iti i i SaBiBiBiBiBK. PE Full Range of Hurlbut Shoes For-Children and Misses. We' nre now sole agents for this c ily Ask about our rebuilt service whereby we repair mmi.nUT shoes and make Ihom a size larger. Family SHOE Store Third Ave. BUY A HOME Twenty acre tract, fronting on Frnser Hiver, one mile from railway station, with 5 room, barn ami chicken house, five acres cultivated and fenced. Two acres slashed. Five acres with commercial timber. Good school, etc. This home can be had for $2,000.00 Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.O. The Home of Domestic Bread Hread is your best food. Hal more of if. Kept by the leading grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 190. Third Ave. Prince Rupert B.C. Stove WOOD We have just received i car load of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and dry. feize cut to order. "Also Kindling In Sacks. For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone 680. Service and Quality our Motto. KING GEORGE CAFE First Class CHOP 8UEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rporns to Rent. Prices Heasonable Phono Blue 471, Seoontf'Avo. REDUCE HIGH COST OF LIVINQ. Kliminate the draught around your windows and use less coal. SEE OUR PATENT WEATHER STRIP For Doors and Windows. Glass and Mirrors of all kinds. T. ROSS MA0KAY. Phone Blue 109. Friday October 8. qj BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus JJ TOO AO VOU WERl t VvUZ. OUT T SOME FINE a. L HOOtim ST, f4tiT GENERAL MEETS , " LABOR PEOPLE Asks For SuDoort and Mlll rm Oro'.n UaSnlf mi Join NIXON THINKS WILL WIN Organizer Has Expenses Paid But Disclaims Idea of Campaign Funds Afler. mi-i; listening iiii-imiK to in addresses aunressps by ny General A. I). Mcllae, leader of Ihe Provincial Party, and .1. Nixon, bis Labor lieutenant, and . . r i I-1 n rv ii.Ai:nn.. r it iiiliilfiitt uvid iiQwo.l i I ur-oi ixtEU- ri AN QUIT "SHnnT I fvl TlM-,CONMAt(MOoT COUPLE OP ,CitECTORtj slumping Ihe province. I h.neln ing of local Labor men in Ihei"" Pllrl membership of IheiHiat understimdinir ho wi.uld lie PonnAnlM.. tlll I.... . ii . imiiriuri.i II. Ill liisi IHIIl 111.11 a meeling of the workers be ral-,day led wilhin ten days' lime lo de - bate and decide whether or nol 1 otini.- ii.: An.. ni i t .i..!i)0 '""i mis siiiiuiii ihko h:miloil nvnr Ii. Ilm )iia .... unlulii f.. it... I..... .t... t . unj ) indep ulependent action or alllliale it- eolr air .. ...ill. mm 11. il... II... 11... n.... ;. i. ii.. -I.. ...i.i uir. I I lit llll.lffl I il II for the next provincial election campaign. This resolution was passed on motion of Georire H. (.asey. sei-oiiiied secondeil hv ny P.kMv fanny SiiIII Milll- i n- n -n me ii(. iiiiij ii.ih aireaoy nee luailo In van. TJ. Ross Mackay presided!,l0r'uni,' of framing constructive ,Skeena district. General Mcltae over the meeting. planks of the parly's plal form.: replied thai Ihe delegates would nM ii. n Honeral McRae anl Mr. Nixon!aniJ '"r an' parlioular c !as twif from Anyox (n-nr the .i 4 1 Tl 1 1 Wllfk i (llO ' nillii.ianl t on .steamer i Prince George. Mr.- Mxon. who was Ihe first speaker, explained how ho was endeavoring lo gel Labor, men interested in the Provincial Parly. At first it had been in-lended Dial Ihe new party should provide a strong opposition in Ihe legislature; The support it was gelling, however, indicated lhat il would be the government rather than the opposition after Ihe next electron. Il should comprise not any single class hut it should represent I ho combined effort of all lo obtain heller gov ernment than had been xiven bv the I wo old parlies. A, conven tion was being called forlHcem-ber i in Vancouver. Kighl dele gates would be allowed from each district ami there would b no proxies -allowed. Provincial Effort General Mcllae. in opening bis address, expressed pleasure al Ihe opportunity given him lo meet local labor men. He reviewed the events leading up to the formation of the Provincial Parly. It was purely a nrovincial effort and was not intended to enter into federal affairs. The. General explained that be had always been a Conservative' hut, like many others, he had been disappointed when that party did not clean house. The last Conservative convention had failed both In the matter' of selecting a leader and forming a constructive policy. 'Ihe Liberal convention had failed in the same manner, A large per centage of Ihe followers of bolh parties were discouraged with Ihe pros pects. The Farmers had laken Ihe initiative with a view to remedying the situation when they had called Jhe convention al vermin. Hxly' delegate were present representing various classes in Ihe province and he t.McHae; had attended at Ihe re-iuesl of 50 Vancouver business. men. The convention hail decided that the pld parlies were not satisfactory. They were hut do. hPg the same job on the same ship al diirerent shifts joining together In cases nf emergency. The Independents had little mi. porlunlly of doing effective work. It lial been decided to form new parly. A committee on or ganization had been choson con sisting of seven farmers ami seven business and labor men with himself as chairman, Organization , Not Eaey 1 1 1 - f a J "l am no politician and do nol jlike this job," declared General .uriiae. i iiail liveil in eae for several years and anybody who MIIK.X i ii it worn or organization is easy has niade a mislakr. I miiy rosnnmioii hcrause I f. 'ttiat it was a 1 public " duly ,u,y which w"""" . . . . . . .in wiiii imiy appreciates Hie nol express themselves now be-silualiiin will realize -that it is 'ratise of the pressure of the poll-nol a privileae bill an obligation Heal machine whfch hinds Ibeni lofake up ,llu reins of govern- from coming out openly, incut al this I lino i 5i in wi a dl i like Premier Oliver who says he! Kxplaining thai such mailers likes (he Job, that it is Ihe besl (would have to bo taken up and job ho over hail and Dial hnidcriilod Iiv thn ..,mv..i,ii..,. lloos 11. il In I..-., il IT.. I.. i in ,,mo PT f"' of the pin- 1, ot I1"1 province have been ""r,1r innocent onlookers of Ihe ITIlIlllni ftPllPral MrllilO ilrjirkl Mint PrOvineinl P.'irll irn. fr..n I I.. e I rHH I 1 1 - ! I I III illlHWIT any lUOS ",an ",al nf ilber of tbe.jtion that might be put to him. Par,i,J' - At Ihe convention in i George tlas'ey asked General I,p"niher Ihe responsibility would WIMI.-.I-I .iiim' loaoer t1l!"al.. It would be up (o Iheni ship. An answer in Ihe nogaliv to select llm'lin.l Til fill lf'u-Uil vft-jn - - - - - - - ! If 41 ' I till I par, party. He would hp oniiti.i , "i.J " ----- ,r) IIm" arlivo supporl ami Aympalhy nf ..II lf.A I1. II mi, m .in i in- jmntwiTs in uie party. l.uliiii ti-iiiil.l i.a ir..u.I...i . i LrOMriiiiifnl fm uil u... vi.. I " iillV-JH F belter things for Hrithh Colum bia. An enlightened eleel . . - '! "'J IIHIIM I iiues- lU"S- be believed, was the hosl moans .lions for liinl lo .insu-or .t ii-w.ini eueriive government. ' .Mcllae fen llio hall. HeTore leav-Tho Provincial parly had already ing he referred to the fact that incurred the enmity of bolhilK" had been desrribod as a mil-Liherals nml Conservatives b- 'lionaire. lie said there was cause it had brought mil Hia ; nollnnir f.Kts with respect to p,is gov- eriimoiils. Taklnn Over P.G.E. Ileferring to Ihe "Great Betrayal" or Ihe laking oyer of the Pacific Great Kaslern Railway ..j by the iu..-iiiiiir-iii, government. General iionerai Mc- ,mc- ' Hae said that things i pvpii a worse nass ihun ht Im.l thought if Premier Oliver would be able to get by with Ihe excuse .. . . ... I I. J t I i iV paid my own expenses and con Irihuli-d generously i die finan cos of Ihe parlv. In iioomi.r solnehndy else will have to lake i:i Ihn rnu. i ...... i ,. i. have naxo already airoa,'y responded respondod and and more more - .IN -ho can- ...I ttr.ll.... ... I I. ..... -mi .m mn- i'.pniiuoii iiiai no nail nol talked constructive policies. ! Ho- had many at Ihe hack nf his 'head hut at this lime they were titkl ...,1..!.... . a , mil Ihn ritrlil i. , n.... .. I .....I I . . l.Mcltae if he had 1 n a" candld- fm I 1 VII l(hM ... u:-a- .t.,.ii-.t -,, ll II I l 1 III iUf?nt wer lo In rlM-on . . . t wnai (ir?nuiaum of itie ....M,.. i... i . t ... . . 'iia i rt. . i-i ;nu contra I nrpanfzalion in Skfna . district 1 1 1 fi A I but II yet there were sev eral locals. TTiere beiilg no furlher ... j'iiiiiiiFia iit vvanti-il, Inii a untiA name al Ihe nanits or his feTTow citizens. .Mr. Xixon remained, and in the rsnirse .if a general discussion thai followed said lhat General Mcllae would do nothing for Labor. i.anor. The i no nuoslioii question was was aIuiI hal e"'R tw iiu sui iifi-ii, Tho' Pfi.vinf h.t nftv lo lie Ihe ilexl gxivprnmont and Labor, by afllliating. would have aLam LaLV ttLlr LH I 3, 25 S S HB S 1 .ni hut ureal" was.ine opiorlunily of gelling in 10 nferely the concept ion nf a dis-'or II members. This would be ease,l niind, as he had described a start towards the objective of ii in rrince unpen. Igetling a Labor government jn "W have no axe to grindlhf province. Mr. Xixon explain-but are merely working for the ed that he had given up labor good of the province as a whole," ,unon oltlces i, work for Ibis declared the General. "1 have movement. He was giving his travelled for nine months now time but his ixpensos were paid. aSalBaWAafTBllBaafef Llar BF IbbbLbw Lb aavR 1 e-ZU64HS S CANADA'S aftf CANADIAN PERFECT BAKING S POWDER We recommend the use of Magic Baking Powder because we know that its ingredients are of the highest quality. It is guaranteed to be the best and purest baking powder possible to produce. SCENE-, rMlb C.OOO SCTNC ON hum: Pi DaOy News Classified Acta a CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No T.W.n for Laa th.n 50c WANTED WAXTKI). Men and women to learn barberlng. Paid while learning and tools free. Write for catalogue. MHer Ilarber College, Vancouver. It.C. WAXTKO. -I'ii -hire mil mimtiiln to lake to Stewart for uloii two weeks. Apply W. Iann, llolel Prince Huporl between FOR SALE Kill SALK. .New house, four rooms and bathroom on mrtier lot. Apply, ltd, Seenlh Av. and Howser. gao IIOUSK FOIl Four rotmis and bathroom. t t A.k .mtij a u. Seventh and Howser FOIl SALF.. .New Axinlnsler rar- pol. u x lH, loo large for room. JMione .Irt. 3C, LOST LOST.-- Front wheel and handle bars of tricycle. Phono Green 102. Howard. 237 There was no eninpaian fumls. IMatler of Financing Answering u otioslion hv (loo Uaey as to what exlenl Labor was iilonlllieil with Hie umtIv Mr. Xixon,, ,, lb.. r,ul way men in the soulh wrt h' hind It and 50 t rent of Labor in Vancouver. Aid. Marilonald sought to make it clear that lie had been in in, way a parly lo ronimilliog in,. Prince Hnpert Trades and Labor Council to the activities .if the parly. Mr. Xixon admilleil Hits, George Wadd-ll aked how it was .proposed lo finance the sending delegates from retinae parts o'f thn province to the convention. Mr. Xixon said llio es pouses would bae lo be poolml. Are you making any effort In organize a branch of the party here?" asked George Casey. Yes." replied Mr. Nixon. "Hul we waul lo give everybody ihe opportunity of thinking il over wiuioui unuue nate. ir sinii-cienl iiiemhership is obtained a branch will be formed here. There are no pah) Virganizers, however, and Ihe organization will have to be done by Ihe com munity Itself." Has No Faith J. W. F.xloy wauled lo ktMiw Iwliat guarantee -there was Unit lhe new parly would lie any belter than either of the old ones. jWhat he was interested In was 'gelling a lower lax rale. It was Jhigh under the Conservatives and 'was no better under the Liberals. He had no faith in either of the old parties but did not see how die could put faith in a parly composed uf a millionaire and a jdozen Vancouver business men. .Mr. Nixon sought lo correct Ihe statement ihal the Provincial Parly was composed of a millionaire and 1i dozen Vanrouvor business men. HtcU was nol Ihe lease. The tiw oarlv iiNihrim,,! lo govern, on an economical basis and I bus (ax rales would ho lowered. There would be tin rim- Iracls where Iwlco as much was paid as bid for work. The nre- sent government hail got In a iPlaee where no Contracts were el jbut work was merely given In friends of Ilm government on ensi plus liasis There would beTo - and 23. Queen cWrioE .l.'d In I Im tiii iwii.t no Point. roinis nr ftll, WI1IIKH Parly. There would b Li.1.1. r.. v epn iHi pnvi- have Ihe opporlunily of selecting 1 ii- rigui Kinu or men. "Here is your chance In form (continued on page six) A0 FOR RENT ion. IIKXT. Furnished rooms Willi without hoard. Home eookiiM. Moderate rrtlet Norfolk ftimios. Phone llhiek STKA.M Heated Flat for rent. Keener apartments. M. f. Stephens. M0DHH.N four room fist for rent. Weslcnhnver llro. tf BOARD. LOAIlIl. The Inlander. 830 Seound Avenue. Phone 137. tf ROOM AND HOARD ....,...,,, IMIMIIl llnliul.- ... ......... iiiiuoi,. iimi isoveinii (Avenu vt. J.hono lied MO ritriiiftiiiil suiies TAXI Tail 67 Phono, (ikill Genrg or Oust) Rom Drothors. Host Sorviro In llio City. Anywtion. Anyilme. Day or Night SUntf: Dotton Grill Third Avsnue AUCTION SALES. .o,.U, :. .J ,n your home or ur rooms. Gotxl also Sold am?-- orr9i'",- tturt ni. mi- otnmuslon. H. H. HEMMJHQJ Auctioneer Third Avenue D Old Store) u r"vn u" "ren 471. CHIROPRACTOR R. D. TASSIE, D.C. Chiropractor 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert. H.C. Hours: to to 12: 2 to 4; 7 lo 8. P!mne Hluc 625 lleidence. Green I3fl, EXPERIENCED CORSETIERE Orders taken for Spirella Oiod Mrs. J. W. Qrahlman Kalen Shoe Slore, 7H Second Avenue West. MAIL SCHEDULE For the East Mondays, Wednesday and Friday, rioses at 2.3o ii.m. From the East Mondays, Thursday, and Sal- uruays, ju p.m. From Vancoutee Sundays n. u. Wednesdays 3 p.m. T Fridays " A.M. 1 t Salurdays a 3 i i C.P.H. (li-toher K ntnl li To Vancouver- Tuesdays. Mall-closes al S P.M. Thursdays jo P.M. Saturlays a.m. K'indas 10 P.M. t;.P.H. October 6, la and 23. To Anyox, Alice Arm- Wednesdays 0 p u From Anyox, Alice Arm Thursdays m n.m. To Port Slmptcn, Alloe Arm Anyox and Arrandale. ! auiMiajrs 7 I-..M. From Port Simpson, Alice Arm ' Anvov Anyox anil and arrar,H.I. Arrandale Tuesdays 11 i To Stewart and Premier Saturdays 9 p ' Sundays 7 1. u Prom Stewart and Premier Sundays g p w 1 uesiiays i i to Alaska Points iicioiier h and !). From Alaska Point (toner r,, 12 17 " 1 From Q"n Charlotte Point. - fir nlinr IH .....l Simpson ibiirsdays lfl P M From Naas Flher Points oaiuruayg . WHAT .tO p WXt. TAKC. "nrr eiii. WlKLtl I'MMCKC! 1 NOTICE. JorrntF is iimKin oivr.x itm in lilK-ali.Ni Im I bv ir i i i I'r-twr Iniiwtt u. iti. i..i.i.,iu- . '. ' ltf h rmtlnrt of lirliuli . cimLu. ti Miim. rut an vi ii. t - ai v ITtot HuiMirl Ijmi Iniprm mi . nt Vi! llfWI Art lit" nlh..rl.... . .... llllLZJIiMI nf llu ril. . t if.Tf. T. .. Urn it tttiir Ui ii. im'i-iiI unit swn or rnt T I., nil ,.. IUhI II It I III Hi MM. IkH HIS iHy nf AnUI, t oii'lW fnr llw !a, Vwitrlptjlilj of hr i-iiAr r'r NOTICE. . . ..... . .i'wii a if w It low ft m Inui r-.Miru.iH jL., ....: lt Ul To il . Blbrk tit Mil;. ? j iMutririnry iuiirnirr uroiii prt4 .r r lit. in. Intt imi r.f r.f is- iv tXW :MUtMf 111 lMM. flf Ihl .tnlxn.l. ,oit ttih tn lb fir ihuctiu a. tvt of. s frn rniririe tf rwfrw ul, tMKl m nut tj t. Ytmtuti i k lfUllre It Ui4 II- llu Oriij-r, ie, nd it amirt iithc . LU IIIIm orfu. M.iK ' it r MArxrori. USD CT. tllk t lun(la u fl U Luh In fkfiA lnA bM.i.- ilrlel at rrtiw Rurft toj iui puiqi q, rui imivt. :a, ,irKrri H i STSiiZL. v.n T.. . " r""'"! t W-lvr t uifcmtiHr iWni.i un-u camorn, i P,'i tr f wmi m Ox-rro wib n kna i jJTS Zft&SZ ' w er i 1 irim.m IM of SMilirtal. OflH TIB isly. IIU. MINfMSL ACT. CtRTtriCATI o7 IMeSOVCMttlTS. MOTICC. !. Hill . 1. ir f. II Uf V 1. tlala a I H.i. .. u . SltMal Im ifc- M-il. , 1 . ui,.!.. tHtrtal.xi Omni IllrKI. Wht lri,i t"'nr firtu a Wliatm Pt. ittml i RMlM t.irm at rM Ittnlf Tf y-ltr llMl I. Th.n Mtht. ft Minrrt frutrtr Xa 1IJ41 e 111 lfl. llt dst- InM th. rt.i. k- ..r ... ly Hi t VMinf IwwiIit fr t :-r iirwrna In,... .... .. 1 1 . . 1 " -' - a 'i .1 iw,i fir nrjLilnifla a Cmwn flHRt i ah. r. IflltTTH. llwl furltvf uk Mir Itul aflUm utttirr Srftlaa 11 rnmt I rxunaml t (nr Ik. iiuhm 1 nf 1 r.iiii.u t I'rfttifrfiwriti. PflM IM fill, ifir nf Inlr. l. I MI. rr virxf 1 ornnriif . tios r tamo act. Node af InUnOaa u Apflt U fur'Mia In Skttii I an.1 fiii4f n - ni.. Iliift or I'rtnra nusru n.l Mlualf aUmt 1 1 Li. li.ll , ..... .1. ... . . - ItaUaaf and rniilflnlnf all nf Vlt Idaml. --.- r.i..v iiia, rraua I, l V attf-uiitrr-. Dr., .- upanirfi lanilmun. intr-nd Id arpljr rnr trnilikin to im" rha lb rminlu dMi-rihrd lari.1i Com- Usawa on aw r pfU It ami al f.wi mroi .n.K.n, tnnl ttwnr Miolnr lh itmra line f 111 lulatlit In njitnl -a-.. . - I - ' ', ,'wiipriimuriiii m. (rxliidloa ill nf Hid pri liUnd rr iml fM H RUM of WlV if. MI4 C.V liiilwar. anil runutnint tlo , nwra Of Ifaa. rM r, et:nnrrr .linni iff Aoplkanl Airni for rrink r. enrini. Jar C, Wllmol. , . . . ItarUrl 0. Hoi. hstM i siimi. Aur. luh. Itu. MOIIRAL ACT. CCRTiriOATt OF ISIPR0VIMKNTS. . "OTICt. ., -V.m. r.. f, iml von Vi. Mlnrral t-l...... . .. - '?!TX. '-t lianrr 4. Ca.l ; .Vr,"' svr. i". Taaa , Wh,, .,,,,, , S ' , rrL 1lnr' taruricaia h,.i.r 11" ' ... .in,:!!?i-"'.." .. ! " t" irisn 1 Ihe 1111 ni f.urfl... , i 1. V " ""PWMiiMil, fur Ilia linn?r SoHTa.'"" n"'lr" ""t srilon. l.i..foWr,;ni. " inied this 1011) iliynf Auim.'VrV'ntJ . MQ.1CI1TOT)- Ul, raiNer niiaBv '' i - t.. .hrr.n . .1 WrViCdrZ X.V!!JI2: It a Wilnt II in .I.... . - "', -"""-if iha V northwrii n,r,., ...V.iyi".; .rrnm ibnra n"i :.nnllilt''.'r,I..,, "''." 'ni"""--. ibenre ii.. roiiowllif laid law & ..wr3r.SsiK l to ihi imiIbi a "',lfl'' tnor W iU'rAi co.