pria two To Obtain the Finest uncolored greeri taa precuri bur SALADA GREEN TEA Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. DAILY EDHIOS GASOLINE PRICE BEFORE COUNCIL' To Compare Prices Here and Ketchikan With a View to Making Protest at The rity -on tin I last nizbt in-trurlel 'he rity elerk to obtain .lefinite information with repet lo ?aoline prirea here and at Kefrhikan with a view lo eo-op-eralins: with tit lloanl of Trade in matin? a jnlt azain-t t-re.ive price. I-iii: ebarM fi)i-ins boat here. Aid. Collar! who ..aid he had been td 6 or 7c a gallon cheaper at Ketchikan lhan here. He aw no reaon I fie fxirt, II Superior to the best Japans. Try it todar. The Daily News PH1NCE RUPfiKT - BRITISH COLUMBIA PublUhed Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. P. PULLEN, Managing Editor. Tue.lay. .j.t. 25, 1923. In the Letter Box IS FISHING LEGAL? I Queen Cbarlolle tlily. U.Cl. September 20. Kdilor Daily New. A tallery rerently slarte.l hf Japanese ha xen the raue of omefrirlinn Iwlween Irvlian and While fiohermen a In who lioulil hold the ..cine Hrene and raptain the njlfil. rlie Sieetal Art iTbe matter wa brutish! up by ' when when . calle.1 ,, llal . I VALUE OF TRUE PHASIZED AT 'lor aid lie na a member of hi 'inuverity teanvatyi time when it nothing ele could. an! greate.t thing -for a joung nun wa to achieve a niaidy rharae- ler. Tracing- the hilory of aorrer. lhv ttikiiM l.nv all -iinn "Mirniiiarni an for a amnion tikine Ihf ntaller im n. be felt ,r"i-"H, therefore, jhey are nity ..pirit by playing together. na'1 w7n TH1 ibiiLt KtVn SPORT EM- goo, work done by the school BANQUET teacher n.l especially Jimmie GIVEN FOOTBALL TEAM TO CELEBRATE VICTORIOUS SEASON. .Continued from Page one'. .Mitchell, who had heeu boosting! for the junior team. He alto loke appreciatively f ihe work being don by llalph Smith. Congratulate Opponents In toasting "Our opponent."' P. Tinker told nf b early . . . " . r - .- a a r at .... .i., ..,..;.. ..r r.n..i. laiiure 01 tue iram aim in inr 'He refers! fnr the Ih.mini4ii rhM"' ,B u,,r l'r,n"k irham,.ionhip matehe. and wa. rnngraluUlc.1 the Sn. of t-anada n,, ,h for lb" r port- president of the Ontario Husby Koothall niannii aim rgreue.i ine io. in Aviation. Kven after be entered the ministry he look football through the failure ..-ft i.. ..i.,ii ,.i the (.allies li niter a learn ... j , .... .... ...... ii. . r,......i .-. iioiieo inn woiu.i ie wmi .built up character in a way that ,n"m "T rmr ii n or ui - m tlie cily rouncil h..uld al enter ''"'"JfiMe lo tale out a eine. The .loclor referre.1 to Ihe a al reive.l by Mr. aj-lron prolyl, (iavdiiie for ,rw ald caplain oiitfiL To rhan?e wbicji had come about in on '",na, '' "'' fiihinjf be- tinderNod. wa,',a,p a" tl h'm'i ,,a done byhe -p.rt idea. There wa loi l'a""'l around for a efernpt from duty. - ". unoer tlie ronlrnl andimuch of a tendency to try lo win a 1 iAId. Munro 'tirsred. tint that ti..suiianre tliei5"'"anpp " or a Jl Jan . tn n the Ibe row.. at ui any nn- " price. ,.Pi iv Hy iroinc in ... lo all u! II... I ... t- I ... . . . I . I . . . . . ... . 1 'lt. i lie arifiretii rill 1 ir rfi.i rtjijirfl are no: I ALLUUNl IU Bh VA ID or oulfll, and direel Ibe . i work. Why ha no! tin Jap been Citlc mn.4 r ui.l. a t.anTiJJ . And !hi .gof.on af 'of Claim Ufhlrh Ul.. R- I1" prote.-l w., lfMled will, Hie Jected Earlier In the Year OK-ai i.uiroi ,ann .Mr. .Marl: p. at Priiicw Itiiprl. lodged, 1 The iroel undefufaiid, .willi the S he. long outstanding account '0;a', palrAIfnaii on Saturday Ibe ofjlack llarri or the Atla Hoiler ! f 5'dri.-l.,- nd wilh Mr. Mackie on Wftrkw againl Ibe cily for 37.50 j'.5ie !" J'l.. tbe prole ank'ed ald lo enjer payment for certain "'a' JMal,t'flrid. otiifili be lied up patU aupplie.1 t a cily boiler iuj"""1 ' Have a iegal reponi-Jnlie J22 wan paed fir pay-l,,'' caplain for Ihjv. ouiril. .o mJil by Ihe council laxl night on ialleidion i paid lo the- prolet rcwiiiimenilatbiii of the board of a'"1 Hnnga eMiierrily along wild wft k. 'I hi aiToiml wa earlier "'e Jap in command on Ihe. cow. Iiifjilie year rcjecled by Ihe board I ",ft prolenianfi. have no ill orjworkM. ..ked by AM. Collart again! Ihe Iii.lian fih alo why I lie committee had l"tf n il is regular andilegnl, but no chaugcfl ft mind, Aid. Perry Hie Jap, Afler all Ihe money nam nn nun nunio a tun inventi. jwiiicn wa peni on Ihe lale com gallon and wa .atific that il nnimi and Hip careful manner mkjiiIiI he paid, Mayor .Newton ill which the special act i drawn . a aa a aa ui-ree.i ami ,iu. .Hiinni ni.i iiial. io nave n inrown nide and evad while there were differen'ea of 'd in jhft )e.tieP and Hplrfl Ihereof optjnon, pe aiKo feu ll (night lo Jnviie lriticini if not cenxurc. ! jmiil. J'cihap he Coriuiiiiloner in , : ll'lillce Jlunerl. Mr. Mnekie u-lll The Canadian halihul Kchnoiiert 'explain ttirougli your naiicr whv " ii' " ' iti iijim 1 1 are ill ine Canadinn S'alional ilry dork for cleffnlng, paiiilfuV ami general overhaul. , . s V. Fining came In from Sunnyiile Cannery on eleiday aflornooii' Irain, i no niiiian were a lowed' to fl.h i ii... i . . . . ... nr .inii m uireci. uie Manic wiiiidul a liceiiHce being preent or (rive.Mie uuine and n.blre. of the. Ilceiltteert, I 4in.lerlan.l Ihi matlcr will luken up wilii Ollnwa al once. ISLA.S'I ItKSIDKNT. day where, there were no l(ek on the oor an.l everything a man had-wu at the service of hj neighboc ami when men were tried for offenne by their neighbor. In proposing he lnal' lo" the PrincM Ituperl Kootbnll ion Mayor, .ewlon foke of I be tremendou inlere! taken in football in the old land. That interest to some extent wa kepi up here. John Day Hell had recently wrilleji him Idling nf the fens of thousand who watched the game over lliere. The. fool-ball association of Ihi cily bad rendered splendid jervire. Heforw lliey had taken hold thing iad been differon!. lie alluded In Ihe Son of England effort a liiuhly creditable lo Ihe learn. He urged thai local player should be used in the matches, it Wnn better lo loe. wilh local men (ban Ui win wilh imported talent. Ihe t'at was replied n hy fienrge Kelscy an.l Oeorge Hill Pr. Mr. Hill, afler speakinsr apnre- elalhely of (be good sportsman- ship of Ihe winner of the tro phies, mentioned that Ihi wan ' I be first year the Junior had been organized under Ibe asn. ' I'iiilloti. II was a good thing to 1 1 -. I lit. .1 ll.i.l II.. I l r,., 'inn (liuii with Imported v rnreionnlim men, killed sport wneiever Introduced, They had much missed the Callie this year. Three Scotchmen had been playing wilh I lm Hon nr Knglnnd and perhnilS that Was nun renann fnr i tbelr success. He mentioned the' a a aat B nosi nepnes of Alt f the n rot to leant aid be had ne -r rJjjf.1 in any league where there bad been iwh a fine of fellow. Harry Meiuie. captain of the he tol.t how it wa played in the n u rani, ai.i ni early .lay- when, whole village. "M"I ha' tjUn hr of men. woman ami children turned nowr ' la ar " out arwl iiIaTtnl one lb-y hal ha.l hal i.laj-r .Ian.lar.lie.i. "a" P City uel.rery, ny man or carrier, per monin.......:.......f i.uu .' Iwen out of .....n. .1. i .1... .i. Iner nlare.t ome n..n.i., ..f junior all the eaon ant the . . . .. lirm n. nr Hr.l . 4 . . I.v bo,.l ii i u I- w in in Ihe ine gnmr By mail to all parts of the Unlish hnpire and the united stales,!.. ... , - ' war but h wi,he. there in. in-M, per year . . . . 0,,,kine r a fr. in o,.iari.. I" "" Vrf To all other countries, in artrance per year .50,,.. ,.ian h.. . ,jln, lh youns W.,'le muH .rarlire TELEPHONE SS " t' ., . ., lie net t wa a iHiti.le threw th ball into the "r- Hr i f..rt an.1 all ru.he.1 in aflep it an.l '"'irability of. football ,'lo..k the ,,lae. Tlie lri.Ian Mill an mien-M in la. exrelle.1 at the jrami but lhe la-ke.1 PwnnUd Shltld fourase, j On tha Fealelaa I C- Stuart in pre.entine lh llockey wa evilel binty anl reilueeil to rule. On a ariurT a aarv iiririin fb a i . rei. to the winner. iol or the iiiffirtilti of a refeiw Ibe prairie, he ha.l lntnlure. ,nal n lr' ul-"rt anl the1 biH-kev to the rniriUh ranrher. mere, were imanawy lair an.1 4"an' ,M'1 ,hr r,m,i nnt and j-eople there eame fmm far an.l wide to play or walrh the -0hin?. Tliey honM learn; ln UU a 'wi"n ithol pro- Ibe pame,. faiially pame wen- fotlowe.1 by a danre an.1 the i-o- ,'"t- Cnmp'aint Ihi year had; pie went home afler daylight- ,"n (rW aB', ,lon ,,a,, m""1 ' nett morninsr. Tber eoiit.l not irn n,,''- 'n"" a many, home at niaht and there wa no 'ft"n lo dance all night. The people older men boy rortifnir up wbo ihem inriu w'M'ld pattern their line ,( - action, - - ir-mii4 MilUHMiailoil iiir all o the onlv ll.!nr f.. At, " " "leir enMr. I lie hould teach them to there le.1 a fine life The tl,l"a '" ram'' "tuare !knew each other IH-aii-n thry " ,hat lh' ni,hi " 1" fr very i..n... !.. i.. a fair ainl a.iuare life. Scotch- puiin an.i in my way or rea.lin? it . ,ljlV(. . ,.,,. .h. mc, were fond of f.lball. If emp.ailly ,laleS the Licensee wa. valuable a a Iraininc. He oICIIlrn TA . . ... . m- fin..t imri irriinx fjnJ., n.wani earn nral be a r,i,ze ln command f0,h(.r M"'ke highly . y,, WrnM Ut , , !he,e boat and outfit. Iha junior an. i nmt! nf Utt , , ,r on by the patrol to Hie .... ifl tlie . ftrl fimt.l i In n.5.l encoiira ni"ill.rrill 111111111IM or tue ptay or the i mi tAJnitn 1U ii rae' I ne aiary or rank vicker. aid ttt'y cabicr. ij. to ln inereael. I the Son. Mf KnslaiKlrr,,n 'I31 Apru It Ihi lime Tin eun A retomnu'ii.talion to (hi. ef-' Keey Irrl rrom tlie mnnce romrnitiee and wo."" a.iople.1 iai main .y Hie; erie ,,f jciiy council. IK J. MathcUon. cily tceaurer,' in an accompanying re i .or I. drew! .'i-i... ' .i- .1 I r:....l . a .. .. i ta nllenlKin fjk IIim fnj.1 IIimI f . ,.ni..i i.H. i . t. : ....i. i lie Hunan ...i. i in i : ... i iir: iiiiui &iimbi "iinii..eii nr u - .im- r.ole.t Uh!r ... Il.9f il l.o.l ;Ueil t liandlinir beavir eine i.f '.i.H . II Wii i f - HlIN ami not im the l.rosram '1"'" a re-Mtnlble po. fl informalion firt. " Hie Ja,, iherefore ge, profeionalim and .aid that a ,,,al lo il'9 ho'1 "f ,h" ytn' V"" ."'"T. V'T I'"1 !h' AId. Macdonald agreed with ar"und the Art by remaining onjanuleiirini preserved the rittht AJI. Collart that it wa up lo lhe.,.,IK ro.j: 'Hd aid w.w. I part'epirit in the same.. He would cijy council lo do orn-lliing. i"I fihinsr outfit. II i a lather be healep with a l.earn Jit wa moved., by Aid. O.llart, jn',f''.''''ao' a the boat for without buill ii in ibe right way frorrt 4onded by Aid, Macdonald, that '''y could not land or brine home (rained men (ban win with lb city clerk . co-ot.erate with '" fih. The. nojut i. have a learn eciired in anv other wav. llB Hoard of TradA in ecurinjr,"" boalu been operated by a citi nninil informatmn before, any.zfn Jioblin? IhIicence If not tp be taken. liy were tliey allowed to, fjh? . ; I Japn are nol allowed lo fii OURTANMNrv HARRIS V :Y ,tuM" on the YZZ. cow. uiiici I Have a lown i part On Cattle Ranges aaettte .v. vv . iige, m nronnong a In jr. In reply Mr. Flge poke of Vrar ,a'' handlcl half a millionl the pleasure i! gave hfnv In en- dollar? of cily money. There wua' lerlain hi friend in I hat man- a ,t,"!,' ',ra' r dclaileil work lo ner. He exlidled Ihe value of ,M allen.le.1 o and often Mr.t true Hrl and of g.o. friend v'ft,i''r't' la' work wn no! fin-; and She party broke up afler unlil' afler fi in the after-1 cheer for the. hol of Ibe even ing and for the winner? of tfm i toa.t lo Dr. Cranl. lold of the(,rol;',,p-lime when Ihey jVe. near lo-i Mu"cal numUr were given by gether on Ihe cattle rhnge of J"Uu K I,avi' K- Iarton, Ibe. Alberta about 32 or 33 year ago. I'PP'r'"". Metf, Davie., Jame The name of the ky pilot had a"'1 M'" Crapjia. W. prea.l Ihcn. He ejole. lhoea,jKna,, lav'"" accom- ianii. BIRTHDAY PARTY DORREEN STATION Mlis Mary O'Connell EnUrUlned Her Little Schoolmates Recently DOHHKKX. Hepl. 25. Miss Mary O'finnell of I lorn-en gave a birl Inlay parly on rVptember 1 . Kleven of her schoolmhten were in attendance. Lunch wn serwd lo Ihe children by Mr. and Mis Payne and Mrs. Demarcn nt the slalion house. 'J'he 'dclighl. fill lainlfes were prepared by .urs. i. it. walsli. QUEEN CHARLOTTE ISLAND SPRUCE IS TO PROPAGATED MAKHKTT, Sept. 25, IniNarm of Ibis dislriel have been engaged by the provincial forestry deparl- Itiient lo obtain five hundred sacks nf spruce cone, Tb cones will be shipped to Ihe seed ex-trading works nl New Ve- tnlnsler where Ihey will be pre. pared for shipment to the (M ...,.. mni niiMi iji niiiii i. i iiey .t . were far safer will. II -.I ''"'"'"T fr seeding purposes.' - " ami MBBI w. u av' a . CA -J.-1. J XJ A mi 9t lb tlx BLADDER "Each Cmmi BkiifivA noon. nhcrtNe foe Ibe Hall New New Dominion Government LOAN Applications will be received for the new loan and conversion of 1023 Ilon.l arranged. New Honda nT-fercL-at 08.2& for Twenty Year, and y.(10 for Kive 'ear, 8ee n for full particular. McCaffery & Gibbons Limited VALENTIN'S DAIRY Opens September 28 Phone 81 DAILY DELIVERIES NEW BOSTON Grill Third Ave. The Latest in Hetiiurnut, Private Boxes for Ladles. Best Food -Best Service. "Take her to the Hoaton." OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. '.! v ! i. I : 1 , i: 'XW', MUM HBlBBBKaMMBBBM VL in that connection of, rCT DPTTrD DIV linril HIP UU A S Sit nMhln. 1 I . . a n I . I.... . a... It. . . : llii . i i Ibil nlinr in Vinir wW1""" "' ,"T . Hulrt " nilUi m"rh Mter ,J " -n.j di-i-eiM uru in-irucuon a jf (HH,r,u tdaveil lieether mure "'M' nexi year lite lllie woijl.l necommenaauon rrom rinanca Ihe patrol iWtn. neceary to t . ilmi a ,.r...r. . in Ihe fiebl. He pre.ente the! Committee That Salary be tfit-him. The Act loo i- em- n,. i,i.i... -, liield to ticrge KeUcy who re-' Increaaed to $145 Is ,,,a"e lo ''"neliip. Hie 11 ",l Mialf of Ibe team. It Irad-anG'd effect on ,,., ,hat etiuU-l- paid him. In1c-1 If fi.bermefi bad to so "r"""r a ""J- ' Ihi. city Jeazue. had Uen orean.' r re,, ,n nappy manner. in IC I hi t: it n f i fmv gasoline - Canada. Indian are Ward . - Il,f IL.(..i...,.n a a of e. and Ibe people rnet loeether ,h"n Pr''",r' '"I. i.nrfoe Tt.e Kr1 ralire. lie - - - - Adopted Premier Gold Medal Beer The New Wonderful Beer k TIcre i! only one way to prov that PRKMIER 1 .MEDAI' MKKH in lct THY IT. Order from the- Government Vendor Today. Tin advertisement i not tnildibed or di-til 1 the l,i(iior (!ontrol lloanl or by 'he tiovernmeut ot Htii-A' Oiliiriibin. COAST STEAMSHIPS 8AILINQS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. S.8. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points, Monday, Thursday, Saturday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX , . . . : . WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART FRIDAY, 10 prt". 83, PRINCE ALBERT or PRINCE JOHN. Ttf ran Slmpto tnt SltwtM . mui, i onynr l Quttn Ch4rlett Kln W.lMili) I StMna Hl?r Pru ysT PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Ie rrlnec nuperl .ll tjn. for ftlt.VCK OCOBt.t, tnM"1' I -,' MI KO, all pu4nii Ijitcm can. I'niKI shim MKN0V ALL 0CKAN ITIAMIHie LINII. cur Tuit offit. tie Thire pri apft. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services . Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCESS LOUISE, 8.S. PRINCESS ALICE. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, 8ept.1, 8, 14, 25 Oct. 5. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, Sept. 3, 10,21 OcL 1. 8.8. PRINCESS BEATRICE. " For Butedale, Swamon Bay, East Bella Bella, OctAl Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, tvery Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all 8teamshlp Llnei. Full inforniolion from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th 8treet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Ruprt. B.c UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Siillnr Ffim I'rlnr nuprl. i or VANCOUVCR, VICTORIA, Ottin rlll, try Swtnies TumHI. r m' fof VANCOUVIR, VICTORIA. AUrl B.,, ntf w.n.o Bt,, W1 ""ff' " fr ANVOX, ALIO! ARM, STIWART, Wl. UUntf, lunO I ." rf PORT SIMMON IK Nll Rlor C.nn.fl.., rr Id if A.M, . (ft Hid Avrnu. J, B.rntlt,. Ag.sU I'rlnr luHTt.