GROHOWIN GILHULY GAME Defeated Sons of Canada by 3 to 1 In Opener for Qilhuly Cup Last Night The Orotto defeated the Sons of Canada in the opening game, of Ihf Cilhuly Cup Senior football series last nisht hv a score of X to 1, It was a poor exhibition of soccer featured with no play of a spectacular nature. All scoring was made on the up grade, the find In getting their tallies in the first half through tf. F.rskine two; and Jock Campbell. The Sons scored their one and only in the second half through Eddie Smith. Harry Menzies was ordered off the field in the first hair for talkim? bark to the referee. Oorge Russell was referee, A. Clapperton and D. Hodgson acted as linesmen and the teams tookj the field as follows: ! r,ro(to--s. Hawthorn; H. Hamilton and O. Cochrane; p. Mc-fiViwan, A. Roy and J. M. Campbell; Oenrge Waugh. M. Mcpherson, S. Erskine, J. Joyce ami J. Andrews, Sons or -Canada V. Murray: 11. Menzies and V. Menzies; D; Ourvich, O. Mitchell and :. Ham ilton.- H. Astoria, W.t Mitchell,,. Marks, E. Smjlh arid A. Mitchell. j Sport Chat On August 5 at Lake Kathlyn near Smithers there will be a bis-water gala in aid of the Bulkley Valley Hospital. Fifteen aquatic events, including diving, swimming and boating, are on the program and a handsom'e silver cup will be the main 'award. There will also be a list of sports for dry land and the principal event will be a baseball game. Smithers has invited an all-star Prince1 Rupert team to be present for nmpctilion on the occasion hut I'.rrangements at this end' nave hot yet been contpkted. Among 11 lawn tennis players, Vincent Richards or the United Slale$ stands out as the most remarkable player Tor-his age that has ever been known gays the Manchester Ouanlian; In 1018 he became the doubles champion or Ihft United States in partnership with "Big Bill" Tllden at the age. of fifteen. Oaining, further distinction since that time and meeting with the arre.itenl. players, last season, he stood outj ns uie mini neat player in the world at nineteen years of age. I'lilikf most of the youthful wonders of the American continent, Richards comes from the Eastern Slates, Yonkers, New York, being his home, A further poiat of difference, and one that nugnrs wHI for a prolonged car eer, is that his game is based on placing rather than sheer pacc.i lie combines the steadiness and' lieadwnrk of a veteran with th ngility or youlh. He adds to lliese the wonderrul powers or anticipation or a Normal) Brookes and the delicate touch or a violinist. Irj is indeed the Kubelik or lawn tennis, thinks the writer in the Manchester Ouanlian, wlio says the sheer artistry or his play is without an erpial. These nunli. ties makp him, tlie finest vollcyrr in (tin world today. Richards al-ready reveals occasionally u rcil "hit" on the forejiand, and when this becomes oyiisislent an J sure there is no reason why he, should not fulfil tiMeys 'prophecy of two years ago ami become "the greatest player lhe world has ever . . leen." Doc M?oONn I rw JrJ ryjm fi B ' '" 'TO j Lscal ami Personal Nayners, Undertakers. Pooue 351. tf Ice, Wood or Coal. Phone Red 523. Casey's Transfer. tf East night of Big Show bacjs of KM JU Post Oflice. Hring the -family and join. In the fun. R. L. Hrown arrived from Ocean Falls on the Prince' f;enrpe yesterday afternoon.,. . , r t Save Money! nuyVur Nanaimo-Wellington Nut Coal at 113.50 a Ion. Albert &' McCaflery, Ltd. tf Milton fionzales left on last night's train for Smithers on business. He will be back on Monday. Adjutanl Kerr of the Salvation Army was a passenger leaving for Port Essinglon on last night', rain. Mrs. Coleman of the Salvation Army returned lo the city yesterday afternoon by the steamer Prinro Oeorsre after a brief trip to Winnipeg. ' ' Mrs. Johua Kineliani arrived ijeslerday afternoon ,by the Prince Ortrge rroin "YicJoha iin: i visit with her 'daughter. Mrs. S. U. Johnston, Seventh Avenue East. Mr. and Mrs. 0. L. Reilh and family are sailintr this afternoon by the Prince Alice for Van couver eiiroule to Winninesr n mi mi night' train for LnuUville, Ken. flirkv tv-ltarj. ItA Ho.. V, ... --II.. I j ii ,(. mil iM-ru rAiini , on account of hit mother' seri- j B. C. Undertakers. Phone 41. tf!0""' I . in Nine Mr. and Mrs. II. M. I. I.aml.e t returirAl In the city yesterday afferniMtn after spending their luinpyiiiiwiii in the Sound cities. They will lake up their residence on iMiigrave place. Mi. Oeniee Macilonald ar rived on the Prince G curie yesterday afternoon rrom Vancouver ami .will spend the holidays here Vi-...:ik. i ! "i-iintfi. nun nrr Milliner, .UTS. B. .VJiKdpnaldr Atlin Avenue. . ,VJV.a and Sale of Home Cooking Wilt be held al the home of Mrs. Wallace Orchard. Musgrave '''wvf'" Tuesday. July 21, in aid op Ihe'Sl. Andrew's Women's Auxiliary. All are welcome. r. W. S. Parsons, provincial police, inspector, returned to Prince Oeorye on last nishl's train. Shortly Mr. Parsons will be hack with Mrs. Parson lo lajce up his headquarters in this city. - Mrs. "Sam Itedore laid iriforma-lion of asaull npainl Mr. (ieorge Oavjs, Shamrock Rooms, last nighl but she failed to put in an appearance al the police court this morning and the case was, dismissed. C.N.R. coast freighter Prince Albert, Cant. Neil McLean, ar rived from the south al 9 o' clock last night with a full carso of general freight. Coal is being unloaded at the dry dock today ami the steamer will proceed where Mr. ' Reilh will become early loniornw morning to Clax agent ut the Canadian Fish t jinn 'ami the Queen Charlotte Is Cold Storage Co. 'lands to complete discharging. piat ran TEI DAILY HlWf Saturday, July !i WE CANNOT EMPHASISE loo strongly the values we are offering MEN" this wifk. Welted nools, mack or Hrnwn, alt sizes and shapes. Honestly worth StO.oo. All one price $7.50 Expert Shoe Repairing. Family SHOE Store 'hoea For The Family." Special Attention to Mail Orders. Charges prepaid. BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMant, v wir'muc: . i i . . i II i I i --i i a :i i i i r1wrr-:jM!ii i i. j 1-1 '" tT 4. fUTW tow,, tc. j-jllf - -j " -------------J Owen Owen Fisher, Fisher, nianaser manajrer of of the the! Mrs. p. MrMonlie left oni- - - - , . --,,, "" 5 Reliable Watches at Low Prices The Fmoui Maple Letf More men uk thit lncrwll thin lay. other wjich. Sturdj, reliable, Tbii Mtplc Uf Tells Time in tb Otrk The hmoui IngerMll Maple Lea Witffti for letting time in the dark. Convenient iiniier the pillow al nighc. 300 InltnoH Weurbury $5 The I him, jewelled IrnenoU En. meldial Alu comet with Radiolite figure! tni haodi, and "niter" tail t $6.00. tAVE you a watch? good If riot, go ee the Inger-soll line of timekeepers at any store that carnes In-,gersoIli. Ingersolls keep good time and that after all is the real purpose of a watch. They are good-looking, bat not fancy unless you would call a Reliance in a beautifully engraved gold-tilled case "fancy." The prices range from $2.oo to 1 1 a.oo. About half the models are Radio-lites that tell time in the dark.- You can choose to fit your own needs and pocket book. IxcimoiL Watch Co., Inc. 19 M Cata.f.M M . l Moueai, r U vraaaP Rfliwe 1710 A ml 7 -jewelled wah aim ukd Vrideotructioa m ed m fipenurt witchti. Alan in x.ld-riUed um it 1 1 1. night'. train for Smithers. on siasit for Port Simpson to-morrow. Reserved seat only - Last call for the Hig Show back of the pol Office, positive ly lal showing lonighl. Found guilly .of drunkeiines. Martin Hanen was fined 5o n he iMdire court this nmrniiir with the option of thirty days imprisonment. I he C.P.R. steamer Princess Alice, Capt. Skavwav for Vancouver, is due in iwirt at J..I0 tin afternoon and will re main until six.' R. M. Taylor, provincial gov ernment public work dMrict engineer, sailed for Stewart on the Prince Oeortie last niuht. lid i CXlKVltsi ll.ick I a ri i 1 1 1 Mi Kvelyn Sheagreen arriv ed yesterdav afternoon liv llm " -- - ' J w . Prince (ieairge from Vancouver lo visit with her iler. .Mrs. IL W. Marenlelle. Fiflli Avenue West. - Mr. and Mrs. Charle llalagno and family are sailing tonight onllie Prince Ten no- for Victoria where they will spend a murde of weeks visiljng with Mr. Ilul-agno's parent. It. F. MeNaURlitnii. C..V.R. dis trict pasnenaer agenf. left on last night Irrtin for Ldkeise Lake where he will visit Hip hotel on behalf of the company. Re will be back tonight. Mr. and Mrs. II. St. fi. Lee left on Jlast night's train for Terrace. Mrs. Lee and family will luke tin a slimmer camp at Lake LakcUr and .Mr. Lee will return lo Ihe city afer spending the week-end there. Iter! Manlrop, steamboat in-lector, i leaving on tonight' train for Francois Lake where he will inspect the provincial government's ferry, boat, lie will return lo Vancouver from Hums Lake by way of Jasper Park, a) A Bon-flr Picnic In aid of the Ridley Horn wilt b hold, weath er permitting, .on Wednesday, July 25, at McNIeholl Crk. Tho launch "Oh BaBy:' will ia cow Bay ry M mlnutaa between 6 and I p.m. Ttokat 25c, children 15c. Coffaa provided. Everyone welcome. 1 73 F.dward A. llatriren. editor of the Mining and Kngineering Re cord, Vancouver, passed through the, city on t h Prince Iteorge yesterday uflernoon enroule to Slewarl whepe he will make a oersonal insoeclion of various mining properties in fhe Inter- esis of In piitiiicnllon. Or. F. P. Kenny, graduate of Ihe University or loronlo, the Royal College or Denial Surgeoim Intermediate July S High School vs. White Sox. 30 Colts vs. High School. August 7 While Rot v r.nMu or Ontario and Ihe College or ,3 High School vs. White Sox. Denial Surgeons of British Columbia. wUIu'h to announce 97 that he is practicing dentistry in hi modern dental ollice lit I lie Helar'erson Illock. Dr. Kenny Is hero .. permanently ............... and . lit not con - Daily News Classified Ads. 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Ad-.rtU-n.tmt Taken for La... thaan thn Bo, BOj, FOR SALE FOR SAI.H- JiosloH Orill Equipment. Mil -it lie sold by July Equipment oiimi or .ir chairs, C ilek sloo, I'D counter stooN, . tables, coiTee urn. 2 lea caddie. I Mirrors, 2 shelves, I .National cash register, I tyieriler. I McClary's slove with 2 ovens, I counter 3d reel long with nol rest, dislie, rup. saucers, etc., silver wnr ice box, table cloth and jui "kins, HI tral. U.llf .lii'im I..I.I. .. . a News Ollice. ROOMS aim aim llir-ua . mock,-scale, lonelier knife and saw. cooking uleniU. love to iipvt IhmmI with piping, electric wir ing and latop, 3 doors, I H-day Calender cfcK-k. All the above list with other small things together for ftiOO. Apply l'.O. Hox 37., or phone 8. 157, Illue 217. X. Mussalleiu A T. Caroff. 173 FOR SALE. Sinsrer Sewinif machine and mrgnn. Spleiidi-l condilion. Apply 731 Sitlh Avenue West. 173 HA lift A IX for Cash Jf sold Im mediately, Lot trt, map 967, Terrace. Apply Hox 122. Daily ST. ELMO HOTEL. Hot and cold water in every room. Steam healed. Rales Phone Oreen 510. Avenue West. BOARD. reasonable. 83(5 Second HOARD. The Inlander. 830 Second Avenue. Phone 137. tf ROOM AND BOARD PALMER HOUSE. 108 Sevenlh Avenue West. Phone Red tin. Furnished suites. MISCELLANEOUS. ACCOMMODATION' for Campers. Stoves and col provided. I.un fear A French, Hill Farm. Terrace,. M.C, EXPERIENCED MANICURIST and Shampooing. Residenlial work a specially. Phone Illue (71. Mrs. Coleman. LOST LOST. Hunch of keys, mostly nle, on ring. Return C.N.R. Ticket OfTice. Phone 2f,o. 172 SPORT SCHEDULES BASEBALL 1 Colts vs. High School. While Sox vs. Colls. September 4 High School vs. White Sox. Junior juiy July necle.J wilh any other denlist in 2.1 White So vs. Scouts, the practice of dentistry. 17 2C Falcons vs. White Rox. . ... 3 -Scoiits vs. Falcons. Clyde A. Ilelierof Philadelphia, August president or the Helinont-Siirf 3 While Sox vs. Scouts., Inlet Mining Co., wa a'passen- fl -Falcons vs. White Sox. ger as far as Hwaiisori Hay on 9 -ScOuls vs. Falcons. Ihe Prince (ieorge yesterday.' Al ---While Sox vs, Scouts Ihe paper I own Ihe company 117 Falcons vs. While Snr launch l ull .Moon mei mm ami look him mot IiIh Iwii ilaliuhlei-s. by whom he U accompanied, lo Kurf Inlet where, lie will iiukc one of his regular Inspections of the properly. Mr. Jleller will pass, through Uie.,cily eil week on his return to Philadelphia. rCZEMA YOU aU I10I ijj Omentitis when tuu tii. Dr. (( oint- rneiii'r Eirnim 11A Kti im, pswer and Mod w. a9uluS,ml i FOR RIKT TO RENT -- Furnished room. Willi hot and cold water, bv day or week. Mixlcrale rales. Norfolk Room, Plume Rlack 3St. u STKAM Healed Flat Hesner apartments. Stephens. for renLj M. M. FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms f 410 Sixth Avenue EaL Illue 21?. I'hone tf -'I wo roomed flat In Hhck. Apply store. (4. Vf NOTICC Advertisers m . est that copy f. r UMtnenlii should ; Dally New ..ill . I p.m. I inlay I,, rn, oorlion In lm.,ir sue. TRICT. r--:- ... ... . ., i! iV MODERN four room flat for QUEEN CMARLOTTC LAND n.L . ... . TOinr rent, vvesiennaver Hros. tf Application to Purchase Lsnd. 1 - Y'"JI .IIBIIlU- L IIAHY lli;iiftY for Sale. Excellent r'rl- Heoitnlinir Dim,., condilion. .ircn I7. a'd ' taxi Hurat Island, lymit 1 -ITJl! Miulhwest of Lino .lard Tail 67 Phone. ; lake Notice that W f. trJi i- . Morris, of Wmivt nr (Call Oeorg or Onst) cm im I Ion miner, iniend. i Rots Brothers. .for permission t pnrrti Flve-passenjer Touring Car ifol,"'fr decrdef innN Prompt Day and NUht ScrvU. U!''.' Maftlt ji SUBoon Grill Third,lsiandr"thenee X J . line ni said Islat.i ' AUCTION 8ALTS. I rnHv x Londueled in your home or nt M.W.'"H' erei rrr.- .- "'I It'll I fl II a.... ur rooms. commission. cood, ..,! oi,m",,.,7;-i H. H. HEMIVHr;03, Auctioneer, Third Avenue (Det.ny Allen's Old Staet u- Viiirr rf R. CHIROPRACTOR D. TASSIE, D.C. Chiropractor MAIL SCHEDULE ror the East To Alaska Polnttv umn n,im IM tMHf 3rd Avenue. Prinre liutuari it Hours: lo to I.': ' I.. : 7 n'Ht Phone Illue c?V fle.ideni'r. lireen 3fi HOLIDAY RESORTS MASSETT. QUEEN'S HOTEL The Ideal Holiday ResorL For terms apply proprietress! Mrs. J. c s D,inn. Mondays. Wednesdays and Frl-days, close at 5.30 ii. ni. From the East . Mondays, Thursdays nud Saturdays. -1:30 o.m. From Vancouver i Sundays p t,j Mondays 3 pi vveiinesitays 3 V.W, rrldaye A.M. Fridays 3 p j CP.R. July 2, 0, 13, 10, 20 and' 23. To Vancouver- Mondays in .m. Tuesdays, Mail close at I p.M. Thursdays Saturday'..... Saturdays CP.R. .Inly 7, 1L and 28. To Anyox, Alice Arm Wednesdays From Anyox, Alice Arm Ihursilaytt To Stewart and Premier .... 10 P.M. A.M. 10 P.M. 18. 21. 25 P.M. 8 p.m. Fridays n n i From Stewart and Premier MUuiilay. NOTICE. Ow! lanirtH i Man : T ill n ' I r,!jrrit' SUirrlc nm.r ,. ... trerik of riirv,,. , f j , M da 14 u tttH ii v NIMIff IK- ... 1... k... ... i eeoM. II la My mirtitKin t M tirlfSll-fi of n. nvmth ft -ni !. Own oT IMt m.ur. t fMlnrt uf THt III Irw nli 'MM, Wti mill lr. nr. it maul Umi ItWI Hllalr) nfir, frui. ' B.C, fa Hi Mr. Itl ii r vvri.r.t. rrlnr f LAND ACT. Notlc. f Inunm. u Avoir u fartriM LlflS. In SkVaaa f atwl fvi.t.i. n... IMrt tif I'Miwa bu. m . - - - . jinn i lh iMiib Mxt of kifumnllut:. e.C t yetlrr, thai I. 1.. r our IVnMnt. n.C . rsniKT itrn. . for tarnalaaa i.. u .. . , 1- v 1 - vv i , 1 iitfr 1 iter 11 1rrllml Until: Cmmon. !n II a frt.r f Ut 11 ti. fi.n( rtrii ItM-tirr Muih to rrwliia. tbrt), 1 I.'i" of ter. .flaWlB rallinr mr-r 1,. ruin tirw ' lfot '-iiMHiT a-u irrra. n oscn omnr A" 11 tMiai M.r itth in. LAND ACT, Noilt f lnlnUn l Apply f prtl In Skawfia mA ......... .. . i. L'4 Pf,"r "l'i. H. ami "'7 n,''lh til fif KltaiimrCliim .1 Tike urr. thai t. Airrl 1 1 ' llir IM.I-rnlaal..n ... ...... . . . . tfirril lanitl: r.Mnmrnnn at 1 nniM tf ixrlliMt rnrnor .if I t .A IL ,u r"nii Uwnre smith n 10 rhitiia n a-ii... I. .... -..-s ,,-",atilll 1 ' lllir. Mt . Mliwlii Dm. ile .,t,thf Unlv i ilhwr.. rnrtirr of l.i.,Af north 4ft riuirw m ,,!( nf 'r,.ft, . nni. ikI rnntiimnr atmiit ( worr- cr !. Ai.innP rnAi NOTICC. MOIIrr ! lirai lit. ni t.M .m. ,i n ,. - in .111 ni iiiar.i inai . iilriiinn in Ih- i,iit hr Uw i:v r 1 lllirs-rf to the I f.rlllttv ..riil,h r I'riivinii. nf nnilalt :liitiiin.. 11 Uf Mill, fur in Art to I, rnllllnl 1 ltniMrl I .ui.i . ...... 1. i .. . 1 iiiil'nivnnrin a iiiiair " 8 P.M. VK . "Hriiinf 11 vall.Hllnr r I MW 710. I0J. Ix-lnr 1 llilau in fi ' fr " tnirmwinr -i"'inr imik him iinmlDMl iinniimi imt lll'l r"i in" IIIIV liil.. n Z, 0, a m 13. IB. 20 . nml . 01 I. Thoiiaiml (iSA.nnn nni Imiiara . In. ,n ' From Alaska Points 1!!?.'."" l0 r"r "' "-":i"i .' 1' .,. 1 ' iniiirvipiiirnt, Jiainriy. wot ' 1.. I.. ,m J'lly 7. I . tfl. 21 9B n,i 00 I'" "f rrrliln rixdwivi with bn.kni ' "' To Quoen Charlottn ui.n . 1 . f'"1 'I" -! liiitinrf v ynanoiie island '' ,V Points of mitrr imi pimt. mi imrn- From Queen Ch.rf-it. J.:.-!! ' VV"'Vi'":l:'.:? . , . ff-uiiivB1"" "irn inn rnnrrk Mint, a' . Jtl V: 0 unit ) . .. IlirtlM fur III mat nf Oik Ark fimi W to neat River Polnte drrininr itw irna .rt out in nnh n . I liUI'mlays in t,nl .mnfirnilnr riTUI mmiiihi ' From v ' ""'lr""'' V " Cimrt or llrHHiW ! Si... rrom pjaat ni ' River Points '" .Muninini iniproriinni rjaiurdays a , "I '""""in tmllras rnl hum. . b.. , - A. ni. 'i'i Tiiiiiiiinr lijiawi paaanl imraiiini 10 Port Simpson, Alice Arm,."'" I"r" '"'t'ri'vrnninl Arltfur tmri nuiw - j . . -"'-'iinr imiiirj iiHiiirr rrmii iruni iim inr iianit uriiiN rnr tor ilia lta 1 i.j .itu Hrranaaie. U I nuiiuuy ... . From Port Sln.p.on;"Aic, Arm nyg anrj Arrandale T,,e8j'"rs A.M. of rirryinr wit ih work txiniinr ll f"ln . i niti t ih city of rrinrf Juiprrt. i"" I lid Iy or July. 103. j ' ' , - . E. F. J0'FS, Sollrllor for lh Aipllrnt. I" Munlrtimlity or City of frlnr' Ijupirl, .-