mnn J4Grt WEAR Summer COAL ' Oreal satisfaction? Repeat , orders being fill! every day for Nanaimo-Wellington Nut Coal Oulck Pre! Lasts finger: Cost sain as other XmI Phone 118 or 564. Albert & McCaftery LIMITED We are Agents. Fur Wool Cashmere Hose A shipment of Ihe latest styles in colorings and ribs just in. Priced from $1.50 to $2.25 Alto Boy' Cashmere Sweaters, from $1.50 Jaeger Pure Wool Underwear, from $4.50 a garment. Jaeger Pure Wool Bloomers, from $4.50. H. S. Wallace Co. Ltd. We carry Pictorial Hevjew and Home Journal Patterns. Phone 9. Mali Orders Promptly Executed. We Pay Delivery Charges. Grocery Specials Lilly's lparagus Soup, 2 (ins for 15c American Beauty Ginger " Snaps. Just arrived in small barrels 50c American Beauty Lemon Snaps, per barrel . . . 50c Novelty Package Biscuits for the kiddies. Harnum's Animate. Noah's Ark. Assorted, 3 for 25c Del Monta Catsup .... 35c : 3 iotlI-? for 95c Ring Oscar Sardines, 2 for Adriatic White Figs.' ' The ,h$st cooling fisr we have bad in five years. 15c lb. 7 lbs. for $1.00 Lowney's Cocoa, per lb. 45c Rupert Table Supply Phones 211212. MS.TA1T V PINTIST. Mslgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. lOfflca Hours, 9 to S. Phone 688. r Open Evenings Only For Special Appointments. LOGGERS' CLUB Silualc in llio old Hiiipicss Hotel lluilding. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week or the Month. Steam Healed. Hot and Cold Water. POOL TABLES. First-class Restaurant In connection. James Zarolll - Proprietor. FRESH MILK DAILY From t)ur Government Tested Herd of Guernsey Dairy Gows. BETTER MILK. BETTER SERVICE. STANDARD DAIRY - Phone Black 61. CANCCLLariON Of MIUVL hunu is huiibt cud. tnit a to- tloo of tbe kaien bland ftriene tunejed J Lot i3i. fuaz s. CMil DUtrtct. U caoeelled. C. K .VUlEX. DeputX Minister itt UaOi. Lands Department. VtetorU. B.C. Ui Jolr. It J. CANCCLUITtOM OF RESERVE. i NOTICE Is HEREBY GIVES t&al toe re-ere eil(ir er 11 la art, ronaerW new under TUuber Licence. Ao. II Ma r U cancelled. o. k .hsde. Deputy MlnJiler of Lxa-li Land Department, Victoria B.C. JJth latj. liJ. LA MO ACT. 10l ef UtttntkMt to Apple t Prcfca Land. In ,'tmii Land titrlrt, herneilinr of Prince Hspert. awl actuate about IV, mite aoutnweat of Minn mi C.v , Rail ay and conuUMDr all of btrlU Iland. I Take satire Uul rrank r. BsrdelL of Vaneuurer. B (! unimiiia lnmKraun jmvwu vi appir rur pernilaaioa to pur- eliaae l be rcilWwlnr ocrU)el landi: Cm- tneneinr at a pul planted on mrt aide or laiaixl at rwi or CXJV. embank meat, tnenre rol)o'tnf toe tbore line or Hid lland to point or erjauueneefnent. and inrludinr all or ld Devils Mind me and eteepi the Want or War oT Mid CT luuwar, ana coatainior tit acre, murt or aesa. TK.VtK r. BL'RDETT. Same or Applicant, Atrnt for rraak r. Burden, Jar C Wlliw.t, Herbert G. Rota. luted al Halrst. Aof. tlttu tM. NOTICE. 1 THE HATTER or aa application tor line iue or a rren Certirieate or Tllle lor Lot im is,, BKxct el rlil l), Tomn or i ur i tiDrt"0. Nap J7, Satliraetorr prnor oT tn kf I or t Certirieate or Title roterlnr Ibe abie land narinr teeo rnrnltnrd me. It la uj In-untlon l luue, arter toe eiptralkm of one ni-nlh rmra I be rirt pvbliratloo here-or, a rreh Certirieate oT Tllle to the aald land In the name or Y. Tamaiakl. mhlch Certineale la dated ibe tltb October, l0i, and la numbered II7;C i Land Kenlrr orriee, Prlnte Kupert, 'B.C, tJrd JbI, H. F. MACLEOD, KeMMrar or Tllle4. SUITS Made lo individual measure from various fabrics for y hi lu cli(te front, in all tbo very lalrnt color and materials. Kvery suit made exactly o your meauie. Guaranteed To FIL Gome in today and we will ehow you our new fabrics. Prices Are Moderate. DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING BY STEAM. Venice Might. LING The Tailor Second Ave. Phone 64S. Ojp. l'ot Office Corner. Open for Business IN THE NEW STAND. Next to St. Regis Cafe. Men's Fino Shoes from $4.50 Men's Working Hliocs from $5.00. Canvas Shoes for Men, Hoys and Children, from $1.36 The Best Rubber Boot In Canada. GEO. HILL The Shoeman. Third Ave. Next SU riegls Cafe. Phono 44. 1 Tk Mu n'tte will SYS J I'HINCK Huprri will oun be hitting on all clitilfrs according to opular ouImJc opinion. NOW the C.P.R. i not goinp to lake over the iMi.K. we ran all argue over the- matter without heat. lll,.-v-'l. waIlt Wransell Inland. I05ihly Hie Soviet wi.he a place lo plant Leuine when he die next time, !o a tote ?ure he won t ronie to life again. A P PAH EN TLY the uiemhers of the Convention of H.C. Municipalities, are not Ieer drinker - Thev uon't like rlub. Mora! naion i more in their line. JOHN came back pleaed with hi trip to Ottawa. They uml have entertained hint on a farm al the capital. Or po!rtdy they lei him down omebsdy in a verbal battle. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert Mr. Irk, otlicial photographer for the Grand Trunk Pacific llailway, arrived in the rity la night after . pending two tue irtjerior. He wa? panied by Mr. Cork. CONTRACTORS. DANGE At the Auditorium Every Wednesday and Saturday Evening From tt till 12 o'clock. Easson's Orchestra. Admission, Gentlemen SOc; Ladies 25c. Come and dance your or-ruwH away, and remember your miseries no more. L. J, MA Ml KM, Proprietor. Plione It lack 9. Dr.F.P.Kenny DENTIST Helgerson Block. Phone 109 For Appointment. f,0. Box 953, Prince Rupert. t inontht aero itu Mr. Shaw o, VaHCurr. the finl survivor of the Stale of California wreek lo reach herr. aive- a ivi.l account of the di. irr ai nanmier llay. lie ar' rived from the north on Ihe ritu-e-c Suuliia. NOTICE TO Sll Hlfhwai BrMff Otte Skaana altar at Ttrrnt, B.C, Prlnc Runaet Olatrlct. upaeateactvr. Sealed Tender! innerikmtiMt "TrnArr fur I miff Bndae unrr.Iiurliir mill be reeelred by the Honourable Ibe Nintiter rtLllr Worn roe tne Pntttnrr of Brlllih Columbia at Ibe Parliament Build- Idi. Virvru. B. . up to tmelte o"rl"rk fain, aundard lime. a tfaturdar, the ririt dT or Sepirmber. Il. rdr the manarar-lure. erettkm and palnUor or Ibe super-irurture r a Hlrbnar Brldre oer tbe keeta Hlter al Terrace. B.C. aa rolluwa. .: riana, rTlfratinu. rootraet and rortn tender nui be teen on and after the Uetittetb day t Auut, I1J, at the epartuient or I'ubtie Work. Piinre nu-pert; Victoria and Vaueouter. or Ibe above mar V- obtalnwl Uh application to Ibe MeniriM-nt or Public Worka. Vlrlorli. on fnd after the above mentioned date UDun liaytnent or rifleen dollan, btrn amouut 111 be rrfuuded when tbe Mani are re. turned In rood order. urn lender ruutl be aecoaiDanled br an accepted rbrque on a r bartered bank of Canada otade payable lo trie Honourable Kj Mlnlater of Public Worka ror the turn or ten thoutand dollara (110.000.001 bleb tball be forfeited tr Ibe tenderer derllne v enter Into contract ben called Um to do , or If be fall to coniplrte Ihe work contracted for. The clieouea f.f unaucfraaful bidden will be returned to i win upon eiecutiou or the cont'vt. Tenners tuuat lie nude out on Ibe form auppiiea and aimed witn tbe actual il( uature of tbe tenderer. Tlie lowed or any tender not nereiiaiilr P. PHIUP, Public Work Eiirttieer. Tbe Ieparttiieiit of publle Worka, Parliament Bulldltifi, Victoria. B.C. , Auruat it. i George V alley aiul party of! conipaHKu. have returned fr-m! week' camping trip. They utulere-liiiutMl their grub upplyi and went .three day? with nolti- mif iu rai oeiore me ooat on which I hey made the trip arrived o take llieni home. TV! DAILY HIW8 in r 44-, I 7$ I They Called Him An "Old Pill" THAT was years ago when he packed a trrriSe grouch, a 'mighty irritable ttomach and a lirer that refused to do the thiagt that aS good lirer should. No lrooder his fnenda called bin an "old p3T aad stayed away. .Bat that u years ago-long before he discorered Beecham's PCU aad leaned that two at bed-tioe caa brie; soashine into a man's life. Today, be' aa optimist, a hero to hi wife, and a uaooch beberer m Beecham's PiUs. The cheer that Beecham's PilH brin into a man's disposition, b the mcomparabte cheer of sound digestion, actrre lnrrr. aad the regular habits that taaka good health. At AD Druggists SPRUCE WAS BULK OF TIMBER FOR PULP IN STATES LAST SEASON WASHINGTON. Aug 2. -Department of r'mnTfe announce that the total 'ntumption of pulp woo.) was 5,5 48.812 cord by 2tl IllJr. again-t 1.537.17V cord by 25 null? in tUM. Con umption of wool in i'Ji! in erea 2I.H per eul compared with the previotr jear but de-creaiel y.2 jier cent com pa rex I with l'J20, which year wu the nio-l active en reeord in the in- dutr'- : Mon? than 5i jer eent of the wood coiiuiiie.l in u vsa pruce. Hemlock and yellow pine were neit in iinporlaure. iMipply- itiff 10.1 per,1!!! ami 6.7 per cent respectively. Production on woimI pulp wan 3,51.011 ?hoi ton in lOJScom-pare.1 with 2,875,60! Ion? in 1921. Of Ihe lolal in i22. 1.183.787 ton? were produced by the mechanical prtK-ci.?, 1.3,71.31V toii by Ihe ulphile pncr?. 1111,857 Ion? by Ihe ?oda proee??, and 2I3.C8I Ion? by Ihe sulphate pro-i ce??. Maine. Wicoiiiiu mid New-York are Ihe leading ilate? in till? Indu-lry. la ,the?e lliree olate? reported 5C.8 per eent of Ihe lota! couumplion of pulp wmd- and 59.7 ner cent of the total production of wood pulp. WIRELESS REPORT S a.m. IUOIIY I.Sia.M) Cloudy, calm: baromclcr, 30.08; temperature, 50; ?ea miiooIIi; 8 p.m. ?poke Saula Ana 05 mile? from Kelrhl- kan nnrlhhound: 8 n.tli. ?nokf leamer Ketchikan olT Hookery l)aud J'ouiid for llecelu; 7 a.m. ?poke ?leamer Oueen left Ketchi kan r.3H a.m. tiorlhlrouud. UKAIl THKK POINT. - Clesr. calm; barometer, lemper- alure, Tn: ea ?mooth. HUI.I, II.MtltOlt. Ml?( rain. lUhl ?oulhwe?t wind; baidineler on. io. lemperaiure, &n; ?ea ?mooi; 8 p.m. ?poke ?leamer AIaka 28: mile? from SeiilUe ?ou(ilouiii; 7:30 p.m. ?poke luz Lome leaving Oiler Pa? foe lhur?lou Harbor; 8 p.m. ?poke ?leamer .leftr?on 337 miles from Seallle northbound. Noon HHiHY ISLAND. Clear, calm; hammerer. 30.0U; leiiiieraluie, 58; ea ?inoolh. , DKAD TIlliK POINT. - Clar, calm, hammeler, 30.18; lemper- uuur, on; ?ea ?mooiii; ii a.m. out Hleainer Prince John oulh- hound. HL'Idi IIAIIHOH. Cloudy, lixlit ouuieai wimi; iMimmeler. 30, 12: temperature, o2; ?ea miiiooIIi Mr. and Mrs. . (icorjrc Morrow and dauKhler. Mi?S Mary Morrow are remainiiKr in Urn cily until .Monday eveniiisf when they will leave by train for Calgnry slop liiuir oir at Hazellon ami Hmillipr en mule. They Intend lo re (urn lo Vancouver via Prince Hupert nfler ,.pciidinf a brie holiday visit In the, Albert n cily. Subscribe for 'the Daily News. PROTESTS AGAINST WORK ON SECOND AYENUE WESTYIEW Aid. Alex. Mackrtuie has post rd the following notice of motion on the rity council notice board to be taken up at Monday nights meeting: "That the motion moved by ld. Stephen! and rroudrd by Aid. Terr' on August 20 and carried to spend the uni of loOO on Second Avenue bctweeu Fourteenth and Seventeenth Street be recoiiMdered and rescinded on the ground? that the expenditure i? a vv.le of public money and the wvrk i? not eceary at the present time." Aid. Mackenzie was not present at the ineelitijr la?t Monday night when Ihi? motion was passed. Work on the piece of street in question started )eterday. C.N.R. BOAT ARRIVALS The ?t-anier Prince Hupert. Capl. It. Iionald. armed ff'in the oulh at 3 o'clock jes-lenlny aflernooii with the follow iiu li?l of paenKer: For Prince Hupert -Mr and Mr. o. II. tiuoin. Mi? Sisurd. -en. It lUrlemaiii Mr. and Mrs. W I.. SUmfonl. Mi? Hell. J Marljk. Mr. liuiiean and child, Mle lilakelfy. Mr?. lierRe . Mor row and Mi? Mary Morrow. Mi? azan. Mi Keilli, Mi Avery. A. Porter Mr. W. lireen. W. W Anderson. S. Itatehnr, J Ann. II :. ScliulU. . Miohimura. I. Su- itiki. J. W. Juroli.en. J. II. llirk. Owii Fiher. J. Scull. F. F. Flemiiur. i:. H linrreii, Mr. and Mr?. I.. J. Moore. Howe Hollitud, lii !Iin. Mi WIworlh. M MiMire. F. PolUnl. S. Pollard. .Mi llelty Harrow'. Mi Swan Mi SiiiHMid. tUaylon J. Jleil. J. H. McLaren. Mi MeFarlaue. i. (i. JoIihoIihi, Mr. Martin, Mis? Martin. H Maker, Mr. and Mr?. Knapelridd, II. Van Surdaii. MrJ C I.. Youtiifiiuti nml daughter.' Mr. C. II. Lockharl. W. S. llay. Mr. and Mr?. F. P. Oreen. Mr?. Morri?ii. Mr?. tu. Mi?? Winnie! Thorii-oit, Mi? II. (HlbcrL Mr and Mr. H. S. llurn. W. Ilab-cock, Mr. I.oh and child Prince liconte ,. Mr?. Hay. Mr?. I. Tliouiiou, Mr. J. It. Ho., Mi Mary llowafl. Mr. Kola, F.. Wmnlley. ti. Itowutree. It. A. Nunu and I.. I. Moore. fjor Slew art Mr. and Mr?. Minor C. Price, Mr. and Mr. II. II. Price, Mr. K. Crawfonl and on, Mr. and Mr?. W. Day, Mr?, (lowland. Mr?. Whle. Mr. and Mr. T. U. Miller. lr. K. A. Sum mer, Mr. C A. MaeKeutie, J Arenau, II. Foeler, C. l'oter and Mr. and Mr?. Oat. O. II. Clarke, pot ofllce in- peclor who ha Ireen in Ihe cily Hid ill-lrict fur Ihe pat three week?, I? rclurninir ?oulh on Ihe I'rincc Hupert lonisht. CONNECTIONS FOR WHITE STAR SAILINQ Sleahihip of he While Star line will ail froui Montreal during Seplember a follow?: ?.?. "Hefflna" Seplember I ; "MeKan-llc." 8lh; 'Doric. t Slli ; 'Canada," 22ud, Paeiiyer? for lhef hoal should arrature to leave Prince Hupert via Canadian Na- llonal llailway. Auau?l 25, Sep lember I. 8 aiul 15. For rale? and rc?rrvHtiou? rail or wrile Cil- Ticket OIllcc. Canadian Naliunal Hallway?. 8 Third Avenue. Prince Hu- pcrl, H.C. Phone '.'Co, 201 TOO LATE TO CLAllirv WANTKD, Younir lady with knowledge of bookkeeping. Apply Hox 1 12, Daily News. 203 r BssBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB TlifUt(leDulierlw Cotiparrd with ordinary sited pitia) WHV DO WITHOUT YOUR REGULAR PRA0TI0E? You can have this little favorite rlxht In your own rnnm at less, than 23o a day. Walker's Music Store Lid. Phone 376 The House Bifurd rw l noncJj COURTESY 9 The Store's Constant Policy In the minor a? well as Ihe maji .r service, and cmirle?) to the customer , , 11 U..V. n.,.l ..II ii...... II. i w .......1.1 . .- . tuna au iiiHia n v.j'ti m oi mijj. t iirK you In rcHirl lu the iiiunaKemeul ,u,v rule iliti? helpitifr u? to nltaiu men t-oiiotnnt aim i to tniitol .flu ihUiin . ; phcre here, one thai each day grows ni feci sure Hint you will find "oilV store u j . which to shop. 0 IS- i nil 1 UNIVERSAL TRADING CO ' Outfitters to the Whole Family. 8stlfaclloii or Money Back. We Prepay Mail w rromp' ue ;vcr ti mi arv j IbssHbsHbbssHLssHH - i WESTHOLME THEAHl Tonight Only, Saturday, 7 and 9 WILLIAM FOX presents 'Monte Cristo' Adapted from the world renowned immortal story by Alex andre Dumas. A magnificent spectacular production which all the incidents of this celebrated novel art faHWdj portrayed on the screen; Stupendous, Senasuontl, Du&f Love, Hate, Revenge, Dare-Devil Thrills, Brilliant SW Play. Enormoui cait includes JOHN GILBERT, ESTEJi TAYLOR, VIRGINIA FAIRE and ROBERT Md3f FOX NEWS GAZETTE Ad minion, SOc ul& DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7, 8. 9 Smith BIocl Office I lours. 9 to u Phone 575 Lady Anil 10000(g) Ttin brewing of sool heer rlamands th utmoat In srientiric up lo . lata mm W MM plant unit perfort annltllon-"C M Ml ml cjido" lleer Is the product of D. C'l WAaT 4V W Million Dollar Ilrewerr. . Onler (inlay fmxti unj CorrninHiil vl . Mqnor More. Hflr 4V mm sssv vANcomrn m imiiwf.mcs Mm Mr Thii advertlrement Ii not publlilicd. or dlpijrcd by U ,() Control Hoard or by the Government oi DiilUli Co!"'"1'"1