WJ)n rou Want A made to "MI lie Suits measure 99 In Hie Latest Spring and i litirrv' Bummer Styles and Fabrics I a liuiljj AT MODERATE PRICES. Phone n PRINCE RUPERT STEVE KING l Cart and Bad Service h Flhe City. Rataa Reasonable Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Opp C.IMl. Ticket Office. XIII NO, MR I'll INCH lU.'PKMT. H.C.. HATI II HAY. MAY l. 102.1. THlifOi'i Circulation, 1B04 StMi mi. MUCK FIVE CENTS. A BO K rMIlONTiAYWlffiODOtB) WIGHT WILL LIKELY SEE SUCCESSFUL CLOSE OF HOSPITAL CAMPAIGN well River Paper Company in BY AIR AND Trying to Break Union Comes in AUTOMOBILE Oregon Men Travel 700 Miles In for House of Commons Criticism Quick Father Time at to Hammond Visit Sick Sierial lo Daily Xe)V"i iTTWVA ,,n U. Iis. iis.ioii in Mm- House of Common. PFTlTIIIN flN,, UP V.Xi:oi:VKH, May 10. Itush-u kl .. . I ,11,1 UBSW W Vila nay on iii' nam oi moor 10 ivm""'' uiouhiii u nun moo k TOO miles in 3N liyurs lo fee awriiiuciil llt.it legislation may be brought down on Hie IMMIGRATION NOT (In ir fallier . lirabain, a rcl-ii"i The ' ' " ' mine ii when A. . .eill, Independent nf llainiiinml, who lay cri-1 . .. ( - I II.,. II..... IN ORDER RETURNED r imr l.'. ii c X miiitiii. mnvru uujotiriitiiein "i hihit :.-all III Hay and Lester (!ra-li.nr He iri-iMi-' (( ii-rn-imr me union in me rowcu nivi-r cnnn. raced by private auto V.i. I,Id of lirih-li Columbia, in notifying Ibe lueiil union W Q. McOuarrle, Mtmbir for .'.(in mile.- from k.e I'iiie, Oregon., rrittnkrrs llud unless llicy nirrt'iiiJrroil Ihrir union rlmr- New Westminster, Qlven ' 1 Clielmliri. Wanliinylon, in 23 Stinduy next nil members of (Ik union would be di- Opportunity to Correct !i"in. Their car .fhen broke ilmiucl Mr. .rlll it resolution Hla Measure down kii l hey llii-n look a laxi :declared; dial. nthe absence of a fnmi Khelialis to Olyiiipia, travel. AR LAW (strike. Ibis notification -otil ilu m Hie forly nille in fifly minutes ' " 1I....I ..t . . ...... ... ..... -I..I.I ..r., - i.-ii m nitv no. ii.i jt speaker uus iiiir.i in i ur imusr In hire u mail airplane. One CTII I Clfl ;,:,,,m',,u" rkcrs lo Join a lesiil- f Commons llial Hie petition of lilane wa out of coiiiiiiission so uliLL jHjV1"""'" union. V. (j. Mi'Ouarrlr. fconscrvalfvc they uailed for another In which James S. W'iMMj.worili. socialist I(.hIht for New Westminster l hey made the 120-lnile trip lo member fin- YvTntiiiMSr lnlrc. aji,,! Jupune.r linint;.-rution l Seattle in to uiinuteti. They lah Premier Look III on Re- riiii.lJ Hie rc-oliitb'it nol ill order heaui (I i ad travelled from Seattle lo Hain-mond, turn From Health Trip to I Mr. Nelll said he Iboiiiiht lh drexreil ll Hie pli'inlcr hinleud of ireliilorie hit! :rl..ru.l which in 23 miles due i.l ni.d l :i lali, Irirliiditi): i it wli . 'Il inan.v lias In'! ! -.I't ;i-.ill Paris limc IihiI nl when it " ' (four Hie meiiibrrH of jiurliuiiienf ea-l "f Vancomer, in a hired Nh f itiled Ii.v Slurry :l.....l.l lu MKH -U.'V 1.1 .ltffm.il II... 'o cniin"ii I h a nai iotwil .K 'if l-MVll... ---...J generally. auto. Leaving? (heir Oregon home ? l.U.NION May I!' I'r 'r jj,ihl or labr lo orgunite. It ilr. .Mi-ijuurrif une.i turn me on Tuesday at noon, Ihey reached I't.uur lw-ri-l i iir.l today fron. ih. union nave ui II charter. elilinii In- returned for corrrc. flUjI unQPITAI 11AL DUlYOLJ WTIRQPQ As Resutt of Drive New Ntuses' Hammond at 1 o'clock on fr Ilu- lioucfil vonld ilrirt inl J'aHs after; a t'lp it. nirjiibvr lion. Tin raVer njreed In return Thursday morning. The father's of liU liaallli. H' '"! Oiit nl I" fnil. ' TO SIGN CONTRACT lollioviii). il. health is the imiirovitip-, visit of Ill awliftfHiil ... i-i.iiiI In tin' I'riMiiiiTMai Vi'Udr Kiti anl Home Now Seems Assured: final I Up sous buoying him up. rbMkjpalVkf n I'l'iiml. ol lln lupoWiliaL. f IIm. far M-it- rrn?- Without 30 Da s Notice Provls-! leailjol Hiii(r ni inmninv rlirl iy Mr. ,nil, Uir ovrii LUMBER IS ion Board Feels It Is Not Will Day Put Over I rfKt'lfnr H" win lo a n.iitirr . hIimiiM. 1k linliriM dial Protected from Emer-! Probably it mqr GfgSON liou - In- will ni''iVl(. iUniHdlaii urliniiiiiil had ' gency iiwnl ;inli': Sir Tlii'tnti lliir.uieii nillM-rrnrc In llir Treaty "f READY NOW il.v the lini' I lie iitoney rutsuiif (impaigii lij-e lonigbt. in iK Icil -i. Iv.'i'f.aill. an arllrle of wlin'li l (lie Hireling ,,r Mir Hospital ie new Nurses' Home will I r.o-li, ,,llv ;,.n,-,.,l ,i i ..v,.... i HAS RESIGNED 1l1'lllllr. llf ri(llll lf lloanl held in the l .ly Hull last Qnu-MT, met w.lb giio.1 so. . . .. .-,Kai veslenlav and over LADY ADYISED lawful uinii.f 'I In- R. E. Allen Says 450,000 Feet i.ivl.l. I be niieslion or rrlirim? ai.iiitii wus t'ollerle.l bringiiig Hie Kraml lolal to l l.tliiT. H. liri-iiiiiT uililiil lliut ir I'm l Is Cut for Ei port via nurses an nr.- nol lee was brought Will, further onl.iuV ii.iilritMilioiis vet to be eivd re. beside. Hospital Board Renrets Losing F BROTHER'S DEATH not llffM'ir'lil lie wmild If ri by S. K. cbuinitan This Port up Ii.mid.ell Hie pro.-eeds from Ihe Klk-' iiii.i.ln-l show mid Ilu- lloiuiiiion iiiih'Ii If Hie imrliaiiK'iil Secretary Applications iinrlnl he or house eoiiimiUec - )a- ,H,rls, ele.. the total will be uiouuil Hie ?!:l,0(Hl murk. This. J, Robinson Left cxi 'ft lUniada nmM not find Mime R. E. Allen, manager of Mr. iwiu.pbell wns or Ibe opln- j j. Hniiiglil will build Hie Louie. Being Called For Night For Son's iiietl f tier eiot fully il'-Ultlll the Royal Mills at Hanall, reports i..n H.al retiring nurses should Uw , f jrsday ,.uVil.ers, some ,.eo,de ou Ibe list, buve ledslde But Was Too Milli Die uratler. that his mill has cut u-ne Ihlrly days uoliec. W . h. nol yet been' approached. Such " - A leii.'i- or resignation rroiu Lata Hon. Jamea Murdoch 150,000 feet of lumber for Williams, slated that any person are' invited lo cull ul Hie cum- Major i. F. liili.on, secretary lo IImii. J nine. .Min-ilitrli. mniili'i the first eiport shipment to employ.,! by Hie uionlli should paifrn headquarters, the Hed the hospital hoard, wus read ul r line I- SI. 4. of Hi- if labor. ind that I lie llrilili go to the Orient via Prince ttive a months' notic. Mr. (,, II ut. lodav and leave their AMERICA RETAINS the meHiittr or the bourd, held rill Aim '!!! I rweixMl .Nut-Ill Aiiieiira Arl khvo jun-.llc-lioii Rupert through H, R. McMillan, i.uuipnrii eoiisiuere.1 inal me Mihseriplions. Ibe hut will be WALKER GOLF CUP last night in the Cily Hall. i I( aflernoijii in Hie mailer to Ho proMii -riu the Vancouver lumber piHleeli.tn o rn Ihtrly daya mdirc ,l(t,. ,,i 0 lork. All own- 1 1. il. Slewarl. presideni, slale.1 i h ' death ol I itoteriitiieiil. He did nol eporter. In addition to from reliri".? nurses would iribulious will be aniiouncci in ST. ANHIIKW S. May I a. tlial he Tell sorry lo rrceive Ihe .in. I I I. HnhlliiMMt. wlml I firilertil ruliltiet runl.i this the George Little mill at slreuiillien Hie hand of llie.ii,,. ,,lo ' i'lie Amri-ii-aii ;ioir leam resignation as Major (iibson had J h Nl Mrs I'.. J. do about il but he wu vlad Ho-Dill Terrace and the Lakelse hospital board. Speaking ou Ihe The rollowiuir returns on the relaiiied possession or the prove.) himself a very Hue secre- I IIH l ..f dr. . -.! I Ur bud I'Olnr tip iieeailM- III.- Lumber Company have a like suhjeef iiizuiii Mr. Williams raiupaign tip lo last uiglit were Walker Cup defeat iug Hie lury. He was u man or splendid hi Mrliulin'iil wuiiiu amount cuL This make a li'iuvhl Hie Hospital board, when personality and a good fellow- in li-itin I'll; ::.v iiiulit'- iii''iii.er issued today by H. L. Campbell, llrilisti leu n i in to-day's f( HI J Illl mi , ofilie iiiiioenMil Willi Hie fuel Mi.tl total of 460,000 feet of lumber employing nurses, should have a maiiaver : , louriiumeiil tiy six mulrhes every way. f ill-..--- fe"rtil larwe i ,anie lliroyvli- ready for shipment. standard contrarl with (hem l H. C .Mi-Hue, rhuirmau of Hie Ir .-it.in- liiHinl total o dale 1 1.007.1 1 to five with one halved. til ali- to t ! iir. -bill I hiwuIh were tryina In tirii:K The loading on to the railway eovering Ihe iueslion of noliiy Ktiniflnfi a t TuAini I ifinuure roiumitlre, moved that h wire was sriuibni'k piv-war ronditiiins In rrnuro fUt cars for Prince Rupert uud holidays, 't he pteHldent explained the resinalion be accepted and Hi ill I'rllire lo.lhe right of eniibiee In oi'-..... Is held up pending the thai Ihe matron bud always J. L. Christie ?I,32T.(KJ Dial ub'ling secret ury V. D. ilc ..i la a .I.. . arrival of the Pacific Lumber handled Ihe matter in the M. Iloiuales . , 8HI.U0 Vance be inslrucled to write inn hi. r It l' low Mlii'lln i -lie w'll re .Mr. .Neil I. ill Ills eoinjilainl. sulil Inspection Bureau's lumber past, and he considered Dial with (ieneral and outside tit. KETCHIKAN EDITOR Major llibson expressing the retire el .- illl nidi- I'.lint Dial the I'owrll IIimT IUi. hml Inspector. He Is eipected to if eapalde matron, such as Miss Self 881.011 SAYS RUPERT WILL I of Hie hospilal board at bis il M - H -hip furen-ar l.uill uuoil houses for its em-plovers arrive within the neit ten llluek had proved, (he mutter W. F. Hiibergc HlS.im resignation. The motion was u-r :tu'. nnd l ur-widow nnd had lll-ale.1 them daya and when the lumber rould be left in tier hands uud T. Iloss Mackay 501 Jin BE IMPORTANT CITY seconded by Aid. Mackaiiiie and at d one I'hild. kiliilly but. iiiiforliinali-ly. the has been passed by him It that the house eouimillee should A. Akerherg : 17.00 carried. I'liiiipuny seemed to look upon the will be loaded Immediately. not accept the responsibility. New Subscriptions' ;' "I'l-iiH'e lliiperl bus all Ihe ear-murks II. C. Millar then moved that I0US STONES men us I'litlle and denied lliein - t Mr. Campbell tlmujhl thai a I'rev iously Aekliowledg- of belli;.- a ureal eity sonn- I lie acting secretary be instruct (he right lo Ihink Tor thrimehrs. FISH ARRIVALS bylaw ol Ilu hospital should he ed ?V,ilt.tl day und I feel certain it will be." cd lo advertise in the local press THEFT MONTREAL They had fired an employee who Tlueis Amei irun bout sold druwn up in which employees Pal more & Fulloii 5l.im i-ialeil C II. Merry, uianus'er oi'iroi- u permanent hospital secre had ulleiided a lubor roilferetii-e GU.5IIII pounds and three Canadian should be -eulli'd Upon lo give Jabuiir Ilios. Ltd. iJstMin tin' Keleliikuu News anil u pioi rilury, appliculions lo be return- a ibleKiile uud a i lergyniail who boats S.uuu pounds of ball- notice and said that at present il J. 11. Mitchell C5.00 in muny lar.re cities of tlie West aide on Friday, May 25. Seconded is Relieve J, L, Sabbath Co.I did not iiKrre with Hie roinpaiiy's if ul, u lolal of HI,000 pounds ut wus possilde Tor hair u doien John Curric 3(5,00 vho wns u passeuicer goinir south by Aid. Mackenzie the motion flees of $30,000 Worth tleu- hud I II llll'Ui'il Olll Hie Fish FxeliMnwi Ibis morning. nurses o tfive nolire at once and Ccorgc IWirie 55.0(1 ou the Princes Mary this afternoon. was carried. of his bouse by I he company. The Canadian boats received llius plurc Ibe work or tbu hospital Owen Fisher 5.00 The city, Mr. Kerry said. ArliiiK Secretary W. II. Vance Till l. May l I'l-ei-iotm Company Denounced higher prices than Hie in ii precuriou iositlon. V. Mrs. II. I.ip.ell 15- Illl. i Iliad a goiKl prosper Is und u intimated that he wished lo be 1 iilticil ur 10.011(1 weir Hi rial lalmr members of lhJ Amei'leaiiM for liolli first anj I-'.. Williams moved Hint I lie Harry l-U Aslorla . 15.110 fttrult'gic locution as any he bad relieved from his present duties 1; I offices I mlit nil the llou.e or Common from si ml cIush fUli. The arrivals bouse committer he l't'iiieled to F. Mlt'Blns 15.00 vtr seen and has more reasons jus ucHntr secretary us soon ua a I Siililiu'h I n . wb"le- pails or Isinailii blllHHy diiiouii-ml well'! prepare a stundurd roulruct Mr. und Mrs. Moerseli UJU than many tor becoming a Id. successor lo the position could rW. lll'l'S the uilli'iis oT Ilu' I'owvll American roveiiiig all employees, oilier C. Folsom IU.0U and important centre or imlntry be appointed. Iln has accepted Hiver ti. J. . W'liodswollll, Tonleliskjold, l.'i.OOll pounds, than pupil nurses, in which il llisbop liuYeriiot IU.00 and iMipulallon. iie position of secretary to V. (I. ilN PAYS FOR Winnipeg Centre, ileelared thai nt IJ.Xn. uud lie. lo Hit llnulli would be rleuily defined whal llisliop i;. M. Iluuot Id.OO This wus Mr. Kerry's first,Dawson, Ltd., the wholesale notice and whal should visit here, lie is on his wvy lorocers here. CIIV17D PIIDfUAQPC I'owtdl IIIit was ao rongm-ieiy Fisheries Canadian Co. holidays W. F.. iWli.gu IO.U0 OlLYLlA I UntnAOLOli,,,..,.,! ,v Hie romiKiiiy tlml I'M"" I'Miikiiia, no,noo pounds, . ut be given, lie was In fuvor of Ib.yul Hold IU.U0 Seattle where he will speud a 1 1 lilt 111 11 1 II fllee was ill one of Ha CI.Jc ami Vp. to Hie Canadian giving holidays lo the employees, J. Ivilby 10.0(1 couple of weeks. ALREADY 95 FOREST 1 1 I.N CTON, May IK. 'I'1"',! nlMinifs innl the eiiiployeeM I'inli A Cold Storage Co. which lie considered u good in-icstuienl C. C. Mills lOMi BASEBALL SCORES Him' l.v f.real llii linn of i-oulil nol gel a labor newspiiper lUoili'lli I'oiul, 1,500 pounds, at iu Hie inlerest of increased II. Jones 10.00, National League FIRES IN PROVINCE t" !" Ul H'ii'i'Iiusi'S of ail. seul (o I bem without (ho risk of 1 1.Ac. and I Or. to the lloolli ellleieury. The mot Ion Mrs. lirieve I0i0 Pillsbui'it t, lliMtlon 3. ir .-il .lay. I't'inu illscliained. I'lvld'lii's'J'.ainnliuii Co. wus seconded by Mrs, 8. Iiarton Mrs. Acluud IOjOQ SI. Louis J, Ilrooklyu I. Chief Forester Caverhlll Reporta Ml'. .Veill illgesled thill il WM Canadian uud curried. II. T. Willed I0JJ0 Ciui'imiuli 7, New York 0. Most In South With Few In linfortuiiale Unit u Canudiun town Minnie V., 1,000 pound, at I Ir Peler llluek IlLOP, UnU'ugo 10, I'biladelpliiu 7. Local Districts BASEBALL should be owned uud I'onlrolleil uud I(if. In Ilu' At Hit Fisheries. WALTER HAGEN IS S. S. Mugullln . to.00 American League iliy foreiiiil in I nlal so that mi tin Juu' ilaker, 11,000 pouuds, nl Homild Crerar .. I0JJU l'liiludelptiia I, Cleveland 1. VICTiiHIA. May 10.- P. .. irand Double Header 'iesiienU were ul II mercy. I.TlOo ami tii.Sti In (he Canudiun BEATEN IN FINAL Thus. McMeekiu lO.np Ilusloii 0, I M roil . Caverhill, chief forester for Ihe ropolls HIM, Tomorrow Stork Speaks FUh it Cold Storage Co. Hubert McLaren .. ri.nu Wusliiligton m, Chicago It. .province, announces that 05 2 p.m. Fred Slink, Lll'iul nieiiljier bM Cayiitmn. 1,000 jiotimls, ul Li;i:iiS. F.iigluiid. May IU. II. John Lindsrlli 5.001 New York 0, SL touts' i. I separate forast fire have already NelU'a ta.lk' and IU.)n lo I lie lloyul Fish C. the C. II. Thompson .... 5.00 fi'iullum: v I inlt'il SI ales lskeeiui, suiipofli'd Mr. Jolly Kovltsli professional, Coast League brio tvporled Ibis season in fi-nliir 4HV v. K.ll.i; 'nndioii suying tliut seveiitl luwua Co. deb-alcd W'allei llaueu. Hie Hurry Fletcher 5.00 Isan Fiuucisco 0, Sull Luke Urilisli Columbiu. They are llectlon In Aid of Nurses' in hi riding w 'ti' owned uud American bolder r the llrilisti H. I'upslick 5.00 Cily. . rlili'fly on (he lower iiialnluml pome Campaign Fund. iiinlrolled by prlv.lli' ''I'liipanies iilei'llitf Ihe town Tbl did Jio' U.pen golf rhamir ' -liii title, tw I W Milkmaid 0.00 Seul Mr 0. ,os Angeles I ! M Hit on Vancouver Island with it iwhd 'OUld li fu-o t" pi'iiiui uiuk" for good cilWetidiip, lie,up In the fiuul pi- 'I 'iouul lour W lloldi S.OO Vernon 0. Sacrumei'i.) l 'few li I'rmee llupert uud I'rlnco Hi" v ' -H'd, ? I li I uttuuvd ii l'u,' 0 '" .. j : 'Ju-iB T ( j' o g U:r