PREPARING TO HOSPITAL BOARD NOT Making Money Grow TO PAY PUPIL NURSES PERHAPS there are many things you would like to BUILD HOME; less than elsewhere you cannot afford them now. Why not aave uf fot them? There it much personal satisfaction to be found In savin The niieli..ii f the reduction GcL &l money urn dollar jtrrsss to two in a rhort time It is A. A. Co Will Draft Plans foe .. ... .,.. ,. n.e then ten and so on 4ut if you are saving f6r a New NurMt' Home Building five ariteral briiil '" Hie i-.v.-. object, you should open a hank account. Whilut the money iaalwayn there for you when ybnneed it, there la About to bo Erected I tvtt iif a i wiiu1 lena temptation to upend small anim it troti quicker . Il lltll..... and i sate from loss. You will find our Managrra and Preliminary arrangements weref""'""' r , ... $25 and $5q Staff willing to help yoq. made at Ihe ineclinfc- of Ihe hoe. ni,i.iB mi.I Ihat ihel"'"''"- Mr. ,n,am THE ROYAL BANK pilal lmr.l la.I nielil for . reeM.m rtf Ihe new nilreV home waa.ijn m .n- OF CANADA a ihe result of Ihe drive now r,,y "J"1 n'n ',r7,,,," ' 3 poiznd lKin underlaken In this en-neelion. new nurse; home, ine jiay oi S. 4. MACI.r.OO, Manager, A resonli.n was I lie pnpi) nurses wmild be refine- j Prince Unpen Branch. ndopleil lu rmploy A. A. tn, the rl. lie ke.t if any s'lateinenl Vancouver architect, lo prepare had Imtm" i.m.le lo disahie Ihis preliminary plan. The amount impression. e a of the opinion lo lie expended on Ihe new home, Ihol Ihe (Hiprt nurses hate In In London. England, in the 17thCentury, Prii-e Hubert wmild always lm not yel l.ecn decide,! iion. This will le diciiei at the conclusion lo receive inure than in Vanerto-J tea brought prices equivalent to $25 The Daily News of the drive liy ll.c diree. ver it n nurse' hooe were. and $50 a pound. WtlN'CR RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA- , I'.rale jnclihliny the hospital I.uill. hoard and Ihe nurses' hnme ertm-lilillee s. K. Cnmni.ell said llml lht Today, tea is the cheapest drink in the Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince at a future ineeHng. iurpresslon Hi-oe lhnicli aMine r world, and we believe you'll agree that Rupert Third Avenue. remarks he timde al Ihe mVelliig Daily News, Limited, I'resenl al Hie meelimr were Nabob is "Tea it should be as . of Die rtlv -il last week.l H. F. PULLEN, Managing Editor, l. ii. Slewarl. pre'sidenl' of Ihe lioard. I. I'.. Mrltae, chairman of lie slale.1 Ihen Ihat lite my of From .n single pound of Ihe finance commillee, K K. I lie piijiil nur-.'- had lieen raise.! SUBSCRIPTION RATES: cliairman of Ihe houe a few year ago a an rndiice-1 (diiiiplH'll. City Delivery, by mail or carrier, jer month. , . Si.Mi for lu eifiie Ald.,"'nl pnoil Mlires T. Iloss By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United Stales. Iroiiimillee, .Mnckny iti The rales pal In pupil Mhrkemie. V. K. Williams. Mrs. in advance, per year . $0.ini here far in eses ctf nnrus were S. Iiarlon. Aid. Ihe... IVtllarl. K. To all other countries, in advance per year. . .' ," llioe iuti.1 In ullwr renlres. They II. Mnrliiner ami W. !. Vance. ! Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. aelinz ecreary. vtfrf ende'atoriii? to bring alnnil NABOB Prei.lnl Slewurl kUI thnl Mi c.Hi.liliwas liv ItiUhliiiir a nnre' UaILV tOilllUfi Saturday, May 10, 1923. Viihh' llon.ff .Iritf. lint well ..n.llioow to Iwller I lie living eon der way nn.l had mel wtlh very(dltrfms of Ihe j.nil mirws n It he HiiiMts.Hde lo 1 Wanted One surAess. lie ll.nocl.l that TEA. big Inouilr. sloi.s sl.oul.l l.e lnVen for ll.e ohlnin Ifteal peolialiorters, lly Il it.liwir nurses' Imme they a eriv-linn of the new huildiliK. Mr.j In linug Prince llupert to a roudilioii nf prosperity equal wmm MBssssswaM sbbw jwould fH olTeHng allnieli.ins in should be Whillaker. jrovernmenl archilecl. it to any ihnt die u ha ever jt'i hml liimtigh l.-iiir..r inflation, . Tea-as r "r w.e' tMns ..n-co.iver. and A. A. Cot. architect. ,if Van-j,l,r there i iieedeil here on., more industry employing uirls had tilh heen Ihetdilions nhd reerealkm rr over several hiinirel men. .Sin h would it-licve I lie present ipue. A letler froni!'" remarks ha.t 350 of-full-strength beverage w'niild'slnrl ground. was rend cups may condition and (he city (In of on path wndy growth iiiisre.ireenle. lo the er- that every one who i interested here i cerlaiiwill viuiif ooiier 1. I.. James, arehilecl, Vlelnrla. I'n be had a wealth ot warmm, comiort for Ihe as! feci trial ir a noine were applying position or later. With nil the Milenlial nntural resource that lie at and refreshment to body and nerves. re.nwe inn urchilecl. and jtlso a Idler froiii.""1" '""re wwy wount hand only awaiting development, (here i no doiihl that Prince A. A. tUtx. Mr. .leffers al lie sal.1 mat llie m.spj-i Kupert'.i destined In he a great city ami n large centre"of prn; t.reenl in Oilifornla nn.l was would (" riani mni a.u.ere to uie re- Even if it were possible to get from inferior dnrtinrf and shipping. To gel the business started should tin not he availahle. eular Vcale l salaries paid in brands the same number of cups, the Ihe aim of citizen. every Already several project lire under llrilili iVduutliia alliiwing for Ihe way with local people figuring in Ihem which will mean bui-ne Making Plans th. M..I ..C ll.nrr difference in price per cup.would not be a K. II. Mortimer tlinusriil that for the city in varum way. One of them I wild a view sixtieth part of a cent. loenl of uy man rapahle giiiiit to for fhdiolrie. . supplying power f . hell said thai if Ihe city was ndt ice and rarryuip oul Ihe nece ever, Sawmill Project sary arrliiteclural duties should (ruing In cmnpele with outside Nabob is the pass-word. Use only Nabob. he pitcn a chance on Ihe ic.. lUjiinl il has got In gel pol l Live One. , President Slewarl was of llw in Ihe cily down In a competitive Incliuled in the immediate which prospect Ihi city may liass. "hoI Ihe iulenlion' was oiiiiinn lhal in view of the fact realize in the near future i the renmption of lumlier culling pay' Ihe tmildinir wa In lie a tihlic of Ihe al lsrd In at the Seal pne sawmill. This would mean. (he employment of itlpfl here less than j' one Imill wilh public funds lhal nurse at least WO men and would provide an important pa roll hene-firjal I lie luiard should he ver- careful paid In oilier pupil nurses in ' to nil cilizeu. The carrying out of the pulp mill prnjecl In see lhal n proper urrhilerl llrilish Oiluuihia plus the cost of Ipipnpn AlfPflPP 1C would mean Ihe elnhlihmenl ofa mio-h grealer industry and was employed. ,Ald. ("Vdlarl in PHriW Huuerl today. HjAjjtU UYlKjLAj t -prpiij,TMon iiie-nniiuitm iit fil several lliotisanri people. The of Britannia K k ( Certrif Ihoiizlil lhal il was a very hip Management re wry " undertaking and Dial Ihe whole British Columbia's best boosters. InmaraVsaX Car Repair - , INTERIOR TOWNS GO SHELL SHOCKED Shops Likely. Ihinz could he ;iil up lo I lie Britannia Beer. archilecl, lo iilnnil plans iif IN FOR POLYTECHNIC i lien mere i me project ior ine Marling or car repair DRINK what wa wan led. ".'. K. Camp- sriop i ine nry nock, various rumor have lieen heard re and RHEUMATISM hell said that .Mr. Oi would he J cenlly Tilxiuf thi hill up lo flic pre-ent nolhiug official ha been . iMe. Plndee-Mots, Director, Writ- made known. hack in the cilv in almii lliree. i Britannia Beer Mr. Hacking, who viitpil here recently for Ihe In? From Smllhsrs. Says week and -oiill Ihen he ron-snlle.1. I Mr. F. M. Blaqiilere. Murmviile. all.. purpose, or lookiu? inio i(ie proposition, should rejiorf oon am V. K. William eon- That Work Will bo Introduced rlit: "nr threa y.r temrr .ltH Ifien Home definite information may lie forthcoming. About all I Uiat i so far known is that he was favorably inclined lo the pro enrred. T. llos Muckav said he at New Hazel-ton plela returnra rerk. I tud la CasU two f u.alm-.4 Ind a rm ! Ale ject. Ilhilwy official who visited Ihe city Ihi spring indicate.) won.I not leave the .Jelail lo and Telkwa aurrerlnt trn ah.ll skurk tad rnesais-! Premier uiai olher than a resident of Prince j tlsm. and . so irrous 1 rwiM nm Wp ine esuuiiishment of car shop here would mean the em ployment iif prohahly several hundred men. TJiey would nrac Huperl who was thoroughly Wrilinir froui Smitlier to Ihe at l.Pfl.nlrtil.III)! IWMMI I tried tat many IhMl ns-dlriae AlA n. .aa4 Ow- "THEY CANT BE BEAT." lically he all newcomer and would increae the popnlalion and familiar wilh Hie climatic Condi-lions, editor of Hie llaily News, iohn for aay ksnriti -t ttn. I rt ao uti. to have fm 4 Prince otherwise udsfuke might Rupert Government Store always iiusme oi ine ciiv. a Pimler-MoH, ilirerinr of Ihe ttM rB W ItlS. my kanls rrm w slukr he made. II r. Markay suggested Norlheru Polylerlinic Institute. rouW "lr tl4 anrtawi. aud :tl ment arrive weekly. Trans-Pacific Shipping lhal Mr. Cox tie asked lo prepare " hp .""rinr zrs&z trtL-tv Thi advertisemritl not pul.liht 'i ' May Soon Start. ' floor plan wilh hark and front for orgaiuialion stales llriii-h C.oinmli.i or hv the L.t ' I purposes, ,uw- drm m iaio fiw. and my Ih,i. . ... . . ....' i...l:-. eletulions. Muring the djsrus. i ii iiKjn ..nun are uiiu irone-J'arilic snipping may soon lhal he has made arrangements '' swl lo li la disorder. I iwdi commeiicr through Ihi porL Willi that end in view. Ihe rail sinn of employing a supervisor wilh Ihe school hoards nf .New "early ery whl, iii! of Ihe Aid. Collar! said Ihat nd chiU Tumia tMi work. "P " and Ilflzelioii ami fur the way company i repairing extending Ihe Jumher emhly 'eikwa fur-,mf Ur Mrtf tmm ltnm ,, wnarr. Air. I fie the cily engineer would lime to rnaln.n of technical classes in McMillan, Vancouver lumber hroker, ) that 'deMd n try Minjuni s lleiri and Vrv. he ready lo Iniy lumber laid down here for shipment lo lh inspect the hufldiuir periodically Ilieir dislriclm in the fall. At llie'riu., and arier I had uken ti u.t.. l wrieni. vvnai np ik wauuiK lor i Ihe eciion of ilislricl milJ in His capacity as huildinar Inspector lime nf writing", he had not seen la hl Ultrr. I .,l im uslat u-in j Prince Rupert CIGAR S TOR! men lo make deliveries. Once interior luniher slarl going lo and he thought that Ihe Imard. As indicated and liered.N arirr a sbile I euint.leieiy r. would he Williams sufficient. Mr... ww urieui succesKiiiiiy, mere is no reaon why the Iim-hI mill in a former letter Ihis week. Mr. rrlre SOe a tiot at all detlera or nulled " aim inner plain in tnc district fhould not commence orralioii IIhiiikIiI Ihat a coinieeii arrhi-lect finder-Muss has also Iwen suc- dlrert on rwei.t of lr by "Tmi T. Mil "The Serui'C Hlore llci.Jp Ihe. fMi.sihilily of shipping lumher from Ihi port and supervisor should lie cerul in organizing rlassea at burn Co. IJmlled, TurusJo, oni. WE CASH CHEQUES. in me wnrni. ii. ent likely thai alrnim may move lhaf wav employed on Ihe j..h. 'IVrrwc ami llaellon. Have vim done v.air lot in aid lierore jonjr; A Jargc dock ha l.een built here' for Ihi trade. II was moved hy W. H. Wil ilr. Pinder-Mosa nays lhal eju-cllent ink supplied nl the Willi the ndjiislmcnl of difficulties now impeding Ihe passage liams and seconded hy K. K. miliernlnffy and dressmaking will heiulouHrlers hut for ckeiuc The Nurses' Home? of Alakn salmon Ihrouvh (he porl settled, thai huine couhl Cainphell lhal an architect he he popular classes in Ihe interior writing, to say nothing Of Hie romp Ihi way. Then (hero is njway the large production of employed. This motion was car- i'indiiiK a demand for High absorbing ahsorhanre nf IJ.e ah-soriient If not, wc will gladly re-re i vour dou.iltnn, minion niijaeeni in me ciiy winch, it seems, might lie shipped ie unanimously. Mr. Alorlimer School clucalion in smaller hh.lliiix paper. eipl lo yon. ...ri i.imj iierr. Ihen made Uie .motion, seconded places, he also stales lhal the in iKiriiipiueiu oi iran-l'ciric snipping through Prince hy Aid. Collar), lhal A. A. tix, sliiule will J.e al.le Ui fill Ihis WOJHC.N are'jippyiii(r coal JliJKrt would he capable of much volume, everv pound of which Ihe Vancouver archilecl, he asked iieinj. In Telkwa. there will l a diisl In I heir eyeliils as tin aid lo would- na u more liuiue for the city coming Ihroiidh jl lo prepare preliminary plans. full enrolment In Ihis class. heauly. There seems In h an ii'.iHiiiiiK. , .. Thi was carried. Speaking of general conditions, opportunity ' for a man to make Your life often JP1 .r.j iis.. ii aw in mi. mere seem lillle reason for becoming A meeting of the Joint com air. Pimler-.Mns stale lhal Ihe a fortune grinding up Ihe odd MR. FISHERMAN! GOODTAM . .....i.MVn. mi i u ju is necessary I lo sii lighi. fijrht for every- mittee will he called later to crops are looking fine and Ihe lumps of rim I in the hAsenient :J UDsn a nod consider Ihe amount lo he " We have been making tanks for boats d P' r 1 thing work wilh Ihe common end In view. Thing wil' expended grain is up l inches. Much night. ihen soon right lhenrev, and we will have heen reptf on Ihe new huildinir. land is being cleared. Terrace ten years and we have vol to get a compi. or wniling. was a mas- nf Mossom from end IK ynu see n lump of coal on workmanship. CA' WHAT WE rfAVE DONE FOR OTHERS WE fo end. The sawmill was work. Ihe wife s dressing table don't Ten Years Ago friX steadily. Ask unncessary ouealinna. DO FOR YOU. In Prlnco Rupert Mf)ST women- won't- have much ROWE'S SHEET METAL WORK? Were ,e.r.e Mai,y Things lime In spare between Ihe base Which I Could Not Eat" Mr. ami Mrs. William llayuor r The Man in the Mood men! heauly parlor and Ihe bed Second Ave. Pho"" returned Ihis morning from a SAYSi- room looking glass. Mrs. H. Robert W.Ua, Engliak IWbour,Trinity Bay, two weeks' Iriplo Vaueoiner and i'm-, wrneit Keallte.'. is one niilslnmling -Miss 4 I'AltMKIt says lhal his cows featirre almitt Hie usual run nf "I wa troubled with nervoui Olive Kauiulers, who came give more milk when under the motlier-fn-lnws' their tongue. ayipepiia o uch so Jut over rron Dighy lo alien.I ihe influence of jnne. listening there were a great many things dance last night, is a guest nf in ei ini,i, m. a useful aid lo A IIAItlll'.ll Is tisimlh a good There's Longer Ljjj i coum ooi eat at aU on account Miss Johnstone. j.nsluciion f iuslalled .n Ihe hand at senipfng an acipiaiu-lance, of the dittreaied feeling after puuii. in the shiric and longer wardi. I uted many different Angus Stewart left hy this ' oU remedies, but ibey did roe little rooming's train for the Interior. .Nurse TlllCIti; is one thing ahoiil the "ITU a cold, cold world," as life in the .hoc, good. Finally I tried Dr. Chate't the Home fnive and lhal s Ihe fly si.l( when II landed in use Nuct." Nerve Food sad Kidney-Liver Clod Xef, champion feather- siiiooiti riiiiiiiug pens and the Ihe Ice cream. Pilli. and ui.joiii Lit.i .r il.m it.iri ..u.i wai surprised at the KUQGBf relief tnis combined treatment nrrivrd Jn the cily Ihi morning j Siens of Good Health l.KT tis yel down lo brass gave me in such a short timei" from KJ'allle lo daln for his t, Hsi,,Of....o-iry.tiH.K.,U(Wir tacks hul for goodrie take oWt firo-eii e....n.l .,. ......ill. Hilfv VV'II... , asd s!mmii I'm ut priy Polish -" n K... sit on cm. Shoe DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD taitt, rh&mpinn of Mesiro and vr. i'lartel $ remale fills Cemta boi, J draJrrs, or l.dms.ison. luiea A Co., 1'oronlo Ar.,ofl Jhey are In t.ov fifteen Vu!29Li,Hi X IIAYf; yel lo meet Ihe editor l rif TiV. TOVKV Sf" rounds ul .Mrlnlyre Hall 'oil the ' r.rji inwnMi : tw(i,ifcwdiHTi i who shed Ifar heeajlse he cniiid .luu uuowN ANU WHOS fiJV. lt4, U. tl t, fwl le eolnu of 1 ,lr. f.:. I not i.rinl 'lie noc: - elfot-i I - I