say December 8, 1932 Bpecial December Clearance e the very latest styles, all beautifully tailored, heavily . pleasing sélection of colors and styles, well lined and « never Shown such values, f ONE-THIRD OFF THE nents outstanding in price and the reduction we are KEGULAR PRICES, make Ks } : a for $12.95 COATS—-Value to $2500 ag Ba COATS—Value to $35.00 fo " $22.50 DRESSES 7, COATS—vValue to § We are offering some ery desirable models at special reductions $3 95 Ano G I 0 $7.95 For Your Christmas Requirements YALLACE’S Phone Third Ave. & Fulton St. DIES’ COATS om ) a my 4 a 2 Gift Stationery FOR CHRISTMAS New Styles at much lower prices. A large and varied tment to choose from. We will be pleased to show them to customers Ormes Ltd. Fhe Pioneer Drugg ists The Re call Store Buy Home-Made "Xmas Presents ‘vince Rupert made We have a fine new e of Prinee — Christmas Cards Art Calendars and Pictures : ; ith ’ } e help your friends to Keep in be uch with Prine They are made by Prince Rupert people and the money is spent at home, WRATHALL’S LOCAL NEWS NOTES __ | This the East j Va mo SKATES “Dube Skate ; cofhpiete | Pwith bo Gordon evening's train at & oclock, was rning to be due reported : on time from | ots {fom $6.25 “‘to,.66.75 at Hardware CL.D.L Dance tonight For day sha night Taxi ser- vice Phone 32. Mrs. ‘kW! Wood tf entertained {prior to the dinner hour in honor lof Dale Pitt of Premier and other — Vancouver manager of the lo ‘Be sure your (bristmas Radio 1s “Bi-acoustic” VICTOR cal pranch of Edward Lipsett Ltd.,| sail tonight on the Prince Ru | | trip to Van-) | Schools throughout the province | Merle J. (Bill) Ellis and family out-of-town guests. of Roy and other Northern British Province Columbia points have taken up residence in Vancouver Vancou- W. E. Drake ver Province se will | Mrs, CC, R. Gilbert of Terrace,’ pert fora business » went south recently with Mr. | couver Gilbert 1 rone I ») Den —_ Colorado, on bu now visiting in Vancouv he guest Of will close on Friday M ind Mr Jack G Che iIdren's Colds ked w ithout 1D OT VAPORUB for the vacation January 3 reopening Mrs. Ellis Morris Mrs. David Brown Christmas and and 1 the Prince of next week New Year on Tuesday, > Hert R pe! Vancouver inager of De going and her small child will] ighter returned Monday evening » Prir Rupert. They have been ending 2 month with Mrs Provw ther at West Vancou- Vancouver News D. C. Schubert was able to re} ime his duties at the Government ’ ph office this morning af i been confined t his ome f t mast week with a se- attack of influenza Fhe dosi R Vicks ‘ y Tt 0 re emer ‘ teeth ri I Rut H f I if 1 ‘ 4 ~ Pure Food Specials M e Ha JONES’ Family Meat hou I y Bee! b Rump B 6 ib r-B I i lb i . B oO R nul 5 iF it Oo ‘ srk teak Oni 4 il lveal Cl pn D Shoulder Pork, 4 Ib Apples, 3 Ib iLee of Pork 4 lb Pork Chops, 2 lbs Appl 2 lbs Tomato Sausage 2 Ibs stewing Veal, 4 lbs Peas, 1 tin 957 — Phone — 957 Market 75¢) Take Advantage of These Values For Friday and Saturday ao Ali Varieties 7c i} NG FI tOWNTREE'S COCO: t iD. tin ‘ED CURRAN LEND COFFEE =~ $7¢ sane ele 29c GAR mh Granulated a 49c CNIC HAMS 4. C. FRESH FRESH SAUSAGE—~< EXTRACTS Lem Var . per 2 BEEF-—G Qua per { CORNED EXTRAS hea, per lic sn 40€ weer “25C 16c