irxt Mtirlrl IvrtHrt, IER SALE X62S7. lit. IU U r-ifd by t ER SALE X 6343 t. . . ..... ! ... I ir . if. vr VJ 1UP .ml lip ER SALE X 5419. Mr j m 'll I r-..rd by It. j kulrr nil lai: itiao iia'oiij I til 'Krleliijr mil. rr lti -nrr X II ntr Mftwa tl. , l III Ut -T II, rt 19a.. up ..nlrk and Irar wilt .b al;. .-d tor rr- lllr ;lara of th r a In.- " B IR SALE X534S. wr rot.. NOTICE lrr i Ix M-r:d by lli i iui.i.! r,iiu. hip .vunirai lli;lr lardr an. I wnr.lri.i.n. i ilnrifie' II. a !.. f) in II b llorl for rf Til WPBlllPr lut I.PPH Kol mi 111.- iiirt or tii rf.i,,"T " "I'on. I li if Pittriii lorlrr, I W' " i t,ni. ii. - ... CONTRACTORS. Subitructtira. nadian National Railways Prince Rupert RYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ten Floating Dry Dock lieara, Maohlnltta, Bollarmakara, Blaokamltha, PatUm I makara, Founder, Woodworkara, Ete. lectrjc and Acetylene Welding. Our plant la equipped to Kindle all kinds of rlarine and Commercial Work PHONES 43 AND MS lockleys plani"g Mills I" now Hole Autil for the lumber output of the, Royal Mills, Hanall, B.C. EN8ION LUMBER. SPRUCE AND CEDAR SHIPLAP. Spruce Planking and Cdar for Foundation Work. GET OUR PRICES IT .WILL PAY YOU. . . . Phone 383. number of Hie visitors an making for their, .various home pori luring Hie liVil uh.L q..,i ni Hn light arrival nrp iIiip In Hip! return lo Ihe oily for Hie exhlbi-far( ha nonp of Hip large Amer-llinu npl in.inili hill 1 reolfed ty ih ' H f lMirior have bepn pulling ; ml,tr.Sll,,ll,, ,i"rl' lhi' UUin 011 ('"l''- I'il'y Hro, of H.eAmPr. r- xiit, nrr Aorth deep Jfrmitiil ha a tendency I iciui chinnpr ltepuhlip who has "'rrur!!; m-m? r.u" ,n TPtiU while Wn visiting in k'plrhikan dur- "ill m'T'I" "T . .'i ' W,OW" ""'t'" ,hp "WWlif nf hi. Imal, In ' allowed d for for r-1 I IipIt haul quickly at nllipr lln.psTpascd through the city Parly in ttr vl th Oiler ror--,llicy hav lo ulipk arouml for n 1 1 hp u-ppk ' Pft Ni life I.-, ttanlllo !. pimi.pral.p limp hpf.iip Ihpir Iioiup I own. Capl. Hpp U on full PHrirn U fnrlhpniiilnff. ' Iip a vMl In liU family an.l will re-hiifli hoot Mjiui.l Jiavn hrpn har.lllum nurllrln join Hip Iiojh In a at it a unal ami hasp foiimlifpw wppk limp. i it VI ton, nut uirr piPniy nj work In kppo thpnii ( -iTiZZtv- ' -m-c.p.1 mat .in ktiinr and ffrnr Tlra on IHIKlilllf will liipk tin priij.rr. . fli l.n(v , i. . tii- ' ,.1,1.. .1...J I'pIp HoIpih, who jia lippn tin. m-r a uliglil oppralion in lh. (iciipral lloipflal. I roniippy rppiiwrPil an.l N oiipp nfraiii on hi Ihn-p IpsjipiI thrniip lryinf In iliviilp Hi rep inln Iwn for Hip tt .... m .M. .1..- .iiiu.Tj (ou nrar- ift-j.-ii. upi phi in nt .r i in- ii... hp liifntii ii.n.iii f.....i. iiiiaiii'i.ii iiilf Jl Ipruiinali'in a nf ippartiiiPiil. all wplrom fllipruiPii nn.l rannpry iI'pIo hack In Hip walprfront fold. B Ui 1 4th day or Uli.U-r. PHipIOyPPA lUIVP lopiPi finliinp. I tZX iZZZ B.!.Vm:.T"'- "n nnlirPahlP hy H,p I .iOai on an ara ailuab-d influx nf nnlivpn lo Hip rily who &w.iiiMrt!uLl' "'- 'l"' nil n TO Jetaganat Snagged Capt. IMrk Parkin ran inln a Iip.-iji nf Iroulilp npr la-l wi-ck bc; j i i aiiid rr r-. buy appparanrp an. I inriilptilallv iid whrn liipi.n.i xhlii Jp.iKar.p am ilara r Ih rjlr For, j "" kp'il HlP l.lWillP- .n-rlion of ;lu)priomy IliniPil lurlli in lh I B r li.urtn lorir.i. ,,. i n ill iop. TIip Iioiiip Sail l.akp-' liny ilnrinz Siin.lav liap uf Hip MoKquiln fpp han juilil. :ay hat a nifly liyip ramp npr :Iip nlher nilp nf IIjp liarlmr an.l i in Hip Ii. -!' nf Inkin? ovpr tiipre for the wee end In enjoy Hip flip and Hip down Tnni Collni, who aluo e- ppd low pn'ilicamfnt ol lh canlnp, wan Johnny nn fin poJ and wion pnl Inln arliop. ll ii aaid that Tnm uPd to. Hvp in Hip. anip rily ax a slppplpjack. Willi norm iliDiculty hel rlimliPd on In the rnof put liny Hip doi? on Hip ppvalPd roadway, from whirh point if hint,;, pvldpntly rlimliPil. TIip rrup "wawalrhpij hy a lart'P crowd nf lliTihlvh hoot quad an. I iniirh npplaup wa auonli'il lh Iippi -iifion his rpaPhinsT, prra firms. Tin prompt action of Tom ' will pro. liahly mPan lial Hip Admiral Mill havi' a xpprial medal irr(irk in in nonor, ami a-i nur hem ha won a mp.lal in every 'it he hax Iippii in M7. In dale this will he another piere of tnelal lo aM lo Hip ulriillf. Oood Trolling" InrouiiiiK I roll or from Hip W.iIph Inlaml and Slephfn Inland dixtrirlM report an exrellpnt trolling iPa."ion. The Imats havp avprappd toil coIioph a day. Trollpr putting iiilo port this week from IIipxp diHlrifln include Alma II., Capt. 11. Hrewin; hd. tlapt. Streplhori'p; Silver. pray. Oapl. Keith; and l-'irnl I'lace. Capt. (ieti. Plare. Thpy all brought in full carfi,pn of cohoe which werp fold locally. After lak'inp on .uppljp and doin? ovprhau) work tlipy are returning! to Ciinlinup Hip pood work. The power boat Hazel, rerpnl- ly purr lia-i-it y nkipppr: Finlay-Min nt I he J'.lt. Yacht Club Malt", ban been old to N. M. Mclean. A Reataurant Story fVirn on Hip cob i a habit. with hwiipoiip whoe nanip larl Willi A. He'll order a lot. in fact a whole ol, but will kick when Hip time rump In pay. 1 Flah Buclnaaa . ' I'urinjr Hip week 022,600 lb. nf. halilmt ha .eeii uiarkeled Ihroiinh Hip Kih KxcliaiiKe. 'Hip cli-iialP. Acrordmir In Hip net re'.-hit'lie! nrire naid wa "Tfi.2c and iervice npPiilH it ppiiis that 11. 1 1.5c, and the IowpI I' and He waywurd craft wa cpcirely for firxl nnd fpcnnd claH catches janciiorpd on Sunday night on- 'respectively. irMr, ; iioile Hip camp ami. evprjdiip' I he arrival) were: Heliance. iui Nijkai Mt Ota at.a una lurned In without a thniiKht nf Wondrnw. Hula. 'rirdenjold. at Tartaaa, a.c, Priiu nuaort ftiatriti. jany lndinir diatpr. Iioaniiie JiMif. Ill Hill, Harding, White Iie xiirpri-e xht rtii- .r Auni.L i,d t 1 '...k........ .i.i iiinr mere an1 fr f i. -rnr tllll. U. imltMt l ll ll.vir, Ih VmlilM . UIIiip. nl . nit- vv. t.r ruwir Wotka t tt l"rlnr or nf Citti ami hit Star, II. V Fannie F l.ivin?. Kpnpr.i 1 ioiip,- Anna J.. Sadie K., HpxpiIIp, a canii when upmi tlai Spencer. .Norneil. Joe Maker, ac; iim. Hao'r a. tnul o.l.miWa at lb .-atiiamroi li.iU "'Inp wllh the lark, nn .Monday j D.C.F., I'll tt LM it. ,0"- '""" H ,: - P ' a"- iimrniiifr they found Hip boat Valorm Hirdie It., Tom Al., . H. . . 1 .. 1 1 ' -I' I II. 1 1 . .n-i AllomtM ailnmmi r.. for for r r. . ntmtn n,mm. ntfuOnl aiandard l.nij. tliu. '-n on Camrdar. halnrlar th the rirtl r nl . . ...... . . I ............. Uy of hitiuli-r. Itfl. for iba ulirtic. ,mi-IMf. al ieal lliai wa m.Ii.11 Kuerile. M..M. Clirlflnplipr. Allen. 11.7't forrl ,"ru "". Howexer. pila.Nl.ine. OpscpiiI, I'arr nf t runt, Mrtnallona. rcnirart and rormMipon getlilitf tin. rnillf lily HWakeii-'.lack. ItilliflPader, Xuha. Inez II.. ICR SALE X536S. ttlnZKh afrit" u'u titi. at iK ", " "'irln lookintf nbjec! '(ayirenn, Lillian M.. fJielcbcn. E. lwvrliiwni or rubli Worka, I'rtnra nu- wax illcernPl l II roll fill Hie ipip. APilnon, tillxon, KMIiPr. Klliel -lit I- rKHml by iha liy' tVr!'uttit' JtfiriVat'uiioth fcirll' floating nicely up.i.lo down Juiip. Annip .May and Kobe. ,ttt a ,"r'' 'r tifarinrtii or putiir Worka, viriotia. oo in the drink. To try and turn' - d:?nTm: JT.. "'' ! ri-l Celebntlea Fleat V,Vd i0,n.t'r,imVi l" rUn ir -!Knal Fay .V Howiip Pngine plu Kx-.Maynr C. F. Mcllard pal aofii-vtimatvir tA mitoa ruh t,iwi.p mu u irfimninlfd hi ink flywheel nf unknown weight nreidenl nf Hip I'll Ion, nf H.C. .ZXiXltinri' l'ii H'Xr : "'" ;ofnre l,reak-MunicipaliliPS accnmpa.ied ;l,y au lll b lh.d for if- i,lwi Miniir of i-uhiir Worka for ih aunt fast. After a breakfiixl nf delict- acting .Mayor Iheo Cnllart, paid a,, .f it .:h.f rw.. KtJSiJEr V, UM.r..T " llnll- "'l a .M.ursenf el- an unmllcial vNJI In the water- P Dr lHtrtl rortfr. .Ilttv Ia anla Inln NifilriH tthan rmHA ItlllP till it T tP 1 i i I liA hurv il lif fpiinl a at I at fa I n v nwitrnin.r oiul rDt - - irl!,Vr.,rr.?d l,M''"' l '"' ' " infection, of Hie -Mo. CER SALE X t356. unurraful bidttrrt mill t mururd to.wvrtt reiuiilioiied and Hip ipiilo flppl banc. Accnrding In I Iii i..- ....... i.ii. nn.l il.- v.l.,.i..i n. ..uiinr. uaira ira will aiu t rrlrd rrlvro by by w in u in m pi t.niuii. mi . m in-n,r,, i.w nnunti, tli 7th day tnr.a, of 'st.trmlr, nMUi,.Tn?:r.mU.. aH.lid and altnd wllb lb krtual llf dry (ill Hie ""..": hore. . I'uiuning o I'urcliaMi or ticn X naiur of tli rn1rr. ' lJ, , ,., Ai.,,,.f.. n E ariou rctnuclie In II i hnral ft of Odar loia Th biwt or any trndrr not nriarily""d Ii n an ara adjolnlnt Uit ttfl, arrrplrd, , . Ilincllinery and Hip darili darned lint.: Th lrfartmni nf Fublie Worka, pint 'iilara nr llm r.blr "ora. I rarliainent milldinia, la. n.i.;. or tiuirirt ortr, VirKia. B.C. hi; Aurtiat i, iij. wnrL were gnt Hip Hip whnle lurnout. going want uAMTiMr m n?nw Tnn .u'l.lcl. ,.iimIiIp.I Hip iiiii....iiu.I "laalallliw Aw Ullv II I W i campers In reach Hip home port I safely later In the day. TIip; Hip I rouble was that Cap heinif n real deep spa skipppr he wasi FAST SAYS EDITOR WHO IS VISITING IN CITY not familiar with the dry land Wright A. Patteraon of Weatern s.lilorinp and contact wilh rocks. Nawapaper Union Urgas Con-AcconliiiK tn the old skipper ill aarvatlon of Timber Hals mucji easier and safer In come! aourcea lo anchor in the middle of the ,, ... Pacific than il Is on Hie shores' , liffflly with you peo. of the Sail Lake. hay. w-;1 ' tl,al, , '. prow Inn fast," said W ripht A. J'atlersun. editor In chief of the Bill Knight Married Xcws readied Ihe city yestcr- NN "'""! Nvspapcr IJiuon, Chi. day thai W. W. Knighl. familiar- wf'iwh" ;' A- - Kp,n" Hllor of II.p enma orpanUn-countant ly known as 1U.I. formerly ac ",r ""' iUxy m he for Ihe II.n.II, Klsherles Canadian Co. here and now rn f """" ,n . ,. .. ., a d w ill. nmt nue on Ihe boat to-manager of hr Kclcluknu branch Vancouver. "You want was married on .. I a In , , t Kp c ilkan, the name of lie lnlklnp.,0 Mm noopl(, al forlhcon.inp lt.ll has no bemtr VA im thn(k h-vo a ""' iMrll.or Tisl. t ,,oauMfll ri(y ,,ul ,hpy town or a few months and has . nn, )t 11( ay Ulp evidently not been Ml in I he , ol ,im,M1 is l!o Krow Ki'ass grow under his feel The fal enmiKh. The same seems to enure, ucei oner inn mm ins ,... ...,, p,.n in.r nt, bride their best wihes rr lout? uv 0l)v n ftw yonr ,,, nn, you lirp and prosperity. ,n ,,, n sfurU j.-.vpry. IhiiiR points lo the building of n Colllna Beacued Dog i,jR 0y ,,,. lt u oaHOt , Tom Collins, chief engineer on ,,,, , n ,a).( , r,',Si,pr ou Ihe Canadian halibut schooner ,aV(. nm wonderful progress Hherman, made a hero of him- considering your age. All you self before breakfiisl on Sunday iaV(. to do is lo develop your r-iMorning last l.y rciMilng' a dog (kmhcps." fom Ihe roof of Hi" Allin Fish- Speaking further in regard lo eries, Ted llorvik. supeiinlen.l- , m, ,.olmtry, Mr. I'atlersoit tnl of Ihe Allin I'lslieries, bad said Ihe United Slates was'look-huslness ) In do at the fish houe, UK fianada for n supply of early on Sunday morning and newsprint. They did not care upon arrjval noticed a do;r on whelher they got II in th form the roof. While Ted wus map. nf pulp or paper but they must ping out a plan of campulgn us have it and he hoped Canada to how the doir could be sotwould so conserve the timber re- Au ui 23, it.3. TH1 DAILY WWWB VA1M FIT1 Et SALE X 52C0. UI I received tiy llw F.ii I. h4 il VKI"rU, ikiI later i in in nay ui aiuuii. (i na nt I. Irene X al0, Mi k; iim Tt. mi an area , .inalH ' I'lllfl Miulh or i-.adun itlmal luilwar, . Mini DI'lilil. , will 1k alluded lor re .: T I i iitai-3 r iii chief rorM-1 k.c fr Piairiri formrrJ ' ER SALEiX 4725. ra will- l fectd by Hi mill! i Victoria, not uier th tun day or Attaint, ia nf l.lrrniv X 47f I, frel or Hemlock, Spritm, ii mi on part or Lot 76, Alice Ann, (iitlir J-aiiil -j be tlkiMrd fur r- kli Tan of tl. Chirr fores- li. li or linriei rorau-r. IER 1ALE X5417. The lialilMil arrivals lhi week been crowded in capacity wllh ...... ..i..ii.,y hi nrnj, u visiting native craft while their "-"' ny really owner hav been replenishing Of I lit field in IUilH Satisfied Wi I lie manner ill which business hn progressed and in ilmi Blind Man's Buff 7 VEN in this age of enlightenment soms folks spend their money Blindly... They buy with their eyes shut. They grope in the dark as truly as if their eyes were bandaged. And all the time a powerful light is being thrown on the very things they need and want! , Advertising is a beacon to guide you in buying. 1 1 shows you what to buy where to buy and when to buy. At the same time, it protects you against fraud ,and inferiority. Merchants and manufacturers who advertise deliberately focus thousands of' eyes upon their wares. Their values must be honest and their prices right, or they could not advertise successfully. Don't play blind man s buff with the elusive dollar. Spend a few minutes each day running through the advertisements in this paper. Then buy the products that have proved up-in. the light of advertising. Read the Advertisements.: source, that .heywouhi prnvWa CAROLINA LAWYERS .' " " .. .T.. a nermanent Minidy for all time m.iri.1 p. niiLip. ar III 1m, allowed for r ruone wora t.nnnifr. in eil inrmeive! a ueiiyuieu wiiiii:,," . ., . ,, , ... one ii wan true iiuii iii.inj i llin valleys would hi'cnine agri-cutural rnmmUnilies, there w-aa much land that could he lined on- VISITORS YESTERDAY .V party of North Carolina law- vnia vvlio tiDVn linon I tfi val 1 1 nrr Jy for limber and this with care- rou , . , r..l I LnKdini niail.l n tt it all.l did in til ful husbanding could, a atroM WtJNJO-TO for a short lime yesterday and Kurope, provide a constant up- ak(,n out ,)y c oibbons, ply of pulp wood. president' of Ihe Hoard of Trade In order that the railway might ,. s,0wn the Cold Slorage plant make progress and the cjty grow. an,i nihPr sights of the city. The it was Necessary, Mr. Patterson party consisted or Judge Oeorge Kaid. to have return freights and,p,ountree, Judge and Mrs. O. II. this could on.)' be secured by tie-jfiOI1 an,, Mrs onion. Hon. L. veloping the resources. Uf Moore .and family, Hon. It. A. Mr.. Patterson is writing a se- Nunn nnd Miss Mary Wads-ries of articles n Canada based worth. largely on the result of his visit Hefore leaving they called at and he Is already well informed I lie office of Ihe Daily News and on the condition which exist, snbl they wished to express their His artices will be published in deep oppreciation of the courtesy hundreds of pnpr.s in the United shown them here. They said they Stales. would always remember their ' 'visit. They left on the east bound advertise In the Oallv News, train. Stomach Sufferers rwowMOTU TWO Al SMILE After Taking 3& JO-TO tAXINf Tlilt harrolm combination of mineral and vegattbl compounda r will give yotf 'quick, certain relief from, atomach dlatreaa, auch aa 0AJ PAINS, ACID. SOUIt. BUItNIXa STOMACH, BELCIUNO, B LO ATINXJ 'AND ALL AFTEItEATIITO DISCOMFORT. JO-TO Is auiranteod. absolutely harmless, and will not harm the most delicate stomach. As a system cleanser. JO-TO has no equal. Follow directions carefully and you wilt obtain th meat g ratlfylac reaulta. Two Sizes, 50c and $t JO-TO la ronipounded In the laboratory ol the JO-TO Co. of Ca ada limited, located at 45 Hasting "St. Kaat, VancoaTer, B. SOLD AT ALL DRUG STORES I ... 821 i ... .-..-JI Stove WOOD We have just received a car load of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and drv. kifft cut tn nrHr Alao Kindling In taokaj "For PIcea, call HydeTransfer Phona SM. Service and Quality our Motto. St Regis Cafe Prince Rupart'a Uadlng Raitaurant. A Bakaey Unaurpaaaad. Third Avanua. NEW REX Caf On Saoond Ayanua. Thi! best place to eat. Good Service, Nothing but the best. Under New Manag emaM. t. hi r.