'V' Pne forest fn frery fome Peps ML 4 Thft Rftmp.dv Yah RwafW EftKLuMabf' am Peps arc so like the lung-healing Alpine air in effect that a box of I'cps may be said to bring 'a pine forest into every home,' The healine, germicidal Peps medU cine it brtathtd from pleatant diswlvinf tablets ttmitht the lunu. In this way, Peps carry comfort and diseae resitinf power to alt parts of the breathing system. Germ-trouble in the throat or bronchial tubes is promptly ended, and soreness or inflammation caused by a sudden cold or chill readily soothed and cured. reps are the safest, speediest remedy for the throat and chest complaints of young and old , for night cough, grippe, bronchial asthma, laryngitis, tonsilitis, fr Coughs, Colds Ic BRONCHITIS ffM ' ll.iMU all mtiitim dttUrt, tar ... J f jj i,h Jkt C tmaU. Tfiltt. KMH.tl Imrti lm? 'rthitn fftil. For Your- Hallowe'en Party Invitation Cards Pumpkin Jack 0 'lanterns Black Cats. Witches j Masks Hatsi : j Decorated Crepe Paper . j Cut Outs Novelties Orange and Black Crepe Pa'per Greeting Cards McRae Bros., Ltd. Have You Tried? Rupert Brand SOCKEYE ALMON andwiches Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT Canadian National Railways -r- Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD CONSTRUCTION m SPECIALTY. WOODEN HULL Plans and Estimates Furnished For All Cla.si. of Boats. -nyoiie consideriuK Hie mucI.m' of a new lisl,.., vessel, ul, or wooden Lout of any description ' cordially 0 fool cruisers we inviled t inspect progn mi nro jio.w biilkliiitr for the Fisheries Department. IT .. j Local and Personal Mrs. It at Ikiiiii', I- on Thursday 5. i i ii i. ii- hi i MoSuughtouWill ff57 I 'if Hi I'm 1.C. Undertakers, l'hone 41. Hayuers, Undertakers. Pboue 361. if ' Interior Pasteurised Milk. I'rince Ituinjri Ialry.: 'I'hon Muck 21(5. - Launch "JOY 111 III W. J. l'lhuna, im-isenifcr and Ibwinif. l'liouc Jilue 100. tf Aerittiiil totalling- ioJZZ.Hl wen- pasird for payment Uy tin-city i-utiiu-il lad niulii be iasd. aflernoon, Ocloher 251 .VMA.S. (iltKiniNO CAM), printed in I'linee Ituj-ert. Make your M-lcclioit now. Hose, Cowan l.atla, Ltd. tf William (kiuldwell of I'rince Ocnrtfi) has heeu ujiiMjinled a rmniilMiM.r for taking afll- dauis fur fuch term a he is in Hie (ioveituiii'iit einnluv. -V hy-law nuthoriz(i2 flu-coun nl In ij.iiiie of. land acquired iv mm. inuiiuMpamy uncJcr tax nl pr.HTeiJin, tif triwn it third H-admst at lul night' council rued iiik. IllI.HS. Juxt arrlveil in find uos condition all kinds of llya cinihs for Indoor and bedding out. Niirci-ciiK, Tullus Snow drops. Cliinej I.illie und Crocus. nU litilli kI(ii. and howls. leninet near post otllce. If - iiIIkh ialion wit yiwn Hit IIimi-iii I.Mtiiiuiltee I a I uiclil liy I tic nly council to art in the cae or Mr.. ilou w n i iro in? miuIIi fur i mouth and rent in;: lnr him hnilt under the Soldiers' IIoiimiil' vcheuie ' to returned mau. sin.n am scnieiii'c unlit II llllnlllicil -T- . . A bylaw formally uroidin for Hie climiiiali'in of a certain minor portion of the Fourth and Fifth Avenue Vel street crad- n program va given it flrl and svcojid. wudin!: at Alal iiikIUj. council' iniH'tiiig.. 11 a p. plies iu-.i,T rtyrt piece of flit at Vfoew 'W": . j 1 3hWk:' . 1 iii,uj' illeadci su'Myfl'ftiV,! ilndSrt Vouii yej Icrda?l'(rnaiii4t. to a cliariif of liaiu 'Miyyjd hliifiv WjlStl-Hianden 'fur twuVi4.-v OuMHVen III i he eiin nri fat .In: hail I n in jail on sevccal hle- .xiaji'r .m-wii.ii iiiiiuircsl iruin tlie council last cvehiug what in lion if any was to be taken in connection will; the collection of poll and road iei. 'o be en titled to vole nl the next muni cipal election, others than pro perly owners must pav these luxes of ?5 mid 2 respectively and register before October 31 II was deemed a little late It lake any action. Already the city treasurer has written to em ployers in ihe city asking for I he iledui lion of i lie road taxes from pay rolls. When You Buy a Watch From Us Tli r re is one main advantage over getting it away from home. If It does not come up lo expectations, why you know just where-1 o' have It justed. If we guarantee a wnleh thai, giiiirautce is binding. alch prices are as low here as nn.vwhere for we sell at factory advertised prices. Wallham. Klgin. Ilaiitillon, Onion, Admiral, Illinois. Price them any lime, . ' Bulger & Cameron Limited Jewellers. GIFTS. THAT LAST 5 THi DAILY N1W ' Father Flfclc arrived from Anyox on the Garden a this inorn- Morris Gurkill is returning to Ocean Tails on the Card en a this afternoon. Michael Snow, Indian, is cum. inx up in Ilie. police court this afternoon to answer a charge of drunkenness. J. K. 5rcenwin'ied from Hy- ler on the Gardeua this morning' and is regis rt. red at (he Hotel I'rince Kupert. Itclickali llazaar. Kalurdav. .ocmher 2i. Fancy work Novelties. Home cooking. Candy, Afternoon lea. Arrivals from the north on (he Cardena this morning included l.onif, W. A. Moyer and & R. Hull all of Vancouver. F. Italy, K. Smith and It uougmaii lull on ial mgiii h train for Carnahy where they will enter the employ of the S. S Magollln Co. .N. 11. Walton, CN.lt. divisional superintendent, and W. U.Tobey, district engineer, left by last night's train for the interior on depart mental business. The Canadian Fish A Cold Storage Cu.'s nehooner Chief y.ibassa went' on the pontoons at (he dry dock' this .afternoon for cleaning ami-painting. Mr. and Mrs.- ieorge Oeddes and Mr. and Mrs. J. Ouyan, who have resided on Seventh Avenur West, left with Iheir families by last night s (rain for Oelroil, Mirhigan, wbei they will locale ,ltev. Dr. II. Hi (Irani of this city is going- (o I'rince (ieorgt at the end of next week to con duct Thanksgiving and first an niversary services i u Knox Church there - on November i lie will also deliver an address in the interior (own on the Mom lay following. Mrs. W. J. Caldwell of Okana gan, Washington, and Mrs. Char les Prosser of SI. I.ouis, daugh lers of the late Mrs. Pat Cary, will arrive here " tomorrow, the former by boat aiid the lalter by train. . Funeral arrangement lor the deceased will be an iiounCed on their arrival. A letter from the Children's Aid Society of Vancouver askin that a Tag lay be held in I'rince Hiipert for die benefit of the in slitution was received and filed nl lift night's council meelinsr. Ileply will be made to Ihe effect that the city does not sec its way clear to grant such a re- ipjesr. On motion of Aid. I'errv seconded by Aid. Collarl, the city council last night instructed the city engineer to obtain prices on a new rock crusher. Aid. l'crrv reported that the present crusher had become almost useless and new one would be required for the l-ifth Avenue Fast grading that is about lo be undertaken. '- - I. O. Tretheway, Alice Ann logging contractor, and Mrs. Tretheway reached he eily on Ihe Cardena this 'pioruiug. Mr. rtftheway is r,eiirtiining here for a couple of da's on business and Mrs. Tretheway is going throii'.'h dr her home ill Abbotsford. She is accompanied 'by Mi s' McKay of Vancouver who has U-en her guest at Alice Arm. A recommendation from the Hoard of Works that tdgns be placed on the Acropolis Hill reservoir warning against (be prac tice, of throwing slones into die reservoir was adopted by the city council last night. Aid. I'errv1 xphiincd Unit (he practice was (becoming common among child ren and already some damage had been done iu Jhe blocking of cerium .meters. Parents should be wnt ned. X Milking her. Tarliest return from Stewart and Anyox since he has been In service, Union learner Cardena Capt. A. F. Oickson, arrived from the north al II o'clock this morning and will sail for Vancouver nnd wnv purls at ,5 Ibis aflernoon. Busi ness is slacking up for Ihe wili er on the norl hern run and the learner missed the call at Wales Island cannery which slit) has been making all summer. 1 1" Cardena i loading i .wined salmon at Ihe Prince Hupcrt cminery this afternoon. V SMOKE OLD CHUM VANDERHOOF There has been considerable activity in the Oinincca mining field Ibis year including com pany operations and placer min ing on a small scale. - - Mrs. I lav id II. Hoy of Fort St. James is visiting here with Dr. and Mrs. W. Itoss sione. The. Women's Auxiliary of the Vamlerlionf, Orcal War Veterans' Association 'has elected the fol lowing ollicers: President, Mrs. O'Meara; -vice-presidenl, Mrs. C. Hartley; secretary - treasurer, Miss llow'mau; executive com- mitlee, Mrs. huerdin, Mrs. Day, Miss Day, Mrs. J. Hartley, Mrs. Moore. Samuel Asbury, lale of Van- derhoof, was recently married and has gone In Long lieach. California, lo reside. II. C. Crawford of the Stuart Lake hatchery has returned from Ihe I'emberlou halchery in Ihe Lilloet district with 5,000,000 salmon cgss which will be hatched at Stuart Lake. NOTICE Port Kssington-llaysporl Ferry will connect with mail trains only ufler November I, until further notice. r.r. George A. Clolliier. resident mining engineer for the provin rial government, relumed (hi morning on Ihe Cardena from Hewarl where he has been for the past fortnight making hi annual inspection of mining pro peiiies ui th,. district. ANNOUNCEMENT Hoyal Purple Hridge. Whist Drive and Dance. Tuesday, Oct ober 23. Klks' Home. Hospital Hallowe'en October 31. Ball. Adair Carss Chapter, I.O.D.K. Itaaar. SI. Andrew's rooms Second Avenue, November 7. Anglican Church llazaar. No- vomber 14. Presbyterian Church llazaar November 21. " 1 llchekah llazaar. Saturday November 21. Women of Mooschearl Legion llazaar. Melropole Hall, Novcm her 28 and 21. Hoyal Purple llazaar. December I. I.Iks Home. Plus 1c Per Piece 7 a pound FLOAT-IRONED Family Service Alt of your washing 80 par ctnt or your Ironing vtrythlng rtumd dry-Yon (Imply touch up few outtr frtnnt auch M wiliu, blouses, hous drMs, with hind-Iron. Phon us today, CANADIAN STEAM LAUNDRY. Phono S. TOBACCO 7NPERIAL T0BACC0 COMPANY OV faszthhir. Specials for Children 2 Bars of Chocolate for 5 cents BUTTER NUT. SPARKY. OH HAPPY. MAPLE PECAN. BOM BO. PEANUT. BABE RUTH. Smith Bros. Cough Drops, 5 Cents per Package. A scribbler will be given away free to each child coming into the store. ORMES LTD. Rexall Store: Cor. Third Ave. and Sixth. Phones 82 and 200 NEW ISSUE Province of Ontario 5 nt 25-Year Bonds Price 98 and Interest We have participated in Ihe underwriting of the above ivMie and can give immediate confirmation ol any order. Gillespie, Hart & Todd, Ltd. 5 Year Dominion Loan 5 Market.' 20-Year Dominion Loan ,5 . - . . .market? Orders may be wirsd ut our expense. Phone 2140. Victoria, B.C. 711 Fort SL COAST STEAMSHIPS SAILINGS FROM PRINCE RUPERT. S.S. PRINCE RUPERT and PRINCE GEORGE. FOR VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATTLE, Intermediate Points, Thursday, Sunday, 11 p.m. FOR ANYOX WEDNESDAY, 10 p.m. FOR STEWART SATURDAY", 10 p.m. S.S. PRINCE JOHN. For Vancouver via Queen Charlotte Islands, Oct. 17, Nov. 3, 17 at 8 p.m. PASSENGER TRAIN, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Leave Prince Rupert 6.U pjn. Tor riUXCE GEORGE. EDMONTON, WIN-MPEG, all points Eastern Canada. United States. ABtNCr ALL OMAN STEAMSHIP LINES. City Tlcaal Offlt, S2S Third At, Prlnca Rupart. Phon I0. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY B.C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert S.S. PRINCESS MARY. For, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, October 5, 12, 23; November 2, 16, 30 For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway, October 1, 8, 19, 29; November 12, 26 8.S. PRINCESS BEATRICE. For Butedale, Swanson Bay, East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell River, and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full information from . VV. C. ORCHARD, General Agent. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. UNION " STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LTD. Saillnt From Prince Rupert. For VANCOUVER,' VICTORIA, Oca Palla, an Swanion Bar, Tuda, S PJL For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Alrt Bay, an1 Swanion Bay, Saturday Noon, r.. vfv. fl'W? fM, TTVHT, Wil. t.l. S. !!( S P.W. For POKT SIMPSON an Naaa Rir Canntri, n4. A.M. tti Snrt Arenu. . J. Barnaltf, AnU Prloc Rupert, B.C