j97 Cfcr TtT 1023. it nTo night ll lM atruifUtoa " T.r.v til. ! iisr - tick - (mUmIm " i a mi err '' oen.tlfc.ll.o. piMMauy, Tomorroiv Alright ordrra being Oiled every day (or LINDSAY'S Yarn uramer OAL ;rft nallDUClloni iteneat lanaimo-Wellington Nut Coal Kire Lat Longer! - a aine, M other Nit Goals. Phone 116 or 564. ilberl & McCaftery LIMITED AGGERS' CLUB . - in the ld Kinpiess Hold Iluildlng, looms to Rent by Day, Week or the Month. r.eam Heated, Hot and Cold Vtr. POOL TABLES. IFIrtV-clais Raataurant In connection. imti larelll - Proprietor. triage and Storage Phone M. :"!ape Warrhoutlnp, and 'Jl tinr Team or it sr Hen lee zti Sard ami Oratrl, Vi Ipeclallie In Piano and Furniture Moving. Take Her to the Boston Grill t SITUATION IS ! ABOUT IDEAL Trade and Labor Council Re. celvee Good Reports from Delegate of Varloua unions Heporl of'Twiles ai i. meeiing of Mm Trade an, I .a,r, "",,,r" '" night indicated dial practically all union men In lift ctly wwi nnptoynl. In fact, condition dM.f,.,J i. ,,, ... II. ...... I . . i",r,r """if wrn fir all while morning wa Mug delayed fr lark of ,,.. ti f(,f HW ,eer. mm i,.ri looking fr work j should iii.i t. .lir,iuraged , ,'"m" " " al fhf lime a tin-re i-cm i u no further ex- ' lfiii.i.... ..r t . ... " worn in lnri winter am! I ho j..r market (IIIKllI easily l.c fliHMlol. A complaint wa mail.. JH men were being ntjoys on hi-ten hour day hai certain construction work in the rlly. Tin will be further iiue.iigaleil! IMegafc report small inJ crease in membership n, nfpru ,.f further pi- i'4iiKin Plant Bulbs Now ; for Christmas Flowers Fill yon linn whIi colorful hi'ioiix i ii ne felte uraoon and ilironyiit , wmler. Brand's Bulbs in ornamental howl Y.jhJlraiut' lliilli Filir.- Kitf wonderful r-iih by ini4ie methiHl iiil.Miiiall rol. iraint' are ireuuiiie Inilrh Ulyariiiili, Tulip. '.rrrii. laffo. diW. . OIH-.I mlahle for howl il 1 1 ii rf Bend for beautiful IlluaUated Bulb Catalogue, containing full 723 Robaon Street, VANCOUVER - - B.C. uBMsPJfJHIHHHHBBVi'n1 DR. PRICE IS HOLDING MEETINGS EDMONTON Number of Cures Claimed to Have Been Made Says Report In Bulletin Dr. Price, the. evangelM ami heftier, U holding meeting In Edmonton. The. Itiillftln of Hint eily ay: - "llHween three ami four lliou-am iieroitM atU'ii.al th Krlilay l-ynlUK iiix ijnK l.y 'ih llrV. Clinrlc. . 1'riCH at tlm Ar..ii.- AlioJil,", twpnly people, nwMlly woiiihii, whm IrfaUsl at lat nlRlil n ffire, ami nut of Ilic of ficial of Hie ranijiafKii In funnel in iiuiielln reporter llial llieiel wer at lait twelve n-al rurc from Hie 'ninrwlav ulahf iiai-( trig. Mr. I'riof dpHnl mot of hi linn in xplainiiiir hi reaon for ml wauling a rerfaiii rla or leop. anil aUo i reason wiiy he itii not want an amlienre nil- linu id th row bfhiml hi l.arji. Huh lal etplanalion wa dial h hail not irol eye in the hack of hi heail and fiirthTtnore, he Hll not think thai he null he liejirtll from thai poxjlion. The minixler uav II lo hMinlerlond that he. iliil not want unlliperH prroenl.' fWlio woiilil m or an inrjiilnlhe I urn of rniml .1ml who wrnili v up In I he platform and look at! win people win wer lyiljK lliere. 'Mil in no plare for an unbei lieer.'" aid lUf li'rlnrer. "and I hrlievpr hoiild know that il i EhlkHUn I'mi acrd a Ihimr to he jti4uiJ tif oImiuI." Another llijnt: that he ohjerls In a Ihr fhl that roff-r are not wauled ami neither .rre peop who air their 'I'iiiioii in inr fiiiiftiniip. tii dxxli nrwv k, H M LILIB aH aHA BLIbiBBW BLH BB BLH '.BLW bLLH bFLA HbbLbw iH LbLbb K MBJBJBBBHfJBJBJB -.-p- BBBBBBBBBBBVJatBBBBBBalBm. BBBBBBBK I Tea.-as it Wili 1 Should be XitSA BASKETBALL DISCUSSED Building Condemned by Authorities for Faulty Wiring The fimliuif of a Tnue for tin winter' pame i the mot eriou onihleni that fare Hip i a rrel plar and hoiild h rrinre Huprt liakethali A. reverenre.1 a urh." lernrei the 'rialion mul il wa mailn Hear 'The rerord paid allemlanre during the pal season wa on Sep- temiir IG when 00,331 fan went Hiroiih the turnliW. The ancient fihinp ort of 'Ilouresier, Ma.., i preparing for the elimination race nj Friday to rliHtJ an American rhallenfer for the Iuteruallona) Fishermen' Gut now held hy the ochooner llluenose. gf Xova Krolia. Talk along ihe' waler-froul anions the fishermen ot (iloueter i divided into two ehool of thought. Some look palee. A lillle later on in hu 'ne annual treneral rneHinjr jfnr addition fo the riianler of talk he railed attention to hi,wlih"h tfMik nlaee lat nifcht in Hie acri.lents that ha featured definition of the Unpacilonahle eily rounril rlianiher. ThrouKli American cun contender in Hie Sin. Thi he aid ineanl peron faulty rlerlrif wirinir the FihibU pal ; other believe that every-who arrihe I In- work of divin'ion huilJin, which ha be?ii jt liinjr that can happen ha hap-healiuK lo the Ivil and not lo'ueil for the pad few eaon. IiM-nM aud lliat luck i due to Jeu Christ. ,i ha heen CiHidrmned for il. and Hum 'Quolintr lenUTnonie. iff cae ome (dher place iiml. n-iw he 4. of healimr, the naker alml at- found. Thi win the main topic' Suorhp iiefit f fVrncti lenUliri lo lb fact Itmlriin OaU of dicuion at laT uixht jalhlele hy tisiin from Knplaiid cary a wnnuin who. had' Iwen niecliu:. The Klk' Home ami the ami Sweden in the coure of dual Mind inri he wa nine year Auditorium were ugg..i,.,l a meel held recently in I'ari have ..I.I I.M.I r.lAi. A. I L.f.lil nll.l luij.il.l. I ... I I a n I II. .. . 1 . . iin.i t-'rj,w """-iii iioiii. mm inr iiiuiit cau.eii niucii citneern ainonr prtHii 01 11 t)?,IH icci uiaine ten in Hie iiaml of I lie iiicoiii-iinimslialcly... , rccosnUed her Ins eecutive for action'. In lln a bhfiJ.Wflman, wlio iairl llial team 1 .being left over. There before he lefi'ihe hall on Tlnir will be another need up of the lav. he roiild ee the lishl of eculie next Tuesday veiling-. naucially. . A .uggelionwn madeby Mr. I.aporte thai ' hnJilnr haeball might he conducted in conjoin". Hon with ba.keliall but action wa deferred pending the securing of quarter. j Sport Chat I II I Ihe intention of 1lie Hit French Olympic ofticial a to the'ri nrnliatilp chance of nucce. of S cultural note. FREE on requeiLUfieii.l in, the audience. Another meantime, arranpemenl for Ihe'tn,. French representative. at Ihe ,'.e. iy lime, one-nr Hie iiiur- playniK of same in 1 1 ariou ;ilympir games next year. Knp- lav oum iieaiinK-waa.nai or league amj the enrolment of und nearly doubled l.o core of Ihe French while Swedpn won by the comfortable margin "of 102 poini 10 lit, mjcii 1 me con- 'he l.iiil.lmu;. If any nernn whoj There wa a gqodallendaucejecrn that the French Olympic . cuce,MwiilfA.bLj:el'ilp and pub- nt the meeting. oiniliirly pej-. jcoininitlee i erimily consi'.lhF-lictr b'lify. he coold do o af- Min. reoresenlinir vactti lea. intr 11.. ..,r,i.....,..i ..t ...... f ler Ihe tneelin?. and likewise if gue ami nroiMctlve leaio. be- jlhere had leen no reult that ing present. pecon had Ihe ame opportn-I Kleclion of olllccr, resulted a BMBBBBBBMaBMBMMMBMtiBJMMl t New Boston Grill i THIRD AVENUE The Latest in Restaurants New Chef Arrives We have scrurcil Ihe service. tif nu iip-tn-Uie-niinute rhef, one who has olnhli'hed n enviable rpntnliou built upon enr of fxiwrioiice. Our new chef ha cooked for the Vancouver Hotel, (.olden Gale (Jnff, Troontlero, ami Onlml j r sister city, and now he will cook for YOll. Me i riglil 011 the job now. R wa only after n personal interview with our Mr. James In Vancouver Hint Hie new rher foiild t imluced to come north. Your Standard of Restaurant Service Our restaurant i becomiiiK more mul more n meet-tug pi"4" f,,r ,nn" w"l,,n" ,u"' rit' Hr nr,, ftnl'ined every comfort tlestred, with 'cuisine par excellence. Uinler ideal conditions with surrounding marked by subdued elegance, all who come will find Ihe service It) their ''"f.vy, aj, in 'give our patron the finest rcstaurnnt ser ice 111 Northern H.G." PRIVATE BOXES FOR LADIES OR PARTY USE Taxi Service in Connection Open Day and Night PAone 457 l follow: w 1 iiiuiiMiin 111 ere in iiirw- Honorary Prejdenl, OAK 5. P. Mr.Monlie. President. Frel (tilhuly. First Vice Preshlenl, p. I.a-porle. Second VicePrflsideiil, .Ali S. A. Mill. C Secretary Treaurer, II. A. Hreeti. . 1 Oeorge .loinlone presided "at the iMicniu; of Ihe meeting giv-ingthe chair over lo P, Lnporle after Ihe election of nfllcer.. ional trainer from olbe- countries lo prepare their Olympic athletes. Eddie llami wn charged in the police court 'thi morning with an infraction of Ihe Street Iy- law by driving a motor vehicle on a idew-alk. The case wa adjourned for eighl day.. LAND ACT. Ntllct of InUntlon to Applf to Ium Land. In Ciat UihI IilJlrlri, RrrorHtnr Irirt of I'Hnr nuptrl. ami Miuat In rumhewa InW-t. lorfby Island. OiH-m cjiarlotlr Islands. Ta ivollrr Inar 1, Thnma A. Ki-lly. of VaiMitnypr, B.C.. wrupatlon Lorrinr lIratr, inlrnd 10 apply for prrmUnlun Jump Mitchell I hi. rolirin ".' Tullowln dwrlbwl fore- secretary, read the financial re-, Ci4nmn-inr at the snuthwrst comer of ..rl ............... f i.i infnrr sou in i rnain; iwnrr n and a of last port ununar .ea.i.9 tl.u rUMu-. tta-nrr north on acllVllle. II wa Mliown "'nrinwn nurtneri) : ana -fwny, nn ,. , , .... . , . followlnr toe fhorc of Cumshewi Ink! that Ihe Association, had been m the p..lm of Mmmsnwnin.. and mn- able lo just about break even fi lamina 18.38 acre, more or If. THOMAS A. kKI.LKY .Name of Anillranl. Dated September ISth, 1S. LAND ACT. Notlt of Inttntlon to Applf to Purch Land. In CoaM Land liisirlrt. IeiSrdlnr OU-Ihrt ir -Prlnre nupert. and Kituate al Cumtiewa. on Moretby Nland. Uueen Cnarlolit Inlands, and adjulnlnn T.I.. H13 ut ine muu. Take .oilre that I, Thoma A. Kelley, of Vanmuter. U.C.. orrupallun Ixxrlnp 0erator, inlrnd U apply for iermlalnn in purrna. ine roimwint aenrriuea mikm: , I'j.mnM'nrlnr at a pout planted on the tborn of Cuiiinhewa Inlet; thene north 11.71 rlMlnn, nmre or les, to the notith Uiundary of T.I.. 8173; tlwnre el aud nert Table Stnmlv l?n to enter 11 1'""0"" the Mid muth boundary. 41.15 leaill in Ihe Senior Hnskelball liter or aatd T.L.; thenre easterly and ' , iMiutbrrlr. and fullolnr th hirh water ,1 . ... ,, , League (hi winter according In -rk f ciimiiwM miet to the nomt r an anuounceinenl made hy Oavigau. There i good playing material employed on the slalT aud with the end in view oT forming a team the various on-Iranl will bo given a Iry-'out inu uieilialely under a selected The opening gutut) of the orld's Ilasehull Scrleii lakes olace today in the Yankee Sladitnn, the first wonder of Ihe baseball ' world huill on Ihe Jlronx side of' the llurleni ntver by the New. York American f.eague Club at u' eol of yiiore (huri 2,5tO,000. The last Word In rontforl and ac-commoilalioii for spectator, tho Slodiiim ha a seullng capacity for 6'.',500 people Willi room Tor many more thousand to stand. (j niniineiieemeiit. and rontaininr ti.SS TllpMAS k. KELLEY, Name of Appllrjnt. liaieii sepiemoer Itm, ....! J.l . .... J Premier Gold Medal Beer The New Wonderful Beer There is only one way to prove that PREMIER "GOLD MEDAL" HEER is bel TRY IT. Order from the Government Vendor Today. This advertisept is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control jltoard or by the Government o? British (lolnmtiia. ' '" " 1 T Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK . AND SHIPYARD WOODEN MULL CONSTRUCTION A SPECIALTY. Plans and Estimates Furnished For All Classes of Boats. Anyone considering the purchase of a new fishing vessel, tug, or wooden boat or any description is cordially invited to inspect progress on the two (10 foot cruisers we are now building for the Fisheries Department. COAST STEAMSHIPS SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points, Thursday, Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART SATURDAY, 10 p.m. 'S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Islands, Oct. 17, No. 3, 17 at 8 p.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. ,.rkMrr, Vtnr ttPe PJ- for PBINCE CEOnCJE, EDMO.ITO.N. WIN. NICE0. ill points F.a.-iern Canada, I'nUed states. A0CNCT ALL OCCAM STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlcktt Offlet, S2S Third At4 rrlnc. Rup.rt. Phono too. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Service! Sailings from Prince Rupert S.8. PRINCESS MARY. For Vancouver! Victoria and Seattle, Ootober 5, 12, 23 j November 2, 16, 30 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, October 1, 8, 19, 28; November 12, 28 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocea.i Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full Information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.O. "' I - t