- WA9M am Handkerchiefs Jufl unpacked a splendid assortment of Fancy HoeJ Individual Handkerchiefs itil up in the daintiest manner jHiisihle. A large assortment of bolli colored and while. Iook them over whilst ranges are cumjlele. No gifl more acceptable. Priced from 65c to $3.50 per box PICTORIAL QUARTERLY REVIEW NOW ON SALE. H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. We Prepay Mail Orders. Phone 9. Mixed I'eel, half Citron, bal ance Lemon ami Orange, lb. 40c Orange and Lemon lee, mixed, lb. ......... 35c Mince Meat in bulk, lb. 20c Dill Vickies iu bulk. doz. 30o Crisco iji bulk, 2 lb. for 45c Combination Special. Canned Vegetables, 7 for $1.00. :j Tins Tomato. 2's. I Tins .Pumpkin, 's. II Tiir'tSulden Wax Jtcans, ?. 1 Tlii Itcfuvee Heaus, 2'. We are Wholesale and Retail Distributors for "Canada's Best" Flour and Feed. Following uvs the prices effective on the Ogilvie Cci-due this week-end. Single Five Sacks Sacks OGILVIEj OATS TELEPHONE SPECIALS Shop by Phone to Save Time and Money. Convinced that by telephone we can sell for less than otherwise, we have decided to put our theory into practice hy mean. of "The Telephone Special." The special price quoted in this ad. apply only on order phoned in. as we have proven li;youd doubt that the. overhead cost of selling which is the largest item in the expense column of the retail grocer- business today is reduced by more than one-half when orders are taken on the phone as compared to those taken on the floor of Ihe store. In other word qur records for the pal six mouth prove that the average clerk on the phone can accomplish more than thre? clerk of average ability in the store, consequently we feel that it i only fair that we pass this saving along to thoe who ."hop by telephone. , Shop by Phone to Save Time and Money. This melhod along the lines we hay? explained above, completely explodes many of the time worn and accepted trade principles of the past, and we venture to predict that ju-l as: modern invntions have supplanted the method of olden days, effecting big reductions in cot of manufacture. o aJo will our policy of lower prices to lhoe who shop by phone supplant the time-wasting melhod of personal shopping. Kvery home should have a phone. Xo longer i the telephone considered a luxury. It is au absolute necessity, and 110 household ran afford to not have a phone. Make the phone pay its way. It will save shoe leather, and posi-bly a big medical bill from exposure on a shopping trip when the weather is bad. It brings every merchant in this town right to your door, no matter how far awav von live. WEEK-END SPECIALS For Telephone Pacific Milk, tails, 9 for $1.00 (Limit i) tins each Loganberry' Jam, 1923 park aud the best value iu town I lb. pails, special .. 75c Pure llaspberry Jam, Niag ara Falls Hrand, I lb. pails 75c Illue Itibboii Tea, lb. ... 65c firokeifShellcd Walnuts, lb 35c Shelled Almmids, new, lb. ..... 45c Customers Only. Combination Special. Canned Fruits, 4 for $1.00. 1 Tin Lo?aiibcrics, 1 Tin Strawberries, la, lulls. 1 Tin Apricots', i s, tails. 1 Tin I'eaclies, sliced, I s, tall. Libliy's Asparagus Tips. Tiny Green. Key. 50c. Special 46c; 3 for $1.25 Cider for 'Mince Meal. Dyson's full strength boiled and concentrated, 0 in 1 pints 35c; quarts ... 60c .Special offer on Johnson's Fluid, Heef and Huvril Cor-. dial. Willi every sale we will' give free. one. only Japanese Cup ami Haucer. ICoz. 'Fluid Heer. Price $1.35 SUuz. llovril Cordial. I'rice $1.50 White; Hock Ciugvr Ale.-This is a splendid line, and U recommended by physicians because of its medicinal properties. 25c each, ier doz. $2.75. Graham or Whole Wheal Flour, '10 lb. sack. Special 45c nea.i .u, i or- 'Ca 1 nil' them .... .. ..$2.60 $2.50 f? 1 Mian, Ogilvie liest 1.90 1.80 Shorts " " 2.00 1.90 Fine Oal Chop ... 2.45 2.35 Ki,'tr Mash (gets re- Vulls 3.50 3.40 Scrnlnh Feed Ogil- vie's 3.45 3.35 Cracked Corn, Ogil. Vie's . 3.00 2.90 Whole Corn, market firm .. .. 3.65 3.55 r ociiYirs Lmiiovutou) Feed Dais, Harley, Ground Harley, Maby Cluck Feed, Developer,. Fine Corunienl, Crushed Outs, etc., arriving at lowest prices. Above Feed Prices not confined to phone orders. . The Rupert Table Supply Co. Three Phone 211, 212, 281. I MAMMOTH IN ALASKA ONCE Immense Creatures In Large A a?u. Numbers Roamed Northern Country rant 25.000 to Ul.OOll years as geologist mark off the etuts of time . I lie ton? mammoth dominated the animals living in AlaVa. spiral tuks with point directed iiiword. so fashioned as to catch an adversary for the deadly hack-ward toss, he roamed the lowlands free from, fear of any liv-m? vneniy. For protection ;??ainst a riirorotis climate he had 'an undercoat of wool and an ove- roai or yellowish brown woolly jhair cNerinir the entire body. In tersperse.! with thee wa a larye 'number of longer aud thicker jtiaio whirh formed mane-like ipatchfs "Mi Ihe cheek's, chin and flank of the animal. Rifle Useless It i eay to read the decrip lion or animal or these proMr-tions without actually cetlins a true mental picture of thi ereat Kir.nl amonp all the tpialniwsls. If these animals had jersited in Alaska to Ihe preent day and w should suddenly encounter one on ine trail, the niMiim ihz ;am rifle woulil prove of lillle avail. The oft nnel bullet would be flattened ami retarded in peni'lratins the thick touch hide and heavy flesh pad ami Summer COAL (real satisfaction! Repeal orders bcin? filled eery day for Nanaimo-Wellington Not Coa) (juick Fire' Lasts I.ongfrl Costs same as other NmI Coals. Phone 116 or 564. Albert & McCaftery LIMITED The Cemand For Whole Wheat Bread Is Increasing. Our customers now usinsr it are enthusiastic oer its iialily and appetising flavor. Try a Loaf Today From your Grocer or from the ElectricWindow Bakeries lou can't gel that Hash heal so necessary1 lo baking cakes unless you use clean Coal. CO.NSUMF.HS COAL, cleaned free from choking shale, burns Ibrightly. It sends clean heat direct lo the oven steady heat which slays. Our Coal is free from soot. Consumers Coal Go. Ltd Phones 7 and 311. THl DAILY RIWB TuMday, Oclobtr 18, 193 ' VU UM JVM I ' Fairbanks News Miner. Hi u , aer, they aoothv the Inflamed and premacy depended not alone on 'tt'ts'Jd membrane of the bronchial XvXt ,h tcate walla of the air ntimlnT number Iir, Tor stan.lins tn.tinr as he. He .H.l ili.l. : pMM,n nd ,,, nd c about nine and one half-fret in ! relief and heilinr to the iu. lieiiziil. weiKlunz at least two tons, and equipped wi(h long only by chance vv ' Mi. mIuI Ih' itaclieil. Hut tin mammoth did not sur vive and today w must viuali.e his great hulk. fi-.m skHrtal r' mams unrovere.l .ln.-fly m the placer. Tom Smitli f Nenana recently securetl fn'in near Man ley Hot Springs an exceptionally well preserved t la i if la bone of oue of lhse animals and this hone. which is now at the rdhge. senes Iwlter Ihan iiyHiing He to deignale tin- gisantH- bon. structure of Ihe inaniinolh. "Hiis Ihish bone alne has a dry' weight of about k! ihmiihIs. i three feet in length ami at the ball and ockN hii joint i 31 inrlie iu rirrumferenre. Il weiuht i just M litn,es that or Hie thigh bone of a large !mre. Bones of Horses I In animal, in a day's travel. mul have met many bison and wild horses, for lhoe who hae ntadf a study of the problem are f the opinion that during the glacial priod Jh mantOHdh exceeded iu number any other targe animal (a- the northern part nf our ronlineot. The bison ranked ecinf and the wild horses ami Hie erilti in.i.d in lesser but important uunder. I'lie placers of Alaska have not yielded any larg- uaoiitv of horse bone and t It iinnrfs-ion ia generally prevailed that the hore wa rare during the lime of the mammoth, (hi the con trary, however. h robably existed in considerable numlers bill his grazing area kept him out of the stream !ol lotus much of the lime and hence ti bon would not often appear in the placers. At Hot Spring. howeer. two well preserved hore skull and several leg bone were fouiul in close association with the thigh bone of the iirimniolli. From these remain the expert paleontologist would be able to accur ately elaify (hi horse and designate it general relationship to our present day horse. Reassembled Skeletons I be College is securing an un usual collection of rieislocene mamurals and in lime this col lection will permit several of the specie (o be reassembled in skel eton form for museum and labor atory purpose. FISH ARRIVALS Five Boats Sold 48,500 Pounds of Halibut at High Prices This Morning Three Aui)ricaii boat sold IL'. :00 iioiind of halibul at tin Fish Kxchangu this morning am two Canadian. G.OOO pound. total for tin, day of. iH.r.mi pound. I'rife werVc-high again the lop Wing '.'ti.lc and 12c drawn down by the Anwrica'n. schoone Sentinel. Arrivals and sale: American llelgelaiid, 3(,og . pounds, at lU.r.c ami 12c. to tlo1 Moolh Fish cries Canadian f!o. Nomad, l.fitM). pouint of halibut at I He and lie.' and 4,500 pound nf blncR cod. at' Sc.. In I lie ("ana dia'n Fish & Cold Storage Co. Senllnel, 1 1,000 ' pounds. '.'O.le ami l'.'e, lo the Canadian Flh Si Cold Storage Co. Canadian Caygeon, 3,0(10 pounds, ami Nuba, 3,000 pounds, at Ifte and 10c. to Ihe C.9iiadian Fish A Cold Storage Co. Coheer-Vie It, HflOr Verve LABOR SECRETARY IS FLYING TO, MEET THE VISITOR FROM BRITAIN Have too heard7 HIAM.ISCO. Oct 10. boot Pen? I'rrt It a lulled States Sreretarv of l.aluir r"".c,,f.r71 I)a howeU off ill a troverti prortdea an entirely new and effect. n,"1 monoplane at I0.1V a.m. for treatment for coijtu, cold, cheat Chicago to meet David Lloyd o taroai irosble. George, reps contain certain mU-l.l l. i haired' Btelenta, which, when rlc-d unon. " er; ISra,!" ARE PAYING THEIR TAXES VICTOUIA. Oct .10.- Indies tllti: a iWulnl iiiiiii-mriueiif nf in a worn, while no liquid or aolld general condition Major Ilaj -.VVl lhLtlV:X?X'Z ale that taves are hem and at once commence healing. nanl well this year and preenl TRIAL Cnt ont thle ',n' a ,wn" ar ",al a higher per- . 1 I ... '.MtlllITM t .i 1 1 I... ..tlla.libl It..... acroaa It the name and date of thltjhas ten the rae for years pat paper, and mall it fwlth lc (tamp to pay return pottage) to Pep( Co- .... ., ., , , Toronto. A free trial packet will I ly couneil at its regular then be aent yoa. All drufgUt and iiiwtmg U-t ui.lil deritleil to atorea aell epa. He. box. peps ITr all lot owned by the city for sale at unblic auction or pri-vaic tender ami Ihe necessary bylaw to jjive elTeel lo il was pacd 'liroush Us early slasr. The i'ipoal i lo rail fwr tender 'r the urnperMe which have reverted to ihe city at former tax a!e, and which now belong t" litem. CN.lt. steamer Prince Oeorge. Capt. W. S. Morehoue, left Van (-uver on tune al night ami should reari, berr at 3 u'elork loiiKrrw afternoon pmviding there are no delays enroll! e Among ihr passetiirers roiiung ihHIi i the steamer are Hon. F.rne-1 IjitMdHle. uiluiler of marine ami fisheries, ami In-parly ami F. ti. Dawson, C.N. 11 dim-tor. 4 NOTICE Ailverliserk are remind-ed that ropy for advertisements should be in the Daily News ofllce before I p.m. today to ensure insertion in tomorrow's issue, tf IHtKAL ACT. ccanricATC or improvements. NOTICE. VfaMMe." "Vlw yn. f." atvl MMo o. y Mineral ritlnn. allnale In Ibe iren Mlotnr tlrl.liB nf Ranre I. CtJO DUlHrt Where loraled: ."Vear Hirer Blabl va Wbale Channel. Tike .lire thai Whale Channel Mln. t.lfnUrd. Free vnnrr Certirirate Jfl:. lotend. mty data from the dale f. lo apply in the VIIMnt lTriVr fe a Orlirieale f Improvement, foe Ihe rwrj'se of obuinlnr Crn Oranl irf the aivtve riaim. And fHrtis-r lake twtlre that arUn, under Serm.n . tnmt U- ennuuenred before the o.uaore of nth Certirirate of linproetnentt. baled ibta lath dar t A omit. A P. lit). r. m. Moar.aTO. tnt. LAND ACT. Notice ef Intention la Apply ta taaaa tasa. in null iaii.1 in.iriri. nernrdinr ll Irlrt of I'nnre lluteet. and aituale t.anwhrwa Inlrt. Vlurrtbr ItUnd. Oieen Ctiarl'ille Id.ixl.. Take .T.nre thai I, Tremaa A. kellejr. Vanrnoer. H.C.. oeruilkm Lovrtni operator. Inirml iu apply fr prrtnili iu lease ine rOurnf drrrtl) CMWtnnrtnt at the kmiUismI enrnp t,t .L. SITS; thenre antb t rhaina; I hence 09 I I. 14.11 rbalna: thrai tyslh f rhalna; thefire twtrthrrtr ! eterly. and rllilnr Ihe bre t.f r.umhrt nl-t the iMnt i,f rtmunenreiimiL and rr.n. talnlnr IS.II arrea, tmre or le. 1IIOMA A. kFI.I KV. . . . f Aiflltant. Hated Seplenitier Ilh. tftl. LAND Lan. ACT. Notice of Intention ta Applt l Laaaa Id Skeeni Land District. Iteeordlnr Mi. trlet of f'rlnce Rupert, and iltutte at Captain Cove, Pitt Idand. CM. t. Take notice that W. Jeffrrton. of Van. couver, occupation cannerr man. Intend applr for rrtnlnkn la Irne the followinr dearrlbed land: Commenclnr al mai pianiea on ine aoutn inore or Can talna Cove, thence tout I) II cbaloat thenre sett TO chalnti thenre north II rhalna to nore: tnenre roiklnr ahore to place of emmenrmrnt and rontalnlnr forty arrea. urc vr ieia, W. . TEFrtrlJOT. , . Jttmn or Apptiftnt. Dated Tth July. Kit. Loggers & Prospectors BOOTS Men's Fine Shoes from $4.50 Men's Brown Calf Shoes, In 'Goodyear Well, wide or narrow Iocs, from $5.50 Hand Msde Loggers' Boots from $8.50 REPAIRING. GEO. HILL The Shoeman. Next 8t. Ilegls Cafe. Phone 376 SB m ffifl BSsy Phone 376 The House of Quality Great Values in Ladies' UMBRELLAS JUST ARRIVED. L.olie- I o:i -mi .( o strong Tafrela rlolh rov-nh (rune- i--orled -ules, straight bundle nig I ather sli.ip holder. Priced at $1.05, $2410 and S3.00. Fvlia fine nualil) onion Taffeta covers on 'jrv poii rib frame, assorted -IrWhl tvle handle.. sh ! ivorv trimmed. Priced 54.50 to $0.00, K'r.i fine finch. Iw' ualily ilk tovers on frames. Handle to f the bel finish in aored Priced $12 00, $14.75 and $15.75. UNIVERSAL TRADING CO. "Outfitters to Whole Family," We pre, v Mi t Ir Sit f,it tutu or Money II WESTHOLME THEATRE Tonight Only, Tuesday, 7 and 9 The Maurice Tourneur Production "The Isle of Lost Ships" A tioteltv in;- ship, ndv -ntn re m t mtiiitly ol . a-i .w coinoelled to i-li f a THE BANKRUPTCY ACT. IK the L.ljte f kk-ania 'ihu 1. uiitr.i anlh-nir'i airur VITIi : I hrr4(T tti u(i kl.i.,. i.uutan. I.iniltrd. -I I k. B tlci Ihr tMb da nf Srineurivr, IV) i nuk' an avlhurued at.ifninrtil ! nae uislrf ined. oTHK l further (len thai Ihr l.r.i Vl-rlnr nf OmIiIom In the at. tf r.t.t. will be hfkl In Ihe of fire 4 Meura II-'" sun II. f.bartered krewojnunt.. Inlrrai Kulldint. Prliire fmtrl. nr... m Ihe Iktb day nt tru4r. ltl. al fJI yjn Tn entitle ru ta VMe thereat if.f yisir rlalin Inn. I haired llh um he fwre Ihe nieelinr la nefcl. I'rOlle lo le w at the nienf Biut be Indeed llh hie re therein wo i iniu.H TAkE -voiir i: that ir )mi hate any rUhii atall the drbtor fr huh you are entitled rank. n.f urh rlalin nlt lie flle ailli tnr Kllhln thirty daya rrn the date ft Oil. leitlre, f.ir fnii and after I lie rir,tlia Uf the llrne flted hy SiaMwellna I f Seeltiri, 11 nf Hie MM Vrl. I shall dl tribute Ihr Oirrei!s nf he ilrbior a eetale aneinv Hie arle entitled therein, hattna lerard nnly la Ihn riaint of WMrh I hate then txitlre. Haled at Cfliire lltileet. H.C- Ihla tMb day of Seflrnihsr. Iftfj. i. ."in. i iioiur. i . AuttHirllril Tra.lre. I'rlnre Itufert. B.: Dr. E. S. TA1T DENTIST. Helgerson Block, PRINCE RUPERT, B. 0. Office Hours, S to 0. Phone 688. Open Evenings Only For Special Appointments. 'BHBaBauasBBaBas Thf'Utite Oolirrl.y Conporf d Willi oidtwj llirj uianO Sewing MiichlneM, I'iunos. Mionu. graphs and Player I'ianos For llcnl. hy Week or Month. Walker's Music Store Ltd. r j ; . i ; of Hie e . ' -r e o vj , id i io( h pv i Tlir ti'iig tr of the stKie' ii;. .re wi'hin Iweiilv (our honi' Hie two men w'i" wanted h r Strong -at includes ANNA Q. NILSSON, MILTON SILLS, WALTER LONQ AND FRANK CAMPEAU. COMEDY "TRAFFIC"- PATME REVIEW. Admission 35c and 10c AH GRADE Potatoes Our car that nrrlvj week hud a number uf A tirade lied I'oialoe w!i we arc offering al the r,: rial price of $ i .so; Per Sack. Also up river Cabbagt, per lb. So. FULLER & ATKINS Poople's Providers. Phones 46 and 674, FARMERS' Meat Market A fdilpmciil of HulU v Valley Heef nnd Million will arrive for thin week end. Look at These Prices! Hoilmir Heef, per lb, 60 hhoutiler Itoiisl. So mid 10C Choiec lloasld nib ftoaks Xlew Heer Veal Slew Veal Itoupt Million tiluw . . . Hiuuldcr Million . 15e 12iC o So 120 ., . 150 Lefts Mutton . 8c HatisiiKe 150 llmnliiiretiT ... . . 154 Caincr' Dry Salt I'oik 2tc fhilnern' Hreahfaet 'Huron laklnsr Ihe ple,'e .