I Wl Whan Van Want A mmm ! TAXI ii a hurry Phone 99 Beet Cara and Bait Service In Ihe City. Rates Reasonable VOI XIII.. XO. 250. DDITJ ' Dill In mih) SKIPPER OF BIG WRECKED MOTORSHIP MISSING AND Protectionist Program Prepared by British Premier for Unionist Party Conference: Election soon LONDON, Oct. I'l. (iiial Itritiini iiiiiv oou be preparing for nnnllier general rli-rln.ii. if intimation uppeurmg lit today new-paper., an reliable. In H pt'.'rli In lie delivered at a iiiiioiu! parly conference ut Plymouth on Thursday Premier llaldwin. according to I lie Dally F.xprt'. rr I In propose all round protection of llrilih industries by m scientific tariff. II i not uiiticipalcd llial he will Mijjrft a lax mi imported wheal or meal Iml rather that rcveuiis from luriff on imporleil 1 REPORTS ARE ' CONFLICTING FROM GERMANY One Dispatch Says Separatists Defeated and Another That Movement Growing HMI (h i .m The M-par a! t inovetiu'iit in llhiin-luml I v iiilinst .leaihly wild aliixtot no l : nNlml. ucconlig l an es-'j hutr IrU-KroplVJJAaliaiiJl,,1'", lU.-lin I M lll.IV Ikl. I. Itepurt f m tHilinu IM..11U 1 llliittHoud II, , dl. r.,.HM. indicate II.I.I (be, .a alu-n lint bmi entirely deJ t :M. e.i.erMliv in AU la lltapelht. Miifiiclicn. liUillwch - i o...... A I Mi y wen. severely Iaten hy Ihe'ioeinliiitf I hut mnie of the iITer! ' iiile iii!i initi. and ijeclel from for tax fale lol 13 and tt. block llio puiiitr li'nl.iii which Iheyjjl, eelin I, Ihe double comer had pern hohling nime inidiiihl il HleuMilh Street ami llearh KriiUy i,Pbice. be accepted. The iiccrued 1 - Iluve. on lhi.4 nronerly il wa BIRTH AND DETH RATE OF PROVINCE LOWEST IN CANADA New Brunswick Has Highest Death Rate and Manitoba Highest Birth Rate OTTAWA. cl '.';. HritMi Columbia had the lowest birth rale and Mnnlloha the highest in IVH aecohlinir to a book lulled r iverimt vllnl !.laliclb"i of the !iimliiloil by the - Uoiiiinioii1 bureau of lnll.lie. The llrilinh Oolunfbi.i rule n i?0.:i ner T.IMIO niul Maniloba llrillth tloluinbla had Ihu l"xv- ei ilenlh rale for liable. 5rt.5, nn. I New Hriinnwlck Ihe hiphili 113.3, The highest dealli rale or nil niiei vmih ill New Hrunwick wilb 13.U per l.lMtn, while Hritlh Col-iilnbla had Ihe lowvt with H, i:tm....H nti.iit.i Hut ... lituliil ner v i iiiir' m eeiilnge of death in lrilih ' t.oluiubl.1, LUMBER NEARLY ALL HERE FOR SHIPMENT JAPANTHIS MONTH Thiileeii carload id lumber tuliillliiK :-.'5,imhi reel hiiM' arrived from interior miwiiiIII lo form part .nf I Im cargo lo be loaded for liinau mi Ihe leamer Canadian KrelKhter. tlapl. Curl HUsetl. due here mi J'rhlay if lh week. II. V (I. Ul'lne. local iigenl for the H II, MoMillau Kxport Co.. report, ITve more eaiload are im the way a well us :i5,00il feet of aii plune iruce in "baliy siiunre" from the )v Hay mtll ill Oeoge-lown, The consignment, noing uciot . Hie pacific Ihi monlh iu- eludo imo . carloads, " of ...".' cedar board unit u rliml.t. ' ii I; bonlr niiiimi) Uh mKi HAVE A '"iiiV.. ii r manufactured good lie iiipheil .to subsidizing the Dominion in llie iriHliielioii of meat, wheal niul rulloii. If Hie suggc-lcd program be nilnplnl, Ihe govern""1'! l'nvp i' hiim-hI I" Ihe country for ill endorsement. Newspaper in rloe toiirh with i In premier indicate Dial Mr llaldwin will set forth a pro. i-cliouil program for future adoption. TAX SALE LOTS ARED1SCUSSED Council Divided as to Whther or Not City Should Sell Lots - DjuVreme ,.f opinion aroe at ll iiikhl council meeting in eoniierlioH with a reinm inin!J"r u.i e . ... In un kiimi ikti Ilia mi an ii I ia i ii ui'nut polltled out umoilltlcd In while Ihe tiitf 1ipi1 offer mi 6.l(l from l Shriibpall. Aid. Mackenxie, evplalniiitf hi rein-on for not "ifc'nins the re-norl. Hiilil thai he considered Ihe "Iter of Mr. Shruball wa a fair one and chould be aecpled. He wnn niifojed lo Ihe cily council hol.tinu on to properly like a real estate dealer wailiiiK for i,cer pricej. .bl. Slephcn pointed mil thai u(,o had been paid for Ihe ,ulile corner ncron I hi lreel. a uroiierty which wif inferior In hhe one in iiueclion. 'The cily t nnci IU( ,uy ( prolecliu . .m.,v viiIiicji. Hy Kellinjf Hue properly al le!. than the luxe (l wm,, i unfair lo the people WIU wm! payinif Iheir laxe ami Un to the man who had paid IM)( for Ihe lot aero Ihe Micet. If value were not lo be prolccted, then how wa Hie elly lo utalu It a.e.meul? If l irH ' not line Hie pi properly XVorl Ii more limn 5Jiu . . it il. Sliruliall bad otreie.l lor n. men the city wa bankmpl. T'liere wa further dieubn in which il wa !uggeled thai lr Sluuball be approached ..in. .. ii.w In iailnr III "Iter i ii... .m. 1 1. T wa deferred for week. Aid. Stephens pointed out lliut the committee would not i.i.ve hrouulit In a report al Ihi lime had II not been rorced by u.i M.i.-kaiuie vvh'o demanded lunni'diale action. WAR BOATS LEFT FOR ALERT BAY ll.M.O.S. dcslroer Patrician and mine sweeper ThicpNal . .i.i.. morning fr tlio eienren im foiuth aftei' .pending . llii'.'e days t il. in noil. The lieu Biop ni uio J hunts will be al Alort 'jy " Northefn and CHIEF MINTY TO i CO TO QUESNEL NEW CHIEF HERE I inler the schema Tor :i Ihe reorganization of the pri'Vineial notice, it in understood j Unit Chief M inly i i lo -jit In IJucnel ami he i Will'be Mirccrilcil here by ! Chief Constable Spillcr oT I'eriiie, a veteran in Ihe service. The change. it i understood will go into elTerl ill Ihe end of Ihe month. SNOW ALREADWN DISTANT MOUNTAINS Mount Morse Seems to Get Later Each Year, Last Season It Beln? Oct. 30. Sunday -now fell Tor Ihe first ""' H'" mi.unlalii back of i"" '"' " 'r M"u,!' Mocm' i nulle clear. It ha-Iommi noticed Ihal of late the harbor hat been Mcadily jrcL lluz later. .Mm. ill P.U3 and I1MI Ihe liiounlain dolTed its while cap about the firl week in October. Ill later year lhi wh delayed until Ihe middle of the mouth or later and lal year il wa the day preceding Hallow Ken that unow wa een I here flrsl. It w ill be inlere"ni? lonole when il come Ihi year ISbUPb5mBBb1ki uiflV' 'MSLbbbbI HBBt bBBBBBk PBsT YjBBBBHSa .sbTbbbbbbbbI HB Jmm bbbbbbbbI BH ,4B' laBBBBBvH BBB BbBkHS PBHft aaBBBBvBTft.s A. 0, Ita.ikine invented the pliolophone, Ihroush which ypcech b transmitted by Unlit ray. SCHOONER COLUMBIA STRUCK A ROCK AND PUT IN FOR REPAIRS Contestant Damaged When on Wey to Halifax to Race Canadian Schooner Bluenose OI.OUr.KSTKIl, Mass.. Oct. i3. Schooner Columbia, the United Stale contestant for the international fishermen's trophy, struck, a rock outside Oloure.sler Harbor while en route to com. pete witli the Canadian defender Hluenose. 11 is believed Iho Columbia I not seriously damn-Kcd. but shu had to put in for repairs. Bnberlb( for th Dally New. PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper PMNCK ItUPKHT, ll.H, XUISDAY, OCTOHKH 2:), lOS.'l. BBBBBBBBBBBB .ji ''''T'HBrVBBBBBBBT 'sBBBBBBBBBBBk' IiSBBBBBBl BBBBvaBBBBBBBK : t M -B?Vb1iBBB1 Who .raiil Luis Angel Kirpo wouldn't .-mile? Just look at the way Ihe Argentine heavyweight beamed upon these Iw'o young ladies during his recent visit to Montreal. LEGISLATURE OPENS MONDAY;: Will Deal With Many Important Walters at Coming Session SJ.ccinlJtitaily.?'wiU. VICTOMIA. OC. i3. -The legislature or Itriltali tiliiiiiliia will formally open for the traii-acliini of Inisiuc on Monday next and (he jeiuu shniild conclude about Ihe firsl or c(mid week in l)e-ciMiiber unless anything. uiiuiial Irveloos. number of important ipie. Hons will come before il One of these will be the imposition of lax on ga-otiue li licl. )a for the surfacing of rtiad for Ihe iic or nuiomoiuies. niree pr cent i proposed with excmplioiis for fishermen and fanners. Of course llo-re will be a lot of talk about liinor. The brewers and their supporter a well as a number nf hotel owners will try lo force the ?o eminent lo allow the sab" nf beer in hotels and restaurants, bill il seems hardly likely that this will be carried. Mlorney (ieneral Mauson will probably want lo strengthen Unlaw in regard lo beer clubs and possibly other amendments to aid in preventing boollcgping. The redistribution bill will be decided upon when Ihe Liberal member? meet in caucus. This is somewhat of u controversial subject bill as no very radical chaiiKes are likely lo be proposed, there is not likely to be any dan cer lo the pnvcruincul from it. i It is uiidelood thai . J. Howser and 11. II. Pooley and one or two other opposition member will attack Ihe government on Ihe matter of expenditure and the larpe number nl provincial employees. T here will also be a pmbe in the public accounts coinmillce with n view lo trying lo ilisrocr nny irregularities in the matter of expenditures. M. 11. .Inrksou, chairman of the game board, has been trying to discover a policy for handling Ihe fur huiness more effectively, but no one seem's to know whether any legislation dealing with bif game or fur bearing animals will be put ..through lhi year or not. GETS NINE MONTHS Carl (iUslaeiiseu was Hits af ternooii senlenced lo nine montli imprisonment by Judge Young in Ihe County Court for bavin stolen good in his possession. The provincial government hn authorued repairs, to Ihe jAil at Stewart o bring il up to tlic rc iuirmeats. ., ... ' VtlUrttr' BIG FISCAL GIRLS STUDENTS BURIED 25 DAYS AND THEN ALIVE TOKIO. Oct. 2a. Four Japane-e girls, luleut al the Ypkohama High ic h iimI were ,byrtgd Jiml.r. a heap of during Ihe eartliiuake and were re-cueil alive 25 days later. 'They had nolhitr; but water lo -ulain Ibem during thai lime. 'The water trickled down Ihrough 1 lie rubbish and oxer Ihu great boulder which prevented Hie debris from crushing. Iheni. TURNBULL PROBABLY FELL FROM DECK OF STEAMER PRINCE JOHNlZn'rale .rerauUu,, rilVll bi'.Slcxe.! Log Line was Broken and Sup posed He Had Caught In It: Had Habit of Reclining Near Rail (Special lo Oaily News) MASSiriT. Oct. 23. The fire man, ueorge lurniiuii, who is Mipvoscd lo have fallen overboard - from Ihe steamer Prince John when crossing from Priuce'local lluperl, probably fell from Iheithey are upper ileek. I no log line vvas found lo hae been broken ami il is supposed he caught that and attempted to support himself. It said by the men on the ship that lie had a habit of reclining on the lop or a table flush with Hie rail when on deck. T'urnhull was a returned sol dier. NAVAL OFFICERS ON HUN NU hXrtUlllUN Party From Patrician and Thlep- vail Spent Week-end at Jap Inlet, Porcher Island Four officers from the de stroyer Patrician and mine sweeper Thiepvat spent Hie week) Muk 3.200 pounds, and Mar-end on a hunting expedition to K noa-j t 1,200 pound, at t7e and Jap Inlet, Porcher Island. The me. lo the Camolinn Fisii A Cold trip was made on the Prince lluperl lloat House gasboal My. ranwy, Capt. Harry Oilhert, Ihe parly leaving on Saturday even- ing and reluming here yeslerday. 'They bagged a deer or, so and also some grouse a'ud snipe. Thu ex. Circulation 1633 StrMt SOT. THOUGHT Sea Tragedy Seen in Disappearance of the Captain, oi Kennecott YA.NCOL'VKH, Oct. A tragedy of Ihe sea is forecasted in th disappearance of Capt.- Hubert. Johnson, muster oT the freighter Keuiiecult. 'The !ii broke up on a remote cape on Queen Charlotte Islands lat week. Her captain sailed south aboard Ihe recue sleanifr Hercules -after eeing hi ship go lo 'pieces. He said "(ioodiiiht" to his hot aboard the Hercules last night hut today he cannot be found. The last man he talker! with was Ihe engineer of Ihe ll"rcules, to whom he said "Keep my purse until-luniurruvv." The engineer took the purse lo humor a comrade, today lie reluctantly admits that Jilinon probably tonight forget fulness in the same element which claimed his second commuuil lat week, f The first ship of which John-; sou wa- canlain was the United. Slates freighter Ohio. She was: lo.-l in a week. j Captured by Bandits and Carried YICTOIUA, Oel. 23, M'arine Off to MounUlns of Honon, men in Victoria, reminiscent al China Hie new of the disappearance uTj Capl. Johnson, recalled somewhat pKKIX, Oct. 23. Two British similar circumstances or the missionaries. Mis.- Mary Dar-Iragie fate several years ago of nirt, or (ilasgowv and Miss -Mary Ihe 'master of, 'the Japanese sharp of Millkent, Australia, cap- ... i, r..it.:..-: . ... 1 M'-'amer. ti-anaiia- .aru, iimuwiug luretl Hy bamlils in Honan pro-the stranding or that vessel on vince last montli are in a pitiful Ihe rocks near Cape Flattery. plight, according to word from Tvuiuwas Ajitdlrd n-er.s successfully by Ihe Paciric .-alvuge Mimiiany. or hy Ilie uni - I h Columbia Salvage limpany. as (he organization was then known, and later lowed to Seattle fo;- repair-. On Ihe way from I Victoria lo th Piiget Sound port, tin- caplain of Ihe ship fired three shots iulu his head and then plunged blindly into Ihe sea with loavy wei'-'hts attached to his I....U- It.. wtiiiL iiWiiii.liiitl" nml nolhins mure was ever seen of him. Ili-,.rn..a ...... fit I u.1u.l v.. III HlM ... 11 il " ,l..l I.. I.iw w.. ...,.r.. Il.nn the Japanoe skipper could bear is. : si.:..n I le-oivt. FiSH ARRIVALS Halibut Still Scarce and Prices Continue High on Local Ex change Halibut arrixals are slill scarce , utnl prices continue high on Ihe I Fish Kxchange although not as big as Ibey were ia( weeK This morning three American schooners sold 02.0O11 pound and lliree Canadians. 7.- uo pounus a loiai lor ine oay. or ('.'.).t00 pound. Arrivals nml sales: American liladsfone. 11,00(1 pounds, al I'Jc and tnc,-to the PacUic Fish eries. . Sumner, 1C.000 pounds,, al Ill.Tc and 12c, to the llo'yal Fish i'.. .,..l il... i'o,.,..'li,. l.'ll, A I'.il,! Storage - Co. iiMiiiiii.s ut.ii urpuu-u u( in I I rescenl, . 2,o ...., Ml pound, i at . iu 18.5c r.,IMI,r ha) f ipa ft neurrc,ice and 10c. lo the (.ana.Uan h ish .. .......ij,. ,,i u .,,v, ih Cold Storage Co. Canadian Mdirneag, 3,000 pounds, ut 17.1c mid lOe. to (he lloyal Fish Co. Storage (to. vivyrt rCADfC VICITC LLUILI uLUlvut VlJllo TOMB LATE PRESIDENT peditiou was a pleasant dlver-l MAItlO.V, Ohio, Oct. 23. sion from the ordinary run of Lloyd Oeorge today visited Dm seafaring life. Tho captain of(tomb of lao President Harding tli Thiepvnl was one of tho and Uien paid his respects to . STm. Uardiug. , . NEW BOSTON GRILL Third Ave. The Latest in Hestaurauls. Private Duxes for Ladies ami Parly Use. Best Food. Best Service. Take Her to Ihe Hoslon," OPEN DAY AND NIGHT. PRICE FIVE CENTS. FIGHT DROWNED MISSIONARIES ARE PRISONERS jn a niounlain stronghold by the joullaws. GASBOAT WAKE MAKES PORT SAFELY UNDER REDUCED MOTOR POWER The Hig Hay Lumber Co.'s gas-boat Wake. lor the saTely of which were expressed yes- terday, reached port safely last night at 8 o:clock under her own .1 1. in with l'ei lliuugil she limped e....uers wocKiug. xi.o n hkx: iiuu triiniuc iiuiiLiir ut i uit ;;iiiiii in i iiiiiij.c viiuiiiti v w J, . . . . . looer l- ami, auer repairs were made. Ihe wealher became too stormy lo return to port under reduced power, Mr. Casebeer's l,,nver ooal Heaver tove also broke down atmiil (lie same time ami bolh boats went into a lagoon for shelter and repairs. They w ere I tins ourtif sight and com- nuuicatioii. The Joy llird, Capl. James .'Thomas, which went south ves- i,..-iBV i.. sfarc, fr n. Wake t j a, , ,H Mam Tho neilVer Cove is still ut the logging camp THROAT TROUBLE OF FORMER PREMIER OF BRITAIN CONTINUES LONDON, Oct. 23. Wight lloji. Honnr Law. who resigned rrom Jibe premiership of Oreal Hritaiu 1 ...... ....... ' it... r ill conslanl care of hi physicians. ,i10 ,roat condition is appar- ,enl ly not readily amenable to treatment. VrtvnrtU., In h rRiv Nlw, FOOD DISORDERS CONTINUE HAMBURG IIEULIX, Oct. 23. Disorder which started In Hamburg this mornlns arc continuing this afternoon. Discontent with food .prices caused the (rouble. f