PAGE TWO You Can Learn More iAT TELKWA ON .m(lalit to 1lir , r u ml aril nf Hii- nnrt of 1e i from a teapot test of Tli elilitale i a-iMMt att Ihe I VICTORIA DAY r-imree are jmnn 'i-"' in nun raMifirltor and jiirr.. ninral lan.l Nearly eery tr-i" an uti- Ihud of Bulkier Valley Wat Drtii-i litetl $mr wer. i '' p "SA1ADA" ec In Best Horsa Race a lln MntHil ii -"I lal and. Feature in l v"ll'- KHnmka- fmi anil l.kW . - f TI-a.KWA. May Vie.trM lwl i.nlfi ami pcr ir.Mllioa) lny w r'le-firl1 in Tlka I hat M-en. Hi.- ally are, w-Hh Ihe j'tefcey 4lt Mrl 1 1 liliilierfM Wild jimee, Than we can tell you In a page of advertisement wn a lively 4tp and Telkwa eolioiiwnMl and Hi fhieal i-rrtty al aM ineii--lkel nvor ll im (he work! TRY IT TO-DAY ft tn Ml nre' nrli rf frh Therefnee; yatumr aaen. Cleopatra Used trcen. ViMrii ffwu faaav lhi lrl mt HnliMi fJallHMWa lAMiii op riI 4wi lite lue r ir Imih, mat vlla A4 Hteil on tli moriiins tnln fH unlefikhir of n ' ll-man. This famous beauty earljf learned The Daily News leUiiv frieniN.Hi Jay wilh Tkwa Sir Wilfrid l.aurier. eoni keeping her complexion meant iiw. vouth. So she used paim X "V- n CHINCH MJPKHT BHIT1HII COLUMBIA Al J '-4iM-k Smitliern a4 : her 'leikwh Haxsl liaeiiaH. Th W nfcHir ar r4IM fl and olive oils to cleanse and beau .7 Published Every AMernoon, except Sunday, the Priuce mm' wm a rnnl mnA kepi i wilh lire ftr-"! frt,r . Hu pert iJaily News, Limited, Third Avenue. erj"' on ll atK. nivlM. uk.. Uuv IM iin4elnaM4 a her skin. H F. PULLKN, Managing Editor. iib leant earril off Ue honor. lanr iarl of Hi. r.-Mirr. tur Keen erschooleirl complexion tfo rnr laeinr Iv lho iittilter- ha wait.! .,rr,. turr. certain "av. I low esvay itt, X , Hone Races lime MliKOffil fiu- Jli .lay of SUBSCRIPTION RATES: is known by the hhU Xenl einte t hir Mms, lit TUMMlia lo iiu. So roa 'U and simple, City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month. . . t!. iwintri Win a a follow: nali mu an.l olherlo llo who use I'almolive Soap. ' By mall to all part of the British Empire and (he United State, - r f4I..j Itar ltu W'ioWteU. ivreal wiH f lb wWli nr in advance, per year $MW I iklian liar Itati.. tuiieli witllli lie- hiMa 1r Hi To all other rountnea. In advance per year f IMtiiy llae Hoy 'akrieVt. ! wli ar wiliiiit: ! il. nHflnei'. Baf Itoy Wak e". K IIU'l'KIJ.. TELEPHONE 91 fiM. Term I'elkwa .hi lrby Tii Contract Hates on Application. w. HlMl'l f l Wember of Audit Bureau of Circulations. I1r arwl rare esr4lninl were all wa inlf4iiix irenrN The Man in the Mood T he TfktH rip rae w err-' SAYS JJAILY EDITIOJ e.liteH. Mv SO. J. U4oe iH n VafcfM oi '," aii iwn mi KaHkn-r' TIIKItt: i on ihiiis iaw Mi Sir Thornton "Warrior."" . wa Henry twurt4 aoii. it urtnr a lot r ahi4 unlii half of lb eeniHl And Canada. wbn U overloMli Itie: iihiH etiang inl" ll 1r. TvTArATATATATATTr In pre-enliiiir hi firl general report on the erliviife and lap. arrwii Kiwi finihl firl. pruj.ect dl the (.dtnadiaii .National Itailwjiy. Sir lleury Tiniru-liui A vraixl Ibim- m th Meniio: ltl.A('si-: you in4 a mwwnt-aia -erlniuly iloe mil give rie to any fale hniie a li an eri rwhitlr.l the l) t -tiiovMil ili a earnera H 4 nof solution of Cunadn' railway problem or nil immeditUe removal nrartly mean tsutt fn ran if all rmied by operation. He admit thai lime will ian .11. mountain. he needed to bring about urrefir1 aImiHilrUin which i i iz ri a i u : i iiiihIIi measured in finxm-ml return. In the Letter Box XI.MI. j4ls A m f"l-ball Sir Henry look for no immetluile iitei-eate Hi Hie ytem' yam ifiym Kt tW Ihr TIMBER SALE X 6133. net earnings although the emiany i now after huifii in urh BRITISH onlMkr luuld I armed with RAILWAYS a manner a it never wa before. rYdtowitig the piril of the . . vthUll t4 T ma U w il Prince time in (jiiuada. Sir Henry and the new fiireetorate are. however, an.l iu refer read t. f,-rv-i i-.M-,.-f. I'rtf- at,fi i-i Rupert Ivililor Ilaily- w-: wallow hi. mlrr Man m-m if ivih ! .r im. taking another lark with a view lo dereaing the reMiu-.-il.ilily U Hi X tm MlIX IJn-ar -Ml, of railway operation lo the nalion. That i liy reducing lr ir. In your iu of! Mr xiulk ( -mil. Ii.t i. ".i Oo-U a far pillr. The firt lep in thi direction, the May J 8. I noli.- ltw rnarka itrrai:.-i: iiiH on Alir 1 1.T..ix if r we MI b alMAVd t--' DRYDOCK elimination of double rol li amalgamation of iMtralleleal ex iim.i1 .y- l.l.-Oi It. . Sltfwvrl Arm Stewart'had l Hyder. 4 nml.,r. pense, i now well "Mlvanretl llnnerearie are linc nl oiiM-H.I re.iieriinif Hi laei of ere lurtbrr VH-l,.uartl-MHir.a.i .. r M Ik iMMrl i.hw-r .-f..r AND ami ihi new capital expenditure i- being undertaken mib it tvMirliy of Mr.1 ih railway will. A lMlll way la oMaia a fin .. emu. an. . how undtpulef (ntnii-e of paying hark. lelal and eenstlwy- -romuared(day i make ywir eon TIMBER SALE X4941. H refusing lo lmrl into any vein of optimism. Sir Henry wttli Hm.- of lki euM4 ry. I lrt. $HIrYAKL will erhap gain, further confidence al Hie hand" of Ihe people wili lo reful tK rHu,rif mud MMHr V4 .if Tr Ijm.wiu i a VKtart.rHl br tatrr U than he would if he filled the air wilh j.ryoo hope. A man ty that yiillit.aii a imr in "AINT we s,t I'mi" aid th Mwa mi m tUl mT . lf J. OaeraUns G, T. P. 20,000 Ton Floalini Dej 0tt of affair an1 ihiii. he ha not hnwn Ihe faculty of making roHMrt and eMirirtnu in Ihe kmi a il pil Hi eh n IM.M.r Ike iiiai fH f at Mm.Ui i an II ml,.X .l feia l- rui Englnaers, MachlnleU, Bollaemakers, Blat.axKM. FiUae promise.. AlreAd.a Pilwe lliipert koow. he ha iulilled xlr4ie. lb laW, aa eararr. a ur mhmI ua Ikr makers, Foundora, Wooetworkers, tu. ana hufr of tmmt Uk., aM t, ( Ihe rnlllralMtrHrniW SltniT'Ieln ertn or hV liewteuMiri. 'And Tli gnWvnevtv'i of opia -TT La fMten H i right Prior Hnj-rrt people indeed iojle .f Velcrn i of rroi vifliHtr fef WHAT inl men Hi 4m.I a Ta of taalier imii IM Ii al fur rr Electric and Acetylene Welding. iwuKMla jreneraily have too long been redy to arrrpt an ambition liritaifi I row lb variou. pari HiHiieal evH7 I Hi nd. FfVlair eMralar uf U t'Mtrt (hje of talk and pwmie that never amounted to anything. of ihr worM i that railway -of- r. V H-Miru. a..:.. la Hlr-i ! Our plant is enuip;d lo -adl ail fctds t With a new method of doing lMiiiie adopted liy thoe fied and TIM; nml nltl man al a who more or le eontrnl unr detiitie. we will at Jea.t know ar ry rurlou tnfioy and alliln nmly ueitdeni: i Hi iruy ihal give Uif TIMBER SALE X 4G20. Marine and Commercial Work Where lanl jhkJ when vl4 Tia e mill Ii iwmwl lo lb we melhing in lold le e belter u, maty hrtd lo all (Mowenitrr lratliiv a away. itf 1j(mV.. al Viriwrv. aw aide lo luil.i it ibm Hian tt in d la iu- ir PHONES 43 AND 186 Hi variou railway anil laiu- nr frMr I.- V .. nit tiifi line, fir. Tlire i im. li- IT wa harit liaee im Hi tirug- t.iu.ami in ur ri-. hmi. hu 8ir Henry And taws, im1 'tr. r. an arra -it ttxi.-o ..i. Prince Rupert. IrrifMiMaliiHi a exist in I'm huA a. piM win. pinehed for taakms lb 3unto pp in im i. runt ' i lad linri renl. In -rring out a ftidiry n( MiiHiiiilmliofi anil il inak r lifTrnr lliere 1 . 'f IHIfi tfi II. alWryl fur . aval uf iHnlrr. IHiiaii-rn. a Sir Henry ha irfread) tald. mifl b forgot I en ulifllier a person Im- rich r jcwir. I iieUir Mirtiruuim of It .:apf r-.f.-Uf aw! loral . Uim. or grievaiire nil he Mihrrterfred. for the Tliey all reeeive jMtlil atieationi Vtrtarta, a... r lb Ikmn I.-, nien- ii -r. Itimt. hiurn, ar. wme al t. m fhe effort toward the .omnion jtimkI of lliui wliieli wine of ur raHwaytnn Ten Years Ago Experience ada. Thi doefc nut mean. Iioweter. Hint iHittHNg in ihe way uf euM well affMril lo ntuUd. in Peine Cuport TIMBER SALE X4312. I have bxlnl Inen U ...! In lb inniirr oirfimejii may l esfrietl. f it j itjfie1. Kir Hein" hnaed lortay eoiuiiM'nl Mnii.irr of In4. al Vif-naru. im-i ut rftin iu r.Hieupue will iloiiittle ronie to ee it and everything Hwil' ly Ih who have viild tba mi ii lb U da) uf Jww ay 30, 1913. lur IU IMerrlia. ,r Ijcv- X JI i. - bihB nii unr -rwono i (irvMil liritaifi ao.l liave read , . . LI perilirMy pre.ed lo ihe iilmoL I t.UL nil. ImI it ,l ,i fa-fc ii A far Prinre ftiijf rf ajid the loral dilrirt eunrerned, many opinion thai liav bn -o eminent Ag.iil K. If. lb - iaiMl Malum. an ara aluatfi lb. 45 Years fzedbuslsds of fMHitb ,birr ul lAfia lar. liana t H-e lixik epe lanlly lo Sir lleHr' viit. for iiolhing definite in Uprd in Hi iimwI important kin, llanelion, uiriel m i ,e IimI ln-trvl tb nature of new developmeiil ran very wel be looked for mi-111 uipr rireulaliwj llirwutrlioiil the elty liy lu niglit tram in meet aial T uf t a II la. u..rJ ri SUlttn Bianchtt in B.C he ha been here and ludied Uie lutkui. He wHI uon 1 rivillz world. 'Iliey all iirae- Mr. 1lnkin and ebiblren wIim I nrtlvr iiaeUeular la? lb .Surf rue br. VH-iiiria. H.C.. r llw iMainri Intr- Our Business has been built on are iMytel i arrive Hie in- iiii.i h i nrne i mai me jowii orgauizalioun wo intend In lirnll) esifk,k 4iiuilv n !- b-r. em-.- HMt, B.i.. ay me mi) ep itefore him were finally prrring. The rily 4fiK hijrhly plnHl with Hi man unilli lumorrnw morning. Oualitv. Price and SerM TIMBER SALE X4313. rounril hail Iiiimii in hand and ihe lord uf trade ha be: nr in whieli lby- are treated and veorkiugYlir ome time. No effort should 1 pareri in ubmil rthe general eMirley hown Ihefg, V.. V. Kvitt, urroiiiilunl for th Him.iar il of Ti-r laiel.a III al l VVbiru.rriMl ni h)lab-r ihe Write or Phone lor Priret. We Retail Feed in Anj 0- ting every Hnim llial Ihe rity ha, for it Im. iiimiv Pimk1 one. 1in viiliiir Ihe Old Country Mack lleally hu reigne r.r man IIm-lm IMlrrlu.uu iIm- 3l.i f l.lrriH-da r X41I1.vlai. I3 I Treiil Kir Henry in a bHin-Jik maimer and lie will do the Protialily the Oilnnel did nol hi piilim lo arrrpt u Mimilar em .0II.IMII, fa-xi of rui-. ialar. Co.Lli am in return. There houd. however, lie no waled -effort find think th people of Oreat Jtriluln one wilh Hie (.eorget own Sawmill. hrS L.Hia and l ie.iianr aw t.ara i ian n Nweth IjiiI niairtri b,m irf The Brackman-Ker Milling lu ime .bourn" not be Ukeu up In pHly talk and rhaller. mad "fu" enough of him, toil .Mr. and .Mr. KtlH will 1. . ymr wUI im albl fi- tr if 4e make promie iu Prine lake Hieir reiifenre aal if iiiiii.r. any Hiiperl. Kir up nt will Mejiry you know Oilonel ure very nun lurllwr iaroiUra nr ll ClMof li.r-. be breaking hi pn-redeiil .f the jiL He w HI. donbtb.. however. Onrgelnwn where .Mr. Kvill en-lex br. Vlriuri. it.i . ir llw uirb-i .,rr- I. iiioii ni.w-a-duy nml I! are, br. l-tiw huri. a.''. n.ipre..ed wUh whnl he ee and hear lu re, mid hi-ni nol tokeu eriouly in miu-Ii a upon hi Jiew dill i- netl TIMBER SALE X 6041. lioiu.4,, reward to jhe jjnre will be ynveriied by wjial h Mnnday. TIMBER SALE X SOOS l.oii. y d.m nerearv demoerulir rouulry a that, i'hey IwaJMl lMbf. lll b renrltad !r ili an rxpeilieul. nmtiiee and liuve no lime lo dierimiiinle. lil'triri l'iiro-r. ITifw- liiifirti. H.'. t4 SrabHt Tend a III Iw r.-iiii hi iiw riniHilion 4.1 (ir preeji lime jne nol alifHi lor In n here and .1. iJrilliti, who ha beu eni-plnyeil lalr llun mmi tan III Alt. da al juw, ailllaar lf IIMla. Vlbrbl. Ii4 airf lliai. il i. lo be everted in Sir bill hnw rourleey In everyone, l. lur Ibr iHlrrltaar nr lArrnrr X &IH, buun tau llw mil -)a bf iw. iaa.i tin Henry will nol ,,v more ,ai-fie.l on the jrierhuiiiral lulf bar hurt f.iumi-!. I thi ibVM. frt llw IMirrlMN- uf UH-afm- Stilt I . . ul t, w. Hr.. Tiierefore. Tlml i tji experieni-e of in.t l,ufl fret tn? ,rm. filr alxl lln. and good hnd LKiiefirinl 're.iilU uf alua. to the of the Ouiineeu Herald al New The Ladle aiMl tluwi 4 .H.M. uf MM cily and dilriel. lmpl al anyrule. one ii var will Im allnwnl for r aixl through a more pr(igreive (Hilicv of railwin llaeiton for oine time, wit ait a.vat nt ttnilf-r HurkMl jwt, tJlIar iil6 llWbli-V ..i. operation, mux . eX,H,,( 4t. reult or t. r,ni Quit Sllnrjlng Mud FlH-IUr wrlirular i.f Ue Uilrf lum an arra atijutbiiMi llw tiatbwi liM.Uirt Gentlemen! pre-idenl Ihe viil uf h J think il i liltrh linn: for urriviil by iul nislil' I ruin. Mr. br. Vb-DirM. II.' , ir nt llw luairbM l or it laa llal, UuH MarhaVIe lalan I. norlherl, Pacific 1 J., lermi,,.,. of ihe C,din (irinin uu previouly on Hie Inr. I'fllir 1IMwr. a.f IaiMl l.l.lrlel. Canndiunii an.l .oilier lo milt il, iwar Kill l alla r.n- n nierhniiiejil 1ulT of the "liuily uf Jliulwr Tailor making iK'li odioim remark and I iirllwr bartb-Mlar f lb iW I w lo rut nut mud Miiisritiir lit Hie New." I". Viriunt. H i:., tr iMairlu l, imiwrl, H.i:. people or irnl Jtriluln. Thi W- liuv.' i "I Was Terribly Weak .'iii in he th niin of many The Cuniuliun Xulioiiul elein TIMBER SALE X 44)21, ! li.ri i. in. er Prince it ui.erL (laid. Iimiol'1 f wmuiliaii. sald letHwr will U rrll by b Xvv ein i'K After I due lo arrive in port at I In iu. i iuMbtr, l-rib Ituari. i.,i lai. Baby Was Ainerinami lire fur more up- r Hlonk. I'll" Born" o'clock Ihi ufiernoou. llian iimmi m llw Itlh tlajr tat iiu . lass.j proeiulive of (Ireit llriluin lliuu Ii lw I.urti a Mi irf IXirb X4fl aaaa. I Cleaning rr" "" n. BaTafBIaTtBETaamBaBaH-1 mi I akr. ri i , in ml Suavi laat rif l rdar. mcuure, nor-wood, Cnnudiun. There i nnlhinjr In TIMBER SALE X 616. ad llenibwa Repairing. Ont, write j lie 4'ninml by oi-b lanlie. J wa Kvawri 1imW mill Im rewlM-d l Hi ' aar all) I al'..i ii r, Phone ni 1J'- Muilairr 'f iJiiub Vlriurla. imiI lain I ban TBBBBBBBBBBBI Inn . ii r .lUnlwr. "After lay Itby wat Ura. I mil aware dial (luiiuiliun were ihiii mi b- I lli ib r Jmw. Ik i lur ilHr iMtriiriiiar nt lb i m. r i . ll 1 1. I i .', Inil Um-v run well uf-rm-d llw .iri-lia t i.iri X 4I bi imii Ir. Vii i.rU li i in llw lli.iri' i l..i.i,.,. lerribly wejk and run 7ii,iiu ri uf i Hilar, biarui-e. llnuliM-k Iiuit. Il i down, with fwmi .cum In nojiy the well trained alad Ifal'Mlll. nil ab araa lluald .rfj llw Ujck. I Kd U.kJ f0 mUeb my iiii'IIhmU fiiul nuurleay of the' ClNlal Weal ami MWt .if l.lalrlrl.ora.iwi lnb"l. ban of Dr. Oit't Nerve"Food that ople f ,real llrHnin. T ' i-m- aill Iw alb.ard fnl re bival nt liuilwi- I decided to try k. Three There j a euyiua thai "a man I iirllwr -artb-ulm .if llw :liU-f I nr-- ll.eT.lllU Diiiert STORE boe proved enough to mtke Ii u 1 1 1 nil Iiuiivm ill hla own lr.rrlw-c Vb-biria.liu.ri.H jt.i:.i ar plaireu I hk-Mii ; CobHld bllk tiiltliMi aurtt piaiiv Prince Rupert CIGAR me quite itronc nd well tiia. rouulry," perlia) till 1 -what' I slto ated Dr, Cluie'i Oint-""Mil gull Hi ihi U u Hi colonel, TIMBER SALE X6161, J-or Hi .mall Aiurtinenl or "The Kfrvii- Hlore lor ji uth which . II. awd TiMbe Air rmliMl 1 Uie cruilllutd III lllu I'liolll Hie fcroke vlliiwler or IjiimI- VJeinrla. ih4 laier than nnurarv aaaail airnn WE CA8H CHEQUES. out on the Itly. and the uih New 4luelon II.O. lMi 11 .Im. l.lh .1., Jmim. IM tm ' " ' dlMPPecrcd U llw IHiri-lwa ut u-rl' X SIJ. In lll Will I'll U filMTllH Iluvn vou ih.lie iitirint hi iid of - Urt lime." CALL TO NORTH irrr.r ll.Ualll 'zssa- . .d i-vi. ni .t, ikm-Ui !- uf erutauwr I'att, luma s. nuej'ifiriui for ruUUiucluaH. The Nurses' Home? DR. CHASE'S NERVE i'or Kal imJ for ileul ut FOOD l.ililor Jiiilly New. Tb.. ' tar. a ill ba alb.aed fur a . If iiui, we will gladly receive voiir donation Jli nlijiwi f tin bUer i In mm.I iirllwr at iinnar laolb-ulaM ,af -llw i liwf lurr- Walker's Music store Ltd. I. Vlntirt-la. . i ili f. Jl rw iH.lrl.'t .iM,Ui uu Hie of any euler- I rllii. hiiwrf. i .