WMn Ymi Want A TAXI P.R.FISH MARKET L 99 Phone 671. in a nurcy SHRIMPS, CRABS, Phew OYSTERS. FRESH KILLED POULTRY. " Best vara ana ei -ervice i PRINCE RUPERT FRESH MADE SAUSAGE. I ttx City. Watea Reasonable In Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper A Trial Onler Solicited. XHI.. N 235 Vol. IMUNCi: nUI'EHT, 11.(1, I'll I DAY. OCTOHKIt o, 1112:5. VtOrtfr'r Olrculatlan 148 StrMt Sal 04 PMCE FIVE CENTS. ANTl-CTH DEMONSTRATION NEW YORK HALIBUT SCHOONER SANK AFTER STRIKING Demonstration of Women Against Lloyd George was Broken up by the Police in New York; Banners Torn N'KW YOl IK. Oi l .V -Tlwl r, - .(iiik mini I lie war have been -niiel by Hit- tmprtiper or inr Kfiluc operation if the Treaty nf Ver.ulle. David l.loyil deuigr. former Premier of Ureal Hrilaiu dei tared today on hi crrnul aboard I In .Muurelonia en route lo lniada. Police ren'ne broke up u parade of women carrying ban-' ..-!- denouncing limit Hritaui outride Hit oily hall where a ' il of several thousand person hud gMlliff ttt In greet Hie former llrllih premier on hi first vjM lo America. Some ban-, "T ' GOLD OUTPUT ALASKA LARGE loih Companies and Small Con- cerns Increase Production From Mines 'a FAIRBANKS IS BUSY on Railway Terminal it Payroll; Depot l Completed M 11 ud ipMHr eliiraH irkiim lhnHh"l Hie ' ' reorl Hint Hie yearn nl-' I .' o far ha eefee all e- r ahull. The iartlxiii ilreek i i ny lm been wntki mi t-n lor the Hrl tune in many l a , mom than UrS.ooo mv M'nlel lefore artnal W"il "i (lit- j.nterl)' l laM.t llo frl fhiiiiii li'"" ii- e Alrh(i I hi ' ' KT'er than 1 tp-i. I. Hie "ii.Ti of Ihe rn-ity it(.(.r'.-.i Thl year' oulnil Khl n ni ne (hull double Hull f l' rai. the luinliiB niniaine il- :are in a tlnlenieni The fir-l yrdl In llni hilory "f 1 " iank came wllh the tnihui(r ' Ute roalroad. I lic i"w ''i twen romideled Olid work It;- hern Marled on lerinmoM vulu il at ano.oiiO, STEAMER ARCTIC RETURNS HOME, Covera 7.800 Miles During Voy-an to Top of World; ' Oreeted McMillan OlKlir.C, Od. f.. Tlie Canadian Koveriimeul idcnmer Arclie. Cap!. Hcnilcr, hn relumed "fler a lhrc inoulliK visit to Arctic regioiiM. The idiip roveidl 7.ritm mllcn and curried paMemn'rs who elablli.icd a new police post neeompllnhrd survey and neienll-fle wprk and cxehiinpcd. uieel-ItiKii wllh Ihe McMillan cM'cdi- l"tt at Klali. EXPRESS COMPANIES MAKE AN APPEAL TO RAISE PRESENT RATES . OITAWA, Oel. 5. In peal of Ihe railway express companies before Ihe railway cojn-tnlsslou for Hie peiinissildi H Increase the express rales, C. A. Hayes lesllfled Mint Ihe Caiiailhin Nall.ianl collected l3.rK,0(MI in llni emu-ess business In I"-.. while Ihu cost of di'ln Ul amouiileil lo tlll.5UD.titl. Tim C.P.Il. showeil a not h""4 on Mm liiiinliiliin Kxmess sysli'm for 1 0 1 nf 11)1)70. Jiiilaiiimil wm - reserved until heitHinf aio tukcti elsewhere in Caqaja at a later dale.- uiluiiin. ami difficulties I. .... ...I . li'l "... ... ImI ...,. I'j. olun.l i. nil A '! over our !!," anil "'llril- i-li iMiollezacri. floating America Willi IIHIlll MHUi." I Tin Hiiri grabbed the banners ! mul lor them inlo shred. During (hi' melee automobile j paraded Mt tvkirl uf tin rrowvli. .intituling anti-Lloyd Oeorge I a lenient. A woman struck police sergeant over the head with banner she wa carrying ami wa taken inlo fiittndy. The uumrn said they were member r Hie American Association for (,. r4HHiltkM of the Irith re- juilille. (iie,uf the banner read t"l.(Oil. M.rLc iiiuek nnn i nn lmn.1 an- ml with tlie Ii!i.m if w..ni. n . i I eluldrrn." liflv jMilire Itmivk were riti..t ... i i I )of ils I nnc Hussowns three years old when Hie HaHle or Waterloo was fought. Sin" tin now and say hard work and lot enelnlilea n,r iriionsible She is hold-m her vear-obl grnndehild. NEW PRESIDENT CHINA ELECTED pr.KlN. Oel. B. Marshal laao !i .... ,.i,i..r of I lie noruiero huh- rvu" .,. i, ri. Is has been elecieu 'n of China. LEAGUEBASEBALL American League r.leveland U, St. Loulu 10. Hoslon 7. Washington . Pluladeli.hla 7. New York 0. ' National League Philadelphia 10, Hoslon '1. Coast League Oakland' 'A. freuHie v,..mu l-:i. l'orlland 1 1-0. SaeruiiH'iitu 5 San Francisco '"'tall Lake 8, Los Angles 3 HON. E. LAPOINTE IS COMING HERE ON OCTOBER 17 Fred Stork. M.l'.. received a leleuraiu I li 1 - morning from Him. F.mest l.apolulc. minister uf Murine anil Kiliricj. saying he expects lo be here on October I. While no arrunuriuenl have yrl been made it is understood that Mr. La-IMiliile will be suitably entertained when here and lie will alio meet the Hoard uf Trade and other public bodies. . THREW MATCH INTO SEA; STARTED FIRE). Serloua Conflaqratlon Narrowly Averted on Waterfront Yetterday Afternoon Hal iniifht have Ih-cii a seri-... fire causing inorli ilamaKO lo -'iperly wa narrowly averted si; Hie waleifnnil yeslerday af- enuwtn. (lasMluie had been spilled on he surface lit Ihe water from pumpm? the scow at Ihe Prince llupcrt lloat Hpiim. A paer by eoiuinv uIoiik threw a malch inlo the waler afler liKhtiiu' hi. pipe 'and Hie ioiubuslible liiiid still floul ititr uniueilialely k'tiiled. Ihe .Dames ran up on lo the scow iiKTa-ioiiiiip a creai nrai oi smoke "and roiuin? perilously close, to lare ipuanliiies or distillate and a lieiuol. I niluiialely Ihe flames were overcome through Ihe use an extiMKuMicr in the hands or Capt. Swanson lielore tliere in was any seriou results. The man who threw the match now wondering what h will do with his malch end? since the sea is found lo be unsafe. InEW YORK TnYeRESTS II 111V TIVC AVCD HDIIM lTlftl lnrvt utcix unum LUMMON MINE SHORTLY New York Interesls reiresenled bv Kdward I.. Hlimline will prob ably lake over Ihe Drum l.ummon mines near Hartley Hay accord- in? lo advices received U Van couver. Hlenville A. Collin mnuagiiiv director, Is al present in New York and expects lo re turn lo I lie const w ith Mr. Itlitu line who will underfake an in neclioh of the properly which was closed last May afler l0, 000 had been expended , in development work mid on the construction of a new wharf and loading facilities. LAUNCH CAUGHT FIRE THREE LIVES LOST WINHSOIl, OnL, Oct. 5. A Ihlrly-four fool launch' caught',. ,anee followed, fire and sank in heavy seas Ihe SI. Clair rivei Three men (!isliiig or Mrs. Oawthorh, Pro- seen aboard were apparenllyifossor Vryce and 'fleorge Uorie divwned before it Ihe Ihe rescue rescue boats boats arrived. Tlie identity of those lost is unknown. Kubvorlba for the Daily News. CWmBjiF7 le'P AtPi. k BBjPr B Mmt sHBBBBBaB'1. iBMaBBBBVaVBBBBBBBB V? bbbbbbbbbbbbbI y Ibbbbbbbbbbb Ik'iiry Sullivan, (he American who pnincjl fame by -wimiiiing the Knglih Cha iiim-I. given u royal .welcome home by wire and lillle daughler. ARSENIC NOT . IN QUANTITY; Dr. Hanson 3eS May be Mined Profitably with Other Minerals Arsenic Is ii.l ! be found in sulllcienl ipianlity in Ihe llazel-I mi district to warrant miiiiu? for it exclusively arcordinir lo' Or. tieorve Hanson of the federal veoloical survey who has just completed an examination of dc poit uf (hat metal in the interior. It may be mined profitably, however, with other ores in such properties as the Oulliio Mine al ; Siuilhers. ' ! Or. Hanson stales that several; prospectors are going into Ihe Kilsumkalum Valley in seaieh of: gold properties where operations may be carried on profitably on; small scale. mee men ore cumin? from outside the district. however. I lie people nearby no not seem lo be much interested il. Or. Hanson recently said their were good opportunities for this tvpe of mining there. Or. Hanson sailed last night bir Vancouver n ml, wilt spend the winler in Ottawa. II. Ik Cunning. Sc., one or Or. Hanson s assistants in the district this year. is al present al Terrace and will soon be aoiug to Stewart In join Ihe slatr or the Premier Cold viiiihiv i'ji It. 11. It. Jones, his i other asslstanl. has gone lo Wisconsin lo continue his slbdies. WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE IN AID OF ORANGE ORPHANAGE There was a good turn-out at tlie whist drive and dance held Insl niL'lit al the Metmnnlc Hall by the Loyal Orange ll-nevolenl Association in aid of Ihe fund Tor Ihe proposed Orange orphanage al New Westminster. First prize winners at cards ......... Hl'H M .1S. .... li . VV'hiuliiiiii " ...... mul ..... Mrs. John Murray, second awards go-inir to Mrs. 11. Killcn and Mrs Hills. A special prize for .tho highest score al a single table vvii! won by Stanjey Sinllh. Hefreshinenls were served and music being in'r,m,,,e, i,y nu orchestra con- Jr. l. ' J . Mrs, Leek was in charge and Ihe '.committee comprised .Mrs., l,.m,l.l,ln Miss niifli l.mnn and. Mrs.'S. T. Cox. ' OBSTACLE OPIUM HAUL IN SEATTLE Drug Found Hidden Beneath Tiles of Bathroom Floor Valued at $20,000 SEATTLE, Oct. 5. A big opium haul has been made here. Customs officers suspecting that a large shipment of the drug was being made on the Admiral liner, President Grant, they .made a search and discovered 157 tins under the bathroom tiles. The loot Is valued at about $20,000. While every effort Is being made to locate those responsible for the smuggling, no arrests have yet been made. IKERMAN WINNER OF JOCKEY CLUB STAKES NIAVMAllKl"!", Oct. 5. The lockey Club Slake was won here )-prday by Ihe bay colt Ikerman by Invincible out or Klizabclla, and owned by lleid Walker. Legality came second with Tran-iiuille Ihird. This was the most txii1 ins- race here yesterday i DDIMfr OF WAIFv tviivw-i vi n.iuuu LE AVES FOR OTTAWA WINNIPKO, Oct. 5 The Prince of Wales left Winnipeg Tor Otta wa where he will be the guest oft Lord Hyng Tor about three days. -; " trietly private IWIU lions. t .a. T HALIFAX GETS AN ELEVATOR FOR PORT HALIFAX, Oel. 5. Plans ir Ihe Camuliau National Hailway engineers ror a grain elevator here have been approved by an order in council. II will be the las! word in elevators, according lo lion. II. F.. Finn, of llalirax, who also said Sir Henry Thornton had offered to place a special train at the disposal of representative businessmen Irom Halifax and St. John Tor the purpose or louring western Canada. SOUTH OF Halibut Schooner After Striking Something in Water: Crew are Still Safe The Canadian halibut schooner, D.tLF. No. I, owned by liipl. Charles Wallace and Jame McNul(y of this eily, ank in .'l! fallioin of waler ubout five miles south of iiih?ou Island in- (ireuville Channel yesterday nioruiug after striking an obslruc-t ion. Ihe nature of which has nut yet been ascertained. Capt. Wallace and his crew of three W. William- reached iorl this in by Jack Allen, a Lewis Island Aleda. Ihe U.Lr. i believed lo iilvaire on account of Ihe dejilh of the waler and she lias heeu turne.1 over lo the un.lcnvriters. liaviiiir heen Iwo-lliinN insured. All that vvas saved was a few! kales of tear, Ihe coiiiiiass and veather 'lass. The olxtructiou which Ihe boat i ruck, il is believed, may have Imtii uiie of or a part of one of; Ihe railway cars loaded wit li I nulii wliieli went overboard from Ihe Swaiisun Hay car ferry early this week. It miv'ht have been a lotf but, whatever it was, it was nut seen after Jl was hit. COI.L MIJUS, Oeonria, Oct. 5. Moonlight Night A titular fijrht between' Mike Mc- Leavinsf I'lince Hubert on'Tipue, lijihl heavyweight cliam-Wednesday, Ihe l.C.b was pro- Pon r the world and V. L. .-....Ihi .i.mn crriivill,- r.liiiinl tribliuff. an eighteen year old bound for lluledaleto take on ce halibut banks. It was a bright conriuueu jesirniaj. moonlight nizht. About i.30 ihe1 A 'ie close or the bout Johnny boat struck sOmelhing on the: 'rHe. who judged the Oempsey-.ort &rpenl!er right, had agreed wnth side. Cant. Wallace was at the wheel. The clutch was im- ' newsiiapermen hat McTlgue ls class than S r.bl.ng mediately pulled out or ear to,1'0,1 save the' propeller from striking'5"1'1 ?a)e " l ,th" ..ilt.lr .in I 'tt itirhl T it KOliddll and engine was slowed down. An examination was made lo ascer tain that Ihe engine was operating all right and the boat wa started up again. About 20 or, 25 minutes later one or the men came up and advised Capt. Wal t lace that Ihe flywheel was turn ing up water. Another examimt lion was made but soon the, water bad reached half way up' Ihe flywheel and the pump belt! started io slip. The boat was turned into shore but in a rew minutes the engine 'slopped. Leak In Engine Room A leak was round in Ihe engine v couver to San trancisco, and . the .. ... , ... l....s... i. '' "'TlT re ' ." . ? iMiiiles southwest ot the Lmalilu room about aiiout annus amidships. tips. An .u at- ui- : , i i . m tlie leak tempt vvas made to slop but unsuccessrully. Halipg oper- alionswere started' but in about . i . n . . .. ...I....... that I I i he ? boat could , .It i not i ii 1 1 1, be k Weill e up. wo men were aken ashore in ; :i iinrv iiorv null ana llo tne oilier oilier two wu re- re- turned to save what they could ....i i or Ihe gear, t he boat sank at 5.30 an hour aHer the fion.' Afler wailing around Ihe scene for some time picking up what could be saved or Ihe wreckage.' Ihe crew set out in the dorie Tori Lewis Island about twelve miles away which they reached at 2 o'clock. They remained there until 7.30 Ibis morning when they set out tor Prince Iluperl on the Aleda. The O.C.F. was a craft or nine-Ions and was 10 reel long. POPULATION OF MEXICO vuviiuvy DECREASED A MILLION ' MliXIC'O CITY. Oct. : Pre . . r v il... I I iimiuary ugures nmu census indicate that Ihe popula - lion or Mexico decreased nearly 1.000.000 between tlt0 and 11)20. The t5 census showed 12,- iG32.l27 inhabitants tl00, it3,- 007,250; IVIO, 15,100,360; and . !l021, 11,100,312. Fiiiigraliouj .OTTAWA, Oct. 5.-Oiova Sco- due lo a decade or revolution is Ma will market a million and a believed lo have caused the de-.huir barrels oj aiples this year crease in population. while Hritish Columbia will have Southbound from Alaska, Ihe sleamer Princess Alice, Capt, OrmlsUin, Is due in port at 6 nVloiik' lliis KventiiS'. THIS PORT D.C.F. Sank men (i. Wicks, W. Habcock and morning al ll.lo being brought rancher, on his gasoline boat. be a total los bevond hone of :' TiAVIaM 1I7ATTPIi DUAlllU If UiXlill GETS DECISION FINALLY LOSES iStrlbllng the Eighteen Year Old Schoolboy Shows Class Against McTlgue 1' lS$ fVu'T - his decision ami said threats or 'an angry mob intimidated him into uiving the decision lo Slrib- ling. SHIPS COLLIDE CAPE FLATTERY . . . . . Montana struck by aurora bui Only Slight Damage Results SAN FHANCISCO, Oct. 5. -The French steamer Montana, Vau- Hghtship last night, but so rar as n M- accor(linP to word rc- ..... . . . i c ivei oy i ue niariue uepaniucui. hp cambpr of cominerce. Tlu, Montana was struck uu the M ro,.wan, No Illt.nlion u mae uf ,ufor( ,,ul u u l(ejex,M, s,,e h continuing her ' , ALAjKAN ievi r.nuCDC rAKmCKd HOLDING BIG FAIR FA 1 11 HANKS. Oct. 5. Farmers in the Tauaua Valley. aHer re- Irusing financial aid from the last (legislature of one thousand dollars for each district to be repre sented at dislricT fairs', have as- '!1'1-' fe1 mbur ;, .ogriculttiral exhibits ever dis- , , . I 1 4... II... .I'.innio, iiayeu in .iihsmi hm in Valley Agricultural Fair, which . . . f , , . PL-Jill pirrv Uf nr ArrLM nnirO CANADA THIS YEAR 3,tt2,000 boxes for sale, accord. Ing lo a report of the fruit branch of Ihe department of agriculture. Advertise In the Dally News,