If 4 ( PAfJl TWO TBI liAiLl EWR Tueiday October 23 4 'It- .Hi. i 1 If i :i ti i til Every Fragrant Cup of SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month. . , II SALAM GREEN TEA gives supreme gratification. Finer than any Japans. Buy a package today. The Daily News PIUNCB RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily .News, Limited, Third Avenue, H. F. PULLEN. Managing Editor. By mail to all parts of the British Empire aud the United States, iu advance, per year .90.00 To aJl other countries, in advance per year ST.&O TELEPHONE 88 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. DAILY ED I'll U A HielavOcloIr 23. I93. Activities For All Hallows. edueday of ne-t week is the feat of All Hallow, belter known everywhere. ,a llaiinw t?eit. On that evening Iniy's anil girls induigb in nlore or ! innocent pranks. Sometimes they rit bevoiul (he bound- of wb.it i- right -and pnijier and thoiight-Iely destroy properly. . While the jtolice do their duty on Hallow EVu, it i much belter that the yonng people hoobi bs self-coulrolled rather than that the strong arm of the law should have (o take them in ham). To that end a goix! many parent aud other will lake "My Heart WouW Palpitate, I Had Weak Spelk" Mrs. L. Whiting, 202 Kmc St. West, BrockriBe, ObL. writes: . I,'1 took terjr lick with nervet end my stomach, and ted U . .... , , be all run Hnwn Al m. 1 u n . . ,, wouia uuuer ana psipiUte a nrl I wmilrl ...,k . l n ., - ."vii nm i pern m tnc my itomsck that I tlmei thoutht I never W.u. I h dose weaderi and, I want to it to everyone." e( 10SM- would lud sImoit .(iva up hep wkeo a mend sdvueel the vie of Dr. aie'i Nerve Feed. I did not iIab Ufilii t V.J , rr . H.U Uken twtaty.five boxi, for ne rceoawtad DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD SO Cents a hex, ell dealer, or Ednuuuoa, Belee A Co., 14., Teroalo is a MACLEAN MAKES of Many Important Educational Matters NO COUNCIL COMMITTEE Would Like to See National System Throughout all Canada The1 "proposal of Hi Union of British Columbia Muniripalilie Dial llie whole fnl oT education 1m borne by tin provincial gov ernment wa the nin( fantastic ami relrosrade suggestion he hal eer heard made by a body of' I ann ii a ti S I ski t uiliioliini till. I ' "s "oo mi'Mi, .. 1 1. i : . II. . ii.ii ? ft i nicipal council take oxer i.. i . ligion and Hie chools, the Kpeaker declared that lhoe who had known whal condition were in places where a religious mie-linn etied, would know that it was well to leave fundi! ions iu British Columbia as Ihey were. II is a dangerou Ihing to tie stirring up the passions of Ihe people," Jn added. The advanlajres. of the present yslem of central direction with a certain amount of local conlrol. refilling in a tamlardizafinn of curriculum. bonks, etc., was lwelf upon, and Dr. facl,ean wenl on, "I would like In see a national system of education slrelcbing from (lie Atlantic In Ihe Pacific, under which our people would all be brought, up with Ihe same ideals." Best Trained Teachers British Columbia had (he bet trained teachers in Canada, ac cnnling In a Donijnion govern me ii I report, said the minister, ami Ihey were improving all Ihe lime. Dealing willi the charge that the present educational adminis tration system Was costing loo much, lie explained 1 1 1 a I at pre. sen! il nmounled in; British Col-umbia'io only one per cent of the total expendilure. Thin was Ihe lowesl iu Camilla. The adminis tration cost per class room and Ihe 'Inspection -cos! were Jow'er in British Columbia than in Ihe olher three weern province. The col of conducting examinn lion was also lower. The cost of educating a child in British Columbia was 7l.n0 ,a year, while In Saskatchewan il iwa 08, in Manitoba 73,7n, and iin Alberln 8rt,- In Manitoba the population wa much more con Idensed than fn- British finlnm. bfa. Sharing Cost In British Columbia Ihe. pro I vineinl goverpnient cnnlribiled forly per cent of Ihe ncbool col In Alberla it gave fifteen per cent, in Manllnlni j gave fyur. leen per rent, au.l in Kaskalrhe. DAI IPV PI V A D wa"' ,vv,'lM" ,rp r,"t- .Nowhere! rULllil LLIjAK waamim el'"' "' 'nana' w4 Hie provincial! government a generous in thi' regard a in British Columbia,' In Address to Trustees He Speaks declared I lie niiiiMrr. I . I hi I uioii (r H.t:. .Municipall-' ;les, h.t continued, had suggested .wirinus expedient in regard lo 'education cnt. One wa that tin provincial government lMarj 'Mm whole cost. would shirt Control This would dimply menu that . lb provincial aiittmritie would! have o increase their lax bill by' thai amount. If Hi coxernment collected I be tnxe for school piu-poe, wiut would adntiniler them Did nnyone tippne he would hand toil Hie money fur .-cIiimiI hoard in ndminiter ak. public men. ll,, r. J. . Mac-I , r Ma.Laiu ,,, i,u,,n. ',"7 ." ,"" . "I"" money I.. direct the $1.00 a lengthy al.lrcs ilefcn'ileil I be, eifucalional sylen of Ibe ince naiu-l variou crilioiin nn.l iealt with ariou proioaK a-lvauocil in repanl fn il. He at. I - it 1 u.A ..i . . t ii.. It : . l.irMii mi- ill lllf ( Illllll ill mo,l .v i i it : r a,. i. . PRICE OF DISTILLATE spent policy. fOiiiminii rcnooi iriliefs .n. .......i.i ,-;,, ..I...I.. o.ln ' elation at Duncan recently. jra,fna, in, , ar,.na lf. nif iiuiuirr. ill me cmire 01 ,.liii-. i. ... .....1 fi. !loinliu out ulial woubl likely pro-,i.BI. ,.. ;.. ii. . HI,i of nn iin. KcrnpiiioiM smernment sraininx nter. "II is the niol fnnla-llc. miul rl tnirrn.ln anecolinn ever a In ily of nulilic men. n.i jiiiniriiaiiiir in nave nm- ,ii.1.n.Al i,A minister. ,ini.lr llie l lia.l been u?p'lcl thai Hie ciminii in me cuimi irom . ine .,.n i,,...-,,., A.irvirnnl cb.Ml lHanN. .bvlaring that (be an,, Wfp 0, fj numa!I ie nvor.1 of council in be pat wa f srhiMt , WPnl a crnrig argiimeni against oicn a move. Function of Trustees The two iiiv miUlainling function of a school trustee, sabl Dr. StncLean, were those of appointing teacher ami proii. ing school accornuuMtation. While Irjisiee were an Hnlelli- iep io proviue siicn iniiiK'eni aniiienieni-a may se-in piMm iorjn neciul Iraliunx whlcli per-the occasion. Older people will join wilh the youngsters in ol-jmilel thni In know the trnn? .-erving the occasion. If this is done (here will be Utile lempla. nd weak point of teachers, and tion for th voungster"to get beyond conlrol ami do thingswliile I lie Scboul Act gave Ihe- which their parent and all others regret. Everyone appreciates or hoiild appreciate wholesome fun. hveryone jiKes an inuoreijl prank, llie uimcuiiy wim young :ent lty of people, they bad not hoar.l full power to make ap. pointmeiil, il wa wise lo con. Mill the principal in the ca-e of l i . ti.... . . .i i 1 1. I . 1 t . vmiM IritlAA l.n.l u-iin.lr.l ' whether or not Ihey were legally liable in the evejil of the nece. ar accommodation not being! providefl. There wa no liability. provided the hoard had taken advantage of the machinery exist ing lo eeure Hie accommoda tion. He urged that every Iruslee know llie School Act and regnla. U"n. Whal be termed some of Ihe lrong feature of Ihe H.C.. edu cational systenr wa polnled oul by Dr. MarI.ean. He lre.i'( the alue of free ediiralioii in providing a broader field from which lo efcl leaders and a more intelligent body of people to make Ihe, e led Ion. Religion' In Schools Taking up the ipiestion of re on. " They want a council eonpniil-) lee to handle chool affairs," bej explained. l ilon't approve of j I bat." He bad en( two weeksj invelit'aling to eeerlain if Hie) plan was Jn fori'e an"wbere el', tS the world, and lie failed to find; a single cae. In a matter of j tbi sort be did not care lo el a! precdenl. j Record of Councils j What was the record of nwini-j cipal council i nkcd the uvini-ter. His belief wa Ibnl public' ntilitif. be Ihey water work, or, lree car syten. should pay; ihij i iii.it uicj iHiirimi- iin inn rriui- mr ihiiiiiii.u j iinr 2raini jm-iiimiiii me irovinriai ji )fr n year municinali lost- irrnirni in iiih. en i i iiiiiv mill urniminc iuiit-j.. ii - ii. ; I nn- or, illKI in III!" rar 0f )rili-ll Oillinil'j? b.ld bad l the parents to see that this Jiomidary line is clearly marked forjlhe larger centre Hie municipal f-;lnn,ooo throiiph publie ulilili their children so that the coming Hallow Ren may li fuller ofiin.iieclor. i-ri,' . ,..,., . nr ... i . , ... .i 1. 1 . . . . . . "' "- " enjoyment and les siven to detructivenes than any which have preceded. II should be rememliered that no prank i worth wliila in. which one parly loll suffers. Mistaken Idea About, Pulpwood Export. There is a mistaken .idea abroad in reganl lo Ihe export! of pulpwood. While the provincial government has power to refu-e lo .dlow Umber to be exjxirted from its lauds, lb? moment the land 'gels' beyiiiid th'e,VoiitrolVi? the pmwirial government, Ihe luiter has no Vay in re'gtfrd lo what shnll be'done with the proilucl. The matter at om e, according lo Ihe constitution, becomes a Dominion government affair. It is then lo the Dominion we must look to top export of limber lo Ihe ITiiited Slates. All matler- of trade mid commerce are Dominion mat-. -rs. : . .Most Of Ihertinibr in Xortherh British tiilumbia is held pnder lease from Ihe; provincial government but there are a few tracts of cnn7i gmiiled laiid with which Ihe province has nothing to tin. II is from these crown land thai log are exported. It must be remembered that the power of the provinces are cjearly set forth in Ihe Rrilih North America Act and the Dominion Jealously guard jls rights. Appeals are constantly being made to the courts to decide what thoe right are and whal are the right of the provine? under Ihe law. The Dominion government, not being -o vitally affected by 'ocal matters, l apt to, take a broader view of public questions. In this ca-e, however, there has been considerable export of pulp log from eastern Canada and at the lat seion of the legislature Ihe liiiinioion government was given power by parliament lo stop log -xjKirt if it saw fit. So far this power does not eem to have been ued. ir any British Columbia people feel thai the law should be put in force ihey should briiig pressure to bear on the Dominion nulhorities. Already the people interested iu continuing the export business have done Ihi a-iul ar continually doing it . LUlle ha been heard from the other side, however. Iiislead of grumbling al Ihe provincial . government i or oiiieining over wnicu ihey Have tno control, the matter sroniii ne taken up v;th Ihe Dominion. . Wednesday Next Is Fl$h Day. The Inst day of October is set aside as Xali tor ihe purpose of focusing athiilion on one of the great nalurnl resources of the Dominion and to show appreciation of the worn in me men who gather in the harvest nf Ihe e.is. The most practical way in which tuiada cnu ,ow nnpre riniion tor the fishermen i to mak grealer ne of sea producls " uiu jinp io mane iMe caning more remunerative. pj4, splendid food product and bus high niilrilive value. e.; and; a uair millioir dollars in -.inking! fund. Only ten per cent of Ihej - deld of municinalitie wa due loilb ,chool. " hen a loan come to you and say that )ou are spend ing loo much and ending Ihe country lo he bow-wows, show him lhee figure," uzgeted Ihe ieaker. Dr. Macl .can said thai he wa willing that an educational Mir. vey of llie province lie made If I here wa siifficifnl local demand. Oul side of Vancouver and neighborhood, however. there had been little reiuet for! uch a Mirvey. If H wa nimply' a mailer of lock-taking, h would say Dial hi department was continually lock. taking. If Ihe aim was In graft on to Ihe preenl system dhings lill n Ihe epirimenlal stage, he would not agree, no mailer bow many ure might be held, Any survey should be hy Ihe citizen of Britih Odumhia or Cana.la, he added. No Pay For Services After explain'ng the new changes in the BrilNh Columbia systeui. Die rninisler expr'sei appreciation of Ihe work of Hie Ini'lec. He thought that lo pay I hem for I heir nervlce would be lo weaken Ihe boards. TO BE REDUCED HERE City Council Wss Advised Last Night by F. 0. O'Hara, Deputy Minister of Trade and Commerce The city council last night re ceived a letter from F. C. O'Hara, deputy minister of lrnde and commerce, Ottawa, flatlnfc Hint be had been informed that Ihe Imperial Oil Co. was about In reduce illi!!nfe price here In line wilh rediicllon- made in the price of gasoline nl outside point. Ten Years Ago In Prince Ruport Ceorge W. fMennelt. Vlrlorin manager of the Alliance Fishing Co., U in Ihe city making arrangements ror Ihe finhiug of llm company' two schooners, Alliance No. 'I and Alliance. Nn. 2, oul of lhi porl this winter. Heluruing from nlhree month V 1m g game liuiiHng trip to Alaska, John Borden. Chicago niilliainilre and cousin of Premier Borden, Harry feoll, Pan Friineiseo, and ... i.i." . 1 1 1 1 it 1 1 1 CAB) Canadian Rockies Lure Noted Artists 8SB8BBSB88BmB88BBB eBBdlBBlkrife BMBStBsBBBeaiBSatt 1 BBafaBSBBaebBsBeHM I BMeBSBPT-'BVBSBBBKsVBBBn CwefruKuuce I "aBlBBMBBTaMeWBBtPB tfl0wc.cui.il fMNfr 1. I Noted artbu, famous movtnc picture director aad xprt scenic photojrapber, like thousand of touruVv bsve uceumbeU to the lure of the Innumerable beautb of Banff and the Canadian Padfle Kockie. ArtUta in increasing numbers each year prul the summer on the trail in the mountain transferrins the besstir to ranvai. For seventeen year Cart Itunciu. celebrated painter of Ud animal in their native fcaunU. has been s regular vialtor to Banff. Now he live there most of the year and has built hi own buncalow snd studio, In ml Runfiu vvon the J 1.000 Altman prixe, but. being foreign born, va disqualified, whereupon the National Academy of Deign bought the painting for tl.QOO s&d it now bang In the Corcoran Art Gallery, Washington. Bttroort Browne, artUt, author, eaplortr snd conqueror of MU MtKinley, 20,300 feet, live In hi own bungalow, tudio in Banff the year round except when exhibiting in New York. He snd Rur.giua both atudy the mountain goat, theep, deer snd bear in their wilderness home and paint them and their majeitlc scenic background. Richard kl. Klmbrl, landtcape painter, ha (pent two summer la Banff and It painting at Lake U'llara, near city l.vt) on Mr. Borden's yuchl, Aihenturex hound south. The yachl fm In Ihi eo.il from Bntnn ailing around South America and through the Magellan Straits. The Daughter of the Kmpire held nn auction bridge lourua-nifiil la"! nigbl at Ihe home of Mrs. J. D. Weslenbaver, Fifth Avenue Kal, al night. A ron-e i. Iteing nlngeil for Ihe hand, some sterling silver frame donat ed by II. S. Clenienl. M.p. Prosperous advertising mean rssmlar eontlnoous adverlilnv TIMBER SALE X6501. SealmJ Tenter will br rrrHnnl by Ihe Mlnl.ler nf iJrxO, al Vlrlnrts. iw.l Ulr III J II IHMrtl 141 Ow ISIh list l.f Vivrnibrf. IJ. for ltk purrhp 4 Utrnrr X 4141. Iu rut l.iisi.kHa rt t,t llMnkKk sihI I.riire, am! IC.luo luiesl trrl ut !Ur l. mi liu IS IS simI 115. lunte J. uu.l una UUItlfl. Iwu (1 )eir will be allowed for re iiMinal or llmlier. lUMIwr psrllruUrf i.f Ihe Chlet dire ffc victoria, M.:.. r lioirirj yurturr rmwe i:uiri, B.C. TIMBER SALE X SSS7. Tbre will be filtered for Ml al Public Viiriiun. al ix.in n the IMti day ot .i-iairr, less. In Ihe nrrice ( Ihe Knre.i urrlir SI Sinlthers, Urn l.lrrti'n A SI, lo rul SJ.SOO Jsrk-IIM Tien, 141 n arr tiljsreni u Ihe xmlh boundary nl "M. in IV, name . llilll L4lw III. trlet Three J years will te allowed fur re nwral or tluiber, I urtber (urttrultr of Um ruut ires ir, viriona. ttr. ut lntrl-t orftr. i-nnr nuiiri, n.i;. TIMBER SALE X 5449. Saled Tenders will I rerelted br the Mlnller ut Undt, at Victoria, not Uier ..ii i--.n on me i&in najr or Ortober, IStt, for ihe lpurrhae of Licence Xlllt. ".' r"1.,' Jacaplne Ties on an ares Ttll IBs taveeei altl a., .it . r, ? " ' wens si- fjiiMwrn lor n ir liter wi r ur ii ii r ft sir tiiw rhi.f p.Mav TIMBER SALE X 5605, eeaien Tenders will tie received br the oV."." "r U,",' Vlrtorls. ?ml laie o "i!1?.',' ""' Hr f OclilJr. . .... (i.irrn.w in i.irrnr x S AOS IJV.Vi. ,0-."00 """"'k Tie!, mi an area Two III teir. Kill t .ii .... . " u ' ,r inoal of imiber. ! r' ''O. ";.. or llie plMrlrl " ' Fores ter. Prime liuin. B.C. 1 - iii - TIMBER SALE X6590. Minister of Lands, at Vlctorls, iKd -Isier Ul CUI tf.tOO Jirk I'llie ...! Ti..' tpoM.'VuXr: m"' ",n", r- 111 r I tier liarllnil... ... .... ..,.. .. ... per, Vlrlurl i;:;: i . rmre - "ooiM for..: i'" nupn, B.C. .c Lake Louise, end last year W. Langdon Kibn lived i month on the'Stoney Indlarf reservation makinrpuH portralU ot the big chltf. lt'tl papoose, squava tti guide. Leonard M. Davit, who palnU wonderful landscape In Alaska snd tr Canadian Itockle v ,k a palette knife, has joined the Banff srt colony snd expect to make hit winter borne In near-by Calgary. The lure of Canada' Swttterland drew John S!artr Sergeant. R. A., to beautiful lake O'llart. la the heart Of the Great Divide, snd with his easel planted la tU whit snd pink heather of an Alpine meadow 6.6C0 ht above aes level the world renowned, painter devoted t day to painting this exquisite jsde-grren lake ar.4 tie towering mountain in welch It I tupped. Charge W. Simpson, IU C. A..ot Montreal; Oliver Dennett Grow, ot Chicago: Philip R. Goodwin, Edward I'ottbut r.f Albert Groll of New York snd many tkrTiT of not have found Inspiration In this scenic wonderla&d. A for those humbler ertUtt, the tourists with ram.ru, they are to be seen snapshotting everywhere la tU bungalow camps, br the lakeside snd slor.g the trails making beauti.ul pictures which Inspire their tnvista friend to visit Banff and do likewise. Premier Gold Medal Beer The New Wonderful Beer There is only one way to prove (hat PREMIER fMU.B MEDAI." BEER i bent TRY IT. Order from the Government Vendor Today. , This ailvertienienl is not published or diptaril by the Liquor Control Boartl or by the (lovcriiment of Br l h Columbia. DENTISTRY Dr. Jos. Maguire Rooms 7. 8. 9 Smllh Block Office I lours, 9 to V Phone 575 Lady Aasiatant Nanairao. - Wellington COAL DOUBLE SCREENED! LAST8 LONGER I Real Satisfaction Cheapest in Long Run!' NO SHALE OR ROCK I COAL GUARANTEED! PROMPT DELIVERY. Albert & McCaffery, Ltd. Phones 116 and 504. Shocliley S Waning Mills Are now 8o)e Agents for Ihe lumber output of the Royal Mills, Hannll, B.C. DIMENSION LUMBER. SPRUCE AND CEDAR SHIPLAP. 8pruce Planking and Cedar for Foundation Work. GET OUR PRICES IT WILL PAY YOU. Phone 383. '