THE DAILY NEWS. PAGE GJX SPECIAL VALUES OF EXCEPTIONAL MERIT. FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY ONLY. Children' Combinations, Tnrnbull make, while and iiat-ura), sizes 20 lo 3S, per suit . . . . . . . .... 11.50 Ladies Combination. silk mixture, l.7. values, p?r 3.7S gUlt I.idies' Combinations Tiirnbull's, 3.50 values, per 2'65 suit Hoys' Heavy -Natural Vests and Drawer,, per garment $1.25 Hoys' All Wool Ulark Sox, heavy rib, 1.23 value for . 85c Penman's Cashmere Sox, black, 2 pair for $1.00 Ladies' Fleece lind Bloomers, grey, per pair .... $1.00 Bloomers, outsize, pink and white, per pair 75c Ladies' Pure Wool Bloomers, white, brown, copra and uavy. per Iair - - ,2!50 Indies Cashmere Hose, pure wool, brown, black, sand, etc.. per pair Pure Silk Hose, ky, grey, navy, duck. Value to $2.30, SI .25 per pair Blankets, 0 pairs only, white.- SliPhtly soiled, pr pair $7.50 Comforters, in a splendid assortment of patterns, values to $3.30. Social W.5 Flannelette, 30 inches, white. Our best grade. Extra heavy. Regular 00c. 2 yards for .. . . . . 85c Curtain Hods, 30 inch extension, each 10c Curtains, readf made. 2V yards longs. Cream voile, lace and hemstitched trim, per pair $230 Ladies' Coal The balance of our stock at 20 per cent discount. Mail Orders filled at these prices. We slock Pictorial Review Patterns H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. XMAS JEWELLERY We have a wonderful selection of SPANISH FANCY COMBS In 130 designs. No two alike. Priced -xoeptioiially low. Oter 200 designs in . NOVELTY EARRINGS ' Also a special price on READING LAMPS, CUT GLASS, CHINA and SILVERWARE Our price aiicf quality cannot be beaten in' Canada. INSPECTION INVITED. Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist. VANITY Not a Corset, nut a Brassiere. A perfect combination that mokes the figure more beautiful, from $2.50 We are also showing a new line of Iris Brassieres. Model to suit everyone. "Demers" Phone 27. P.O. Box 327. It ia a pleasure to the discrim Inating housewife to see CON SUMHIIS COAL go Into her bins Kvery piece sizable, bright and clean. ' Not a piece of. shale non-burning dirt. All of it packed heal full beat value for every dpllar paid. CONSUMERS COAL is stove coal cleaned and selected. Consumers Coal Go. Ltd Phones 7 and 311. Have you bad your PASTEURISED MILK TODAY? VALENTIN'S DAIRY 8ells Milk, Cream and Butter Phone 81. Dally Deliveries. BENNETT'S CHEMICAL LABORATORY. Assayera, Chemists, Metallurgists. Ore (shippers Agent. TACOMA, Washington, U.S.A. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert' Leading Restaurant. A Bakery Unsurpassed. Third Avenue. LOGGERS' CLUB Situate in the old Empress Hotel Building. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or the Month. Steam Heated. Hot and Cold Water. , POOL TABLES. Flrat-claas Restaurant In connection. James Zarelll - Proprietor. 'MOTOR AND WIRELESS EXHIBITION IN LONDON LONlON, Nov. 23. Of the five exhibition which have ju. opened here. Hie Molor Show, at the Olymjna, is the most Im portant, drawing some quarter: of a million of the world keenest motorists to see ten acre of the world" finest cars,1 value about 1.000.000. The. All-Hrilish Wireless Exhibition, al the While City is the large! wireless show ever held. Last year people had hardly heard of broadcasting: Ibis year about one private suburban house In every three sports an aerial, and over JOO.000 "constructors licenses." held by the amateurs who make, or partly make their own apparatus, have been is- ucd. II i therefore not sur prising to learn that the ex hibits al this year's wireless ex hibition occupy three time the area filled last year, or thai at least 120,000 visitors are expected, aw compared with 35.000 in 1922. W.C.T.U. SECRETARY WOULD LIKE TO HAVE DOMINION PROHIBITION MONTREAL. Nov. 23. At the annual convention of the Quebec W.CT.l'. Mrs. MacLachlan. Ihe corresponding secretary, said Ihe situation in Quebec was dis couraging. "The only remedy Is the enactment of Federal pro hibition." she said. Canada liould lake a lesson from the United Slates, Mrs. MacLachlan believed, which so far had not repealed any Federal amend ments. M. P MirCaffory sailed Iat night on he Prince (ieorge for Victoria. FARMERS' Meat Market CASH AND CARRY. Prince lluperl people liae at last obtained their desire for a lxw Price (iroee:-y tore. To clpar this week end wc will sell: 10 High Tirade Hams, per lb 34c 15 Boxes of Apples Jonathan and Mclplosh. at per box $1.85 25 Boxes of Jap Oranges, at a box ... 85c FRESH MEATS are advancing but our price is the same. Orders over $5.00 Delivered. Phone Blue 428. 1 mmmk UU bbbbW) I VallBLVBBBVr J tv.-i mts rvj.iu. Cowijerti wtih ordinary tlirJ pieito ALL GONE. For the nresent. hut we have an- olher shipment coming in about December 1st. You still have an opportunity lo have this lilllejiiano in your home for Christmas. First come first served. Walker's Music Store Ltd. LLLLLkVS2sv!LLLh COPPER PRICES ARE DUE FOR A RISE IN VERY HEAR FUTURE WELLEI.EY HII.I.S. Ma..Xov. 23. -Copper securities at a new low point for the year, reached ilurinz Ihe lal lw weeks, have stirred the uiteresl of Ihe in- eslor. Afler a survey of the industry Roger W. Ilabson, the statistician, issued a report of his findings; "The copper industry has fori some lime been rolling in the doklrums of low prices and de pressed market condition," says Mr. Ilabson. "From August. 1921. throughout 1922 and into the first quarter of this year, prices moved steadily upward, m March a temporary reaction set in and during the past seven mouths Ihe trend ha been markedly downward. Present iuoutiuus an on a par with those of Ihe early part of 1922. "All indications point to the fart that Ihe stage is being set for a awaited buyintr movement. Nearly eery ap-prcc I aide upward turn in prices has been directly preceded by an abrupt drop- in shipment from be refineries to domestic mills. Jin Septcinhor "domestic deliveries were only y3.OOfl.000 pounds, the lowest wince early in 1922 and over 30.000,000 lounds be- 'low the averatre point for the firsf eizlil mouth of this year. "Copper buying has always come in wavrs. Psychology Mi ter the market in a persislenl tendency to follow Ihe crowd, and i often the deciding factor in the direction and extent of ii urirp movement.. Another in dication or approaching strength is Ihe lenidli ;fml extent of Ilifi derlining market. Since no hall . in the fall of copper price. A sludy of market fluctuations lor he nasi 15 vears show thai six months is Ihe maximum limit of a continued price trend. SURPLUS OF TEACHERS IN MANITOBA: SHORTAGE SASKATCHEWAN PROY. WINNIPEG, Nov. 23. For Hie first lime on record Manitoba ha a surplu of teachers. 00 having already been placed. Tin-opposile condition prevails in Saskatchewan. There Ihe Hureau has from fifty lo sixty application thai cannot he filled. Of Ihe students at Ihe overcrowded Normal Schools in Manitoba it may he imled that a very small percentage are men. 'i' i tOiriifiiii. insiiector of mine, left by last nijfht'a train for Telkwa. NEW LAMP BURNS 94 AIR. A Beat Electric or Gas new oil lamp that gives an amazingly brilliant, soft, while liujit, even better I ban gas or electricity, has been tested by the i;.S. Oovernmefit and 35 leading .universities and found to m su perior lo 10 ordinary oil lamps. It burns without o.lor, smoise or noise no pumping up, is simple. iclean. safe. Hurns 01 ahJ and ; common kerosene (foai on Tin? inventor. O. A. Johnson, 579 McDermol Ave.. Winnipeg, Is offering lo send a lamp on 10 day's FHEK (rial, or even (o give one FIIKK to Ihe first user in eacn localfly who will help him introduce 11. Write ill m today for full nnrtlfiilnrx. Also ask him to ex plain hnw von can gel the agency. Innii wliliniii "fierlcnce or money vr . '.make 1250 (0 30a yer monui. BAZAAR SHOWER IS A GREAT SUCCESS IN AID BAPTIST CHURCH (Pleasant Evening Spent at Home or Mrs. E. H. Shockley by Between Forty and Fifty People The honve of Mrs. t' II. Shock-ley. Fifth Ave, was last night the scene of a shower in preparation for (he Baptist bazaar which is to ae place iVrember 12. He. (ween forty and fifty people gaih'-red bringing their gift with ht in and .-pent a mo-t enjo)abtr evening. Many beautiful and use. t.i articles were rieI and (lifse will form Ihe basis for a; lare number that will be offered fur sale Uy the 'jlaifce n-jU, month. Interesting guessing contests were a feature of the r citing's entertainment) 'ries for jlhese were won by Mrs. J. Me I Humid an. I Miss Niekerson respectively and the consolation priics went (.. Mrs. J. Hunter ami Mrs. Smith-si in. The musical part of the program was well looked after. Miss (icnetieve (Sriete played a piano solo which was much enjoyed as were also the-ilhrr musical num. hers, a duel by Misses Olive (Sor-don and Vera Shockley. ami' a solo by Mrs. McMillan, accompanied hy Mrs. Ilalph Walker. Those assishntr Mrs. shockley for Ihe evening were Mr. McMillan. Mrs. Hawkins. Mrs. Smith- sou and Mr. Johnstone. THE WHOLE FAMILY WAS LAID UP WITH SEVERE COLDS on thr lint appraraarr ut run ah or cuM our Klvtrr In jrmi I to ft rtd fcf II trfurr II tut a rtuwr- lo trow fi: ttU sHWd an I lie h. and r brawMll. fnommt. or 4brr rt"i Ur. Wumf Maraay phi Syrup IU UnnmlKIrt)' rrilrif thr cvUJ ttr rwutll no IK' InrepOwi. Sin. ImiM Ar. Irtrury. onU rile: "Oer nhuir frutlj Uid up llh pftrrr roM. Hd didn't win hi be aLlr to $tl ujr rrltrf Inn a;ltiiur uvd autll. vttr dtj rrtrad ranx in and luld nte f miIi br ur to rl rid of Mr wM If ' mhX Ur. Wuod'a Xonitr I'hw Srrvp. I drridrd to Itkr tMr dlre. and Hi at lime rar 1J ere all suw. . kWDVHjnt th talue of your fcfiml;, e mill tlmi krrp II ua band to at ! narv It In riw of nnrrrrarjr. ' Vr. WwmT urmjr I'lnr Synip U Jit a txilile. Irr fimlly tltr to.-; put up mly hy Thr T Milwrn Co. Llmllrd. Tumnln. Ont. Pre-Inventory Specials Shop by Phone or Walk Downstairs. Seen day remain before stock-taking. This ad. will be changed eery day. Following special for Saturday only. 200 tins Helnx Spaghetti, small sie. II eg. value 20c straight. Special Sal-unlay only v 16c Perdoz $1.75 150 Tins Lynn Valley Corn. To clear al 3 for .... 25c 1,009 lbs. Sultana Raisins, 15c lb. in bulk, H lbs. $1.00 100 cases St. Charles Milk, tall, per case .... $5.50 M tins to case. 300 lbs. Prunes, 'JO-1 no sine. V lb. Tor 35c' 35 lli. boxes $2.10 100 lbs. Broken Shelled Walnuts, per lb 35c 3 lbs. for ... . . . . $1.00 1 ton Terrace Turnips, 8 lb. for 25c 100 i. sack $2.25 400 lbs. Hallow Bulk Dates, 3 lb, for 35o II lbs. Tor $1.00 Rupert Table Supply Three Phones, 211, 212, 281 Big Reduction on AH Coats. Suits and Dresses BENT'S Phone 376 The House friday, No ember 3, Phone 376 of Quality Dresses We have jirl re. eived an entir-ly new Imi" oT lireie hi Poiret Twill fashions newest fabric. Thee rt rut in "Wrap Around" and Coat st)e and Irunnied in many different ways. Some hae braid and einliroiW) or finely lucked. Sizes HI-12. Any one ir these models can lie bought fur $25.00 : ll.irgauis n wail and kirU. j DISCOUNT SALE THROUGHOUT OUR READY-TO-WEAR DEPT. UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. .Mail Order Prepaid Phone 376. Satisfaction or Money Hark. WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight and Tomorrow Night, 7 and 9 p.m. Saturday Matinee, 3 p.m. SHSaBBBBWlBBBBtaSa1BBBBBBMBBBBBBBBBBBBSW Gloria Swanson In "ZAZA" Adaped from ihe famous play of Hint iiutne. Hlor i biggest outstanding m ess. Lovely gnwn. and oh' the way she make's loe. Ilrilhiinl Mst hp lode. H. B. Warner, Ferdinand Oott-schalk, Riley Hatch mid a big lil of Mar. 1 THIRD SERIES OF THE "LEATHER-PUSHERS." FOX NEWS. Admission 50c and 25c Mstlnee Admission 39c and 10c 66 LUMINO 99 Is Ihe best Aluminum Ware on the market IihIsj New shuif uinl sues. New cold handles. Now iMf"dipl.iy i our window at bargain prices. Tel. 3. KAIEN HARDWARE CO. We Deliver P.O Bos 1649. NOW THAT WINTER IS HERE, YOU KNOW IT TIME FOR Knitted Goods HEAVIER UNDERWEAR AND HOSIERY Are the Thing These Days. SWEATERS For Ladies mid Children, we have also splendid line ol MONARCH KNIT SWEATERS and SWEATER COATS and JERSEY SWEATERS FOR THE BOY8. We have them in a full range of styles ami colors. TOQUES and MITTS me llm things for Ihe oung folks, wlile lhJ season !" calls for (llovfs oT Which We have n largtV'Xnrle tyt wril or gauntlet, in plush, wool and kid. Jabour Bros., Corner Third and 8eventh. Ltd Phone 4