PASE SIX LADIES' Fall and Winter COATS Our firl shipment 'if Coots has arrived and is nuw on display. We have never shown heller values iu fuel this shipment is a pleasant surprise. Handsome materials, fur trimmings and excellent tailoring. Colors are Sand, tirej. Reindeer, Brown, etc. AH lined throughout. Priced from $29.50 to $82.50. " Ask to see our LEW CO WINTER .COAT. A tailored garment which will not absorb rain. H. S. Wallace Co. Ltd. Phone 8. Mail Orders Promptly Executed. We Pay Delivery Charges DANCE At the Auditorium Every Wednesday and Saturday Evenings From 9 till 12 o clock. Pryce's Orchestra. Admission Gentlemen 50c; Ladles 25c. Oimc. and dance your sorrow away, ami 'remember jour miscrie n" ni'r L. J. MAII'IIKN. Proprietor. Phone Itlark 9. Summer COAL Great satisfaction? Repeat orders being filled every day for Nanaimo-Wellington Nat Coal Quick Firel leasts Longer! Costs same a. oilier Nit Coals. Phone 116 or 564. Albert McCaftery LIMITED Dr. E. S. TAIT DENTIST. Helgereon Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. Office Houre, 9 to 6. Phone 686. Open Evenings Only Tor Special Appointments. LOGGERS' CLUB iluale in the old Empress Hotel building. Rooms to Rent by Day, Week . or the Month. Steam Healed. Hot and Cold Waler. POOL TABLES. First-class Restaurant In connection. James Zarelll - Proprietor. FRESH MILK DAILY . From Our Government Tested Herd of Guernsey Dairy Cows. BETTER MILK. BETTER SERVICE. STANDARD DAIRY Phone Black SI. St. Regis Cafe Prince' Rupert's Leading RestauranL A Bakery Unsurpassed. Third Avenue. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. SOT1CE 13 HEREBY CI VEX. lhal nr iloa or Ue kiieo hum Rttrte sarttyrd U Lot iJi. Bue i, Coatt DOlrrtt, It C. IL .VVDE.V bepoty HiaOler or Land. LD4J Prpartnirnt. Victoria. B.C. IIU) Julr. .im. CANCELLATION OF RESERVE. ( Notice is hekeby civr-v uit u r-erve eiliuur oer tbe land formerly btM under Timber Licence Ao. Itttl P U 'cancelled. , C. H. .VVDE.V ' brpatr MmUlrr or Lands. (Lands Pefitruuent, i Victoria, B.C. iiui Jir, mj. LAND ACT. 'NoUca or UUillo U Asi U Parthaa Li la Skeros Land Dotrlei IWordinr Do-imt or Prince KBf-m. awl Nlaale aboat i'H tulle aoaUiaett or Salrns oo C-S.l hailma and conlaininr all oT Pent Itlaod. Tike nsUre uat Frank r. Bnrdeti of lYanewitcr. B.C- occopaliuo lumberman, intend to apply ror pennittlon to par-debase the foUowiar described laodt: Cucn-JiHeseiar at a pott planted ua met tide of DetlU rland at root or i.JJL embank-tnirot. tbeoce rulWin tbe ibure line or itatd Ulaad to I'Sal or cumnenrenmt. and luciwdmr all or taid Perils Island ae aoi fetrept toe Riant or Way r aakl CV Hairasy. and coBUiaiaf lit acre, mott tor let. rnoi f. SIRDETT. I IName or AppllcaaL mi lor rrau t. Boraett, Jar C WUmot, Herbert G. Row. ottet a i saira. Aor. II to. tj. j . NOTICE. I.V THE NATTER or an application for the Itsoe ft a rreah CcruTieaie or Till for Lot Tit IJ,. Block Hrtt IS). Toan of Port Ettinrtoo, Map Si;. ! atoraetory proof or tbs lots of IV Certificate of Title rovertaf Um above land, batiir beea farnitbrd roe. it is mr in leBttoo to litoe. after the etMraUon of one innclb fiun Uie flrt poblicaUoo bere- or. a rreNi lertirirale or Title to tbe tald land in tbe name or Y. YamnakL bics ortiflcale la dated tbe tltb October, 110. and l d timbered M71iC Land Brmtrr Office. Prince HnnerL B.C sird ivlr. IJJ. H. F. M kCLEOD, Retlflrar of Title. SUITS Made lo individual measure from various fabrics for y u to cIhhisc frouk, in all the very lalel colorx and male-rial. Kvery suil made exactly lo your miti-tjie. Guaranteed To Fit. Vvmc in UfJay and we will ehow you our new fabrics. Prices Are Moderate. DRY CLEANING AND PRESSING BY STEAM. Service Higlil, LING The Tailor Second Ave. Phone 649. Opp. Post Office Corner. Open for Business IN THE NEW STAND. Nest to St. Regis Cafe. Men's Fine Shoes from $4.50 Men's Working Slwtes from $5.00. Canvas Shoes for Men, Hoys ftnd Children, from $1.35 The Best Rubber Boot In Canada. GEO. HILL The Shoeman. Third Ave. Next St. ncgis Cafe. Phone 44. 'PORTLAND CANAL Engineer Tells People of Toronto About Stewart and Surrounding Country Tbe Portland Canal area of Hritisli Columbia declarrtt by K. II. Lamb, well kmnvn mining eiiKiHW. ! Ur the most import- NOTICE IS MEaUIV aEV Out aa afipHratMHi MI br aaade by Ibe CM)' of fnurr Raf-ert to Uw latotewve lrfnUi or Uie Prriare of Brttub CotenfcM. a I ll aetl eMta. fur mo Art f be eatrUed Prture Rafrrt ual baocvteuirat VaHda- IKih Art lt3 aatbnrtatar laser aKa tbe altrrauou of the rate of Interest oatable on tbe debeatarre W be MMMd under Ixiral lincrotetwal ByU S. les. fnna r-rrm r rent. (T'i l, fit per cent. Paled at tbe Ulr of PHoce RuuerL tbtt Jit day of Aaratt. tsts. E. F. JOJES. Soilrttor for tbe arpHraati. the Mantetpabty or the aty or Prtnro Rape ft. MINERAL ACT. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. NOTICE. Silver Bell m.-lton M inert I rlalni. ituale in Uie Stat luer Mlnlor rlvilm "f Cattlar pltlnrl. Where hira ted: On kltunlt HOer adiuininr the txHIy Vardrn 5nmti of Mineral i:ralm Take V.llre that Lean VV. tttiire. F..M4;. . ll. a. arenl tw William Ma'Lean. F.VI.C X IJIIUJ. Hobert F MrOinni. F.M.:. . I7ISSC: Alfred VVrlrbt. FJI.:. v. and Alfred E. VVriahl. Free lner Crrtiflckte u. tJ, intend rliiy d.v Imtn Uie date bereor. It apply to lite vilnlnr iienteder ror a or tlflrale of liiipnirenientt for the Hirpne of obtalnliir a jn Urant of tlt aln.te rUlin. And lurtlter Take .Vol Ire tbtt ar I If mi under Sertkiti ti mutl le rnniinenred tw fore the louanee vt sucb Certificate of iinpnifenirnts Paled tnla loth day or Auantl. im. LEWI VV PATMOHF. I J ThLittIDuIvTty Corporrd with ordinary sittM piano WHY DO WITHOUT YOUR REGULAR PRACTICE? You can have this Utile favorite right in your own room at less than 23c a day. Walker's Music Store Ltd. Dr.F.P.Kenny DENTIST Helgerson Block. Phone 109 For AppolntmenL P.O. Box 953, Prince Rupert. TBI DAILY R1W8 Thursdsy, Sfpie. Jt? 6 SUMMER MINING AREA COMPLAINT Cramps and Diarrhoea Tbere It no otber kmd of dixoe ual tmur va u quick and lia a litU iraio( at aa attack btt troablc, one mar rtUrc at la tbe bet l of beatto. and befurr kwnui be avakeonl kv l,rtfl . n. K. .k.. hitaj 1 lu -1 . .... ant miniui: area to open up sine tAllri J! PVi. a,w.wr I he discover" of Northern On tario. in an interview ?iven Hie Financial Post. TorHlo. Mr. Lamb along with a number of lhrr eastern rnen, lias jut re lumed from a cloe study of tbe listriet. A -ule from the wonder fully ricb ore which is beiiii minetl and tbe nrooiiMii? out lok for the many oik-ration in the area. Mr. Lamb incidentally rallNj attention to ooe inlerest ins fact. II i that Hie boundary lielween Hritish Columbia and Alaska, wilb ils tuniiiig and wmdiu? some dlstaoce? north of Slewart. iloe o in a manner bat leave the targe bulk of Hie prmi-in? miiitn? propeet oi Canadian terrilorj. Frotn what Mr. Lamb stales t here i every iiHiiralion that in a few year- I he area will be able lo boas! of sev eral important operations. First Producer The Premier miae, the fir! prtxlueer of Hie camp, is of nie the feature. IJ ha teen taking hiiltwy by. the richness of the ore it was mining and lavish ,Iilturemefil f ilivi- lend. TraiisMrrtalkm ha prov ed somewiiat a hanifieap but today there is an excellent auio roail from Stewart to the pre mier ami it will probably reach tbe Hi; Miotiri miive this ear. There are g.l pek IraiN from there on. aloMMi Hive lacier aleo provides a gool trail bile tbe old North Western roadbed provides a pool trail I lacier Creek distriel. 'Hie hort season is somewhat of a handicap. The weather is fair- y mild but tbe heavy miow fall" play havoc with transportation. Tbe Premier i opera I iot with NOTICE. tkuner nxopUiat or buvtl trbie in lose tuna or aaotber l tbii tetvua of tbe ftar. bea btel iroablef are ao pretaleat. t M adle tbe prrcaMuo of ljt bailac va band a bo I lie of Dr. Fooler's EtUtft or Wild Stravberrr Uut ) IH b ready rf any and aU etnerreaeiet. Yta HI rind Uut ft dwe of UU vabi-abl remrdy. uken prvoUy. W Uie Bieant of prereauar a rrrtt deal of aa-Dereasary tarrerlar, and ntaay a uawi ne kfe. Mr. W. U. iM. ITi CalberUie J I. S- HatBUua Uot . nt "Latt aaov ier I bad a ery bad stuck or aammer CMupUiat. craaips aad tharrbuea . I trie! many dirrrrrnt reiuedt. bat lby did noil eera to belp lue. I beanloT IT. roller's EtUact of WUd Sirs berry, ao decMed I aid try IL I;oiy fok a few ck. and ta a bvrt tune I at teller.' Prtre ec a beetle: pat ap by The T. MHbara On. Uaattea. Toroet. Oat. a two track electric train in us tunnel. IL mill i now J00 Ioh eataeily but plans of the eotn. pany are lo incresie this to 300 Ions. AtMtut JMi Ion of high graile ami eoHeeMlralrd are taken Hit daily over a 1 1 mite aerial Irani to Stewart and are shipped to Taroma and Granby. The In. Han ha 35 men al work. Mr. Iimb ! it i ilevelopin? into a lae metal mine, line and lead rather than gold ami filter. B.C. Silver aud Seloeeke are two important develofMtefll. Thwi there are the Alaska. Premier Kleit!ion. Virginia. Ataka Pre mier ami further north the His 3liouri aw still further the Forty-Nine. The latter .Mr. mb staled ha probably I be le.l outcropping of the area. i located ' between Salmon ilaeier and Ml. I Mil worth. Marmot River The MariHoi . dtlrirt aud ieorgia Hiver eeiion have pro- miiug prokMft.. In tbe latter Ihe gold vein, in evideore are of the fiure lype. heavy in iron. Ireologiral eotdiliiH are entirely ditTerenl fnnn the Premier area where the mineralized loues are near the eVnlarl of ordiyry dyke. The eiiriehmeal occurs through replacement a fx I Ihe ecomlary enrichment hy ilown- ward eirrulaling waters. Tbe area of Northern Hrilih Columbia preenl attractive N)ibilil(e for new mines. aid Mr. Iatub. Some will be shw in reaching production because of ii. . i...i n ... i .ti. ever. Ibe relatively high grade ore of eome of Ihe properties will no doubt caue transporta tion lo penetrate and (his will help Ihe oilier. Mr. Lamb expreed Ihe opinion dial Ihe Heno Conference on silver which will be attended by Ihe leaders of the industry, will be a beneficial influence on silver production in the Uniled Slates aud Canada. SUED JOCKEY F0 CROWDING IN RACE LONHON Sept. 0. Probably for Ihe first lime ill Ihe hisiory jof Ihe lurf a horse owner has .sued a jockey for damages for Ihe llos of a horse killed on a race ilrack. Hence Ihe case of II. J. iltoam. of Hove. HrighLoii. against ! Michael Heary. Ihe Irish Jockey. (for tK00 for the loss of Ihe racer Hronore ha excited more Ihan usual interest on the pari of Ihe public generally. The plaintiff claimed thai Ironore, a niare, was killed in May last while running in a selliiiR plale al Kemplon Park a a dirrl result of Heary s crowding lronore.'s jockey. F. Lane. Heary wa riding Golly F.yes. Ironore wa thrown against Ihe rails and Lane was pitched sev rial yard forward on the rours- Lane ecape injury but Ironore was killed, her peck having been broken in Hi .fall. The ease wa Iried by a jury. wilh Juslid. Harling presiding. lan.i a verdict was given for riaintirr lioaui for 300. nhaerlh foe If, flallv New TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY (LOST. Gold CulT Link. Finder Pl"iise return lo Daily New mb'" STEWART H. C. Magee has built a stone house al the Aberdeen mine in tbe Marmot Hiter valley. It will be used as a permanent camp. FloHt water have done con iderable dinner in the Salmon and Hear Hier valleys. Two bridge! have been washed out on the Salmon Hiver road whieh is practically unpayable for tratUc. The Hear Hiver bndse i unsafe aud part of tbe uest east of towu t! inuititaled. Andy laniieborg, whoha been utferttt? for everal week in Vancouver frooi an attack ol paralysis, i reiiorled to be gradually recovering. Mis Elisabeth Pitt, daughter of Mr. aini Mr. Hale Pitt, lias gooe to Prince Rupert lo enter SI. Joseph's Arademy. She was accompanied soulb by htf mother. BURNS LAKE Mr. ami Mrs. rlber lwadell left last wek for the prairie where the) will ?pcud three monlhs. P. V. I'alloo, statHHi arn. i pedinK a two weeks' vacation viiling varhms points in (he lakts dislriet. ..- , Mi lianiel, forme rly (earlier al TebeinVut like. is lliis year f leaching at Smithers. A Liberal Asocial ion lia been orgHRiie! al Hiiro I-ake Willi I be foltowing olllcers: Hmiorary Pre.Ment. ilm. W. L. Maekemie King; Honorary Vie President, IIimi. John Oliver, Fred Stork, M.P. ami Mou. A. M. Mnofl; preMlent, Alex. A. Connoti; viea-pre-idml. A. M. Itu.y: ercrc-lar- treasurer, li. It. llobb; ete-eulive. A. A. lmiion. A. M. Hud d. i. It. HiW. Fay S. Short and 1 1. M. lierovv. 5.N.R. CONNECTIONS FOR WHITE STAR SAILINOS Sj. "iHric" of tbe While Star line witl ail from Montreal on September IS, and "Canada m September Paen:ers for lhee boat ahould arrange to leave Prince Hupert via Cmadian NalMrnal Itailwnys, September H aie.1 15. For rale -and re servalfoni. call or write City Ticket Ofllee. Cana- ilian National ltallwayi. S!4 Hilnl Avenue, Prince I l.C. Phone 260. ... ryr tr lt Vj , Ht(r ,( f Hupert. 212 MINERAL ACT. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS. NOTICE. lance iroill lie cvasl line, Hair o I. and llalr So I Mineral uauat sllaaled In lb Bella Cn4a Vimlnt OltMMi or iat Mtliirt Where krsted e)umvr Inlet on Wlraam Baj. abnal luilea ortb of Port Hard) late ollre put I. Thuuut-Vlttheai rree Miner' Certlflrale o 7J I.. Intend, till) do. fnn tbe date Ureof . apply lo tbe .vimiur Ifrcvrder tor a r uiiraie or iniroietiienl for the iwmm or oblalmur a r.ra liraol of lb abutr claim. And farther take imllre that arikm anler Sertmn i mu.l be rnunnenrrd lie lure Ihe Irtutwe or all LertJflrii nf lniroernrtill. Paled I lilt Jllh da) of July. U), Iff) Ateot 1, siKSIir.S. Fre Miner's Crrtiricale So llsit c. )C DON'T BE A MUD FISH! at the bottom of the Ocean of Life. CLIMB UPI JOIN THE TECHII Classes Commence Oct. 1st. al Prince Hupert, Terrace, Hazellon. New llar.ellon, Snijthers. Telkwn, Prince George. Surf Inlet. Swaiison Hay. Anyox, Alice Ann Slewart. Norlhern Polutechnic Institute of B.G. Syllabus issued shortly. Wrile'for particulars to the Jlegistrar. Hox M82, Prince Ituperl. or see the Ical lleprvKcnlalive. Phone 376 The House PhoneJJG of Quality Schml Stockings Knit tc F., To Give Those Extra Days of WesrT ALL WOOL STOCKING In the popular Odor llnnvn .m i t Circle tr Stocking maslr eclnivei i... lie Circle Har Kiiilling t. Thev Miow u i, fjirl reipure m stocking -Ihey iiidv the t LOOK OVEfi OUn SPECIALS IN SCHOOL STOCKINGS EVERYTHING FOR YOUR BOY OR GIRL TO START SCHOOL RIGHT. UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. Outfitters to the Whole Family. Satisfaction or (Money Back. We Prepay Mail 0rrt, Promt1 dr. verv .. al' art-' nf i , e WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only. Thursday. 7 and 9 Betty Compson In "THE BONDED WOMAN" A slroug virile iory of liirwrei k hi S prmiilivc pa-ii mi- mil an ll-.oinpieiing s . r soul in Loud to rer iiii H derelict. Strong . ai m i- J Howcr ami Ho b oil (lit THE NEW LEATHER PUSHERS -ROUND No. 2. TOPICS OF THE DAY. Admission 35c and 10c ShockleyS Mamng 11 HIS Are now Sole genl. for Uie lumber ?-jp-..' cf he Hoyal Mills, Hanall, B.C. DIMENSION LUMBER. SPRUCE AND CEDAR SHIPLP. 8pruce Planking and Cedar for Foundation Work. GET OUR PRICES IT WILL PAY YOU. Phone 383. RAINCOATS for the Stormy Days llaiiirual and Huhher Hoots defy " rr" florins ond nowhere can every member ol Hit' ta" '"' a larger selerliou of Ihese iiei-esities than m o" 'or' Raincoats for Boys and Girls from S4.50 up. Raincoats for Ladies from $8.50 up, naincoats for Men from $8.50 up. "Santa Claus" Rubber Boots Tins brand i fiinioiis und we are erluive agenl ' have llieni in tlircp.iuurler Jenglli, sixes S lo IU1 "'' boys, and g,,; as(, three-qiiurler lenglli, les II 1 h'r misses, anil from 2 to 7 for ladies. Kvery pair o "lC5' "Simla Clans' llnl. Iters i giiuranleed by us. Oet rigged out for the wet days to come at Jabour Bros. Ltd. Corner Third and 8eventh. Phone 045.