I N'ai ember 23. 1923. Cj THE DAILY KEV3 PAGE Wilk. To te Public III.' fllUlllljtrllKMll of llio l ..iillcin tirocery Mil. In. I, 4 in open ,i Cash & Carry DEPARTMENT. iii-t door In their present .eiiiNes, l )' known a lie hiMimmy lnfe. W.ilfli spare fur our it -r nml bargains. Mussatem Cf.i fs Limited The Famous Phone 15. 423 Fifth. East Special Variety WHIPPED CREAM GOODS fWAT - luuii M w mm in &i ww Bakeries LADYSMITH-WELLINQTON Lump and Egg Sixes. STERLING Stove and Egg Site. W ih'dv.'r to sack or hulk. I'hisne us y"ir orders Jay or night. Prince Rupert Jloal Co. M;. r. Office llorr-l Central. HOME FROM HOME. MOCHIDA ROOMS 714 Fraser 8t. Slenm Healed Hot nml Col.l Water Hale by Day nr Month P.O. Box 75. Phone 659. EDSON COAL We can now Supply our FAMOUS EDSON COAL in any quantity. Prince Rupert Feed Co Phone SS. Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgeraon Block, PRINCE RUPERT, . 0. Office Hours, 9 U . Phona fitit. Open Evenings Only For opeciai Appointmenu. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 68. Cartage, Warehousing, and distributing. Team or Motor Service, Coal. Sand unit Hrnvnl w Specialize In Piano and Furnltura Moving. Why Your Doctor Advises "You to Take a Good Tonic 5 - at This Time of The Year I'here are lot of people who, vein senium really feel tticfr U nl this lime of I lie year. They catch cold easily; pep doe not re fresh Ihi'in a It imalil in mwl Ibey srel up for work feeling drowsy, ilull jiii.l tired easily upset wllli indigestion, nervous nml often constipated. Conse-iiiilly they rannol ilo their best or feel their best. faci: riiKsi: fact! rtuti.i yourself up! I.pI Ir. Tharher's do for yon what Hits vegetable Ionic linn done fot countless numbers nNuicn anil women. Increase your appetite, ami improve your diges-Ilon. Soothe n tul low- your oer-laxcd nerves. Wale up Hie sluggish liver, genlly correct conli. pallon ami send purer, healthier lilooil coursing through your OPERATING A MOVIE THEATRE: tlio.e xhown at Ihe Strand. It wa poxxlhle lo do Ihi hecauxe Ihree mIiowx a week were, given here, wherea only one wa given in each I heal re In Vancouver. While Ihe firl Ihlng wa lo Mml lout what Ihe audience wanted. I.l 1 ., In ....I ..1.1 I n-fW i lie nexi " if v.ni im .urrerfHi frxii rntiiMn f.,p win. irletl ill klml 'f tfliiMllr !mt prrvrnl dlfMW plUnf ftlilil Jnlir J'MMII7 Mlllmrii'i I.x I.Uit IMIt tre HlHi-iImI jtit f.it ihi .urM!: U"-tr n-irnlar ti ri'lloUnir tlie wiimt "f nMniiiwttnn. Mr. M. Ilwliom, Sinltiiiry, t't.. rlli'i: - "I hvr tM-i-n ironMi-tt yillh iMiiillpiUIn !f.ir novwal jiirit. I l"-"" " M" lmra' Mtnain-r run h,,," t.i Hie bel rrmi-Jy I 'v'r r... n.niii.iin oi Ihiki'I nl livrr, I lunr kMi Ihein lnW 1 n-rMmilMi.l iiinii tiimiy." MIILnrn' l.ata-l.lvrr I'lll !" vUl at all di-tli-m, c.r nmlleil dlrnct on rfrHpt of .rli by TIM T. MIIMirti Co., Llmllfd. Toronto, ont. 'I'M will nourish your body am) give you greater strength, energy ami vigor to keep you feeling firm this winter. THY THIS TONK5HT! 'Jake a wholesome lahlesponnflll ufler Hie next few meals. .Notice Hie fuiek difference In the way you eat. sleep anil feel! The col is small ami your druggist will rc- jfnml your money without o,uc. ,llnn utiles you are completely satisfied. f:iip HiIh ami get Dr. Timelier' in Prince Itupert from Orme Limited ami from lending druggist everywhere Dr.Thacheris Aver and Blood Syrup he ahoul 2.!fM whereas inucU less I hail lliul auiouul Jiad io he pahl for showing il here. The avcniKP rental per show wan higher here than in Vancouver. Fourth tin U.S. . j The moving picture industry. Colonel McMordle Telle Rotary 1 1 lie Colonel said, wax a receul Club Some of Problem lone ami yet il wan I lie fourth Connection with Bust- for fifth in importance in the ness I'nileil iale. The cost of pro- jiluclion wa immense a Ihere "flecrealitiii I u necear.V we're Miuielitnex a many a le? In the human heinjr uh work." illiouaml people in a ral. IJn-'ileclnreil Col. p. Mc.Monlie (njiler lhee comlitfotiK il wn not an aiilrcfi al the llolary Cluh to he wpnierel al that the hesl luncheon yeenlay afternoon on;pal In a Npw York movie 5"TIip Management of a Movinir jlheatre cot ?2.20. Picture Thenlre." The Colonel The fpeaker lohl of adverlU-aiil he liked lo think that I lie inp ami explained the mechan-l heiil re anil llu rhnrrh were iui of Ihe machine ami xhoweil xouiewhal ximilar. The church that' while called a mnviiiK pic-Valered lo Ihe pfrilual need lure. Ihe film wa nol acluallv )atil Ihe lheulre lo Ihe recrea nioviuir when pach separate pic-tional iieedc. providing a cure ture wa projected. The ditllcul-ifor the (due. jllex of maiiilHi nmp k'iI niusi.' , l.olonel McMordie xahl he of- and oilier condilion wen- also ten tried In find oul what kind mentioned. 'of enlerlainuienl Ihe puhlir lik- ed. Thi wa more diltlcull in nlllff1! CrUflAT jxmaU town than In a large one ;tllllll jtilUUL U IIIIJIVIII OHU III llllliM- III .III) kind of (axle and lhi wa not al nil eay. II had heeu found, thai Ihe varied program appeal. pit inol In Ihe average movie i 'fan. The Ideal program wa . i ' one opening Willi a new leuiurr :f.ilowid hv an durational !eenic. then a horl comedy he. fore Ihe xtx or xeven reel feal-!ure. Some fcalurex were loo jlong for till. In Ihe larger cilie vaudeville ketche and jollier turn were lnlerpered .hut lhee had not proved mic- ceful here and n had heen .dicanled. j Same as Vancouver Hie Colonel I old a .number of ,amulns Incident iii regard lo hi work. One lady wihcd In know why he did not havp pic-lure like Ihey hnwed at the Capitol Theatre, Vancouver, and yet ninely per cenl of Ihe Capitol picture were alo xhown here and xevenly tier cent of WILL PREPARE ONE EDITION Preparations Being Made to Take Charge of Dally News for One Day AODRf.SS AT SCHOOL II i arranged tentatively that xome day early in Ihe new year the pupil of the High School will lake charge of the Daily New for ono day and get oul Ihe paper without any aid frroji Ihe edilorial ntaff. All Ihe work will he done hy them including the leader writing, preparation of the headline, gathering the local new and eililing it. With a view l thii end and at the Invitation of (he xludonK II. F. Pillion, editor of the paper, yexlerday viiled Ihe High School and explained In muiip detail what Ihe itutie would he, commencing nl two o'clock in Ihe afternoon of one day and closing at Ihree the following day when Ihe paper wen I In prexx. Duties and Alms Mr Pillion etnl.iineil the me. wanted. Heinir o far away from lcnn)lical limitation! and the need Die exchange wax a had hamti cap. The feature coming Ihi we.ek end, "Zaa," wa xhown Iwo wePkx auo al Ihe Capitol in Vancouver. The coxl of Ihi to the management H'Tn would WAS CONSTIPATED FOR SEYERAL YEARS of following n more tir lexs uniform xlyle in the makeup of I he paper and in the preparation of the headlines. He told of the ilutiex of Ihe editor commencing at 0.30 in Ihe morning, of Mime oT the irUfleultie ;encoun,lcred nml of the aim in making the paper, particularly Dial It was not the function of Ihe paper to cane friction in Ihe community hul nil her to help thing lo run smoothly and lo encourage unily of endeavor. xuu.n.,1 sriiiiis rriirr. if ''.''duties of a reporter, the calls he a usual A SURE WINNER iW.ii..iit.n. i..ii.iiit s"i ronsi.iir it wa expected lo make in lhe Prepare For Work i,ii..inr to I bin i i""'!' "in twwuoursn of Ihe day, the conlanl Much enthusiasm was shown it n U r aim in a n'"'J , search for Hume, things which, hy Ihe young folks and hi Ihe tninht prove of interest to the close the student. passed a public and. Ihe need of speed In dearly vole of lhanks hanks to to Ihe the! Belling the reports lo Ihe edilor speaker for the addr so thai Hip linotype ntaehineK'appoint committee might, nol he delayed. He also future lo tret ready y took Oil the nreiiiii'ivliiin of ulieli vv-nrl- Tim uvntiilmilinns in ilmlK features as Ihe sport column, the school are about lo begin and Man In the Moon, Ihe walerfront.thal makes II dcslrahlo'lo delay whiffs for Saturday and Ihe the- the preparation of the number alriel pane which appears on, until after Ihe .Christmas, hnli- Moiulays. ' days. Ihe arrival .of Ihe telegraphic despatches was nrenlloned and tlm need nfhelng prepared so that If the telegraph line should Helen Nucich, Alice Arm; Knighl, K. V. IHcourl and I'. T. Fleming, Vancouver; (. S. Ford, Victoria. Central H. Vik and S. Nilzedal, Anyox. 7 1 ddress and win. Ten Years Ago s In Ihe near, , Prr.c. Ruprt lo. lake ti( the: f . , HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert John M. MorrUon, AlfCfl Arm; November 23, 1913 .I. A. Kitkpal rick's, C J. Keillilrys, I. (Irossman's and I'rhle-Mash's slopes were broken Inlo by burglars during Ilia night. The thieves were apparently in search of cash but they obtained very little.. An attempt was also made to enter OUR Forced Out of Business SALE Xmas Bargains Are Going Fast Entire $40,000 Stock must be sold below cost , We are Ringing the door of opportunity joide open to you Our stock' of Men's and Boys' Wear including Boys' "Armour felad" and "Kloth Klad" Suits; Gent's Suits in Blue Serges, Browns and Greys, In all the latest models and materials; Overcoats, Raincoats, Gaberdine Coats; also the famous St. Marcaret's Pure Wool Underwear, Socks and Sweaters; Shoes, Rubber Goods ami Tennis Shoes; Hats and Caps for men and boyt, Men's Furnishings, etc.; In fact every "article In our store must be sold Regardless of Cost. It is iniposxilile (u list the complete line of wonderful bargain we have lo offer in thi space but we give a few of litem. Raincoats Jteg. i ti.no. Thexe Hniiifoals are both serviceable ami durable. Closing out price $8.45 SUITS SUITS Reg. value $35.00. These Suits are guaranteed to be English first ipial-ily rlolli made by the Hart Co.. Montreal, in the latest style. All brand new goods. In all sizes. These nr remarkably good value. Closing out price, $15.95 SUITS Reg. value $48 JO. Indigo Hlne. will nut fade. Kvery suit j guaranteed by the makers. These are tailor made and of excellent material. In all sie. A real dressy suit. Closing out price, $36.95 Also on Sale, SUITS in Pin Stripes, Greys and Browns in all 'he latest fashions. Ileautjfiil materials and or first cl.iss workmanship. Kvery suit must be sold. Y"ii cuinol do b tier than .ome in and look (hem over while the range i complete . All sizes in stock. SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY SUITS MACKINAW COATS Honglit Ibis season. Reg. 1 0.ri, $il.r0, $l2.."0, and llw.r.lt. All to go at , $8.75 Thes.e Mackinaw Coals are mad? by Ihe fireat West Garment nml are the best Mackinaw coat made in Canada. JiHt the thing for Ihe outdoor worker. OVERCOATS Our new slock or WINTER OVERCOATS has just been received too late for cancellation. These coats are made with storm collars, three piece bells, polo lined with satin yoke. Heg. value $.T7.30. Closing out price, $21.95 Get one of these coals while the'going is good. We have them in all sizes. We have in stock another range of BETTER CLASS OVERCOATS. Reg. values $15.00 to 0r.0. Closing out price, $32.75" These are theswellest coats oa the market and our business prestige stands behind every one of them. XVe are proud to sell them. For a real coat at a real bargain this line would be hard to beat.- SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY ONLY 20 Twe6d and Worsted Suits at $12.95 each. These are wonderful bargains. Colorings, style, finish, the very best $12.95 COME IN AND SEE THEM. BUY ONE AND LOOK SNAPPY FOR XMAS MEN'S GUARANTEED RUBBERS Antes-lloldeu (luaranl"etl Men's Rubbers, Reg. $l.ti.". CLOSING OUT PRICE, $1.15. All sizes. MEN'S SLICKER COATS. Sizes 42 and 41 only. CLOSING OUT PRICE, $5.45. MEN'S BASKETBALL SHOES, Reg. 2.2.-j; CLOSING OUT PRICE, $1.65. In lirowji and Black, all sizes. NOTE IN ADDITION TO OUR STOCK OF CLOTHING ALL OUR STORE FIXTURES ARE FOR SALE, INCLUDING SAFE, DESKS, COUNTERS, LIGHT FIXTURES, SHELVING, ETC WHAT OFFERS? WATCH "THE NEWS" FOR FUTURE ANNOUNCEMENTS ACME IMPORTERS THIRD AVENUE SALE PRICES ON MAIL ORDERS Bryant's clothing store but without success. A Finn supinised to have been demented has been shot near llazellon by a special constable who was pursuing him while on Ihe hunt for the robbers of the Union Rank recently. He was killed as he' was making for I ho woods near Skeena Crossing. The O.T.IVIugr Escort No. 2. and barge Georgian, which wero adrift yesterday in Queen Charlotte Sound were picked up by Ihe steamers Chicago and Ks-levan and are now anchored safely at Alert Ray. Bubscribe for the Dally News:, PHONE 329 fail Ihe work of the office would!. Mr lie explained the multifarious MM go on and (lie pr.pci' appear, A. I HUMOROUS ADDRESS ROTARY LUNCHEON M. U. McCatTery was one of the speaker at the Hotary Club luncheon yesterday. Re gave a humorous talk on llolary as he had seen it., much lo the enjoyment of those present. He inittioncd some of Ihe alius of Ihe organization and regretted some of Ihe shortcomings. Closing he quoted: "The way to have friends Is lo make thenf. The way to keep friends is lo keep friendship In repair," Prosperous advertising mean regular continuous advertising. i