y girni rsAtr 1023. j knowledge. .1 t rou at ine Juoie end Jury who try tit edvtr. IJ joodi. cur verdict and sentence business death to fraud deceit; mean success to tcil quality and price. fhe makers of clean. whoU- he. well packed foods know Unufacturers of Maiorv. sanitary and modern thing know it well. tn who supply your Is with its best furnisfv and accessories shara rhote who provide toilet ruories, medicines and cos- lid, dealers, in books, pic ii, jewels personal lua- of every kind realise (i ntccstity of your approval. fhe fate of any advertised tie is in your hands. The ktr must back his advert nents with every atom, of be possible for the price. stakes his reputation and less upon your opinion of product he offers. hit is why the beet goods .anade are those which see advertised daily in home newspaper. READTHE IVERTISEMENTS rTtilnnAre Ofrd Dally IMBER SALE X 6429. laa t'.:t J 'otwl (.,r .al at Mibllf .i ihr mn oar r or i . iin t it Uittrirl t jv run Ku-rt; tb j l JartpHw a an tn mumim tit al a ip-tiil ktMin at l.lr. r 4 i at l.an.1 NttrK-L; si ii if iinm fur rr " )Ur ut llw Chief rr It. Mtlfk-l l'irTlrn n.' IMBER SALE X 653S. Ill 1 .ffrrrd rr Sal al PutilK- Fit If -ii n lw lth flair of Or. bj i. in I a tfir ,r tu iilrirt !. Ill : . rnurc 'Muprrt. Ilif It, In rut 44,nOl Jartptw tf-r Tim, ixi an arra tllnaird on i I at al tMil kwmn at Lin ear lunar i, Land inirin. It ar ll b alUittn fur t- tuul artlrular nf Ihr :hlrf rrr- wk ru; t Uiirlri rrrtr. 'iTt. H.t IMBER SALE X 647S. Triklrra lll bt rrrrltrtl bjr H ! r Lart.it, al Virturii. not lalrr hi im Hi Mh Oar or tlrtjirr r the Mirrhav i.r Llrrnr X SI7. tlaii.ouo frrl uf llrinlurk; UaUam. ftn.l itlai ih an arra iinl-J tvrar rmr Nil t, ktllufir Hlter. Manrc laiij tiuirtrt. It Jrara will be. albnawl fof tf llUiU-r particular of tii r.wrt rerr n.i: . or Iwatrlri riirrurr, (Ma, nrt, n.i1.. IMBER SALE X 6491. Triirlrra atll or rrrrltMl li thr f Lanl, al Vlriorla. mil lalrr " mi Hi 4lh ttajr ut oru.brr, III PUrrtu. tr Llrrnrr . J4l. Inn into rwt ot llrmlmt, Palnam, M nirr tin an irra linaCil on i MHirr nr nie ui', Mirriit i nan- J Cijtl Mtirlrl. ymra -will l- alkiwrd for' UniUrr r particular of thr CMf rrra. Ma, n r. . nr Pllrlrl iorrr. M'prrt, n.c, - . IMBER SALE X S49S. TriHlrra tx rrTrlvH lIiV thr i'.r l.anda, al Vlriorla. tvH lalrr t" "n Ihr 4tD nar nr tirfiurr. Ihr pnrrhai t Mmira X SI9, .ooo frrl ut tlr mi an arra ii IIm iHirlb ahnrr nt I'ranrnl ' S. CiiaM llrlrl. I vcara will lir allownl for 're I'trnriiftra ur inr t:nirr rorra- Ma, H.C. or hlnlrlrt rorrMrr, f'fmi n.c IMBER SALE X 53SS. Tciiilrni ulll Im "rrrrlr lir Ihr r l.amla, al Vlriorla, mil lalrr 1 "II llir 17m day ur Krplrumrr, Itir purrliaar nf Llrrnrr X &3A, ' .lino frrl of Sprurr, HnnliH't nn an arra altualrd on Ihr ' nr kiiltiix lUvrr. al Ihr rati rnd I"-" Canal, lunrr , Cal l.lnd S' Vcara will br alluwrd fur rr llinbrr partlriilara of the Chief Fores. ('(. B.C . or lualrlrl t'orrt-lrr, llrt, II c. nMBER SALE X 5490. Ten.iera will lir rrrrhnl by lhe f Laniia. at Victoria, nut later F' nil tlir ITlb day of rptcmbrr, f- me lurrnatr-or i.irrure atju, ii.juii jack PUm rvica, on an area I nn the north almrr of- rraiKolt , Coatt land IHtlrlrl. jcara ulll lir allowed for re umber, rr Pll'tlcillara i.r I lie Chief riirrt. "Na. H.C., or tilalrlcl forrf-lrr, "l"-il, II.U. NMBER SALE XBtftO. ' ' Trmtrra will rrrrlvrd by thr Of l.aiwlt. at Vl,l..hl. llF Ihii nn i He mi, day of on.Hr. nr iim iti.u. ... i ...n .360.000 frn of Odar. prur. r -". Kaiaain on an arra iiiuatrn fiieiinaira covr,. urmla Channel, ni im aiiuvirii for ir tt ' Umber, T l.trllnl... . .k. . , bcj? or lMric rortittr, CEMENT INDUSTRY IN T floo.nn of thU company'n trrk DDITICII mitiunis r . a",, ,ari",l' p-irrhased uiuiiuil UULUIHDIA ,, MM' lti" " "ritUh fiolum. bia in coni-lruot lliin jilanl. UK OFFICIAL OI-KMNO w,,,r,, llo'V'r, only nranufnr. f thfl Catiatiian iinrlimi (if ,"r'',, 'M'an fcarrcU of Hie lai lfit llichianv i.. ,,'",'iit Miir ir tut inlo finan. Iwt'i'ii t .NVw WVriliniiiMor anij rlal 'f''""'-. Thf romiany Hlaliif, Wa.hliinliiH, ullh nrarly '!nt inl" lflilain ami Oip Iwi-iil) miliM nf ronrrele roaij ',ant wa" '' nly real izml Hi't'in- nn iii.irliiini lime u, iVe U"' ,,n,a" iS.rt"". Tli a lurl hi-lnry of th. rcmnnt 'r4"llf),i,m f,f "ii planl Wan a iiului-lry in MrilUli Oilumiiia IU ,"'"ut,'r ' -ii," maniltnif OHrwr hut liffii a vry rheqiifr- "'' olilainml In Imilil it 'I .mi', ami fur tli amount of wa "'-ff-'l hy nopl In Hid raiiilal ri'iiii'fil Lm ifiiin'rcil plant. .1 J I I.r L In r-ulU L-.? f-ial.li.l. !' .'a.' ,,kanajranrVanrouv'r I'laf i ' Hrill-I. HrilUli Oili.mliia. Oilumliia, arul tillir ul, who k f L tv .an,wer . l" -'rrp.i...,l,nl nn Hip wliolt Iiiim. Uoott i1iaiih..lrilitiir f1" a f"', tUpir II in jii.t twenty yt-ars airo ,"ir',-'a"" atingF. Ilial a Mr. J. K, J'ittir tnjilt a broujrht lo lh mall trntil Janl on Falie y,'ar -"e ilnnaml In Iwk with, tli lilt-a of MijpplyinK t'"' "vn', np(lil hy llin two Hi I'wbI ttfiiiaml in llm. pro- P'"! "f flrilMi Columliia vliirc. l"lil (mlu. try parly koI ,'"",t "'ipany, LiinitH, itu- inlo finaiK'ial iliffiruliir- mwi a al Tm Inlol ami Hanijir- wa miM In I lie CanaiJian Pacffi llailwiiy. who, howppr, aban-tluiip.1 Hip projppl aflpr a nhort I hup. Thf Mr. II, rlali in Imil, al Tinl Inlet, niKiin fi jiff n mipa from Vic tftri, I l.r... wilti a total CHi.aclly of ,r)00,non harrH ppr annum. ThriniKlioiit Hi whole nf 1919, ivzv, wzi, wiz ann nuiii up nctl pint wav Imilt hy ,Jal', ""' "manil lia not px. .... Aa I.. I 'aai - a I. Hulrliart and a,o- reeoeii onr-IKIIi of the pom- pariy'x annual caparily, and in conpnupnop II ha hepn fitiiml lorln. fr..!lulrharl, i. oiift of nn n keep the T.nI Inlet lhe pioiiprrr.in I lie rempnL man- l'!" r'"'l " le firt of iififlurinir hiiine.n in I'iiaila. Jl""' i9Zi' A' -he present limp balng ealalilUhe.1 a plant at lU"' ,,a-,"'ln plant i only Owen S.iinil, in Ontario, over "I'TaNfir? In onp.half psariaeily Ihirly year ujro. Laler Mr an,, w"1 ,,av'' ci'"" ,,,u"n ,n Mnlr-liarl. m aopialion with hli a,,n,,t lwn '""nlh.. with the frien.N. r.tal.ll.ts a rhain of ,"rk of anient, eenieiil plant in Montreal, Quo., The' trilih Cnlumhia Cement Lakeffi-I.l, Ont, Caluary, Alta unpany, I.imile.l. hae 13,500,-aml 'l ivl lne, .f:. Tit" plant 000 IfueMMl In their two eemenl al.Calirary, Ukpfielil, Owen planl at TimI Inlet ami liam-fMiiiml- ami Montreal were M,r,,n' lt fa jilanln are equip-niiTBeil in IliO'i inlo Ihp Canada I'"1 lnlel eernent Cement Coniiany, hut the Tod nanufariirinir marliinery ami Inlel plant, muter thn Irailinp ,,,rn "1 I'nrllaini Cement of name or hr Vatipoiiyer Portland "iw ery hishet jrraile. All pn-Omepl (jiniiany. Limitpil. run- detnami in the pmvinee linui'il an imteipmpn rompany ran 1m' ak''" a '' far many oiipplyinjr Hie tlpmaml in UrilUh yr ,0 rnn " In an effort '.iiliiiiihia. with Mr. Mnlfharl a ,0 nf rplii raae-il ilireetinR lt.ai. Tliia pom- "' Company ha invtalletl a unny wa owiiislhy Mr. ' Ittilrhart 'arr'' lerape al Hamherlon ami M,u.Tful finanrial interenU r"r "akintr wotnlen harreU. o in F-a.leru Cana.la. When the ,nat ""fnent ran he nhippeil for pJanf..wa. Imill in 19n, il export. A sliirhl nieaMire of rapacity wa- three hundred bar- ' a nfet iU effort an rU per .Jay. hut lhi wa leaij- fa-" a ahipmenln hae hepn ly itierea.e.l until 1915, when 'ile, fitialemala, Sal- It enpaeily ua enlarged to vadnr. Mexieo. Suva, Fiji. Ati. Ihree thou. ami harrel pr day. "a. N' Zealand and lhe The ory f lhe year from Philippine. The ajrpretrale of ltUt to ltie I one of fteaiiily 'P0-" buine toe not expaihlltip hiiine. Put ulnee n,n n,n Pr arpe fiFture. Hint lime Hip tlemand ha fallen however, and at present Kuro- away lrem..n...ti.y. A aa - ',w,n r,""l "winiifaeiiirpr.. lu.tration it may he mentioned inr lo low lahor ro ami denial In 11MS lhe lernand In the Pialeil exehanpe. are erurinir innince roe lo I..1H1US0 har- '", v'"ie exiwirl Miine, rrU. but fell away in 1918 ami "n" may "'""P "heir urplu lull) to rr.dpellvpli- Irtrt SH pri-luetion into Ilrilmli Col- harrel and IH5.1CI barrel. In 19)?. Hip Aorialrd Porl land Cement Manufacturer, Limited, tif London, Knpland, iimhia. The eompany, I here fore, slill face lhe iliipiioinlinir proba bility of Iravini; to keep Hie Tol who are the premier retnent llurl l,!im cl,t fr a manufacturer in Oreal llrilrfin, -ft"P ,i,no Ihrtwisrh lark of trade, buill a plant at Handerton, w"" e.tnteniplete thai r-nanlrh Itrlel. about 7 mile 'npr fl0O.nrto I it.el in from -Victoria, with . a rapacity v" n,"l l'''. nn.l that of two IhoiUand barrel penlay. ' annual rapacity of 900.000 tinder lhe trading name or lhe narrri pi roniann remenl I ,Mciateti lament . tympany w" ""- im- .uih.t 'lUtna.la Llniiled, Due lo very wh nre concrele road are adere tradilii condition thl 1101 ,H,,,I "' Hie Pa-Hie plant was nlmt down at the be- highway, which i entirely a . . . ... "... k,.t.i. I s ta t at r-inniutr of 191r and did not re. i'riuri. u i a wen- open until 1921. after nearly hI,,wn ,ar' "ra p rinii i-fie year.t. of inaoli.ily. At the "a Cma-ni Company, Lim-end of I9IR Hie repienl urd in 'M n "nler keep (heir em- (he province had fallen In ncli l'?'e m work-ami in prnmoie vfcry niall rieure that an amal- ""jcrrle road, have ror lhe pal iratiintloii vva formeil the Tod Inlet plant and lianuerirrn iiani. tinner between fa"r "' hern ein(r In Hip lhe Provincial ilovernnienl cemenl at rnl price, Coirrele road name, nf the ilrilih iloltimhia , h1 r al1 Permanent Oiin) Cnnn..tn) LimilM. In pavement ami it I In be hoped order jhat thr imlulry niiphl 1 ,nl he aulhorjtie will adopt Rulchart ' "nV a "'? J.r.ater extent annate at all. Mr. . P. wan appointed prc.ident or lhe ' 'an ha leen lhe cae up to iievv company, In which position P'nt Ume. tie Vl'HI remain. Mr. Ilutchaft '' he Hrllili Coltimhia Cement rpHies at Tod Inlet, where b .inipany, Lim,ileil, are large jakV the mot active interet ucr of coal which help In In .vveiylhing pertaining lo Ihn keep the mines or the province htilne. and manufacturing op- huy. Furthermore, there ar rratioti. It will not he out of about too other cninmoditle place here to mention that h whicji are tied for Hie opera-lake keene intere.t in the tl and upkeep of n cemenl fatuoiiH garden: whi-h surround plant, o thai one doe not neea hil heauliful home, both of think very long to see bow which have been uch a nource beneficial it would be if these of pleasure to lhe people of Urit- two fine plant eoubl be kept in .h Columbia and vislling tour- operation conliiuiously. The fU. history oT lhe cemVnt buslne. A previously Mated, the ca. in the province haa, taken on pacly of the Tod Inlet plant Is the whole, been disappointing lliree thousand barrel. per day, in the lat twenty year, and it and (hat of 1he Haiubertnn plant i to be hoped that. Home efrort in Iwh thnuaml barrel pr day, will be made o get the Ivvo making a yearly capiiclly nf plant operating conliiuiously I.SOO.OOO barrel. A the sales before any more cement planln Ih 1018 and 1919 constituted are promoted. The people of only one-fifleenlh of the com. Vancouver, the Lower Mainland biiied capacity of both plants, il and lhe Okanagan will long re. will give, some idea of the finan- member with resentment the (inl stringency which fa ceil Hie '500,000 lo tfnOO.000 which was retnent industry afler the close wasted at Princeton, Over-of lhe war, 'lapping or overproduction in Men I Inn must be nade of ana any one-line nf industry i bad oilier cement plant which was for the growth of the province, Imilt In II2. and 1913 al and lis future progress, Such Princeton, In lhe. Bimilkameen condition have .too. often or. diplrict of Ilrlllsli Columbia. Tei cur red in British Columbia al-teen $500,000.00 and 1800,- ready, leaving nothing behind Tk Man k tlw Moon i SAYSt TIIK newnpajier hoy iln not mind an ordiuaiT war tint Jo have one in Jiuljraria would alrno.it break their neck trying In sppil the name of Hip place. CA.VAIUANK will .lot well lo visit London nexl year o a lo learn oinehin alunil Canada. I wish to say that a lot or petiplp beside hoollesri'er ride, in liieh powereil car and buy boxes al I ueai re ami have a dollar lo rpeiul occasionally. IF it i not 'n i late. I slinnl.l like to say that Jack Oempsey, king or boxers, knows Hie rope. How else rouhl ho h nt rllmlij.,1 hark inlo Hie ring. V IF a nation ha no national honor, how i it possible to ge! jip a war with her. W IIK.N a burglar jroe into a jriuall branch store "and shoots up the place, carrying. off a few inousaml ilnllars, they nut him in jail for a long term, but when Hie onlrial of a bank ratise a few million lo diaitrear white they iiP falp report there is .no room ror that kind or hurplar in Jail. - There are huinenicn who ran alway le a good steno-J pr'apher. Of rourse he should j ,, .i i t-ii t.-. . . 1. , 1 i"i i-n iirr iih, iiiiiril iM't'ailsn sue may not alway he good. NIXF. marriage out 'of ten are .uccefu so you cynic hiip- jyour bald palp in shame. -i ' t)F i JAKK wanl lo know-where all lhe iloleftil jdkers of. Ial iring' havp gone. He ay it. hard to find a rea? hardshell pesimisi anywhpre on Hie freet.,ir even loafinir al a -new, stand, POSSIHI.Y lhe next war in which we shall lake purl will he one hotween John Oliver and V. J. IJowser willi Mcltae sniping in on the side.. LAST week there were poir incite of nnow on the prairie and we were kickinir because there was half a ilay's rain. - - - TIIK weather remiml u. that the world spries i about due lo he playeil. SOMK of the Kuroppan are putlinsr the mock In democracy. - TAI.KINO or change ror the belter, George Ham, the veteran CP. It. publicity fiiun saysj "Another great change ha comei over our newspaper. .Their columns are filleil willi new nf' social event and priie rights. We have imprnved in every way. Farmer have ent their money like drunken sailors- and we have lhe flapper with us. We do not live lhe ame a, we uspd to do." OF all had words Or tongue or pen . The worst of all are " ".Vint she a hen." PRINTING TENDERS City Council Opana llda Foe Haw Taltphona Directory to b . laauad Soon The city council last nlcht opened and referred 10 the utili ses committee the following bid ror printing 1550 copies or the new telephone directory which l to he issued at an early date: Hose, Cowan & Latta. 2rt5.95; Mcllae Hro. 2;n. ir you find you cannot gel the dally News regularly, call in and subscribe for it and have it de-llvrret to your home. tf but a seiye of disappointment to the investing public, and an actual waste of our financial resource.. In conclusion, one cannot but Cake pleasure in I lie fact that' the Canadian portion of Hie Pacific Highway is ut last paved from '.New yVest. minster to the International Hi in I cr, anil Hint n product was used which can be truly called all Ilrillsh Columbian,. "Con-crele for Permanence" is a slogan which wi hope will Jong be viewed with favor by nninl-clpalltie. cities and our oro. vlnclal government when con. siderlng the construction of further road throughout thj province. r A worth-while Reputation The head of one of this country's great nianu-facturing institutions says: "The Man who builds and the man who buys are both beneficiaries , , of reputation. To the one it is a continuous spur and incentive-to the ' other, the strongest of all guarantees v that what he buys is worthy." Patronize the manufacturer or merchant who has a reputation for honesty and fair dealing. Such motives must actuate the consistent advertiser. The man who invests real money in building a reputation for himself and his merchandise cannot afford to risk any of it by taking unfair advantage of his customers. He must retain the good-will of the buying public. Without this, his business cannot succeed Every time he advertises he puts his reputation in your hands. His products or the wares he has for sale must make good. His service must be as advertised. That is why it pays to read advertisements, to deal with advertisers and to buy advertised goods. Local I rainier are vprv olpaspil - ' , ii a" result or the rpcent session iif the Oame Conservation Hoard liere. It is hoiieil that the resis- 1 nil ion or lra lines ami fur farm will be adopted and that alien will be prnchuled rrom holding any kind or license. U Hon, W. J. Howser and H. II Pooley, Conservative leaders, after an extended speaking tour IJi rough (be central interior tli-Iricl, will arrive here Tuesday night and will, address Hie elec tor in the Hex Theatre. On 'fhursday morning Mr. Howser and Mr, Pooley will leave for Oiscome and oilier point east. -Mr. and Mrs. James Ilrown and IJieir daughter Kathleen and lloseinarie, are leaving Tor Seat-lie where, they will, reside in flit lire. Thev havp livpil in I'rinnA lieorge eleven year. : - - II. M. McOusly, assessor Tor Harkerville district. nassed Hirough I'rlnce fieorge last week Jtfter having spent a fortnight In Hie Peace lliver country on de partmental duties. He report that the runners there have had lhe greatest crop in history this season but are unable to reach a market. They are confiilen! that a railway will be built into Hit district before long. Yes, it is worth your while, to Read The Advertisements wni Ftyi- 11 - I - - - - - - PRINCE GEORGE Harry Avisotf 1 doing special duly in connection with the en forcement of I ho flame Act in this district. Ales. Wylle, manager or Canadian National Telegraphs here, inailc a hurried trip last week to Winnipeg where he was called on account of the death of nil brother-in-law. Hugh lilackburn, brother of P.. J. Blackburn, U visiting (he dis trict with a view of establishing in lhe sawmill business Jiere.. NEW HAZELTON William Leverell, well known in Hazellnn, and Miss (Sladya Corliss were married rt-cently al Hums Lake. Ilichanl Morrison left last Thursday morning for Montreal. J. I. Oalloway, residenl mining engineer, has returned after spending several weeks in the Peace" liner district examining coal, iron and placer gold, Thomas Forrest, aged 85, one of the oldest pioneers of Ibis, dis trict, passed away last Wednes day and was buried on Miss Chadhorn of New NVest-minster is visiting with hpr sisler Mrs. Victor Sansum.. t Dr. Oeorge Hanson and pary have arrived here to commence their work of investigating arsenic deposit for lhe federal depart nient of mines. They will spend n fortnight in the district. TIMBER SALE XS511. S.al.it T.ml.r. ulll I.- r -tv-jl v.- .k- nutrlrt I'urraler. nut lalrr llian nuuo on IIH 9lhl (ill' itf OrlitKtf. ,o. Ia. K purchase of LlM-nre XSSI I, war Shannon v-'-Im m i-iii laa.uuu reel or c.iiar. .-irui-e ami iifmns'E aawiufa. Two i vura lll h ali,,i..rf rn. ninval of tlrutwr. in. Vlftorla. or U liutrlrt rowlFr.i , hi, muTri, o.t TIMBER SALE X551B. Sfaled Tm.1. r wiu be rcHv.l by Mi IUlnlrr a if I in,li ta . . -, iui, ngi isirr .(mm mi uir fin utr or uriobfff, .... .... t mm-r- al l nil v A f 1 a, LVul tl f Tlr md 5pruc; and ff.Allfl ril mil ltia.kt.if-.. Ti... ttuatpt on the iwrih hor of rrinro.i Two ( yrara will b alle4 Tor r. moval of tlrnNT. rnritirr naruruura ef the Chief rora. ,r'"r' B C- r Diatrlct ForMr rrlnca Hupri. B.C. Loggers i Prospectors BOOTS Men's Fine Shoes from $4.50 Men's Brown Calf Shoes, in (ooilyear Welt, wide or narrow toes, from $5.50 Hand Maids Loggers' Boots' from $8.50 REPAIRING. GEO. HILL Ths'Shoeman. Next St. Regis Cafe. St. Regis Cafe Prince Rupert's Leading Restaurant A Bakery Unsurpassed. Third Avenue. LOGGERS' CLUB Situate ih the old Empress Hotel, Building. Rooms to Rent by Day, Was. or the Month. Steam Heated. Hot and Cold Water. POOL TABLES, First-class Restaurant In connection. James Zarslll - PnnrttUr. a; 4li t s t i T. 1 J '1 5 I f i u s