Friday, November 23, 1023. it ' WWO VO Ck Mfr ( 5 oxvuuitco to It Is economy to let the butcher drive past once in a while. Oxo Cubes tale the place of butcher's meat in soups and savory dishes and open up a hundred and one dainty ways of using up todcy what was left over from yesterday. Oxo Cubes are time and money savers more than that, they add nutrition to other toods. Tins ol 1, 10. 50 nnd 100 Cubes. COBES Oxo Vegetable lllih (lit rijr K lh nl o Iimi ih wilhi Mi . nurga me if ita in is tt Inn It f m r r :. I4 mi U"lve HMrar" imi lor in b'.v ft. r., h t.a-i - I ioai. i Hi.- Iki: cm u.i iim.. it. Have You Tried? Rupert Brand s OCKEYE ALMON andwiches Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. ' PRINCE RUPERT SPECIAL SPECIAL Allen's Creamy Toffee 1 " 50c per lb. ORMES LTD. 1 DISPENSING CHEMISTS. Rexallfttoret Cor. Third Ave. and Sixth. Phones 82 and 200 I?1 . Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE "The Service Store." WE CASH CHEQUES. Agents For: - N. and S. ENGINES r Terms Arranged To Suit Purchasers. Phone Blue 01. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Sailtnri From Prince import. tor VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Ocean Ttlli, end wtnion , Tussdsv, B P.M. tot VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alert Bay, and Swenson Bay, aturdev Noon. tor ANVOX, ALKIE ARM, STEWART, Wales Island, sunder I tM. 'CP PORT SIMPSON nd Natl RUff Canneries, frldsi A.M. II Inrt Avenue. J. Btrniley, Agent, rrlnre Rupert. B.C ! i If you wuilii like to bis sure of always liaviriK a supply of frefch pure count mUk from choicest dairy cow keep a few tin of St. Charles milk in (lib house all the lime. I'se it for etery, milk reed. All grocers have It four sizes. Send for Free Recipe Book. The Borden Co. Limited VANCOUVER. Condensary at South Sumas, B.C. DELIGHTFUL PRIVATE DANCE LAST EVENING Mrs. Margaret Grieve Enlertalm ed 116 Friends at Pleasant Affair In Elks' Home Our .if (In- most thoroughly : annt affairs in the fall social season was a pritate dance in I he I ; .s Ji. iiir lat uiplil at which Mis Margaret Orieve was hostess ! 110 "f her friends. Dancing m tiicii I at 10 o'clock anil con- linu.'il mil it r clock. There wen1 also m "i-al tallies of bridge. Mrs. iriee was asiied in resetting by Mrs. Fred Stork ami F. . Dawson, who acted as hni fur lln- ivfinnt. Lionel 'l.ililiv. who is Icaviiiit shorUy for Hit- south to he married, was a kih' of lunior. Music was furnished by pro. fessor Pryces orchestra and il listtilfiil rpfnHhinnls werp it- 4 at miduitthl iiniter tli ot Mm. r.nrnill. " John M. Morrison, lh) Alire Ann transfer man, arriHl fnun I be north on the Prince (leorjre lat evening' and is registered at the Hotel I'rinre Hubert. ANNOUNCEMENTS llehi'kah Ilazaar, Saturday, Noeinher 'M. . Women of Monsehcarl Legion Kataar. MelrojMilc Hall, Novem ber '-'8 and 2i. Hoya! I'urnli and Klks' ItaVaar and Did Time Carnival. Hlks llotiK'. Iecemler and 5. Salaliou Army Ladies' Home League llataar, Deeeiutier C. Maptisl Ohure li Hiiwar, Hoc. 1; in C.IiuitIi parlors. .Methodist Church Ilazaar, lU'ceinlier 15. 4 High Sitionl Xinas. Concert, lieceiuher 20. A Lady Told Us The other day if lady said she always liked to v look around in our store because she fell she was welcome In look around without, licinjr bothered if she did not wish to buy. We like to have people come in to see what we have. It makes I lie (dace look busier anyway and , some time we may have sonulliin? to stlil. II shows they know where our store is anyway. We will not 'bother you any lime you are just lookinfr. Bulger & Cameron Limited Jewellers. OIITPfl VT T A v A or" v yjirio inm Lnsi THE DAILY NEWS. PAGE THREE, Local aid 'Personal Ii.C. Undertakers. I'hone 41, Haynera, Under takara. Phouo f -CJU I ) - 351. tf - Mnc very iucm ; i m Order your coal from Casey. TantalizinFoxlrot C I'hone lied 523. if llaskelball tonight. Three Karnes. Klktt Home. Interior Pasteurised Prince Ilupert (Hack 216. Dairy. Milk. Phone tf Choice Creamery Duller, 7 lbs. for $3.00. F. W. Mocrscii. I'hone 13. if Mooseheart pictures West- holme Theatre, Sunday 3 tun Admission free. Mrs. -Helen Nucich arrived in the city by the Prince !eor;:e from Alice Arm last evening. "The .Scot Abroad," by the Itev. J. J. ijmilhson, (uuighl In SI Andrew's Rooms at 8.3(1 Everybody welcome. K. A. Dye, (reat .orlhern Itailway general agent, Yancoii ver, returned s'oulh on the Prince tieorge last evening. Archbishop F. H. DuVemel i expected back tomorrow afternoon from a trip to Vancouver and Victoria on church business I lie Salvation Army Ladies' Home League Ilaiaar, December 0, 3 p.m. Plain and fancy sew mg, home cooking, candy. Tea served. It. Nicholson, who arrive) yes terday morning from Ketchikan by the Alameda, sailed last muht on the Prince Heorge for van router. Dan Larsen, raidaiu of I Ira halibut schooner Cape Spencer, sailed last night by the Prince denrge for Vancouver on a hali day trip. Mrs. . K. Wrlgslesworth am child sailed last' night on the Prince reorge for Seattle to join Mr. WrijrgewiTrfh' who went south recently.' '' liny your Christmas (iifls at I lie Hebekah Ilazaar tomorrow in the store next to lieusou's Studio. A pood selection to choose from. o Week-end Specials. Pork Hocks, 2 lbs. 25c; loin mutton 22c; leg mutton 27 Wc: shoulder million, lie; shoulder lamb 18c teg lamb. 32c: loin lamb. 25c lafde Supply Meat Dept. ' 270 Major It. M. Taylor, provincial government nubile works district "engineer, left on Ia! night's train for Terrace on one of his ticriodienl visits of in. 'pecliou to the Skeena Hiver bridge construction.' Itev. A. D. llalsler. who has bevn jn the city, for the pasl week reorganiting the Lutheran Church" congregation,, relumed to Victoria on the Prince (leorge d evening. As soon as" a new iiastor js, installed at Vic toria, Mr. Ilaisler -exnecls to re turn hero. J. S. Cochrane, prairie farmer who lias been at Hums Laki Visiting wilh his soii-iu. law and daughter. Mr. and .Mrs. Cordon U. Ilobb, arrived from the inter ior last night an.! proceeded south to Vancouver hv I lie steamer Prince Ceorjre. He was accompanied by his siand- daughter, Miss. L. Cheney, Passengers fur the sulli on the steamer Prince George las' night included W. Apideyard, C. Atkinson, Mrs. Freeman Luther. S. H. Loraine, Miss N. Wesley. A. Campbell. .1. Mowat. A. It. McDonnell, C. llnslie. A. K. Han sen, C. Winllier, K. W.inther. Dan Larsen, John Carlson. J. Jagonelli and H. Myers for Van couver; L. Quale for Seattle. WIRELESS REPORT S a.m. DK5HY ISLAND. llaining, fresh southeast wind; barometer 2U:3t; temperature, 12; light swell. DEAD THEE POINT llaining, light soulheast wind; barometer, 2U.22; temperature, 10; sea moderate. HULL HAIUIOM. . llaining, fresh southeiH wind; bar'onn - T Love You!" A wonderful new fox trot an ecstasy of syncopation. Played by those acknowledged masters of dance music-Paul Whiteman and His Orchestra. Coupled with "The Life of a Rose" (Fox-Trot) played by the famous Charles Dornberger's Orchestra on the reverse side, here is a gem of a dance record. Ask for 'His Matter's Voice" Victor Record Ho.l91$l. Three Other Thrilling Dance Hitu ! Night on the Back Porch Fos Trot !Lait If 1 Can't Havr the Sweetie I Want Fox Trot Paul Whitnn ind bu Orchestra Susanna lltdlty Fox Trot , !0h Th Gmii WW Wjr Orchestra Southern Mekxfiet Wain Tk Troub4ouri Hoosier Bluei Fox Trot fBiue Tt Creit Wfciif Wiy Orclirmi Ajnabelle Fot Trot Brool Johni and hit OrclwMfi must afHis Master Voice- dealersX ler, 2U.52; lempertiture. 18: sea moderate; 8 un.' spoke steamer Cordova 250 miles south of Ketchikan northbound. Noon DKillY ISLAND. llaining. fresh soul beast wind; barometer 2U:22; temperature, 1(5; sea moderate. DEAD THEi: POINT. llain ing, moderate -southeast gale: barometer. 29:3C; temperalure. 10; very heavy sea. DOMESTIC SERVANTS ARE ARRIVING AND PLACED IN TORONTO TOIIONTO, Nov. 23. The Employment Service of Canada finds that in Ontario the pro. Idem of household help is ligh'lly nearer a satisfactory solution, owing to the fact that there were 1,032 new arrivals from Creat Itritaiu during the year, all of whom have been placed. In Hie' previous year the number stood at 262. Hetter attention is being given the com. fort of domestics and I hey are not often allowed to bo lonesome. An interesting; development recently has been the large number of women in the casual section whom the Hur-j eau has been unable to place, owing to the light demand. Plus 1c Per Piece. m a pound FLOAT-IRONED Family Service All of your washing 80 pet cent ot your Ironing everything returned dry You limply touch up a few outer garments such as waists, blouses, house dresses, with hand-Iron. Phone us today, CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. ' Phone 8. Tor Chrittmaia box of 'Hit Mailer" I Voict' Victor -Records. It's living fift, the bvin( fniut of the greet Vtrtor e.tts. Send the greet "Hit Master's Voice" Dance Orchestral into rour friends' homes as rour Christmas gift and yours will be a remembrance worth while. "His Master's Voice" dealers have many record combinations, all in attractive Christmas boxes. His Master's Voice- Victor COAST STEAMSHIPS SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points, Thursday, Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART SATURDAY, 10 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Islands, Nov. 17, Dec. 1, 15, 29, at 8 p.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Prince Rupert 8.15 p.m. ror PRISCE CEOBCE. EDMO.NTO.N. WI.1-MPLO. til points Eastern Canada, L'utted Slates. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cltr Ticket Office, B2S Third Ave, Prince Rupert. Phone 293. We are the Sportsman's Headquarters We carry a complete line of Rifles, Ammunition and (he celebrated Nilro Club Game Loads. We recommend these shot shells to the most particular shooters. WE HAVE EVERYTHING FOR THE HUNTING AND CAMPING TRIP. STORK'S HARDWARE LTD Second Ave. -Premier-Gold Medal Beer The New Wonderful Beer There is only one way to prove that PllEMIKU "GOLD MEDAL" UEKU is best THY IT. Order from the Government Vendor Today. This advcrUsement is not' published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. V i ft 49