special December Clearance ADIES’ C OATS —— te eae ereeeay e the very latest styles, all beautifully tailored, heavily , pleasing selection of colors and styles, well lined and | { w, have never Shown such values, and the reduction we are of ONE-THIRD OFF THE REGULAR PRICES, meke $12.95 COATS Value to $25.00 $16.50 COATS Value to $35.00 $22.50 DRESSES We are offering some very models at rment if COATS—-Value to $2( es ) ah u } desirable pecial reductions Fi RI Es \ $0.5 $3.95 5 $7.95 For Your Christmas Requirements eit ; \ Vi I OU re We lave a very articles, te. : SUILADIE iv) I } nNoses complet Lin ee e| also Wrap d ALLACE’S 4 Third Ave. sul i titi Phone & Fulton St. DLL 44 Gift Stationery FOR CHRISTMAS New Styles at much lower prices. A large and varied nent to choose from. We will be pleased to show them to customers Ormes Ltd. The Pioneer Drugg ists l 8) & Be The Rexall Store é e Buy Home-Made ’*Xmas Presents ive a fine new line ol Prince hh Christmas Cards Art Calendars and Pictures ri I , ith Prince lp your friends to een in touch with Prin | Rupert people le by Prine , } t ho ; and the money is spent at nom WRATHALL’S They are ma —_—— eee ence LOCAL NEWS NOTES For day and night Taxi ser- | Basketball tonight Anditorium, 7. vice Phone 32. tf i Big shipment of sweaters at $1! | i 1 in brick-lined Quebec lator Heaters and Circu-|time for the cold snap. 284 Gordon's Hardware oe The fire department had a call J. E. Lockwood) local fisherman, | yest afternoon to the home left on this morning's train forlof D- McLeod, 410° Sixth Avenue Mill Village, Queen's County, Nova|West, where there was a smoke scotia, where he will pay a visit| scare. No damage was done. ; i | INDIGESTION? ———- erday | G. A. Yardley, inspector of cus-| toms, disembarked here frum the imer Prince Rupert last even- ot to Y ing after a visit in Anyox on of-| " ciaaieaale icla luties and will be here for} wi aoe : ‘ wasknock- te ) D e returning WW ed out con 7 I ly by a bad stomach Capt. Joseph Flood, who came and noses t W i pilot aboard! g«carcely do the tanker Alt nite, which di my work ! yplic re and area ves ive ione Al , yer aboard). ja c fos ' Pp , ht ¢ D. j., B n, Ont. 4 re] ; I rl P 5 B plone de me B { ; e very De Ab VE Shs the ya h , 0 Venture last| than ordinary Indigestion remedies be- i business! cause they stimulate the stomach and 4 ‘ Mr. Br | OTHI Ry tal organs to work naturally. ; c You can’t buy anything better, The Bell great discovery of a brilliant doctor. Cool f +) nast few dat ha Also a perfect reme ly for Con tipa- ) t and Uric Acid diseases, such as ge . & S0c. everywhere, Facer et wre oF it-a-tives Te de cet ane oa ui ral ‘ ' i MAKE AND KEEP YOU W _ if - Pri a pend the fd, Sa general manager of ‘ ! I t I rhey,;*he Northern British Columbia yar th by thei | ( who has been on a ul B i en |brief trip to Stewart on company me | ou eturned to the city from i t! n the Prince Rupert T ————— Re McLennan of the law firm I | Fisher & McLennan was admit- i bd f the Rotary Club } i day. Guests a I were R.. Whitney of ‘ i } P. Lorenson and Geo McNit B. T. Chappell of the n ’ Rotary Club was a Vis iG It was .announced P i next Thursday evening mem er ! ‘ Ladies’ Music Club me at A x ’ ld ent ain the club with th } ingu f negro spirtuais diaii } SKATERS Announcements | : } B K fo | on I A in i? € ' . ‘ & Marine Sup Cow Ba i G M H | _ December 1 Mas Uodods: , : We have received a shipment H of Christmas goods — Peel, as y ; taisins, Nuts, Figs, Christ- , mas Stockings, Crackers and Candy. Get your requirements. N x D \ Our prices are right Butts 95 me ac B M iced while Re | 20c = > — == — I Ki { kens—For on 25¢ ’ 4 ) JONES Mberta Rose Flour @4 45 ; . 40 p : are $1.25 ain eal b ‘ ' y Henge 85c Aero Brat I 90 Market } 2 tos. 1 1b, Free) OVE | This would mak good gif Baby Beet 75¢ for } nds ' ; Baby B Our Confectionery and Deli , 15¢c catessen Department will be Br i open until 12 every night for eel ef. } ; t 75C) your convenience Roi eur 50 We deliver all orders $2.00 or 3 Ib Cc over Shoulder /Vea! 75 is *| MUSSALLEM’S Rump Roast. V | 75C| ° 6 ib ore sg¢| Economy Store ' e i 3 tbs 18 — Phones — 360 oe 18¢) P.O. Box 575 per Ib } T-Bone Roast 20¢ per lb Shoulder Pork, 4p de COAL! COAL! Apples, 3 Ibs X ; Pork Chop Famous Eds s 50¢ our Ndsor Alberta and 3 lbs Bulkley Valley Coa are guaran- Pork Sausage 25¢e teed to give satisfactlon. Try a 2 Ib ton, of No. 1 Bulkley Valley, We also sell Timothy Hay, Wheat 957 — Phone — 957 Oats and Barley, Prince Rupert Feed Co, 58 — Phones — 558 4! C.P.R. steamer Princess Adelaide, ‘Capt. Thomas Cliff, is due in port at 4 o'clock this afternoon from waypoints, Under the auspices of the Cana- other enjoyable ;the south and will sail at 10 pm lon her return to Vancouver and HEATERS—Some good snaps left] just arrived at the Dollar Store in dian Labor Defence League, an- dance was held ‘last night in, the League Hail in the Exchange Block, there being a good attendance Music was fur- nished by members of the League and the ladies freshments. John A. Anderson tendent for Atlin headquarters at Anyox, who ha been on a trip to Stewart on of-; the city on: evening} ficiai duties, arrived in the Prince Rupert last from Stewart and will proceed the smelter town on the Carden: j Sunday evening FIRE ALARMS TENANTS OF supplied the re-| road superin- district with wo, i a APARTMENT Considerable alarm was cause last evening among ter Waldron Apartments, Fourth Ave when heavy nue West moke pene s of the! trated throughout the corridors jand apartments as a result of ¢ overflow of oi] to the heat taking fire in the basement. Son of the occupants prepared to leav the place and took to the street There was mage of consequence ng plan ‘ e f fortunately, no da- to the prem- ises although a new burher will have to be installed in the The incident furnace occurred at 9:45 p.m. and the fire department was called KEEP WARM Wear Silk & Woo! Hos > 00 * “ $1.35 wet Tee ee ra : $2.00 eo a? ae ee . ats $8.50 DEMER’ 5 HAVE YOU SEEN The NEW CONTRACT BRIDGE SCORE CARD? Saves figuring & works instantaneously. We |} ave everythin 7 for card games and if you buy from us you have GOOD LUCK Neat little presents for parties or for Christmas Presents The Regal Shop Mr. and Mrs. John McRae EE SANIT TRE ON aT ere a Hotel Arrivals Central Hotel Central Ltd. Covenient to business district, homelike, Beautiful harbor views reasonable. sample rooms FIRST CLASS CAFE Open at All Hours Special monthly rate for Rooms and Meals Hotel Central Ltd. First Avenue & Seventh Street Rates Spacious G. Woodall and J.Weis, C.N.R ASER & PAYNE'S Bargain Annex Open Saturday 100 BOXES HANDKERCHIEFS Ladies’ Boxed Handkerchiefs, white with colored embroidered hand done assorted designs, 3 handkerchiefs in box, 4 boxes for $1.00 LADIES’ RAYON SILK VEST & BLOOMER SETS Lace trimmed and tailored styles, assorted shades 98¢ ind sizes, per set LADIES’ RAYON SILK BED COMFORTERS Cotton Filled, sterilized. pure cotton filling, paisley designs, full size $2.20 each BOYS’ BALBRIGGAN SUITS Small Boys’ Pure Wool Suits, 2-piece style, pullover & pants, assorted colors, years 89¢ 1, 2, 3; per suic BOYS’ STAR GAUNTLET GLOVES Leather Star Gauntlets, wool Leatl i NIGHTGOWNS lined, sizes 6 to 74 59¢ Assorted shades and 89e per pair styles, each BOYS’ PANTS PURE THREAD SILK HOSE 3oys’ Short Pants, assorted ; a SS | Stbstandards mock fashioned weeds, good hard wearing Prench heel all new quelity & on in | 49c * S9C | neces, ver pair c per pail LADIES’ SILK & WOOL HOSE Silk and Wool Plaited Hose, ev- ery pair perfect, assor- 39c ted shades, per pair LADIES’ & MISSES’ LINED CHAMOISETTE GLOVES Assorted shades and sizes, all perfect 39¢ er pair LADIES’ & MISSES’ WOOL GLOVES amples pure wool assorted tyles, values to $1.00 yer pair 49c LADIES’ WINTER WEIGHT VEST & BLOOMERS Woiltex make, cream color, as- sorted sizes 55¢ er garment FLANNELETTE NIGHT- GOWNS Ladies’ White lannelette Nightgowns, full size assorted trims, each 59c LADIES’ SKIRTS Two styles, pure wool tweed, size 14, 16, 18, 20 $1.95 each LADIES’ KIMONAS Warm comfortable kimonas, as- sorted patterns and $2 49 sizes, each - INFANTS’ CRIB BLANKETS Wool mixture, assorted colors, ize 30x40 inches ach ci a9e GIRLS’ SILK & WOOL SWEATERS Extra special value, pure bot- iny wool and silk mixture, as- sorted colors 98e sizes 28 to 32 BOYS’ PURE BOTANY WOOL HOSE Sizes 6 to 8‘, assorted colors, turned tops 49e BOYS’ BLACK JUMBO SWEATERS Absolutely pure wool, Penman’s om $2.49 Sizes 28 to 34 MEN’S HEAVY RIBBED UNDERWEAR Stanfield’s Pure Wool ind Drawers per garment per pair Shirts 98c PURE WOOL WORK PANTS Men's Humphrey Tweed Pants dark grey color 2 95 ° MEN’S ENGLISH BROAD- CLOTH SHIRTS Assorted colors, blue, tan, green and white, collar attached, Van Hueson Collars” 95e BOYS’ LEATHER COATS Boys’ All Leather Coats, belted le, dark brown shade, warm ined size 30 to 36 $4 45 MEN’S CAPE LEATHER DRESS GLOVES Genuine Cape Leather Dress Gloves, all sizes $1.00 per pal MEN’S TIES All genuine pure silk Ties, every all the newest patterns, over 25 doz. to choose sizes, per pair | sizes, each tie wool lined from, made up in two groups | a 39c “ 49c Books. Toys and Games All New Books, Toys and Games. A good assortment to choose from at Bargain Annex prices UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Steamer eave Prince Rupert T.S.S. CARDENA EVERY TU ESDAY, for Vancouver:— 1:30 Loe Via Occear wis and Warpoints ving Vancouver Thursday afterno TS.S. VENTURE EV ERY THU RSD AY MIDNIGHT. Arriving Vs yuver Sunday t : Weekly sailings to Port Simpso Alice Arm “At yox Stewart and Naas River points Sunday, 8 pm SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATE, ROUND TRIP, PRINCE RUPERT TO VANCOUVER, $32. On sale Nov, 10 to Feb %8, return limit March 31, 1933. Purther information regarding all sailings and tickets at VRINCE RUPERT AGENCY: Second A venue. Phone 568 ‘ ’ y ‘ _ CANADIAN PACIFIC nex er via Ocean Falls and Way Port PRINCESS Pridays, 10 PM To Var iver direct PRINCESS NORAH— De 18. Ja LOW FARE Rot Nb TRIP WINTER EXC URSIONS TO \ ANC OUVER, Tiekets on sale November 10 to February @8, 1933 al return limit Mar 31 1933 For information call or write WwW. L. COATES, General Agent, To Va ADELAIDE — Prince Rupert, 1.C Se | Jasper Hard Coal EGG—-Per:Towy. perrine db... 5... -: $11.50 MINEHEAD LUMP—Per Ten . 12.50 JASPER LUMP—Per Ton 12.50 Dry Cedar and Jackpine For Sale ALL COALS ARE IN A DRYSHED HYDE TRANSFER—PHONE 580 tx eo em = + fe ? 4 a7