'Pi' - ' 1 1,1 SLIPPERS - For Hi Parties ami Dance for Ibis time of year we have a full range of Ladies' Slippers In Ki1. Suedes ami Salins af priori fanning from $5.00 up to $10.50. We will be glad In show you Ihese at any limp yon rail. Family SHOE Store "The Homo of Real Shoe." r i BUY A HOME Twenty acre tract, fronting on Fraser Hivcr, one mile from railway station, with 5 room house, barn and chicken house, five acres cultivated and fenced. Two acres slashed. Five acres ith commercial timber. Oood school, etc. This home Can be had for $2,000.00 Oliver Typewriters. Cary Safes. FIRE INSURANCE, Dybhavn & Hanson Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. The Home of Domestic Bread Bread Is your beji food. Eat more of II. Kept by the leading grocers. La Casse Bakery Phone 1M. Third Av. Prince Rupert B.C. Stove WOOD : We have just received i car load of up river wood, guaranteed seasoned and dry. feire cut to order. For Prices, call HydeTransfer Phone B80. Service and Quality our Motto. KING GEORGE CAFE First Class CHOP 8UEY and NOODLES. Furnished Room to Rent. Prices Reasonable Phone Blue 471. Second Ave. REDUCE HIGH COST OF LIVINQ. Eliminate the draught around ypur .window's and use less coal. SEE OUR PATENT WEATHER STRIP For Doors and Window. Glass and Mirrors of all. kinds. T. ROSS WACKAY. Phone Blue 1S6. Til Htm owi BRINGING UP FATHER d.. n SrV.,' Halloween CITY COUNCIL HAS TEMPEST Aid. Stephens Dubs Aid. Munro's Favored Water Connection , Inlnqultous Measure A rrnorl from the Hoard of! Worts recommending I hat a j water connection be granted J. Sherman for his residence on lot 7, block 28, section 5, caused general difference of opinion and! 'a direct rlab between Aid. Munro chairman of the board of works, iiti.l Aid. Stephen, chairman of had aid that II woubi nol be a the finance committee, at last 'paying proportion, tiizht's council meeting. Finally j "In reply, I would like to say it wa decided. to hold'llie rejiorrthal I am not in the habit of over for a week. The city engineer reported 350 feel of half-inch pipe would be required and it would cost lfiu to make the connection. Aid. Munro admilled that Iho conneclion would nol be a paying proposition unless olher pro- perties came in on it. However, : all thee properties had tivn paying their share In general taxation of the cost of installing the waler system. It was hard to get along without waler and Ibe lioue. in question had been supplied from Ibe overflow of the reservoir which was not' any move had been made to have a good. There-was a possibililyilight connection made thai it be that ' jhe connection proposed stayed by the ntilities committee. might e used by others. In re- ply lo a question by Aid. Stephens. Aid. Munro staled llie ( report was. igned..by him and hbd his etiilorsaiion. 'if Mayor Xewton slated lhat thc - Hoard of Work had Ined to oji- lam a ju-.io plan oi payment ie-if,,r Iween the eily and Mr. Sherman bill had failed. Breach of Faith "Then why should the city give in 7 askeq Aid. Mepnens, it. who declared that by making such a connection the door would be opened for great abuses of civic funds. This was only one utility and it might lead lo requests for a sidewalk and telephone and light connections. Hy j making such a connection il 'would lake 8H years for the city llo gel its money back provided the properly paid steadily forlhe ! Utility. II was not a business proposition and woubi constitute a breach of fail li with the pro perty owners with wasle of money. If Jhe eily was to put in all the utilities to the pro pejiy in question il would have a bigger interest in the property lhat Mr. Sherman himself. Aid. Munro pointed out tha Ibe work done this year lo Ibe water system on Fifth Avenue West woqbl lake 8 or In years lj be paid back. Aid. Mackenzie was in favor of giving Ibe service of the utililir lo all properly owners. In reply to Aid. Munro, Aid Slepbens was inclined to ques lion Hie statement lliul the l-iflh Avenue West waler system would take H or 10 years lo repay. In any case it served more than one or two place, wa a trunk line and carried fjre protection. Aid Munro was either insincere in T hTih Ml.!. CATARRH I llM LADDER ra.'iiiiiB Erh Cinral endorsing this report or hp had hail a derided change in spirit for only lwi week ago he Aid. Minim had told him Aid. Stephen Hint lie making of Hie connection would not he rigni. Denies Accusation Aid. Munro replied lhat he had not made such a lalement. Ho making loose statements." staled Aid. Stephens'. "I have been in this eily longer than Aid. Munro and am perhaps known In more people than he is and if it comes to a question between hi ver- aril y and mine I am quite willing that the public should judge." Aid. Mardonald uiggeled lhat the matter b left over a week. Hearing conflicting statements, he for one was not derided which way to vole. The suggestion was adopted anil Ibe mailer was laid over. Aid. Stephens urged that If The Man in the Mood SAYSe-' 'w" mwkhshi m i j.KK say loud clothes peak themselves. j I T'S iliniculi to understand lhat irl down south who say she hot her husband and Is proud of What a curious point of view Mime women have. I'Hi: most important thing about rooking is in be ure ami do everylhfng in good taste. (illtl.S who wjsb In become shimmy dancers should eal gela. line three times a day. - - IF example1 is belter than pre cepl, why not show some of the hens some of thoe fosj eg ix inches long. ADDIXO insull lo injury is for a man lo gnash his false teeth at his dentist when he calls lo collect hi account. - PKOPI.I who attend local en lerlainmenls do not always realize how good Ibey are until they jead the papers next day. 1 III', very latest correspon dence course about to lie advertised in the magazines i one on back lulk for husbands who are still married. - IN these days when everything is going higher il is cousolim; lo know that Hi pre Is no advance in opinions, There is the man's (pillion of his wife, the wife's opinion of Die husband and llm fgeneral opinion of both. BRIER IF the chiiri'hes lake the advice iof .rrhhiiop DuVernel and ar .range, for mtvicc to begin i quarter of an hour earlier than usual, some of the member ofl the ronirrcgalinn will have to get up liefore brcukfust. RESOLUTION FROM HTY OF NANAIMO RECEIVED Asks that Municipalities be Al lowed to Use Share of Motor License Fees for Local Improvements A resolulion submit led by Ibe eily council of Nauaimo reques ing the provincial government to allow municipal council to use their share of motor license fee for the payment of paved slreel col I bus . relieving local im provement taxation did nol re ceive a very favorable reception when it wa dealt with by the Prince Kuperl eily council last night. . II wa referred lo the finance rommillee for report. Aid. Stephen's was Oppoed to the principle involved in the re. solution. Hevenue acquired he thought should ciMilinue In tin lo the general Jund of the municipality a it did at present. To use l in relieving certain local improvement work would be un fair lo the general taxpayers. Those paying local Improvement late, jr.. I the tieneflt of it anyway. Aid. Stephens pointed out lhat the genera! fund of the cilr .already receivcM 50 per rent of 3!lliee fees. s-.-. g Sport Chat j die Prince Rupert Hakelhall Association, at il executive meeting tonight, will likely decide on the mailer of quarter for the playing of the game this winter. F.ntrie are also In be received at ihu meeting so Hie games ought to o under way before long. There i plenly of enthusiasm for Ibe sport this winter and the Association seems promised a good measure of patronage ut (BeHinnds of the public. II will need il, too, for quarter will have- lo be paid for. Kven us year there was no urplus to speak-of. . 'The game of Hadmiulon pro mise o be successfully Intro diteed in I he city this winter. Tliose responsible for Ibe organ izalion of a Hub here are very keen and have worked up good deal of enthusiasm in the public generally. Yesterday, some oftbe l.nys in one of the cigar stores were seen racliiiig and when thai oCtMrs" il generally mean inai iiiem.i souieiuiug doing, Not only in Prince Hu pp rl will IJie game be played for clubs have been : started at Siiiithers and llazellon, To Prince (ipnrge Rink Oom pany hopes In keep skating in Hie front of all winter sports llierc llil winier and, with that m , ( Daily News Classified Ads. a CENTS PEK WORD IN ADVANCE. Nu AUrll-r.nt Taken for La M.n BOc WANTED W A.MKI. Men and women learn barbering. Paid while learning and tool free. Write for catalogue. Mler Harber College. Vancouver, li.C. WANTFU I'jidk, man or woman. Apply On I nil Hotel. :ii FOR SALE SKI.I.INn OUT. Commencing to- ",,,cvrylhiMg hi Fur f..r Ihe winter, , ,, a( tt ,kHfc. AnylhinK ln flir ,de , nll). lylt .1.... t ...: . 1 1 . . ; . . . ,w,n "'" of merchandise l the publliFur. a fifty cents mt the dollar. K M. (,nsby. K3 Html Avenue. FR SAI.K. IVo Slazenger bad - ! minion mriiucl. net and fivei. biiltleeock. Price 0. Hally .evvs ollice. 3&I FOR S.U.F. Ourney Oxford Heat er .No. I5J in good rood ll Ion. I'hone (ireen 251 after 0 p.m. FOR RtfcT tTEAM Heated Flat for rent Ueiner apartments. M. V. Stephens. FOIt RKXT Housekeeping room tin Sixth Avenue FhsI. I'hone Illue SIT. tf FOUR ROOMF.Il' FLAT lo Rsflt. Steam henl. Apply South & Mallet I. tf FUR IIF.XT. -Mleen Ikhj-c. five rooms and balh. Apply Monro Ilros. If MODERN four room flat for rent. Westenhnver Bros. tf REPAIRING ANYTHINtl IN CANVAS, phone 780. P. I.eUaire. Cow Hay MISCELLANEOUS. TAXI and Light Delivery.- Phone 23. Lei Tommy do it! AUCTION SALE. AUCTION SAI.F. on Thursday. October 2S, at 2.30 p.m. at No. 4, Summit Apartments, (km. sistfng of Wilton Rug, armchairs, bcd-ciucli. chair. Vic-Inda, rocking horse,. iek. card table, m'., rhilfonier. H m. 111. Mauser ririe, etc. PhijMill. Kvill A Co.. Auctioneers. 25 1 LOST I.(SIV-Whlle rowboal in Prince Rupert Harbor, Saturday last Reward. Pimm (ireeu in. if end in view. Hie outdoor rink, which was started last year, will be enlarged. Hockey nmes be tween Prince tieorge, Oucsnel. Vanderhoof, Smilliers and pos sibly (Ilscome are on the pro gram. The company has elected the following olliccr (his season: President, A. M. Pallcr'son; direr tor, Marhall Sale, J. C geon, Drum Parker. Dr. C. Kwail and Frank Wiliuore. HOTEL ARRIVALS f Prince Rupert J.Milson. Nelson: Mrs. H. Tall. Vancnnver; '. Ringstad. Seallle; l'alllon, II.M.C.S. I'alrician. Central W". King, C.N.R. PRINCE Stliararr nnri a. - " awa e B B Tuesday, October 23 High 0:32 a.m. Itt.l ft. 12:37 pjn. 20.0 - l'w tt:3C a.m. C.o " 1:07 p.m. 4.C " Wednesday, October 24. H's-I' 1:07 a.m. jo.i ft. 13:00 p.m. 20.U Low 7ji)7 a.ni. f,. i:3 p.m. 4,2 " BOAHO. lolhOAHl). The Inlander, 830 Second Avenue. Phnnr 137. tf ROOM AND BOARD P.M. M F.R HOUSF.. too Seventh Avenue West. Phone Ri1 110. rMrillslosil suites DO IT nvvv- NOW " 1 I4III ami view my itisi.lav w uoldbluoih. "onesi Furs. Second Ave TAXI Tail 87 Phone. , (Call Henrg or Oust) Ross Brothers. Ilesl Service in the Cltr. Anywhere. Anytime. Day or Nlghl Stand; Boston Orlll Third Avenue CHIROPRACTOR R. D. TASSIC, D.C. Chiropractor Srd Avenue. Prince Rupert. ll.C. Hour: 10 to 12: 2 to t; 7 to 8. Phone. Illue 625. Residence. Green 1 30. AUCTION SALE Cninturlo.l in ymir Imme or at our riMnio. f- also sold on r.minii..n. H. H. HEM.MIINOS, Auctioneer, Third Avenue (Denny Allen's Old Store 1 Phone Olack 136 and Green 471 EXPERIENCED CORSETIERE Onter taken for Spirrlla Oom Mrs. J. M. Qrahlman Kaien Shoe Store, 711 Kewmd Avenue West. HAIL SCHEDULE For the East- Mondays, Wednesdays and FrL days, closes at 5.30 p.m. From the East Monday, Thursday and Sal-unlays, 1.30 p.m. From Vancouver-Sundays ; . M.' Wednesdays 3 p.m. Fridays A.M. Saturday 3 p.m. C.PJl. Oftloher8 and 19. To Vancouver-Tuesdays. Mail close at I P.M. Thursday 10 P.M. Saturdays A.M. Sundays to P.M. CP U. October 5, 12 ami 23. To Anyox, Alice Arm-Wednesdays 9 P.M. From Anyo. Alios Arm Thursdays 8 p.m. To Port Simpson, Alice Arm Anyoi and Arrandale. Sundays 7 pja. From Port Simpson, Alice Arm Anyox and Arrandale Tuesdays P.M. To Stewart and Premier-Saturdays n ..Mt Sundays 7 i.M' From SUwart and Premier-Sundays g v.a, Tuesdays P.M. To Alaska Points October 8 ami 19. From Alaska Points-October 5. 12 and 23. I To Queen Chsrlotte Island int. uciouer 17 and 31... .5.30 P.M From Queen Charlotte Points October 15 and 2U. To Naas River Polnte and Port t0 pM From Naas River Points Hulurduyg A.al I LAND ACT la Cul UimI Oi.lr.Vl p -inn uf I'nor hut.. , l lUinbrt. Ml . tjj I. .. rjurluii WUimJ. smi sn, . , VvVw'.'jT Re T ''i'V. ',r,,. i . I CutmHWnt II n-.i , .thiirr at CMli liilrl riutmt. nmtrr y w tuumury of TX. ilT1.7Tr jfuOomtor th nut MHith ! bI.""""! ' w . ll it: !!t - trrr. ut or W TIIOMVS rt tid piiil r tith LAND CT Mk f l(l m i, u rrniu In l land finir, i v inrl t man- hh it Uw M4 of tiU In)- ' me V4k tail 1. !. !.r Vaowtrr. If. . ttimitUf MMetra I" lt . to Mfrlit- IW Ml,.irit M lVUrW SI t I- ! , hn f A III lalrl, !- .! i Mty fna 1 tow puai ,t li Sllb till 'tW flariv HwtM: tbtn Meik isr Mhraisf IM fcMi m i Iwinl ut wiwim an ri.t t-. n mr lltOVs A. I tnr .lJ S.IB..f tlUl I : UNO ACT,"' site ! IiUiIIm M U Imm Ui la f.l Un4 Istiih" 1 ; trtrl r rnsr IH'i'' l ll t4 ( AID In... Qrm OutMI Msmt T tM Uktl I. t r 1 nt Vwrf. S. , : -Olntr. it 10 ipt la ! Uw l4kiii( Ik. rwmmwsM l r- -l of Sill Ittlrt i. IMTthrsat of th wmiv..: lK-r f 4 . 1 mat t lr. u if, ' i -tr Vlll 141; ibvMf Mmiar. v twflhrU. and tMMi i " " isr n ?s c TlloHS h. I " tut-l tiwitf tH ! LAND ACT. Nik ( lalMtlM I Aftlf U Imm Is I leM tsi4 OntrKL P -rr.yt t -irui si rriiMV hft tad a Caputnt Cutr. rill UUist. ' S T(k Sour Hut VV itttta.. at trst rtAitrr. rr4 liuq rtanrry talk, cvri 10 itvir for permiMi.ia u rolloomr lMTtU4 Ultd f.nuati- l t fl tltatd na Om oaUl r M UIS Ct, I be mmiU It Utf Vr II thtlni; thr sons I txnwt ihror rulloviar h.Tf r i Dr or lM. w. i. Jtrrir.- .lam of (-' til 7la lMlft tl ttlXtRAL ACT ccimricATf or itesovl"csTi .MOTICt. Hw.- -VJ t ' n 1- Silnrral Claim. Sken Miainv Intlioa .f l:rrp I iMMrtrt. Whrr oral'' Pistil n Who Chanrx ' Tti Snllr thai Whale Suir- IJmllt. rre Miners : ' lf1C (Blfftd, mi) rta.fa r---" ' hrwr. la ipplr W. Ibe t tnr t rrtiririt (.f mpr nf l-Hin ol ' ' bblalniar -: ttMtr flaun. And fnriVr lake tw o. UWW rtk IV. mnM i -f. ' (or tho iwnanr of aura z'- in.irrtfinia. . Iall tin llb 4ar of turn1 a " r. n. mqi:kt v LAND ACT. Naila f tulls u Alj t t t4- id ai una oiin. 1 n -Iflrl of rrlnr hiilri In r.uni,lta Inlet, More! yurn i.harloil tland Tak .'Viiilr lhat I. 1 ! nf Vannnitrr. D C w 'itu ' 0rilor. liiini iu rr' '"' r 10 Mir In J,,lAnr Cru-r.s Osiiiitf-iM int al Um mmjiMio3 "s,. T.I.. SITS : llietir itiilh '"M ,!r II I: . II 11 rtiilllf l!i' '-" rhaina: tlmir iH.ril.rlr an ..r, roikminr lh show uf '-l ' ' l'i ll Snl i.f nmimenAsiK'Si ; -1 tahiltii ii.ji trrra, t ur b-" TIIOVM A af T nmi .f Ar- oaiwi spiiiiUf fim. if il.. MINIMAL ACT, cirtTiricATi "orisieidvii'Ti NOTICC ,. . llalr. Half ,o. l. llaia? I. Half ..i. , and Hair " Claims. simaied in Hi BHa " MvUkdi uf r.oal lUatrri. ,W.r: t Synmur Inlri n viam Be -: Tan Sollr thai I. I'!" Free Mlni-r'a ortirirai V t . r lend, aUljr dava fri.ni III d( - 1 ll'lv to Hi Mlnlnt lierordf ' ' ' llflfal t,f lint'roveiiM-lit tcr l!",r.. f oliuininr a Crown urani -f riainn, ,-i ! furttirr tla H"Ur xM l i und-r sirii.Hi It iimim '"'"'t j foes tl. laiiianr uf said m'i iiiilnvii.nu, .( lutwt thit f JUi iiay vf ur. Ml, siii .ri mi it" rii Miners Vtriirifii ii'