PAfllf FtftJR. Shoes Hurlbut Shoes For Children, of all apes. MEN'S SHOES. In all leathers from $6.50 All sizes. Family SHOE Store Third Ae. Money Orders On Norway, Sweden and Denmark at Current Rates of Exchange. Make your reservations for that Christmas visit to I he Old Land early. For Tickets, Rales and Information, see us. Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRS INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Insurance and Steamship Agency. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread Bread is your best food. Eat more of it. Kepi by the leading grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Ave. Prince Rupert B.C. Stove WOOD We have just received a car load of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and dry. Size cut to order. For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone 5S0. Service and Quality our Motto. KING GEORGE CAFE First Class CHOP SUEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to Rent. Prices Reasonable Phone Blue 471. Second Ave. REDUCE HIGH COST OF LIVING. Eliminate the draught around your windows and use less coal. SEE OUR PATENT WEATHER STRIP For Doors and Windows. OlaHs and Mirrors of all kinds. T. ROSS MACKAV. Phone Bluo 16S. THE DAILY HEWS. Fr.daT Xorfmbi r . BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMa'nus ttECTION OFFICERS FOR ORANGE LODGE 'A. M. Davfes Will Head Order ' for Forthcoming Term, Louis Arrol, Deputy The local Orange Lodge elect ed oflirers last evening a follows 1 : Immediate Paul Mailer. W W. Wrisht. Worshipful Master. A. M. Davies. Deputy Master, luis Am 4. Chaplain, f. MeHae, Lecturer, AM. Alex. Mackenzie. Director of Ceremonies, It. Parks. Secretary, J. A. Teng. Treasurer, A. S. Box. Inside Ouard, John Wynn. TELKWA Miss Claire Rogers who has for some lime been with the Land Selllement Board, is being transferred and will leave, for the south shortly. Her many- friends lioje In see Mis Rogers back again. Dr. O. C. Paine has moved bis offices to' those recently occupied by D. D. Munro of Ihe Land Selllement. Mr. Carnitbers of Houston has come lo Telkwa for Ihe winter and will run the harbor shop for O. A.' Reigle, The family exjiect to";move down, jn a few- days. Arthur While ha gone lo Edmonton for Ihe winter wberi he intends to do clerical work. Snow fell all Wednesday af ternoon, and it looks, as if winter has come lo slay for awhile. The first issue of Ihe Bulkier Valley Booster made ils appearance last week, ami is indeed a very interesting number. This paper contains an account of the various activities of Ihe school, Ihe church and Hie home and many ideas and helps may be gained by reading it. -- Miss Marjorie Campbell of Smitliers is visiting her sister Mrs. D. M. Hooper for a few days. - On Tuesday afternoon, the Ouild of SI. Stephen's Church met at the home of Mrs. J. II. Tieehurst and definite plan were made for the bazaar which lis to be held on November 30. In Ihe afternoon there will be a sale of work and lea, while Ihe levening will M given over to a STROLL AS remedy fcr those moil troublesome of Winter ikin sfflictioes, chilblains and ' Irost-bites," Jf.aa .a...d. ZmBukltperday eifective. It Ukei out Irdunin- tion and rrducti swellint; in i wonderful wiy and (cothea tbc fiery tingling irritatiea. Where the chiltUint are broken and bare a raw ulcerated surface. Zam-Bsk ia doubly valuable because of its treat healing power. Its pala-kining efficiency and its fine antiseptic properties place ) . 4wwa ft mm a.lefa.aa. tmm a,a,J I rat Zm-Bk Zam-Buk Ktf tUmJ,d ktmUt tmrnmpltttif td nwa tmt 3 .-.iy gmod fmt chM ' r tt. . r. a . mtmldt. mt. ee Tmm Mm mmy J whisi drive. Editor Sawle of Ihe Ominera him !u lie is rei-ivi-n:ig rapidly. Herald wa in Telkwa on Tue- caf7hts"rTcently P01 a A new open- j ed up-in the premises formerly ' " ' occupied by O. A. Heiple. Thisi The French .nit... r 19.':i nth-is lo be known as the Dome! let ir sean has jusi rinsed and. Ml. Cafe, and it already seems; in Ihe abeni of startling per- a popular haunt In llioe who ! like fihkI meals. TERRACE NOTES Mrs. (reo. I.illle has relumed from her trip sonlh In-. Spokane. Seal lie, and Vqhp.uverJ ys.;t Mrs. Watberg Is at Hie Hazel- ton Hospital for treatment. She is improving and expects lo be home Saturday. Mrs. H. M. Wilson has been at Usk for a few days. Mrs. Ingold who has . been visiting her mother at Edmonton has returned The Women's Auxiliary of lb" Anglican Church are holding their annual Christmas Bazaar on Saturday. lecember I. There will be a sale of Home Cooking and lea will be served. Hugh McKenzie who came lo Terrace lo attend Ihe funeral of his mother, Mrs. Arnold Creel-man is spending a few daysi in town. Mrs. Thoinason left for Ihe East on Saturday's train. Mrs. I.indslrom' and family have moved to Terrace to join Mr. I.indslrom and will occupy Ihe Albert White's house fo Ihe winter. Paddy Hughes who was in jured at the new bridge, is able lar store ordinary ointnients. (' ! up and ap ll hand and knee ami lie. siil pain formanre by newcomers roiipleti with Ihe necssUy of relying upon Antwerp vpleran. ihe oui lortk for a Kreiirh Olympic victory in Ihe I0Q and !00 rnelre distances next year is acknow ledged by the French Olympic committee ami leaders of Ihe Fjerich AlWefic Ffdrr& Iwing very gloonry. In view of Ibis situation. -the French are bending every effort lo train men for the longer distances. 5.000 and 10,000 metres and Marathon, in nliirh they hope In make a bHter showing. The middleweight hming championship nf'Alaskn will he decided in a bout to ! staged at Ketchikan next Thursday evening, Thanksgiving Day. be- lwee;i "Red" Campbell and Mickey Prescoll. Ihe; sailor. Both men are now in Ihe inidsl of training. Prescoll Is said fo have outpointed and oujboxed every man he has met so far and Campbell has a record be. hind him along Ihe Pacific Coast that entitles him to seri ous consideration. For some lime in Ketchikan sporting circles there has lieen consider able comnien' and finger belting n the resrertife merits of the Iwo principals and according to Ihose who' should 'Know Ihe re-. sull will be a iSsiufi as far a rcrtftls are concerned. Three more snappy games are scheduled for tonight in the Elks' Home under the program of the Prince Rillrt Basket ball Association. In the first I Pl-HIWIIIII H I I fL r.kMa. ?CrFl 1 1 Tf YTY"niH risn-YW bs-t;v,,a. l a CENTS PER WORD IN WANTED ! j WANTED. Men and women to i learn barbering. Paid while' I learning and tools free. Write ! for catalogue. M"ler Barber ; College. Vancouver. B.C j WOMAN desires iiosifion In pri-l vale home, ( follow up!. malfrnily cae i-rferre.1. fori short jert.1. Phone Blue 3H.i FOR SALE FOR SALE. Solid oak dining room extension table ami four chairs. Hall linoleum, heater and reading lamp. Apply 10 Summit Apis, or phone Blue ICC. tf BO A HO. BOARD. The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. tf ROOM AND BOARD PALMER HOUSE. 100 Seventh Avenue West. Phone Red I IV. Furnished suites. MISCELLANEOUS. Ii. ANDERSON. Sallmaker Sails , and Tarpaulins made lo ordr and repaid., iTIlrI,VveiiieJ opposite Piimeer Laundry Phone llreen 3V2. P.O. Box 280 REPAIRINQ AXYTHLVO IN C.NVAS. Phone 78C. P. I.eClaire. dm- Bay. FOUND FOUND. Two key on string. Apply Daily News Office. game, Ihe Intermediate fixture. he Elks (earn will meet the loll. who el ready have a vie- ory lo their credit. The ladie' game will h- between Ihe Mupie 1-nfs and Kaiens who have each appeared vieoriouly once al- ready. The Teachers wilt meel Ihe Sons op Canada in the Senior game and, in view of Ihe close run the former gave Ihe Colts on Monday, anolhet close. ly contested mulch is being looked for. The Iwo first Senior games have been exciting enough' and this one promises to be in the same category. The Regiment team has dropped out of Hie Intermediate League and the Elks have taken their place. MEN'S WHIST Moose, Oddfellows, Knlohts of Pythias and Elks Were Winners Last Night Scores in Ihe men's section ot Hie Fraternal Whist League last night were as follows: Moose, 7; Sons of Canada. 2. Oddfellows, 7; SI. Andrew's, 2. Kuighl of Pythias, &; Knighls of Columbus, . Elks, 6; Sons of England, 3. League standing In dale: W. L. I'ls Elks . f, Moose ............... ft I S. of E 1 4 2 K. or P . 3 3 SI. Andrew's 3 I S. of C 2 Oddfellows 2 fl.W.V.A 2 I K. of C I r, D. Phillips, wel kip-.wii guide and outfitter of .lasper Park p.-isi-ii inrotigii ine ciiy from train lo ImhiI last night accom pan led by hfs bride. They werf marrii'il this week in Edmonton and are proceeding to California on (heir honeymoon trip, WIT-1 OCT A. OOUOT XOU Jt ajsO ONE TMirsK i p3voITM 1 What OO you Mf an er not TO RE -TOO rsUAVE. AMD vjoKk. Ht3WfTCrxC. Mf WHEN I ATSK MOO 4 "OWN A40 VOU MVEN-T A. QottiTlON aAMtWE ME AT XC n f i i rv DO XOU THIMK SO ' V A--ra. 1 ' MAVE LI CEin ME . 75 fff5TZlS 3 JXUZ V7 J News Classified Ads. ADVANCE. No Adwartlaemant "PIGS IS PICS' bill PURE BRED YORKSHIRES FOR SALE mil of Mae of.Ablerlea it- 73956 by Springdale Tor. nado 2H.n;i! are th be. LMim-k of II. 13 and 17. Write J. L. Barge. Queen Charlotte City. FOR REKT FOR RENT Six roomed fur-ftisbed boue for four ittofilh. Fourth Avenue West. Apply r.ll. IJox PIH, t;tly. 277 FOR RUNT.-- Small furnish! buugakiw i Seiion JL AiJy. ""' , , , Prince luiparl IiiMiranre Ageweiej. it FOR RENT. Furnished fhejmark or 'Cwnt.twwa InM itart t I mini collage Fully miNleni.; r"cl",r' ,' MM chse in. Phone Blue $. STKAM Healed Flat for rent. i)ener apartments. M. M. Stephens. FOUR ROOMED FUST lo Rent. tit.. . K.n t .mill. . i ca 1 1 1 limit tiypi CMlllll i Mallelt. If FOR RENT. Modern house, five rooms and hath. Apply Munro jlros. It'' MODERN four room flat for rent. Westenhaver Bros. If ROOMS TO RENT in Wallace Block. Apply Store. tt LOST .OST.While rowboal in Prince Rupert harbor. Finder please plione i rem m;. Hewanl. ' ' 1 - HELLO! OLD TRAPPER. helher you are young or old on want to make'money. Don I ell your fur catch until youlm' ". ia tn fn.ii - ' have seen me. I want your . fur-iS,tL! yon want my money. W. OOLDBLOOM, The Trapper Friend. Second Ave. TAXI Taxi 67 Phone. , (Call (leorg or Oust) Ross Brother. Prompt Se -vice and Comfort Day or Night Stand: Boston drill Third Avenue CHIROPRACTOR R. D. TASSIE, D.C. Chiropractor ird Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. Hours: 10 to 12: 2 lo 4; 7 to 8. Phone Blue 625. Residence, Oreen 13o. AUCTION SALES. Conducted at yur home or our rooms. Goods also sold on commission. H. H. HEMMINOS, Auctioneer. Furniture and Crockery. Third Ave. Phones Black 130 and Red 412. at TaUnn for Laea than BOe EXPERIENCED CORSETIERX ! Orders taken, for Spirclla Mood Mrs. J. M. Orahlman Ksien Shoe St 711 Second Avenjic "We CHIMHEV 9LEAMNQ Moderate! Prfres OLD NICK Prince Rupert Cigar Sf..r Phone Ulue UNO ACT.' ftatk f lalsatiss t Aaalf U frtk In Caiatl Laad PNirtrt. IUriiM i. trlel or rrthrr ll-rtt. awl ,; ,t at Camtiia, on mtrbt l.iatvf Cturiott libndi. ami aA)Mlf ir U It km I a. , Tsk Utt tkat I. Thnoui A t- I Vanenater. B. . eertk n t ICipeyimr. inu-rvl w. applr 1.f la treliaM lb rnO,ia 6cr GmuwdiW I at nut nlsniri ttnr f CaHMfceat rntt. thr Jhi1 5. Jfa.!'' '" " fbasbdary 41 T.I.. M7S; tf"'. . roHatet to Mid vkii t,..n.u- ( ,. rftla. mar r lr., i.i in im.iiik. . !rtr of said T.L ; utmre- aathrflr. and tnOawtnr U hir THO A. siJ.r anM i.f ' A; j irjti luinl Vputnbr tlth. tsu . LAND ACT. ttatlc of MaallM to Aasif tf rtaM Laad. IS Cl Und iM.tfct. 'TAreirr linf l . trtet ti rnnrt atn?'alair atai aa Lrtl Jttsnd. Qfl OMii-- i-a---at IK twid tf All! liL - Takt wllr iimi . tavi A '"" f Vaneaater. .. urt ti i . r- r opratof. Inirnd to fr tm pm. ... la pafrnaM tar taiawMi Wnl- W OqnttnMw! r ami im-i. aiUn rmt, trm " ' L"' 1 ' " rlulB. inrar nartn IS IT rlwnv. fnltoalaa Um hlrk water too i lNI f ftMiMarrta4, sit) t-u -ut fl.SI aw or ts i Tiioji a, muv ai "f Ai 1 1 ' l fir.tna. ttn IA0 CT..n fttlke of Inuatiea U Ap U 1mm UM. la Cot UM Ki.lMrV Jjrr-dn r r s. WTAiiTTS: l.hi . ... !0iT rirf'' '.u?'1',, ... vanraater. tf.. wruuu..ct i r. t l"frtr. wiend f rTr t1' "' I, " "", ' " i ' jrnrt it g past plaal't r m .hare m r Atn ivt. ' " ';ULxt7 ".T? W 'J ' tUr nua rJ reirtiietKrenrftl. and is-r ttf 11.73 srre, mnr THOMAS A. ACI.m Msiw "f A1'' LAND ACT. Netka af laWMUa to Aaoif ta 1mm U- l Cist Mnd IMtrr. hwkwi trtrl ut f'UWr nurrt. ! In Cnm.fvs. Inkt. H-rrfttf Qmrn Charkttif Ittands. , Tk SMIre thtt I. Thotnsa A I'1"' of Vinrauvcr. C, oerupsllon I "" Otrsior. Intend lo ipedy n I" "" """" In U-f II) fuOrtalnr JTT1I!'' ho ret , Ojnmwint at tb aoolaaesl " " T.L SITS: Ibewe r-Kilh t rhainv '"', S re. (Ml ehalns. Uinr '", rhaln; Ihenre nnrtherlr and e-tr' !"t Mk'Wlnt ihe Mwire nf i:nmiw r ,t ta lha tvilnl nf rctnmrti'-eni'nt ' n lalMnr l.JI ifres. m.ire t . tiiom.? a, k'rnrT .ama f An '" Oatd Septmler Hill. tS1 m CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. NOTICE I HlflKIIY liivri l"" , rMrve enverUK Cliannel Hiu'i tUmtt ItMtrlrl, tni farme rty nt . TliiitM-r Uranoe tlfll' i '', Itrl Ixputr MlnUIT "f i """ Mruls penanmnit, Vlftotis, B.C, 1IID orlnlief, IIJI. LAND ACT. . Call lar Land OH intrlel. Oistrltt af '"; rur iitiii Vf. Dial llrlMlwkl "" , ... it 111 II f 1.. till, 11 1 ispp'y for vmilai t" pufehai ' a i I'liiiirn it in nnwiit i.rerk. one mile TaiMi Ukr ami nmnmr rrek I. las (flf n Inn I......!.-,! fill "I'" rrrly Vi lake; lln-m-i "i" , line lo lii i.r riHiini-iu ri)irtil forty arrea, iiNire or . k K liMlllur) ;copoRATioi or tm ciTT or rHCt riflh Aanti (ait Ofealns. , , Tetiilrrs sill lie rerrlved I" "!,,, r.l.Tli up lu A 11.111. mi TliuriU ,",ii iber ft. lets, for Us liu.w"r, f inronnallon ami form of lendi ; '' . lolitaiTM-il 'f l ' " at the office ,. err The LtwrH or any lender ii". 'narlly arrrinl. lly order of Ihe nil Cnuwll. I f' CM ."",;, Jtovemlier 10,