“~~, “PAGE SIX iCOAL IS Diamonds, | Your name FREE in A Iwo-Fold Benefit You obtain Quality and Value at Extraordinary We have REDU Determined to reduce our enormous stock and giving you the benefit during the CHRISTMAS SEASON. Watches, OMINECA IS BUSY | Three Large Placer Operations Will Be In Production inere Next Spring, Says McCorkeil QUALITY HIGH PRICES LOW Wet Weather Shoes Warm Slippers Rubbers & Rubber Shoes POPULAR | Market For Bulkley Valley Fuel is Constantly Increasing, States I, M. Dockrill of Telkwa VANCOUVER, Dec. 7 Next spring three of the largest placer gold mining operations in British Cut Rate Shoe Store increasingly popular and the mar- Columbia will be in production in i ket jthe Omineca district, R. C. McCor- | |Kell, veteran mining man of that| Saving--- CED the already LOW PRICES of our entire stock. See Our Prices Before Buying between Prince George and | Prince Rupert for this fine district ifuel is constantly expanding, states Jewellry, Silverware, Hand Bags, Umbrellas, ‘are enterprises of the Consolidated | |Mining & Smelting Co., Omineca | | Placers Lid. and Germansen Placer} |Ltd. All three are near | |Slate Creek. | Germansen Placer Ltd., a hy-| Floor Lamps, Toilet Sets. 22-K Gold on every WATERMAN or SHEAFFER Pen or Pencil Purchased. ° /spending a few days in the city on IS IN ( IT y | business With between eleven and \fifteen men on the payroll, the | Bulkley Valley coal mine is now | producing some twenty-five tons of located : General Manager of Premier Going North After Presiding Over Down Siairs Store ! coal per day which output nicely isatisfies the present market | Mr, Dockrill returned to Telkwa ort & oy 90 Nanoonyer where | on this morning’s train clraulic operation, has been engaged | ; for two years in the construction of | a nine-mile ditch and flume. It {reached production this Mining Convention ‘ fall inj he presided last week over the an Bulkley Valley coal is becoming’ pares, has reported to the “thee DALE PITT |F M. Dockrill, well known Telkwa | | Columbia Chamber of Mines. These! lcoal mine operator, who has been } | | | TUES,, TWO SHOWS — 7 an Feature Starts at 71% & 9:19 WED., and THURS 49 pm Winner of the Award — Voted the Picture of the ua" “Grand Hotel” A Metro-Goidwyn Mayer p ture. With an amazing a.” of stars 7 Greta Garbo, John Barry Joan Crawford, Wallac, Bent Lionel Barrymore, Lew is Stone and Jean Hersholt. The Screen adaptation of Vicki Baum’s sensational noye| Cartoon—-Betty Boop Lita” METRO NEWS NO ADVANCE IN PRICES ADMISSION — Ife & 5le THURSDAY MATINEE at 2:20 lS5e & 35c—Feature Starts 2:47 FRI. & SAT.—‘Movie Crazy Hollywoog “xtraordinary Savings Ext Fe g ; ample time before the freeze-up| nual convention of the Mining As-} 1 | . ‘LL: . ] ‘ : : ; | in October Satisfy the mers | sociatic oO ritish , ; f il Dinnerware, Faney China, Cut Glass, Crystal, Plain Glass, Brassware, Ce ee. ne Owners | sociation of Mritish Columbia ot Hl ‘ ‘ that values will prove profitabl |; Which he is president. Dale L. Pitt | 5 Assorted sizes Glass Utility Bowls —— $1.00 | There is gravel in sight for many|genqral manager of the Premie1 ) Years | Gold Mining Co., is & passenger on Novelties, Aeropacks, Suit Cases and Club Bags. | Omineca Placers Ltd. is estab-|board the Prince Rupert today re | lishing a Steam drag-line and wil | turning to Premier. The conven-| BETTER SERVICE SHOP EARLY BETTER CHOICE be ready for production by spring | tion, Mr. Pitt reports, was a highly! Operation of the Consolidated f uccessful gathering, the atten a large steam drag-line. The Con-|dance havine been exceptionally | . s li solidated vroperty is situated about | larg. Keen interest was taken in} MAX HEILBRONER 7 oe Diamond Specia ist 150 miles from the Grand eas ies deliberations and especially in Pacific Railway line. About 100 | number of fine papers which were District News | STEWART Under the auspices of the Cana dian Legion, “The Shot Tight Re- vue” was produced in. the Legion Hall on Fricay and Saturday ev- enings of last week and proved a ae : government during the past year: Mr. Pitt confirm: y amusing entertainment. The! ter, Sheila, left last week for Van-| tnd the Consolidated nouncements of ths how was under the direction of'couver where they will spend some | the remaining fifty miles contract by W. S. Orr previous an letting of the his company to a Van- suver firm for supply of new cable ) be installed on the Premier tram | is building itself LOSING of road has been built by the a }1 | |time visiting with Mrs. Carolan’s| 1 addition to these larger oper- —- | parents. jations, many individuals engaged in | { ! peteare in the district during the year | . » ne es "Ace ] T ‘er his office and residence trom the! J. L. Abrams, United States cus-{S0me beng successful in placer op Stewart General Hospital to the|toms officer at Hyder, and Mrs.|¢rations, Mr. McCorkell reports Tompkins house | Abrams returned last week from | er " : {Ketchikan where Abrams under-| | Mr Pitt states |went medica] treatment as a re- T } on Wed-! ; : ; t sult of which his health is greatly | wen y ears go i Pees in Prince Rupert {| olan and daugh-| Advertise in the Daily News. fs line and in regard to the transfor- | mation of Premier mine into an all milling operation | nroceeding normally at the mine.” Dr, J. W. Vosburgh has moved} | “Operations are | A daughter was born nesday n lasi week to Mr Mrs. Ernest McMullin and | The Survival of the December 7, 1912 | Sweetest | } Mrs. Allan Cai Fancy Boxed Stationery MD Tr. 650. 6% of Wrapping Paper, Framed Pictures from 30¢ to . Both Old English and Burnt Leather Goods in variety of choice such as Purses, Oriental Gift China, Novelty Silver Gifts, Toys, Children’s Books, Games, Christmas Cards, Calendars. Full line = = . | Adrift for some time in an open iL without gasboat power to save] t 400 degrees The Railway Employees’ Associa- | 2®?! cs p. Bake a F. for 20 mir tion was organized at a meeting in re ; . ; : der broiler for | the Windsor Hotel. L. S. Bell is pre- | ; real t to brown the sident and Pau! Muldner : , : 1utes, ther $3.50 lip pan un- three min crust and to wwout secretar me EE O save money on your electric light bills, follow the example of large buildings. They know that EDISON MAZDA Lamps—not nameless imitations—give greatest value for current consumed. Buy them by the carton. EDISON @ MAZDA LAMPS | CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO. LimiTeD himself was the experience of Lio- | By Barbera Brook e ° oa Pulgpen for ogra —- > ALL-BRAN CORN BREAD | Crippen was riding in Major Gib 1 “ttn cle aiadaiien wit son's gasboat which Judge Young |} ee ae ristmas [ ts lwas towing to Digby Island to be| US 4 CUP os bran, 1 cup ¢ | | beached for the winter. The tow-|* me rae a, : i ge jline parted in the stormy weather | ‘“@5P00M Sait, < teaspoons baking Our shop offers you a variety of choice in Christmas presents that we feel sure and 9 Crippert‘went adrift, Judge | POW, ‘4 pound bacon ‘diced MADE IN CANADA will please you. Here are a few. suggestions, | Young’s boat going on the rocks it Preis noe 90 n¢ sugar ‘hor : the attempt to effect a rescue, Fin- | “0%OU! Fag rlllge bran ene! 25 Fountain Pens & Pencils $2 pay, sa alec Stet esued 6 nae See ae re — ee ¢c eae e DO Crippen and Judge Young’s boat : ae a EPO ‘ per set, up from ...... refloated on the! rising tid | Pour into greased-baking dish (9x12 i inche uitable size Sprinkle ‘risp the bacon Yield: 16 servings ‘Special Hard-Time Bargain Offer} To Subscribers to the Daily News or | Any Wishing to Become Subscribers All our advertisers have been offering special bargains to the custom- ers. Here is our contribution. Any person sending in a full year subscrip- tion now will get thé rest of the year 192% free. This applies either to new subscriptions or renewals. Seals, Tags, Tinsel Ribbon, Christmas Decorations, Etc. + 99920 +8. e299 a le The following is the scale #| FIRST BOTTLE BANISHES . i\# of charges made for reading * LIFE-LONG BRONCHITIS | | 2 raser Stationers a Ve euncindan apa |# Marriage and Engagement #1 assurance of relief for ever: ufferer from + announcement $2 *| bronchitis in the experience of Miss S. A * Birth Notices 50c +) h St. Catharine e writes—“I have ie = ae _ ? a i | vad bronchitis ever since 1 was a baby + Funeral Notices $1 4 Every winter I would catch cold and + Cards of Thanks #| have bronchitis,” I tried every kind of | # Funeral Flowers 10c. per *| cough ' ure and none did me any good | ; é @| until ft got a bottle of BUCKLEY'S | * name MIXTURE. It helped me at once This | **+¢*+#¢+ 440487044444 Fall I again caught cold, I took only three doses and my cold was gone.” BUCKLEY'S is a triple strength mix- ST periment with ineffective | syrups or inhalan Get a bottle of thi | tried and proven remedy from your druggist. “It acts like a flash—a single | | SID proves it.” 2 JONES’ P.O. Box 416 Tom Andrew HAS OPENED Andrew’s Cash and Carry Bread and Cake Shop Third Avenue next to MacLuren’s Music § Phone Black 66 Family Meat fectionery A complete line of superior quality Bread, Cakes and Con Order your Xmas Cakes and Plum Puddings nov —— | MacKenzie’s | Market | f i __.Market | Furniture 75¢. {Rump Roast Beef 6 lbs PEER OT The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous THE DAILY NEWS Delivered in me cny one year T-Bone Roast, 4 Ibs. $1 00! « from January 1, $5.00 FREE ey geo . |} Smoker Stands, Walnut ; is y d ! 933 Round Steak, 2 Ibs, , Rest of this year to January 1, 1933 ppt tie 3 lbs 50¢ Magazine Racks Walnut 6 d” THE DAILY NEWS Delivered by mail out of town Foon ae - 50¢ End Tables, Walnut u p ert B ra n . : 26 nions, Ds ; one year from January 1, $3.00 ce FREE Yeul Chape 20c Stools, Upholstered Rest of this year to January 1, 1933 yer lb | i ai SMOKED Shoulder Pork, 4 Ibs. 50 Card Tables Apples, 3 lbs < c Bridge I amps i ® . . ee’ ok: ae : . a } & 4c . This is a very attractive offer and is made fos a limited period to induce ee 50e subscribers to pay a year in advance during the difficult financial period. aa ic i Floor Lamps ene — Payment may be made by check, money order or currency. The sooner it is cea he 50c Bed Lamps sent the more you get cites for the money. {Tomato Sausage— 2 lbs Stewing Veal, 4 Ibs. i 25¢. 000 | a0c | poms 2 tin 327 Third Avenue a 957 — Phone — 957 Phone 7735 Ti rnc ys ATI REMI A TARA DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, B.C. Prepared Daily By Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Lid. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. a