Ituriay, August 26, 1923. evervou when when cvt open the TRY IT tin. the Kodak Catch the Picture Auto Kodaks, $6.50 up; Brownies, $2 up FINISHING Just note the tone, finish and detail in our prints. There's a dilTerence. We're there in the finish. A trial will convince. Quick service, reasonable prices, satisfaction 8 P E C I A L. Ganong's Assorted Chocolates 65c per lb. These are fresh ihocolalc ami regularly retail at from 80t lu per lb. We are selling them ul this cpecial price if in order to make room for another shipment now on Ihe wny. ORMES LTD. The Rexall Store I. Phones 200, 82 and 134. 3rd Ave. and 6th. 3rd Ave. and 2nd. Wc pay pes' age on all mail orJers. lis COAST STEAMSHIPS - SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. 8.S. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points, Monday, Thursday, Saturday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART FRIDAY, 10 p.m. SS. PRINCE ALBERT or PRINCE JOHN. for Port Slmpion n Slewart Mender, S p.m. Vnconr tla Qvtn Charlotte Ul.ndt Wednesday S p.m. Saeena tler Porlt Sunder a.m. PASSENGER TftAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. I"v II , (Hi i p in fi.r rill.M-.E liKtiliOK. M)MO.TO., WIT MIT.v III 'ill r.aoli'rn Ii4(l4, 1 IHW-il Sllr AOCNCV ALL OCEAN STtAMIHIP LINCS. Cllr Tlttet Offlc. S2S Third Art, Prince Rupert. Phene 260. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from PrinceRupert .8.8PRINCESS LOUISE, S.S. PRINCESS ALICE. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, August 1, 8, 11, 18, 22, 29. Fortfttchlkan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, d August 3, 6, 13, 17, 24, 27. , $ S.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For'Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean cFalls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Van-couver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. hill information from W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. "Illnn From r-rinrr tiuprrt. for VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Ocean r.Mi, and (wanton Bay, Tueedar, S P.M. For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Al.rt Bay, and Swaneon Bar, Saturday Noon. For ANVOX, ALICE ARM, STEWART, Walta laland, Sunday S P.M. For PORT SIMPSON and Nail Hirer Cannarl.a, Friday A.M. J ml (Arnni, Darnalay, Agent. I'rlnro llupert. B.C FRESH mm I a W I .V - ri rl r III IWI'I H 1 1 M M J NOAIR Am A TO ' 7T " I onlytfx rich coffee flavor peculiar Yo NABOB I ' J 1 1 I J J l i i i i p v NABOB JpW CUUM PACKED - Local and Personal H.C. Undertakers. Hayuers, Undei takers. 351. I'hone 41. Pboue tf Jlrolhcr Hills! Miss May lleid for Carnival Oueeu. vv . i. luilon was a passenger for Lakel-e on tasl uighl'g (rain. S. Hatcher relumed by the Prince Hiiperl yesterday after noon from a tri south, ' Save MonI Huy our-Nanaimo- Wcltington Nut Coal at (13.50 a ton. Albert Si McCallery. Ltd. tl Mr. and Mr. V. L. .Stamford of Digby Island returned yestet day afternoon from a holiday lriii south. Miss Hetty Harrow, who has been holidaying In the south returned to the city on the Prince Hubert yesterday after noon. Whist Urive and a o'clock I ranee, Melropole Hall, W'ednes ilay, August x'J. Moose ami Fishermen. Indies 50e, geirtle- tnen l.00 201 Mrs. U. A. MacKe.nzie, wife of Ihe well known Mewart mine tjierator, was a paisenger going norlh on the Priiwe. Hupert yes lerilay iiflernooM. , Mrs. McCluntz of llilmoiilon who has been visilinc in Ihe city with Mrs. X. II. Walton, Pacifie Place. i leaving on tonight's si earner for 'Vnneouver. - Mrs. I (avid Thomson, aceom (tallied by her daughter, Miss Winnie Thomson, and mother. Mrs. Hay. returned yesterday af lernoon from Vanrotiver where Miey have tieen spending the ias few weeks. The following passengers are Itooked to sail for Ihe south on Hie Princess I tea I rice this after noon: Mr. and .Mrs. I.. 11. JMiiilh f.n Seattle ami Mrs. C. Hurton. Mrs. s. J. Walls and-. Mrs. Moore r.'i- Vancouver. Mr. It. Sutherland nml family air sailing tonight on the Prince Hupert for Vanemiver where they will lake up their residence. Mrs. Solherland lias sold her house and lot on liraham Avenue, Westview, lo Joseph Sigmund. W. II. Ilohiiisoti, ollicial photo- Kitipher for the Canadian .National Hallways, ami V. Hreuuaii, movie photographer, arrived on Ihe train last night from the interior after having stopped olT al various point "shooling" the country. They left on the Prince Hupert for Stewart and exepct lo be back tonight stuiniing over here before proceeding south lo Ocean Falls Monday night. They will lake piclures of Ihe City ami surroundings. C. Fuktikawii, the millionaire Japanese lpinlieriiian who visited Ihe (jueen C.harliMte Islands re- cenlly, sailed for Japan from Vancouver on Ihe F.inpress of Canada on Thursday! He look with him sections of a large pruee tree fnon Ibe Queen Chariot le ineasiirins' nine feel ,in diameter and a forty foot totem pole. During his trip he took moving pictures which will be exhibited in Japan. II is Mr. Fu jikawa's i u I on t ion In promote a forestry inspection parly in Japan lo visit Hrilish Columbia next summer. Church Notices j Presbyterian Church Morning worship at It o'clock. iSuhjecl: "Messing through Cursing. F.vening service al 7,.'I0. 'Subject: "Influence." Preacher. Hev. 11. H. tirunt. D.D. Sunday School will not ineel. BEST or QUALITY 3ws HA XDtVAMt IX Alt i:r.91BV CtlADA SAW CO. IIMIUD M. Kf at SI. in J Actra A c. V.ontrral, iit. VltKMIM. I.e. il.J'lbc.K.I. .... TBI DAILY NlWp PASS THRU It. L Urown left on last night's train for bin ranch at Woodcock. : r- (Jet your Inhibition entries in early. 1'ilrins can be bad at the KxhibitlorLolIlce. 201 - Clayton J. Heist, foreman in Ibe Pacific Mills al Ocean Falls. rrive.l from 'that paper town on the Prince Hubert yesterday afternoon and left on the evening train for Toronto where he will spend a holiday. Owen Fisher, manager of the impress Club, returned yesterday afternoon by tlm Prince Hupert from the south. He was called last to Louisville, Kentucky, sev eral weeks ago on account of his mothers' serious illness. II. Van Surdarr, manager of the famous Coronda Heach Hotel in California, was a passenger ar riving from the south on the Prince Hupert yesterday after noon, lie took Hie evening train out bound for the Eastern Slates. The Xecliako Farmers' Insti tute, through its secretary, I). V Donald of Vanderboof. has noti fied the Fair Olliee that a dis play of grains and grasses is being prepared from that district In be exhibited at the forthcom ing Prince Hupert Inhibition. Mrs. Krnesl Crawford and little son, Oeorge, were passengers from Vancouver " to Slewart on Ibe Prince Hupert yeslerday af lernoon. Mrs. Crawford is go ing norlh lo spend Ihe winter with her husband who is engaged in the transfer business at Slewart. William Hayiior's Cadillac lim oiishie skiibled and went ove the' plank roidway on Hays Cove Circle this morning across Hi street from where Dyer's bus inel with an accident on Thursday night. Nobody was hurl. The car is now lying on its side in Ibe muskeg, O. II. Ouoin, counsel for tin; Atlantic Coast Lines Hallway North Carolina, and Mrs. (iuoiu were passenger ' arriving from Ihe south on Ihe Prince Hupert yesterday afternoon. They are returning Has) after spending vacation in California and went out the evening train. ' ' - V ' Norman McLean,' purser of the sleamer Prince Hupert, receive word by wire on arrival here from the south yesterday (hat bis father had been seriously in jurcd in a logging accident near loco. Details were not given but Mr. McLean was advised lo re turn south as soon as possible. V.. W. Keenleysjde, provincial manager of the North American Life Insurance Co. who has been in the cily for the past few days, will sail tomorrow night on the Cardena for Anyox and Slewarl. Next week he will return lo Van- nun er making a .stop at Ocean Falls on his way down Ihe coast. Mrs. C. L. Youngman and daughter, (Sraham Avenue, re turned lo the city yesterday af ternoon after spending a two months' vacation in the south. Mrs. ,C. It. Lockhart, mother of Mrs. YoUngnian and formerly a resident of Ibis cily, accompanied her daughter here from Portland and will spend some time in the city visiting. i Mr. and Mrs. Minor G. Keith and Mr. nmK'Mr. H Ijj; Pryee.of New o'rk we're paeugi.'ishound for Stewart on Hie Prince Hupert yesterday afternoon, Mr. Keith Is a prominent New York capital, ist and is interested in the American Smelling A Hefining Co. Mr. Pryce is n consulting mining engineer. They will visit the Premier mine. . -William Johnson and Charles Palsy, charged under Ibe Indian Art with intoxication appeared in the cily police court before ,,,. 8P SMOKE OLD CHUN liaseball tomorrow, Acropolis Hill, 2 p.m. Married men vs. ingle. The service al Hie Salvation Army Citadel on Sunday nigh! will Ifv conducted by W. J. Ledlie. Hert Flewin arrived from Port Simpson yesterday afternoon ami is registered at the Hotel Central. (ieorge (i. Itigger, Vancouver jeweler, was an arrival from the soulh on Hie Princess Louise yesterday morning. Mrs. W. K. Haillie and son. who have been visiting here for Ibe past few weeks wilh Mrs. D. McD. Hunter. 6IH Fifth Avenue Hast, arc Teldrning to their home i Vancouver on Ibe Prince Hu pert tonight. I - . . L'uion steamer Venture. Capl. A. Johnstone, was in port from 5 JO to 6.30 last evening bound north to I he, Naas Hiver from Vancouver and way ports. The, vessel fiails for the south this af lernoon. J. II. Mc-Mulliu. superintendent of provincial police, sailed last night for Slewart and will be back in the city this evening. He will return south, to Victoria on Monday night. Inspector T. V. S. Parsons accompanied Mr. Mc-Mulliu to Slewart. Sleps are being taken to have the auditor' report on Hoolh School construction published in Ihe near future. Secretary Vance reported al last night's school board meeting' in answer to a ipiestion by Trustee Casey. Certain unforeseen delays have ac-curred in connection with the matter. - II. M. Wiuslow, until a few mouths ago manager of the H.C. l raltic anil Credit Association at Vernon and prior lo that pro vincial horticulluralist. has be- ctnue sales manager for the Canadian Fish A Cold Storage Co. Mrs. Winslow and family will join Mr. Winslow here in a short time. 4 Out of a list of twenty appli cants, Heginald M. Clark was chosen last night by the school hoard to Hie assistant carpenter Janitor of Hoolh Memorial ehool. Others applying for the .'oh were John Ourvich. Andrew Kuuka, II. Walker, A. C. Cyan. Henllaxler, Hoherl McCarthy. Fred Clark, Y. A. Wrigglesworlh. W. II. Taters.ill, I.. Leclaire. Wal ler Shaw II. F.tlioH. John M. Captain, (ieorge Smith, James A. Itousou, (ieorge Iteale, W. Pill ing. Allan Clilshoiiu, T. syrnyk,' . Clarke and Thomas Carlyle. j Mrs. S. P. Mc.Mocdie, regent of Municipal Chapter. Imperial Or der Daughters of Ihe Kmpire, has requested the school board to arrange some format ceremony to take place in connection wilh the presentation by the Order to the schools of a group of war pie Magistrate McClymonl this morn- lures. The pictures have arrived ing. Johnson was fined I0 ami and will be put up in the halls Patsy was remanded until this of Hoolh Memorial School. The afternoon. Charlie Wing, China' mailer of arranging the formal!-man of Fifth. Street, was charged ties was left, with Dr. Kergin, with supplying Johnson. .W. chairman, and Principal ltrady Palmore appeared for him and and Hutu to take up witlk. Mrs. asked for reihaud until Monday! Mc.Mordie. The opening day of which was given. Hail was al- the fall term or Armistice Day lowed al 200. The, arrests weru.haxc been suggested as suilablo made by Sergeants McClinchy and Bailey and Dominion Constable A. J. Walkinsun. BIRTH Afdaughter was born this morning at Ihe family residence, Fifth Ave. to Mr. and Mrs.'S. J. MeLeod. x occasions. E CZEMA You MO net i p rlmtut-Ing when )tu use Dr. folate's Olnt- rurnt for Krirma, mil Skin lrrlu-tl.m.v It rrllevra At ones ana grudu-JIt hnU Ui. lUn. Nuurla boi Or. ChkM'a OluUuvnt fro. II you mention this and aeud. So. -tamp (orjo-wpo. aoc. ft Kprr it all dealers or Kitmanuw. HU is (. LUultoU. Tor"" TOBACCO V 0 Travel East! SUMMER EXCURSIONS ON SALE DAILY. tJ,11", Union Pacific System The U.P. follows the original western trails covering scenery of the Storied WesL SALT LAKE The Mormon country. DENVER The city a mile high. CHEYENNE The Plains country. THE COLUMBIA RIVER AND HIGH WAY and many other attractive places. Double Track Steel Equipment Good Meals. A TRIP IN COMFORT Have your summer ticket read "U.l" one way. Ask any railroad ticket agent or write. FRANK S. ELLIOTT T., F. & I. A. W. H. OLIN Asst. G.F. & P.A. UNION PACIFIC STATION Seattle, Washington FISHERMEN AND MOOSE ! you have less than three weeks to make your candidate Miss Adeline Henrickson Queen of the Carnival "The Little Fishermaiden" GET BEHIND AND BOOST ! Special Teapot Sale We have been fortunate in securing an assorted crate of Old English Teapots which we have priced exceptionally low. There are several styles and sizes to choose from. Prices run from 00c to $1.50. They are now on display in our window. KA1EN HARDWARE CO. P.O. Box 1646. 608 Third Ave. Tel. 8. Prince Rupert CIGAR STORE The Service Store." WE CASH CHEQUES. Agents For: N. and S. ENGINES Terms Arranged To Suit Purchasers. , Phone Blue 91. . . r'i.v: 4 4 J it , ..AIT '"-'!' "!Hl Jiitet ntau l V . ; .1 n tl . ,. ,1 not . - ' l H i r I tin ji. Yf . ..! ' 0 1