Tuesday;, September 25, 1923. P.O. There's time in the package Time to do the many things ordinarily put off on wash-day. For Rinso does not keep you standing over the wash-tub, rubbing until your back aches and your hands are red and sore. Rinso, an entirely different kind of soap, soaka clothes clean. Rubbing and boiling are 'unnecessary. The big soapy Rinso suds gently loosen the most ground-ir dirt without weakening a single thread. NOTE - la W ran a uVn (rant I ! I pckftc l Kuiae I a tub ta lukl moo4 tio'. la M,arvalf raw wwl ftaaa Itom If la 2 packagr. ta a tvW t g rl ika Uatuii audf laaaaa all iKa Jut, LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED TORONTO Have You Tried? Rupert Brand S OCKEYE ALMON andwiches Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert , DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD WOODEN HULL CONSTRUCTION A SPECIALTY. Plans and Estimates Furnished For All Classes of Boats. Alivouo consideriiiK Hie purchase of u new fishing vessel, t iik " wooden loal of nny description is cordially invite! lo inspect pi-ogres on the two 00 foot cruisers we uro utv building fr the Fisheries Department. ' DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8, 9 Smith Block Office Hours, 9 to V Phone 575 Lndy Assistant HEATER TIME IS HERE Make onr selection early while our line is coninlcle. All styles ami sires, holli plain tuid brick lined, priced fronid $12.50 to $45.00. Buy now ami have your healer ready for the first cold simp. R306W 4 w KAIEN HARDWARE CO. Box 1646. 608 Third Ave. Tel. 3. Local and Personal D.C. Undertakers. Phone 41. Hayuera, Under taker Phone i 361. Oliver uieetiiiy at eight idiarp Wednesday night. Sidney Hazcll-Jonc rejurtied by lal nilil's (rain from 'ler- racc. , Hoyul Purple Whist Drive And Dance, Tuesday, September 25. l-IIks- Home. .. 226 !aoliiie was reduced two cent a gallon by the Imperial Oil Company yesterday How big will Dow ser look when Oliver gel through willi him'ial I he Kmprc Theatre tomorrow night? . Tlic annual bylaw cxemplin crown land from lax sale was given its third reading by the city council last night, I'lriniiT (lliver will address the people of Prince HupcrL at pulilic meeting' Wednesday night at eight o'clock sharp. I.oyill Order of Moose conlri buled ?r,0,'ti the cily Japanese relief fund and (he ladies of the )ooeheart Legion, ?I0. Catholic Ladies 'tea and Sal of Hum,. Cooking at the home of Mrs. .1. .1. Muldoon, Hand Htock, Wednesday, from 3 lo 0 p.m. Morris Orkill was in town from derail Full yesterday af. lei-mmii arriving on the Priiier lienrge and reluming south or. ! lie -ante vessel. - . .The Huledalu eaunery. ur I'ltaseti last soring' iy Ilia Cana dian Fishing' Co., Lid., has had very successful season, pulling up about 80.000 cai-es. Mis Margerel Wnltie of Hazel Ion arrived from I lie south on Hie steamer Prince lleorge yes-Ipnlay aflerno'oii ami firoeee'ded U, the interior by the iKetilng'truin. . Mrs. A. S. Paul ami child. Atlin Avenue, return! yeslerday af ternoon liy Hie Prince lieorge from Vleioria where they have been spoti. im? an extended holiday visit. T. il. Oarrell, well known traveller for Oaull linn., Vancouver men's furnishing firm, arrived on the steamer Prince lieorge yesterday afternoon and Is registered al the Hotel Prince Hupert. II. MeF.ueu. division freight intent, returned by yesterday aT-lernoon's train from Prince (ieorge lo which iioiut he accompanied .1. M. Horn, district freight agent, Vancouver. Mr. Horn is returning south by way of Jasper Park. tA report from. Hie housing committee recommending that the agreement under Hie Heller Housing Act rovering the residence of I). M. Peyton on Craham Avenue, We. I view, be transferred loS. ). Johnstone was adopted by Hie elly council last night. - - The elly will place a four fool plank sidewalk on Tallow Street between Fiflh and Sixth Avenues using old plank road material for the purpose. A report from I he Hoard of Works recommending Hie doing of the work was adopted by Hie council last night. Plus 1c Per Piece r a pound FLOAT-IRONED Family Service All of your washing 80 p.r c.nt or yoor Ironing v.rjrthlng rtturnad drjr You limply touch up f.w out.r gtrm.nts luch as waists, blous.s, housa dr.ssrs, with hand-lroru. Phont us today, CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phone 8. TBI DAILY IflWi v "i Olivrrlomoirow night. Mrs. A. Norbeigof Oonah Hivcr, Porcher Island, is registered at the Ilolel'l'rince Itupert. Miss Dorrilt Pullen of Victoria, exoecled'fo arrive tomorrow on a sliofT'Vlsit with her father, II. P. l'ullen, of this city. Everybody Invited to hear Pre mier Oliver' discuss public ques tion!! at the meeting tomorrow night in the ilmpress Theatre. J. P. llradford, representing the Coodyear Tire & Itubbcr Co., was an arrival from Vancouver on the Hteamer Prince George yesterday afternoon. (iordou Kirkpalrick, son of J A. Kirkpalrick of this- city, left Vancouver last week for Toronto where he will commence his medical studies in the University of Toronto. The lU-fool halibut boat Samp son, well known in this port, was lestroyed by fire last month at Waterfall Hay, Alaska. Capl Itosenvold and his crew of two men escaped in a dory. The gasoline tug F. O. Dames'. Capl. Johnson, is in port today from Ketchikan with 1200 case of salmon for,rauhipinenl over the Canadian National Hallway lo Hie F.aslern Stales. ; Miss I'.. Kinderling, Minneapolis manager of the "Ask Mr. Foster," travel ami tourist bureau, arrived from Hie ral on last night' I rain and sailed for Vancouvi' on the sleatner Prince (ieorge She was accompanied by her mother. Mrs. A. .1 While, mot Iter of Miss Deal rice While of the bus pilal nursing sjah, arrived in the city from Terrace by yesterday afternoon's 'train and sailed for Vancouver by. the steamer Prince (ieorge. She was accompanied by her two sons. --- Mrs. A. II. Campbell of Smilhers, who has been visiting for Die oast three mouths in Ashcrofl, Kamlooos, Xew West minster and 'Vancouver, arrived from the milh on the Prince (ieorge" yeslefdav 'afternoon and proceeded (( the interior, liy Hie evening train. 'l'honias Oxley. formerly shift bo al the liranby .Mine. Auyux, arrived from . Vancouver by the steamer Prince (ieorge yeslerday afternoon and is spending the day vlsiling with his .iler, Mrs. John Mcltae, Tourlh Avenue East, before proceeding' tonight lo Telkwa, where he will become shift boss in. the Dome Mountain mine. Capl. K. McCoskrie, harbor master. who piloted the C.U.M.M. steamer Canadian Skirmisher oul of port 'Salurday evening, was unable to return. from Triple Island by gasboal on account of the stormy weather and had to go lo Massed. There he was lei olT the sleamer in a lifeboat and returned here. e.lerday afternoon on the sjcamer Prince Albert. A letter from J. Slade Steveni recoiumeudingi the placing of a sheet light on Second Avenue between Ihe JuMclioi) and Kiev cut li Street to belief advantage was received by the eily council last night am referred In I he ulililies coiumillee with power lo act. The light in question is al present located against a rock cut and II i suggested that it be moved further east. .. A leller from (5. P. Tinker for the trustees of the Hidley Home asking for permission to put in a septic lank hi' the lane to the rear of the buildings al the corner of Kiyhth Avenue and Conrad Street was received by the cily council last njguVhiid referred lo the Hoard ill", Works foe rejmrl. II was poinjed init.'jliat the number of buildings ...proposed, would nlake il imfira'ot (cable to put Hie lank on Hie lots. 4 The eily will pay. M.' H. Me. Li-od Me. per lineal fool for the removal of old plank roadways in Section 5 maib .necessary now Hud Fo'urih. and Fifth Avenues have been graded. A reconuneu-dnllou from the Hoard of Works Dial Mr. Mcl.eod's, oiler to do the work al this- figure be accepted w as adopletj y I he e- eouijcll last nlgldjtMrjMcL.etidAvill sort the old plank some'uf "wliieh is lo be'usedvliy the eil) for je pairs tof' ViTiuik roads jn td her ' parts oriiAvjiV" " I5r packot 80c 'A lb to Notice. The plank roadway on Fifth Avenue, between Dunsinuir and Tatlow Street, will be .l".-.edl on Thursday morning. 'City Kn-gineer. The housing eolinfiillee re om-memled to Hie eily council last night that Hie Sloan house on (iraham Avenue. Wcslvievv. he leased lo (i. A. Hunter for one year al a monthly rental of 30 when it has been completed and repaired. The report was adopted. The lease will take alTecl October 15. t M. P. Olsen, former, mining promoter at Alice Arm, is making an appeal in the Vancouver courts to recover commission from U. F.vindscit and (iustaf Pearson, also formerly of Alice Arm, on (he sale of mineral claim. HlsiMi, who was his own counsel, is lakiir,' a novel procedure known as forma pauperis or indigents litigants. It is followed in F.ugland but is practically unknown in Hritish Columbia. 4 Miss Nell a Clark -won for the third lime at the recent J-lxhibi-liou the Hank of Montreal silver medal offered for the student obtaining the greatest number of first prizes in ihe school ..domes, tie science clas il is announced at Ihe Fair Olliee. This medal together wilh the one going to lleid McLennan for the be! two manual training models reached Ihe Fair olliee yesterday and were turned over to .1. C. Hrady, prin-eipaj of the High School. FULLER'S MOVING SALE (treat lleduclions lo save double handling. All Fruit Jars. 25 discount. Linoleo for oilcloth, 50 discount Pure Jams Strawberry. Hed Currant. Hramble Jelly nml Marmalade, per t lb. tin. 75c. Pickle. in gallon jar. Heg. $2.25. Offering al $1.G5 jar. Duller has advanced to 50c per lb. We are still selling for Ibis week only at 45c. PULLER'S GROCERY, Third Ave. ANNOUNCEMENTS Hill 00. I.O.D.F.., Hallowe'en Hazaar, October' 20. ... Anglican Church Dazanr, November H. Presbyterian '.Church Dazaur'. November 21. TYPEWRITERS This Is the New Improved Model 10 Typewriter Think what it means to own a typewriter that will perform all of the usual typing tasks and them better and quicker than ever before. $155.00 Remington Portable roll your own ask' fir-; Planins Mills the lumber output of the Hanall, B.O. With Standard Keyboard. Just Like Operating a Standard Remington. The ideal for the Traveller, the Reporter, the Writer, Hie Clergyman, the Doctor, the Farm, the Office, the llmc Sold on easy monthly payments. S85.00. McRAE BROS. LTD, New Issue Dominionof Canada 5 per cent Bonds, Dated October 15, 1923, v In three denomination, thousands, five hundreds and hundreds. The hundred are registerable as to principal while the thousands and five hundreds are registerable as tu principal and interest. Twenty year ; bonds, ut $U8.ii5 and interest yielding 5.H per cent. Five year bonds at IM and interest yielding 5.2:t per cent. A bonus of fifteen days'interest on conversions of lt)Sa. Victory Bonds ns well as 17.50 or M0.U0 per thoiisiind. Wire your orders at our expense. Gillespie, Hart & Todd, Ltd 711 Fort Street, Victoria, B.C. Shockleys Are now Sole Agents for Royal Mills, If 'voii 'Rfe : II- I DIMENSION LUMBER. SPRUCC AND OCDAR SHIPLAP. T Spruce Planking and Cedar for, Foundation Work. GET OUR PRICES IT WILL PAY YOU. Phone 3 S3. -vr- m I;! 1