When Yeti Winl A TAXI mm miln BOSTON NEW GRILL 99 Third Ave. h a hurry The Latest in Restaurants. Private Boxes for Ladies Plwne and party Use. Beet Oart and Beat Service PRINCE RUPERT Best Food. Best Service. In the City, flats Reasonable "Jake Her to the Boston.'" Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper OPEN DAY AND NIQHT. VOL. XIII., SO. 270, 'fi PIUNCK IILPKIIT, 11.(1, FHIDAY. XOVEMHKIt 23, 1023. VMtwOf't Circulation 1MC tUMt SM 41 a. PRICE FIVE CENTS. DRUG h ttSTIGATlON PROVES SENSATIONAL NUMBER OF CHANGES IN NORTHERN ELECTORAL DISTRICTS TO BE MADE Sensational Evidence in Drug Commission Investigation Being Held Regarding Police Methods VANCOUVHII, Nov. I'll. Sensational evidence concerning Uftl HfJTPFD I FA VIM the method ueil by the lloyal Canadian Mounled Police par- IULUmLL" -"iT1U colic sipiad in its operation against Oriental offender!? was given j DOCK THIS EVENING i"ior i nr. commissioner vvnn is coiiuncung inquiries uno meir, methods, following a police court action in Virtoriu recently when severul officer were charged with illegal handling of narcotic, j Annie Jones, wife of llnrry Jones, longshorcmuii, testified ; lh. Lel.lature lo urce upon Hie '"""fy n" f '7 -federnl aovrninnt n.MlieMirer.-wJ"1' a!'' ahe.lud-Leea.ac- torale of the CX.lt. the adlsa- dualnled with txclv Tor some C Q M M bility or mnkfnir a mot search- 471 ""- ..-...- .. Imk Invrsliuatioii or railwtiy carrlf.1 druu off the boat two route, from Prince UeorKe lo the ltn. j J"f" said lie received ""ry Peace liner district. a affonlimr the mo.l economic roulc for the '-!0H their Mare of Hie I s-n n tttut lint nit I I hia I In Itfl if I 111 ir GOVERNMENT FLEET ON PACIFIC COAST BEING AUGMENTED C.ts.M.M, steamer Canadian Trooper Is. being broughl from Montreal to li Pacific Coast lo euler the coastwise freighting "ervice bclwren ltrlllsh Colum- hia and California ports. She I due to arrive In Vancouver dur ing the first week In December ninl, nuw that Prince llupert Is being made a port of call for the coastal bonis, she may possibly be seen in thin port before long, The Canadian Trooper is of 5,000 tonnage, and she is a sis-ler ship to the Canadian Volunteer which Is here now. She was Vulll In Hill) by Wallace's nl Iorth ar4t0urer, working for uhnt they could make for thenisehes. He admitted that he had no proof of Ihis. The commissioner refused to admit any eUdenrc relating to Ihe activities of Ihe accused mvii lime Ihey became FISH ARRIVALS Four American Boats Sold 48,- 500 Pounds of Halibut" this Morning Today's sales: Valorous, I'.Onti pounds; Lumen, 0,00(1 pound", and Seoul, 3,500 pounds, al 17c am) 0c. to Ihe Allln Fisheries". Atlantic, 30,000 pounds, al Kl.rtc and 10c. lo Ihe Canadian Fish . Cold Storage Co. confeFwith states OVER RUM RUNNING OTTAWA. N'V. IM.-kV confer Camula ami the United Slates In regard to rum ruiiiihiR Is sel lo open here on Overhaul Finished and Tests Will Take Place This she wa aakd ly Constable V, V. F.ccles, one of the accused Testing of the overhaul work " 38 men, lo co ahoard a transpacific on f lie G.G.M..M. sleamer Dana- DCDDV APTIVE illner lo bring off drugs. She nnd , Han Volunteer which has been ljultlll IvIIYLi 'her husbuiid conspired to do this, in progress for the past few She wore a- special skirt with a week at the local dry dock will EAD DiniMP '" w,',,,, ,vp"l,la,l' lake place this afternoon and lUli IllUlllll "I"' c'O'Xeii package:, or alleged (he boat should he off (he pon-narcotic delivered lo her by a on by this evening. Hvcry- (Chinaman in the ship. She aUo tiling itruvinc satisfactory. she Motion Asking Federal Govern- carried off the ship three or four will proceed lo the (irand Trunk manf to Take Action Ip Re- sealed tins tucked under her parlfir wharf to load Dulhie mine ard to Railway arm. She was paid by the ore for California. Then she , IChiuainaii ten dollars a package will go lo Ocean Falls to coin- VICTOUIA, Nov. 23. II. G, 1,1 firry it ashore. plele cargo with paper from the Perry. Liberal member for Fort! At her home Krele came and pacific mills. George riding In the Legisla- alched another Chinaman take . !::'?"' .":: crs?; 1'" .'"!!; rr,"rr Canadian seigneur a MUHIKtAL tSUAl moM-inenl or grain rrom l-eace - - " ;;"" Seigneur, which will arrive here Ither lo the Pacific coasl and al,o , a,r ,l,a " who , also; . Male iHU next nt5, moiilh iihhiih from iron .u Uslralia . irau.i tlet. police Informer, pnimlslng ,. the opening ,,1,11, ,, up ol llf a ' ,i..:lo load lumber for Japan, is a greater area or territory hafnKiwa Irafric possibilities for Camidan Xaloual lines. P.G.E. AGAIN BEEORE HOUSE Premier Says Esllno Deliberate, ly Chosa Unqualified Person to Investigate Accounts VICTOUIA, Nov. 23.- henying charges that he was blocking a full investigation Into P. (I. I', railway affairs, Premier Oliver f 1 1 1 1 f n t it 1 1 tiitL ml atti llisa Mtsf llltlr ""inn nun ' s .' . . for Ilosslnn.l in Ihe legi-lluie!l"',,r. '" ""f eerday wllh the assertion dial Mr, Ksllng ilellheralely selected an miualified person lo go iulo the V.U.K. accounts In Ihe "Imp" and expectation that such person would be refused acres lo Ihe accounts. " "In oilier words," the premier declared, "Mr. Ksllng prefers a manufactured grievance to i real exaiulnalioii of Ihe accounts by a chartered accountant selected by himself." lIltllMtll will! in rdt II ui hiu t . hrugs Art. This was done on instruction from lrlcs. Witness said thai W. k Sunlli. Ihe third of three officers Icharged, chased h Chinaman to whom he. Jones, had flelivered drugs but lost the Chinauuin's aulo in pursuit. Jones said he knew I hot Kccles was leader of Ihe drug sipiad of mounleil police but lie thought that in the transaction named lU'des and bis associates were vrssel or X,on(l lonuauc and is slight ly larger than the Canadian Scot It'll. She was buill by Vickers at Montreal in lull). MANY NOMINATIONS EXPECTED MONDAY Conservatives Alone. Will Have About Six Hundred Candidates In Field LONHON. Nov. 23. II is anticipated that ofricial nominations on Monday wll produce I,-500 candidates Tor the election, which takes place early In le. cember. Conservalivcs will have nearly 000. Liberals 150. ami v . i . i s I. ..... I .... I members r the drug s.piad. ,iao,'r "u ""mr- o """"-' r.....,.rr,.... II... A..iliiil..ln will OIOII I ........ , .... .... , sit in Okalla penilenlliir' where (certain prisoners will be heard in connection wllh activlles of ihe accused. Four American boats sold IH,- BIG LIQUOR HAUL AT VICTORIA WHEN RESIDENCE RAIDED VICTOUIA, Nov. 23. What (s ;ald to be a record Ihpior seizure al a private resident' in Victoria was made here Thursday when Ihe iiuliec raided the home of Jnck Day, retired hotelman, and 'i00 pounds of halibut at lh" k possession of wet goods Fish F.xchange this morning, valued at ?5,0(io, none of the There were 110 i.anauian arri- containers of which bore the gov vals. The ansce. 50.000 lhs.,lernmPt Jaliol, according lo the arrived at noon and Is homing pOjC0 oxer until tomorrow. PRICEJF BEEF Grazing Commission Starts an Investigation Into Conditions Governing Stock Industry The Canadian exhibition road Irains have returned to Paris after a successful exhibition tour of France. NEW PROVINCIAL POLICE BOAT IS TO BE INSPECiED; ;back lo this poj-t a new pashoat for pntinrial police, service out of Prince llu Coiistable jAlex - - Iniulil fur )i Steamer Comlnt Here Next Month Is Slightly Larger Than Canadian Scottish C.C M..M. steamer Canadian here lo re sold some lliiinri Itnnl Changes Made Prince " Rupert Constituency; Omineca Much Larger Prince Ceorge Includes Peace River: Paper Towns Grouped into new Riding; Omineca gets two Members. -.Special Despatch to Daily Xews; VICTORIA, Xov. 23. Under the terms of the redistribution bill as drafted and introdured inlri Ihe .po-Uhif nro Prim-a FUNERAL OF GEORGE H"Prt constituency is to be reduced to less than half its former riT7MIIinirr lirill "'rt, n i" miioue uiiij rvuieii iManu, I'rince unpen liitv, rllillAUKll WILL i,ht Tsimpsean peniiiHilu including Port Simpson, Queen Char- Islands and the islands between tham'and the mainland. TAIfE PI AfC CIIMHAV lArvE- i Lfltt oUIllAl Omieca is to be extended and given two members, ils area (covering all the country from Kaien Island on the west-almost Acting Chief Constable Saint The late George S. Pilzmaiiricc ! Prince George in the east and including the lakes country. Sailed Last K'lqht For South will he laid lo resl in Fairview anI the towns of Terrace, 1 ' to Look Over Cruiser Adanac jOemelery on Sunday aflernoonmilhers, Telkwa and Burn with full militarr honors. Hie il-ak. ireal War Veterans' Associa-l The mill lowns of Swanson n ! Hay. ()cean Falls and Powell To isp- ai. ssibly brim; !i,,,r a'"1. ,rt!' a Heimenl j ... ... ' ' . ...... bemir I'ing Jointly jointly hi fit chanre charge of or the the Hiver with the country inter-! arrangements. The ibody wil. veninir will be grouped lo rorm pert. Acting atot&.W'?! tu; "f- Un-,a a new .... Ihe "ie "' service will wi" he Prformei iierfni-fiio.1 a al I "Id" nee !eirge The " . rnmc ..nu-. me ........ .... j i. ..,, ........ I 1 i - 1 I 3:15 i'cH-fc. o'clock. .n, Thence iiirnciT Ihe irip cortege eonege i ? ra,u,e a"d Ue "oun',lnP t,f "Tb l1"' 23.-Mctoria Adanac, She Is iO feet long and : l'Hsi 1,"U ,0M member in the one j"1 has been Used by the boiler u- . 1'rov.ncial Legislature but ha. speclor s deparlmenl. The b.,at , j is a. present at New Wes.min- LATE t HARRY Bn MOORE " !T ! ... ' !!" a0t i mum iiuati uinirr mv uinnii- During Ihe absence of Con-tahle Saint, Constable Jlarry Morliu is in charge of chief constables duties in the district. Chief Con-Jable Snillcr, wlio is coming here lo 'succeed Chief Minty, recently transferred. is expected very soon and msiy come )inck with Constable Saint. Constable Saint had with him last night a prisoner from. Ter race, Walter llaunisler, who is (o serxe four mouths nt Okalla for a second olfenso of drunkenness. I., .lessen, distrirl superintendent for lloyle Pros., the Sookane diamond drilling concern, was a passenger for Vancouver on Mie Prince (ieorge last night. C. Parkvohl, local halibut fisherman, sailed lat night by Ihe Prince (ieorge for Vancouver enroule (o Saskatoon on a holiday trip. VICTOUIA. Nov. 23. To rind Now, however . an active inunt- jusl why the price or beer is so grallon plan had been .evolved by low In Hrilish Columbia that the federal government, a plan entile breeders cunnol make any already producing good results, money, grazing commissioner he pointed out. Mackenzie is goliiir lo Knmldons Canada need not be afraid of lo mvel Hie stockbreeders next the ebb, and flow of population, .Monday, lie says be intend to Mr. Jaltullo asserted. Many years find out why Hrilish Columhinjngn one-ftHirlli or the population can furnish only 25 per cent of of Chicago was made up of Can- the amount of beef consumed In adlans. November 27 nnd i" expected nUlie province while the other 75 io't t'vo ;elit ,la- Imported. "Canada can absorb 300,000 new utuei.- .uitiually Suppt;siinr Ihe Funeral this Afternoon Under Auspices of Deep Sea Fishermen's Union, Archdeacon Rlx Officiating Pattullo Declares People are Satisfied with the Government Immigration a Vital Question you hail an island off Ihe coast with that population, would you I wil be brought down in Ihe House Ibis week. One More Member The Legislature will consist of 18 inslead or 17 members as at present, according to Ihe first announcement of the plans The funeral of Ihe lale Harry made by Premier Oliver yesler- Moore. who died yeslerday morn-(day. The electoral districts ot ing in Ihe Prince llupert General .the province will be overhauled Hospital, look place litis afler-'"d the membership total in-noon from the H.C. Undertakers' creased by cue. Parlors to Fairview Cemetery Vancouver's membership re-under the auspices of the Deep mains al six but Ihe new con-Sea Fishermen's Union. Arch- sliluency or Hurnaby will be eacon (i. A. Ilix ollicialed and created. Two other new con-Ihe pallbearers were John stituencies will be created, Thomas, Deri Sheppard, (JeoraeCresloii and Mackenzie. Cres-Abbolt. Abe King, Henry Jorgen-jlon is to comprise all Ihe sen and Alonzo Cook. 'southern portion of the former Floral tributes were received 'constituency of Kaslo and a from Mr. and Mrs. George 'port ion of Ihe old Trail dis-Davies, Charles Phillips, Fisher-jtricl. Mackenzie will include men's Club, Carl Johnson, Hilly extensive coast areas such as the Sullivan, Mr. and Mrs. Olier! former mainland polls of the pre- Itesner and Mrs. S. Ii. Quarles. sent Coinox riding and a number of the noils from the mainland pari of Prince llupert conslil uency,, Omineca is . to include a vast area in (lit- far north and it will have Iwo ' members. The- 'limit ol Ihe riding are lo be extended west to t lie coast op-Iposite Prince llupert and Hast , . to a line drawn north and "Wo must have more people 111 Canada we can t sland v0Ulll jnimediately wesl of still," Hon. T. I). Pattullo, minister of lands, declared in the 'lrinc0 ;eorge. Legislature as he outlined the settlement needs of Pritish Col- Kamloops will have two mem-unihin. ,, . bers. (irand Forks and tireen- "lf you slop people coming in you slop progress, the mm- NVU(K, w( ,,e combined to form isler warned. Immigration, he declared, is the -most important om, cu,,siiiuency. issue before Jhe public today. More people had come to Canada, up lo IU2J than had left Ihe country, he added, and it was only prnsjiiuy fAJJEKPATEC due to the lack of comprehensive colonization policy that citizens U-JviuAni lUNrljlAILj 1IO.O had left Illk V-Mlll.lll,. Canada since ("HIV!' ,.,. that time. FUNDS OF COMMUNISTS go out after their business? Cer- HKIU.l.N, Nov. 23. General Ininly, and it would be much bel- von Seeckl, national commander ler to have Ihose 300,000 people of Ihe lleichswehr, 1ias oiilered right here in our own country." ,tlie dissolution or the coinmun The minister claimed a modest credit tor having stimulated an immigration sentiment. He d-e dared Canada to be the most Ta-vored country In the world and the best governed, and 'Hrilish out i uued on pure two 1st parly and or its funds. Ihe contention Mrs. I., liunn, and family, ar rived on last night's train rrom Usk to lake .1111 their permanent I residence on Ambrose Avenue. PREMIER SAYS IS SATISFIED conli(uency lo be known : Mackenzie. iw' Offer Mo Opinion on British lereiw ill be no. separate con-' elections , Which ara mmtm n ' ifn.a. i i mi mm i ii in 11 i i -'iitii --' i . ..... sliluency of Peace Hiver but ill ootnesiiorrair svraiini . ...,,r. .... i"u;.n. nun i ium- wi.-.c .Mfl ..l.il. ii ilaee the Myfanwy wi" POCP,,, ' Fairview Cerne- and Mcllride to form the Prince ry '"'" la'', ",,,e,l,n "lilar- ieorge consliluency. time me ago to the Prince Iftmt. Hoiwi. is w iiutno.l i.ttmo.1 Hi.. 11... rile wil be observed wild gun! Hy Canadian Press CORDIAL RELATIONS LOXDO.V, Xov. 23. Premier Mackenzie Kins' and parly left for home today. A crowd M Canadians and Hrilish Government oflirials jis well as private mends at the station cheered him away. Ilerore leaving be I old news- papermeii he had no sentiments . to olfer as a rarewell. To his ;' mind the general results or Ihe ; Imperial Conference could not ii have been more satisfactory. Asked regarding Ihe Hrilish elections, Ihe Canadian premier' said il was a domestic mailer tor I lie people or Hiilain and. whatever Ihe result ot Ihe elec- lions might be the relations of Canada with Ihe mother country would remain exactly as Ihey are at present, most cordial. ARE STRANDED IN NANAIMO: Charge Made That Immigrant! Brought as Result of Mrs. Smith's Campaign In- - vestlgated ' VICTOUIA, Nov" 23. The. Hrilish Columbia Governmcdl. moved lo day lo get to (lie bot- loin of charges that penniless Hrilishers bad been brought to Nanaimo from Knglund as a result or Mr.. Mary Ellen Smith's immigration work and were now stranded in Nanaimo. J. D. McNiven, deputy minis ter or labor, is in Nanaimo to day investigating conditions there and meanwhile Mrs. Smithy is urging "the federal Govern meat immigration department to prevent a recurrence or the Nanaimo situation. In a telegram to the immigration cle? parlmenl she declared thero should be more cohesion between rederal olllcials in liand-ling new settlers and that settlers should know conditions at I lie point of destination before coming. F. Cooper, K. II. Owen and II. Davles, members or Iho crew or C.G.M.M. Canadian Volunteer, were passengers .for Vancouver on the Prince George last even- J c a r i