PAQ1 TWO The Daily News FHINCfi RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN. Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month 11.00 By thfiil to all part of the British Empire and the United States. in advance, per year - 10.00 To all other roiintries. in advance per year 17.50 TELEPHONE ft ransient Display Advertising f 1.40 per inch per Insertion IYan:ent Advertiin(r on Front Pae. . i $2.o per inch Local Readers, per insertion 25c per line Classified Adrtiinr. per lnertion. .-. . . . 2c per word Legal Notice, each insertion 15c per agate line Contract Rate on Application. All Sdvertiin? should b in The Daily New Office on dav pre-ceding publication. AH ndvertiinr received subject to approval. and beat I Member of Audit Bureau nf Clerulatlons. DAILY EDITION Thursday. Sept. 6, I9S3. Cood Training For Local School Boys. At the Lahor Day porU the Public School football team won cBflBBBHB izfjj' BBBBBBKIBD mBBIvkLk BBBBBaBjPSBdBHHLlliBal k BBBBBHfc L ( aEy?':' BBDBflBBBUflMBjBfl MHH Betty Cbmpsbn d Joha Bowers in Km A Paramount Picture lhe Bonded Wjhuui' BUrring toklght at the Vestholme Theatre. uiewpaper represemame wen dissatisfied al the accommodation provide.! for them in the jrih Dail. They all eki"d their notebooks and refused In reopen Ihein until their demands were conceded. Now they are given a prize of 27 donated hy the Trades and Labor Council. Hinp-everyibinF they the money, the next thine was In know what lo do wilh iL ilh I . . .... ... . . most boys the natural thing would nave been to amue u up; The Mao io the Mood 1 I FRANCOIS LAKE IK)V. spend jL ot so the members- of the fine little learn that,,"u"', ,,M,t look eves What i the Colts. .Thev decided to give a banquet and entertain : " ,. ' jin? in .li ul;; some of their senior who had been interested ,. in I heir A great spread, was prepared at the St. Regis Cafe and thing was carried out in a most creditable manner. Special attention is made of this because?, it mark ports. every changing ideas of youngster in regard to their duties and, responsibilities and Iheir attitude toward their elders. We all know thai parent have to undergo a period of education at the SAYS. i TOl'HISTS visiting Canada ; 1 1 1 - are treated well enough .(Canada ttut not often enough. ak. I -3 ay in j ONE of the latest invention (in connection with dia$nosw disease i- tfliaf i known a the Ahrams fsletn. r teslin? Hie vibration of in tody. the oper alor can tell whether a ron ha cancer, measle. tuberculosis or .-imply menial tisincliua-lim. A Cauadian who va 'recently visilinp San Kraneio visited the Abram rluik and a test wa taken. 'Hie operator was amaied when he tooted at the record of vibration shown by the machine. Jle looked a?ain at the patient and inquired what wa' In occupation. . Th answer was "tlanadian sator." The operator showisl pral relief remargins, "the machine, i rizlit. It indicate yiw are dead." IK the present civilization collapse whose Ue will get s.jueejed ifl the impact? THE press found a way lo bring the lrih to time. 'Hie hi Michigan a dancer into hi partner is Ihe giHhl of dane- :an anyway? IX Illinois mo-quHo" have forced Ihe stores.lo eloe. ut thchhen, who would live in Illinois 'if lliey could live in a civilucl country? HETWKKN Ihe Facili. llie hand- of their cliildreu, "lmt this "seems tO-haVe lei one of the'.ociaIils, iheKn Klux KtaiMiers, . 4 . ' . '!,.... ... ... firt organized 'allempls on Ihe part of schoollMiys lo. educate their seniors. It ,wa..a frcat success and ihe paily Nw.s ex-lend fs congr;lfii.ilioiis to the Jad who made such excellent host on thai occasion. Good Opportunity To Own Homesita. " " The iresenl time'Ts a gtKxl one forTniice Riifert residents to consider the iiietion of purchasing a homeile on which to build wfieii reaijy. Iofs in the cijy caii be lMjuglil at low prices ju-t now but Ihe prices will not .always be low. ' This seerns to be a giJod time lo buy. before the activity begins. It -eeni- almost certain thai lherp will be early activity here which will lend to create a demand for real estate. Today the prices are so low-that anyone may 'purchase who has a few dollars. Aparl altogether from Ihe homeslte idea, there are a number of people who n-e a pari of their money for speculative pur-poes. They like to gamble. For these there is no better gamble liwlay than a plunge iulo real eslale. At present prices there U bound lo be money in it .aiid Ihe taxes on residential properly are. not very Iiif?li- It iss little to carry one or two lots tor a few; years. It is a speculation but il looks a lot heller than oil stock or any of the thousand and one companies in which people piit Iheir moiiey. t Get Ready Now For Next Year's Garden. This is Hie lime to make a garden. Anyone inlend'uit lo grow- flowers or vegetables next year should dig the laud now so that il may be. in good shape for jilanliiig in the spring. The autumn work, of ninny gardens is' neglec'leil wilh Hie result that people do not get ns good results as they otherwise would. Lay oul the. garden and gel it dug over before the wiuler and then next sunrmer a crop tjiay he expected." t ' Rushing Relief ' : To Japanese. Prompt action was taken lo rush relief to Japan frnm this . ,. , s,,,,,,, o, ,p ()r(,pp Io,t ,lf( tjmp , ,h J ..... .,.,.,...., ,,, , lokonnma, and others will fo low in rapid success.on. This is the Pra of speed and when -ffrn.n-in.piiH- makes ll.e appeal h strong one, people lose no iiU. . . ."' . " ?..JL.'""e." ,H rei,""" t rnodern ................ .- e nre renur sotneiim (0 spring lo our fx fa t I. . a at. . . D i" ou.e io me rescue or (lie tieedy. Society Blue Ruin artists and the Progressive the poir oM world is in an awful ines. Wliy not irtvpnl another (tolilical noslrum Hglil here and lalie) it ltuerlilis. NOW thai llie school have re- oiiened and llie chihlren will get hack lo work, what ahoul the grownups also iintn? a little now and then for a change. IF man goe lo see hi cirl in a fall ilk lial, II may be re. ferred lo a hi Hpark plug. SUPPOSE a girl's figure is not prepossessing, it help if her figure is all right at the bank. - YOU can"! lell a typewriter by Ihe ribbons. 4 I V you lake things seriously you are likely lo land in Iht Virker' IloleIry. VR all believe in home rub, but when il conies to' selllinsr who is In be Ihe home rulef, I here is oi. ly one answer. She Is. JUDUINO from resulls it seems clear thai some people can learn lo love anything IIEHE lies Ihe poorest prig in in (own, lie died without a quiver. He always said how godil he was. Then something clogged his liver. A FAILURE is a always grouching al ful. man who f the su'eress- WHEN .liggs said A. lain discovered the talking machine, he wondered why Maggie threw things al him, PREPARATIONS FOR BEnER BABY SHOW OPENING TOMORROW Preparations are being made. I today for Ihn heller lialiie contest which opens tomorrow morning In the vacant lor opposite jibe flreal War Veteran Association headquarters. Thu place is Ibeing put in good shape. A stove' jhas been installed ami everylliingj jimsslhle i hcliiK oone to make ihe future ellizens of Prince Runcfi conifoilable. ' ' The cups both for thai, content ari'f for others are being di. pluyeil in the w indows of Ihe store and lliey make a fine showing. Why not subscribe for the Dally News and have it gent to your home regularly! tf FORESTESSAY Written by Miss Luella Clark, intermediate Grade, Danskln ' III tidying our hou-es each (we -weep up all the dusi lrntdih and destroy it for !reart that it is useie. day. and the If. however, we- discover thimble, which is of very small value, among this rutd.isti we pick it up and (ml it away. riouM we find among the sweepings an article of trealer alue, than Ihe Humble let u say a diamtl ring j wihiM we not be nHr eareful in I pnttingil awuv aitd looktng after) il? We all 'riie or rare ftr things; ueeonting to (heir value or what I hey r worth In n. ; At first sight the value of c.uri forest may not Iw annarenl to us anl we may n-i readily e that each of us ha a direct interest in I hem. However, lo those of u living, in the northern part of our Province. wh-e parents earn their living dnring the winter month hauttng or euttins ihs. it is fairly clear. In a lecture delivered to u in hit schiMjf by a member of the Forel Itruftcli. we learnetl otne. thing of the value of our and Ihe reason why we should take care of it. We were tidd Hie amount of hioney that our gov ernment eleeteit in limher dues, etc.. and we- were shown how we might be benefiting by Hie ex- leniilure of this money in the erection of bHIer and nn'i-e numerous school thriighin" Ho irovinee. Our nad also cihiM lie im proved by exMnluie part of ilii revenue on llietti. Damage by Fire .Wording lo Ihe Forestry De parlmeti! ninety per cent t Ims yars frel fire were raued-by earelessnes. Tlie money ex- pendeil in fighting these fires wa $300,000. We are also lob! (hat M,OO.000 wl.rfh of limber wa delroyeif. !- In our house we have a Joint ownership in Ihe home. The cup and saucer, plates, chair. skmii, ele are used by all of lis. Nirw lei ti (hint of our province as one large house jn which we reide as one family. Let u suppose thai Ihe for est and river and lake lake Ihe place of Ihe various things in ll.i home. Have we not a common Interest m I hem? Should we mil I lien help lo take care of ihein a we do of Ihe arliele n our home? We would feel very indignant were some one lo eriler our houe and destroy our effects. We certainly would try to stop I hem from damaging our goods and if we were not able In ilo so ourselves we would Secure heln Ifrom our nejghhom if oossihle. Protection Necessary This is exactly Ihe situation in Ihe cae of protection of our forests. sWe our falhers and brothers directly or indirectly, earn Iheir living Hi rough work In rnimeclioii wilh limber or lumbering' II rests witli us lo do all in our power lo protect and help oilier lo proleel the green bells n round ns. Our teacher explained lo us Hie use m which lumber is put. We now thoroughly understand the value of Ibis limber and Ihe effecl that (Is destruction would have lo our province anil we hae agreed In our school lo tin .everything flint lie in our power -towards Ihe protection of Ihe forests. If Ihe Enentry department were In prepare a small booklet for use in our schools showing Ihe value of our limber and the uses to which il fs applied and TliurijariapBll. 1 Ten Years Ago j j in Plnc Kuprt g h September 6, 1913. The Vancouver Sun editorially j urge Vancouver buiiirS) men to; gel buy after the trade thai will! develop ifT Northern H.C wilh the linking up of tee on the (rand Trunk I'acifir Hallway. J V A. Odler, assistant to 0. II. Nii'hol-on, manager of the (l.T.P. coast steamship, arrived from Vancouver on Ihe Prince Rupert tin morning. Within IwO hours after the bride arrival in Ihe Hly from Scot land yesterday afternoon. Mis Annie Janel Herron was nulled in marriage to (ieorge Wilson, lorekeeier for Archie Mcliougall. The Ceremony was performed al f p.m. in the OTP Inn by Rev. F. W. Kerr in the presence of n few friends of the bride and groom. Miss .Mrl.eod was bridesmaid and Hon Oerar, best man. Following Hie ceremony a wedding supper wan served al Hie Inn. ATTENDANCE GREATER AT CATHOLIC SCHOOL Increase AH Around. Reported For Classes by Sisters of St. Joseph An increased attendance all around is reported al SI. Joseph s fJonvenl by Ihe Sister Superior This is, comparing Ihe number nf students enrolled on Ihe opening of the parochial school on Moii- lay with the nuin)er attending when Ihe lertn closed in June. The lolal is esllmaled at 1 10. Ihe ficrurn ituliilltif. tM. i II. .... . ...... ... . " " ."il'ioi ,,,. amouni ot frotn oulslde pninls who are umber ,in lree nf cerlain si,e, Iniardlng al the ronvenl. Kln-I l.eiieve H woul-l help the hoys dergarlen cla.Mes opened yeser-and girls In our schools and day with an enrolment of tt eveiilually help p, t,e protection which will likely Increase to 20. of our forest for Ihe school. The 'commercial classes will cnuiiren or today will be the .open nejil Monday and the, music wrown-ups in tomorrow, classes also about Hint lime. Prince Rupert School of Music Musical Director, H. Aubrey-Pryce, professor and iciiuier in. in an or violin nud piano plnying- Fall Term begins Tuesday, September 4. Pupils may now be enrolled for llie season. Keniur Orchestra Practice Tuesday evenings. 7. .10 o'clock. Junior Orchestra Pi-aclice - Friday Kvenlngs, 7.00 o clock. For terms, etc., Phone 674. . "Rupert" Brand Kippers SMOKED DAILY by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating O. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineer, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pall"" mskers, Founders, Woodworkers, Cto. Electric and Acetylene Welding. Our plant is equipped to l;idlo all kinds of Marine and Commercial Work HONEI 43 AND 388 Cassidy and Nanoose Wellington COALS " Vancouver Island. , ?'.,rr KrMt l Hi" OMirlrt f.r iiH-e litvh rrulo liIMV our - fli nt jhiiinirni (,f .im) ahd U lll rrlvp sltorily, .,. (. lrts and .ViiMiose re eqiwl In any Isljtod OmI for SIM.n noiwiile to Tim ronner I a ,klii( n'al, . UUMP,-Sacked( delivered $15.50 per ton LUMPLooje, delivered 14.00 per ton NUT--Socked, delivered 13.25 per ton NUT Loose, delivered 11,75 per ton Tel. 048. Special Prices for Car Lots. PHILPOTT, EVITT & CO.