‘PAGE SIX Diamonds, Watches, Your name FREE in 22-K Gold on every Silverware, Toilet Sets. Jewellry, Floor Lamps, Pen or Pencil Purchased. Hand Bags, WATERMAN*™ o1 A Two-Fold Benefit You obtain Quality and Value at Extraordinary Saving--- We have REDUCED the already LOW PRICES of our entire stock. Determined to reduce ou» enormous stock and giving you the benefit during the CHRISTMAS SEASON, Umbrellas, SHEAFFER Dinnerware, Fancy China, 5 Assorted size Novelties, BETTER SERVICE Extraordinary Savings Cut Glass, Crystal, Glass Utility Bow Aeropacks, Suit Ca: SHOP EARLY Plain Down Stairs Store Glass, Brassware, ls —— $1.00 s and Club Bag BETTER CHOICE MAX HEILBRONER _ - - Diamond Specialist We have reccived a shipment of Chrishuas goods — Peel, Raisins, Nuts, Figs, Christ- mas Stockings, Crackers and Candy. Get your requirements. Otr prices are right. 25¢ Leonomy, Buiter per ib Bacon—Machine sliced whue you wait 2 per lb. Oc Fresn, Killed bie ckens—For roasting, io oh tas yee bs ee suds urity Flour $ : 85¢ Tae ari re 9OC 29's, per sack Nabob Coffee—1's 2 Ibs This would make a good gift for your friends Our Confectionery and Deli- catessen Department will be open until 12 every night for your convenience. We deliver all orders $2.00 or over. MUSSALLEM’S Economy Store 18 — Phones — 360 P. O. Box 575 Xmas Goods! Northern Man Successful In Examinations F. M. Dockrill of Telkwa is an- mune’ f indidate in the recently held preliminary ex- unination {f the Engin ing Pro fession of Bri Columbia under the auspices of the Assuciation of Professional Engineers of Brit Columbia. Mr. Dockrill passed arithmetic and lgebr: eometry and trigonometry lementary chanics and hyd ing the examinat Advertise in the Daily News Chrysanthemums m6 $4 $4.50 Carnations at $1.25 Cyclamen cam 79€ Place your order now on our reserve t for CHRISTMAS FLOWERS Arctic Studio SATIN -GLO Christmas is a colorful time. Dress your home. with Satin-Glo for the holidays. ple: ising colors suitable for furniture, wicker-work and bric-brac. Mail Orders Carefully Filled — For Sale By — Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. Made in a variety of woodwork, Twenty Years Ago in Prince Rupert December 8, 1912 J. J. Anderson, well known ari- | ‘Zasu Pitts Is ver for the Pioneer Laundry, failed to return to the beach while on a hunting trip with two companions. Some anxi s felt and a search is about to be instituted The Canadian Bank of Com- merce moved yesterday from the corner of Second Avenus ind Third Street to the bank's wn fine new building Second Av enue next to the Prince Rupert Club, The branch has been in op eration here since 1907 afternoot The Griffith Stock Co. will pre ent the farce “Seven Days” at th Westholme Theatre this week Hotel Arrivals Central O. Nelson, Terrace across the harbor KEEP WARM Wear Silk & Wool Hosier $1.00 * $1.35 Woo! Gloves TEE & Oe Paws $2.00 $2.95 Woolen daits 8 5@ DEMER’S Jumbo Coat & Cardigans Christmas Gifts Our shop offers 8 you a variety of choice in Christmas presents that we feel sure will please you. Here are a few suggestions. Fancy Boxed Stationery On STOUR hooey D. Framed Pictures from 30¢ to . 25e€ Fountain Pens & Pencils per set, up from ... $3.50 Both Old English and Burnt Leather Goods in variety of choice such as | $2.50 reers Purses , ety Oriental Gift China, Novelty Silver Gifts, Toys, Children’s Books, Games, Christmas Cards, Calendars, Full line of Wrapping Paper, Seals, Tags, Tinsel Ribbon, Christmas Decorations, Etc. Fraser Stationers THE DAILY NEWS SCALING. OF LOGS Production For “This Year to Date Is 83,904,406 Board Feet Log scaling in Prince ‘Rupert! forestry district for the year to date has totalled 83,904.406 board feet as compared with 91,363,000) board feet during the first eleven | months of 1931. For November this} ear scaling amounted to 5,128 069) board feet as inst 7 ng 467 board feet in the same mont vear, Scaling figures for this Novem-| ber were as follows, figures fo: the same month last year also be- ing shown for comparison Nov. 1932 Nov 193] Board Ft. Board. F Douglas Fir 8 850 164.1 Cedar 240.915 209.119 Spruce 1.562.482 $2413 Hemlock 1.7 x0) 18143 Ra'san 15 902 Tasky Miscellaneou Totals 5,122,069 1,424 467 | Forest Products Poles and piling produced in N ember this year tota 500 lis cal feet—all of w hw eda i ompared with 21,59 al f in the month o Novembde a r. This November 184 cord rawood were t } it a ag i 62 cords last Production of |t vas high hi November al last 6.9 KD ha ber ! uring the mont i led a ‘ompared with total ol 42 pieces in Novembe f last year PRIC Wet Weathe Walt QUALITY HIGH Rubbers & Rubber Shoes See Our Pric Cut Rate Shoe Store ES LOW r Shoes n Slippers es Before Buying " CRUCI Tolmie Govern in Editoria 4 t } } } ‘ j elg rat , R | ~~ } ve I ut ' iffi ! ment is Castigated lin Vancouver Sun I ul ed y board of trade from i ul ’ I Gi ' Ca I h : ‘ 4 rs 7 it t! i will bear Operated Upon 1A She of Fluttering Hards Under goes Surgical Treatment After Being Taken Suddenly Ul HOLLYWOOD Pi well known aura yt Ww pita ‘ Ly me il rer h wen L 1dDado i‘ Dp P} I I yr Week- End wa ————_ Specials Phone 953 Phone 95? De Jong’s Cash G nd Carry Specials For Friday and Sat vit hs Orca aes urday COFFEE 4ic ~ @5c oe S5e 35C 45c 25¢ 33C 17¢ i ae 19¢ 39c ee —— ae Fat TABLI Cure BGe ee ae 25c 21c 95¢c 40c 20c Au 10-lb Malki ( 1-lb Smyrt b Fresh Almond Paste 35 6-027. pkg c 4 McLaret Jelly Powder 95 ; Pure fruit flavor, 4 pkg © c : Maliki Best lc , i ¥ SLICED PEACHES ao tin 45¢ ee Fresh ( i R CHEES! } ' ib 20 sus ( pK ci 2 ib Mis Pe Royal “ity Pea size 4 25 | i 2 tins ¢ a add j Poy al City Green Cut Beans 25¢ per boo , 2 tins Anjou Peat | Mal kin's Best Whole Clams 15c . per doz } per tin liflower Suear Cri p Corn Flakes 35 per head 3 pkg c Buckwheat Flour—-For hotcake 2 ib Norwegian Dry Stock Fish 95¢ ——— per lb Fels Naphtha Soap per carton 75¢ Alberta Market Phone Your Order—We Deliver ; P. GAMULA, Proprietor Fifth Street Phone 208 ARR TN 25¢ ERATOR PUREE, Rupe Repairs te Out-of-town Prince Service RADIO SET Phone: rt Radio » Any Make of business solicited Blue 932 Rupert, B.C ‘Mother of Local Woman Passes In South Last Week Mrs. Mary Clarke Cameron, ual 79, mother of m Alex Geary and Mrs. Charles Strachan of Prince Rupert, passed away on Monday of | last week in Vancouver where the} held last Friday after- int Pleasant Funeral funeral wa Thursday, De cem — Der 8, 19 TUES., WED. and Thupe TWO SHOWS ~ 7 and rp Feature Starts at 7 17 & 945 Winner of the ! He ll Award ~— Voted the Ben Picture of th Year “Grand Hotel” 29¢ yon from Mo A Metro-Goldy n-Mayer p Chapel with Rey. J. Stobie officiat- ture, With an amazing fos. , In addition to the local icin s 7 star ay t : . sreta Garbo, John B daughte Mrs Cameron had Joan Crawford W alae rht other daughters and two Lionel Barrymor: Lewis sist ons ’ and Jean Hersholt nie Vick renee adaptation : . ; ‘icki Saum's ‘ t WELL KNOWN FRASER Cartoon—"Re no oy aa LAKE MAN IS DEAD METRO NEWS. _——-- NO ADVANCE IN PRicps VANDERHOO! Dec. 8 Word | ADMISSION 15¢ & Sty has been received here of the re i THI RSDAY ae ae | 1% . cent death of Frank Adair, well @il) « R Feature Sta f known resident of Fraser Lake " PRI. & SAT Movie Cran "He began to pick up at once and now he's talking about going to business.” Bovril, the concentrated goodness of prime beef, tempts invalid appetites and has the unique power of enabling convalescents to get more nourishment from other foods. Taken regularly after illness, Bovril helps to reduce the weeks to days. “getting well” period from BOVRIL Gives Strength Quickly . Third Avenue ne P.O. Box 116 Tom Andrew HAS OPENED Andrew’s Cash and Carry Bread and Cake Shop xt to MaeLaren's M Phone il k Hb A complete line of superior quality Bread, Cah: fectionery. Order your Xmas Cakes and Plum Pudk i con | : “ i ——— BUY --- | ri cinrer Bulkley Valley COAL BETTER COAL A Local Product