Whn Y.g Want A TAXI m a hurry Fkone QQ wars and a it Service i Em In the City. Rates Reasonable VOL. Mil., NO, .'G. Itllt'SSKI.S. Sent. 25. - The he mine Its Own Obligations Claimed by Canada (.! K.VKVA, Sept. 20. Persia alone voted against a resolution for the interpretation of Article ten or the League of Nation "'""i luv "-es or llie even- i.ni ii u , v ,r n.u ing wa mat or liev. nr. uiani. seiubly was necessary in order tol,,ul ,l,pr' XVI'1' a """d'r f vier secure ils approval. interesting speeVhes. all having I,, n.L. .ii.uiu 11... ',.i. .1;,.,, .... 111 no wiiii ine ueveionuieni on tt . . . PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper "7'rj ; , ; ' PHIN'CTj UUPKHT, H.C, iT'r.SHAY. SKPTKAIBKIl 25, 102.1. r...,-. e.fti.u- isea. so-..t s.u. COLLItKi DISASTER TN SCOTLAND"; ... ..... ..w..v ...v iu ... , .. . .. . 11 n......:..i t , III 1'IIIICe MIV "umuuiiu S 1 sentHlives aiiri ..h,., SPUIl nupeil. ..I...... sh.mi.l l,v.. il, u ,.oM Kdge presid.-.!. , Magistrate McClymont li.. lr. i:.-u,. Urailt. Ill i,. ........ ... to determine to what extent null- opening, tary assistance should be accorll- eU,Ullil,, " -"?iatin " :i..liin on the the winninir winning of or (lie the two two fro- Iro.ll' Itrilish balloon Margaret rdl into ...1 ed other .. n... ....1: nation if t tlieir ...!.. integrity me sea sixty mites norm east or were threatened, Skagen. All llnise on board were . saved. Btihrlbe fn (h Osilr Nr Arranging for Settlement of German Reparations by Conference of the Allies PAHIS, Sept. 'Jo. Premier Poiucare's nexl move, in view of (.i'riiiiiny's economic surrender, will be lo ask Hie Inter-allied reparations commission lo deal wilh the new situation, it wu? indicated loduy. As soon 11 Hi Herman Ooverumenl has officially withdrawn ils resistance order, directions will be sent to the French comnumder lo make the Htihr occupation as nearly "invislblo" as possible. LONDON', Sept. 25. A new allied coiiferenoa iu which France, Hrilain, lluly Jtnd Helgiuin will take part is anticipated by London political writer as one result or tlerinany's decision to give up passive reslslunce in the Itulir. HKItLIN. Sept. 2511 Is offli-l- thul the premiers of Ihe (iermau federated slate at a conference with Chunc'eHor Stresemann to- lay unanimously agreed lo aban- ally aunouueed this uflcnioujdja paivo re&iist.axu'O iu Huhr respective donor., O. U. Stuart. and Fred Uilhuly. and the even- rAJfliri rilllTV (V iug wa pent in speech atid song riUIil uUlLll Ui in a most enjoyable manner, the parly breaking up about mid- served and Alexander Brown Is Dismissed Iionce rillll'l llils innrnin phies, the Sluarl Shield and tlieiwa reserved. reserved. Insutlicient Insutlicient stood a man in gool.tead in aT- Harry Evans, agent ror the Oyer ter years. Also it built up hi Apartments. Robert J ta relay. mentality. Good Sport Record of llie limber, ""llierc i plenty or limber or Hie proper sort tor .... , , , ... . Imaiiy great industries," be that cleau healthy iorl not only built up a man physically slated. bill built up hi mentality and helped him to achieve u manly ' character. It laught a young person lo take either victory or till ID! IT DDIfC IC defeat Tht greatest IhHifT that could he done for a young man nALlDlJl i Kltt 10 wa lo leach him to develop a manly character and that the' HIPHPP VHT TfiTlAVi playing or games would do. Thjs wa Ihe sentiment expressed: niUIILlX ILl 1UUAII by Or. II. It. (iraul last nighl al a bampiel given bv A. AV. Kdge, I president of Ihe Sons or Knglaiid roolball team Hint li:..l w..n Two American BoaU Drew Down trophic Ihis season. The trophies wre presented bv llieir' Prices "of 18c and 11.5c; To- Ul of 36,500 Pounds Marketed n. 101iii.ui t.rt c ii i.'i.i. . P.B.FI5H MARKET Phone S71. SHRIMPS, CRABS, OYSTERS. FRESH KILLED POULTRY. FRESH M1DE 8AUSAQE. A Trial Order Solicited. PRICE FIVE CENTS: FATAL tmmm steps are taken toward set German reparations Seventy Lives Lost in Mine Near Falkirk, Scotland, Today Only One Man Escaped Water fiAS(10V. Sept. 2.". Seventy live ure believed to Imve leeu lost ?arly Iih1h hi one of the wool colliery lialers in llie history (it Hie Scotch mine'', when a deep pit al Janirs Niniiuo Company's eullier near Falkirk wa Hooded. The water which HoiMled llie pil broke through Hie wall adjoining llie mine. The winking pil was flood sd o ojiirklv Hiat LEAGUE BASEBALL National Leaque Philadelphia Piilshur 2 New York J. Cincinnati C. Jloston 7, Chicago 8. Urooklyn 8, St. I.oui 2. American League HI. l.ouU C-i. lioslou 1-2. iH-trolt t, New York 12. ChicaKu li Washington 0. ClcveJaud-l'liiladelpliia. rain. Coast League Travelling. Tutr Alcedo of Vancouver, lilt-It tuwiii(r Ion for the HIk Hay mill ul (ieoiKclown. paed down th harbor yeslerday lifter-noon liavlnp In low a lotf Imioiu of ami, mm fret for the mill from W, T. Muse' louruiiiK camp buck or the latum). The, tup went out through MetlukaHa Passage and leached the mill Ihls morning. Uupl. Herb Cllflon, formerly in tuiiiinuiid of iho McOulioch, Mv-pers the Alcedo. RESISTANCE RUHR ENDS German Government Will Give up Campaign Against French Immediately BERLIN, Sept. 25. After a conference with leading businessmen of Germany, Chancellor Stresemann announced last night that the German Government had decided to abandon passive resistance to the French occupation of Ruhr with unrestricted resumption of trade. Labor was ordered at once to resume to Its full capacity. FELL INTO SEA ADVENTURE WITH TIMBER WOLVES llierc was no opportunity lu warn llie miners. Only one man fcapeil oiler Hie rush of waler began and lliere i lnl little ! t Johnson Raced Against hope of suving iiny of Hie unfortunate now IHow. j Vicious Beasts Two Miles; MUNICIPAL EXPENDITURE GETS LARGER : Reaort of Inspector at Victoria Indicates Great Increases Especially In Schools j : VICTORIA. Sept. :'5. tlx pen - dlure llii.llriitU. Cwlumliw.v municipalities date iiHreuel by ptuctiraHy one llilnl shier IDI3, ' S" en-ding In Munfrlpul Inspector Robert llaiiil. In IUIS (lie total expenditure of llie iiiunicjpHlL tic on ulrccl. fire, admiuislra- lion of Justice, public lieallli, rouuril salaries and school 4, miMunieii 10 approximately fn.. G8l.Ct2 a compared with roughly fV.lMll.oon lul year, according li the report. School expenditure increased from 2.Cflt.oSl in tit5 to :.-5l'l.ftl2 last year. They represent today an expenditure greater than tliat devoted to streets, fire, pol ire. tieallh and alarie. In 1W22 the expenditure 011 street wa 2,2l8.uCG compared with i.'jCA.27 four year ago and 9S.II1.3CH in l!M5. Mr. I laird report another increase lit the amount' oT money received from puhlie utilities by Hie itiuniripalitie of the pro. vinoe. The amount received during 1P22 being ?3.038,t2l compared with 2,ll 1,105 the pre. vl'jii year. Oreenwood ntrain ha the highest lax levy of fit mill, the fame a lout year. The second n llie l i Slocau with 51. The low t-t t (ax rate anions Hie ciUe of the province i Hint Courtenay wilh 2t mill. South Vancouver lead the list among municipal dlslriels vvflh a tax rale of 55 mills. Point Drey come econd with 43 and Suuuucrlund third with to. 4 HON. T. D. PATTULLO SENDS MESSAGE IN REGARD TO PREMIER Hon. T. I). Patlullo. member fiir Hit dilriel, 1 tuialiH lo route norlli wilh Premier Oliver, who i xuT(rd lo arrive lo-unrrjw and to nddre a inwHlHg in Hie evcnfiiy. llie fillouinff meae ha tievji reeeivwl, frm ' 'Jitntt" "f'leniier Oliver leave fr Hie .North tonlghl. I know my home town and all northern and central Ilrtli-li (tluuihai will give him a warm weltHime and will not overlook Hie oe- raion In re-iiniire the Premier with the profu-1 1 1 f nalural resource there and Hie consequent development opMrt unities. Spent Ntaht In Steam Shovel After a race on hi hand car for two mile alon Hie railway vrade with three id; black timber wvlve. Pete Johnson, craueman for iu Mogden 011 a steam shovel east of lluiellon on the; Canadian National Itailway, wa obliged recently to spend the nlxlil in Hie shovel while Hie hungry' beast awaited just out-side in the hope that thev would make nil evening local of iiini.. After the ilav work.OolnixHi 1 a -oMled-'-to rei umSf ruui f'" lMiardtna ear. two mile Uislaiil, lo the shovel. Hardly had be gol started when the vicious animal leaped out of Hie bush to the rear and made chase. Johnson pumped for all he wa worth and. arriving at the sliel, made a leap for it with llie woke." but a few leel behind. They attempted lo climb into Hie shovel but Johnson kept Iheiii at bav by playing a hot water hose on llicui. they stayed at safe dis tance, however, and Johnson wa furred lit remain on hi guard in Hie shovel. In the morning other member of the crew arrived on the scene and the animals made off into the wood again with scalded bodies bill without their intended meal. DISCUSS ARTICLE TEN OF LEAGUE OF NATIONS Right of Each Nation to Deter BaVas BaV sVaw Aliss Aluliu llal) or Vancouver und Alls Auiahuat-a Nordeu have set out from Paris 011 anolher lap or their journey around the world lo win .1 prize offered by dub in Atlanta, (i -orgia. Value of True Sport Emphasized at Banquet Given Football Team to Celebrate Victorious Season Cones are being Shipped from Queen Charlotte Isds. to Great , Britain for Reaforestation After making arrangement for Hie shipment of 500 suck or Sitka spruce rone from the Urn-Hii rii.irli.il.. I.. va - - ' " " w....v . i " 1 1 v. t yj elmnister where Hi? seeds will le extracted and sent to Kng- iuou jui- leioresiuuoii purjioses, Jr. A. V. Uortliwick, an Old Co'iuitry roretry orriciat and member or the Imperial Forestry Conference which recently visited the coast, arrived in the city ycorterday aHemooii on the Prince Albert rrom the Island and sailed last night by the steamer Prince Oeorgt ror Vancouver en roule home. s Or. Moil It wick's visit to the TiPllIf lsT1 BtrifT t Oucen Charlotte was in the in- 1 rr.MiI IfllilLUJj ITII Iirll I lerests or an extensive program of reforestation that is now being! TITDMO TITDT1! 17 carried out in Oreal Brilaiu.! I I IKlMN MIKII.K Seed are beina taken fromvari-l 1WIU'U VI11J ou part of .Hie Umpire for Ihe' purpose. .Spruce seeds have al- TUt Men Probably Drowned ai ready been obtained 011 the lower Result of Accident In Portler " mainland but (hi will be the Pass first lime they will have come ' t from the' Oueen Charlotte I- VAXCOUVKH, Wept. 23- Five 'ai,di. 'men are missing and are pro- Arrangement were made by ,ably drowned a the result of a Or. Jlorlhwick wilh Tlioma wreck or the tugbtmt Peggy Mc-Oeasy.lndianAgenl al Masselt. lo .NiU of Ihe PaciHe lowboat and have the Indian collect suitable Harge Company's fleet which cone from the Kelly, Whalcn and overturned iu Portjer it'as oft Massetl fimber Co. logging the eal vr ri cat icii in of Vancouver Vancouver ,4ca.mp extraction m Thev wjll beeiiLJolheJsUniLlasluiltrliUwlien he was plant al .v- V est- fouled by rbpes attainiett lo her minster from which the seeds low. will be forwarded lo the Old The captain of the Pggy Mc- Couulry. Xeill, Itobert Drever. i the onlv Spruce seed were lakeu troiii man whose addre i known. The the Otieeu Charlotte Islands by only man saved wa the mate, V. Ihe (termaus tor re forestal ion in Ingram, who swam to a fishinir (Jermany for several years before boat nearby. , Ihe war but i Ihe tirst lime the missiug nvn besides Ureal Hrilain ha drawn rrom the Hrever are believpd to be Hie first Held. jengineer Ous Young, second enl Or. Itorlhwick also took the gineer Johnson, a cook named opportunity while on the Island MflK'iigull and a deck hand lo size up the general situation named Maiuler. and lie expressed liiiuself yesler- ; day arternoou a very well pleas- nilTlT PlTlllO ed wilh the quality and quantity IjlVrK I rllKN TO PROVINCE Sleigh Road to be Constructed ta) -. . . .. improve communication With Peace River ""' UCTgitIA, Se)t. 25. -To divert the rur trade of the Peace jlliver country rrom Alberta to illritish Columbia ami thereby. prepare ' .: llie way tor ruture Iratrh STEALING BEDDING Change uXnZe2!Zl ZlnrlZ " a ..guer i t. man nas i.eeu ch,Mlp , dviia,kllu sentence on h. Beswlck Is Re- 1 " ernment will coutiiicl month when two American a slclfrtt" rilHll llliilirr lliu !?0 ...II.. ....1.. l.-..l Ol. 111-... ' . "Mir ITUIO c-v....,.., .w.x-u au.i r,.om Fo,.t HUn j,, J,-,,,.. St. uauaman us , was auo on u.e in- j0w ai.cortiiu). ,0 w. ,, suni..r- uilly by ,"outf i "'arKed.u.i y ...ij.ir of ,,uWle work,, 0- in the . ,ufu' 1 r nii V , i.wii.L' tin. '"' iii-iiif.i,ini :" . b"m,,his .... return from the tour whicfc : i.r --c einrifii inn. nil., ii.. ii.... it I ? teaiing. bedding rrom Ihe West ,r'.l'uu"" w l" m tountry. Kiid Cafe valued ?25. Senlence 'r"' i -o.-uu poum.s evi- '""" l:il...l.- ' ....I ..I l... l.lfil.nu I.. ...... ......I I American ..v a iui. III. I I Ihe sleigh j-oad which will be me rorerunner or a' wagon rood will make it easier to ship freight' grafulaled Air. Flge on the spread Alexander Drown with a similar .. ."V.,!, P""ds, and ll(o ,lle ricl trupd ,erritor. he hail given. He referred Pj'cliarge and he was dismissed. I , '7"' T , fl . ,Hc f Hie norlh and establish a dl- a,,u "- ,u A' the value or sport iu laying laying a Fvidence wa given by J. K. iherie. lect mean of transporting pells physical fouudaliiui which ich oil oflenAvong, proprietor or the eare.l .... . ": , , souiiiern Hritii Columbia. At . . ' present there N on y a trail tronx and 10c, and l atiny F., t.000 tu ( ', ?i -1 v s a auvt irrom whom Deswick borrowed .he " , t !'e .. . Sn.herlam. estimates that money. Chier Viekers, Constable, v w,u e'l,a8C "bigh road will not cost more Telling ot his own sport in- .Macdouald and the two accused, lerests in earlier days, the doe- City Solicitor K. F. June con-cuntiitued 011 page two dueled the prosecution. PREMIER JOHN OLIVER Will Address a PUBLIC. MEETING Wednesday Evening at 8 o'clock in Empress Theatre The Premier1 will take this occasion to answer the charges made against him and his government by AV. J. Dowser during his recent visit. Ladies especially invited to be present TANKER EXPLODES OAKLAND. California, Sept. 25.1 An explosion look place on the lank steamer Aldeu Anderson yesterday resulting in the death I or two pumpmen. It caused thousand or dollars worth ul. damage. O. K. Arsenault, Dominion fu-pcelor of dairy products, saljed last night tor Vancouver uUer having spent Ihe past rew weeks on orrieiarifulle. in the city and district. He visited the creamery at Vauderhoor and' reported tav-orubly on IL than 875 to gton a tI1ie . TAX SALE Notice Is hereby given that a lax sale of city Iota on account or delinquent Taxes will be held Iu the CHy Olllce on Monday,. October 1, at 10 a.m. A 111 ot Ihe properties otrered for sale can be obtained at (he Colleclor's Olllce. 230 9