S riai row laf DAILT Paturdny A BRINGING UP FATHER By "-eorge McManui SPECIALS I i Ilk jm. I I I "YOU LOOK TROOeLE.D fitt i the: mi mms1 TrWOOR HOME. UF ii . i IN HV HOME- C -jm v 3 nui VERT HAsPPy- v f m w-w iiv sin mi ii s r i Solid Leather Boys' Shoes. Sires II to I. at $3.25 Sires I to 5. at .... $3.75 Solid Leather Men's Shoes. Suitable for -work or heavy dress shoe . . Sizes C to 11. at $4.95 The mail order houses cannot (ouch the aU'Vr line, for "QUALITY OR "PRICE." Family SHOE Store Mail Orders Prepaid . Everything in Rubber or Leather Footwear for a I! mern'oere of Hie family. We Solicit THE MANAGEMENT OF PROPERTIES AND COLLECTION OF RENTS I- The Satisfactory Services given others, Justify us In soliciting yours Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE. Dybhavn & Hanson Third Avenue. ' Prince Rupert, B.C. Jn'rice Gtovqe I TORONTO In Centre of Shopping and Business District 250 ROOMS ELikUPEAL'4 PLAN IMftftr THOMPSON. MJUT0. DM. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63. Cartage, Warehousing, and Di'lnbuliiig.'Team or . Motor, Service. . Coil, and and Gravel. We Specialize' in Piano and Furnltiire Moving. ropNCOAL We cafbintwSilpply our FAMOUS EDioN COAL in any Mnanlltj, Prince pert Feed Co Phew 68. KlNd fiEORGE GAFE First Class CHOP SUEY and NOODLES. Furnished Rooms to Rent. Prices Reasonable Phone Blue 471. Second Ave. REDUCE HIGH COST OF LIVINQ, i:iimiimte'f'lhe' draught aniimd your windows an 4 use less coal. SEE OUR PATENT WEATHER 8TRIP For Doors and Windows. Glass 'ami Mirnmi of all kinds. T. ROSS MACKAY. Phone Blue 1fiS. . - ,, MANUAL TRAINING TEACHER CHOSEN Donald Ross of Vancouver Gets Position In Local Schools Succeeding R. H. Shock- ley I ! iKinaui no or ancouter wa appointed by the school hoard last night to the position of manual training instructor in the city schools succeeding R. H. Shock, ley resigned. Mr. Ross holds a hrt class manual training diploma from the department of .education and ha hail experience in teaching at North Vancouver1 'and Xw Westminster in addition ( (to bavins: had practical experience . in designing, drafting ami building at Yarrow.' ami Coughlan' (shipyard. He submitted letters nf recommendation from Fred ;Wilrock, supervisor of manual .training. North Vancouver, and also from Yarrows' and Cnupli-lan'. Miss Mae Martin, formerly 'of the local school tearhiner staff. also wrotr on hi behalf. Mr !Ro' appointment Wa made on motion of Tni-U'e. Parker and , Montgomery and the .ecrelary . . I , . : . i UCII with him at once by wire. 'Other application for the poition were from Daniel Johnston, New Wet minster; C K. Kniclit. North Vancouver, and fi. S. Sfiutb, Kdriinnltin. NEW SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS ARRIVE TONIQHT- Tomorrow Alright NRTtbUt stop tick kMwkM. rourvo ! otuwk., im m4 rtUto tbo linuiliTt erzao. tool fiao. . -totter Than POs far Unr CONDITION OF BORDEN STREET SCHOOL NEEDS ATTENTION OF BOARDi.. Trutee Parker announced at the meetmsr of Hie chmd tn-ard lat niuli! that tlie condition of the Ihrt-den Street ivchotd wa hat the whole bard mut deal wnki the matter. It wa p-inz U cotrnore to repair the building than had at firt been anticipated. lie u?i:eted an in. pection by Hie hoard. Tli will be made on the firt IMible occaion. prnure.. llepair are now BASEBALL SERIES in Horace S. Hum Is Here From F,rsl Came Bteen Married and Victoria Accompanied by His Single Men Will Take Place Bride of a Few Days on Sunday Afternoon Horace S. Hurn. the new super. lPri M'TSan. president of the viinjr principal of the prince I'"nce Hupext Il.lelial Asocia-rti rwrt Public School succeeding t,on- announcwl tlii morninjr ill. L. Campbell, who ha acceded ",al a ir'e t th game be. a poilion a principal at Equi- tWf',n """ married and insle men malt, arrived in the city on the of ''y " f'n definitely ar- ! Prince Itunert yelerdar after- ranped, the first parne to Jake norm accompanied by Mrs. Hltrn.j,,a'', nl, Sunday afternoon. They were married this week in! Tn'" a'ms will be a follows: Victoria, the bride having for.; -Warned .Men P. I.aporlo merly been Miss He4en Colpills. 1 1 manager . Dan Lidlnnei, ?ain 1 hey were rejrl.tered at the Hotel Haiidenschihl, Harry Menzies, Hoy Princ Hupert pending takinsr of a r,ilrno"r Ar"x- "f,y W''ie Clapp, residence. i'- I. Vance, Jack Halchforif. O. Mr. Hurn attended the school niitli. (Seorge Wall, boanl 'rneetinff lat night and was Single Men -II. Astoria, How- inlr!ucrd In the member by Dr. ar'' r"'zell. ic Menzies. Alex. W. T. Kergin. chairman. HOTEL ARRIVALS Prince Rupert George- G. Higger, Charles Oarrell, l.en H. Hoo, H. Howe Holland, I. C. Hardwell and A. S. McColl. Vancouver; John 11. HurkP, AVInnipetr; J. W. Jacob, son, Spokane; Mr. and Mrs. H. S Hurn, P. Itrycw and G. Victoria; Mr. and Mrs. .Minlli, Seallle; A. K. Wtighl Chicago; Ml Marion Hanna, Smithers; Mis Florence M. Welch, Quebec; Mrs. C. A. Moore. Port Hssinglon; Sieve Glieff, Surf Inlet; II. C. W. Led. Kdmonlon. Jiucneii. .. a. r.aon, .1. Farpu bar, fleorge Shaw, W. Mitchell, jW. I.anlbie, J. Mitchell. J. W. Hamilton and S. HazzetLJone. E iANYOX ELKS WIN POSTPONED GAME ANYOX, Aug. 25.- The F.Iks, by ilereatintr Hie Mine in the I-.aby, j(,f fIP two poniponed games that t l. K. iwere In determine whether the P Hafciiall League sell led the argil. BRIER age amount of hits, error ami the other incidental that male baseball worth wtule U the blearherite. In hit, the honor were een. each team tolallinR five safeties. F-r the FJk. ireen well grot two single, and ((Campbell and Honor. one each, while Draudso'n connected for a twn-bagger. For the Mine, Corkle. Anderson r Ferguon and Iyne sol single, and C. Fer-ein a two-bsgger ;the latter almost getting a ibree-sacker. which wa Folle. by (niMI, who. after a eoationat run reediM ul long lme to 4leep cenfre i.y a briHtant one hand ratrh. Another preat play wa Mealey' hamllinsr of a hard foul ff reenweir bat. mhich he secured after a fat mn in from fbort. Fersnjon. f..r the Mine, tot ix lrjke.CKii. and Draud- 4in. for the Mk. nine. IUe on lraiidon. three; off one. J Sport Chat 1 , , . , , Afler ieeral cimmiIIi dtirinsr rtlnrli no eteat being ila2ed. lcal fan of the manly art will likely be Irratrd-t. another txHit n ltbor Day if arrangeineiii mw being made; following the acceptance, of Peje Loui. elial nge to Alex. Hoy go through. 1 .11 lie eem In h? known about Ibe elf-.lye.l ex-lighlwHStll 'hampion of Autra!la bul Alex, toy ha been making Iki-ings here during the pal year or -o and lm eslablihed a repula-Hon of beiug a hard, hitting and ,durky lilllc boxer. Follower or Jhe ring game will be pleased I.. ine the (iiHiiirlunilriif -eino fiin in action again. Hie baseball talent of the city prelly well dhided between the married and single men of town and Hie firl match of the Ihrer- .fume erie beiween lhee two ra.e ,cheiuled lo be slagnl at ,rroiolis Hill grounds tomorrow afternoon should prove allraclie to fan who for nearly a month tow hate not wen the Senior player in action. The line-ups - published ycienlay. show that 'here rc ome goiwl players for almost all Hie field poitioii and ihere seem to be IHlle'lo choose in speculaliifg upon iulciine. It In u Id be a cloe and jultrest-ing fCt-ie. ;' '' Nine bronzed oarsmen, menu ber nf Hie famou l.eaii.lrr Ilow-ing Club of Knglnnd.t arrived in Mntitreal al week ennnile In Toronlo where they will compele in the eiirlil-oared race lo be first '""'d n 1112 the i. ti. t i Align! 2R and 30 dur-CVuiadian National Kx- Uhile nunc in in Toronto loromo II iininiiiii. ine "Ga Halers" or the "Ilrotlicr!'',''",'','i" r'w ill meet wilh the Hills" would meel the Mine in the best oarsmen of United Slate pox i seann series for possession .anu uanada. Those Inwled (o or the silverware which goes wilh Hie championship nf the Anyox i-oiiipi-ir .igauui i.ennler are: Argonauts of Toronlo; Dons of Toronto and Die Uridine rtonl weiibiai ' rivstrii nn.i ii.a rt .. .n ... m fis. ..r ill -i. , .iimi wi.T iu.-i. vnnw in un i,i i-iiiianejpiiia. I nee H"berton and M. A. Series hJ been set for Tuesday, crew eompeieii , the rcenl re-hrailz, city; II. Flewin, Port A.igut 28. Thl last game be-;gallnal the Canadian Henley as Minpson. . . j tlwren Hie I!k and Ibe Mine was'well a in Hie NnGounl lieiiiv. ,dverlle in he 'Dailv News. a goon one irom me spectators at Ilnllimnre and they will no slamlpoint, there being I ln aver-'doubt furnish an inleresling II mw 1 1 Mni P"" - " ' -. j - - - - - - - - - . 1 Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PEK WORD IN ADVANCE. No AdmtlMnMt T-k.n fur L... thn conieiiion. WARTY. B WANTED. Men and women to learn barbering. Paid wbile learning and tools free. Write - for catalogue. Moler Harber College, Vancouver, H.C WANTKIl lo hear from owner having farm or inipr-d lainl for ale. Jdin J. Illack. Chtl peja Fall. Wfcotfin. !I)Y IlOflKKKKI'Kn will lake et of bMk lo keep at nighL Term .moderate. Apply IUu III. Daily Nt. . if WANTF.D. Girl with knowledge of txHkkeeping. Apply in own handwriting to liox 1 10, Daily News Office. WANTFJt TO HUY. Three or four roomed house. Apply llox I3tf Daily News Ofllce. 201 Gini. WA.NTKD for ice-cream parlor. YL K Con feet ipnery. FOR SALE FOM SAI.K launch -.Nadine." M ft I fl. Cabin milter. HolTar built. Findhope I b p. I cycle. First class condition. Complete with dinghy, storage battery and full equipment, f imio. (!. Itorle. phifflc 387 or lleilSI3. tM FOH SAl.IrL New hull. 10 feet by 61 feel. Seine boat model. Cofl'trtirled of first class material. Itargain. Addres. T. F. Johnson. P.O. llox 118. Ketchikan, Alkn. , FOH SAI.K. I hate for sale rcv- eral boats giMMl for pleasure and work at exceptional bargain. They must be ,ohl. Ap-ply X. M. McLean. tUw Hay. FOJt SAI.Kw Linoleum rug, elrcJ trie Singer sewing machine, baby carriage, eleclrie grill, wringer. Apply George lvlck 711 Second Atenue. FOIt SAI.K. Two cows. In calf Apply Wm. Sims, Jap Inlet. Pprrhcr Island, H.C. JOl FOIt SAI.F.. Lots 19 ami 20. Seal Core' Cirrle. Apply Alex. Smith. Mervflle. U.G. Hrilin ha sel out lo win the Olympiad it! Paris next year and, if the trick is not pulled off, it will not be the fault of the Hug. Illi public in general which i giving il money u eud a crack learn lo the game. II ha been generally ndmllled. Hurl Kngland has lol much of her athletic supremacy during the last decade and lo gain I his a leading Loudon newspaper ha started a campaign for 920O.O0O. ii . . . . . i on um esiimaieii as necesary to gel Ingclhcr a learn mid send it lo Paris. Great response has been giteu the appeal and I lw learn will be formed al once with nclive training soon following. The firsl recruit Is Jlarrdd Abrahams, Hie Cambridge captain nnd lnr alhlele, who has signed a contract lo appear nl Hie Olympiad. The exerulhe of the prince Rupert I'oolball Association itc-cided last nlglil thai the Inst 2? miniile of last Thursday niahl Gilhuly Cup game between Hie Sons nf Kngland mid (Irollo which was not played on nccoinij of darkness will be played nexi Tuesday i-venlng-starllng al 0.15, There will be no admission charged. Willi llils period or Hie game lo go, be flivillo had a lead of 1 lb nil. ' for RCsrr STK.M Heated FlaT for rent Ilesner apartments. M M.I Stephens. FOR nr.NT Housekeeping n.m I0 Sixth Aenu Kat. phone Hlue 217. tf M0DKH.N four rm flat for rent. WrtenhHver liros, tf mm ROOM JkHO BOARD PALM Kit HOfSH lOH Seventh Aenne Wet. Phone Itetl lli. Furnished suite. For the East- OARO. HOARD. The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. If TAXI Tail 67 Phone, 'Call George cr iJusl) Ross Brothers. Ilel Serlce m the City. Anywhere. Anytime. Day or Xlghl Stand: Boston QHII Third Avsnus HOLIDAY RESORTS MASSETT. QUEEN'S HOTEL The Ideal Holiday. Resort. For tonus apply proprieire Mrs. J. c H Dunn. AUCTION nULZi. fuiduiried in your home or our room. Good alio dd uv cummUkion. H. H. HEMMiriQS, Auctioneer, Third Avenue (Dei.ny Allen's Old Store) Monday. Wednesdays and Friday, close at S.30 p.m. From the East Moi.dayn, Thursday and Sal-unlay, 4:30 p.m. I ft I hull nity ,t . btir hj Mi lMk f0 Ii HC i mm krr dui tu i, Orf ftitfl,ut T) ro l i. Ml pry liwk rsrWf tltnr. It... 1em f i i TlSllO tMMM l0 "TtUr tm PwrrK,-. ittm. MM U Ik m tSftf MMSX . II II ! t j( v oTei NOTICE tf Het' i ttl u. flsfl Lr tup . t- . i ittsM u Itfl. ttbniHi ill' U t 11. tHK I' t-. brMarr , ()r fr '& ) - l at rrtHlm ; r iwl llM WStMM - ' I ?rW n M H "l - 2r jel Mweto t -a IHflHier. MS pm. H t Tl tt CRjr I - far Mt sW n. . M eMirimSit 1 i' ' Clrtlirtl h) H i. ' I X -mm kH tIMi SO IMHMr : O"- k,Vr uWiiwi i i i re I Ht tt Mkrl a: -V 5 ti for brrlaf m wi ' n r ir Ihe r- ,r rtr f " Pn4int II nopWt. r1 ' - i 'trrtltnn w th en nym - Phftn. k I a L n NIMI rj uUMnl tit If.I "t Mil r " " - - - n i - iie-ierrs sj iui sti trm " w CHIROPRACTOR R. D. TASSIE, D.O. Chiropractor 3rd Avenue. Prince Hubert. H.C. Hours: 10 lo 12 s to 1:7 lo 8. Phone Hlue n;r, . Resilience. Greit I3A. MAIL SCHEDULE From Vancouver-' Holidays ...... .. Monday Wednesday Friday Fridays ... ". C.P.R. August 3, rt, and 27. To Vancouver-Monday 0 P.M. Tuesday. Mail close n I P.M. Thursday ... 10 P.M. Saturday A.M. Saturday .......i.....in P.M. C.p.ll. August R, II, IH. 2 and 20. To Anyoi, Alice Arm Wednesday From Anyos, Alice .Arm ...P. M. .. .3 P.M Thursday h To Port Simpson, Alice Anyox and Arrandsle. Sunday 7 From Port Simpson, Alice Anyos and Arrandsle Tuesday To Stewart and Premie 9 P.M. p.m. Arm P.M. Arm ......., A rriddy .... y iiitiiay 1 .. ., . 7 p,u From Stewart vand. Premier fialurdnyi . UiiX.... h P.M, iiiesuay 1 j( To Alaska Points Augiisl 3. n. 13, 17, 21 and 27. From Alaska Points August 8. Ilivf-fi . a iin.i on MM ttfUm tr m U MO t- " P)U1 il lk Cln ' I Ilk lur W 11. I?1 t r siteHe rc in vBtilnr -' tiK f pert triM Ciptiiu Hi N 0 T I C I. IX tilt Kinil '4 r Of sim .f Pn.ll' ' Tni Sf Loll li Mir-n it), both in 11). SttbdltUfcA ef I ' t' lllT-Mlv (14tl,iTll tJfl I i: ll,rrtr- nM ..r Ik K ntilbeUlT tml fotlom jb t stf. : tin M tf ;t tl't 4 lWtinl Dt tilt ntlln U ! Kitldt tr rm'trrd U B "J -1. Im I ,n.r Ih fltltnU' nmnih frwn Aw nrl rubu --M -f. iroiwoi inifit J"J! Ike. lKrt l,wl I ok tuii: "rvvj .XikiHte. Tt onniul I J ; iUImI tie Ifth ,s" Bmtrrd lfUl. .und ior'rr r'M" M B.C. ii r tu i T on . r . ' lis 3 phiiice. Ruriirr iaso diitsict. .w . ..... Tirr police imi iw ";' ; 13,17. J I Wf "r; 2 sTV t- ?Ty ei.r"i"" jyim i Mil '" 'T!t tti north .rnr t U '.ZSu la k noribmriblr dtrrti ' J "'."L lini l rtuiiM noiihfi trn tw i ... . . . ... . .. ,k- h:.r I M I !. Ihe0r " Jjr15 " lent, lo Ih- point of .-.Hnm ' nnttlnlnr 10 rrs m' , iu.t ihi. torn ir of 'y,T..!!ii'a co. ijiaoAiu rising ' A'. Notice In k LAND CT, or iHi.sti t pir lM" Sni. t.in1 Hl.lrift. elB ? .l Coc rut ,,1r,,:,cJl f V' Jtollr th.l W ... . . "Lm.1 min' orniiillun iinnsrr r tnr r on n .i if-ply . mr . r-Tini; ' . I.. .I-..IIumI lan.ll I . . I V ' " .i .1 ...i,ih .k. M Ulm Co, nwnr wuth .um W writ to rhini itcm-e ol 'slmrei thi-nro foikiwin sn."" - ,rf4. ind nmuminf iw ii i niiMn-tnfnl riiiirei rip j.i tuiwi Tth Jnly. W. ii.m.".r"rr,M' Cur.H cMmoTTC "M fPl'ia- Tit ,Vf.llrr ItMl W 0. Mr riiiivfr, B.C.. miner. Inien.l 1 ""1 t Urn Minliier t Uwt ,'or. i kH"" mi o(r tml uniler th folloln IiikI. klliwlrd 011 SkldfMl' "" D UUlld, P.O.! Ciiliiliwiirins l., s. To Queen Charlotte Island sm.i. .ltlSZ August H and 22. 6 30 P M ,0 fh,,lr" ,m' 11 From Queen Ch.rloiu' s.i..iLh:."'' m!!irb4ln' ' AUBIlsl fl tn.l on W. 0, Ditea ;ui) 11. t.