i PAOS FODH TltE DAILY1 NEWS' V.-. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMiR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY MERC fOU A.ME ai( LOOK AT THA,T POOf HERC Mf COOO r-WS Specials OLD MM T MUVT ec ! TWO OOL-L A.Ri3 TMiWO ACt AT TRM TOUCH TO r BtCC H CMeenoo. 1 aVV AH'tee .r that TO Of? 11 ' AT Hl-j AC.E r Ladle' and Growing Qlri' . .Strap or OiforJs, In-own ir Mark, al $4.25 Growing Glrlt' Patent One Strap Pumpi, low Jicci. $4.85 Equality At Reasonable Prices. 1 $)111) T UtTI. FTVM tnt, la. V. I 5 C Family SHOE Store Shoes For The Family. ' NURSES' HOME FUND S NEW OFFICERS The following new uheri-t Daily News Classified Ads. WAR VETERANS .011 to the Nurses' Home Klllld Boat Engines ' Mfi aeknowleilced by Hie rilH-iiimee: 2 CENTS PEK WOKU IN ADVANCE. No Adrtlmnl Thn for L th.ngo, Pre ioiily nrkn-1iiir- Leo Connor Elected President at FOR SALE WANTED r AND PARTS IN STOCK. JSC ed IJA5;.2f Annual Meeting Last Night Columbian Propellors, 26x26 1 .ilo l.annery fii-l.nvee (OATS Foil SAf.K. owner len i VA NTI.1 . - Men and Women to SPORT SCHEDULES inches down to 12x12 Reports Are Received ina- .Kin."i lake ..i Will) learn lUrberlnir. Paid while BalCBALL inches. Kelly iKHipla SO.IMk ell r nnarler value. Oiiej lefcrnlnrf and toolt free. WrIU Ssnlor Trillin Hronze Shaflinar lo j Leo Connor Wil elected prrsi aii.idian Slenm l.auntlry lu.oii 1 up MI Saanen, Ihree yer. 1 for ratal. KTe. Mrder iUrber 5! .! I Si" in slock. jilent of Jbe-tireal War Yelernn-i.v WRIGLEYS l. Sinrfeon SOU HMlurslly hnrrrieM. milkina and Uollene, Vancouvsr, II.R. 8l Hon . ' I Paragon Reverse Clutch lo ..social ion nl llivreneral niee-jinu . Mrlinon nuur Irtwsi, s 1:,..!. Wartime dsuvb- fit 2" shaft (rebuilt. of the. ii"ociiitfV held lai Aksel l..n ler of shove. H(lher with her WA.VTKI). Five rtmmrf modern I .il's . II.I'. Clutches 'rebuilt! Ininlit in-the newiheadniinrtcr 01 Mr. J. TNirnoii .. horn house r flat, rinse 1st. Hon) 1- limit.. Ihree months neuter kid. nnri Power Hurdles and Third Ae. W. IV Ireiiinnir i rr-lirinn m and give your John liersnn z& l5.iwt. On I'oairen-I preferred. Permanent lensitl: If- -Son.. ..1 less, Winches, sprocket chains," from Hie resole' y In.' stomach a lift. l. A. McPbee 5.nrt Hirer haniile no children. Apply lb e-'iSI o4r . xi rr. yer ehaftinsrs, pulleys, pillow will ael on Hie rte.nt n ' llstllv Xews Ofllre. Provides lh bll el X. P. Peleron &rtrt rirele Iturns, lopellier with her Oroli. The list of new ofio-. i - lor Hi--nisiiiiur and blocks, thrusts. siv moiillo is a l..low. weet" In itmtficlmt J Kmidsnn '.&n) half Xnhian Mark I filly thirty WAVIKI). Olrl help al once, 1 Honorary pre.i.iriii. '.nl. l. W form. J. ebondewiMi. 5JHO .ey nM kWI, l&. The hunch, Ihree In family. Hrwsd wares' -Hon. d RUPERT MARINE Waller Skinner t.0 stn.wi f.o.b. Pbelan. (ieo. I lol1'1 Oil's ' Peek V.i:.. lf.S.11. Help to cleanse rr riahl party. P.O. IU I P. J. MeOirmiek 8.0 llrotl. Kane. Invenes. nil.1; lloiioraO' iei--ireidenl. Maior 1 the leetli and keep iHrllr ew. W . V. Tallerxoll l.n.l loliii MelSrepor. V.i:. - 1 x6 tbcra bcallky. llunean Mekenie S."d Foil SAI.L.-- Ibthy cream wneacr WAJfTKI) r.tsrlpa4 rrt for! Ironworks Go. Lid I'il President,icetreidenl.jo lUimini'.Srl. S. I.. D35 r. O. It. Andern carrisee. White enamel crib, ie cream and s.mI e.Minler. j ? OH'. -iiN I.. Pelerwtn .. Mia single Mbile enamel pert and wise.. Apply K. K. (Vin-ito -flmli.. H arrior. Waterfront. Second viee-nridenl, T. V. II. If. Sniilh (.0.1 mat rr.; afl In first class ron-dilion. ferlkmery. 125 fon ..( 1 (1 Phone 313. ersides. ci Alec. McLeod : 1.no Phone Black 5M. l:t -Oil's v. W.XTK1 Ma. IiiiiisI villi klmw- . - m.,,!,. l;teenlie: V. K. fMilinK. j The Man in the Moon j K. Yasrer I on Foil rSALK.-- Hed, sofa, cliairsj teihre of ica.olioe reMtlr w.h.j lUrmU . W. II. Wabbirf. S:l Paul Miebaloff 1.0.1 Mini. InMes, tli.hr.. Litrhen Mlepslls. Akerlwrir.. I lioinson A t. Lid. j SAYS j T. Kalsuyama 3.nrt i jepon and John May. IUhiih :iu, Itichmond llmima. Summer '1'nn.leAs: lr. J. A. V)I. II 1. 7.. Hipn-hi 3.IMIJ W A.VTIW). Cjipable ntaM. O-.L?0r',,,u I andry ainl Sidney Hinl. I WlflKIt if il is buttermilk 11. Shikalnni' 3JMI FWIIXI ITHF. for iale. Apply rear watte. Apply Mrs. I.lpsetl. lWh'il.- H.. ... President Reports I.. Ikwla 3.00 of 112 Kighlh Avenue Wesl. MS Fourth Avenue U'eol. thai Jla' Carrie- arirtin.l in Ihe 1? ". V.. Iwnnin?. Hie relirinu Y. Suehiro . .. 3.1 mi -411th COAL irei.enl. who wa in t! eliair. rami liar "growler?" . Kanaya 3,0.) AUCTION SALES. .WAVTHhTO IILXT Small Fur. R .rlis ' . nlsheil Iohsj. IU. luily 2ft- -While S... f. inave a resume of Hie axroria-lion's S. Moril , 3.IMI II' is said thai -niokioa is b.vl AFirno.V SALK al m lloroen Sews dffir.-. ae1iilie dnrinfc Ihe fm' K. Y. Duby t-lft for pusiuess but no! for I lie Street at Saturday. May 1 p.m. -High moulds Mike of. W. K. Kisber ..'.... :iv amj I(te IIHI. Waale.1 f..r Hnu.ssM.rk. Holtitero feMtAe evidently. sle-iHiards. Sfl. of beahsuoiti fumllure. .Coll. ".'. Work done on ledrdf of Ihe ee- Mftrle Craut . 2X.0 2 Hay. 0.vr Circle. Phone Oreat satisfaction Repeal fliirneil men. Coorltxlmi:. In J.iek Halrhfi.nl .... 2.50 Iinll-slaud. Iareslry -'White .J A .l i a pond u bid lo Hlaek 3.1ft. 132 a ami other ehsir eleelnc -Hith rU 1 ohl'T tfihft Oiled every -'aleil 'IIihI IiA uohbl be unable (o W II. Sborlrtdpe 2.50 day for r land "Tor Ihe offiee of reidetil ill aarlHMfer. Mrf J. O Kelly 2.S0 washer, player piano, mandoline, WAXTHh.- K.tperlenee4 girl for -tvll. v -- . I for lire next' Wis innlli. I. Hamuuki 2.00 music cabinet, euryclo-pedia. enersl hoii.ewnrk. Phone (A6, ..... 1 r 1 : . . 1.. . IT would lie a eleer musiebin WinnW-Worbl and -While S Nanairao-Wellington j -le.. jllt'Mllzie. MTirmri, t-.tii M. Kami id ura 2.no wlio - I.J rend a (rramopbone FOR RENT S. 1 oilier iMtnlia. O.K. ranne. beater, ,HhTh Hie auditor rejmrl wlneli sbowe I K. .Vaka Kioto 2.IM) Nut Coal lllia' I lie a-M'ialion vm in cmul ireord. T S. Ibbi 2.nil kitchen uleiistls, Jinoleiini, KOH HK.NT. Fumi.hesl b.mse.jji .i:ii 4. S..1 cjniipinit anL photo ..ulfil.. Whll' finaileial laudinic ill spile of lb-fuel .1., Kulsi 2.DII roiirin .enue ei. ." en WHKX wilnens W.-i lhat ;(HIII Iiho IteiMI sll a annoys eoin- I.mis, paint bruslies, rifle, I . Yaoiiniolo 2.IUI Fire' Lasts Ouirk Longer! sej is does nl nclvAirrily mean sliolirun, Idbles,. utrlure.. fur rooms; usual domealtr ofltars. -High 'I ! . Oii N-it r ii li new htiMdinF. P. O. Marlenen ... 5.011 -nine n other Ijhftt'be Is eiHiswins Ihe bar. Ftrelleiil flower ear.fen. I'hll-potl, Junior us ami i-osvl. curtains typewriter, i ats. , Pele Oiiak 2.00 Kvilt and Vm. 123 M IT Phone 116 or 5C4. OFFICERS OF PRINCE II,. VI!fl 20 ele. YV f A Trill? of t.eeeollh makes a Also for sale al bel olfer. Yi IIRJVT. mlihe.1 nH.ms.fi Fab "ii- N i, K. ilnlieh 2.00 Albert & McCafiery GEORGE LIBERAL ASS'N uiwmI li;i licfc. I.. Adam 2.IUI launch. 341 x H, 12 h.p. 2 eylin-der, wilh r without hoard, home ISI S.-..iii lot. S..- I J .1. P. Mcliren 2.00 I cycle enfc-ine, fully equipped. rookina. Also hoosekeerdnir LIMITED U i far heller lo keep yur Siiilable for IndlinK or suite. Norfolk Huoiiis, phone .1... Mr. I trad ford 2.(0 Maurice O'Rourke I President ' Falci lenrper than Ihe rtllier felbw's pleasure. Phone 175. I-'I Hlaek 3211. If and J., D. McLeod, Secretary-Treasurer HinnKe. II. L. Hrown 2.fMI 8 Kr J. Xorlh 2.00 ArCTIO.X HAI.K al Mr. O. Tes-sicr'a FOR HKM'. -Four rtsuined imsl-em n w tin. THE inol oulsinmlin arlirle Mrs. Arney 2Ji0 Slore, eomer i'iiird Ae. house, narllr fiimi.hol 1 1. -I 1. ... Are Ton Conlempfatint,' PillXCi: liKlllliii:, Mav -'3. --Prinee of furniture in a newspaper ollire T. Annesley ., . 8.00 ami Kiuhlli Street nl 2.10 p.m.. Mill Siimniil .Uenue. lifi IIS. -Seoul' I Liberal Association I W. Wauph ,4,..,. 2.00 2t. imsislinir UhM.- S-. - (in.rye is the waslepaper wn.Kel anil Saturday, May Xt ba elerle.1 Ibe follnwin? officers Hie niot ueil. U. It. Mnran ...V...... 2.00 (if raiiiti heler, bl. chairs, STIiAM lloale.1 Fiat for rent. 3b Fnb-on- - v Building a Rome : W. L. Sandison .... 2.00 bureviu, rblea, trunk, kitchen 1 leaner aixirtnienla. M. M. tH Seoul - 1 Preoideiil, Maiiriee tntonrke: TIIK wixanl nf finance was J. Yarrher ..... 2.00 iilenslls, toia, piiis and blacksmith Stephens. . .1 , These aie good Ilulldin firxl vice-pn'ublent, Harry finest: I be ;iiy Dial inrenle interel. W. Woods SiO dies, Cary sfyfp, 74 h.p. FOIl IIH.T HiMisekeeplnif rooms 3- -Wliiln .t R 'I Hiles at low prices; ec.ind vire-preiilenl, Win.'80m-mei-lon; . flee e laundry .. 21 n marine enajine, lools wf all 110 Sltth Avenue Fjist. Phone : II Falcons - Lot 4. Jllk. 30, Sec. 8 llrinl vicpprrtsblenl, .1. I TS wonderful lw sweet Ihe Sitiir Limit Laundry 2.00 kinds, pteko, shovels, ele. PI11I-p.dl, Ilium 217. If p Scon Is v- I Ait 3. lilk 45, Sec. 8 C MeKeniile;.Seeelary-lreaiirer oilier fellow's lolmwo lasles. Miss Hiiryesn 2.rto L'vill and o.. Auctioneers 15-White Hot v s- Lot 12, Hlk. 38, Sec. 7 J. I. MrLeoil; ail an exeriilive A. S. Paul 2.1 Ml 1 22 MOIiKHN fmir mom flat fori 17 Falcons - W The 3 for $250. reoirnuillee eoiiNiolinsr of II. J. J. P. ,Manlreii, of Yanrouver, J. HiHrliinson 'J..... S.oo renU Weelenhaver llms. If lit iscoius n. 1 Lot 19, Hlk. 32, Bee. 7 1250. Ilarwy. A. V. Mi-Lean. .!. O. pid-preon. wImi has beeii in Ihe city oil A J. K. Chi.holm 2.0(1 ctcning's I rain from a- Inisiness FOIl It F,XT. Front flal In Smith f.1 White Hot K F 1 Lot 7-8, Itlk. 45, See. 7 J00.' P. J. Moral). Alex. Welch, business Iriji left for Ihe eat on Ilirtiilyic Mam 2,00 I rip lo Terrace. A Mallei lllock. 20 Falcons vs, V Lot 25-20, Hlk. 21, Sec. 7 II. ii. Parker, and'ill. Williams. Hie 1 1 am lal nigbl. IJ. Field 2.IHI - .1l--SeouU v 1 1250. 'J. f. .M.dy S.tiO .1. M. Tiiriibull, of Tnrraeaj wa BOARD. Auu Lol 17, Hlk. 49, Sec. 7 $50, J. Wall 2.0(1 passenger soiillj by I Ire Prince 1- While Sot v- IIOAIIII. Tim Inlander, HHO if Oliver Typewriter. ; v L. Parillo 2.0(1 (ieorae Ibis inon)fHB. n--ltolcins - Wi Second Avenue. Phone 37. If 4 W - rWms I 1 Cary Safe. llillie Itrpwn 2.00 s . .s FIRE INSURANCE. X. Taharu ... 2.00 A. .1. Ilnaiidelle, milling eu-(rlneer, LOST I 1--W illie Hut k S. fit Clark's A. Friend .... 2.00 relumed l-o Hie eily last 17 Falcon W LOST. wild small til - Kcouls vs I' ' .1. Ilarnley 210 eenina after spendlliir a couple -Onyx Karrinic Dybhavn & Hanson 4, McLean ." 2.00 of weeks visiliiiB Hie miiieriil dls-Iricl diamond seHlnx. Ileliirn I u II y 2.1 While Ho ' Vie Menzies 2.00 around llaelion. News ouVc. 121 in -Falcons v- Uli Third Avenue. .11 -Hdiuls vs I' ' Jn BEANS China lirk Kiny 2.00 Prince Rupert, B.C. TAXI ic fi. fleddes 2.00 II. C It'.yiii i who Ii .-. been in Septan -..ill, -ssaSSSBBSSBBf-SSSSIBBSlSBi I SB I IIIIbSJSMHSS) .1 While Hot v- ej A delicious health-divind, A. Friend 2.00 Ihe rty ti'tiur- fir lln' .a-l Tasl 67 Phon. truly economical V. Suller 2.0(1 week from I-'.li;. 1.' . 1 .'i 111 in-.l 'Hall Heurit" r Oust) POOTBALL I A. Friend 2.IMI Oil I,nl iiif.-lil - 1 1 :iin food Ross Brothers. W'c )"'K lo announce that ready to Senior heat and . Mi Mabel Parker 2.00 Five-passenger Car f ' we have disposed of our serve. Tourinjr May 22.- sun- Cai-l;iK HiiHiness lo Choice of Tomato, Chill iiimei wii-on ;.;..;.... 2.0rt Prompt Hay and NIhM rlervlee, Ornllo, Huberts LINDSAY'S, CARTAGE COY. or Plain Sauccs. I Mis I.iila Herbert .... r.no ;SUnd: Boston Drill Thlrtf Avenu May 2, Hon - r r. 1 f WtO tlotlttd tlof( carry an Hons of Cunudi, I! ' AUCTION 8 ALES. l2,Hh:i.r,l btid lake I In opportunity of at$ortmtnt al many tMCrlUnt junior Clark pitpand load. T I'.ollart rcpnrlfd yeslerday iiir4' (blinking you for your patronage Mny 2S. C 'lf 'as t.ond lift I'd in your bmiie or at Ni should have been fir,. Tk Dark laM Is a in the past, and al IQYonight cur rooms, (loodn also aold 011 Pot ti-rl oil referee guatanlta quality. would bespeak tor our sun-1'iMMoro (L ..... 1 ommlsslon. May 31 Pu!ii:' Ww ta ! a4 slrssths r your future business. 1 n armmmt ff vv.iin ... H, H. HEIrlMirjOS, Auctioneer, vs. Units, Marker . At Ten Years Ago llmlK.I..., Imams ., rsl.s.s fcll-Ihimm, ThlrdAvenu , sue s.ss MsdMhss, W'v if amious lo close . in )i!ne Rupert srrl will.ss. (Dei.ny Allen' Old Store) RUPERf T'Hi uf and TH.I pramrHi, IcSMntly, PRINCE up our fairs, nn early Bonnis Boyt Idly, ysl lkrwisly. Phon black 138 and Qreen 471'. Plllfllllfjll llf ill I U'COUIltt f, flinls nn 1 tv. H.T.I', have now Tomorrow Alright tasnaadav. Mf will he lipnrcclalrd. FURS. FURS. been laid Moulder llreeii a- far iv Hiirh We will continue in Ihe Warehouse Ilimlnrs, hand, niib- Iw, where IIim bridirc aiu NOTICE TO TRAPPERS. It) 1 P"L liup Hlaeksinilli Coal. Tires. i iiiakinn rapid protrress. The Don't sell your furs until you Low 0 i - Automobiles, Hoofing and uel bridge is at Troui Creek, hnv m-ea ine. I buy every ije--' t i (II I " oilier lines. fourteen iiillfn Ireyofld, ami there , riprtoii of raw (urss nl best Thursday, Wf a' "LET THE are 110 oilier brblzi'" until l'cku"H I i'H ' Hrlnar 111 your cnlrhes,. Pacific Cartage, Ltd h reai bed. , W. OOLDBLOOM, en in 1 Oat a Vs "The Trapper Trlend" row I I ' Aid, Met ulfery reluincd by last, 23c. Qa (misl 1 Second Avsnu. 11 10 P"1