALIZED YEA any eee WOMAN, modern journalism. } if TAL OF THR Ton, MAC - THAT THe GOSS IGNOU, BUT IT WAS BILL BOLE WAS He as You STAY Every letter must be signed | AMY, VIL aI GUT CO BM. eS te WA THAT \ oo. Bib v oa BOSS WAS i "Ove a. DESERVE AWAY FROM i ARING ™& > = A vp, AS is Re ‘ me | d ’ a by the writer, not, necessary HEAR ING Sw PRA ee te ete || Te eke) eireme nit. ae JT pace Salad | ATE tae tor publication. Mb, as & vate . pos a & AS, —_ YouR Exc Tee AT . ei te let of gobd. faith brid courtesy ta | > All unsigned documents go to” - PY de the ‘waste paper basket. Let- oy vers of a caustic characte! A. vé = ; must have the signature ap pended for publication }) it Letter should be written on i One side of the paper only —_ _. ma Correspondents must ave'd ML \" e Personalities and the languag a Should be such as would be al } Br vi * | lowed in the ordinary rules of =}, , 4 debate, | | . ma, King Pesruses Syndi wy oy i itis meetin! Sptinddidene ' - a