"FRUIT-A-TIVES" SAVED HER LIFE Operation not Necessary After Taking This Famous Fruit Medicine 8923 Usiox Sr., Vascoctu, B.C. "I snfftrrd vitk all the yrnilonu of Ff mile trouble, with ckniuc Csii-fuiit mad cwutoai lle-daciui. I hid yint low loa in the hark and Sides of tL body. A doctor adrued me to Lai e an operation. 1 lUrted Ukirc "Fruit stires and tti medicine but ceriViy rrlmtd wu of alt ray miery and scfierin;. I mm frre ef pain and headaches and the terrible Constipation, and what tared me U the fruit medicine, "Fruit- tire,' Jlr M. J. GOItfE. 4 "Frwit-s-ttwSJin; nile from the juice of ap4, dhinffM.'Hpiaod ruaes and tonics and are alwolutelr free of calomel, senna and other drurs nhieh irritate the bowels "Fruit-a hires'' will always Const! ration and IUiopness. SOe. a box. 6 tot fi .SO, trul siie 25c. dealer cr sect py pd on receipt of price. FRUrVA-TIVnS LIMITED, OTTAWA, OXT. London, Eng... OjJeiubujf, N.Y. ChritcLurth, X. correct or reel At all he Daily News PRINCK RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month. . . $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year , ffJJiO To all other countries, in advance per year t.50 TELEPHONE 88, Transient Display Advertising $1.40 per inch per insertion Transient Advertising on Front Page . J2.8H per inch f n.r.l I) . : . . . -1 1 Ikf . I - ? LAiiaj iicauri 3, iii?crbivil . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .irz JKT r lllir j Uassuled Advertising, per insertion 2c per word Legal Notices, each insertion 15c per agate line Contract Rates on Aoplication. AH advertising should be in The Daily N ews OITlce on day preceding publication. AH advertising receiveS subject' to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILT EDmo.1 's Saturday, August 25, 1923. 8hoold Not Live Too Much In Future. We all live too much in Ihe future. We ignore thepres"nl German Capitalists Fattened On Calamity. German ca.pitalil to a large exlenl fattened on the calamity which befell, Jhe uation. When they found the currency being debased they ent lh.r earnings outside and invested them in foreign securitie. and kept lheir loose cash in foreign banks. POLYTECHNIC RATEPAYERS ARE 1 IS ENDORSED IRRESPONSIBLE School Board Eipresses Approval So Says Municipal Inspector In of New System Instituted by Director Pinder-Moss The hool lioard lasl night, on man was authorized to sign the new agreement. that it wa relievel of further sponsihilily. Something wa being supplied u the public ab- isolntely neee. jm! be was sat- Address to Convention at Closing Seeelofl TIME TO RETRENCH motion of Trustees Montgomery land Parker, passed a resolution' At the eloe of the contention lannrovir- the new vstem of ad. of the Union of Municipalil' !miiiitering the Northern Poly- IloWrl Paird, inspector of muni-' itechnie Institute which ha leen cipaliliev gae an address to the' . instituted by John Pinder-Moss, delegates which was listened lo director, and which will come In- wilh great attention ami wa pr-to effect with the opening--.of the licularly wvll received. He et-nen school term. (Hiring the preseJ appreciation f the treat- pa! few month Mr. Pinder-Mo ment he had receive! at the hand ha leen energetically working of the Union during the pai len towant extending the scope of year. Hi office wa directly the Institute with the reult that concemetl in municipal affair in almo-t all centre of innrlanee an advisory eapaeitl. Usually lie in the district have joined in. The hail to make recommendation lo .Prince Itopert- School Hoard ha the minister or to a commute 'given te Intilute a irrant of 0fl of the Legislature. The reprv-for the ensuing year which will mentations lie nu'ghi make may be 'cover the cost to be borne by ft not wholly "in line with the view' outside of heating and lighting of the convention. municipal ;r.ch rooms in the public school question was wholly onesided.' jas Mr. Pinder-Moss may see fit When a statement wa heard on to ue. It is the "intention of a municipal question that wa ;Mr. Pinder-Mo;. however, totue oneided and declaimed againl jolher premise. for certain classes those wilh other view, it was land, of course, the Institute will plain Jhat the peron making it be refMnsible for the renling did not know what be wa talk-' ami equipping of them. In addi- ins about. There was no more lion Mr. Pinder-Moss js to lie complicated legislation than mil -bonded to make him personally nicipal bgilation a fx I only n; responsible for any default or matter? of princip could it be deficit of the Institute. Similar-aid that anything was ruht or arrangements between the Insti- wronz. When ft wa a matter of lute anil other school hoard in principle there wa only one Ibe distriet. eicept the makinsr of roure lo pursue. When there wl a direct grant, have been ined. devialHtn from sound principle. The local school lranl last I lie rial!y had In be paid, night pne.l payment of the last Advocates No Policy account. that it will he eallei up-1 on to meet on behalf of the institute. These totalled t0?..15 and covered onstandin? bill up to the end of last term. The chair Mr. Itaird aid he wa not an advocate of any policy but hi )-ilion wa to see that the in- tcret of the municipalities and of the government wa protected. He flattered himself that he had .a slight amount of influence nl time. If Uiis were true it wa la movimj approval of the new ,JlM. to. ihe fact lhat be waTelinl system. 1 ruiee Montgomery sai.l on to teU he whole ory. If he that the school toanl wa justi- ia a.Ve.1 fur an ot.inion. he fied in making a grant of oo jinte,! A,ut UAh side of lhe for the year in view of the fact qHelkn. Hi duty wa fulfilled ben be had told the whole slory, a-far a be knew JL Speaking of hi. work in certi fying bonded indebtedness, Mr. rmi-tee Montgomery had said. rale wa good even if there wa a for any of Ihem lo incur liabill Jlr. Pi inder-Mos thanked suggesi sniiiitiig uc ti u oown oown nrier nuer so so miich miicn money money has lins been iieen spent1 spent1 The The matron matron of of honor honor was was Mr., Mrs.j n ii. ii trie ii'.it 1P.R. River country the province a defect in the Kinds. He had no tie unle it were absolutely a being only a preparatory ftale for what is to come. We are k0"' fnr fr?ion of ap-'f-w-er lo cure but he had ower necessary. He urged that they not ratisfied with steady growth but want lo spring up like a l'1"11- ,,r ha,l given ,ware Inind good. He had deal carefully wilh any money by- mushroom in a nighL A Chicago newspaper man who wa here srLX nem,Wmnl by all other often, in view of ihi. been aked law. Tlie ratepayers were not a yeferday drew attention to that pha-e or our weslerii life anil-0 ,i,irirl- U overlfMik defeel but wa rejMinibleUHly to determine Ka rat her deprecated it. We expect too much to happen and base . aDw'r to a l"on by Dr. obliged to decline." In the ten bility. There were many thing all our calculation, not on what is here now. but on what we Krr?in- Mr Pnder-Mn said the ypar- ,e j,ad Ieen there he had'abtiul which they knew nothing, eipect to be here soon. ff would run from I5 upward had no chicken come home to Mol of Ihetn did not come out We all want lo nuke progres and we mtisl all look for-. f"r """ ,''rm frnm rtn,,r May roost. People dealing in deben- lo le. He hail seen a vole as wiard to future developments but at the same lime it is use- 'Winding on the number or in- ture placed reliance on hi rer- low a Iwo per cent on a money less lo risk the present in a vain looking forward to the things ,,r,,Hor required for the variou tjfjfac. If he tried to take an- bylaw. They would vole for iin-that might be. We are growing rapidly as a section of the ro,irp'- llhority which did not belong lo sound bylaw and admit that Ibey country, and the growth of Prince Rupert i dependent almost jltim. the gojd effect of theeertl- were unsound. Because of Ihi wb.iiy on the development of the district If we get ahead of WEDDING OF lOf AI jficalion would be dispelled and It wa necessary for municipal of- geieral development we are not on a sound basis. it unirl.l I. a ,tirrinll In ma a.lsl, LADY-WAS ELABORATE . Atksd Co-opscalion Mrs. Embleton Married at Van- Mr- Ha'1 fnJ" ro couvee and Will LIn In operation of Ibe official in re Saskatchewan in even cae mey. froiecieujnemeives and refa-ed lo submit the scene on Monday afternoon at to adequate taxalion. The result has been lhat taxes have been It o'clock of a pretty wedding ,iorn', n""lcipalilien delayed much higher in Ihe victor countries than in the country which when Mrs Minnie i.onie Kmt.ei Erring to hi office when a was supposed U- have been beaten in the war. ton -became the bride of F. NV. Now this is lobe changed, judging from the meagre dis-'Bagley of Shawnigan. Sask. The palches. Taxes are to be levied and the use of foreign money ceremonv wa r.erformed hv nv gard In bond issue. No one had the affair of the municipalities First Presbylerian Church was rnuc". a hea a h an, ,' was anxious io ne ot assmiance. minutes conversation would solv their difficulties. He was always ready and willing to take up is forbidden... An. fffort seems likely to be made to meet the J. Hirh mond Crnitr c.ivt (lie VanJay 'Jliestion Willi them, Oener refiaratifftis TfrpMrements ami the differences with France wiU couvcr Province iB,,Jr "Peaking, the municipalities ' """"J "c .rvv".n. . . nm bride, who is a well-known , 1 ' jXanaimo girl, was given In mar- e PB D0nB " . J- rmichael. The rop (bridal gown wa made of pleated The "OSSian that the C.P.R. may purchase the P.n.Hjgeorgelle of a soft ivory tone, was received wilh somewhat mixed feelings yesterday but the with sleeves and panels of while greater number, apnnreiilly, would like to see any action taken radium lace. Her lint wa of which woiild'relievelhe province of its responsibility-in regard jwhile taffeta with narrow brim lo the line. t !an,l ir,mnH.,i wjtn sma of PersonalIw(?rfe,lieve it would be a good thing for the white georgelle beaded wilh C.P.R. to lake the railway. In Ihe first place the province dofs pearl. She carried a shower bou-not want it and neither does the Dominion. It is unlhiiikable to qui t of Ophelia ro. were Improving r, the manner of and Vomiting Doubled Up With Pains " jwi jwi an ire is willing to lake it over and tap Hie Pence ill. L. Lewi. of Xanairno, who wore lSitrtl-'1- J with it. it would be a grenl boon Jo lhat part of a gown or Ja.ln green Ileshanara VlfTJ id would ... make ... for general development. ...... crepe with band of gold - beads.W " wms ,t t wcv ic mi urvcarej firer to take Ihe responsibility. PUBLICITY DIRECTOR IS VISITING RUPERT Robert J. C. Stead, Novelist, Here In Connection With Work or Dominion Government Ilobert J. rt. Plead, director of punnriiy mr me. Canadian government, was here yesterday for a short lime accompanying H. C . Letts colonization agent for II. ,,, o I- n n.l V I I 1 1 1 1 " T TrV"IrZJ 'jpaper and publirily people who III ARRUlIk A i,,avp travelling Ihpiugh the "a. aai v &ir& H'xuiiij in me inieresis ot vari-joiis Journal and organizatlon. He is today viiljng Slewarl and will continue south to Vancoiner on the steamer lonfght. Mr, Plead is author nl several ;books dealing wilh western lllc (and he writes an occasional magazine article. Jul now. bow. tuddrDlr nurked llb v l, inn- n -nlerr, rollc, eruiip or , . . ... . ' . i.Mi.,.h ... "" '"i- in time bi mo hi ex- clusivcly to publicity work. ts.uie of br. sneaking or this he told or some ine local opiKismon ut trie Man hes m the desire nra v lor hnt wn nf o-r.M hr nn.i iuri r.i, i.,,., ... , , It I . m At .v ; - r--.... ...... iiimi r vs IllrU 3IISllfI IIH All III ...... ,,,..miv-- in rrm r nnrr i Mimrj; Mimiiu rump nil.1 rarriwi rarnailonM. j nrn JlooUi Muirmy n m rriirv you, way. we would nil like Hiah Iml we enniint nrf. Ihe i ncr in H.a -nnnnrimi m.u rrn,., ti- Mr "wm Morn, ' " --- ... - , ... , .. .. n pti'wui. ellf manger in regard lo it. Ihe Peace River needs railway courier- groom's gift to Ihe bride was to lake it than Ihnl Jhey nre rpndy In. nonbusiness, nnubtless tliey can get Ihe line mi favorable term?, and the provincial government would be justified in giving them the properly ot a reasonably" low price. " 1 ProsperoiiH advertising means regular continuous advertising work they were doing fiifinnrr Itiat voiiuosr , o.-t.l1. ..r J Webb SI. Ix.li. v dn, out.. riie: -I uk rrr.t i,u..,r r.ngland and lniled Stales. No lion lion and and need needs it it soon, in ir If II. the P UP.ll. l II wni. would g,Ve jt :t them, ii,.. it :i : is ii Hudson seal , coat, , . to the , matron , wild tr.b,rry for or. ruieri n t. tnn dn tor m less have man been oij.iiiiii distributed iiooks on Canada to the not for us , put any spoke m the wheel of progress. of honor a gold wrist watch, ami" It has been hoped that the flP.R. would build through lu In Ihe best man a gold lie pin. . "? ' roi v.i,m J" schls J J to J be used as " l let! hoot. ok; Ihis coast, possibly f.omii.g out at Prince Rupert or Slewnrt. We Following the ceremony a rp-'"1 t'ZI " TI ,-'"t r ila !ind h, rtn 11 T m" Miould ven; much like to see them build to this port by way of crp.lon and dinner w ere held ?n Z'VJl XL They have, been wri Urn ?wl h h Ntias River, oiieuiiig up the big coal fields nnd ngricultural the blue room ot llolel Vancou- "'i "i 1 . jm do..tM up viewo correcting thewronL im a lands pf lhat dislricl, bul it i for the men who ntv putting Hie ver. Ulcr. Mr. and Mrs. Hagley lU" ''ttn t pTp.r.tio,, ' p cn ll "! .u .. money into the project to decide where it would be best to build. Infl for Seattle and Portland TT', on m1 "r",M,5 M.i t!? i They have ,uch more- informa.jon thnn . .vhere lh honeymoi'm U'T TZ. ' 7e 1 e d' ger y" an ? Mir're '"a" The denial of the story published yeslerdny does not The bride travelled a1 mean sp-nl. In 'r '.b.,,d r.i 10 ih. Oru, or ,uch grealer demvni for i , tuch. It may be that there Imve been no official negotiations costume or navy cloth with brown ,n(1 " bo""! rowi,r-i r.ur.M ,.- ?' , ... " u"a ti- aH em nnd yet feelers may have been sent out. The, railway company ,hut or heavy silk trimmed with JjlJT?, KKJt ration aull orl lef n ilmTe co,, " woihl much ralher hnve it fecm that fh? province wauls them. brown bead. Later tbev Will Hi rflil. V PT . I.I I ...ii . r. s .a innke lheir home at Climax, Sask.,M n ,on too. 1 M- fi,.nrt ,,n , n,ln V,Um1,!',n,'M, W 'fnrr. but not oltcn. He frir,ifle 1 UhiU; mt up only by Tbe ,,a" naturally been much Miiburn Co, Llmiird, Toronto, Oni. sled In everything hera. How much does it mean to you to keep your wife young? Who hasn't met old women of More und more men are com- 25, and young women of 40? lng to upprecuite that if for no It isn't years alone that age other reason than that of health, any physician will tell you that it is inadvisable to permit this undue expenditure of physical work by women, and mental energy will make .... Arnl there s really no need for the young old at 30. , it we can do the whole wash- isficj wilh the arrangement. He nairi once he had certified conducting their affair, hoped it would prove successful. in bond they wer beyond at- In conclusion be would like to Tnitee Parker concurred in Vhat lM.k iy u, eourls. Hi certifi- say that this wa not the time ii o SUu, MU.b. '"'b intj jor the lamtly, at a cost that soonest wear women out handling of heavy clothes; stooping and lifting; working in cold water, and then hot; wet feet; trotting in and out from a warm, steamy room, to a cold outdoors. that's most moderate less, in fact, tluin it costs to call in a luundrvss. Call us and have us tell all about this more modern Canadian Steam Laundry Phone 8 cuu "Rupert" Brani Kippers SMOKED DAILY by Canadian Fish Cold Storage Co., Ltd PRINCE RUPERT IS IT WORTH WHILE Keeping timber for B.C. Industries? Keeping alive a prosperous payroll? Keeping fur and feather in B.C.? Keeping timber for manufacture? Keeping a green forest for posterity? Then Prevent Forest Fires IT PAYS