" nm warn hxwh rinu nvi DAVID LOUOHNAN, WRITING IN LONDON MAGAZINE, EM. hv To Sleep PHASIZES SERIOUSNESS OF JAP. QUESTION. I A Bare I 'Dtiniioil from page Un Dor id. i-i ,,f Atl n.n 0. miH.lni. t 'lenient, and ha in.i.ici SMOKE 1 ' iimiii Alien mitl una- - in ii.nc.i, i.tir ,o i,at (irirntilcil 'nl maintain her rmern-fli-nt wlilrh iruic t. ciiffr .lapuni -e imputation ii,,g under American Jan. She , j.. .rule v.lem .,f nrmii-nllnn which ih.-v urc . orilmllol na. '-il.ly hv -Mine ..f tlieir own EN'S " umber, bin rcnllv by . ..Tleial GD i.r. M-ntiilivc .,f ,Ih,hii They Hiii h'lil i.iBcihcr f..r wdid-;u iiy nf nri-..n. ninl -ii,-ti action .r a matter of SLEEP. i- ntilnrnllv fur tli benefit ,,f kn ;;l bed or board. Hiemclve ,.r of Japan. and n--". ! e an lleep ulltlrifl r 11a u-iisllr. cither diiveUy or li j ftn while walking. dii-ciiy, .i.m,, i tbo vital in- I" rt5ple can't sleep In the ' lei-pain of ll Clilllllr). fer .r.jwny bed-. and all of fcr, . t ionally from nerve. "tin the I'Ai-iffr (Viaal the aya-ii'in r ing, tiring wakeful- iiiclu.lc. iMji naiNwialiona niil .lilii, I iivriciillitral Aeiii-!liwm CUT PLUG fct ' (3 always a reavm lor whii It nre auynpl n itiain IL - -a 1 tfiallv ftiftB"KA.,.- 'renlral u-xM-leiliona, an nf fcv liver that -lain ! ha a vvhieh liM-niist nl enci nf Ihe b' on the' )ib. conceited a five runiilfir Kirt the Ik or U..ju .iea a on cri.-Ansee, Kfin Pran-;cicii. rn )utt before retiring, take inn's fills. They south an " I'orllatHl. Seal tie. timl D'stomach,enrouraee the or- J 'iinrouver. Ilrlliah tVilunibia. rf ( gettlon and elimination J Imliviiltial Japaneae are in effeci t -.-A activitjr, Lnd auurt , ciniielerl In nfj- inera lrnn- I Jttp no matter what I fiilllcil Ihrrxirli Inral Horiii- WHEAT ELEVATORS PRAIRIE LUMBERMEN il- hinil ill Hie liilor .if Ihe Iriiinnik' al an early ape. In epeil -Imica of nnow. The aki ,:i Drugrista-2Se and LOc !tbn. Tlmi late.il aarM'lnlKna race. iinb-r lo v tcmat ixe Ihia I rain- ennraen are "nriHM mica mile. in are efr.wllve in enattlinir Ihe QUEEN CHARLOTTES APPRECIATED PRINCE injf. free coiirc. are provided length, but, except fr the up- .liiMinar to drive the white mi) I lc Swclih iiuvcrniiieiii ha al the public M-linnl. iin(r praden. Ihey are run with nl- if indiialriea or liwflliliea in RUPERT RECEPTION iii-ciile t.diMI naira of altin In fmni ."IK In 40 hniira of inatrne- mnal rot exertion. The a port Jn. ;-coiionitr i-omiielilbiii. 'Ilwy That la Facetious Propoaal of llic otiblK - aahoul- "I Sweden, imp .nut ev.-ieiae iliirinu Ihe nul only valuable in ilnclf, but jtnnkc H llieir btiinea In nwtve Correapondent From Maaaatl I.ittcr- li.ive been rei-e.w-d l v fur Ihe iiiw- ,,l . Uuiire!! i kiiuv -eii-mi. II i i ii-lmimo lia a sniulary effetl oo Hie Jninnee labnrer from pi are t District I.. I'. I ! . H-i -iilcnl ... Ihe Nor-Ihcrn t.. buy llK'ir own nki-. The fur the nehnnl children to irn'pupiln nlndie. The Via are jl-lnee a imp a)l enndi ll.t:. Tiiiilieriii- ii A-.m-i;i-. in, lir e-ine .port of ki runinnr aklinx by claaea. With iraily ix nr ae-ven feel in lenRlh. made hoes ! MSI-:TT. Man-li lleaiilenla in and acarf- Ibey nf lurch, and coat about 3.00 a ii,in ni"i. lhe ait in ion. from William I'. Iiiilinti. i- :i- p.ipulai- a- -kill n r-- i-i.i.-e, cnoa fin aeeiiriii eiintml nf market . un.l nf the Ooieii tlharlotle ll.ilvl- !pre itb-rll nT llic Vc.t' in !(i-l:iil Sweden, and ehildren hi '-in lMtniir itown I lie an uce-c"V - pan . , Hierwrai- prtnlinB Uw inler- are e,H iina a vi-n from the ,,r,no . .. ((., :i i le-i. of Ihe Japanese rnliHiiola railway enmiiiianbmem. wl.en w m,.,. MH.HI, ex,,,.... ,.. ;i a . you 'miMiaCil to Ihtiae nf wiiile eili. pclilMwi wjll be pr.-nenle, to "ve: ( ,H, f ,,. . w-'rih. a arum elevator tntallet. It in - en. derel their tnur pnrly bv l! Military Duty Itnnerled thai the ijiteen rjtnrlnlte and tunnel I on ii I nf trade ;i--m. Prices " I hroimh I hem. Inn. the ffmnii ..f ialamtn have the anic cialinii when Ihey vi-i(ei 1 1 - arittMiHnl Willi Vfcforla. in favnr lir -lapanoae (itivernineiil lake, a laa IlKHllh. Itnlh l'Vni I-.--I.-! ceiiaiia nf ila eltiaeu anil e nf an e-levalnr. Tbey male the at lb fail thai Hie lino- al lln u aLK -i Til, ;in"l be llint Hiey are llale for eon. chum thai a "nhiKit" uuaiil N in-Ui1Ih. diapnnal ntade il iiirjin-.il.le r.. criltMi 1 1 up. I'nr ift-lanee, rearliinar ayCrnnn Hw '. them n tay bmiier u. Hie itv if fro eifir Ocean. In I We Orient. end rt!airlrt and Hi; Airhl lieu, a Jiiinec m-w uer ll.ey nv $5.50. f San rninrWo. n May 3rH Tin" blea nf plarinft eealirai. ne lime Ihey will pio a h-'ip.-i f I tic fnmnun IWJJ. eallml ul lent iw In the on mlamia, in a novel one: nut viail. "lr. IHillmi mrjf-ls Hoi' How often Ihe return Iraulc in nilkn ami other there be another e V It- .i hie l.iiniabmenl tf one Ktknnhiirn may -mill u -i can fraluaWe earaine form Ihe Orient three time. i H:M r".k-REPAIRED JlinbK, nf StMiriiiiK'fiHt, ftar fail. in -ion in y.-nr-' l oupply Ihe nalivea with rai irai In rep"'"' f"f efieH'lki WHILE ment for nimiiiier wear would thanks'rotary "club YOU WAIT. .inil ellea if n n tvtirnlnir tn more than reVnitp Hie owner- of nil 4atw"e-e. reirenl of mill " voMtHn. for the outlay. In opbo for medal in letter imi v ne.' thur Shoe Store In win Hie cniifMenee and eliek. I'rnifi I Itita It u be .aevjin I hot eln of Inuriatn nrwl nlhei-a. it i- with vein of humor U .IS.' II tit- ml Ave. llliiiiab lilumhia ia un.ler full pmm-eil in inntal a ifolf link- We i'oloiihalih by Ihe Japaneac Advertise? anal In nrpanicr a liiiiiluv Oul lliroiiyli tbeir crtnaular nlllee in at Port i:ienifnt. Mi Jean MncUav Winner Vnnemiver. Hie v'. medal f"l -Ci.ind be-' olwilliatHnliii(r I he ileniaihW i radon al the recent conl. -l ; t . f Hie Janjiiieae in the iitaller nf PRINCE GEORGE Ihe llfMitb .MeiiMrial Si liool. t I jiiiviliif Uiem full rl elite Md a- 'o the club her Hihii1. and tlo'i , i.ri iletrea vvilhoiii any retuma Tin1 I'rii lieiirne biH-kcy teller wan cad at the linn lie.hi ' 1 Hie duly of ilnMitiii. Japan ve.ler.fav follnw. hi leain added IWo mure vicloriea a Iheet Metal i.a.iru.llv i.-fu-e In Hcconl In il uiibniken record al the "Mr. Oenrne lloric. NOT I -iinilar rivlila to "fnreiKiier" in end of la-l week when II tiefeut-e.1 "Siap. Ilolary Club. iJnjmn. lAc'i'l in few i-onlet Vnudciiioof by K In -1 and G "Kindly convey In your mem eii.ea. uiiiler oli retfillHl iona. Iti .1. ber my ulcere thank for llic Works i alien raniml owii laml li Japan tmd.ll pl'eaenled In me at III" How often should Tin- iinimoly I liey ieire la. The Prince fie-nrse llnanl nf im'IiooI ornlnriral coi lc!. a- (Non.Llmltd. I Hierefiire, nf II nue.aiileal nature IrmJe ban innfflillcd a drive fnr'",irr "" 1 !. Ir.-a-u 'HM' I I year ijupan hoai nf her ronlrol and new luemld'rn. liairuiHii nf the medal very Invlilv. At lioiuc 111. 1 he tlimnopnly nf Ihe UrilUli tlnlum-IbiH. aliuidiiiK ciiiumille" for lite nd il' acllinil I have nflcn Ween we Advertise? an ...... i. I'ailifnrtiiaii ami ll.nv.iii fiab. year are a follown; l inaikre: accncil of infkitiK t"o nun li. V 'I lll-HC. inir iiidiialry. Thin eonlml W. I.. Iloma'iy; ' ,,, . . I fully enjoy your appreci.ii imi of Jili! 1 - i ' ' - I ii'il I'll-- llllllHll',1 llV Hie Kllcecaaflll in-pellliiin Ocilvic; adverliniiiir and piiblie. what parent and I. lelicr- h.ix.. T are the Canadian and American Manu nf a lower living- nlaml-ard ily, !ire W. .rtulrn: akrrl- Iiecn cimdeiHiiiiii.'. Tli inkinif y.ni. wm u,:n u i i re cvery- rni'e - the .lniiiuee . oulUire. It. (1. SiiIIimi; HmJer. II. Jl;N MAiiKAV facturers appropriating fifty per cent iijrniiil (lie sl4iiidarta nf I lie (1. I'erry: cntciUlnmenl. I. I J. .'I Metal. dollars in more Newspaper Advertising while eole. Ilul. Hailwllh. IP It- T-lf Alllolnl'Ce WilMMI. HI- Jaiuiu'a at I it ) in il. j Chat i iij:- U'ul r'llldlcv olninliiiK. ------ Sport for the year 1923 than in 1922? iiiaiidiiiir ritNiln for lir u niee i the tit il tin- The meiu)ir nf Uie I'rilMve kit i nlay in foreisll eniinlrlen, nie will I:corse hockey learn weer lal inil iieriml oilier'rueen o cuine week enlerlainc Ihe Allilelie The nlaviiiK of ;niiie on Sunday, OFINQ IN ALL ITS I by BRANCHES. il'i Japan nnd rwlnce Hie hihI-iiril anciulinn Oeli nf Hie plHy. niicli a cricket and foot. There's Reason r liviupr aiiionu li'-r iieopte. ImiII, by I. ).Ion niii.-ea, hi lie-enme a id Ave. Phona 34C. e- were iireenlel wlin niiet- the the atibjecl of cnnlrnvcray evrlude 'Jiiiinn riirnrnuly plna by Mayor Jnliiiami. cnlry nf nkillril ninl imnkilliil in the Old dm n try, and A movement 'Koii'mn into Jnjmn mi Hie OUTA LUCK' if. under way In put a lIiey have imPlicit faith in the trriniml Hull I lien people- maln-llniti alnp In il. I'mfca-mrul fool-ball RVr AIIP Are Now Open n lower alniitlanl nf livinii "I owe a l..t of money lo my and rrickel leanue, in laiji-land lJ LjsJ.J iD Lj pulling power of Newspaper for Builneaa In Our and Ho'ir do li"i nrhedulc caincK on en-lry than Hie Japanese, ahocinalvei "" I Advertising and in the future In Siindiiy ii do Ihe aeliall IW PREMISES vvnillil MlliJeM Japauece "(".an I cvcr nay V"iir n"lc la itiH-lriiiia romiielilion! learn of AmeriiM, nnd il vva trade conditions for the coming your "vvn eli" .evv t"ik year. f ( it Avenue where: Suburb of Aala I-.vciiiiijj World. only last July Dial Hie l.oiiilon :iy r njur-' u rnntiiiu-if jCiiiinty r.oiiiH'il nanclioned Sun-I'lny coiifronln t i h t- i ,.-( trtt nnI Itlie Tlu Clltfliall-apeilklnw prirfilein vvliicli popillatioll uaine ilaycil hy nmalcur The daily newspaper has proved itself worthy of Kill, :of Ihe ureal province of llrlli-h jin llic park-. Al that lime the this tremendous responsibility and trust. 'riie'penreful s eoiiu4l fell Dial llic bulk of .('.iililluliia. pene-Urnlnn mro public opinion tnv oi eil Sunday ILVERSIDES wliicii ia,nf inulliplyliiK n iinn-nxaiinilHbli line irnia-liopiern npoit. and ileeiiled I., nive lliefil Men who spend millions of dollars on Newspaper BRONCHITIS BROS. if Hie l'acifle cnlla for ftm!.'oe province ullenlinn of It a iincil ycar'n for trUl.SouJ.'i T'"prolci'Hoii,I'liiled Advertising yearly know what it has done for them in Ihale-- in tlic illllllinii ia lo lie preaerv cil .MIXTURE uml many oilier, fed Dial public the past and feel safe in trusting their future fortunes WALLPAPERS, PAINTS, to the wiiile race. 4,.uuiilei-inK CUABAKTEtD 'piii.i wn mlnjiidvcd. Not Innu RESULTS lo the advertising columns of the daily an-'. i he Sunday prnlifliini! press. OLASS, PICTURES, ,111c economic nilualion of tlrcni FIHIT pose RT SUPPLIES, ETC. illliinill. mid Hie liilfcnl need for RINC5 Rtlllf ' ailed a pimlie incelinn wlin-li Phone 22. llnliah cmlgralloii In nuilalilc 1 . in-..i. -led it it i ii I Ruinlay piul lffl and i'efnielr, Hie cmnly council Hie fact-c imrla nf Hie I'.mpin', liffonl rnnelu-ivc t'i i'i'cilli ila ai'li.m When Hie Ullnilie.l lieieltl cvideliw of Hie dealialiilily . i imenlul ymir enu nel The Daily News Siilnilor-iicncral In offiiel iTiniiler. Tlie (CP N OOOD HEALTH of meanr ualrululed Sir i'lioman llmkiji. prexidcil al BY EATINQ OOOD Hie iliniKcr whieli in rapidly ..t llic in. cl inn lie naid Himrifani.- ul Iho inali'ialiaiiT.I iilc-n liieann ! ileviaed In 0 rd iiatncn, autli a arc now pcr- Phone 98 P. 0. Box 1723 nulled would, if Ihey 4'oiilinueil. illVUalOII and as rllcck Hie JupAliene ,OSTOV In people Hiin iiKianlflretil Icr-nlory prove to lie only u prelude lo av . and competition inn iianien cup llrilinll nlnek. vviltl nlllldy i 'am - mi Hie Suliliulli. Oppnnimla of of Mine r mailer o it will be but a Sunday guinea had 4een culled GRILL beruri' Ilrili!i reiluniliia bm-nuie. H ' invll-aiilii o o o "r I'ui ilann, lie remarked, but in n aulnn-ti nf Aia. FOpan Day and NlQht. Willi u policy wlilch ijecrro: In opinion, I'm iianlsm, had " Phona 457. "fjcl innrn laml on, bi manr Sold In Prince Rupart by idone uoio for laijilum) than al-imo.l cliildreii." W, J. McCUTCHEON. any oilier iiiovrment of 4